KAY TIGHK WltlTKS FROM tt.79 . ... JvKILV AVIATION FIELD "Rest" Glasses Glasses vyorn for a short time now and then are decidedly restful and Beneficial to many people. The condition of the eyes does not require constant use of glasses, but the eyes do get tired and cause distress. Properly fitted lenses givp the necessary rest. "Rest" glasses must be accurate or they do more harm than good. , One is certain of securing exactly the right lenses when the purchase is made at Clinton's. CLINTON, Graduate Optician, At tho Sign of the Dig King. LOCAL AND PERSONAL Miss Gladys Stegnll returned the early part of Uio week from a visit at Camp Funston. Dr. Smith, Chiropractor, . Building & Loan Building.. GOlf A son was born Monday to Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Walilford, who recently ro moved to this city from Brady. Dr. Morrill, Dontist. J. B, Hemphill returned the early part ot th'o week from Indiana, whore ho was called last wcok by tho death of a brothor. W. S. Cover was taken to Rochester, Minn., tho early ronrt of tho wcok for medical treatment. Ho was accom panied by his son Guy. Cholco vogotablos and cut flowors at North Plalto Floral Co. Phono 1023 tf Simon Bros, sent a boating plant ovor to Staploton tho early part of tho week, part of tho working force going along tounstau it." Tho Leader Mercantllo Co. has on salo a lot of somo ovor 300 yards of chock apron glnghnnia at soven cents a,yard. why pay 12c MrJ and Mrs. Jay Stuart and two children left for tholr homo In Al buquorquo, N. M., yesterday aftor a two.wooks' visit at tho W. J. Stuart homo. Thoso In need ot palntlns. paper hanging and decorating aro 'assured Batlafactory work If thoy employ Julius Iloga. Phono Black 002. 38tf 'A dancing club composed of about thirty Elks has boon organized and will lipid bi-monthly parties at tho Elks homo. Tho first party will probably bo held next week. Tho flro department wns called out Vodnesday afternoon by burning grass on a vacant lot near tho wont end round houso which threatened to des troy ndjolnlng houses. Fiirm nnd Ranch loans at lowest rules and host terms. Mcicy on hand to cIoho loans promptly. 43tf I1DCIIANAN & PATTERSON. Henry Abshiro, rormorly of Suthor ' land but for eight years past living in Idaho, was in town "Wednesday visiting friends. Ho enmo to Nebraska for tho purposo of buying a bunch of Horofofri cnttlo. , W. It. Malouoy moved into tho former "Walker rosidonco in tho GOO block on west Fourth street Tuesday, which ho recently purchased. Thos. Hoaloy has moved into Mr. Malonoy's houso in Uio First ward. Mrs. I. E. Trout was hostess to. the J. F. V. club Tuesday afternoon, and In tho card Karnes Mrs. A. W. Shilling and Mrs. M. H. Douglas were tho prize winners. Tho guest prize wns award ed to Mrs. John Skow. McCnll patterns, 10, 15 and 20c at Tho Lcador Morcantilo Co.'s. (No vember styles now in. Rev. White, formorly pastor ot tho PrcBbytorlnn church, and family, who had been horo for somo timo packing their household goods loft yesterday for Durango, Col., where Mr. Whito has accepted n pastorate. For quick action nnd satisfactory salo list yonr land with Thocleckc. tf Excollont progress is belng made In tho harvest of sugar boots in the valley, and next week will probably seo tho work completed. Quito u percentage of tho beets aro now be ing siloed in tho Holds. Tho Sammy Girls will hold an ex change at tho Dorryborry & Forbes storo Saturday and will havo a nice lino of bakory goods on Bale. Tho girls aro requested tojiava1-their donations nt tho storo not lator than 9:30, earlier li possible Tho rain yestorday did not come nmiss; it will holp fall wheat, for wo nro certain to havo somo wheat grow ing wcathor boforo wlntor weather comos; and then, too, tho soil con dition In tho spring Is helped If tho ground Js won soakocj In tho fall. Wanted An offlco girl, ono who Is capable of taking cliargo nnd acting as cashier. MuBt bo rapid and good ponnian. Llttlo book work; ono with somo oxporionco with typewriter. Call on manngor during Friday or Satur day forenoon. Tho Loador Mercantllo Co. Josoph Klein, tho Jovial and success ful solicitor for tho Enultablo AHsur. anco Co., spent sovoral days In town this weok. Mr. Klein has boon visit ing North Platto at hitorvals for a long porlod of years, and is usually ac companied by StatCvAgont Nooloy, bu on uus visit uio latter could not como. Wo will ))Q moved and ready for businoss nt our now storo next Mon day morning. Evorybody como to seo tno store of tho town, BLOCK'S, of COUBO. During tho past weok somo ono stolo twonty-llve chickens from W. R. Ma lonoy, soven disappearing ono night inst weoic, and oigiitoon Tuosdny Jiight In justico to Jim Fonda. Frod Walto- amth, Baro and othors, tho statement is mndo that tho fowls woro stolon ho foro Malonoy had removed them from his formor homo in tho First wnrd to tho prc,ml80B ho rocontly purchnsed In tho COO block on west Fourth. This should dlsprovo any Btories that may bo circulated. "i in mi !SL SAFE . A North Platte, Nebraska. ' J SAFE DEPOSIT AND DELIVERY of your Escrow Contract Is guaranteed by this bank, If you maUo It your do punitory. The cbnlrnct In secure In our stool yiiultt) until Its tonus liuvd boon fill flllwl. It will lie delivered In strict accord ance with all Its tonus. . Vow Individuals nro prcpnred to meet the double obligation Imposed upon tho trustee of nu escrow con . tract t Rut It Is one of tlio many ways wo 1 ud to render skillful service to our depositors. Platte Valley, State Bank Kolly FiOld, So.' Sail Antonio, Toxus, ' ; 1 ' Octobcfr 21, 191 Dear Mr. Bvre; Just-ii lino to lot you know how things are In the aviation end of the artny. Havo bion uialgnuil to Squad ron ?o. 04, slncb tfoiiungiero. Was mads sorgeant tho Tlay tho squadron was organized, and was promoted to first sergeant aftor wo were horo foi weokfl. First Sergeant Is the highuVr non-commissioned olTlco in tho arifly. 6 I huvc no kick in that line, Art Wormian was in our squadron the first six weoks. He was sargeant major and of course when ho passed for commission ho was transferred out to tho officers' rosorvo squadron Ho 1b now in the non-flyers' school. I( passed tho non-ilyors' exam, last woek. but am going out with the squadron and take the chance of getting u com mission Inter on, as tho non-flyers' school Is very well filled up now and 1 1 would probably havo to wait three i months before getting in. Was sure sorry to have Wormian leavo our squadron, nu ho is a prince, and of, courso tho only, former North Platte follow besides myself in the squadron i f!linr1f Mnrtlnf ia linrn nmv In ilw ' 133rd squadron; I seo him occasional ly- Our squadron Is assigned to a con struction battallion and will leavo here In three weeks and go to Now York for about four weoks and then to Eng land tor tnrco months training and then to France. Thnt will sure, be some trip and tho experience will bo worth a great deal to all of us boys, The aviation section is the highest branch in the army and 1 would ad viso any young fellow contemplating enlisting to try tho aviation corps as thoy only take tho best class of men. TJioio aro anything from a lawyer rind bank president down in our snundrbn. Out of tho 1G0 thero aro over 100 that havo been college men and all ard re fined gentlemen. Tho feed is sure great. I have picked up exactly twen- ty-ono pounds sinco coming here, in spite of tho heat. A follow would havo to pay ?40 per month for board Hko wo get in Squadron No. C4. I have mddo two trips in planes, was 9000 feet ohco with Major Clarke. We turned ton tall spina and looped-tho-loop flVO'tinies. It makes a follow glad ho is living to get up in a plane. 1 tried thp''aViators'exani. and passed tho mental test, but was rejected" in tho physical in tho dizziness test. It surely takes great nerve to be an avi ator and pass the exam., but I am go ing to try It later on. . There are 15,000 mon at Kolly Field now nnd tho government is going to put 75,000 hero for tho winter. There nro about 200 planes here, and among them two" battle planes. Tho Liberty Loan rovlow and parade tho other dav was surely great. Thero were thirty pianos went up, formed a column, nnd all had letters and flags drawn on tho bottom of tho planes to advertise tho Liberty Loan campaign, and they flew ovor tho city, ovor Fort Sam Hous ton nnd Camp TravlB and scattered Liberty loan literature. Our squad ron was tho highest on subscrfotlons oh Kolly- Field.' "We " subscribed for $12,300 worth on ton per cent month- iy paymuius, uio ew i one peuorai. Resorvo bank "handling them for us Sgt. Barrows and myself woro on tho committee Wo got every man in the squadron, oxcept fifteen, to tako at least n $50.00 bond. Surely I wish 'I could fly back to tho North Platto B. P. O. E. club and take you on for a hand In rummy or casino. Whon wo got to England I will drop you a line and toll you all nbout It. My best rognrds to all my North Platto mends. Very respectfully yours, '' RAY TIG HI?. ; : r" Meeting of Domestic Sclcnccc Dept., Tho rogular sonil-monthly mooting of tho domestic science department of tho Twontioth Century club was hold Monday, October 22, at tho homo of Mrs. I. L. Stobblns. Tho subject for tho day was ' Tho Winter's Food Sup ply." Tho meeting opened with tho singing of "America" by tho club. This wns followed by tho roadlng of a.vory beautiful selection entitled "A Creed for Woman's Clubs," by Mrs. F O. Plolstlckor. Papers woro read by Mrs. Mary Elder and Mrs. Samuolson; Mrs, Elder's subject was "Homo Stor- ngo of Fruits and Vogotablos" and was woll handled and many 'valuable points brought out. Mrs. Samuolson's subject was "Preservation of Food by Salting And Fermenting." T.ho hostess demonstrated carrot .pie. Tho noxt nieotlng will bo hold November 5th at tho homo of Mrs. Plolstlckor. Our Ffiial Removal Salo posltlvoly ends Saturday night. If you want to savo from $5 to $10 on your now full cont. suit or dress now. lf tho time to buy It boforo this groat sale closet? Saturday night at BLOCK'S. ::o:: ' Woman's Auxiliary Mrs. BUlor, educational fcocrotnry of tho Woman's Auxiliary, will visit North Platto, Friday," October ,2G. All ehil dron ovor six years of ago nro askod to meet Mrs. Blllor on Friday after noon at 4:15 in tho church. In tho ovoning Mrs. Blllor will address the Uladles. Evoryono is oarnoatly re- quemou u no protroiu Rov. Koch Accepts Rov. C. F.xKoch, who was tondorod tho pastorate of Uio Lutheran church in this city, has accopted and will do livor hjs Initial sormon Novomber 18th. Rov. Koch haB boon assistant to Rev. Bnltzly, of Kountz Momorlal church in Omnhn. Ho is n comparatively young man, full of vim, njovor of out door sports nnd a Btrong and convinc ing spoaKor. tho congrogation con Bldors itself fortunnto In securing his Borvlcos. For Rout. 040 acres, $1.00 por aero, cash. All good farming or hay land; 1G0 acros in cultivation; good 4 room houso, barn for 8 horses, now gratnery 24x30; wagon sued, good woll, 10 foot Samp son mill, chicken houso, cement cayo, 4 miles of wlro fonco. 6 milos north of Wallncco on O. B. & Q. R. R.. 12 miles south qf-Sutherland on U. P. R, R. School houso on east section Hup. Timmorman Hotel, North Platto, Nob YOUR APP Will be better, your money lay out A Great Deal Less ien you buy at our Final Removal ' Sale Saturday, Oct. 27th. Ends the Big Merchandise Event. The problem, of moving them, con fronts us. We're determined to move as little good? as possible. Your Last Chance To buy your Fall and Winter SUITS, COATS, DRESSES, ETC. At our astounding price reduction. Meet us at our New Store after October 27th. Ladies'1 Outfitting Store 3IIss. W. E. Uohso Pnsscs Awny. Miss Wilholmina Emma Hesse, who for many years mado her homo In North Platto with her brother Gus IJosso, passed away In Somerset, Ohio, October 9th, aged soventy-orie years. Death came peacefully, as sho slept, and tho town in which she passed away was tho town in which sho was born. After tho death of her brother sho went to California to make her homo with another brothor. There sho remained until Juno of last year whon sho wont back to Ohio to make her homo with a nephew. A dozen or more years ago sno suuoreu a paralytic stroke and for three years had been in a helpless condition, and to her death, camo as a roller. Tho deceased had many friends In North Platto who will romembor hor for tho kind deeds she was constantly Hoing. Mrs. F. W. Rlnclcor roturned Mon day night from a week's visit in Oma ha. For Salo Cheap Pool hall in North Platto; 4 'pool tablos. 1 blKlard table; reason for selling, owner has other business. Inqulro at Trlbuno. 79tf F'OR SALE Guaranteed Used Cars We guarantee our used cars for thirty days against mechanical, defects, so you are not buying a pig in a sack when you buy one of our rebuilt used cars. fS DODGE TOURING CAR. 1916 DODGE TOURING CAR. 1916 FORD TOURING CAR. 1916 CHREVROLET BABY GRAND TOURING CAR. Real bargains for those vyho want real service. J, V. Romigh. North Platto Library Jfolos. The hentlnir nlnnt in nnw In rn-l condition, and the library will bo open' at tne usual hours. Miss Annio Kramp has been elected president of tho state librarians as sociation. Patriotic bread has become so pop ular that oven bakers admit It has como to stay. Tho recipe may "be found in tho' food conservation sec tion. The official bulletin on public in formation is received dally. Many new books have been ordered. -: :o: , Proleslant Episcopal Services Church of Our Saviour, Rev. Arthur Dittos Jones, rector, October 28, 1917, 21st Sunday after Trinity. 8:00 a. m., holy communion. 9:45 a. m., Sunday school. 11:00 a. m morning prayer and ser mon. 7:'30 p. m., evening prayer and ad dress. 3:00 p. m Sunday school at St. Paul's chapol, North sldo. :oi: Dr. Morrill. Dentist Greeley Jacobs' Farewell. Greeley Jacobs, colored porter at the Hotel McCabe, who leaves for Camp Funston tomorrow has Issued this fare well to tho people of North Platte, many of whom are acquainted .with him: "It is awful hard to leave the ones that lovo "you, but wo must serve our country, as I have been so successful ns to bo nt for Uncle Sam, I shall en deavor by all means to put tho devil out of existence, I shall say as wo go to,' war, lot us get together, work to Kether, Is my motto, as I am going from you dear Ndrth Platto peoplo, be lieve me too, If I shall never meet you again, remember my word and my mot to. "Again Isay I havo no doubts and I see no hopes before mo but success, and that I shall pray for. GREELEY JACOBS." ::o:: FOR YOUR AUTO SEItYICE Call 125 for Taxi day or night. Also five or soven passenger car for funeral service. ' MOGENSEN-LOUDEN AUTO CO-. Chandler & Elcar Agency, Corner Eighth and Lbcust Sts. North Piatt t Bitick Co Is now located in the HOUSE Until New Building can be built. Will be Strictly Buick Ser ite. Will carry full line of parts. Duvall & Chorpening Co. E A. DUVAL, Manager.