The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, October 02, 1917, Image 8
Omaha Sept. 26 to Oct. 6 National Swine", Exhibit South Side, Oct. 3 to 10. Electrical Parade Even ing WednesdayJOct. 4. Special train will leave Omaha 11:45 p. m. operating via South Omaha, making all stops between Omaha and Columbus. Afternoon Parade Thursday, October 4. Special train will leave Omaha at 5:15 p. m. for Grand Island making all stops Fremont and West. Extra coaches will also be provided on No. 23. Ak-Sar-Ben's Big Mil itaryfFireworks Spect acle, Thursday Evening Kourke's Park. Extra equipment will be pro vided on regular' trains into Omaha, Oct. 3d and 4th. Special trains and extra equip ment will be provided only in case the Government doos not requisition equipment for special troop movement. UNION PACIFIC provides splendid train service into Omaha for accomodation of Ak-Sar-Bcn visitors. Bathtub, and Bathing. In mnny European countries "tuo best people" If you know what Unit meansnever bntlio In water. Spanish matrons havo expressed much sur;ilso at my complaints about tho ubsenco of bathing facilities In tho Madrid hotels. Ono lady, wife of u dis tinguished nicnibor of the cortcs, told mo alio "had herself rubbed down in oil onco a week, but never had got Into a tub of water nnd never would!" My memory of London hotels goes back to 1870, when thero wns not u Biiiglo bathtub In any hotel In that city, A tin pan and bucket of warm water was tho only "tub,' and you woro lucky to get that. And In that samo period in Now Yovu city tho Metropolitan and St. Nicholas hotels, supposed to bo models of excel lence wero totally wanting in bath rooms. Admittedly, It Is as dllUcult to Imag ino Ufo without motorcars as without bathtubs, but tho former nro less than a twenty-ycur-old necessity, whllo tho bath was an institution long beforo tho times of Uio Roman emperors. Julius Chambers in Brooklyn Knglo. Our Coal Resources. Aro our coal mines bolng exhausted by their vast production? Not at n rate which need worry us or causo fears that tho next generation will freeze to death. Ncnrly ten yours ago u compo tent ouglneor analyzed tho figures of soft coal production and rcservo and concluded that If our output continued to increase according to tho growth shown up to that timo it would reach a stable maximum of 2,300,000,000 tons tier year about tho year 21DQ and that TOO years xnoro of production nt that rato would exhaust tho known coal measures of the United Stntcsl SInco ho wrote production has nd vnnood at a Blower rato than ho antici pated and Important now deposits havo ome to light. Thero should bo no yrnnta of our mineral fuel, but nelthor thero any occasion for alarm. Au ihruclte, of course, la unothcr matter, ftut oven of that thero Is enough to last tor at least a cutury. Ohlcugo Journal. Why Bh Wont Homo. Wifo-Tom, dear, this my first plum pudding. Hub (dubiously) It looks rather nice Wlfo Do you kuow. I wns wondering whllo making It why wo call it plum pudding when there isn't a plum in It, Hub (having eaten a Uttlo) I fancy, my dear, tho word should bo spelled "plumb," which, you will find by tho dictionary, means "a little mass or Weight of lead." Boston Transcript ! Hit With. I Willis Would you bo satisfied if jrou ad all the Money you wanted? GIlui I'd be satisfied .If I bad all tbe motley y creditors wanted. Exchange, TlMirnffyQtlJcr rifle usSTLy tho armies of Europe, Tho magazlno holds flvo cartridges, packed n chargers. Tho British rlflo Is tho outcome of tho South African war. It holds ten cartridges and Is sighted from 200 to 2,800 yards. Tho Italian Mannllchcr-Carcano is rather slow, discharging hut fifteen rounds of shot n minute. Tho French Lebcl Is tho longest rllle. Tho tubo magazine under the barrel holds eight cartridges. The bullet used In it weighs 103 grains. Tho Russian rifle Is seven Inches longer than tho British. It Is capable of firing twenty-four bullets to tho min ute. Tho bayonet Is always fixed. Tho Austrian rlflo Is tho lightest of all, yet its bullet, 214 grain, Is the heaviest used by any of the powers. It Is very rapid In action. Tho Belgian Mauser of 1889 liolds llvo cartridges carried In clips. It can not ho used as a single loader. It weighs over eight pounds. From tho Cellar of Life. Do not bo afraid, do not cry out, for llfo Is good. I came from low down, from tho collar of life, whero darkness and terror reign, whero man Is half beast and llfo Is only a fight for bread. It flows slowly there, In dark streams, hut even there glenm pearls of courage, of Intelligence nnd of heroism, even thcrobcautyand loyo exist. Everywhere that man Is found, good Is; In tiny particles nnd Invlslblo roots but still It is there. All these roots will -not perish; soino will grow nnd flourish and bear fruit. I bought dearly the right to believe this; therefore It is mine my whole llfo long. And thus I have won yet another right, tho right to demand that you, too, bcllovo ns I do, for I am tho volco of that life, tho despairing cry of those who remain below nnd who havo scut mo to herald their pain. They also long to rise to self respect, to light and freedom. Gorky In "Tho Peasants." Horso 8onso. If you work for n man, in heaven's nnmo work for him. If ho pays wages that supply you your bread and butter, work for him, speak well of him, jthlnk well of him, stnnd by him and stand by the Institution he represents. I think if 1 worked for a man 1 would work for him. I would not work for him a, part of his time, but nil of his time. I would glvo nu undivided service or none. If put to n pinch nn ounco of loyalty is worth a pound of cleverness. If you vilify, condemn nnd eternally disparage, why, resign your position and when you ore outside roar to your licart'B content. But, I pray you, so long as you aro a part of an institu tion, do not condemn It. Not that you will lujuro tho Institution not that but when you dlspnrago tho coucern of which yod nro a part you dlspurago yourself. Elbert Hubbard. Colony of Cousins. In Cntlln bay, closo to tho great rock of Gibraltar, thero Is a colony so uniquo that it stands out almost ns a trlbo dis tinct in itself. Mnny generations ago, during a storm, a licet of Genoese fish ermen put Into tho sheltered spot and so escaped tho fury of tho sea. In tho boats, so history has it, were many wo men, and they beenmo so enamored of tho spot that huts wero built and thoy remained. Hundreds of years havo passed, and tho Uttlo trlbo still lingers on. It Is a colony of cousins, dwelling apart in tho shadow of a great rock and going down to tho sen In nhlps to earn hard won llvollhood. - The Ideal Kltohon. The kitchen Is tho rcnl workshop of tho family. Most of tho work thero hua to do with preparing food for tho family, cleaning It up and putting it away, Tho old fashioned kitchens nover took Into account economy of steps nnd time, but todny this is al ways doue. Thero Is u logical order for tho arrangement of tho equipment Things thnt belong to each process should bo together, within tho reach of tho worker. Tho icebox, cold pan try, kitchen cabinet, stovo nnd serving tnblo aro used together and should bo in it closo continuous lino. This Is thu food preparation eldo of tho equip ment For tho cleaning up of tho samo economy should bo practiced. Tho sluk should bo near tho china closet or In a butler's pantry, tho track should bo straight for clearing up. Always havo plenty of tnblo room near tho Blnk. A drain board on each sldo Is tho bed! plan, or nt lenBt n set of hanging shelves, a hinged shelf nnd cxtrn ta blo or a wheeled tahlo nt tho right If tho dralu tahlo Is porcelain n rubber mat will prevent brenknge Exchange. Tho Starvation Point. To tho question, "If llioro wero a 5lego, how long do you think tho sol llors and civilians could llvo aftor tho food supplies gavo out?" un English paper auswers; Sclenco tolls us that If uo cnu get drinking water an ordinary ainn can exist for thirty days without food. At tho end of that tlmo the' ma chinery of fcho body will not bo spoiled and can bo brought back to Its former itrcngth by careful feeding. About a quarter of our body weight Is fat, and It Is mostly this rnt that Is absorbed m food during tho period of starvation. Wo cnu absorb and burn up our muscles until 00 per cent of tholr weight la gono. Wo can do tho Bauio with from 30 to 40 per cont of our livers and digestive organs and 20 per cont of our lungB. Our hearts enn lose 10 per cent and our brains and nervous systems can loso C per cent It will bo seen that the moro vital organs brain nnd heart yield least of thtlr.valunblo substanco for tho Ufa of the body, whllo tho less essential sub stances fat, muscle fiber, etc aro con. umod flrst THE 8EMI-WEEKLY TRIBON ' In tho Amcrlcmf Magazlno is an a'rtl ilo by J. O. Armour entitled "Armour Men Who Got Ahead-and Why," In which Mr. Armour gives bis opinion of tho qualifications that mako for busi ness success. "Ono of tho truest axioms I know," ho says, "Is tho business saying that 'tho best trained man Is tho self train ed man.' It Is my belief that no man developed by a formula In a business organization can ever reach tho power of onn who Is put on his own responsi bility, knowing that his advancement depends on his own brains, foresight and application. "By this I do not mean that n busi ness leader should let his men go along blindly. Ho must always glvo some thing of hlraselfT no must teach them tho overhand nnd crawl strokes whero they know only tho brenst stroko bo fore. But In nny ofllco organization tho man who has never had to stand squarely on his own feet Is never In a position to march ahead." Work of a Mlcrosoopo. Ono of tho nowest of astronomical Instruments Is tho blink microscope Tho princlplo involved is similar to that of tho moving plcturo machine In tho latter tho film used consists of n scries of pictures, each n Uttlo differ cnt from Its predecessor. If theso nro presented in rapid succession tho se ries is fused into ono plcturo In which tho succeeding differences appear as motion. Tho blink mlcroscopo enables one to compnro n. photograph of a por tion of the heavens with another of tho samo region, taken several years later. An ingenious contrlvanco brings first one then tho other plate into view In rapid succession. If In the Interval between two exposures n star In tho region has changed its position appre ciably it will appear to move and can bo detected nt onco. Formerly it wns necessary to measure carefully tho po sitions of all tho stars on both plates In order to detect thoso with large proper motions. Such stars arc some times cnllcd "runaway" stars. Complaint of the Stupid, It Is only stupid people who complain that they aro misunderstood. If they wero not stupid they would know that thero Is absolutely no such thing as be ing misunderstood, nnd thereforo that thero Is nothing whatsoever to bo gain ed by complnlnlng nbout It. Wise peoplo who want to bo under stood do not spend their tlmo com plaining, but In perfecting soino means of expressing themselves by which they may reveal to tho world about them somo slight remnant, at least, of their souls or their minds or their ideas or their discoveries or their eccentrici ties or whatever it is they want to mako known. When you complain .about not being understood tho only thing you mako clear is that you aro a complalner. Puck. Eskimo Carving. All of tho Eskimo carving today Is dono with steel tools, but thero Is work In cxlstcuco that dates back to tho stono age. Tho older Eskimos say that their ancestors used tools of Hint, and It Is known that they havo been carv ing ivory for many generations. Some of tho very poorest of them and those that llvo in tho most out of the way places aro noted for their work of this kind. They seem to do It for pastime nnd mnko many toys and dolls foi their children. Thoy havo- n way o( softening tho bone, horn or ivory bo foro they work It, nnd to make the carvings moro distinct they etch lined on tho surfaco with a black paint mado of n mixture of gunpowder nud blood. This, when put on tho freshly cut bono, makes n permanent stain. Pay Up Now, If you hnvo $3 .or moro or less for which you havo no pressing need go nnd liny a debt with It. That is tho best uso you can mako of toonoy, un less you nro naked or starving. Now Is Iho tlmo to oboy tho Blblo Injunc tion, "Owo no man auythlng." That Is In tho Blblo, but from tho way somo debtors spend money they don't seem to know It or caro for It If thoy have a dollar oxtra It goes for a plcasuro or a convenience. Tho duty to pay soino ono thoy owo nover occurs to them. Nor docs It occur to, them that every uuscttled debt Is a drag on a community. Everybody has to pay in terest on It Peoplo have to pay moro for their sugar nnd coffco becauso other peoplo owo tho grocer and won't pny. It is ono of tho items In tho high cost of living. And then thero Is a whole some public policy In scattering tho monoy around. It will help find work for somo poor man nnd help some, oth er debtor pny his debt So pay up now. -Ohio Stato Journal. What Kept Her Young. I kuow a Uttlo lady, slim, bent, but uullucd by tho years, who sits nbsorb edly through nil of tho fashion open ings of tho great shops and watches breathlessly as tho models In their mar velous gowns file paBt her chair. Sho particularly loves tho tullo and be spangled evening frocks that tho young girls wear, and sho tells us glowingly of tho "wonderful color, my dear, and tho wny it was madol" Sho couldn't possibly wear "tho gowns that buo ad mires bo. Sho couldn't afford them if thoy wero suitable but sho loves them just tho same. "It's time," I onco heard a neighbor womnn say rather snlfllngly, "that sho got over such vanity. She's old enough to stop thinking nbout clothes." Tho neighbor didn't stop to reason out that it was tho lovo of clothes that kept a spark of youth In tho heart of tho Uttlo old lady a divine spark of youth that kept hor from being color Ices and tired and wan! Christian Herald. E, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA.,, , r. mi, i urn. ana- rafiafTff.'T ' wnuo I am well rooted in my French nnd LitUu soil, I hnvo traveled far through tb. world, and ono may bc llovo mo when I say thnt I hnvo found no city that moro resembles Paris in its ways and tho characteristics of its inhabitants than New York. Even London, ndmlrable as it Is, is moro apnrt. This Is not to say that New York Is not profoundly original, but that between It and Paris there are parallel originalities. Tho gaycty of the streets; already certain aspects of pic turesque antiquity; tho atmosphere of welcoming; tho vivacious spirit, cordial hospitality and disinterested enthusi asm for talent, merit or novelty; n cer tain quickness to adopt nud to discard Ideas, art movements and people; a restlessness nt times too feverish; a lovo of pleasure, elegance and luxury; a tendency to respond Instantly and as one man to any great nud International event nil this is What makes of Paris and New York, ench In Its own particu lar way, with its Uttlo faults aud grand qualities, tho two most sympathetic, tho most "electric" cities of tho civ ilized world. Jules Bois In Century. Immigrants and the Birth Rate. Tho figures given out by tho census bureau showing whnt la described as an astonishingly higher birth rato among foreign born Americans than among native Americans are perhaps not so astonishing after all. It Is common knowledge that the families of foreign born parents nro Inrger thun purely A ncrlcan families. It is safe to say that they havo been for mnny years, though tho figures now published nro tho first ever mndo by the national government but persons who nro distinctly American In their fooling, habits, prejudices, customs and thinking continue to govern America and lead tho American peoplo, Thnt tho more rapid lucrcaso of tho elements brought into tho population by recent Immigration will havo a tend ency to uuatncrlcuulzc America is nn assumption thnt lacks support In na tional experience. Our expcrlcuco Is that America makes Americans of Eu ropeans. St Louis Republic. Tho Great Secret. Tho regulation of our time is moro Important than tho effort to get mon ey. When wo know how to regulato our tlmo enough money will nlwnys come. Earning n living Is only a mat ter of learning how to spend ono's time. And slngulur as this may seem, It Is uot the time spent in earning a living that counts so much ns tho tlmo spent when wo are not earning It It Is what you do when you don't havo to do anything that tells In tho long run. When, thereforo, you aro not busy trying to make both ends meet spend your timo in associating with million aires nnd peoplo who havo nothing to do but spend enormous Incomes, You'll bo a mllllonalro yourself beforo you know It If you want to catch n dls ease always expose yourself to it Life. Justice White a Great Walker. Chief Justico Whlto could glvo the noted Edwnrd Payson Weston n good handicap and bent him In n walking match. Mr. White brims over with good nature, Bays Ellshn Hanson in Cartoons Magazine, and ho Is u wel come visitor on nny street which he picks for his rambles about Washing, ton. Ho probably knows moro women nnd children In tho poorer sections, be tween tho cnpltol nnd tho exclusive northwest of tho city, than any other Wnshlngtonlan. Frequently ho is Been trudging along In tho midst of a lot of urchlus.noue of whom shows tho slight est regard for tho great dignity of his ofllcc, but who bask equally under tho radiance of his beaming smiles. Caught Him. A small boy whoso record for de portment nt school had nlways stood at a hundred camo homo ono day re cently with bis standing reduced to nlncty-clght "Whnt have you been doing, my 6on 7" asked his doting mother. "Been doing?" replied tho young hopofuL "Been doing Just ns I havo been doing all along, only tho teacher caught mo this time." Philadelphia Inquirer. Times Change. "I see that Fill Flubdub, the actress, Is so temperamental that sho swoons at tho odor of tuberoses. So her man agement has to watch her constantly," "Dm! Time brings great changes. I knew hor onco. Sho wns raised in a block next to a gas house." Ex change ooaooooooooooooooo o o O PRACTICAL HEALTH HINT. O o o O Bronchitis. O o Symptoms of an ordinary cold o o accompany tho onset of bron- o o chitis. A chill Is rare, but thero o o is invariably a bcuso of oppres- o p slon, wltli heaviness and Ian- o o guor aud pains In tho bones and o o back. In mild cases there is o o scarcely nny fover. o 0 Tho bronchial symptoms set in o" o with n feeling of tightness and o o rawness beneath tho brenntbono o o nnd a sensation of oppression in o o tho chest. Tho cough Is rough o o at flrst nnd often of a ringing o o character. It comes on in parox- o o ysins, which rack and distress o o tho patient cxtremoly. o o If you get ncuto bronchitis and o o want to play safo go to bed nnd o o stay thero uutll you nro no long- o o or feverish. You will 6et well a o o great deal quicker if you stay in o o bed for a day or two nt tho be- o o ginning of the attack. o o o oooooooooooooooooo .. Office phone 241. , Res. phone 217 L. C. DROST, Osteopathic Physician. North Platte, - Nebraska. McDonald Bank Building. Th Nurse Brown Memorial Homeopathic Hospital 1008 West Fourth Street. For tho treatment of Modlcal, Surgical and Obstotrlcal Patients. JOHN S. TYFINEM, M. I). DIt. HAROLD A. FENNEIt Osteopath. Bolton Building Office hours 9 a, m. to 5 p. m. 7 p. m. to 8 p. m. ' Phones Offlco Black 333 Ros. Black 1020 Hospital Phone Black 638. House Phono Black 633. Vt, T. PBITCHABD, Graduate Veterinarian Eight years a Government Veterinar ian. Hospital 218-south Locust St, one-half block southwest of the Court House. NORTH PLATTE ..General Hospital.. (Incorporated) One Hall Block North ot Postoflice. Phone 58 A modern institution for tho sciontific treatment of medical, surgical and confinement cases. Completely equipped X-Ray and diagnostic laboratories. Staff: Geo. B. Dent, M. D. V. Lncas, H. D. J.B. RedfielilO. J. S. Simms, M.D Sheep and Cattle FOR SALE Farmers this is the year and the time of the year to get stock to eat up your rough feed. I have on hand and for sale 3000 feeding lambs and ewes, and 500 cattle. Come and talk to me. C. H. WALTER, NORTH PLATTE. DERRYBERBY & FORBES, Licensed Embnlmers Undertakers and Funeral Director Day Phone 234. Night Phono Black 688. Notice to Creditors. Estate No. 149G tot Sophia Federhoof, deceased in tho County Court of Lin coln County, Nebraska. The Stato of Nobraska, ss: Credi tors of said ostato will tako notice that tho tlmo Uinltodfor presentation nnd lling of claims against said estate is January 12, 1018, and for set tlement of said ostato is Sentomber 7. 1918; that I will sit at tho county court room in sam county, on October 12, 1917, at 9 o'clock a. m. and on January 12, 1918, at 9 o'clock a. m. to receive, examine, hear, allow or adjust an claims anu objections duly tiled. . GEO. E. FRENCH, sll-03 - County Judge, Estrny Notice. Taken up-on my land in Hlnman man proolnct three miles west ot North Platto, Septembor 2, 1917, two four yoar old boraes; wolght about 1100 each, ono black, tho other .bay with star in forehead; no brands. Owner can have animals by proving property and paying charges. MARY FREDERICI. Always Glad to Get A Good Cigar And thoro's no placo yon can got a good cigar bettor Urns at Sckmal zrled's. With flllor and -wrapper of tho best quality band made, thoro Is la the Schnialzrlod-taado cigar all that tho most exacting smoker demands. Wo handle tobacco and smokers' articles. J. F. SCHMALZRIED. Real Estate, Flro, Tornndo aMHijl Insronncc. Special Agents frtfloj Llfo Insurnnco Company, v 1 Corner Front nnd Dowey StsT Unseal Phono Red 672. North riattcfljftfl Phone 308" . . ALBERT A. LANE, Dentist Rooms 1 and 2 Bolton Building North Platto, Nebraska Geo. B. Dent t Physician and Surgeon. Special Attention" given to forgery and Obstetrics. i Office: Building and Loan i&ulldlhjl Phon Rosidence 115 E. W.FETTER, rnysicinn . X RAY Office: First National Bank BuUdlng.j J. B. REDFIEL1). PHYSICIAN SURGEON,, Succossor to PHYSICIAN &JSURQ EONS HOSPITAL' Drs. Rodflold '& Redtleld ' ' Office Phone 642 Res; Phono 67. 1 DOCTOR B. T. QUIGLEI . . . ' Practice Limited to Surgery and Radium Therapy 728 City National Bank Building. ' Omaha, Nebraska. $6 per Ton. North Platte Junk House. OLD LINE LIFE Policies! ON EASY TERIS J. E. SEBASTIAN. Stnto Mcrr. Minn.Mutual Lifelns.Co. Phone Office Red 612 Residence Red 348 NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. NOTICE KOIl rUIH.IOATION Serial No. 06153. Department ot the Interior U. S. Lnnd OlHct, at North Platte, Neb. Sept. 20. 1917. Notice Is hereby given that Ells worth Pease, of Tryon, Nebr.. who. on Sept. 10, 1914, made Homestead entry No. 06163, for 8 of SWM, and NWVi of SWM, Section 34, Township 16, .N., . Range 31, 6th Principal Meridian, has filed notice of Intention to mako tlnal three year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, be fore the Register and Receiver, at North Platte, Nebr., on the 10 th day of Nov., 1917. Claimant names as witnesses: Royce Welllver. of North Platte, Nebr., Harry Madison, of Tryon, Nebr., Fred Johanson, of North Platte, Nebr,, Melvln Wellivor, of North Platte, Nebr. 02-6 E. J. EAMES, Register. . Notlco of Petition. Estato No. 1503, of Nicholas Wiley Grandoy, deceased. In the Coumty Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska.: Tho Stato of Nebraska: To all por-' sons interested In said Estato tako notice that a petition has been hied for the appointment of Lois Grandoy as administratrix ot said estato which has been sot for hearing herein on October 12th, 1917, nt 9 o'clock a', m. Dated September 17th, 1917. GEORGE E. FRENCH, S18-09. County Judge. Notlco of Gnnrdlan's Final Settlement In tho .county court Court of Lin coln County, Nebraska. Stato of Nebraska, to Prod I. Her zog, Ireno E. Horzog, Emily Horzog and L. T. Herzog, minors, Will tako notlco that O. E. Elder, as Guardian, has filed his report showing that all of tho estate of said minors coming into his possession, has been used for their support, and that thoro remains noth ing of said ostato for him to act as Guardian ovor, and 'praying for final sotttlemont and dlschnrgo as such Guardian. Said matter will bo heard boforo said court October 19, 1917, at nlno t'clock a. m. GEO. E. FRENCH, BI8-.0I6 County Judge. Notlco North Katto, Nob., Sopt 24, 1917. Clydo E. Frazoa wlW tako notice, that on tho 20th day ot Septembor, 1917, I. L. MUtonborgor, a Justico of tho ipeaco of Lincoln county, Nobras ka, issued an order ot attachment for tho sum of $23.20 in an action pond tag befbro him, wli(orein Harry I. Block is plaintiff and Clydo E. Frazeo dofondant, that proporty of tho do fondant consisting of ono trunk, and contents has been attached undor said ordor. Said causo is continued to tho 16th day of Octobor, 1917 , at 10 o'clock a. m. HARRY I. BLOCK, 73-3w Pilalntlff. Notlco. To Juanlta Froed, non-rosldont do-' fondant: You aro hereby notified that on tho lGth day of Juno, 1917, Qua Freed filed a botitlon against you in Uio District Count of LincoCn County,, Nobraska, tho object and prayor of which aro to obtain a dlrorco from you oil tho ground that you havo wilfully abandoned tho plaintiff without good cause, for tho torm of moro than two yoars last past and' for tho custody of thq minor child, tho Ibsuo of said mar-' riago, to-wlt: Paulino Freod ago 12 yoars. You aro required to answer said petition on or boforo Monday, No vombor Eth, 1917. GUS FREED, Dr GEO. N. GIBBS. ' 7S-4w Hla Attorney.