The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, October 12, 1917, Image 9
u. b. Mcdonald sale nearing the endi ratitade for the eenbki'sh wsama mmr wmm mmx v&m With u n mmmmm i m n mmm wm?m w If lit ! I Wens Fleeced j Boys j AfFOW I MeP N S $ Linen nclous ic wva tion an the Overwhelming Response at this Sale, we are pleased to an nounce increased preparations to meet the ouster Crash and Enthusiasm sure to be re peated today and tomorrowthe Final Two Days of the Absolute Closing Out of the of Men's and Buys Qothing, Sloes and Furnishings F4 tk ffl i ABU S m W AR1III s aararctay, uct. u, at m oeus F3 ie Mi jjeaoasfflasani BE A IN MIND. Bear in mind that all this various merchandise is well sized and well balanced in style and assortment. The selling ha been excessively heavy, but this has been counterbalanced n by the addition to the many stocks of many thousands of dollars worth of Fresh New Mer chandise we were unable to cancel, and which we have been forced to accept delivery of. If you have already been to this sale you MUST COME AGAIN. Hundreds of NEWER AND BIGGER BARGAINS, and plenty of people to wait on you. Don't let the last chance slip by. The cold weather will soon be here and we'll be gone. It may be 5 or 10 years before such a money saving opportunity will occur again. Take advantage of this splendid opportunity. 2-Piece Underwear SOc Values 39c 75c Values 59c 1 Values 65c JEEEEESKHSS 66 Boys Union 75c values 34c $1.00 values 60c 31.50 values 75c 51 11 Long Pants for Collars 2 for 2$ Cents (In every style) For sale by the dozei) 1 Mens Tailor Made i Mens Khaki I Mens Felt ' Mens "Staley's" I B m 1 B nfST 1 Pnri Wnnl 1 .1 ... Jl w . a . M KD V, 17 J3 I.I II iU d I . I B H M. . Shirts Pants lialS Under- wuIa Dark or light colors All ste for 8 ,o g3 in ey W68F J n m a iu epj in in h i r wt him m it . i ni jvh n b i.h m mm., m . nj w jb m acr y (5 m iffii s Blt 11 acoiorand- cab ii I ifr u to 34. iki n PI.JJB mm hs1 tDjL.UUl v ent 1 for tiA. B S f! 1 I 1 Long Pnnts for Boys in sizes 26 to 32 only values f - J H to $4 1 IS itetsosa" and "Mallory" New Fall Hats 20 Percent. Off Slaughter Prices on 9 unaerwea 1 lot $1.50 values 95c 1 lot $2.00 values $1.60 1 lot $3.50 values $2.40 Light, Medium or Heavy. Men's and Ladies' Dress and Automobile Gloves 20 per cent off Final Closing Prices on Hi IE Work Shoes of Style, Range, Character and Durability. Weyenburg's, Smith Wallace, Cogan's and other makes jW ffB)5 i A Clean Sweep of 9 IPJ Such Makes as Selz, Ralstons, and Fellowcraft. All $5, $6 and $7 values going now for $2 8 5 Young Mens "Monarch" $1.50 B Mens $15 to $20 I Mens Dress Mens Canvas tills In sizes 28 to 34 only $3.97 values to $12.00 Men's Dress Shirts 9S cents With soft or hard fronts Overcoats Pants Gloves Final Closing Prices on Limited quantity only. We advise an early selection. $7.S5 extra special Every size in all the latest styles and weaves Gauntlet or Short Wrist Style and made with Leather Palms 20 per cent otf I 35c $1 Boys' Knicker Pants 49c 75c Kaynes Blouses 45c $1.50 Boys Wash Suits 79c 50c Boys Tweed Caps 24c 65c Boys Shirts 39c B $6 Boys School Suits $1.97 $6 Boys Overcoats $2.50 $3 Boys Sweaters $1.49 $3.50 Boys Jer. Sweater 2.35 $3 Boys Shoes $1.75 $1.50 Boys Felt Hats 75c $3.50 Boys Work Shoes 2.35 J. B. McDONAL HOME OF GOOD CLOTHES NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA I wcmiiiu Buryiw, jiifBoiuuu auvtm piu Kuiieruiiy uioa out wuu uio turca for tbo building. I of winter. npproaca nuum iuo uuiuu o wuua,