Ml ; m
Ji . iyl
Service Quality
$ . Harry Dixon ,& Son i
& Optometrists and Opticians o
I Satisfaction Guaranteed 1
A. D. Boas and family, living near
MoorofieCd, wero visitors in town yes
terday. Albert Muldoon will Icavo next week
on a duck hunting trip to the lakes
northwest of the city.
Mrs. T. Hanifin went to Hastings
yesterday where she will visit relatives
for a week or longe-r.
Harry Fleishman returner yesterday
morning from Omaha, where iie went
to attend the funeral of Mrs. Fleish
man's mother.
W. H. McDonald spent several- days
ijir- Omahha this wook attending the
annual convention of the stato bank
ers' association.
Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Selby will leave
in a teouplo of weeks for southern Cal
ifornia to visit and may decide to lo
cate! permanently.
A dot Just arrived of children's coats
on sale at a saving to you of $1.00 to
$4.50 on any you buy at Thiel Leader
Mercantile Co.'s.
Mrs. E. R. Plummer returned Wed
nesday from a visit with relatives In
York. She "was accompanied home; by
her sister, Mrs. Weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wendeborn loft
yesterday for a visit with friends in
northwestern Iowa, expecting to bo
absent, Jjyo qr three weeks.
Mrs. Calender and daughter Ruby,
wno visueu Mr. ana Mrs. uass nor sev
eral days, left Wednesday for Tryon.
Miss Ruby had been hero taking medi
cal treatment.
Speed, powerv and extreme endur
ance are thle1 features of the Chandler
car. It will pay you to try out this
truly balanced cacr.
-J. V. ROMIGH, Dealer. 78-2
Loren Sturges and a number of oth
or'hunters returned Wednesday from
a weok's hunt on the lakes northwest
of Sutherland. They had splendid
shooting and returned with the lawful
limit of the birds.
J. C. Den, who had been duck hunt
ing at Three Mile Lako, stripped a
gear on his car and was compelled to
return to town to order repairs. These
came yesterday and ho wont back to
the lake to bring homo the car.
During tho Removal Sale at Block's
wo wilt havo somo special prices on
millinery in order to make room for
now goods nrrivlng for our opening
in tho new ctona.
C. T. Whelan has developed into a
real "workin' kid." Inability to find
a sufficient number of workmen to
build granorles and other buildings
on his farm southeast of town, Char
ley donned overalls rd for cn days
past has been putting fn ton hours a
day at real labor.
Tho only occupant of tho county
Viil at present is tho man McFarland,
who is charged with taking thirty-five
dollars from a Sutherland resident,
The principal witness against Mc
Farland has "stfoped" and theile is
somo question whether tho case will
ever come up for trial.
W. D. Fisher, formerly secretary of
tho Chamber of Commerce, spent part
of yesterday in town while enroute
from Kansas to Alliance. Ho goes to
Alliance to take tht secretaryship of
the Commercial Club on a three-year
contract, a position he held in that
city prior to coming to North Platte.
Yesterday was one of those blustery,
chiUly daya'tKat wjel occasionally have
duringtnho fall season. Russian this
ties, whjch wero a very prolific crop
this seasion, drifted with tho wind
from tho west and thia business sec
tion was full of them. Observer Shll
lings says wo will havo more pleasant
weather today and tomorrow.
If you are going to buy a suit any
time this season buy it now during
tho suit sale at Tho Leader Mercan
tile Co.'s. A new lot just in; such
suits as tho maker manufactured to
seJl to tho trade up to $20.50, on sale
at $10.85; another lot that was made
to scll up to $34.50 on sale at $22.90
Don't put off buying your suit.
Frank Barber, camo down from his
ranch at Lewollen Wednesday to seo
about getting a car to ship 20,000
pounds of hogs to tno Denyler mar
ket. This is tho sixth car of hogs of
his own raising Mr. Barber has ship
ped this fall, and ho has two more
cars to ship. On a former shipment
ho topped the Denver market with a
price of $19.50 iper nundred. Eight
cars of hogs represents somo money
these days and proves that Mr Bar
bcr is some hog grower.
Aro cortaln sections of western Ne
braska to becomo oil producing flolds?
Weill, not ,to a certainty, but oxporl-
oncod oil men intend to ascertain if
there is ol,in this section of tho stato
and aro willing to .rpond tholr good
money in making th'a accessary tests.
Tho Tribune has mado noto of tho
work that n subsidiary company of
tho Standard Oil Co. is doing In Ban-
nor county, and now come oxporlonccd
oil nwiji from Pittsburgh, Pa., and Cas
per, Wyo., and buy oil leases from tho
Btato on school land located in Fron
tier county, which adjoins Lincoln
county on tho south.
Those Heasos wore mado Tuesday of
this weok. Roswoll Johnson, of Pitts
burgh, bid $500 for a section lcaso and
In addtion gives tho state a royalty of
one-eighth of all oil that may bo
found on tho section.
I. T. Hannold, of tho Midwest Oil
Co., of Caspar, Wyo., a subsidiary of
tho Standard OH Co., also loused a
section on tho samo Perms, and two
other parties representing tho Midwest
Co. mado similar bids.
Tho peoplo making th'tke bids aro
not novices in tho oil game Uiey aro
oxporlonccd in prospecting and boring
for oil, and it Is not likely tlioy would
spend tholr good money prospecting If
they did not think tho prospects for
oil woro good.
It has been claimed for sVerni
yoars that tho formations under North
Platte aro similar to Uiose of tho Salt
Crock oil flold In Wyoming which pro
duces the highest test oil in the
United, States, If this is true, who
knows but that somo day this city may
becomo tho center of an oil producing
: :o: :
Less Wheat mil Moro Corn.
"Eat moro corn and less wheat," is
being urged by food conservationists,
and the plea should bo heeded. Corn
is moro plentiful than wleat, and on
tho whole it is a moro efficient food
You may not like corn, but you can
learn to liko it, and after you cdltivato
a hankering for it, you would not bo
without it 'even if it cost four times
as much as it docs. Tho man who
cats three or four slices of well-bak
ed "Johnny-cako" well spread with
maple syrup, jfeo'.s as though hid would
need nothing moro for thirty-six
hours. If you don't believo it ask
Judge Grimes, who was raised in In
Saturday, Oct. 13th
Read Our
Large Circulars
Window Display.
Announce the Closing of their Store
All Day Friday in order to Mark
Down Goods and Arrange Stock.
The Final Removal Sale
Of Cloaks and Suits begins To-morrow
Pay dny on tlio first and fifteenth
Is your twlcc-n-monlh opportunity
to build u subst"ntinl foundation to
support that shining cnstlo of your
dreams your future financial success.
Develop your saving muscle. Each
tlmo you take toll of your earnings and
spcmllngs It becomes a lill'Jo easier to
save you grow inanitions to save
Let us ensh your checks,
safety SAVE FIRST.
And for
Platte Valley State Bank 1
North Platte, Nebraska.
Inquiries for Bonds.
At tho lccnl banks it is said that
thciro aro many inquiries for the sec
ond issue of tho Liberty bonds, and
many In the smaller denominations are
likely to bo sold. Many men bctlevo it
is a duty they owo their country to buy
thoso bonds, and in somo instances
mon havo borrowed monoy at seven
and eight per cent interest in order to
invest in these bonds which draw but
four per cent, but are not taxable.
These bonds at four per cent and non
taxable, are really as good asn slx-per
cent investment, for horo in North
Platte taxes are about two per cent.
Mrs. Clark Dies In Omnliu
Mrs. Lizzie Clark, who was taken to
Omaha several weeks ago for treat
ment, died there this week and tho
remains woro brought hero for intior
mont Wednesday evoning. Tho de
ceased was the daughtor of Mr. and
Mrs. Andy Walz, and was married
somo years ago to a man named
Clark, who disappeared after two
children had been born. Mrs. Clark's
constant appoal to tho physician was
that liter lifo bo saved that sho might
caro for her two children.
: :o: :
31111111!? 3Iun In Town.
J. H. Ward, representing tho Con
tral Butto Mining Co., of Douglas,
Ariz., of which A. II. Struthora, for
morly of this city is president, is In
town conforrlng with local stockhold
ers in tho company, of which tlioro
aro a largo number, principally rail
road mon. This organization was for
merly tho "Little Mary" company, but
under a ro-organizatlon tho namo wag
changed. Mr. Ward's mission horo is
to tellt ho stockholders Just what tho
tho property consists of and tho pres
ent prospects. MeoiIngs aro being
hold each afternoon at tho officio of
W. II. C. Woodliurst.
lr. Wiirtclc Leaves
Dr. F. J. Wurtolo, who was recently
appointed to tho mcdicacl corps of tho
federal sorvlco with rank of captain,
loft last night for Chicago whora ho
will report for duty. Whon Heaving
ho did not know whero ho would bo as
signed; ho may bo sent to Franco In
the near future. Tho Doctor received
his uniform Wodnosday, and donnod It
yesterday, giving him a natty appear
Wo regrot to havo Dr, Wurtolo leavo
North PlattX?. Ho is a vory ablo sur
geon and physician and has been vory
popular with nil classes of peoplo.
That his standlngas a surgeon and phy
sician is known, is attested by tho rank
given him, for thoro aro dozdns of
lieutenants commissioned In tho med
ical corps to whero thoro Is ono cap
Dr. Morrill, Dentist
W. M. Reedor, employed as a fire
man has moved his family from Max
woll to this city.
B. E. Woodruff and Thornton Dan
lols went to work this wook as flro
mon on tho Third district.
Firemen Jim Bookman and Pat
Naugliton havo passed tho engineers'
examination and aro now pulling tho
J. E. Joffrlcs, wha had boon conduct
ing a blacksmith shop on wost Front
strict, has closed tho shop and ac
cepted employment with tho Union Pa
cicflc. .0. W. Brandt, Union Pacific o'xamin
or on rules, arrived Wodnosday with
tho car of instruction and will remain
fori somo tlmo examining eiigln'd and
train men.
Conductor Busier, of tho Socond
district, accompanied by his wife,
ennk: up from Grand Island Wedncs
dajP and left on tho branch train for
tholr '"ranch, whero they wilt spend
"' I l-i -i v
At tho Spurrier farm clov.cn miles west
of North Platte. Winter apples and
late crab apples. Orders, taken for
ccdur. Phono 787F22. 77-2
Services of tho Church of Christ
for Lord's day, October 14th, as fol
lows: 9:45 a. m., biblo school, follow
ed by communion service and sicTmon ;
7:.'!0 p. im evening worship and ser
mon; theme, "Eternal Lifo." All aro
cordially Invited and strangers and
visitors in tho city aro kindly wel
come to attend these services. On
last Lord's morning tho Junior boys
who havo boon promoted from first to
socond year Juniors, necolved tholr
diplomas, and woro given special re
cognition. Next Lord's day is to bo
Teachers' Day. Tho teachers in all
departmiemts will havo chargo of tho
opening exorcises of tho schooC. Wo
had 209 in attendance last Lord's day
with a special offoring of $13.75.
T. A. LINDENMEYER, Minister.
Simon Bros, yestorday shipped a
(ircen Colonial furnaco to a point in
Oregon. The firm manufaicturlng this
furnaco aro supplying tho government
with 400 nt Ft. DesMolnos, and pel-is
short on filling orders askod Simon
Bros, to ship ono from their stock to
Sammy's Girls aro preparing a box
to send to Company E. Any donations
of enko, homo mado caiTdy, cookies or
Jollies will bo thankfully redeivod.
Sond donations to Mrs. Jack McGraw,
221 south Locust street, Wednesday,
Octobor 17th.
Mombors of tho Indian Knitting club
wore, tho guests of Mrs. C. M. Rey
nolds at Maxwell Wodnosday ovonlng
and passed several hours vory pleas
antly. Tho trip was mado In autos.
York Hlnman sold his property In
tho 500 block on west Sixth street a
fow days ago to Mrs. Clara Perry for a
consideration of $3,100 and tho fur
nishings for $500.
Regular meeting of tho Sammy Girls
club will bo h&d Monday ovening. Ar
rangomonts for sending Co. E'h box
will bo mado. Mr. Shlllng will glvo
tho. girls a talk.
Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Trotter woro
called, to Gothenburg Wednesday even
ing by tho serious illness of Mrs,
Trotter's mother.
Victor VonGoetz, of Portland, Oro.,
Is oxpocted to arrlvo next Monday for
a ten days' visit with his parents.
Reception for New Minister.
Tho members of tho North Platto
Church of Christ hold a rocoptlon for
tho purposo of welcoming tholr now
minlstor and his family to thd com
munity lifo of North Platto. This took
placo in tho auditorium and bnsomont
of tholr church building on Tuesday
night, Octobor 7th.
Mr. L. L. Zook, ono of 'tho eldors of
th(d church, presided nt his mooting.
Tho following program was rendored
to tho complete delight and satisfac
tion of all present:
piano solos, Bonnlo Murdock and
Ildlon Armstrong; vocal solo and on
corle, Miss White; wolcomo address on
bohalf of churches and ministers of
tho city, Rov. B. A. Cram; cn behalf
of tho bible school, J .II. VanCloavo;
on behalf of tho C. W. B. M., Mrs. L.
L. Zook; on behalf of tho ladfels' aid
society, Mrs. C. L.McGrow; on bohrflt
of tho circle girls, Miss Mildred Mc
Koown; on behalf of tho intormodintfeis,
Ruth McGrow; response on bohalf of
himself nnd family to all of theso ad
dresses, E!dor T. A. Llndenmoyor; vo
cal solo, Mrs. Dlmmlck; mixed quartette,
After the rondltlon of tho program
nil woro invited to tho basement whldro
the ladies of tho church 'starved vari
ous kinds of tho choicest of cakes and
coflleo. Tho ontiro program -was woll
rodercd, but tho address of Rov. Cram
desorves Bpipcinl iuontion for It exalted
the vnlluo of tho mlnlstors and church
es to tho community. Rov. .Hull, 6t
tho Baptist church, was nSso prcsonf
and Joined in thle1 welcome extended,
i o
M. E. Church
Sundav school at 9:45.
Preaching 11 a. m., thomo "Things
Settled In Heaven." ' 1 A '
EpwoTth Lcuguo 0:30,. p. m.
Evening sorvlco 7:30, tho thomo of
tho hour wfll bo "Tho Great Invest
ment." A cordial invitation is oxtonded to.
all. ';w
Prnykr mooting sorvlco Wodnosday
ovonlng at 7:30. u "
FOR SALE Five room house, mod
orn except heat; located nt 214 south
Ash. Phono Red 388. ' 727
Mr. nnd Mrs. G. S. Huffman, who
have boon spending tho past two or
throo wcoks at Excelslon Springs,
Kansas City and Bloomington, Nob.,
aro expected homo today.
isay WM Liorty Mi tad Toiay
ImstsMt Sit tk If orld
Our SONS and BROTHERS aro in tho trenches, 1
fighting for DEMOCRACY and LIBERTY.
They have given up all to fight for yon
They must ho fed they . must havo ammunition
thoy must havo clothes.
You cannot go to tho front you must furnish the
' A Liberty Gold Bond Will Help Do It
These Liherty Bonds aro the safest investment over
offered. They pay 4 per cent are tax-free find as good
us gold. A hond means a saving for tho future and that
much money loaned to your government.
Come Across If You Don't, the Kaiser Will
Any Bank Will Take Your Application Now
Tho Weight of War Has Disturbed
the Balance of Supply and Demand
When this na
tion entered tho
Avar, our entire
telephone system
was placed at tho
disposal of the
Unusual busi
ness activities in
cident to the war
havo further tax
ed our facilities.
Tho scarcity of materials for
repairs and now construction Is
bocoming a moro serious prob
lem for us with theso Increas
ing demands.
You can "do your bit" by making no
unnecessary local or long dlstnnco calls.