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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 12, 1917)
-idkMte&uthv i . i ... Your Opportunity Has Come. Ladies' Suits, Coats, Dresses, Skirts, Etc., at Drastic Price Reductions at BLOCK'S Final Removal Sale that begins Sat. Oct. 13 and and nnd . 8 . 9 . 9 .10 .11 .11 .11 .11 .14 .15 .16 .16 .16 34 4? 25.S4 82.30 50.37 5.73 5.73 27,80 69.C2 18.50 29.24 24.12 22.06 14.37 Penlston'M Addition to North Plnttc G 8 14.47 7 nnd 8 8 17.65 7 9 14.47 4 11 26.78 7 12 20.62 8 12 28.82 1-7-8 13 65.98 North Pintle Town Lot Co.'m Addition to North Plnttc 3-N 4-8-9-10-14-15-16.... 2 D 3 15-16 4 EV4 8," W U" 9 ". '. '. 8 9-10-11-12 14 10 16 Maxwell 55x80 foot 12 nnd -3 . .... Pt. 14 1-2-3-4-5-6 .... 14-15 , 1-2 , 2 nnd Pt. 3 Pt. 1 Pt. 1 nnd 2 , 9 12 14 15 20 1 .21 .22 .23 .23 .25 .26 .27 .27 .28 .28 .28 .28 14.14 19.08 7.89 6.36 28.92 17.84 18.66 69.06 33.54 15.61 8.41 9.12 14.05 19.08 22.25 5.22 5.22 l'lnttc 34.46 34.98 32.92 Platte 23.55 Residence Pnrk Addition to North Plnlte 1-2-EVi 3 WU 2 nnd 1 nnd U'A 4 nnd E 11 nnd 12 2 and 3 , 11 , 1 and 2 . . 7 , 8 , Hunk's Addition Selhy'fl Addition .19 .20 .21 .25 .27 .29 .29 30 32 . 33 to North 1 2 i 2 to North 1 emMieehlti Srfbune. IUA L. BABE, Editor ad FnbUiker. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Kcar Ur JUall In Alliance.... Oho Year by Carrier la Advaace. .f Lot) uterod at North Platte, Nebraska, Poutofflco an Second Clasa Matter. JUUUAY, 0CT01JEK 12, 11)17. WILL POWER ALWAYS COUNTS Well to Realize One Has Got to Want Things Hard In Order to Get Them. ' Jnst wanting something will rarely obtain it for you. You've got to go out nnd get It for yourself. In an nrtlclo called "Increase Your Driving Power" In the American Maguzlne, a writer quotes an authority ns saying: "After all, a mnn does what no wants to do. Therefore, ho must bo taught as a child and ho must learn in ndult years to teach himself, to want to do tho right thing nnd the big thing nnd to want it so hard that he is bound to arrive at tho wlshcd-for goal. Anybody can sit down nnd say, 'I'd llko to bo tho head of my company, or the president of tho United States, or tho best salesman In tho world.' That much 1b easy. It Is exactly what tho buby does when It sits on tho floor nnd uquulls for a pleco of cundy. But It Is n very different thing from wanting something so much that one Is willing to set about It and undertake at once tho doing of tho Impossible. 1 "Tho troublo with tho average man la thnt ho docs not want things hard enough. And oho reason for this In that ho hns not been taught tho value of this 'wanting.' He has not been shown In hlu schools and In his Ufa tha. man ban tremendous resources for wanting and for willing, and that, as no continues to will and will, ho will Und himself unknown nnd unsuspected layers of energy. There Is always enough energy to supply u man's de sires for success I ho -will tap tho source of It." PILLORY DREADED BY ALL Ancient Form of Punishment Thnt Frequently Was Mado 8ava$je If Victim Wao Unpopular. It Is less than a century ago since tho pillory was abolished In Britain. Tho pillory, as a form of torture was known nil over Europo und, from all accounts, It hnd n larger history In Ger inuny than in this country. Its form Is, of course, familiar to all. Tho culprit, generally a criminal though men were often put In tho pil lory for political offenses as well wa Placed on a platform, and his head and hands wero Inclosed In a small wooden frame. If public opinion went ngulnst tho culprit, his fate was often a terri ble one, for tho enraged populuco beat and stc-ncd him. Headers of Bosnnt's novel, "Tho Or. ango Girl," will know how this torture, was dreaded by nil classes of crimi nals. Occasionally a prominent and in fluential personality would bo son toncod to detention In tho pillory, as was Lord Cochrane, but, fortunately for his lordship, the punishment wau never carried out. Strange scones wero often wltnossod nt the pillory, as In 17H0, when the offender was supplied with refreshments dining his Impris onment, and protected from tho weath er by moans of an umbrella. London Tit-Bits. Arithmetic Once Was Common'. At tho tlmo of tho colonization of Amorlca In tho ftrst hnlf of tho seven teenth century arithmetic was not con sidered essential to a boy's education unless bo was to enter commercial life or certain trades. Tho instruction In arithmetic waB often given in another school, called n writing school, or a reckoning school. When arithmetic was taught in tho grammar school it was very rudimentary. Not only was this truo, but among t"o nobility nnd tio aristocracy of tho educated, arltn mctlc was looked upon as "common," "vile," "mechanic," becauso It was tho accomplishment of clerks, artisans, trgdeshion nnd others who boro no slgn'of heraldry. Consequently It was bdriea'th'tlie' tljgnlty of a boy unless ho was Vl ess capauio or learning and at .test to. be' put'1 to trades." DR. 0. H. CRESSLER, Graduate Dentist Offlco oyer tha McDonald Stato Bank. NOTICE OFTAX SALE Notice Is hereby given that so much of each tract of land or town lot des cribed In this list as may bo necessary for thnt purpose, all located In Lincoln County, Nobraskn, will ,bo offered for sale nt tho County Treasurer's olllco In North Platto, Lincoln County, Nebras ka, nt public auction for thb taxes, in terest, nnd costs thereon on tho 5th day of November, A. D. 1017, between tho hours of 9 o'clock A. M., nnd 1 o'clock P. M and continued from day to day ns tho lnw directs. Tho nmounts In tho subjoined list roprosonts nil tho taxes duo on each trnct of lnnd or town lot togothor With advertising nnd Interest to date of sale. HlDatod this 1st day of October, 1917. SAMUEL M. SOUDEU, County Trcnsuror of Lincoln County, Nebraska. f Lot 3 7 nnd 8 . , N 2-N V-H . G-C-7 8 ... 2 ... 1 ... 6 ... 1 nnd 2 3 nnd 4 G 2 8o. 02 ft 1 2 3 G 1 7 1 3- 7 3 G North Plnttc Block 11 3-9-10-11-12 nnd 4 nnd 2 G nnd C G 8 ..... 3 nnd 4 3 3 G nnd C ... 1 NWt nnd 0 HVj G nnd fi G3 11 ..12 . .12 ..13 ..14 ..16 ..18 ..24 ..25 . ,33 ..33 . .3G ..38 . .39 ..39 . .39 . .40 ..41 ..41 . .42 ..44 ..44 ,.4G . .45 ..40 ..GO ..53 . .54 ..55 , .55 . .G7 ..58 C3 Amount $ 2.14 4.30 13.00 4.30 7.99 C.77 2. GO 12.41 20.02 4-6 to 10 to to to to to to 10 10 9 . 10 10 10 .13 .....13 14 15 16 18 19 .20 46.74 2.G6 29.84 20.07 21.10 2G.73 25.73 48.30 .South Pnrk Addition to North Plntte 1-2-3-4 5 .... AVV4 6 EV4 6 nnd 4 1 93.3 ft. x 187.G ft In NW corner 4 5 6 8 1 nnd nnd -4-G to Tnylor'H Addition to 4 4 9 4 3 4 ,9 3 8 9 6 nnd 7 10 Trustee's Addition AV2 and 3 6 10 1 9 4-G-6 7-8-9 10-11-12 13 6 All 4 G , 9 10-11 12 1 3-4 1 AV G and 6 13 11 nnd 12 AV 3 1 1 1 1 G 8 8 .1.. 9 ... 9 ,...10 ...10 ...11 ...11 ...12 North ... 2 .... 4 .... G ... .6 .... 7 .... 7 ,...11 ....11 ....11 ....16 ....16 North .... 2 .... 2 .... 3 .... 3 .... 4 .... G .... 5 .... G .... 6 .... 6 .... 6 .... C .... 7 .... 7 .... 8 .... 8 .... 8 9 7 nnd 8 G and 6 7 1-2-3-1 .... 8 4 3 4 6 4 4 1 6 3 1 6 8 3 HVj 1 and 2 NW, 2 G 7 Middle 22 ft 7 nnd 8 9 1 nnd 12 6 ft. 2 A. It.UO ...64 ..iC4 ...05 ...6G . . . 07 ...69 ...G9 ...70 ...71 ...73 ...74 .. .74 ...70 ...77 ...77 ...77 ...78 ...79 ...80 ...80 .. .80 ...81 ...83 84 87 87 88 95 ...00 ...96 ...97 ...99 ..100 ..101 . .101 ..101 .101 .103 G nnd 6 . 7 nnd 8 . . . , 8 1 nnd 2 Nft 1 nnd 2 6 7 and 8 2 .... EV4 3 M. 44 ft 6, AV 22 ft. 7. Mlddla 22 It. 7 E. 22ft 7 No. 22 ft. SM. of 5 AV. 40 ft. oxc. 22x30 ft In NW Conor, or o ms AV 1-3 of 7 103 Mlddlo 1-3 of 7 103 AV. 22 ft of 2, B. 44 ft of 3. .104 1 106 8 108 0 110 e l 112 7 nnd8 112 13. 44 ft. 1 113 12 11G wy, 2 .; no No. 44 ft. 1 and 2 117 K'j 0 117 4 118 1 121 1-2-3-4 122 G 123 3 ... 123 6 124 AV. 44 ft. 7 124 7 nnd 8 8 .... 13 nnd 7 3 3 nnd 4 14 .12R , 127 ,...132 , .130 I ) mIuU itMttltildl I AV. 44 ft. 3 138 1-2-3-4 139 8 140 4 141 1 143 AV. 1-3 of 3 and E. 1-3 of 4.143 Pt. 1 nnd 2 140 5 2 4 1 8 7 G 4 6 147 148 , , , , 1DU III It. tl IMVU , 1G1 and 6 D 154 161 , 161 167 171 1 and 2 , 17S 3 nnd 4 172 3 181 5 .185 .185 .185 .186 .186 26.88 24.73 16. G2 12.92 27.80 34.99 30.99 37.0,4 4.20 28.S2 4.82 15.49 17. G4 4.82 39.08 47.30 10.30 39.20 2G.7I 20.02 8.10 13.9G 9.9G 10.16 9.42 30.99 11.40 4. GO 22.67 37.49 20.02 25.79 7.29 24.73 25.24 23.71 36.00 3.17 32.01 29.84 37.04 20.62 13.95 24.S3 20.62 45.25 20.62 5.23 24.73 29.85 22.68 12.09 G4.G8 26,88 27.31 62.12- 120.26 16.G2 39.10 176.69 30.89 30.89 102.72 143.77 37.04 100.05 G1.G1 24.73 24.73 11.38 20.62 90.50 2G.74 78.09 42.17 27.42 33.96 73.97 72.95 61.97 20.62 30.S9 53.45 16.52 06.66 34.99 82.30 27.81 36.02 51.67 16.52 117.39 32.93 46.72 32.93 28,92 72.03 GG.G1 49.36 39.10 C7.S3 24.73 39.10 37.04 100.66 38.06 24.73 25.74 33,03 40.23 33.06 25.95 28.36 32.91 31.31 31.31 and 0 9 9 .10 99.07 34.51 26.52 39.30 35.17 29.39 5.40 27.32 11.16 31.07 19.12 9.73 25.C4 31.05 l'lnttc 25.15 4.11 21.04 10.78 23.09 4.63 24.12 13.S7 22.06 25.15 25.47 14.89 Plnttc 37.14 26.78 46.30 41.15 43.39 36.22 36.22 33.03 27.30 27.81 12.50 7.28 7.28 37.04 7.29 33.03 35.09 3.17 26.78 5G.G1 25.75 24.83 nnd 8 18 . .. . All 7-8-9 All 2-3-4 17-18 Pt. 17 Illvcrdnle Addition to North Plnttc 11 2 4.20 7-8-10 3 47.50 AV 11 8 3,71 7 nnd AV 8 S G.83 IMiittcvlcvr Addition to North Plnttc E2 29.51 10 8.45 (25 2.10 i'C. ss 1.1. SU Pt. 28 1.10 l't. 29 1.10 39 3.43 av 72 7.12 73-74-75-70-77 16.20 Hrncelnnd Addition to North Plnttc to 20 16 36 43 9 42 44 7 1 .... Strip. 4 nnd G nnd 4 nnd 7, .... 8 nnd 4-G-6 11 nnd 1-2-3 11-12 7 ... 3 ... 11-12 4-5-6 7 .... 11-10 . 4 to 11 2-7 ... 9 10 2 nnd N G 6 . . G ... Cody's h".'.'.'. U Interest in Pt Lot V. Ho." of lots In 33-14-30 186 13.13 3-4-5-0 187 40.03 5 and 6 188 29.76 1 and 2 189 22.77 l and 2 191 78.19 3 ana 4. 101 28.92 Miller' Addition to North Platte 7 and 8 l 23.77 2.88 6.66 .65 sC5 .65 .65 .85 6.77 3.79 2.24 45.39 4.30 2.14 4.30 6.46 4.30 r..4r, 4.19 18. till 8.30 4.30 13.72 2.14 4.30 21.32 .72 2.14 6.0G 1.1 3.57 1.12 1.64 2.76 1.12 1.1 1.12 3.79 1.12 Plnttc 11.35 .62 S.99 .0 Plnttc 6.73 1.84 1.12 .63 .61 Plnttc 71 3.40 1 Illnmnn's 2nd Addition to North Plnttc ..1 G 5 0 6 6 6 Addition 1 1 3 4 6 6 6 7 7 .9 10 12 13 14 14 14 . 15 , C D Cody'M Und Addition to 12 1 1 10, W 11 2 11 ana 12 Addition to 7-S 8 ... 7 to E .i 8 and S 5 9 12 .... 10-11 . 11 and 1 Seoul's He! 1 to 1G 17 1-2-3 ana n to ae .. All llrllcvue Addition 1 to 11 , 1-2-3 . I . .1 in XX UUU i. ........ 8 All DoInoii'm Addition .1 nnd 4 7 to 12, 15-16-17 . r ana 6 . . . . , to to . . .4 ...4 ...4 ...G ...8 ...8 ...9 North . . . . G ....9 ,..10 . . . ,D North ..1 ..6 .10 ...12 ....A North 1 6 6 nnd nnd Pt. 7 . 3 .... nnd nnd 0 to 12 Dillon' Slibdlvl Mlltoiiticrfrcr'n ,7 ...7 ...7 ...8 don SuImIIvIhIoii 2 Hiiddj'M Addition .2 ..3 8.40 8.40 19.60 1.12 4.30 43.29 4.30 1.12 51.25 31.99 8.31 3 , Pt' Pt. 15 ' G 7 I. W. II. Pliimrr'M Siihdlvlnlon ft. N. nnd Pt. 12 nnd 13.. . IIornc'H Addition 2 and Pt. G 2 10 2 I. find In .Mnili'rll Trnct ''11" 21-13-28 Trnct "O" 21-13-28 Trnct "H" and Strip, 21-13-28 Trnct Part "1" 21-13-28 AVntcr C'o.'n lnt Addition to nnd 4 1 1 1 AVntcr Co.'n 2nd Addition to 18 2 Abbott'n MiibdlvlNlon of I.otn to IIcrMliey N Pt. S nnd O 2.61 20.S0 .67 39.94 12.38 21.7G 18.92 15.10 22.69 16.9S 9.45 3.83 13.22 4.89 22.G9 19.44 1.02 1.96 1.96 1.90 1.96 llcrnhey 33.57 42.99 19.24 Ilernhcr 2.06 V nnd K 18US 13.29 20.61 t.ntiililc'M Addition to Herxhcy 11 and 12 nnd 6 2 and 2 3 5 nnd 6 3 nnd 8 G G nnd 6 6 AVntcr Co.'m rd Addition to 21-22 8 19-20 16 Pt. Vacated part of Avator Co.'s 3rd Add., 29-14-32 .... 27.68 I'ntterNon'M Addition to Jlcrsucy 13.29 16.74 2.47 18.02 18.02 14.47 19.26 1G.66 Ilcrwhcy 2.05 1.61 5-6 Hnthcrlnnd 10 Pt. Sub. N12 Pt. 14-15 Pt. 17 24-25 and ! 18 CInrkNou'H 20 ClnrkHon'H Siili. NAA'Vi l .4 . .6 ,..7 ..8 ,.10 ...3 ,..5 ,.6 10.30 1.41 31.12 60.03 9.88 28.81 51.11 70.80 AVest AVnllncc 20-14-33 20.41 26.35 20-11-33 22.60 74.41 20.33 54,12 11.13 .20 Hchlllcr'H to 12 Addition to .20 .29 AVnllnce 6-7 1 . 2 .. 3 . 5 ... 1-2-7- 8 to 1G and 4 S 1 .. l't. b . DICKENS 7-10- 8-9 12 . 7-8 9-10 11 SomcrHct .6 ..9 ...9 , .10 ,.10 ,.10 ,.10 ,.10 ,.11 ...3 ,..G , . .7 ...7 i.3 .3 ..3 ..4 ..4 1-2-3-7 3 11-12 .. 6 9 and 10 11 8-9 AA'clIBcet 10-11-12 .... Pt. 6 AV. 70 ft. n nnd G . 5 nnd G , 7 1- All All I.ukevlcw !-3-4 IllKnell .2 8 9 10 10 10 11 11 11 14 15 Addition 66 76 80 .81 4 All 1 . 9 . Pt. Pt C 3 4 and 6 'riioniiiH Snh. NAA'Vi 10 ...1 ; ..i i..2 ...3 ..14 20-11 1-33 Rotthnrdt'H A and 13 Sub. Div. Senrn' SulidlvlHton aicGce'M nnd3 to 7 and 9 10 and 11 Co. Clcrk'M Pt. 3 7-8 Pt 9 .... 11 1-2-3 7-8-10-11-12 7-8 1 3 and 4 G and 6 8 and 9 10 17 7-8-9 5 and 0 8 9 1 nnd 3 7-9 3 9 Pt. 10 SubdlvlHloii rr r 6 . ; 6 .0 Sub. SAVV4 11.80 .80 4.43 .80 .80 .80 .80 .80 7.81 15.70 .56 2.95 21.58 .53 43 .33 .43 .67 8.54 .27 .89 .44 1.92 7.75 12.55 5.65 4.96 .89 10.34 .44 .74 .78 1.S2 10.20 7.28 5.16 .44 8.55 27.25 55.85 27.36 27.36 35.47 11.2 5.04 19.42 8.47 8.47 AA'nllnce 20-1-1-33 23.91 S0.63 .80 1.00 1.G3 .90 .80 0.54 8.64 7.61 .80 .80 8.74 4.43 .80 7.G1 .80 .80 .80 21.28 1.14 G 7 ,...9 ,..10 ...10 ...10 ...11 ,..11 ...11 ...12 ...13 ...14 ...14 ...16 ...16 ...18 ...18 ...IS TowiiNhlp Description NAV NI3U SAV'i SBVi Pa. NAV All NBU NAVU , Pt. SlStf LANDS 0, 0 10 18 30 Ilnngc 20 .. 7 , J 2 32.V3 County Clcrk'M Snh. of 4-13-30 12.90 10.G5 5.03 1,30 1.51 n ro MlUM County Clerk' Sub. 32-14-30 2. F-33-14-30 23.S0 7 8.81 SW. 10 10.45 Pt. 10 9.84 Pt. 11 4,20 Pt. 18 15.99 County Clcrk'M Sub. 33-14-30 II and J 8.30 Pt. "I" 3.69 Pt. I 1.12 I.nndN Adjoining City NNAVU, NBU 32-14-30 .... 34.62 Pt. SAVUSlOVi 32-14-30 .44 Pt. SIOUHKU 32-14-30 .77 Pt. BAVUNEft, 32-14-30 .... H.79 Pt. ENE4. 33-14-30 03.72 11 KAD Y G-0-7-8 8 2.00 1 nnd 2 9 7.70 3-4-5-0 , 9 4, IS 11 10 5.73 11 nnd 12 11 4.57 Pt. 22-23-24 11 1.22 15-16-7 14 8.72 18-J.9-20 14 0.38 21 14 1.02 0 ,..15 .72 2 17 1.33 Kavey'a lit Addition to Drady 6 1 .71 IlniiRC 20 Sec. 20 28 28 28 29 33 34 34 34 Townnhlp 10, Ilnngc SESAA'U, NEUSEU 88EU ........ V. BViNEU Pt. NEVi, AV N TowiiNhlp 1". AV NE .' SEU NE ,' HiaUNW xj N14 ........ ci7 it n TownMhlp 14, ItnnKO 20 1 3 10 25 Township 15, Itnurcc 2(1 11 SMiNU. SU "0 All 27 NEW, NV4NV, NSE.34 SVtNAVU. SWVi, StfSE?i..34 S15U 35 ; ToiviiMhlp in, itniiRe 20 Lots 3 and 4 1 ToMUNlilp 0, ItniiRe 27 SWVi 5 AV 17 MHSAVH. AVSEi 18 S15V4 19 NHNAVU 20 NAVVi 21 aws 34 NAVU E . ...27 ...27 Tnwnnhlii 0. Itnnice 28 EWNE'i. NE14SBU .12 8ViS 12 TonnNhlp 10, Itnnfte 23 All 19 'rownnhln 12. Ilnnce 2S NAVU 3 Lot 12 3 Lots 1-2-G-7-8-9 4 Lots 1 and 2 0 Tomin hln 13. Itnntrc 2S NA. AVttHlS'i, HlSViBUVi... ' AV 10, HniiKC 27 3 5 8 .18 .24 TotYUBlllll All .. NV!4 AVUSAArU, SEHSAVVi SUSEiJ SAVUNEVi. SEUNAV14. AVUSEM, 28 EHNEV1 34 Township 11, Ilnngc 27 NV4NEV1.' SEHNEVii 21 NEUNAVU 28 SAVU 32 Township 13, Ilnngc 27 REU 30 Pt. NEU, NEUNAVU. Lots 1 to i 31 Township 14, Ilnnce 37 N, SAVU 7.18 Township IB, Ilnngo 27 All 2 SWU 34 Township 10, Hnnge 27 H i 23 Ejii , 24 KHKH 30 BSVU. AVV4SEU 32 9 .10 .17 NAV SEN BEy Lots 6-7-8 ... Lots G nnd 6 Pt. Lots 1 & 2, outside 33 Lots G nnd 6 34 Lots 1 nnd 8, Insldo 3G Lots 1-2-3-4, lnsido 36 Township 15, Ilnngc 23 AVAV 34 Township 10, Ilnngc 28 8NAVU. N14SAVU, SV4SAVU 1 All 3 NEV4 7 NI3U 8 NWU, SEVi 8 All . . AV . NAVVi NEtt, SNAV, 3 28 NNAV 28 Township l, Ilnngc 20 NAVW 7. 7 NAV, NHSW 17 15NEU. NEilSEll 18 HVi&VlVi, 19 NAVViNW',4 20 NE 24 ft. Kv'4Hn;vi i'J NAVliNAVU 30 NAVVi 35 Township 10, Ilnngc 20 SAVU 6 8WV. 8 NSW'f 19 NNE, SENEVi, NENAV 24 NEU 29 SE 32 Township 11, Ilnngc 2D E, EAV 8 AA'AV 8 NHNEa. SENEVi, NEUNAV 20 All 26 AVAV 32 Township 12, Itnnge 20 NAVU 1 NAV& 2 NAV . 8 SE 10 SEUNEJ4, AV, NEVi SEVi, SV6SU 12 NEV4 , 18 S 23 All 25 All L 26 All ..... 28 E SAV Vi ', ' AvVi SE V4 ' '. ' '. '. '. ' '. 30 Lots 3 and 4 30 All 35 Township 13, Ilnnge 20 Pt. AAr 26 SEVi 27 SEViNEVi 35 WHV 35 SSEVi 35 -rownsiiip 14. ilnnge M SAVVi ..11 All 24 Township 15. Ilnngc 20 NV4NEV1. AVIA. SWiSEU... 4 SNEV4. NSEV4 4 Townsliln III. It ii iii'. "II All 7.1 S 6 S 11 AVV4 12 NAVVi 24 SEVi - 28 SEV4 34 EV6 '.'.'..'..'.. 3 AV&NEV4 10 Pt. SEVi 10 SEVi is SN. S 24 NJANKVi, SAV Vi NE Vi 25 NVNAVV4. SEVi NAVVi, NEVi SAVVi 25 SAVViNAVVi, AVSAVVi, Taxes $10.30 29.50 10.30 28.74 16.10 47.69 26.10 23.51 30.70 7.00 18.19 35.66 22.46 G.06 3.9 7.86 167 33.66 5.03 9.50 29.50 $16.4 14.02 18.54 10.89 9.37 .15.11 7.48 8.43 19.94 10.2 21.4! .6.2 18.59 26.60 21.94 43.40 15.22 24.34 21.51 10.84 G.65 26.70 10.93 10.93 28.S0 C3.85 18.51 21.CS 7.96 18.51 52.36 8.17 12.14 .12 .15 .25 .26 .28 .32 EV4SEU NEV4. AV .26 .27 .28 .29 .29 NV NV6SBV4 SEVi SAVVi SEVi SAV V NAVVi. AV SAVVi, HiaaV 33 Townshln 10. Itnnirc .".0 NAVVi 3 . HW Yd. 4 SEVi 7 SV. AV,SEi R AVE 10 HW 10 SHliSWK. SEi 12 E!4. EVNAVli 17 AVV4 NAVVi 17 NMi 18 NN 24 SWVi 33 rownslilii 11. Ilnnce 30 NEVi : 7. 2 EASE4 2 All 3 NV4, SEVi 4 All 13 SEVi 34 Township 12, Ilnngc .10 2 , 3 3 fi SAVVi 6 8 13 22 24 25 SEVi 34 35 Township 13, Ilnnge 30 Pt. AV. of rond and So. of River 9 SV4 k...12 All 13 NAVVi 17 Ono-thlrd Intorest SAVVi .20 SAVVi 34 Township 14, Ilnnge 30 SAVVi, NSEVi NEV! J. W 74 NAVVi ., NEVi .. SAVVi . . SAVVi ... SV4NEV1. All No. 100 acros In NAVVi, ESEVi . EVJNEVi AVV4NEVi, NAVVi sAvvi ; AVNAVVi K'ii NEVi LOtS 1-2-3., SV4RAVU' SV4SEV4 NO. HIVCl NEVi NEVi, NV4 NAVVi , NVdNEVi NEVi NEVi. Pt. NV4NEA AVVANAVVi IN W 'A Pt. 8 '4. SAVVi l't. !JiS .. 5 .. 8 ,.. 8 .. 8 9 ,. .10 ..15 . .16 ..17 ...18 ...20 ...21 ..21 ...22 ...23 ..23 . .24 ...28 .28 Townshln 15. Itnnirc 30 NAVVi 5 NUNti. SEViSEV. SAVVi. NEUREVi, 8V4REVi 8 SAVV.NEU. SViNAVVi. A,rri.. :::::::::::::: I AVUNAVVi, SEVi NAVVi ....18 NAVVi 22 TOUPWU. AVVSSEVi 24 AVU SAVVi 24 SAVVi 32 Township 10, Ilnnge 30 All 3 N 8 SA 8 AU 10 All 11 AH 1G NEVi. SV4 21 N, SE.i Township 3n D. Tlnncrc 31 4 AVU, SE'i 11 8EVi 35 Townshln 10. Rnnge 31 Lots-K-0-7, REU SAVVi AViANEU. EV4NAVH 7 navm, n NWU 10 SAVVi 20 All i 30 SAVVi 33 Township 11, Ilnngc 31 AVH ...12 PVM is NEW 14 RAVVi 28 NEVi 32 Township 12, Ilnnge 31 All R NEVi All 9 PEVi 12 All in All 19 T1U, EV4AVV4 20 RAVU 22 NUNBK. AVU. PUREV4, 8 NEVi. NV4SBV4 ......28 Township 13. Tlnnge 31 SAVVi, NHSEVi, SAVV4SEV4.23 C.93 23.60 37.50 41.85 0.74 61.64 4.38 21.40 15.53 9.01 41.31 G4.02 31.36 12.G6 6.38 11.68 7.38 29.27 G.7S 19.40 70.97 8.43 16.42 23.20 81.63 31.91 8.43 21.82 3.60 9.32 7.35 5.60 9.04 1.88 23.94 .41 2.40 29.67 27.99 14.39 4.90 8.43 17.73 19.24 31.64 11.76 16.07 39.69 12.40 84.08 40.51 18.53 P9.79 44.15 18.20 94.99 52.06 7122 27.83 15.69 G.25 39.G8 47.39 98.78 21.62 33.24 48.86 G.20 17.43 26.41 7.72 97.50 14.64 26.71 30.70 9.88 9.33 5.97 7.14 9.23 7.14 13.39 17.67 43.07 7.27 20.08 11.24 4.62 63.41 7.10 2.29 17.67 14.20 7.00 33.94 11.36 17.21 6.09 6.09 21.60 40.92 12.17 11.36 12.90 22.79 13.01 6.91 28.55 24.06 63.68 7.00 26.46 5.00 7.60 6.68 12.48 7.56 17.07 26.13 2106 14.83 15.72 24.10 35.29 50.74 198.09 64.30 104.28 45.29 3.66 27.06 9.42 7.02 29.66 21.23 12.82 17.85 19.66 7.04 17.02 20.48 9.23 10.23 10..23 10.23 7.04 10.23 7.05 8.79 40.30 5.75 29.77 8.44 26.12 8.44 8.13 15.54 12.91 6.72 36.20 12.81 ,12.81 51.47 21.94 21.94 18.97 23.01 11.68 12.14 12.06 4.96 5.16 5.64 15.89 6.12 25.06 5.64 18.1R 6.37 6.37 8.40 5.16 29.96 7.57 27.90 .Z4 27.90 27.90 26.13 6.98 21.44 22.80 .33 .33 .33 .35 NEVI NWVi NEVi' Township 14, ilnngo ill fvra:..:::::::::::::io L2.:.v:::::::::.v:::i141 8V4HEU 16 AVViNHVi 21 E NAVVi, Pt. E SAVVi, Pt. NViSEVi ............21 SViNAVVi 30 SViSEVi 35 Township 15, Ilnngc 31 EV4, BV4AVV5 ............ 7. 2 All 10 All U NV4 12 8 12 Nw Township 10, Ilnngc 31 All '. ". ". '. '. '. ".'.'.'.!!'.!'.! 12 NNWvi ::::.::.::25 All 26 An ::::::::::28 -wit Township 0, Ilnngc 32 fk.Vi 0 SEVi s EViSAVVi . . '."is w SAv vi . : : : : : : : : : : : : :i! All OR ne ::::::::33 cMn Township 10, Ilnngc 32 oW 54 , SAVVi 7 NAVVi ... 9 m4 :::::::::::: i Pt. SAVVi . 20 s&nwk :::::: .25 SEVi 2G NEVi .....27 navu :i32 Township 11, Hnnge 32 All , r, AV V5, SEVi ..........12 SV6S, NEViSEVi 2 All 17 aii !"!!!. !l!!32 Township 13, Ilnnge 32 SAVVi C AVV4 vufi; AlJ ... 74 . . AV NAVVi ..23 .27 !&1iNsS;rtH:iI NEi 30 Tnnrti.lilM 1A , n AVV4. Lots l-S.M.i 9 jr. m SAV Vi r NViNEVi ::':::i3 HNEVi ..14 AvsEVi . : : : :ii tint ht . . A sAvu NE., av SEVi 15 o w Y 17 Lots 3 and 4 29 'IVaWMIlllf t "I K can An i:::::::::::::::::::::-!)? s.::::::::::::-ig n. SEy40,.v"':,.,lp 10 nn"B'es swvi ::::::::::: I All io n ... : .i7 SEViSEVi - 17 SAVViNAVVi. SAVVi, SSEV:29 oluVi 35 'I'nivtlMlil.i fl T, . nn VTir . ..ufst7 .... ,'74 SEVi AVU NEK, ENAVV4 . OH-74 AVVtjNEVi AVV4NEV4. SENR. SEViSEVi 27 AV .........12 SWVi 13 ..AVVi SAVVi SEVi N SAW, AVSEVi NEVi S s Township 11 1 . 7 .17 .17 .18 .15 .15 .21 .21 .22 .25 .26 .27 Ilnngc 33 w mv Vi , SEVi NAV Vi , SAV Vi 4 5 f 7 13 ..14 ,.1G ..1G . .21 . .22 . .23 ,.23 ..24 . .26 .35 SEVi , SAVVi SEVi All All E NAVVi ; AVAVy. ' E, NAVVi , All ToiVIIMllIll 1H- Tln,ti.n SV4 NE VI, E SAV Vi . SE Vi 7. 2 NEViSAv'Vi. SSAVVi NAVVi SEVi . 0 WE, AV ... . 8 n. nvs :::;:i2 All in All 17 NEVi :::23 All 35 Township 13, Ilnnge 33 14 NEVi ......22 SEyt 23 NAVVi 26 Township 14, Ilnnge 33. Lots 1 and 2, NEViSEVi IJUI o, Y 'sOUj'A EEV4NEVi, EESEVi Pt. SAVViNAVVi Pt. E NE Vi Pt. EV4NEVi E'SAVVi ..... . . . . SV4NE'i NAVVi Pt. S Pt. 8 ! EVaSEVi Nr.?!!!t:..... SEsffivi' NESE. SAVVi ... . . . .'.;.'.'.', Pt. SWVi Pt. N SEVi, S SEVi .... ljOt 9-10 Township 15, Ilnngo 33 Z Township 10, Ilnngc 33 AV SAVVi 10 12 15 17 18 21 0, Ilnngc 34 !7 Lots 8 NAVVi All .. SAVViNAVVi, N, NS AV. of Creek , All NN , All , Township . 6 ,.11 , .11 , .13 , .14 ..14 , .14 , .16 .15 , .18 ,.18 .20 ..28 ,.28 .28 , .30 ,.30 , .32 .32 TowiiHliiti in. it .I. . ftA SN, S 4 AU 7 Pt. NEVi .14 sNEVi, sEi :..:i7 S : 21 Township 11, Hnnge 31 SAVVi 4 SAVVi 8 sEu :.: S All 17 nev :;2o Township 12. Ilnnge 34 Lots G and 0, NEVi SAVVi . 6 NV4NAVV1. SEVi NAVVi, SViSAVVi, SEVi 30 Township 13, Ilnnge 34 NEVi 6 Lots 3 to 8, SEVi NAVVi .... 6 aiUYl 14 nevI :.::23 M NAVVi, SAVVi NEVi ... V4 .... WV 23 30 33 Townshln 14. Ttniiirn 34 sv4s ..r. 2 . All 3 NEVi 0 SAVVi 6 B , 7 Avvi"!'.!'.!!!!!!'.'.!!!'.!! 8 10 NV4 , 12 Lot 1 1 17 Pt. SAVU 19 Jt!ii u Township 15, Ilnnge 34 SEUSAVViVNEvisBV4V , SV48EU 4 An . ..... .. i NV4, SBU ;? All 31 . Township 1; Hnnge 34 A'.f.EH.::::::::::::::::fl 8. 4 J 0.75 13.04 7.00 90.11 68.73 80.74 151.79 47.08 63.92 100.37 16.03 69.63 21.47 23.94 20.24 10.09 10.09 7.10 28.40 24.80 21.51 3.21 31.70 32.60 6.37 6.37 3.42 3.42 30.36 6.37 6.02 3.43 21.31 G.69 9.15 30.26 3.06 .92 3.06 6.60 11.26 ' 7.71 26.22 22.74 22.74 6.90 6.90 6.90 12.19 25.99 28.39 59.46 97.68 10.37 31.68 19.44 4.68 18.88 21.52 20.48 179.45 35.74 50.67 14.66 20.76 19.10 24.86 26.96 112.43 62.11 23.57 18.14 18.21 21.50 6.18 24.7G 12.21 1.99 10.68 6.18 5.7G 7.55 6.24 8.18 5.79 49.40 3.85 4.72 9.26 9.26 5.58 5.58 5.5S 6.25 4.31 25.63 7.53 16.61 11.03 13.35 6.25 11.56 12.32 6.26 6.26 6.26 30.88 32.05 14.36 7,27 10.23 24,69 29.96 30.51 22.83 21.52 23.82 21.95 52.03 6.54 24.70 35.88 18.20 19.65 28.43 19.93 35.11 13.60 8.25 27.28 30.20 27.28 52.56 45.64 28.18 148.62 208..80 264.28 144.81 55.29 193.5S 219 8 19 G.29 2G.8G 6.G4 18.77 23.43 25.86 7.86 25.86 14.64 20.62 27.30 9.23 13.34 26.41 9.0G 7.59 9.93 29.97 7.50 13.77 25.37 40.97 51.73 15.66 14.70 30.00 38.04 51.26 8.74 24.92 11.81 6.31 12.69 18.80 6.31 12.39 16.3S .79 378.77 16.43 31.03 6.93 24.SO 18.32 24. E0 18.83 6.31 22.80 24.92 i Y