Il GOVERNOR. flnvnrnnr Mnvtlln lina (Hfllind tlin fnl. ML I RA-IE, UUtor and Publisher. lowing clean-up day proclamation: "To tho rcoplo ot tuo suite: I fool it 3 O UI1U . 7 aUliaOWPTlON HATES; Ouo Year by. Mall In Adtnuue....1.25 MM incumbont upon mo as govornor of the fltato to subaorvc tlio Intorosts of I'ustulllCo hh btiuolitl L'litrtS Mutter TUESDAY OCTOHBR 1, 1017 CKIL DOMMAiN WHITES ,... V..;irl.. i rnr in Aiivuiirt.. .1JV0 overy on living in the state. Wo arc i in evory possible way defending our-Wim-ied 41 Wurih Plii. Nebraska. elvoa agaiiiBt thoBo who would do- bjilii un ui um uiiii-l Kiuiy us u re public. Our song aro untlor arms; the idaiiRhtors of tlwi nro BUfVplc 1 montliiB ovory movomont of tho gov orninont in order that tho fundamental principles Kt our country be pronrv- 1 1 11. I .11 At u imr iMHii i.iTX4Tnv "- 1ul mo") is anouior ioo mat we 1 Ul&IUi should guard agalnut threatening Wrr,,,. u inttor writtnn lv Cvrll Don- Poporty and life and that foo lt lire. Prom (t letter wr tto Lu ug forUf oursolvea ngnln9t tho mr''oa fn, 1 CstoT to thJ homo ravaea ot tho 0,lomy takln care t-u I t ! li ?,Mnwln- (,f ,,mt "Pn whlch 11 "ry- Thin we ro.lrt, we take tin, lollowing. , . EQneral (Moanlnir mi "Outober 2nd, afU,r our usual morn- n "y ,n "rna' n. ins drill of two and one-half our 19nrC70c,loftn.B,, L? f to l,n mnrrlmrl north into the i".1'' ."8 ..c,oan..llP la' nntl a8K ul- 10 mil. with throe other battalion, of , .C.Ur W" ths :if)5th rogimont. Our whole- reg ilitait of nbout 2G00 BtV.diors wore drawn up in a miuaro arountl a ,,nn ,- " ,7.-- French olTicor.. Ho talked very slowly "r ; - HZX "5 and 2 8 , 9 , 9 10 ..,,,.....11' tfjill -.........11 11. ...14 ...lft ...10 ...ll ...16 34.47 26.S4 82.30 60.37 6.73 C.73 27.80 59.61 18.50 29.24 24 12 22.06 14.37 I'cnlstnii'N Addition to North IMnttc and 8 ,.11 .12 .12 14.47 17.66 14.47 26 78 20.02 2S.82 6G.9S Addition and our neighbors' property.' to: : Thoso in need of painting, paper TlTrin ir .i .dpr tisfactory work If they employ Julius and triod hard to make himself under- n phono Hlnrlr fiT? isif stood. Ho told us what wo would see "og,i- 1 nono imcK bJ- JjliL. whori wo wffitit to Franco. Ho said we " notice to cmkimtoiis would soo but fow men without uni- Estate No. ir.03 of Nicholas Wiley forms 0110 man in overy six is a sol- ".r,!;t1',5,,!0."'.sf.,, I" ,tho founty Cj t.t dler in Franco. If that many Amor!- ot4aStoThX creditors cans woro soldiers there wouul be of snld estate will take notice that tho 20,000,000. Ho said ho camo from tlmo limited for m-osontatlon atnl llllntr ' ' "liliia lnvlla " Tin Pnrtiiln. of claiins nBnlnst Blllil CBtUto Ih Feh- among tho bluo doviis. 110 cortain- rimry JC 1U18( an(1 for ,,cttiem(,nt of ly looked capable of real combat , He said cstato In October 12, 1918; that I said that tho BoCdlors in Amorlca did will Hit at tho county court room In nahl tint hnvn nnvthlnir In worrv nhout bo- c?unty on Novombor lfi, 1917, nt 9 not navp anyining to worry aiwui uo- 0-ciock a. tn., and on February 1C, 1918, causo tho lighting was dona on tho at 9 o'clock a. 111. to receive, examine! other sido. Tlio soldlors ovor thorte hoar, allow, or ndjtiat all claims and who aro behind tho lino don't need to objections 'u'y flI'j;,0 PUPNCII Worry, because only thoso in tho omnia county'judgc. troncWeo aro to bo in tho fight. If you aro in tho trenches you don't neod to worry becauso only those who aro charging aroMn danger. If you como back safo from tho chargo you don't hnvo to worry. If you aro killod in Notlco Is horoby given that so much tho cliargo you can't worry, so you ?,ach ,tra? ,f, land or town lot dos ilon't hnvn to worrv , crclbod In this list ns may bo necessary (ion l navo 10 worry. 'f0r thnt purposo, all located in Lincoln It Is tho duty of tho non-coms to County, Nebraska, will bo oftorod for cheer -up tho men, and especially for ?ft,0,.nt,J,110 Cl'nty Treasurer's ofllcn in thf rnrnnrnl'w linrnnnn tlinv nri In on. forUi 1 "atte, Lincoln County, Nobras uie corporni.- oocauso uioy aro m con- ktli nt Uuilc auction for tho taxes, In tact with tho mon at all times, oven in torest, and costs thoroon on tho 6th tholr bunks. Thoy say what a man d,ay ?' Novombor, A. D. 1917, between c-7-8 13 ' North I'lntto Toun Lot Co.'m I to North 1'lnttc 3-NVi 1-89-10-14-16-10... . 2 14.11 .6 ...... 3 19 OS 116-16 4 7.89 '7-s c c,.:;e, K 8. VTK 9 8 28.92 9-10-11-12 14 17.S4 io io i s.:.n 1-2-ISU 3 19 C9.00 , AVV4 2 and 3 10 83.61 1 ami KVft 2 21 iG.fil I and 1CH 6 2K . 8.41 ;11 and 12 27 9.12 12 and 3 29 11.06 ill 29 19. OS 1 and 2 30 22 25 7 . .., 32 6.22 33 6.22 llmik'H Addition to North Platte ... 1 31.10 2 34.98 2 32.92 Hclhy'n Addition tu North l'lntte 1 23.G ItcNldrncc Vnttc Addition to North IMnttc 4-C to 10 NOTICE.OF TAX SALE tlio liOUra of 9 o'nlnnlf A. TVf nn.1 . .o mj .,vvvo eww vfc inn lu uiljr tin lllu lliw UlrOClB. Bays tho first flvo mlnutos aftor ho mind, and thus wo can Judge who needs ,TIo amounts in tho subjoined list chnorlnir i joiirpooniH mi mo taxes uuo on oacn -iiouiiiiK. .'tract of land or town lot toRothor with I havo bcon practicing Bomo foot advortlslnfr and Interest to clato of sale, ball wlion opportunities pr'esont thorn- fllDatod this 1st dny of Octohor, 1917. selvos, but am kept well on tho Jump. County Tr8aBu?eVIfBia.oTOiy, Now fliat I havo learned my gonoral Nebraska. ' and s'pocia'. ordors I bavci to bend my1 onwgios to sooing tnat tuo mombors of Lot 3 North lMnttp Illock my snuad loam tliom. Dti nptfihnr 4Mi rnr wlir1rt Knttnllnn n n'.io was again marched into tho hills And 2-N 3-9-10-11-12 arrangod around' a sort of hanging W.n valley or draw. Major Qonoral Woods, 8 .' .' .' .' . .' .' .' .' ,' .' ,' .' .' highest military official in Amorlca, 2 tho ijrosldqnt oxcoptedj, gftvo us a Blitflch. All four battalions woro 1 and'2'! !!!!!!! !!!.'!.'.' maWng a regiment. Ho talked for ovor 3 and 4 thirty minutes. Ho said wo woro all H horo for ono common obicict and that So.' hh' it.' ' m his opinion tho war would bo a long ono and wo woitfd all como In direct contacct with tho onomy In a cold bay onet chargo, thcrforo wo should nil practico handling our guns and mako thorn a 'part of us,and lio as handy with thorn as with tho right hand. A bay- aiul 4 nnd 6 ... oithor wo would bo tha victor or tho well trained onomy. Ho said tho war would not bo won by any invention by Mr, EdlsJon, or any other man. Tho iKiroplanos Won't win tho war for us. Ho said no man-mado inachlno would win tho war, only God-mado machlnos, N '& ami' h' :!.'.'! ." !-! .' .' .' and wo -must proparo our bodios and Vt 6 and c -"4 . . ; 4 . . i . . . . got thorn in shnpe for tho struggle and I "!!! I ..... actlVd COlllbnt. It wnntn iiu (,. 1 Mi 5 8 3 and 4 3 3 6 and 0 1 active combat. Ho want- us to bo tho 7 first cantonment to go. All clapped tholr hand Wo non-com 'get txtra 1 bayonot drill dali'.y now. MaJ. 'Klsslor 3 says ho oxpocts k) carry a gun and oUargo on tho enomy. That Ib what tho S llln la ti h . ..... ..... wiiw 10 iwi, jubi. uo put ini uayonoi on 4 it. mm uso. no says ovoryono will bo face to face with a big Prusslafi or Bavarian." -3-4 l (i 3 1 and K C ft. 0 8 n Lincoln Trims tlio Ijocnl Team. Tho Lincoln lll''li nnhnnl f fontod tlio local school team in tho S'a'V and" 2 inniai root bai: gamo Friday by n, scoro " of twonty-flvo to ar.v.n. Luck broke 7 ! ...U ....11 ...T.12 ....12 ....13 ....14 ....lfi ....18 ....24 ....26 ....33 ....33 ....36 ....38 ....39 ....39 ....39 ....40 ....41 ....41 ....42 .....44" ... .44 45 ....46 ....46 .-...60 ....63 ....54 . . . .65 ....66 ....67 ....5S .. ..C3 ....03 ....03 ... .01 CI ....(! tr . . . . 05 ...G7 ....69 . . . . 09 ....70 ....71, ....73 ....74 ....71 . ....7fi .. . .77 ....77 ....77 ....80 ... .80 ....80 .... SI ....83 .84. .87 .87 9(1 9C 97 99 pod to omo oxtont by tho helghth and zy,"z '. '. . '. '. '. ', '. '. '. '. '. ','.'.'. ', '. '.if W'olRht of tho Lincoln 'plnvora, flvo or 44 ft 0, w 22 ft. 7 lc jtix of 'whom aro strapping big fed- WW?. 278 7 15 a touch down by rocovorlng a fumbled V ball noar tho goal and once intorcopt- 2 I!!!!".!!!!' Ing n forward 'pas, in both Instances r. and 0 thla giTOd luck occurring near the goal l)nt V ' with a rv.'fnr "old for tho runnor. Tho n 1 nmiV:! North Plntto boys fouuht hnrd nml nut lin n. triwl ilnmr. i.mi '.. 7 and 8 !i . . ....... m.ii. noiu imumixill- 1nn nntl tn ntim nvn. i... tu i. .,... " . iuu .101 101 101 lOW. ,,j j,;,rt 7 j01 nit nttondanco at tho game was not W.' 4titt', oxc. 22x3o'ctYn ' an largo was hoped. Iho student WaWi offl io? n?llLZ ,woH wpfwentod but th ao 3i-:.f of t :::::::::: Tol attondnnco. wns rather light w. 22 ft of 2, E. 44 ft of 3. .104 ..;;() il 106 J,lU8,,i, Evolved In a Qmirrcl. I , ; ; : : t,.D'wwI- Lyno.ldt. cliof magUtrate of l!H 1 ... .' us u v nBo oi iiorsney, and John Lau- LRlti V Ig, chief of nolleo f tim an,nn J?: 14 1 himo InvAvwl in a quarrel Tlww-wrf'SV-lt".'.''. mi wmi uio rosuit that tlin r,hl,.r 11 n. i ami j. struck Uio.mah.trnt nn, m'" ,;: PV f M. ,. .. "I . 1 wiwn nrrtmicu ror MM Hit In tho county cwrt FrUtey nftomoon tho oliBf ploidod guilty and was lined 'w,i-UmW aml r"tH- wl,,ch 1,0 lwW ..U5,1UV e',l80llo wltl probnblv wld M Uf lH'Oaoli between tlio two fnc tlong whioh apparontly exist in Hor- School Huh Flag Hnisliig St. Patrick's school hold ling rals lng oxorclaos Friday forenoon, when "O d Glorv" was nimin n-... t " Htoif. Hag polo. Tho raishiK wa nro- W.'i-3 oYiand E. -V of'4;i43 coded by oxoroisoB in tho school In 1 nnd 2 J whioh T. c. Pattorson and J. t ' il Jio a ; ! !!!!!!!!!!::!!!:::!: ! l 1-.-3-4 .,. S 3 n W. 44 ft. 7 7 and S . . $ 13 nnd 14 7 3 and 4 . , . . Y. 44 ft. 3 1-2-3-4 ... 112 ...113 ...115 ...llfi ...117 ...117 ...118 ...132 ...123 ...iac ...127 ...132 ...136 .. .130 ...137 ...13$ ...139 ...140 ...141 .143 jtuuiw auurussoB nnu tlio pupilB nlcoly J i rendered sovoral songs. As tho Hag V.V.V.V.V: ' V.V.,.V.,.V.,.i50 was drawn to tho top of tho polo tho ,7 ...... ..... '."........ .'.. .ltii olllldron sailir "Stars nml Hfi.lVwna t?-- 5 and 0 D 154 161 ovor." A numbor of citizens woro prosiMit to witness tho coromonlos. For Snlc, V?00??0 tm 1oo. oloso in. Ill Smith. (104 oalkSlxth Btroot. 73.7 SCRAP IRON $6 per Ton. North Piatt Junk House. n f.fini 7 167 4 171 1 and 2 172 3 and 4 172 3 181 8. H 5 185 8 185 7 185 1 .' 186 2 , 186 U Interest In Pt Lot 3, So, of lots In 33-14-30 186 3-4-5-6 ,.,,,,,.187 5 and 6 , ...188 1 and 2 ,,, ,19 1 and 2 , , , .191 3 and 4 191 Miller ' Addition tn Knrll. TIn 7 and 8 , i 22.77 7 Ji 32.K3 Amount $ 2.1t 4.30 13.00 4.30 7.99 0.77 2.56 12.41 20.62 8.41 26.88 24.73 10.52 12.92 27.80 31.99 30.99 37.04 4.20 28. S2 7,39 4.82 15.49 17.54 1.82 39.08 47.30 10.36 39.20 25.74 20.02 8.40 13.95 9.96 10.16 , 9.42 30.99 11.40 4.60 22.67 37.49 20.62 25.79 7.29' 21.73, 25.24 23.71 36.00 3.17 32.01 29.84 37.04 20.02 I. 1.95 21. S3 20.62 45.25 20.62 6.23 24.73 9.85 2.68 12.09 51.68 26.88 27.31 52.12 120.26 16.52 39.10 170.69 30.89 30.89 102.72 143.77 37.04 100.G5 51.61 24.73 24.73 II. 38 20.62 90.60 86.74 7S.09 48.17 27.42 33.96 78.97 72.95 01.07 30.49 63.46 16.S2 96.66 34.99 82.30 27.81 36.02 61.67 16.52 117.39 32.93 46.72 32.93 ?8.92 7-1.03 r&ji 49.16 83.10 67.13 24.73 ill 10 37.01 100 66 3"! 00 24 73 26.74 33 03 40.22 33.96 26.96 28.J0 32.91 81.31 31.31 13. IS 40.03 29.76 22.77 78.18 28.92 to to to to to to 10 10 9 , 10 10 10 13 ...13 ...14 ...15 . ..16 ...18 ...19 . .20 46.74 2.56 29.84 20.07 21.10 25.-1 3 25.73 48.30 .South l'urk Addition to North Plnttr -3-4 '6' WV4 E& 6 and 4 1 93.3 ft. x 187.5 ft In NW cornor . t . and 6 and 7 Tnylor'K Addition to 4 4 9 4 3 4 9 3 8 9 6 and 10 -4-5 1 1 1 1 5 8 8 .1.. 9 9 ,...10 ,...10 ,...12 North ... 2 ... 3 ... 4 .... 5 ....6 ... 7 ... 7 ...11 . ..11 ...11 16 16 99.07 34.51 25.52 39.10 35.17 , 29.39 5.40 27.32 11.16 1.07 19.12 9.73 ,25.64 31.05 Plnttc 25.15 4.11 21.04 10.78 23.09 1.63 24.12 13.S7 22.06 25.15 25.47 14.89 'l'riintT' Addition to North IMnttc w',.2 and 3 10 1 9 4-5-6 ... 7-8-9 10-11-12 5 13 'A 6 All 4 5 9 10-11 12 1 3-4 1 WV& 6 and 6 . . M4 11 and 12 W 3 5 and 6 '. 8 8 5 6 '6 6 6 7 , 7 8 i 8 , 8 , 9 , 9 , 9 9 .10 37.14 26.7S 46.30 41.15 43.39 36.22 '36.22 33.03 27.80 27.81 12.50 7.28 7.28 37.01 7.29 33.03 35.09 3.17 26.78 55.61 25.75 24.83 Ulvcrdnle Addition to North Plnttc 11 2 7-8-10 3 WVi 11 8 7 and WV4 8 8 l'lnttevlew Addition to North 13 2. 10 ,.; 25 Pt. 28 Pt. 28 T Pt, 29 39 ,J. . . 72 73-f4-75-76-77 (iriicpliinil Addition to North l'lntto 4.20 47.50 3,71 6.83 IMnttc i'.io , . 13.80 .. 1.10 -J-10 3.43 , . 7.12 16.20 16 36 4.1 9 42 44 7 to 20 I Strip, 2 nnd 4 and N 5 5 and 6 . . 4 and 5 ... 7 8 nnd 9 ... 4-5-6 II nnd 12 . 1-2.3 ll-l 7 .1 .... 11-12 4-5-6 7 .... 11-10 . 4 to 11 2-7 ... 9 Cod' Addition .1 ..5 ..6 ..6 ,-.6 . .6 .6 2.J8 6.66 5.66 6B r.66 -.65 ,.S5 "6.77 rt f-r f 45139 2.14 .'30 6,46 '4.30 r.,4C 1.10 IS.I.U 8.30 4.30 13.72 2.14 4,30 21.32 .72 2.14 6.05 1.12 3.57 '1.12 1.64 2.76 1.12 1.12 1.12 3.79 1.12 IMnttc 11.35 .02 8.99 .62 IMnttc 6.73 1.84 1.12 .63 .61 IMnttc 71 3.40 1.21 nd Addition to North IMnttc 8.40 8.40 19.60 1.12 4.30 1 1 3 4 6 6 6 . .' 7 7 R 0 10 12 13 14 14 14 15 C D Cody'n Und Addition 7-8 10 to 12 1 8 1 7 to 10, W 11 2 136 11 and 12 2 3 4 8 and 9 4 5 4 9 5 12 8 10-11 8 11 and 12 9 Srout'M IlcHt Addition to North 1 to 16 5 17 9 1-2-3 nnd 17 to 20 10 All D Hellenic Addition to North I to 11 1-2-3 V. II and 12 s , All DoImoii'h Addition 1 and 4 7 to 12, 15-16-17 f and 6 IIIiiiiiiiii'm 1 and 2 7 3 nnd I 7 Pt. 7 7 3 3 ni'lion'M SnbdivlNloii 1 , 6 1 A 12 A to North 1 6 . .6 Milt mi lierjter'H Siilidlvlnlon nnd 2 1 and 6 . .' 1 to 12 Itiiddy'H Addition 3 . 4 . Pt Pt. P . 16 County Clrrk'H Suh. of ...3 43.29 4.30 1.12 61.26 31.99 8.31 i-i:t-no 12.90 10.65 96.03 1.50 1.51 o ro 1 1 County Clcrk'H Sub. 3--M-30 2. F-33-14-30 7 , 84. 10 Pt. 10 Pt. It County Clcrk'H Sub. 33-11-30 II nnd J Pt. "1" Pt. I I.niulH Adjolnlnic City N4NTV4, NE4 32-14-30 .... Pt? SWU8EU 33-14-30 Pt. 8EV1SR! 32-14-30 Pt. 8WWNEU, 32-14-30 .... Pt. E4NE4. 33-14-30 lniAiiv 6-6-7-8 8 I nnd 2 9 3-4-5-6 9 II 10 11 and 12 11 Pt. 22-23-24 11 15-16-7 14 18-19-20 14 21 14 6 16 2 17 ISnvcyU lt Addition to Brady : 1 3.80 8.81 '10.45 9.84 4t20 15.99 8.S0 3.69 1.12 34.62 .44 .77 14.79 63.72 2.90 7.70 4.15 6.73 4.57 1.22 3.73 9.38 1.02 .72 1.3J1 .71 2 6 2.61 . " JHnxwpIl . 66x80 feet 12 and -3 ?'. 21 26.SO PU'14 22 ..'67, l-2'-3-4-5-6 23 39.94 1416 23 12.-3ff ,Zb -1.7!) 2 and Pt. 3 220 .ljS.92 Pt. 1 r..2.7 15,10 Pt. 1 nnd 2 .....27 22.69 9 -. .22 16.9S 12 ,2S 9.46 14 hi 3.83 16 28 13.22 V. 11. Pluiiicr'M Sul.illvlnlon 20 ft. N. and Pt. 12 nnd 13 J, . 4.89 Home' Addition I 2 22.59 4 nnd Pt. 5 .....2 19.44 10 2 1.02 I.nnd lu Mnxtrell TractJ'B" 21-13-28 1.90 Tract N,G" 21-13-28 1.96 Trnct "II" and Strip, 21-13-28 1.96 Tract Part "I" 21-13-28 1.96 Wnter Co.'n IM Addition to Ilerxliey 3 and 4 1 33.67 6 1 42.99 6 1 19.24 Witter Co.'m 2nd Addition to llcrnlicy 15 2 2.56 Alihott'N Stilidirlftlou of l.otx I' unit K to IlerKliey L IS. IS N ' 13.19 Pt. 8 and O 20.61 Caiiihle'M Addition to Ili-mlicy II nnd 12 1 13.29 1 JS 2 16.71 2 2 2.47 6 nnd 6 ! 2 18.02 1 and 2 3 18.02 5 and 6 3 14.47 7 and 8 5 19.26 5 and 6 6 K.66 Water Co.'n 3rd Addition to Hernliey 21-22 8 2.05 19-20 16 1.61 Pt. Vacated part of Water Co.'s 3rd Add., 29-14-32 2".68 1'nttcmou'M Addition to HerHliey 7 and 8 4 10.30 18 6 1.41 All 7 31.12 6-7-8-9 8 60.03 All 10 9.88 .Hutlicrlnnd 1-2-3-4-5-6 3 28.81 17-18 .6 51.11 Pt. 17-18 6 70.80 ClnrkMon'M Suh. NI34 SO-14-33 10 20.41 Pt 20 .... . t. 2635 '- ClnrktioV''suii'.'NWV'20-l'-33 Pt. 1 22.60 14-15 74.41 Pt. 17 20.33 24-25 54.12 1 nnd 2 20 11.13 Went Wallace 6 20 .80 3 ..... 29 .SO ' 'schilVcr'fi 'AddVtion' to Wallace 1 to 12 6 11.80 4 9 .80 6- 7 9 4.43 1 10 .80 2 '. 10 .80 3 10 .80 4 10 .80 5 10 .80 1-2-7-8 11 7.81 DICICI3NS 7 to 15 3 15.70 3 and 4 5 .56 S& 1 7 2.95 Pt. 6 7 21.58 ' SoincrNCt 7- 10-11 .1 .53 8- 9 3 4 3 12 3 .33 7-S 4 .43 9- 10 4 .67 Wcllllcct I- 2-3-7-8-9-10-11-12 2 8.54 3 8 .27 II- 12 9 .89 6 10 .44 9 and 10 10 1.92 11 10 7.75 1 ... 11 12.55 Pt. 6 11 5.65 W. 70 ft. 6 11 4.96 5 and 6 14 .89 5 and 6 15 10.34 I.akevlew Addition 7 06 .44 1-2-3-4 76 .74 All SO .78 All ' 81 1.82 lllKUCll 1 1 10.20 5 nnd 6 , ..1 7.28 4 ..... 2 5.16 All .". 3 .44 1 : 14 8.55 TIioiiiiim' Sub. NW4 20-1-1-3D 9 27.25 Pt. 10 55.86 notthnrdt'H Sub. DIv. Pt A nnd Ii 27.36 C 27.36 Scnrn' Subdivision 3 35.47 1 11.22 McOec' Subdlvlnlon 2 and3 5 5.04 1 to 7 6 19.42 8 and 5 6 8.47 10 and 11 6 8.47 Co. Clerk's Sub. SWW 2()-14-3.t Pt. 3 23.91 7-8 Pt 9 80.63 "Wallace 11 2 .80 1-2-3 5 1.00 7-8-10-11-12, 7 1.53 7-8 9 .90 1 10 - .80 3 and 4 '. 10 6.54 5 and 6 10 8.64 8 and 9 ., 11 7.61 10 11 .80 17 11 .80 7-8-9 12 8.74 5 and 0 v. 13 4.43 8 14 .80 9 14 7.51 1 nnd 3 ..15 .80 7-9 16 .80 3 18 .80 9 18 21.28 Pt. 10 18 1.14 LANDS TinviiMlilp o, ItniiKc SO Description Sec. NW4 20 NEW 28 SWi 28 SEi 28 Pa. NWtt 29 All 33 NE4 . 34 NW4 34 Pt. SI3i 34 TowiiMhlii 10, Itniiec 20 SE48W4, NE4SEi 8V4SEU .10 E4NEU 18 Pt. NEU, W6 22 Nt 30 TimviinIiIp VI, IlniiKc 20 SW14 .. 7 WV4NE14. SEiNE4. SE4NVi 22 N4 27 SVi 27 TinviiNlilp 11, ItniiKC 20 V6 1 , SW'A 3 NWi 10 E4 25 TinviiNhln IX, KntiKc 20 sny,' sW w.y. v. '.'.'.'.'.".'."o All 27 NE4, NtNW4, N4SE4.34 gW4, SW4. S6SE4..34 SE4 35 TowiihIiIi) 111, ItniiKC 20 Lots 3 and 4 1 Township 0, ItmiRC 27 sw4 r. 5 W4 17 EtSVr; W4SEi 18 SICV4 19 N6NW4 20 NV4 , 21 . SW4 34 'l'ownNhlp 10, ItniiKC 27 E 3 All 5 NWi 8 W4 18 VUSV4, SE4SW4 848B4 ........24 SV4NE, SE4NW4. W4SEi 28 E4N134 34 Township 11, Ilnugc 27 SW4 32 Township 13, llnnire 27 8E4 30 Pt. NEU, NEUNWU. Lots 1 to 4 31 Township 14, Ilansc 37 N4, SWU 18 Township IB, linage 27 SWU ".'.WW." ' '.3 Township 18, Range 27 84 , 22 H4 2 E4E4 , 30 K4SV4, W6SEi 32 Taxes S1O.30 29.60 10.30 28.74 16.10 47.69 26.10 28.51 30.70 7.00 18.19 35.66 22.46 6.06 3.92 7.86 lfV.67 33.66 6.03 9.60 29.50 216.42 14.02 18.64 10.89 9.37 15.11 7.13 8.43 19.91 10.22 21.42 6.20 18.69 26.60 21.94 43.40 15.22 24.34 21.51 10.84 6.65 25.70 10.93 10.93 28.90 63.85 .18.51 21.63 7.96 18. Bl' 62.36 -8.17 12.14 t , . Township O, Ilnnce 2S Township 10, ItnuKC 23 All 19 Township 13, RanRC 28 ,NWi 3 Lot 12 v 3 Lots 1-2-6-7-8-9 4 Lots 1 and 2 6 ' Township 13, IlnnRe 28 N4, W6SE4. SE4SE4... 9 Wfc 12 NWi 16 SEi 25 8E4 26 Lots 6-7-8 28, Lots 6 and 6 32 Pt. Lots 1 Sr. 2, outsldo 33 Lots 5 and 6 34 Lots 1 and 8, Inside 35 Lots 1-2-3-4, lnsldo 36 Township IK, ItniiKC 2S W4W6 34 Township 10, Utilise 28 S6NW'4. N4SW4, , 86SVU V 1 All 3 NE 7 NE4 8 NW4, SE4 8 All . . ) WV4 10 NW4 17 NEi, S6NV'H, S6 2S N4NW4 28 - Township I), IIiiiikc 20 NWi 7 S4NW4, N4SW4 17 E4N13V4, NE4SE',4 18 868E4 19 NW4NWi 20 NE4 24 Pt. SW4SE4 29 NW4NV4 30 NW4 35 Township 10, IlnnKc 20 SW4 6 8W4 8 N4SW4 19 N4NE4. SE4NE4, NE4NW4 .....24 NE4 29 SE4 32 Township 11, ItiuiRc 20 E6, E6W6 8 W6W4 8 NHNE4. SE4NE4, NE4NW4 20 AH 26 "V6W6 32 Township 12, ltnnRc 20 NW4 1 NW4 2 NWi 8 SE4 10 SE4NE4, W4, NEiSB4, . SV.SE4 .12 NK4 .1 18 SA 23 All 25 All 26 All 28 E4SW4, WVSBli 30 Lots 3 and 4 30 All 35 Township 13, ItnnRc 20 Pt. W6 T.26 SE4 27 8E4NE4 35 WV4SW54 35 S6SE4 35 Township 14. ItiuiRc 20 SW4 11 All 21 Township 15, It 11 11 Ke 20 Ni.NE'4. WU. S:SE4.r. 4 ti4NE4. NiE4 4 TowiiHhlp 111, limine 211 All 1 S6 6 S6 11 W6 12 NW4 24 SE4 28 SE4 34 W4SW0m"WP UnnBC 230 bv4" ......... y.y.y.y.y. y.y. 1 WMiNE4 10 Pt. SE4 10 SE4 is S6N6, S6 24 N4NE4. SW4NE4 25 N4NW4, SE4NW4, NE4SW4 25 SW4NWi, W6SWH, 8EUSWU 25 E4SI34 26 N4NE4, W6 27 NSs8E4 28 SE1SW4 29 SEJ 29 SW14NWU. W6SW4, SE4SW4 33 ,,, Township 10, IlaiiKC 30 NW4 3 N6, SW4 4 SE4 7 SWJ. W6SE4 S W6E6 10 SW'S io SJ34SAVU. SE4 12 E6, ENAV4 17 VNW4 17 NEU 18 NV,N6 24 SV4 33 ., Township 11, IlniiRC 30 NE'4 2 ESE4 2 All 3 N4, SE4 4 All 13 SE4 34 Township-12, IluiiRc 30 N4. W6SWi 2 NE4 3 SW4. N6SE4 3 NE4 .0 NWg. nw4 :.'!'.!::!:!:!:!:::!: :i3 NE1 22 SWi 24 SWU 25 K4NE, SE4 34 All 35 Township 13, Itnnnre 30 Pt. W. of road and So. of River 9 SM, 12 All 13 ,W6W . . 16 E6 17 NJV4 , 17 Ohn-thlrd Interest SW4..20 .SWU ....34 Township 14. IlmiRC 30 No. 100 acros In NWU, EUSEU 5 E.4NEVl 8 WANEU, NWU 8 swu : s WUNWU 9 S 10 16 S- HWU 16 8 1K4 17 N- Ulver NE4 18 NEW NEU, Lots 1-2-3 20 NJNW4 21 SU.NWU 21 NV4NEU . " NEUNEU, Pt." N6NEU ! ! !23 WiANAVU 23 NWU 24 Pt. Sit SWU 28 Pt. SEU 2S Township 1R, IlaiiRe 30 NWU 5 NVi. SEUSEU. SWU, NEU SEU, SHSEU S SWU NEU. S6NWU. NAVUSEU 8 All ! WUNWU, SEUNWU 18 NWU 22 KUSWli, WHSEU 24 WUSWU 24 SWU 32 Township 10, lloiiRe 30 All , 3 NU 8 SH R All in All 11 All ; IX NEU, SU 21 N6, SEU 32 Township 0, Tlnnee 31 w Ji?. Shu ' y.y.y.y.y.y.y.y. A SEU 35 Townshln 10. Itnnire 31 Lots 6-6-7, SEU SWU 6 WUNEU. E6NWU 7 nwu n nwu in swu 20 AU f 30 SWU 33 . Township 11, Ilnniic 31 WU i 12 RP' ,.. 12 N"K 14 RWU 2R NEU 32 Township 12, Ilnnsre 31 All ,..,.. 6 NEU All 9 SEU 12 Alt . IB All 19 U. E4W4 20 SWU 22 NUNI5K. WU. SUSEU, 84 NEU. NUSEU ......28 TuwnnWp 1.1. Tlnnrc 31 SWU, NUSEU, SWU SEU .22 6.93 23.60 37.50 41.85 6.74 61.64 4.33 21.40 15.53 9.01 41.31 64.02 31.36 12.56 6.38 11.68 7.38 29.27 5,78 19.40 70.97 8.43 16.42 23.20 81.53 31.91 8.43 21.82 3.60 9.32 7.35 6.60 9.04 1.88 23.94 .41 2.40 29.07 27.99 14.39 4.90, 8.43 17.73 19.24 31.64 11.76 16.07 39.69 12.40 84.08 40.51 18.63 39.79 44.15 18.20 94.99 52.06 71.22 27.83 15.69 5.25 39.68 47.39 98.78 21.62 33.24 48.S6 5.20 17.43 26.41 97.50 14.64 26.71 30.70 9.88 9.33 5.97 7.14 9.23 7.14 13.39 17.67 43.07 7.27 20.08 11.24 4,62 63.41 7.10 2.29 17.67 14.20 7.00 33.91 11.36 17.21 6.09 6.09 21.60 40.92 12.17 11.36 12.90 22.79 13.01 6.91 28.56 24.06 63.68 7.00 26.40 5.06 7.60 6.6S 12.48 7.56 17.07 26,13 2100 14.83 15.72 24.10 35.29 50.74 198.09 64.30 104.28 45.29 3.66 27.00 9.42 7.02 29.66 21.23 12.82 17.85 19.66 7.01 17.02 20.48 9.23 10.23 10..23 10.23 7.04 10.23 7.05 8.79 40.30 5.75 29.77 8.44 26.12 8.44 8.13 15.54 12.91 6,72 26.20 12.81 12.81 61.47 21.91 21.94 18.97 23.01 11.68 12.14 12.06 4.96 K.16 6.64 16.89 6.12 26.00 5.64 18.18 6.37 6.37 8.40 5.16 29.96 7.57 27.90 6.24 27.fln 27.90 26.1 S 6.98 31.44 22.80 1 NEU .....1.. ....... .33 8,451 NWU .......,..33. 6175,, NEU A.'.'tW.,...35,r J 7.00- Township' 14,,IlniiKe 31 1't SUNWU, 84 . 00.11' n All , ..10 68.73 i oys. -ui .....,.,,, xi av.11 WJ4 .J,. .,.,,..).. .14 ,151.79 SVfHEU .....f ........... M6 47.03 WUNEU . 1 21 63.92 Pt. NUSEU1 ... . . . ... ... 21 SJ4NWU 30 S6SEU i. 35 Township 15, linage m E4, E6W4 ............ 7. 2 All 10 All ....11 N4 .........12 s4 ':.!!!. 12 .,, Township 10, IlniiKc 31 NWU 11 af&H::::!:;lt nunwu : ... si All t 2fi aii . !.!!.!!!s Township l, ItiuiRc 32 li Vi fi SEU 8 BJ4SWU 18 viSWtt ............IS All , 28 NEU ! 33 Township 10, llniiRc 32 2 7 9 11 .18 .19 19 SWU SWU NWU S .y.y.y.y, Pt. SWU. WNVU SE4 ... NE4 ... NW4 . .20 ..26 ..25 ..27 ..32. Ail AU a!! :: NWU '1'nU'lluM.i 11 . r All . W4. SEU '"12 N4. SW4 14 SEU ........ . . . . . .19 SUSWU 3' seu Is gum $S!7.nJ!klJ? 12 nnKe 32 "73 "72, i1,y4 01iivi 2 17 32 Township 13, IlunKc 32 4 5 6 18 on - " ' .d w vh o7 NEU ;30 W1, T Township 14, ItmiRC 32 sw.0.1.8..1.?;3-4 3 & 10s W:J!AS"V1A "-It SEUNEU, E4SEU ' '. '. '. '. '. '. ! 15 swu neu, avuseu :.:::. 15 ow4 17 Lots 3 and 4 29 Township 15, ltanKe 32 n All 25 I'nu. su :::::::::i5e 1 SV6 36 nv suyr.H"p 10' llnnc?s SWU V n All ".""""1 N4 17 SEUSEU - 17 g.. jiwyt, aw 'A, S6SEU.29 Hii 11: 33 1 7 2 . .10 . .11 ..12 ..13 .15 , .15 ,.21 ..21 ..22 . .25 . .26 4 5 .. 7 . .13 ..14 ..15 ..15 . .21 . .22 '.'23 ..23 ..24 ..26 .35 33 Q7i .35 NWV Iown","l' ItnnBe seu .' : : : : : : : ; : : ; wNitf, ENWU 17 oliiii 17 WUNEU . . ; ... 1 s WUNEU, SEUNEU i4NWU. SWU. NUSEU. ,7iE4 ......27 sw4 ;v...:. eu W4 swu neu ..WU swu se4 N . SW4. WUSEU su ..!:::!;:::::::; 27 TOWllShlll 11. Ilmiirn T or?? W Vi S Ji 'V N w U , SW U "ATi ,.,....... su V2 SEU SWU .... SEU ..... All S. All EU NWU ... wuwu . E'A. NAV-U All w, w6 NU, NUSU . ,111 All . NEU All . . 6 . 8 .12 .15 .17 .23 .35 EU . NEU SEU . NWU 'township 13, HaiiKe 33 14 22 23 25 Township 14, Itnnec 33. Lots 1 nnd 2, NEUSEU 6 Lot 3, WUSEU .......... 11 EU-ENEU, EUEUSE! 11 Pt. SWUNWU .. . ' 13 Pt. EANE4 ..14 Pt. E5NEt y 14 EUSWU ... .. 14 SUNEU ... ik NWU ... .' ! 15 Pt, SU .."is pt. sv. ; is swu ss Pt. SWU TO pt. NusEu. susEu ::::::3o 14OZ 7 , 00 Lots 8-9-10 " 32 NAVU .'I.VIN,llp nnnivV, JM v,mfV' t.t Vr,,VC . ' ' 8 SEUSWU .......I.... nu, nusu ....r. w.ofSreok :::::: All lOWllNlllll 1). Itimn 'H 27 sunu. su". .v".".e4:t, A.11 ,..... 7 pt. neu !!! 14 neu, seu !.:;::: 17 Township 11, llane 31 4 8 8 17 26 .Il lam 1. 1, ... 1 1 1 14 rt. tJ "a n W , . NUNAVU. SEUNWU, SUSWU. S13U . ' Vl?i' T"nshlp 13, IlniiRo 31 ..10 ..12 . .15 ..17 . .18 ..21 SEU SWU swI SEU All . NEU 6 .30 SEU BU NHl SMV, SWU IN 111 'A. W6 HiiQii TowM"IP nnnKe 31 V.'T"73 -111 t NEU . 6 .14 .23 .23 ....30 .,..33 3 6 6 7 . 7 . 8 .10 3 ........... 1 ' """ SWU !l9 30 Tnivn .1,1 1 K T aii ... . .: '.:.: .... suseu' .vtf.:. nil V.7? a J 7 All , 4 ..19 ..30 .31 Township 8,"riir'e 34 ,?'AStt '"..12 Y&Tseu ..12 ..26 ..33 100.37 16.03 69.63 21.47 23.94 20.24 10.09 10.09 7.10 28.40 24.80 21.61 3.21 .11.70 32.60 6.37 6.37 342 3.42 30.36 6.37 6,02 3,43 21.31 y 5159 9.15 30.26 3.06 f92 3l06 6.60 11;26 7.71 2C 00 22.74 22.74 0.90 6.90 6.90 12.19 25.99 28.39 59.46 97.68 10.37 31.58 19.44 4.68 18.88 21.52a 20.48 179.45 35.74 50.67 14.56 20.76 19.10 24.86 26,96 112.43 62.11S, 23.57 18.14 18.21 17.91 21.50 6.18 24.75 12.21 1.99 10.68 6.18 5.75 7.55 6.24 8.18 5.79 49.40 3.85 4.72 9.26 9.26 5.58 5.58 5.58 6.25 4.31 25.63 7.53 16.61 11.03 13.35 6.25 11.56 12.32 6.26 6.26 6.26 .10.88 32.05 14.36 7.27 10.23 24.69 29.96 30.51 .22.83 21.52 23.82 21.95 52.03 6.54 24.70 35.88 18.20 19.65 2S.43 19.93 35.11 13.60 8.25 27.28 ' 30.20 27.28 52.56 45.64 28.18 148.62 264.28 144.81 55.29 193.56 219.94 8.30 19.53 5.29 25.86 6.64 1S.77 23.43 25.S6 7.86 25.86 14.64 20.62 27.30 9.23 13.34 26.41 9.05 7.59 9.93 29.97 7.56 13.77 25.37 40.97 51.73 15.56 14.'i0 30.03 38.04 .61.26 - I 8.74 .24.92 11.81 . 6.31 12,69 18.80 'f 6.31 12.39 16.38 .79 378.77 16.43 31.63 6.93 24.30 18.32 24. SO 18.82 6.31 32.80 24.92 V )