The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, October 23, 1917, Image 1

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The man who is in position to buy a LibertyJBond and won't; the man who won't sacrifice in order
to buy a bond; is as much of a slacker as is thenan who attempts to evade conscription, for money is
as necessary in this war as are men. Men ho refuse to buy, or who decline to make a sacrifice in or
der to buy, are more friendly to Kaiser Bill than they are to their own country.
Itcd Cross Notes
Every housewlfo In Lincoln county
3ias responded loyally to the country's
call to holp win tho war by conserv
ing our perishable crops; but now that
our pickling and preserving days have
about come to an end, let us devote
our time with renewed ehergy to Red
Cross activities. Wo need many more
helpers in tho work rooms, and abovo
all elso It Is hoped that everyone will
help fill wur quota of knitted garments.
Appeals are coming in almost daily
for haste In completing and sending in
these articles so necessary in mitigat
ing the suffering and discomfort of tho
men who are offering their lives for
their country.
Right hero wo wish to make most
emphatic denial of the malicious false
hood given free circulation through
out the country by German sympa
thizers that tho Red Cross soils knit
ted or any other article to the men in
Don't forget the change in our work
afternoons. Beginning this week wo
...til i m..,i. rirA.i
Will IlltlUL l J 1 1 lYlUllllUV. 1 UCHUUV. tV tMl'
nesday and Friday afternoons, Instead
of on the first four days of the week
as formerly.
Hnrtmnn Fnthcr of Twins
A telegram received from Knox-
ville, Tonn., Saturday announced tho
arrival of twin boys at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Fred B. Hartman. Fred,
who is In the manufacturing business
in Knoxville, Is doing splendidly com
mercially1 and otherwise. Tho ar
rival of the twins brought delight to
the Hartman family in this city es
pecially to "Aunt Nell."
Miss Irene Hubbard left yesterday
for Denver to accept tho position of
clerk in tho office of store keeper Dan '
Roberts. J
Thero are duties the city and peo
ple of North Platto owe to our coun
try. Our bravo boys and patriotic young
men who are going to fight our bat
tles at the front aro looking to the
peoplo at home for suport. Our Pres
ident and our Governor havo issued
their proclamation, and now, I as your
Mayor, call on all our business houses
to suspend trade activities Wednesday
afternoon, Octobor 24th, and Join hands
with the professional men, public of
ficials, patriotic men and women of
our city in tho sale of Liberty bonus.
Let all our peoplo unite In this patri
otic work and send a message of cheer
to our army and navy.
llaldock Has Fine Offer
Will Baldock, of tho local dispatch
ers' office, has been solicited to accept
a second lieutenancy In an engineering
corps that will bo sent to Russia to ro'
organize and rehabilitate tho Trans
Siberian railroad whlocih is 5,400 miles
In length. The pay'of this position is
$2,000 a year and expenses. The offer
came by wlro Saturday evening and ho
must report at St. Paul, Minn., not
later than next Thursday. Mr. Bal
dock said last evening that he did not
think he could arrange his business
matters in time to reach St. Paul
within tho specified time and would
wlro for an extension of time. If such
can be secured ho will probably ac
An attompt was made to secure
John L. Kennedy or Ex-senator Norrls
Brown to address a liberty bond meet
Inir In North Platte this week, but
both wlfod that it was impossible to
come. .
Troop No. 1, Boy Scouts of Amorlca,
of North Platte, are .helping Undo
Sam to soil tho second issiio of Liberty
loan bonds, and aro making a house
to house canvass. Tho local school
authorities have excused them from
classes for this purpose, 4ind tho boys
realize tho Importance of tho task
placed upon them by tho government
and are In tho drive with all their en
thusiasm and energy. They aro fully
suppllod with Information and tho
necessary application blanks' to moot
all requirements. Covering all of tho
city by a personal call at each of Its
2500 homes Is a big task for tho thlrty
flvo scouts In tho four days allotted
them, and not much tlmo can bo
spared at each houso or place of bms-
Inoss. They aro ready to nil out your,
application at once, and It will be a'
great help to them if you know Just
exactly what bonds you desiro or now
much you wish to Invest.
If for any reason you should not
seo one tho Scouta boforo Thurai
day noon, Octobor 25th, call up any
ono of them you know or phone J. C.
Hollman, Scoutmaster, or your bank,
and state that you want a JBoy Scout
Liberty loan bond of tho denomina
tion desired, and you will bo properly
carod for.
Help tho Boy Scouts to holp Undo
Sam and incidentally assist Troop
No. 1, North Platto, to obtain United
States special service emblems, as
338,000 other Scouts are doing.
: :o: :
Mrs. Chas. Trovlllo and daughter
who havo been in Now York City for
poveral months, will leave for homo
this woqk, but will visit at points on
route. Miss Trovillo has been taking
voice culture while in Now York.
I Your
AT 4 " jj
lllll-ll II 1111 IIPL P'Hl
Afteisth Liberty Loan Drive, think about your Life Insurance protection
and remember we give you the most protection you can buy for the money.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Boguo and
daughter returned Sunday from a visit!
in umana.
Tho Sammy Olrls will hold a salo of
baked goods at tho Derryberry &
Forbes Btoro Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Qrovor Wlllorton re
turned Sunday from a few days spont
In Omaha and Kearney.
The Entro Nous club will meet with
Mrs. Ray Snydor, 702 west Ninth
street tomorrow afternoon.
Mrs. P. II. Darbor Is in Lincoln vis
iting her daughter Hazel, who Is a
student at tho state unlvorslty.
Try Dr. Smith, tho
Chiropractor. EOtf
Mrs. Shlroman returned to Kearney
yesterday after a visit with Miss
Maymo PIzer nnd other frionds.
Tho homo missionary society of tho
Methodist church will meet in the
church parlors Friday afternoon.
W'fl hnvo buyers for two farms, what
nine join tonio nnd toll us.
Mr. and Mrs John C. Don returned
Friday evening from a visit with
friends In Arapahoe, making tho trip
by car.
Mrs. Weeks, who had boon vlsltlntr
her slstor, Mrs. B. R. Plummor, re
turned to her homo In York this
Mrs. Delanoyj of Los Angeles, is vIb
itlng her Blster-in-law, Mrs. Geo. T.
Fiold, while onroute homo, from a visit
in tne east. - vyp"
The ladles' aid of tho Swedish Luth
eran chui'ch' will moQt with. Mrs. Claus
Anderson, olght miles south of town
Friday afternoon 6f this woek,
Tho county is Having constructed
two or threo cement bridges on the
roads oast and north, of the river nvnr
wnicn tho nor dally; rural manv&utaK I
.'iUB .quarantine ior i smaiLsppsiWiB
nay ana tne victim, Misspell Hart
man,) resumed her" .duttqa asfteachor
yesterday morning.
pvorett Kendall, former reporter
for the Telegraph',. Uui for a year or
more publisher and editor o&thQ Heb
ron Chaniplon, arrlv.ed Friday oveij
lng to vlsjt friends. ,
Wantcd Employment by woman
with little girl; day tor woek. profor
farm work. Mrs. Saxton, 310' .cast Cthi
streot. .
Vic VoriGootz, who had been vlsitinc
ihlanparonts for a Wee&l lef&last nlerht
ior umana, wnoro, ,no 'win meet Mrs.r
irnnnn(V .1 Ill SCl i I
Pbrtland Via Minneapolis.
Mrs. Helmond, who had boon a guest
at tho SeeTiorger residence for two
weeks, left yostorday for her homo in
Oakland, Cal., going via Kansas City
and other southern points.
The Travel and Study club mot with
Miss Laura Murray last ovenlng. "Col
leges and the War," was tho Bubjecct
of a paper by Miss Watts, and Miss
Stamp read a paper on "Canada After
the War." Roll call was answored by
curront events.
Up to noon yesterday Chairman Tem
ple roported that tho Lincoln county
subscriptions to tho Liberty loan
bonds had reached in round numbers
$100,000. Of thlB amount $95,000 had
beon subscribed by North Platto In
stitutions uud citizens
Paul Harrington returned yesterday
from a visit in Omaha, going down to
ittend tho Crelghton-South Dakota
foot bull gamo. Mr. Harrington la a
i rolghton college man and regretted
that tho Dakota coyotes won by a 0
to 0 score.
Douglas Fairbanks, tho movlo actor,
was a passengor on train No. 7 last
evening and from tho rear of tho ob
servation car addressed an audlcnco
' of about 300 boys arid girls and a num
ber of ndults on tho need of buying
Liberty bonds. Douglas has purchased
$500,000 of tho bonds, and is nutklnir a
personal solicitation to obtain $500,000
from other peoplo, J$
i Food Administrator Hoovor ban &
1 niado an appeal to tho growers of
Mignr beets In which ho asks that thoyjft
1 maintain tho full ncrcoago of beets j
, next year. This appeal Is hardly!;:
necessary to Lincoln county growers, ft
ior witn tno prospects or a sugar rac
For comfy motoring we rccommentl
Motor Weave Woolen Automobile Robes.
Our assortment of tbese attractive, dur
able, guaranteed Robes is now complete.
You arc invited to examine tbem at
Motor Weave Headquarters.
The Wilcox Department Store
North Platte, Nebraska,
Let us help you help your Government
Join the Liberty Bond
f " Payftfl a Whk oh a $50 Bond
Pay $2 a Week on a $100 Bond
, You receive the bonds with
' 4 coupons, attached when fully
McDonald State Bank.
The Bank Behind the Thrift Movement.
What is more comfortable on a cold day than a
Perfect Working Heater?
Libert.1 Sell "Retort Ook "Round Oak" and "Marion Oakp
bo largely Increased. L. , ' .... .
Rev. ourry, of Kansas city, fliiod' Heaters" and a ull line of Cheaper Heaters as well g
ho pulpjt at tho Presbyterian church ft c 11 i en .it
Sunday and ploased tho congregation g Q8 a lull line OI Ranges. it
with his 8ermonB. A meotlng of tho ii $
wmtTehf cold snap catch you unprepared. U
the mattor of extending a call to Rev.
Curry will bo discussed. It Is undor- if
stood that ho was favorably im- li
pressed with North Platto and will
As the temperature goes down, the need goes up.
Iiivanuu mill liuiiii jiuiiu uuu will ) v . w T .T i w.
aptacallif extended to him. Rev., ft Let US Sell lOU YOUr StOV6 NOW.
Curry Is a man of about fifty years, l -aw' ww " ,v"'
1 .....41 .1 1 .. T.T .
and has boon stationed In Kansas City it
for flvo or pix yoars and prior to that ft
held a paHtorafo in Dallas, Toxas,
- ;:o::
Entertainment nnil Sunner
A play entitled "Jumbo Jum" will
bo given at the Platto Valley school ft
I houso Friday ovenlng, Octobor 26th. J$
Tho ladles will servo supper at tho if
uiuou ui biiu (fiutjiuui. urvi; uuu id i-i
cordially Invited.