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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 12, 1917)
Don't wear this label "Past 40 years old" ' , nt.- t. -1 i 1. 3T ' , ine person wiiu iiuiuB uuun ur jjuijui y at arm's length, or the one who changes glasses for near vision; : Yli H"r betrays his age to all observing people. At about 40, Nature has so stiffened, the muscles and lenses of the eyes that glosses are needed for near work. Those wlio have worn glasses previously, often need bifocals at this period of life. Whatever your eye needs are, they will be best attended to at Clinton's. Consult our optometrist today. , CLINTON, Graduate Optician, At tho Sign or Uio Big IUng. 4 County Clork AHon -Was tho victim of an auto accident Tuosday, but as ho was bom under a .foicky star ho oscaped with but slight bruises. Ho had a busings mission in tho west part of the city anil hoppod into Commissioner Koch'd car which was standing at -the . court liousa Going west on Fourth ho aticinpted to turn tho corner of the Proabylorlan church, tho whools h'kldded and over went the car witirAUen' underneath, tho edge resting oh-hls, back. By considerable oxortion, liowevor, ho managed to ox tricatld himself and taking an. Inven tory of hhtibody from head to focH ho found a few minor brulsos, and" con gratulated himsolf that ho was alive to toll tho story to a few of his inti-i mato friends Tlua car suffered moro damago than did Mr. Alien. LOCAL AND PERSONAL Mrs. Frod Frodrickson visited friends in Grand Island this week. Educator Shoes for Children at "Wil cox Departmont Storo. Munslng Undorwcar, tho kind that is ollways satisfactory at Wilcox De partment Storo. Mrs. John Tlgho wont to Lexington "Wodnosday to vlBlt hletr daughter Mrs. Wilfred Stuart. Miss Edith DoWolf returned to ICear noy Wednesday after a visit with Miss Ellen, McCarthy. A lot of silk and crdpo waists, val- uos up to $5.50 on salo at $2.87 at fTho Lcador Morcantflo Co.'s. Chas. Soyferth, of Omaha, haB been visiting relatives and frionds in town tor a fow days past. J. G. Dcoldr roturnod Wednesday from Omaha whero ho had boon tran sacting legal business. E. L. Garrison loft Tuocday night Xor Colorado whoro ho will spend tho winter Svlth his daughtor. ' - Mrs.. W. II. C. Woodhurst will go to Keamoy today to visit her sister Mrs. CJaronco Tollofscn for a fow days. Mrs. Holmond, of Oakland, Cal., ia a guost at tho Soobergor homo, having arrived tho early part of this weok. Mrs. John Ilerrod has roturnod from a visit with hor daughter Mrs. McFad den on Uio ranch north of l'axton. -Miss Horotla Murphy will attend tho meeting of tho stato librarians which will behold in Ktornoy noxt weok. Win, Norris rteturnod to Allinnco Tuosday night after visiting his moth er, Mrs. I Norris, for a fow days. Special lot of waists Just arrived, valuosu'p to $1.05, on salo at 87c nt Tho Loador Morcantllo CoI'b. Lots of waist bargains. Mrs. yf. Storo, who had boon visiting relatives in Hastings for throo wooks, roturned home tlifo early part of this wpok. Itov.jjHiirman wjant to Omaha Tues day Zoning to mako preliminary ar rangonionts for moving his family to that city. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Haydcn, Mr, and MrB. Walkor KoHy and Mrs. Koontz, nil of Wallaco, vfero visltorB in town Tuosday. Mr and Mrs Hortcm, Mungor, who had boon vifllting ln Omaha and Fromont for two wooks, roturntod homo Uila morning, Miss Lillian Boyotte, who had been Uia gucBt of Miss B'.la Stcgeman for n week or moro, left today for hor home ln Gothenburg. County Clork Allen was called to Omaha Wednesday by tho death of his aunt. Ills mother preceded him to that city on tho noon train. Mr. and Mrs. John WiKorton and daughtor, of Mitcholl, South Dakota, aro horo visiting the formor's brothers Grover and Cllw Wlllerton. At a congregational mooting of tho Prosbytorlan Churcli E. N. Oglcr was olectod trustee to succeed Byron B. OUoTst, who is in army sorvico. For saTA", or will trado for cattle, my rosldcnco on oast Second street. Writo D. W. Mccombcr, North Platte, or phono 790F14. 78tf M. E. Crosby has leontractod to pur chase' Uio Presbyterian Manso. for a consideration of $2,800. Ho wlH rcmod el tho houso and occupy it as a homo, Miss Hazel Koaton, of AlCIanco, who camo horo to visit hor aistor Mrs. Glen Millor, has accepted a position in tho dry goods department of tho Tramp stoiW. During tho Removal Salo at Block's wo will havo somo special prices on mllllnory In ordor to mako room for now goods arriving for our opening in tho now stona. AltVILLA WIIITTAKEIt MomborB of tW J. F. F, Club 'woro ploasantly entertained Tuosday after noon by Mrs. Edwin Barractough, In tho card games first prizo wont to Mrs John McDonald,. Kceond prlzo to Mrs Edward Jtobhauson and Mrs Thoodoro Lowo and MrB. Russoll Wyman rocolv od tho guost prizes. Tho real drlvo for tho salo of Llborty Bonds ln Lincoln county will bogli noxt week. Tho quota of tho bonds an portioned to LinctiOn county is $50,000 and it is thought not much difficulty win bo Cxporloncod ln securing sub Bcrlptlona In this amount,; Thos. Healoy and Josste Edwards havo Jointly purchased of Mrs. Geo. G McKay tho vacant lot adjoining her ro sldonco on west Fifth Btroot It 1b tho intontlon of tho purchasers to orect i domblo dwolllng with a drlvoway bo twoon nnd occupy it nB thoir homes. Mrs. Edwina Schatz, of Omaha, has boon spondlng this weok In town as tho guost of hot son Albert and family Mrs. Mlnnio Kahlor and Miss Blaucho Smallwood aro among tlioso who will attond tho Btato convention of tho IU bokali Dogroo at Lincoln noxt weok. CATTLE PRODUCTION It is one of the most essential factors to day. y The cattle raisers is a national asset at this time, and the McDonald State Bank is ready to aid him by loaning him money on his cattle, at lowest rates of interest. We therefore invite cattle raisers of Lin coln County to avail themselves of our facil ities. We are always ready to talk things over with you. McDonald State Bank. CAU imiVKN BY COUNTY . I'LKIIK ALLEN TURNS TtfltTJjKij NEWS FItOM THE BOYS NOW I B0WN AT CAM IT CODY. -05 2- PATRIOTIC MEETINGS. Tho Lincoln County Council of De fenso will hold n series of Patriotic meetings as foiowa: I Platto Valley School House, October 15th, 8 P. M. Horshoy, Tuosday, October lGth, 8 P. M. Suthorland, Wednesday' Octobor 17th, 8 P. M. Maxwoll, Thursday, Octobor 18th, 8 P. M. Brady, Friday, Octobor 19th, 8 P. M. Wollflloet, Saturday, October 20th, Ono P. M.. Dickons, Saturday, Octobor 20th, 4 P. M. Wallaco, Saturday, Octobor 20th, 8 P. M Spoakors will bo in att)endanco and discuss Uio Great World War of Auto cracy against Democracy. Every one Is cordially invited to attond thtso mootinga. Loccal committees aro requested to accuro places for tho meetings nnd ar range for somo patriotic singing. County Dofonso Council, By T. C. Pattorson, Chairman. ::o:i Show l'coplo Hiito Suit. In tho county court Tuesday Jessio Wright obtained a Judgmont for thirty flvo dollars against John H. Prosper, and tho latter took an appeal to thd district court. Tho defendant cori- duetje'd ono of tho shows playing dur ing tho county lair and tho plaintiff was in his employ, Under an oral contrnct th!o defendant was to pay plaintiff fifty dollars whon tho season closod In ordor that sho might got back to Salt Lnko. Tho season Closed horo and tho monoy was demanded; which the dofendant refused to pay, Tho ovitlenco showed that Jessio had boon paid $15 and tliiei court rendered iudgmont for tho reiriatnlng $35. - to: :- FOR SALE. (I ua run teed Used Cars.' 1 Dodgo Touring car. 1915 Ford Touring. ioiC Baby Grand Chevrolet Touring. Roasonablo prices If you act dulcU.y J. V. ROMIGH GARAGE. ::o:: Funeral of Win. Sweeney Tho romnlns of Willlnm Sweeney, whb dlod at Minneapolis last Satur day, arrived hero Wednesday oven lng accompanied by Mrs. John N. Bak er and daughtor Jessio, who hnd gono to tho northorn city for tho purpose of bringing tho body hero for intor mont. Tho remains woro met at tho dopot by an escort of Elks, of which organization tho dodehsed was a mem ber, and a delegation of Elka also at tended tho funoral which was hold at tho J. N. Bakor rcsldondd yesterday nftornoon. Tito sorvlcea nt tho houso wcro con ducted by Rov. Jones, of tho Eplsco'pal church, and nt tho grave tho Masonic funornl ritual was used, mombors of that organization boing in nttondanco. Tho decoasod was a son of Mrs. Nicholna Klloln and a brothor of Mra. Bakor and Mrs. W. C. Eldor. Ho was n flnlshod musician and for many years wna dlroctor of tho Cody Wild Wost Bhow band. (By Byron B. Oborst) ' ' Camp Cody, N. M., Oct 6, 1917. .My lottor la a littlo Cato this week, bfat this Is caused by tho fact that our roglmont changed its location during tho last wurok and we havo boon busy getting settled. -Ab you aro probably aware tht Ne braska brjgado has been broken up and tho Fifth Nebraska haa been changed to the 134th U. S. Infantry, havo boon brigaded without First jcj.wa anu wo an nopo mat mis mui cntoa that wo will soon seo active ser vice, f-Tho Fourth Nebraska has been changed from Infantry to heavy ar tillery and tho Sixth Nebraska has been divided among several different branchos of tho servlc. Ono weok ago yestorday General Harrlea rovite'wed tho full Nebras ka brlgado as a kind of farewell to it as a unit Thore wcro about 5,600 troops in lino and It was a pretty Bight as' wo marchfcd past tho General in columns of companies. It was cer talnly inspiring to seo so many loyal Nebraskans assembled together to bo trained for Uio defonso of our bte'loved country. It mado tone feol proud In deed that our stato had been so genor pua in hidr anawor to our President's Ciill. Wodnosday morning our regiment broke camp at its former location and propared to movo to its now camp. Tho results of dslciplino and training wero clearly apparent in thW rapidity with which tour tojits -woro struck an& everything was packed for movement It is no small feat to movo nearly 2,000 men, but It was accomplished without a hitch. Tho men marched to tho new location and our tents and baggage woro moved on auto trucks. By three o'clock ln tho afternoon our tonts were set up In our now camp about ono and ono-half mW?a cast M our former lo cation. Wo aro now ' located H the Ve'ry odgo of Doming and It Is very convenient for th'oso of us who wish to visit tho town. Friday morning we received our sec ond lnnoculatlon since coming hero. Beyond a few sore arm8 this produced no ill effects and we aro now aU feol Ing O. K. again. On Friday mornings at 11 o'clock all our tents must bo furled. This con sists of loosonlng i:i tho ropes and wrapping tho tont noatly around tne center polo. Tho polo Is supported in its upright position by the ropos on tho small cap covering the opening In tho top. When the tents aro all furltd tho camp presents an unusuoll appear ance, as It greatly resfemblos a series of rows of palm trees -without any leaves on Uio trunks oxcept right at Thb top. Thoro havo boon sonue changes In the company since leaving North Platto, as some of tho boys havo been ;ransforrod to otliier branches of tho sorvico. Thon during tho doming wook wo expect to rocclvo our new mon and that mlstins that wo must havo moro officers. I should bo blo to toK you something nbout It in my noxt lettor. In closing will statte that wo aro all healthy and working hard and that although most of us got homesick at tlmos, wj content ourselves with the thought that wo aro helping our coun try. ::o: For Snlo. Throo Uvo room housofl, closo in. Ill smith, 004 oast Sixth Btroot. 73-7 : :o: : Mrs. M. E. Watts, who had boon vis itlng hor son Iko nnd family nt Corn Ing, Iowa, roturn(ed homo this mom ing. Jandus, tho man who confessed to forgory in th district court of this county and wna taken to tho pon at Lincoln Inst wook to sorvo a third sen tonco for tho samo offonso, ia a tal- leintod musician, and for n tlmo was dlroctor of tho band nt tho nontltonti nry. Ho la a bright follow but can't resist tho tomptnton to got money without working for it. For Salo Four-room cottago. Six uunurou ensn ana oncancoc on easy lorms. mono 7US-F 14. ia. . Wright, Anna Millor, whoso hornet is in tho north part of tho county nnd who was declared iusano a month or so ago. was taken to tho Inglosldo asylum by Doputy Shorlff Wilson Wodnosday night. At the tlmo tho unfortunate woman was adjudged insano, Uio stato institution wna having a aiogo of small pox, and hor convoyanco thoroto was doQayod until this woidc. ::o::- For quick action nnd ntisfactory snlo list your Innd with Thnclockc. tf ExcavaUon work hasstartod on the Blankcnburg - Reynolds apartment house on tho comer of Third and Lo oust, and Contractor McMchael will havo tho building ready for occupan cy bofoila tho spring days como, gon Uio Annie. By tho way pooplo flock to Tho Trlbuno offlco to inquire for housos and rooms, wo should Judgo that apartmlants In Uils now building will bo engerly sought. sHx room houso with pantry, closet and dollar, coal houso and storage room cjomblnicd, city wator and electric lights, at 505 So. Chestnuts for Balo. Phlono Black 853. Mrs. M. E. Gregg. W. A. CAUFFMAN, AUCTIONEER. Trms reasonable guarantee satisfaction. For dates call at any bank in North Platte. Mrs. Thos. Mitchell, of Lexington, will bcr tho guest of Mra. M. V. Mitch oil next week. L. B. Dick loft last night for Omaha whoro ho will Bpqnd several days transacting business. Frank Wilson, formerly with the I Unman, garage, but now living at Cozad, visited frilands in town yesterday. Mrs. Nina Rowens, who had boon vis iting hor mothor Mrs. A. M. Mason, returned, to Netherlands, Col., Wed nesday night Mrs. O. H. Crcsslor loft last night for n visit ln Omaha. Sho was accom panied by Beverly WurUsle, who will -rotum wlUi hor. Try Dr. Smith, tho i Chiropractor. BOtf The only now caso of small pox during tho past few days dovolopod Wednesday at Uio homo of M. C. Rcd gors on west Seventh street. Better get yoar&Dodgo Brothers car ordered this" dayias tho shortage is real and they will novte'r bo bought cheaper. Early ordor moans early bo Hvcry. J. V. ROMIGH. 78-2 I desire to announce that I have contracted for the Cadillac line of pleasure cars, and that . CADILLAC CARS AND CADILLAC SERVICE. Will how be available to the people of this territory at my place 6th and Locust Sts. Jo.BesiM8wi "Service1"- Our Owners' North Platte.Neb. Buchanan & Patterson's Bargain List of Cottages and Bungalows. 601. G02. G03. G04. GOO. GOG. G07. G08. G09. G10. , Handsome new bungalow of five rooms, full mod - ern; lot GGxl32. This Is ono of the best built and best looking in tho city. Located in 1300 block West Sixth. Price $3500.00. Gil. Nice new 7 room cottage, 1015 East 4th, modern ex-, cept heat. Price $3G50.00. If you are paying rent, come and let us show you how easy you can buy any of the above list of homes and make the money you now pay for rent, help pay for one of these homes. Every ono of these places are selected bargains and are being offered at 10 to 25 per cent less than they can be reproduced for. J BUCHANAN & PATTERSON, SOLE AGENTS. RADIATOR REPAIRING Any radiator, no matter what make or style foreign or do mestic, whether twisted, frozen, dented or sprung, can be re paired or rebuilt by us and made satisfactory. Estimate on racing bodies of all types. We have one of the best equipped shops west of Chicago for all kinds of radiator repairing. McGRAW RADIATOR COMPANY, SIXTH AND LOCUST. Nice four room cottage and lot in the 1200 block, G18 Washington Street. Price $1000.00. Neat four room cottage, 415 West 8th Street, close in. $1500.00. Four room cottage, 302 South Pine St. Price $1850. Good six room cottage, modern except heat, G15 East Sixth St. , $2100.00. Fairly good cottage of six rooms with toilet, 620 Grant Street. $1200.00. Nice 6 room cottage, corner, lot, shade tr'es; 721 west 7th Street. Price $2000.00. " , Handsome new cottage, five rooms, modern except heat, 214 South Ash Street. Price $2500.00. Dandy new bungalow, Ave rooms, modern except heat. Price $2S0O.00. Nice cottage, five rooms, modern, except-heat, with gas range, in 800 block East Third Street. Price $2800.00. :f