FILK DAMAGE SUITS A" Service, GUARANTEED HOT TO BREAK We Grind Our Own Lenses and for that reason can give quick ser vice. We can make NEW LENSES or re place broken ones the same day order is given. ALL OUR WORK IS GUARANTEED TO GIVE SATISFACTION. HAKRY DIXON & SON. OPTOMETRIST AND OPTICIANS. DR. 0. II. CRESSLER, Graduate Dentist Office over the McDonald State Bank. MIT AND COUNTY NEWS Win. Ebrlght loft Saturday for a visit in Omaha. Charley Fredorlci 'loft Sunday for a visit in Sterling. Dr. Brock, Dentist, over Stouo Drug Stare. T. L. Groan returned Saturday from a visit in Omaha. x Mrs. Chris Paulson vsltcd frlonds In Grand Island Sunday. For Sale Rooming houso, close In. Phono Black 513. - 7G-2 "VW. T. Wilcox transacted 'lognl busi ness in Omaha yesterday. Misa Matio Paulson has returned from a visit in Grand Island. Dr. Morrill. Dentist. - Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Mahau, of Arnold, are guests of Dr. Vioorheo3 Lucas. Dr. Smith, Chiropractor, . Building & Loan Building.. GOtf Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Smith, returned Saturday from a visit in Omaha. "Mrs. Lena Salisbury is visiting rel atives in Aorora, having left Sunday. For quick action anil satisfactory snlo list your land with Thoclocke. If Waltor O'Connor has been spending the past two or threo days in Omaha. For Sale Round Oak heating stove in good condition. Phone Red G57. G-2 Miss Bessie Salisbury left Sunduy for a visit wth relativos in Tonica, 111. C. H. Waltor wont to Omaha Satur day ' to transact business for a f ev days. Mrs. Robert White, of Hastings, camo Satuday to visit Mrs. . F. Id dings. . Mrs. P. A. Norton is visiting friends inNoifolk, leaving for that city Sat urday. . Woman with little girl wants work at onco. Inquire at 31G 'cast Sixth street Six room house with pantry, closet and clellar, coal houso and storage "room domblnied, city water and electric 1 1 . r. .1 mr Cn Plinafnnta fnf anln JllllO, Ub tflU fcj Wt Will.! I.U "'""I Phono Red 853. Mrs. M. E. Gregg. Mrs. Will Hawley Ana Mr. Horman Schloutor woro visitors in Grand Is land Sunday. W.. A. Borton wont to Sidney Satur day to visit friends and hunt ducks for sovoral days. ' Henry Cordes, who-had beon visiting in Omahha for several days, returned lvomo Satoirdny. J. W. Abbott, of Ilershey, was in town Saturday onroute to Omaha on a business mission. - . Mrs. Ira LaMaster left Saturday for Chicago, whore ho will ontor a sani tarium for treatment. Mrs. Jesse Smith loft yesterday morning for Wisnor to visit Mr. and Mrs. Jack Walworth. The Eldcen club will moot Wednes day aftornoon with Mrs. Georgo Gar rard, 211 cast Ninth stroot. Mr. ant Mrs. A. M. Solbcrt, who had bfcion visiting friends in Watortown, S. D., roturncd homo Saturday. Mrs. Dr. Smith and children l!oft Sat urday for Aurora, Nob., to visit Mrs. Smiths parents for a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Poplci, of Hillsboro, Iowa, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Laughlln, having arrived Satuday. J. E. Nelson Heft Saturday night at eleven o'dlock on an auto trip to Holdifodgo. Ho lexpocts to return to day. Tho Economy Knitting Club will meet Thursday aftornoon with Mrs. Georgo A. Zentmoyer, 514 west Sixth street. Tho ciounty ccommlssionors wero in session yesterday allowing claims and considering matters pertaining to roads and bridges. Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Tatum returned Saturday from a visit in Omaha, hav ing gonld down Tuesday to witness tho Ak-Sar-Ben parados. Mrs. Harry Fleishman wng caltad to Omaha Sunday by tho death of nor mother who had been in a critical con dition for'sovoral weeks. Thoso in need of painting, paper, hanging and decorating are assured satisfactory work if they omploy Julius Hoga. Phono Black G92. 38tf Th6 man -who has tho contrnct for digglngt lija trench running from tho North river to tho now Union Pacific water plant, arrived Saturday with his ditch digging machino and will begin work at Onco. Tho excavation for tho foundation for tho power plant on tho river bank is being made. ::o:: For Snlc Threo five room houses, closo in. Hi Smith, G04 east Sixth street. 73-7 , AGAINST rjOjtf PACIFIC Twenty-six thousand dollars in dam agos aro domanded from tho Union Pacific railroad In flvo daniago suits filed against this company Saturday by Attorney Wm.' E. ShumanJ on bohalf of Mary ILiEldSer, CJirlstlna Samuolson, Emma Lrtfe'rk, Hnzol Liork and Chas. Llork, Jr., Jencatto Picard and TUeodoro.f5' and Jossio Samu'olon, Thoso plaintiffs ask dnmagos becnuso tlije.y claim tholr homos havo boon de stroyed by tho locntion of tho oxtcnslvo cqal yards Just south of tholr proper ties. Thoy nllogo that coa 1 dust, smoko, soot, gases, continuous noisos and oxcesslvo heat result from tho oporation of thoso coal yards, tho olnm shovol and tho frequent ilros, and that this coal dust, smolce, soot, gasos and heat pormoato Uio promises of tho plaintiffs, ruining tho houses and tho furnlturo, clothing, etc., thoroin, do troys tho trees and vogotation, and makos the members of the families 111 Thoy say that thoso disagreoablo con ditions aro caused by day and night, Sundays includeit, and ha(o tnltf'on away all tho comforts and KMijoymont of their homes. When it was first learned that tho railroad intended to locnt'o thoso coail yards In front of tho residoncos, tho owners (protested and did nil lihoy could to prevent it. out having failed in this, thoy filed suits for the dnmagos claimed by tho dlferont pCnintiffs ny'e as follows: Thoo. and Jossio Snmuelson $3,000,Liork Estnto $3,000, Jeanjetto Picard $G,500, Mary Eld'ar $S,000 and Christina Snmuelson $5,000. The ensog will come up for trial at tho December torm of dstrlct court, ::o:; Hoys and Girls Awarded Prizes. 1 Tho boys and girls who werowinnors in thlo garden contost rtecelvod tholr prizes at tho community entertatn- mont hold at tho Franklin Auditorium Friday evening. Tho first prizo of $5.00 vvient to Wlltlnm Kaufman, tho second of $3.00 to Mnudjo Ballard, tho third and foui'th of $2:00 each to Lawrtenco' Hart and Roycr Hastings. Dollar prizes woro also awarded to tho following: Dorothy Eldor, Joo Lano, Georgo Thayor, Smith, Harrison Tout, Huldah Johnson, Wilbcr Swanson, Annio McGrew, Ruth McGrow, Loster Langford, Paul Moore, Lois Troxlor, Arthur Paulson, Howard Purdy, Ruth Rlcictor, Ralph Simon, Angela Roddy, Claronco Frazior, Chcstor Cummlngs, Henry Haynor, Carl Schleintz, Ida Mengo, Gertrude Raynor and Mary Meek. Thoso prizes camo through a class ification of tb'p gardens by W. P. Snyder, of tho stato cxporlmentnllffarm, who. visited tho gardens during tho growing sieason, filling tho position of supervisor and judge. In an address to the audiencb. which well filled the floor of the auditorimm, Mr. Snyder told of tho gardens ns he found thlem, and Mrs J. S. Simms told in d'etat of tho work of organizing tho club, and some of tho difficulties the committed had on- eounteijal. Next year It is hoped to'o school children's gardons so financed that a paid supprvbor mzy l;o employ ed. During the past fcasoji ono hun- d-pd and twenty-ono gardens woro cul tivated and some of tho clill ci sold as hjgh as ten and fifteen ddllars worth of vefietali'les from thctfr patcfli Jof ground. Intorspersod during tho ovening was an excollently rendered corniot solo by Earl Stamp, appreciated vocal so los by Miss Whlto and Mr. Harrington and splendid readings by Miss Elsio Waltomath and Mrs. M. J. Forbes. -: :o: KEITH THEATRE FRIDAY EVENING, OCT. 12. TWELVE AND A HALF Katherine Grey, as Madam La Grange" TIMES AS GOOD AS "WITHIN THE LAW" New York Tribune. "IT WILL CAPTURE THE TOWN." Chicago Journal. "The cast is splendid, headed by Katherino Grey, whose subtle manner and intense emotionalism makes her an effective lead." Columbus, O., Dispatch. SEAT SALE TUESDAY OCT. 9. 7:30 P. M. William Sweeney Dies Mrs. John N. Bakor and daughter Jessio loft Sunday evening for Min neapolis to accompany to this city tho remains of William Swteenoy who died in that city following an oporation. Tho deceased was tho son of Mrs. Nicholas Klein of this city and a broth er of Mrs. Bakor and Mrs. W. C. El der. For many years ho was tho lead er of tho cowboy band in Colonel Cody's wild west show. Ho frequent ly visited In North Platto and wna well known to many of our pooplo. Ho was a Mason and an Elk and It Is probablo that thoso organizations will have charge of tlio funeral, tho time of which Is not at tills tlmo known. ::o:: Illp Success In Omnlm Manager Garman, of thb Kolth, ro colvod tho following tologram Friday: Omaha, Nob., Oct 4, 1917. Mgr. Garman Kolth Theatre, North Platto, Nob., Tho 13th. chair which opened horo tonight is tho best play that Omaha lias seen in many yoars. It hold tho audlonco spell bound from tho be ginning until tho last curtain; thocom pany Is of tho highest class and tho production Is magnlflcont. W. J. Burgoss, Mnnagor Boyd's Thleatro. Km A. fe - Tl? I 'H'rnro nf rtli an 1& J i ('( nnil refuse In VV J hN ,tlnK l,u .i&r f rrtAr In (urn mu Jw m tifili ni-nliit lilirt Orlrreil to lnk i Rrrnt llnrr Count I'mllnnnit. com nmmllnu a nali in a r i u r, rtlrlurp mill llit.r.. uniiiM ik Urrlflr atriiKuli In ii li I r li 1 rrillimml irlimuilK. Hp re (iirni. Iininr n sin rrrc mUut-nlc of iit-nrp. JHOS.H.INCE's Tlir tnrppitqlnii of 'the or. nan grey liounil no iircn liy lilnii tliii Imnil-tti. luinil tmttlo with Ilia nnr-mnil crpw lirnrntli tlin tTavpni tlip iletnictlon lv III in liuml or tli n ilrntli rmclnx ivlilrli lin t'ommnntls tlirsp rombtnn tit Biro on of tlio nrnreM of thrills In w i. ii Keith Theatre, Monday and Tuesday, October 15lh and 16lh. Re- 5ervedseht sale opens Saturday morning, Oct. 13. Prices; 25, 50, 75.' Mr. nnd 3Irs. Dunn Kctuni. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dunn, who wore married at Wood Itlvor Soptomber 27. returned Sunday from tholr wadding trip which included visits at ipolnta In Utah nnd New Mexico. Expecting a visit from frlonds at hor former homo, Mrs. Dunn wont through to Wood Itlv or nnd will roturn hone today when Uild nowlywods will formally tako ippssosslon of tho bungalow In tho 1000 block on west Fourth which Mr. Dunn "purchased last summer and had remodeled. Mr. Dunn and his bride woro born nnd raised In Wood River, woro classmates and both grad uated from tho high schoeil 1n 1908. The brido for a couple of years had been assistant In tho Wood Rivor post-' officje, and hag In tho past given much attention to music. :o: :- Sorotitcoit to Go October lolli. County Cltorlc Allon snys that ho un derstands that tho nnnl quota of Lin coln county's national army will on- traln, Octobor 15th, although ho has not beon officially notified to this ef fect Tho remaining number to bo f?ont b Camp Funston Is eovonteon, and Mr. Allen says lie has tho men available. &Guy W. Colo, of Montana, and Jesso P. Natzlnger, who Is In Washington, both of whom passed thloi examination, havo been notified to roport at onco. Thoy will go with the next contingent. -: :o: :- ::o: E. S. Davis is ono of tliiei local Odd Follows who wfll attond tho statf) grand lodgo at Lincoln next wook. This will bo tho twenty-first consacutlvo grand lodgo that Mr. Davia has at tainted, ievIdenoe of the intaroit h? takoe in that orgnIfttlon. Dr. Morrill, DontiBt. Miss Nora Coon, formerly of the City Hospital, has returned from a two weeks' visit with frlonds in Brady. Cholco vegetables and cut flowers at North Platto Floral Co. jPhono 1023 tf After a short visit with Mrs. Julia Shtfltz and othor friends In town, Mrs. Honry Shlltz returned to Sidney Sun day. Frank Martfin has roturncd from LowWllen and lotlior towns on tho branch road, where ho transacted bus iness. Try Spicor's Now Cab If you do- slro good icab service. Phono 247. tf A scoro or moro Odd FeKows went to Horshoy in autos lost evening to at tend degree work by tho lodgo ofthnt village. Train Dispatcher R. L. Newborn, who loft horo a short tlmo ago and wont to Rosobury, Ore., has roturncd and re sumed a trick in tho local office. A spfeclnl train bearing eastward a contingent of tho national army,, pass ed through yesterday foronoon. Thoro woro soveral hundred of them. Brokon oyo glass lenses can bo re placed tho samo day as order is glvon in our lonso grinding dopartmont. HARRY DIXON & SON, tf Graduato Optometrists. The first increase in price on these cleaners is coming soon. We still sell this revolving brush machine for $30. Come in and see it. North Platte Light & Power Co. WE BUY YOUR HAY, GRAIN, SEEDS AND LIVESTOCK. We still Coal, Flour, Graham, Whole Wheat, Corn Meal, Corn Chop, Barley, Chop, Salt, Shorts, Bran, Tankage and Cotton, Linseed and Alfalfa Meal, mixed ChickcmFeed and all kinds of Grain. Quality guaranteed and SERVICE THE BEST. Leypoldt & Pennington, EAST FRONT ST. PHONE 99. fourth in' 8octum Nineteen, all In Township Slxteon, Norttfi of Rango Thirty-two, west of tho Sixth P. M., all in Lincoln County, Nebraska. Dated North Platto, Nob., Oct. 8, 1917. o9-5w A. J. SALISBURY, Shorlff. Sheriffs SnSe. By vlrtuo of an ordor of sale lssuad from tho District Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska, upon a decree of foroclosuro in said Court whoroln Jameis A. Flko Is plaintiff and Arthur Battlos, ot al aro defendants and to; mo turocteu i will on tho 10th day of Novomber, 1917, at two o'clock p. m , at the onst front door of tho court houso In North Platto, Lincoln Coun ty, Nenraska, soil at pubUc auction to tho highest bidder for cash, to satis fy said docroe. Intorost and cost, the following described proporty, to-wlt: Tho West Ono-hnlf of tho Northwest One-fourth and tho Southeast One fourth of the Northwost Ono-fourth, In Soctlon Threo, In Township Fifteon, North of Range thirty-two, west of tho 0th p. M., tho Southwest Ono-fourth and tho Wost One-half of tho North west Ono-fourth and tho Southeast Ono-fourth of tho Northwost ono fourth and Southwewt Onp-fourth of tho Southeast One-fo'iirth, In Soctlon Nineteen. Township Slxteon. north of Rango Thirty-two, Wost of tho Sixth P. M.. the South Ono-half of the South winst One-fourth In Section' Sev'entoen, and th North Ono-half of tho South east ODG-fourth of Soctlon Nineteen. arc In Township SMxtoan, North of Uane Thirty-two, Went of tho Sixth P, M.. and the North Hslf of the Soutli ugt One-fourth of tho Southonst ono- Slicrlffs Sale. By vlrUio of an order of salo Issued from tho District Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska, upon a docreo of forecLosuro. In said Court, wherein Anna V. Mctcalf Is plaintiff and Will Outtrlm ot al aro defendants, and to mo directed, I will on tho 10 th day of Novcmbor, 1917, at Two o'clock P. M.. at tho cost front door of tho court houso In North Platto, Lincoln Coun ty, Nebraska, soil at public auction to tho hlghoBt bidder for cash, to satisfy said decroo, Intorost and cost, tho fol lowing doscrlbed property, to-wjt: Tho Wost Ono-hnlf of Section Twen ty-ono, In Township Slxtoon, North of Rango Thirty-two, Wost (of tho Sixth P. M. Tho East Ono-half of Soctlon Twle,n ty-ono In Township Slxteon, North of Rango Thirty-two. Wost of tho Sixth I'. M.; tho Northeast Ono-fourth of Section Twonty-nlno, In Township Sixteen, North of Rango Thirty-two, Wost of tho Sixth P. M.; Tho Southeast Ono-fourth of tho Southeast Ono-fourth and tho West One-half of the South east One-fourth, all In Section TVenty- Nlno, TownBhlp Slxtoon, North of Rango Thirty-two, West of tm Sixth P. M.. nnd thp South half of tho South east Ono-fourth of tho Southeast Ono fourth of Section Nlnotoon, In Town ship Sxtoon, North of Rango Thirty two, Wost of tho Sixth P. M: Somth- wost Ono-fourth of Section Twonty nlno, In Township Slxtoon, North of Rango Thirty-two, wost of tho Sixth P. M., nil in Lincoln County. Nobrnska. Dntftd North Platjto, Nob., Oct 8, 1917. o9-Gw A. J. SALISBURY, Shorlff. No! Ice. Dcerco of IIoIt-liIp Estnto No. 1507 of Irono I. Smith, docoasod, Jn tho County Court of Lin coln County, Nobrnska. Tho heirs, creditors and all porsons Interested In Bald ostato will tako no tice that on tho 1st day of October, 1917, Allco O. Colo claiming title by meene conveyance from Irono I. Smith doeodent lllodhor petition horoJn, nl loglug that tho said Irono I. Smith dlod intlcstato on or about January 1, 1902, a resident of Llnccin Qounty, Nobrnska, and that at tho tlmo of hor death sho was tho owner of, or had an ostato of lnhorltanco In Lots ono and two In Block 7, In Pienlston'a addi tion to tho City of North Platto, In said Lincoln County, Nobrnska, and that no application has boon mado In tho said State for tho appointment ot an administrator. That sho loft sur viving hor Ebor II. Smith, a husband, Claud C. Smith, a sou, Exu Ilazol Smith, a daughter. Thut all dobts of said decedent havo beon .paid, and praying that roguar, ad ministration bo waived and a d'eorco bo entorod barring creditors and fixing tho dato of hor death and tliei degrco of kinship of hor hoIrB and tho right of doscont to said real ostato. Said potltlon will bo heard November 2, 1917, at 9 o'clock n. m. at thcl offlco of tho County Judgo In snld county. GEO. E. FRENCH, o9oU0 County Judgo. XOTIOI3 Foil I'lrilMOATIOX Sorlnl No. 0C1G3. , ... ' I('iiirlnifii( of (lie Inferior U. S. I.tuil Olllco lit North Platto, Neb. Sopt. 26, 1917. Notlco Ih horeby given thut 1511s wortli I'otiso, of Tryoi), Nebr.. who. on Nopt. 10, 1911, imule Homestead ontry No. 0B1 03, for S4 of HWU, nnd NWU of 8W4. Soctlon 34, Township 10, N., Uane 31, W., 6th Principal Merldlnn, litis filed notice of Intention to innko final three year Proof, to oHtRbllBU claim to tlio land above 1encrlbel, Ue foro tlie IleKlHtor ami Itecolver, at North l'lntto, Nobr., on tho 10 th day of Nov., 1917. Claimant names uh wltnesfies: S Ttoyco "Wolllvor. of North Platto, Nebr., Harry Madloon, of Tryon, Nobr., Frod JolmiiHon, of North Platto, Nobr., Molvln Wolllvor, of North Platto, Nobr. Q2-G 13. J. 13AMI3S. UoglHtpr. Notice To Juanlta Frood, non-roaldont do fondant: You nro horoby notified that on tho lGth day of 'Juno, 1917, Gus Frood lllod a liotltlon against you in tho District Coiurt of LIncoCn County, Nebraska, tho objoct and prayor of which aro to obtain a dlvorco from you on tlio ground that you havo wilfully abandoned tlio plaintiff without gpod cause, for tho torm of moro than two yoars last past and for tin custody o! tilt) minor child, tho lssup of sifd mnr rlngo, to-wlt: Paulino Freed ago ' 12 yoars. You aro roqulrod to answer said potltlon on or boforo Monday, No vember 5th, 1917. GUS FREHQ, By GEO, N. OIBBS, 73-4 w 1 'ills. Attorney.