The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, October 19, 1917, Image 1

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No. 80
Conl the Absorbing Topic
The nsborblng topic in Nortb Platte
these days la coal Its price, Its pos
sible scarcity and the relative value
of the several kinds. Thero Is no de
nying the fact that peoplo generally
are disappointed that tho promised
governmental regulation has not re
duced tho price In fact thore has
been an upward tendency In price. Wo
all know that certain Colorado coal
that a -few months ago sold for $2.70
at tho mines Is now selling at $-1.00,
and why this is so is what puzzles the
avorago consumer.
Here is what enters into tho coal
prices in North Platto, taking tho
Pinnacle as an instance: Cost at mine
$4.00, freight, $3.G5, unloading 20
conts, delivery 75 cents, shrinkage 50
cents, total per ton $9.10. This shrink
ago of 50 cents Is figured tho country
tivor, and Is not excessive. If the
North Platte dealer sells this coal at
$9.50 he nets forty cents a ton; If at
$9.75 ho nets slxty-ffvo cents, not an
excessive profit even at tho last fig
ure. But the price tho dealer sells
this coal In North Plhtto Is $8.50, n'l
denco that ho does not take Into con
sideration tho shrinkage, nor does he
charge 75 cents a ton for dollvory,
though ho saves tho unloading charge
of 20 cents if shoveled dlrecct from
tho ca: to tho wagon.
But thore are some peculiar things
also about freight rates. All Colo
rado coal Is hauled practically 'the
same distance to North Platto. While
tho rate on Pinnacle Is $3.65, tho rate
on slack coal Is $3.15 and the rate on
Colorado hard coal Is $0.05. Tho hard
coal .is sold at tho mines for $5.75.
making it cost $11.80 on car at North
Platto. To this must be added the
unloading, delivery and shrinkage,
making a total of $13.25.
No, wo havo no remedy to suggest,
we publish these figures simply for
your information;
l'rcsbytcrlnn Service.
Thero will bo preaching services in
the Presbyterian church both morning
and evening on Sunday, October, 21st.
Rev. J. H. Cur,ry, of Kansas City, will
occupy tho 'pulpit. Rev. Curry is a
man of recognized ability and it Is de
sired that there be a full attendance
of the congregation at both services.
Special music Is being prepared by the
Seliinalzrlcd Will Retire.
After thirty-four and one-half con
secutive yoars In business In North
Platte, J. F. Schmalzried, cigar man
ufacturer and doalor, will retlro on
November first. Tho room ho has oc
cupied and owns has been leased by
C. M, Newton, who will removo his
stock thereto.
Mr. Schmalzried, with tho exception
of W. W. BIrgp, had tho oldest mer
chandising house In the city, if a lum
ber yard and cigar storo can bo class
ed as such. Ho opened May 1, 1S84, In
a framo building that stood on a site
whore tho Block store now Btands, lat
er moving to a wooden building where
the Carlson building now stands,
thonco to the room now occupied by
G. F. Huffman. In 1891 ho erected tho
brick building which ho now occu
pies. : :::
Community Chorus.
Tho Community Chorus will hold a
business meeting at tho Franklin aud
itorium Saturday evening at eight
o clock. Business of importancce de
mands immediate attention.
The regular chorm rehearsal will
bo held Sunday afternoon nt tho
Franklin auditorium.
For Sale A Motor Washer and
a Majestic Wringer, almost as good bf
new. Phono 328.
Mr and Ml p. Isaac Mahan and Mr
and Mrs. Humphrey, are guests of Dr,
Lucas, while enrouto homo to Arnold
from a visit In Oshkosh.
For Sale Four show cases, two ten
foot, ono five-foot and ono four-foot
All In good condition. Inquire of J.
F. Schmalzried.
Two new cases of small-pox devel
oped Tuesday afternoon on west Ninth
street, the Ralston homo in tho 300
block and tho Lantz house in -tho 1300
Bryan Harlow, of Horshey, receiv
ed an honorable discharge from Co
E at Doming, N. M., on account, of
grartolated oye lids, and arrived home
J. H. Munger, of Denver, who is as
sisting A. B. Hoagland in making ro
pairs to tho county tractor, was bad
ly burned yesterday when babbitt
metal which ho was pouring splut
tored and flow In his face.
. roi .inur
The "Thrift Savings Club" is open to
everyone who is struck with the attractive
ness of following a special plan of saving
systematically for investment in bonds or
other good securities.
You can do this and there is a plan to
suit' you. Why not come in to-day and get
your membership card?
McDonald State Bank.
atte Biikk Co.
Will be located in the
Until New Building can be built.
Will be Strictly Buick Ser
ite. Will carry full line of
Duvall &lChorpeningGo.
A. DUVAL, Manager.
Rev. Cram is sponding today In
Grover Wlllorton loft Wednesday for
Omnha .to take mudical treatment.
Will Klonk waft among tho Odd Foll
ows who attended tho grand lodgo In
Lincoln this week.
Miss Annie Krnmph spent yesterday
In Kearney attending tho meeting of
tho stato librarians.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Elliott loft yes
terday for Madison, Wis., to visit their
son Ben and wife.
George Rodgers returned yesterday
from Corning, Iowa, whero ho was
called by tho death of his father.
Mrs. Fred Wurtelo roturncd yester
day from Ua r-..via where sho lint!
been spending several months.
Androw Wldstrand, who lived on the
Blrdwood table for five yoars, died last
Sunday at tho age of sixty-eight
Suits at 20 per cent discount, alter
ation freo. Wo guarantee our altera
tions what moro can you ask?
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Preltaur went
to Gothenburg yesterday to attend the
funeral of Mr. Preltaur's mother, who
died Tuesday.
Miss Gladys Stcgall loft yesterday
fpr Camp Funston to visit friends in
camp, accompanying Mrs. C. J. Per
kins on tho trip.
Dr. Brock, Dentist, over Stone Drug
Major Williams, of the war depart
ment, arrived Wednesday and spent
tho day at Ft. McPhorson officially
Inspecting tho national cemetery.
For nnlck action nnd satisfactory
sale list your land with Thocluckc. tf
Rev. P. McDald, who had gone to
Excelsior Springs to recuperate, was
called homo by tho death of Mrs. Chas
Pass, whoso funoral he conducted
yesterday morning.
Sale of mllllnory nt $2.50, $3.95, $5,
$7.50 and $10.00, presenting by long
odds tho season s Greatest Prlco Ro
ductlons during tho Removal Salo at
Frank Dunn wont to Wood River
today and will be uccompanled homo
tomorrow by Mrs. Dunn, who has boon
Visiting thero since their return from
tho wedding trip.
Judge T. C. Mungor came up from
Lincoln-last evening, held a term of
federal court in which Judgment was
decreed in a case, and returned to
Lincoln on a night train.
A boy baby was born yesterday
morning to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Spur
rier, and tho father Is receiving the
congratulation of friends. Mother and
son are getting along nicely.
Tho ftpplo hnrvest at tho Huntor
fruit farm north of Sutherland was
completed this week. Two thousand
bushels of fall varieties and eight
thousand bushels of winter varieties
were picked.
Dr. Voorhees Lucas went to Omaha
Tuesday night to attend a medical con
vention and bo prosont at tho dedica
tion of tho new stato hospital recent
ly completed at a cost of a quarter
million dollars.
Wanted A man or woman to act as
assistant secretary of Chamber of
Commerces. Mako application to J.
Q. Wilcox.
A light rain foil Wednesday even
ing, followed by a drop In tho tem
perature and a rather piercing -wind
yesterday that made heavy wraps feel
comlortablo. Thero was a scurrying
to put up heating stoves and tho deal
ers had rush orders for coal.
Wantod I havo work for four or
five men for about two weeks. Inquire
at Water offlcei. Hcrshoy S. Wolch.
Water Commissioner, 79-2
A farmer up near Oshkosh is said to
havo a flock of six hundred turkles.
As tho birds promlHO to bo worth
twonty-fivo or thirty conts a fyound
llvo weight at. Thanksgiving time, It
will ho seen that this farmer has a
nice bunch of money in sight.
Tho next regular meeting of tho
domostlc sclonco department of tho
Twentieth Contury club .will bo held
Monday, October 22d, at tho homo of
Mrs. I. L. Stobblns, 620 west Secon.l
street, at 3 p. m. Tho subjoct for the
day will bo "Tho Winter's Food Sup
ply" A largo attendanco Is desired
Have you gotten ono of our Prlnt
zoss Circulars showing tho Suits and
Coats? If not please call for ono and
we would be pleased to show tho en
tire lino and remotnber wo aro soil
ing tho Suits at a 20 per cont discount
now is your opportunity.
Ray Tlgho, with tho aviation corps
at San Antonio, Texas, writes of his
oxporlonco whon "sailing among tho
clouds," which was rather oxcltlng as
well as uncomfortablo. Ho hns been
up In a piano to a holghth of eight
ana ten thousand foot, and is rapid
ly becoming a real aviator.
Tho post that can bo found in wnlrit
now on salo. Tho best and largest va
riety of waists to select from.
Georgettes, cropo do cheno, in white,
flesh and leading colors, best that's
shown this season at Tho .Leador Mer
cantile Co.'h.
1 -OK-
Astray Notice
Taken un on section 25-13-30, Bouth
of tho Bakor school house, by tho un-
aersigneu who tnoro resides, on Sop
tcmber 10th, 1917, an Iron gray, two
year old maro, weight about S00
pounds, no brands discernible. Own.
er 1b requested to prove property, pay
cuarges anu tano animal away.
80-10 It. G. TATTISON
T. L. Wolf, lato of Cheyenne, bognn
work this weok as a bollermakor In
(ho local shops.
Chas. Boguo wont to Omaha thl.i
morning on business connected with
tho 15, of R. T.
A. V. Phlpps arrived from Clicy
onne this wook to accept a position an
bollermnkcr In tho back shop.
Jesso Gllmoro and Clarence E. Carl-
son havo entered tho sorvlro of tho
company as firemen on tho Third dis
trict. Miss Ireno Hubbard, clerk in the
freight dopot, 'has resigned nnd will
go to Denver to nccopt a position at
nn increased salary.
Frank II. Moore, Qlonn Mooro and
Luthor Owens, who passod tho exam
ination, began sorvlco this week as
onglncors on tho Third district.
L. W. Brltton, formerly a swltch
mnn In tho Grand Island yards, has
entered tho servlco as (lroman on the
Third district and has moved his fam
ily hero.
No. 15 Wednesday night was dolny
ed sovoral hours by a hot box and lat
er by a freight that stalled on tho
bridge enst of town.
Beginning yesterday tho uso of
wheat broad on tho Union Pacific
diners is being restricted and corn
bread substituted. Tho dlnors will al
so observe Tuesday of each week as a
meatless day.
Hnrloy C. McDormott, who had been
employed in tho car foroman'B offlco
for tho past two yenrs, roslgnod tho
early part of this week and will lonvo
soon for KnnsnB City whero ho will en.
gage In business with his father.
Conductor Gus Anderson has placed
on exhibition at the Schwalgor cigar
storo samples of potatoes grown on
his farm south of Hershoy by IiIb son-in-law
Frod Placek. They wero grown
without irrigation and aro flno specimens.
Tho resident of North Platto who Is
not a railroad man cannot gain nn
Idea of tho volume of freight traffic on
tho Union Pacific until ho spends a few
hours In Horshey or Brady and watch
os the trains go by. Tuesday oVoning
between throe and six o'clock six long
freight trains camo In from tho west,
and four left for tho west. What
would bo tho condition theso days
tlfcthe Union Pacific had but a slnglo
The Union Pacific will break up Its
division system as It now exists and
tho main lines will bo thrown Into
whnt will bo known as districts. The
main lino from Omaha to Ogdon vIU
bo known as tho northern district and
the Colorndo and Kansas lines will
constitute tho southern district. F. II.
Hammlll, now assistant general man
agor of tho Northwestern In Iowa will
havo charge of tho northorn district,
nnd Ernest Stonger, now general sup
erlntondent, will bo chlof of tho south
orn district with headquarters In Kan
sas City.
::o: :
cc6uiit on Prohibition Yolo
Des Molnos, Oct. 18. Attorney Gon
oral H. M. Havnor today ordered a ro
count of tho ballots cast In Monday's
special election on tho question ot
constitutional prohibition.
Unofficial returns give tho wots an
advantage of approximately 1.000,
with a total voto of 430,000. Loaders
of tho dry faction reiterated today Mint
an official canvass would of necessity
bo made because of tho small margin
given the wots, In somo quarters it
is bolloved tho official count may
change tho final result.
Hcrelisy Times Items.
Arthur Danlclson has bought a trnc
tor to holp combat tho stringent labor
situation. Arthur Informs us ho will
put In 500 acres of whoat on his south
table laud.
W. G. Munson and wlfo severed
tholr connections with tho Hershoy
Confectlonory Friday of last week
and loft In their car for a month s v.l
it at Goring.
A. J. Donman, manager ')f the
Grand Island factory, was hero the
lattor pait of tho wook looking after
his company's interests. IIo report
tho beet crop this year splendid, 'i no
factory started grinding heots Mon
Traveling Around the World
Stopping In town for a fow hours
ostordny woro A. van den Endon and
T. P. Oston, who nro traveling on a
trip around the world. Tho former is
ono of throe who startgd from Brus-
ols, Bolglum, March 23, lul-i. having
pledged $8,000 that inside of llfteon
ears they would visit every country
and ovory principal city In tho world.
They started eastward through Gor
innny, Austria, Poland, Russia, stop
ping In Japan nnd Korea, thonco to
Australia and other Pacific islands.
Enrouto two of tho men dropped out
and van don Endon was Joined by Os
ton, and tho two will comploto the trip
which wlH cover 300,000 miles. So
far 91,000 miles havo been covered.
Thoy make tholr wny by soiling post
cards and pamphlots,
First National Subscribes $25,000.
The FlrBt National Bank hnB sub
scribed for $25,000 or tho socond Llb
orty loan, which with tho $20,00u sub
scription of tho building and loan as
sociation makes a fairly good start to
ward tho $400,000 which Lincoln coun
ty Is supposed to rnlso. But to raiso
this amount subscriptions muat como
in moro liberally than they have dur
ing tho past ton days. At tho prosont
rnto scarcely titty por cent of our al
lottmont will bo subscribed.
Just nrrlvcd this morning from a
great Now York maker, women's
stylish stout drosses in tho vory new
est styles nnd materials, satins, silks,
serges, gnuordlnos nnd other very
much sought for materials. You must
como In nnd look thorn over early ns
wo know this kind will go out quickly
at Tho Leador Morcantilo Co.'s.
Mr l. Grovnr WOlertnn tnnvnn thin
week for Koarnov to visit, tier lirntli-
or John Spies for n fow days.
: :o: :
Jlctl Cross Notes.
Wo mado a splendid shipment this
week of finished work consisting of
dozens of useful articles for hospital
uso and a flno showing of knitted gar
ments. Wo hope to ship moro knitted
goods soon nnd urge all to complete
and turn In nil work on hand ns rap
Idly ns possible
Boglnntng next wook thore will bo
a slight change in our work nftor
noons. Tho now Bchedulo will bo
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and
Friday, Monday's 'work will remain
lunchanged, thnt formerly dono on
Wednesday and Thursday will bo
moved forwnrd a day each, nnd 'the
regular Tuesday work will bo shifted
to Friday.
You must seo tho wondorful wom
en's coats that aro bolng sold nt $14 05,
others nt $17.05 and $19.G5; tho most,
stylish values in tho city nt Tho Lead
er Mercantile Co.'s.
Waro & Lolstor, hardwaro dealer.!
at Ilorshoy, havo sold tholr Btock and
fixtures to G. P. Eastwood, of Chap
poll. Every dopnrtmcnt in tho stoio Df
Tho Londcr Morcantilo Co. offers you
moro real bargains than can bo found
Mrs. York Hlumnu returned yestor
day from Omaha -whoro sho attended
the supremo council of tho P. E. O
Miss Dorothy Hlnmnn wont to
Konrnoy yostorday to visit friends fpr
a fow days.
Call 125 for Taxi day or night.
Also five or seven passongor car for
funoral service.
Chandler & Elcar Agency,
Corner Eighth and Locust Sts.
Men's Tan Oiled Calf Skin Work Shoes
with Goodyear Welt, Full Double Soles,
Blucher Cut. Something that will wear
and protect your feet from cold and wet
weather. The best that money
can buy. Special priced at
Also High Cut Work Shoes that lace
high above the ankle now priced at
You women who must have stout
drosses to fit proporly, don't fall
seo tho stylish, stout drosses at The
Leador Morcantilo Co.'s.
Wo nro Informed that Brady wl'l
havo throo dally mall routes beginning
Doconiber 1st. On two of tho rouUM
mall is now dollvorod only ovory other
day. One of tho North Platto rural
nihil carrlord has 1 eon assigned to ono
of tho routes, and tho local carrlor who
has carled both roi -a w'll take the
other. Tho North Platto man is un
decided about accopting on account of
ot bolng nblo to rent a houso for his
family. Groat Scott! Why don't somo
l dy build a fen' small houses for
rental purposes? Vindicator.
It's something vory unusual to have
n chance to buy pnttorn lints at lato
In tho season prices, Manufacturer's
pattern hats on salo at Tho Leader
Mocantllo Co. s.
FOR SALE Flvo room houso, mod
orn oxcopt boat; located at 214 south
Ash. Phono Red 388. 727
i;t The gaming season is hero and
k the hunter is making
l good use of it.
You can't help bring home '
plenty of game if you have our
kind of guns and loaded shells.
You will always find
us here with the largest
line of first class Guns and
Sporting Goods in this country.
Talk to Me before employing your
.'?. Mi,V