The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, October 02, 1917, Image 9

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UUHIIMI1 I It kill I.U I rWK
Tonr HOSKT nil!. Btt HRJTJDID br ronr drmrsltt
immtuimr qnpsuon h mis remnaraoennoioeneni t
Tprf caeif Antlpinn. lkrnnrlilnl Antlinm, llur
I'oTer nr Dllllcult llrpntlilnir. No matter bow I
riolent ue au&ks or oDsunale tho cat
In olthor form (Ctearf tto. I'lpo Mlxtnra or Ponder)
positively kItim INSTANT UHUKF In every case
and has permanently enrrd thousands ho baa been
conalderud Incurable, after baring tried everr other
meant of relief In "alii. ButTereri aro afforded an
opportunity of availing themselves of this "Money
llac" guarantee oner as through purchasing from
their own regular Druggist, they aro suro tbolt
money will he refunded by him If tho remedy falls.
Yon will bo the sol Judgo as to whether you are
benefited and nlll get your money hack If you are
not. Wo do not knor of. any fairer proposition
which wo tauld make.
R. Schlllmann Co., P,opriotors, Gl. Paul, Minn.
nr r. a
Met Contents 15 T?luid Drachm
! 1
" Mnnnr.Jn TiP.n ni'.Nl',
ft r..l,- nniinpstfjOflialflSj
neither Opium, Morpmuv.
. f 1. nn nnr
ftbnn Smt
1 1 -..( DnmrvHv far
aim khib"
IossofSleep BsulUnSlhcrcrcoraiW""?'
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
Her Position Assured.
lie ller social position Is fully ns
sured, Isn't it?
Sh(! Dear me, yes. She told me the
otbfir day confidentially that she had
now got to the point where she could
snub her best friends without injury.
8? 'A T ""I"'"'
mk-rm urn noui
Money back without question
If HUNT'S CURE falls In the
treatment of ITCH, ECZEMA,
niNGWOKM.TKTTEn orother
ltcUlnp skin dUeaseB. Price
50c at druggists, or direct from
LB.RIchardt Medicine Co. .Sherman Tel.
Wataon B. Onlemnn,
Patent Lawyer, Washington,
II. 13. AdrlcB and books free.
Kites reasonable. Ulghest ref erencos. Uostsenrlcoa.
A toilet preparation of merit,
nelpa to oradlcate dandruff.
For Restoring Color and
BenutytoGray or Faded Hair.
10c and t oo at Drurglita.
Nebraska Directory
Omaha, Nebraska
Rooms from $1.00 up single, 75 cents up double.
Wei-MllT flllllassWaOTasssMrsTOlMMTrifr lay ptr eesmir j-bp saaaaaaar j
Done promptly.
Free price list.
Auto Electric Service Co. mc. ,
Formerly Strahle b Anderson, Inc. 1
310S. lOlhSl. OMAnA, NEB.
Electric Starter Specialists
&f ffWTk A Bef and Buppllen. Largest
EtL LA BV bouse In the west. All
flUIPUIUf! Eaatmnmroods.Wepayre
rinlOninU turn postage on flnlslilng.
Eastman Kodak Co. Omaha, Neb.
W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 38-1917.
til l Ls
His Best One, Too.
There was n pntherlnt of farmers
In n little mnrlset town when In stnlkud
one In n state of high dudgeon.
"Wlmtevcr's the mutter, John?" In
quired one of the others.
"Why, thnt bill collector hns Just
been to my house mid abused me."
"What did he say 7"
"Oh, I remonstrated with him."
"How did that affect him?"
"I don't know but I broke my best'
pitchfork handle."
The Penalty.
The Grouch Why do nil men speak
of women who are tho least bit good
looking as "blamed pretty women?"
The Sardonic Simp Easy. If they're
pretty they're suro to bo blamed.
For Infants and CMIdron.
Mothers Know That
Genuine Castoria
Thirty Years
A Maniac in the Trench.
An officer writes about an incident
which is probably one of the most
gruesome ihat has been recorded of
life in trenches:
One night ns a working party un
dcr Lieutenant Itathbonc was proceed
lug down a communication trench, thej
were fired upon from close quarters
On Inquiry Lieutenant Itathbone as
certalned that the shots came from I
soldier who had run amuck, and had
posted himself with loaded rifle and
ilxcd bayonet farther down the trench
Lleutennnt Itathbone borrowed n rifle
and, accompanied by Corporal Feld
wick, advanced along the trench untl!
In view of tho mentnlly deranged mnn
They then ndvanced with rifles nt th
ready ; the officer calling upon the mar
t to surrender. Receiving no reply, thej
I then dropped their rifles and rusheC
111111, HUM UllUl UlOitl llllllb mill lUUft lilit
1 to the nearest dressing station. Cor
poral Feldwlck, who is a prisoner oi
war, has also been awarded the Albert
medal of the second class.
These Girls.
"Isn't It funny?" said Gladys, curl
ously, to her chum, Phyllis. "Fnthei
has promised to give me a pair of dla
mdnd earrings If I will stop having
music lessons. I wonder why?"
"That's strange!" agreed Phyllis
"But you've never worn earrings, huvc
you?" -
"No. I shall have to get my cars
"That explains it," said Phyllis, an
Innocent smile curving her ruby Hps
"He wants to pay you back In youi
own coin."
A wholesome
table beverage
with winning
Used every
where by folks
who find that
coffee disagrees.
Always .
the or
ST 11 V. H
agrees. j
"There's a Reason"
The KITCnm
Canned food will 1)0 needed next win
ter as It has novertieen needed before.
Lot your slogan bo, therefore, can all
you can and dry the succulent foods
which will keep without cannlns.
A slice of nice linn ripe tomato
lipped In olive oil and lemon Juice,
seas o n o tl with
scraped onion, salt
and red popper.
i$fffitej!& ''"kt's ,llost tasty
VfyS sandwich. Sliced
cucumbers, cut very
tliln and prepared
Just before using
ns above. Is anoth
er refreshing and
wholesome sandwich.
Chicken and Ham Sandwiches. Cut
cold chicken and cold hnm In very
thin slices. Prepare thin slices of
bread, spread with butter, add a slice
of ham, then a layer of chicken,
sprinkle lightly with salt, add another
slice of bread and butter and press
together, trim and oitt Into triangles
or any desired shape.
bit of crisp lettuce dipped In n
highly seasoned French dressing and
served at once before the dressing
wilts the lettuce, Is a very good sand
wich filling and easy to prepare.
Cheese Sandwiches. Mix together
two heaping tablespoonfids of cheese,
two tnblespoonfuls of melted butter,
a tcaspoouful of made mustard and
spread buttered bread with this mix
ture, (hen Iny on thin slices of corned
beef, cover with another slice of
broad, press together and cut In nuy
desired' shape.
Mayonnaise and Ham Sandwiches.
Chop a quarter of a pound of cooked
ham, then add one teuspoonful of
French mustard, one teuspoonful of
pnprlka, the strained Juice of half n
lemon and four tnblespoonfuls of mny
onnnlse dressing. Mix well and spread
lightly on thin buttered toast.
Egg and Sardine Sandwiches.
Work the yolks of six hard-cooked
eggs Into a paste with- three table-
spoonfuls of mayonnaise, add five sar
dines from which the skin and bones
have been removed, and when a
smooth paste Is formed, spread on
buttered toast, sprinkle with the fine
ly minced egg whites and garnish
with minced parsley.
Water Cress Sandwiches. Tnke
well-washed and dried wnter cress and
mix after chopping with butter, cream
It well nnd spread on thin slices of
bread. Use fotir bunches of chopped
cress nnd four tnblespoonfuls of but
ter. If wo are looking for iv controlling
purpose In life, what can be more
comprehensive than this nobility of
With all the puddings nnd Ices
which we hnvo to tempt tho appetite,
nothing seems to
tnke the . place of
the popular pie.
Apple Pie With
Cream Cheese.
Line a deep pie
plate with pastry,
and 1111 with tart
cooked apple
sauce. ,Bako with
out a crust and when cold cover with
n cupful of whipped cream, to which
bus been added a half of a cream
cheese put through n rlcer. This may
be heaped on tho pie with a pastry
tube If so desired.
Another apple plo baked without a
top crust Is covered with marsh mnl
lows nnd returned to the - oven to
Banana Pie. Fill a pastry shell
with sliced bananas, sprinkle with
butter nnd lemon juice nnd a little
sugar. Rake, servo covered with
whipped cream.
Pineapple Pie. To ono small enn
of gruted pineapple add three eggs,
ono nnd a half cupfuls of sugar, a half
cupful of cold water and two thble
spoonfuls of butter. Rent the eggs,
separating the whites from the yolks,
stirring In the whites lightly. Rake
with ono crust. This will make two
Orange Pie. Reut the yolks of three
eggs with a fourth of u cupful of su
gar, add the juice and grated rind of
an orange and the Juice and grated
rind of hnlf a lemon with a small
piece of butter. Mix thoroughly and
hnke In a single crust. When done
cover with n meringue made from the
whites of the eggs nnd threo tnble
spoonfuls of sugar and a tnblcspoou
ful of orange Juice. '
Yorkshire. Pie. Line a plo pan
with pastry and fill with preserves of
nny kind, cover with shredded
almonds and baked. When cold cov
er iU sweetened and flnvored
whipped cream.
Prune Pie With Whipped Cream.
Rake n pastry .shell nnd cool. Scald
a cupful of milk, add a tablespoonful
of corn starch and cook until smooth ;
ndd the yolk of an egg beaten with a
half-cupful of sugar, a dnsh of salt,
and a cupful of chopped cooked
prunes. Cook until smooth, then fill
the shell. Servo cold with whipped
cream piled over tho top.
Pastry should be handled lightly,
fnt cut Into the Hour with knives und
chilled when possible before rolling
Remember when heartsick and weary;
Tlio sunshine-conies after the rain;
Tomorrow Is thno to be cheery
Tomorrow wo take hopo iiRnln.
l'lrklod onions are wholesome nnd
make a good addition to tho rellshen
for the winter.
Pickled Onions. Re
move the outside skin
hut be careful not to
break them. Soak twen
ty-four hours In strong
snlt wnter, wipe and put
thorn In glass Jars with
pieces of sweet rod pop
pers. Allow enough vinegar to till
the Jars and to each quart add n
teuspoonful of mixed spices. Scald
the vinegar with the spices and cool
It, then fill the Jars. The second and
third day, repeat, codling It each
time before pouring over the onions,
the third day seal airtight.
Boiled Cider. Fresh sweet elder,
cooked down to half its quantity and
bottled for winter uso, may be used
In the winter or at any seacon with
carbonated water to make a most re
freshing drink. The cider may bo
used for mince incut, pudding sauces
nnd for various dishes.
Mint Punch. Wash and brush n
quart of mint leaves. Cover with boil
ing water and steep for ten minutes.
Strain and chill, add one cupful of
grape Juice, one cupful of either
strawberry or raspberry Juice, fresh
or canned. Sweeten to taste, using
sirup lnstend of sugar, making a more
bland nnd pleasant flavor than when
raw sugar Is used. Any fruit Julco
may be used that Is at hand.
Cucumber Pickles. Select tho small
cucumbers and to each hundred al
low onco ounce of whole cloves, ono
ounce of white mustard seed, one
large tablespoonful of salt, ono cupful
of sugar and two small red peppers.
Tut the spices In thin muslin bags, and
put them with the washed cucumbers
Into a kettle with vinegar to cover.
Heat slowly to the boiling point, take
from the fire nnd put Into cans. After
a week, if they seem to soften, drain
off the vinegar and add a half cupful
of water and the same amount of
sugar to two hundred pickles (using
the very small ones), pour this boil
ing hot over the pickles and scnl.
Orange Mint Julep. Chop llnennd
rub to a paste, four sprigs of mint,
add a tablespoonful of powdered
sugnr and mix this with the grated
rind and juice of an orange. Add lco
and carbonated wnter to mnko n
To save food tho housewife must
learn to plan economical nnd properly
balanced meals, which, whllo nourish
ing each member of tho fnmlly prop
brly, do not encouroBo over-catlng or
offer excessive and wasteful variety.
United Stntes Department of Agriculture.
A good wny to mnko chill sauce
is to can the tomatoes when they arc
In their prime nnd set
away to be made Into
chill sauce when thero
arc not so many pressing
Chill Sauce. Take
three qunrts of "canned
t o m n t o o b , add six
chopped green peppers,
four white onions also chopped, one
cupful of sugar, half a cupful of salt,
two cupfuls of vinegar and the follow
ing ground spices: Ono tablespoonful
of cinnamon, one-eighth of a tenspoon
ful of cayenne pepper, hnlf n tea-
spoonful of cloves and allspice mixed.
This mixture Is boiled for threo hours
and then bottled for winter use. This
makes n thick sauce. Ry adding six
cupfuls of vinegar Instead of two a
good catsup mny bo made.
Bordeaux Sauce. Two gallons of
cabbage, ono gallon of green tomatoes,
one dozen white onions, six red sweet
peppers, nil chopped fine; one ounco
of whole allspice, one ounco of whole
cloves, one-quarter of a pound of
wlilto mustard seed, ono ounco of cel
ery seed, one und three-qunrtors
pounds of sugar, ono gallon of vine
gar and a half cupful of salt. Drain
tho tomatoes; cabbage and tomatoes
nre measured after chopping. Remove
tho seeds from tho peppers. 'Cloves
and nllsplce nre put In small cheese
cloth bags. Roll twenty minutes, can
and seal. This makes n dozen quartes.
Young carrots canned may ho used
pickled In the winter, adding onions,
bay lenf, vinegar und cloves with cel
ery seed, letting them stand In the
mixture for n day or two. The same
vinegar may be used several times.
Pickled Beets. Take one dozen
beets, two quarts of vinegar, pne-quur-tcr
of an ounce each of mace and gin
ger, u saltspoonful of pepper and two
tnblespoonfuls of grated horseradish.
Cook the beets until tender and cut
up, ndd the sensonlngs to tho vinegar
and, when boiling hot, pour over the
beets. Seal In Jars. Sugar lmprovea
this pickle for ninny people.
Slightly green liiuskmelons make n
most delicious pickle, prepared as ono
does the watermelon rind.
A Knnxvllle (Tenn.) girl wnkes clev
er chnrncter dolls with huads carved
of dried apples,'
v As beneficial as it is enloy- F
J able in other words, doubly P
1 beneficial; that's why r
m is popular the worid over P
j Many a long watch or a hard F
"j Job is made more cheerful El
j by this long-lasting refreshment. L
Jj After Every Meal The Flavor Lasts . P
3 filds appetite MZmUGlJEXS H thirst M
Tho Lost Words.
"I shan't waste any words on you."
"If you uso nny nt all on mo you
will." rJetrolt Free Press.
ll'II U III BL-lllloa IIC BJMllli;! ID QIIIU
to occupy second place when It comes
to entering a post office.
$395 Buys Saxon Roadster
Greatest Automobile Value Ever Offered
Never has there been on automobile value that can
compare with this. Just stop and figure up all that you
get for $395.
First and foremost, full electric equipment (Wagner
2- unit type starting and lighting system); high-speed Con
tinental motor; demountable rims; 30 inch by 3 inch tires;
3- apood transmission; Hyatt quiet bearings; Feddcrs honeycomb radi
ator; smart stream-line body; Atwater-Kent ignition system; cantilever
type vanadium steel springs of extra length and strength; Schebler
carburetor; dry plato clutch and twenty further features of costly car
quality. Price, now, $395, f. o. b. Detroit Saxon "Six" $935, I o. b.
Saxon Motor Car Corp., Detroit
See your local dealer NOW or write to us direct.
Responsible representatives wanted in all open territory.
Feed the Fighters
Harvest tho Crops Save the Yields
On the battle fields of France and Flanders, the United States boys and the
Canadian boys are fighting side by side to win for the World the freedom that Prus
sianism would destroy. While doing this they must be fed and every ounce of
muscle that can be requisitioned must go into use to save this year's crop. A short
harvest ncriod requires the combined forces of the two countries in team work, such
as the soldier boys in France and Flanders are demonstrating.
The Combined Fighters In Francs and Flanders and the Combined
Harvesters In America WILL Bring the Allied Victory Nearer.
A reciprocal arrangement for the use of farm workers ha been perfected between the Depart
ment of the Interior of Canada and the Departments of Labor and Agriculture of the United State,
under which it I proposed to permit the harvesters that are now rnsaRed in the wheat fields of Okls
homa, Kama. Iowa. North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska. Minnesota and Wisconsin to move
over into Canada, with tho privilege of later returning to the United States, when the crops in the
United States have been conserved, and help to save the enormous crop in Canada which by that
time will be ready for harvestlns.
Canada Wants 40,000 Hnrvost Hands to Tnko Caro of Its
One cent a mile railway fare from the International boundary line to destination and the earn
rate returning to the International Boundary.
High Wages, Good Board, Comfortable Lodgings.
An Identification Card issued at the boundary by a Canadian Immigration Officer will guaran
tee no troublo in returning to the United State.
AS SOON AS YOUR OWN HARVEST IS SAVED, move northward and assist your Canadian
neighbour in harvesting his; in this way do your bit in helping "Win the War". For particular as to
routes, identification cards and place where employment may be had, apply to Superintendent
of Immigration, Ottawa, Canada, or to
W. V. BENNETT, Roera 4, Dee Bldrj., Omaha, Near.
Canadian Government Agent.
It takes a homely girl fully ten sec
onds to forgive n young mnn for hav
ing stolen a kiss.
Same Thing.
"We enn all do something to help."
"Yes; those who do nothing else can
sit buck and advise tho rent."
With full tltctric
! Win the War ! !