THE 8EMLWEEKLY TRIBUNE, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. GAVE UP HOPE Often Wished For Death to End Her Misery. Doan's Effected a Complete and Lasting Recovery. "I was helpless with kidney trou ble," snys Mrs. Ellen Jnnls, 1404 N. Third St., St. Chnrles, Mo., "nnd be- gnn to think my enso wus beyond the rench of medicine. Tho pnlnlnl my uncle laid me up In bed nnd It seemed ns If my back had been crushed. I couldn't sleep and was so nervous I was nlmost frantic. "Flashes of lire before my eyes nnd the pains In my head were terrible. My sight was affected nin.jani nnd there were large, puffy spots beneath my eyes. "How I suffered when passing the kidney secretions I I screnmed In agony nnd I often wished I might die nnd bo out of misery. I hnd night sweats nnd mornings on get ting up I was so weak and numb I could hardly stnnd up. I grew so pale and cmnclated I looked Uko death. Doan's Kidney Pills cured mo completely and I have been ns well and healthy since as any woman of my nge." Get Dou'i at Any Store, 60c a Box DOAN'S KPTLNxfsY FOSTER-MILBURN CO- BUFFALO, N. Y. A Wise Orang-Outang. Prof. William T. Homndny, tho noted animal preceptor, cites this In stance of npe sagacity: "I once became quite chummy with nn untrained, caged, mcnngerlo orang outang by the nnmo of Dohong. lie was n son of the Jungle nnd Intensely concerned In matters that cumo Into ids narrow life. All thnt ho learned outside of bis Inherited Instincts he learned himself. His cage contained a number of horizontal bars attached f to brackets on which he took consid erable solemn exercise. One day he concluded that the bars ought to come down. Bracing his feet against the solid wall of the cage, he pulled every bar from Its fastening and flung It on the lloor. Larger bars were substi tuted, which the npe vnlnly tried to remove. After straining his back In this futile effort, he walked up nnd down In his cage nnd was apparently Intently studying the sltuntlon. Event ually ho procured the crossbur of his trapeze and using It for n lever, ho not only pried every horizontal bar from Its brackets, but he likewise pried tho Iron bars of his cage npnrt so thnt he could stick his head through the opening nnd satisfy his curiosity regarding his neighbor in the adjoining cnga." Compliments of the Day. Soldiers have to do their own mend Ing, when it is done at all, and It ap pears although few persons would have guessed it that tho thoughtful war oillce supplies them with outfits for thnt purpose. Otherwise, this Joke would be Impossible. Everything was ready for kit in spection; the recruits stood lined up ready for tho oliiccr, nnd the olllcer had his hnd temper all complete. He marched up and down tho line, grimly eyeing each mnn's bundle of needles and soft sonp, nnd then he singled out Private MncTootlo as the man who was to receive his attentions. "Toothbrush?" ho roared. "Yes, sir." "Razor?" "Yes, sir." "Hold-all?" "Yes, sir." "Huh I You're nil right, apparently, jjrowled the ofilcer. Then he barked, "Housewife?" "O, very well, thank you," said the recruit, amiably; "linw's yours?" Journal of the American Medical As soclntlon. Enemy Precautions. "What did Bill do when you told him yon wanted hlin to dance at the ger man?" "Ho took French leave." A uoot Cause. The man wlio would rather be pop ular than right usunlly winds up by being neither. POSTUM has been adopted as the table beverage in many a home be cause of its pleasing flavor and healthful nature THE KITCHEN CABINET It's everybody's business, In this old world of ours. To root up all tho weeds ho finds, And make room for tho flowers. So that evciy little garden No matter where It lies. May look Uko that which God once mado, And called It Paradise. CANNING AND PICKLING. Tomntoes nnd corn nre two- of our fnll vegetnhles thnt we never seem to have too much of to put Into the cel lars. Drying corn Is one of the easi est ways of pre serving It, and Is more general ly liked when dried quickly tlinn even well canned corn. Pull tho ears, husk and silk nnd drop i Into boiling water for Ave minutes, re- j move from the boiling water and dip Into cold water, drain nnd pull from the cob nnd place In the drying pans, or plnce in Jars, adding salt brine, using a teaspoonful of salt to a pint of boiling water, to 1111 the Jars to over flowing. Senl tho Jurs tight, thou turn back half an Inch, plnce on a rack in u boiler or other receptacle, cover to tho depth of nn Inch over the top of the tullest Jnr nnd cook three hours for n quart, three hours nnd n half for u two-quart Jar. Seal on being taken from tho boiler. Can or dry nil vegetables or fruits as quickly as possible after picking. The slogan today is "An hour from the gar den to the can." If prime foods are thus cared for they will be superior when opened In the winter. Tomato Canning. Select firm, ripe, uniformly red tomatoes for canning, of small size to slip whole into the Jar. Cover with boiling water until the skins crack, dip quickly into cold wa ter, drain and peel, using care to re move the hard green steiii end and not to break Into tho seed sacks and lose the Juice. Pack into sterilized jars nnd 1111 with, tomato Juice, without n drop of wnterl ndd n little salt, half a teaspoonful to each quart, and seal as for other vegetables. Cover in the holler with boiling water and cook a half-hour. Bemove nnd senl tightly at once. Good rubbers, If the Jnrs are not sealed too tight, will pass through the three hours' cooking of corn with out stretching or looping out from un der the cover. If this should occur, re move the rubber, replace with another, dipped In hot water, and put back to boll again for a few minutes to be sure the vegetable has been well sterilized. We nro asked not to allow anything to go to waste; If wo do not need It, It may be placed In reserve for those who do, ns there surely will be many As plants convert tho minerals Into food for animals, so each man converts some raw material In nuture to human use. Emerson. ' DISHES WITH CONDENSED MILK. Condensed milk Is a great conveni ence nnd n supply may be kept for nny emergency. Banana Ice Cream. Tnke two pint cans of condensed milk, one qunrt of wnter, one nnd one-hnlf cupfuls of sugar, six bonnnns and the strained Juice of hnlf a lemon. Peel nnd wash the banauns, add the sugar and lemon julco and bent to a smooth paste. Dilute the milk with the wnter and combine with the other Ingredi ents. Freeze as usual. Lemon Sherbet. Strain the Juice of three large lemons, ndd one nnd one hnlf cupfuls of sugar, one enn of con densed milk diluted with water, stir until the sugar is dissolved and fold In the benten whites of two eggs. Freeze. Spoon Bread. Tnke four tnblespoon fuls of condensed milk, one cupful of boiling wnter, one cupful of cornmenl, two tnblespoonfuls of butter, one tabic spoonful of sugar and one tablespoon ful of Hour, three tenspoonfuls of bak ing powder, n half teaspoonful of salt and two eggs. Mix the common!, flour, salt and baking powder together, sift ing well. Dilute tho milk with tho wnter nnd ndd the melted butter. Bent the eggs, separating the yolks and whites. Add the yolks to the liquid mixture and combine tho dry Ingredi ents. Lastly fold In the beaten whites. Bake In n greased pan 110 minutes. Creamed Lima Beans. Cook the beans until tender In salted wnter, using ns little water us possible. When tender add two tablespoonfuls of con densed milk, two tnblespoonfuls of wa ter, n dnsli of paprika and a tablespoon ful of butter. Servo hot. Condensed milk with water may with various vegetable seasonings bo con verted Into n cream of anything, soup In a short while. There aro some of the condensed milks which will whip nnd mny thus he used ns whipped cream for gar nishes or for pudding snuces. If the flnvor Is at all objcctlonnbie, It may bo disguised by adding a strong flavor of orange or other flavors of strength. Condensed milk mny bo combined with vnrious fruit Juices nnd pulps, making most delicious frozen dishes. The soups from canned fruit are esjv rlally nice used with this milk us they usually have a high ilnvor of their own which overcomes nnv of the flavor of the milk. The world will turn aside to let any one pass who knows where ho Is Kolng. David Starr Jordan. COOLING DRINKS. These are nlwnys In senson and u vnrlety to choose from when entertuln Ing Is nn advantage. Laureate Mint Punch. Put Into a punch bowl two cupfuls of sugar, the juice of a dozen lemons, nnd thinly sliced por tions of six lemons. Set aside to chill. When ready to servo add four cupfuls of chipped Ice and a cupful of mint leaves or sprays of mint, ndd four bottles of ginger ale, stir well nnd serve. Chiffonade Tea Punch. Make four cupfuls of strong tea, let It cool, then ndd to It the juice uf six lemons nnd one pineapple cut In fine pieces, one pound of cherries, cooked, one cupful of granulated sugnr. Stir until the sugnr Is dissolved. Add u qunrt of car bonated water. Pour into n glass pitch er, put a sprig of fresh mint on the top nnd pour Into glasses half filled with chipped Ice. Serve with soft cookies. Iced Turkish Coffee. Prepnro a quart of elenr black coffee nnd while still hot stir In three yolks of eggs well benten Into two cupfuls of boiling hot milk. Cook over hot wnter until thick, using enro not to curdle the egg, sweeten to tnstc jnd when cold ndd the stiffly benten whites and one cun- ful of firmly napped cream. Serve with straws lj chilled glasses, adding n teaspoonful of cracked Ice to each, garnish with a small pyramid of whipped crensa wlC n cherry on top of the cream. Chocolate Sirup. Put six heaping tnblespoonfuls of graled chocolate Into a saucepan over the fire, add two ciy fuls of boiling water; simmer slowly nnd stir occasionally until the choco late is dissolved, l!en add four cup fuls of granulated sugar and stir until the sugar Is dissolved, then simmer for five minutes. Strain and ndd two tea spoonfuls of vnnilla and pour into bot tles nnd senl. When ready to serve al low three-quarters of a cupful of cold milk and two tnblespoonfuls of the sirup for each glass required. Put the Ingredients Into a large mason jnr. well covered, and shake well for threo minutes, pour Into chilled tumblers and garnish with whipped cream. It Is tho best bIbh of a Brent nature that It opens a foreground, and like tho breath of morning landscapes. In vites onward. Emerson. FROZEN DISHES. The following nro a few recipes of Ice crenms which will be a little out out of the ordinary Frozen Peaches Take two quarts of peaches, one qunrt of water and three cupfuls ol sugnr. Pure, stone a n d m a s li tli c peaches. Add sis broken peach ker nels to the sugar und water, and boll live minutes. Strain nnd when coo) ndd to the peaches nnd freeze. Plctachlo Cream and Peaches. Cooh together n pint of milk, one table spoonful of flour niid-on cupful ol sugar In a double bolter fifteen minutes, then add a beaten eg and cook until it is set. Cool, ndd n pint of cream, one tnblespoonful of vanilla and one teaspoonful of almond and green coloring to that. Freeze und serve with fresh-chilled sliced peaches Junket Ice Cream. Take a quart of luke-warm milk, one cupful of cream one and n quarter cupfuls of sugar, one-eighth of a teaspoonful of salt, om and a half rennet tablets dissolved In one tnblespoonful of cold water, flavor with n tubleswoonful of vanilla. Mix In the order given, pour into u dish and let stand In a warm plaeo to set, then freeze in a small freezer, mold nnd pack In Ice und salt. When serv ing, garnish with sliced peaches. Fig Ice Cream. Soak two pounds of figs over night. Put through n meat chopper, cover with boiling wafer and bring to the boiling point. Take a quart of milk, one pint of cream, one and u half cupfuls of sugar, boll, add to tho figs, cool und flavor with any desired flavoring. Blackberry Sherbet. Strain the Juice from u qunrt of preserved bind: berries, ndd hnlf iih much water ns Juice, nnd sugnr If not sweet enough. Add a tnblespoonful of lemon Juice. Freeze to a mush, then ndd the whites of two eggs beaten stiff und freeze hard. Grape Juice, raspberry or any fruit Julco may be treated in this snmo way. So It Seems. "Women nro not very strong phys ically." "So they say. Yet a woman con put tho lid on n Jar of fruit so thut n Her cules can hardly get It off." kansas City Journal. I WHEAT Honors for Western Canada Come Year After Year. At tho recent Soil Products Exposi tion at Peoria, 111., In a keen contest for tho coveted first prize for whent, Western Canada has again carried off all tho honors. Not only has she won the first, but also the second nnd third prizes. These were won by Mr. S. Lnr combe, of Blrtle, Mnnltohn. In past yenrs tho Province of Saskatchewan had the distinguished honor of carry ing oft the Initial prize. Harvesting and threshing nre now completed In Western Canada, nnd while It Is enrly in the senson to give exact figures ns to tho nvernge yield per ncre of whent, outs, barley and flax it Is safe to assume that tho for mer will yield about 20 bushels per ncre. Tho price to tho farmer will bo about $2.00 per bushel, giving him $40.00 an ncre of n return. When It Is considered thnt tho lnnd upon which this whent Is grown nvernged less than $30 an ncre, It takes very little figur ing to arrive ntnn estimate of the profit there is to the grain grower of Western Canada. Tho writer knows where a farmer purchased 100 ncres of land In tho spring of 1010, broke It up the snme year, put It In whent In 1017. His crop wns harvested a few days ago. It yielded 4,800 bushels nnd ho sold It nt $2.05 per bushel, giving him $0,840. The lnnd cost him $4,800, breaking, seeding, seed, cutting nnd threshing, $1,020. Ills profit wns $3,120 nfter paying for his land nnd his costs of improving. He hns now $3,120 to commence another senson with n "paid for In full" Improved farm. Never has farming offered such prof itable returns for lnbor as at present nnd nowhere Is tho largo profit equal to thnt of the low priced, high yielding Innds of Western Canada. There bos been a big rush during the pnst few weeks of renters and owners of high priced lands in many pnrts of tho United States to Investi gate those 100 proflt reports. No better senson of tho yenr could bo selected by anyone desiring to better their condition and wishing to glvo Western Cnnada the "once over." Threshing Is now completed nnd tho grain being marketed. The weather Ih, fine nnd will be pleasant for u couple of months nnd n visit now to person nlly investigate tho conditions will bo convincing and profitable. While old home ties and family associations nre one of the first considerations In tho mind of the render, who feels that the old five or ten per cent return Is sufllclcnt, It behooves tho modern nnd progressive fnrmcr ulwnys to be on the alert to grasp tho opportunities of the hour. Lnnd In Western Cannda that Is annually producing n gross re turn of from $40.00 to $80.00 per acre Is purchasable at from $15 to $30 per acre. It can bo seen at a glance that such values cannot help hut Increase ns they have done in the older agricul tural districts of the United States. The new settler will find himself sur rounded by same contented nnd pros perous neighbors. The expense of mak ing one visit to look Into Western Can ada's opportunities Is small n special reduced rate Is available and you owe yourself a holldny aud a trip mny do you good. You owo your dependents n right to better your condition and Western Cnnnda offers that opportu nity. Advertisement. Liquor Control in Bermuda. Consul Carl U. Loop of Hamilton, re ports that the Bcrmudn legislature lias passed a law whereby "during the con tinuance of the present war tho snlo or supply of Intoxicating liquor In all clubs and licensed premises Is prohib ited between the hours of nine o'clock at night and nine o'clock on the fol lowing morning." How's This? TVe offer $100.00 for tiny ciiro of catarrh tliat cannot bo cured by HALL'S CA VAHItH MISDICINI3. HALL'H CATAIIKH MI2D1C1NH Ih taken Internally nnd actN lirotiKli tho lllood on tho Mucoua bur facoH of tlio SyHtom. Sclil by drtiKKlstH for over forty years. Price 7Go. Testimonials freo. V. J. Chcnoy &, Co Toledo, Ohio. When to Keep Still. Nothing in the world adds weight to n man's words so much as keeping still when ho has nothing to say. We meet some people with pleas ure and part from them with satis faction. Every woman in Cologne, Ormnny Is forced to work. Colorless Or Palf FarfS n condition which will be greatly Fi Ciastipatl!i i Carter's little Liver Pais ( to the ) I Right J VHealthiesyKr JIYiFlS Ovor Night j Gsnulnt) - Small Pill : I Colnrlefift Or Pall Fa r R H,u"u.y Indicate tho absence of Iron In K A GUARANTEED REMEDY FOR roar komit mix wt nitrrxriin bj yonr drnirglit wlitioiitsnj qnntioii If this retiirdrdoM nntbrnrflt CTrrrcajnnf A Kill tun, llrnttrlilitl Aattinin. liny Fever or DlflloiilL llrrnthtntf No muter buff violent the attack ol obstinate tha caso ADR. R. SGHIFFMAHII'S V STHMADOn In either form (Clnrrlte. l'lpe Milium or rowdtr) positively glim INSTANT HHMHK In everr cue and has permanently cured thousands nbo had bren considered Incurable, after having tried every other means of relief In vain. 8onrera aro a Honied an opportunity of availing themselves of this " Money Mark" guarantee oiler as through parchaslnu from their own regular Druggist, they are sure their money will be refunded by him If the remedy falls. Jou will be the sole Judge as to whether you are benefited and will set your money back If you are not, We do not know of any fairer proposition which weoould make. R. Schlllmann Co., Proprietors, SI. Paul, Minn. Bono Surgery Marvels. A reserve olllcer in tho United States medical corps who recently re turned from Great Britain is loud In his praises of tho work In bone sur gery being done in British hospitals. Ho says: "They can take a rib from n mnn nnd uso It to replace a crushed bono In his arm. Patients who in earlier times would have been consid ered permanently disabled are now fixed up In n few weeks so that they can go back to t))0 front. In n single month, in ono hospital, wo had 1,350 bono cases, and 1,000 of them were ready nt the end of tho month to go back and fight again." Quite Appropriate Motion. "Thrones aro rocking those dnys." "Quite right, too. A rocking throne Is the cradle of liberty." Need to Be Nagged. If we were n woman nnd hnd to live with some men we know we'd nag them, too. Ono can't nlwnys Judge a woman's tnnntc truthfulness ly what sho snys. Pride Is tho thing a uses to point with. political orntor EATMMFR'Si In One Pound of 2SMii Itetl E2 Corn Crackers you get 1 862 calories of food value in tasty, appetizing and nourishing form. Just compare this value with that of any other ready-to eat food sold at 1 6c to 1 8r. per lb. You'll find that you get full moncu's worth in 1TEN CORN CRACKERS. Try this splendid new food now. Your grocer has 1TEN CORN CRACKERS or can get them for you quickly. G-O-O-D EATING from iirgt to last bite. Nebraska Directory otel Castle 632 S. 16th Street Omaha, Neb. New, absolutely fireproof. 800 ROOMS With prtvnto toilet Jl.OOj with prlrato bath SI.&0. FREO A. CASTLE, Proprietor MID-WEST ELECTRIC CO. 1307 Ilarnny St. Omnlin, Neb. 701 Cherry Ht. lies Moines, lu. ELECTRICAL JOUDCRS Distributors for Oenoral Klec'rlo 0o. American lSlectrioC'o.rolpplionis; O. A. Wood i'reserrer Uo. Vf A good stock of nonoral suppllol, both cities Amateur Photographers! wic iiiivr.Loi'i: voun riii.u iMtui! Print to SMj8M, 3c each; 1frVi to 3MtK, lo each ; 3).i5!-i ulid punt curdy, So cacti, s- piioToaiiAPna copied -s THE ENSIGN FILM CO. 1607 Howard St. Omaha, Nab. Ldz Feed Grinders Easy Running SelS Sharpening Send for circular nnd prices. Sunderland Machinery & Supply Co. O in n ha usually Indlcato the absence of Iron in tlio blood, -i l t 7 r.i helped by barter Slm ' ,S IkawNtV' n Kirajnuuwill r r Nebraska Directory THE PAXTON Rooms from tl.00 up single, 78 centii up double. CAFE, PRICES KEASONAOLB VAN ARNAM DRESS PLEATIKB & BUTTON CO. 338.7 Paxton Block Omaha, Neb. Accordion, knife. Ride, space, box. HUtiburnt And combination pleat ing, nemntncninir, picot eiiitinaj, pi n k I n r, ru ch I n vert n r but ton a, all styles and sixes. Price Lht Pres. REPAIRS Ploaoo order through your poorest donlor. Qulokshlpmontsourhobby. OMAHA STOVE REPAIR WORKS. OMAHA, NEB. PLEATING Done promptly. BUTTONS Free price list. CREAM WANTED Market vonr cream whom 1 1 will not von tlm most mnnov The l'lilrnumt Oroamory Company offers you the benefit of Ita thirty' tour fears nt. perlenre. llr ahlDDlnff ronrcream to this conrtiiiv ,yon will receWe fall market Taluo In payment; your check will be sent yon datm you will tare ex press charges and your cans will bo retained mora promptly. Tbey guarantee to net yon from too to II. CO mora per can for your cream than yon can get by at home. Hhlptothn nearest Nebraska fac tory, rstttriss ars Utsltd si Outs, Cral a Onti Irisaa. GOLD. SILVER and NICKEL PLATING lauionnio nuu biivui itkiu ujhuu uvn i ntw I . i.t.. i i rim, it...... ivaauuauio. un uui wuu imiau .daiui OMAHA PLATING COMPANY Established 1888. 70S S. 18th St, Omaha, Nak Hess & Swoboda FLORISTS Special attention to ontstda orders for floral designs by mall or oxnress. Quick serrlco 1415 FAUNA SI ST., OMAHA, NEllltABICA FILMS DEVELOPED FREE Whan Prints Ar Ordered Prints 2 WxStt, 3 cents; 2Hx4M, 4 cents postal card alac, 0 cents, postpaid. Beaton Photo Supply Co. 1 Btli & Farnam Sts. Omaha. NW INTEREST PAID You on all Savings Wo ul bo loan money on dwellings and business property. Incorporated In ISU3. Wrltn or call on us. Under HUpcrvUlon of Btato Uauklnir Dept. BANKERS' SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION I SOS fnrnnm SU Omaha, Neb. Frank Svoboda MONUMENTS For Fuctory Prices 1210-31 So. 13th Street. OMAHA, NED. DOCTORS MACH & MACH DENTISTS 3rd Floor PAXTON DLOCK. lClhand ftrnatn Sts.. OMAHA, llcst ciiulpped Dental tllces In Omaha, flonnanahlo Prion a. Special discount to all peoplo living outwldo of Oinaba, Motel Loyal, Omaha Take Dodge Street Car From Stations ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF Pnf AoJ$l-00 up without bath. Ja.ULgo'I gjaso up wm, batn, Tho Ho tot With a Reputation R. n. BRYANT Proprietors O. E. CARMET BEST BUYERS"5ELLERS cattix nors.snEep STOCK YARDS-OMAIlAi t fy. ITh A Wf and supplies. Largest &Ur OAKw liouno hi tha nonu All ti I M I C EJI I H ft Bnstmun Roods. Wo pay re rilclOlllHU turn poHtnso on nnlslilngr. THE ROBERT DEMPSTER CO., 1013 Farnam Stroll Eattman Kodak Co. Omaha, Neb. : SPORTING GOODS Athletic Goods, Unsolmll, Tennis, Golf, Outing Clothing, Cnmpltig Supplies, Koduks, Flsliink Tnelcle. SEND FOR CATALOG. THR TOWNSEND GUN CO. 1014 Farnam St. OMAHA. NEB. FURS J&FkhzSEi W n H and want font for to supply oor ( Hi . ti na. fr poblitlitd. It's fr to 1ioiicr. l'vtirTraillsc ATsulniC., Dvk 18, Usui, A, It, Auto Electric Service Co. h formerly Struble A Anderson, Inc. .1 1 0 S. I Oth St. OMAHA. NED. Electric Starter Specialists ALL MAKES REPAIRED slWlflJHHWiTVfWi'ir IT PAYS TO DIRECT ALFALFA BUTTER CO,, OMAHA Ask us to put your name on our quotation list that you may cdmpare our prices with other CATTLE HOGS SHEEP FOR REAL SERVICE t-"--- . '- n i BOWLES ROOFING Gravel, Asbestos, Asphalt, Slate and Tilo Quotations on request NATIONAL ROOFING CO. 810-11 Wars Block OMAHA, NEB. Write, wire or phone WOOD BROTHERS OMAHA For correot quotations on live SlOCk. ESTAtih, J 18G7.