The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, October 02, 1917, Image 10

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SemMBceklu tribune.
i J 1
j LRA L. DARE, Editor and Publisher.
One Ycnr by Moil In Advance.... $1.25
One Ychr b Carrier In Advuuce..l.uO
About County Events and People.
Entered at North Platte, Nebraalta,
CostolUce as Second Class Mattor.
Aftor a roeiilonco of forty-flvo yoars
in Llncofn county, A. M. Mason passed
to th beyond a.t his homo on east
Fourth street Saturday ovonlng. An
old sOldlar and lntonsoly patriotic clt
lzoii, a consistent christian and a man
who was esteemed and rosplectod by
all who know him, ho will bo mlssod
by many, for thore aro fow who 'did
not kiifow him. For bovornl wcoks
prior to tho call he had bai falling;
i a gonoral,. breaking down of tho physi
cal forces nftersoTonty-nlno years of
active lfo.
' Arch McCrackon Mason was born
July 10, 1838, at Mad!sonvlllf, Tenn,
In 1814 tho parents moved to llonry
county, Iown, whoro tho deceased ro
fddod on a fnrm until 18C1, when ho en
listed in tho Fourth Iowa Cavalry nnd
sdrvod noarly four ycarH, bolng hon
orably discharged at Atlanta, Ga.,
August 11th, 18C5 On Soptembor 27,
18CG, ho-wn's united .in marriago at
Alt;. P'.oasant, Iowa, to Sara Jano
Woodworth, nnd to that union throe
ohlldron now sufvlvo. They aro
Mm M. F. Iloslor, of this city, Robt.
A, Magon, of Aurora, 111., and Mrs. C.
T. Howonf, of NolherlnnuV Col. In
1872 Mr, nnd Mrs. Mason moved to
Lincojn county and homusteaded land
on which tho town of Curtis is now lo
cated. F'1: yoars later tley moved
to North Ilatto which has slnco boen
their homo. For about thirty yoars
Mr. Mnaon was omployie d In tho Union
Pacific shops, rosignlng a fow yoars
ago to spend tho ovonlng of life in
wiatovor manner most pleasing, and
this" ho nnd his wlfo did by making fro
quont trips. '
Mr. Mnson was a member of tho
Grand Army Post and Platto VaCloy
lodgo of Masons, and slnco 1870 had
boon a mombor of tho Methodist
Tlio funeral was hold from tho
Mothodlst church yesterday nftornoon
in charge of tho Masons and G. A. R.
' and with worvicos conducted by Rov.
Oram. Tho church -was (Vied with
sorrowing friends. Pall boarors woro
T. C. Pattorson, J. Bi Evans, Julius
Ilahlor, John Day, Chas. Hlrsch and
HtitlfT nuchannn.
Henry Lindokugol, who lives south
west of Horshoy, broko his collar bone
last wook whon tho horse ho was
riding fell.
In talking with Goorgo Mudd, of
Horshty, wo loam that it is expected
that tho sugar beet harvest will be
gin Monday of next week.
E. B. Loypoldt, of Horshoy, hnB gone
to O'Nolll whore ho will rMprosont
tho firm of Loypoldt & Wickstrom, tho
whologai'o hay and grain doalors of
J, P. Uurrows, of Walker precinct,
ono of tho can!y Bettlors In that pre
cinct, spont Saturday in town trans
acting business nnd attending tho
county fair.
R. A. Miller linn sold his 320-acre
fa nn two and a half miles south of
Horshoy to C. J. lllldobrnnd of Lind
say, Nebraska,' for $10,700, or a little
hotter than $52 por aero.
Lorn Kldwcl, of Wallace, spent tho
greater part of laHt week in town
wearing a deputy sheriff's badge at
tho county fair. In circulating around
ho mot many frlonds and this ho en
joyed. Yostordny tho railroad terminal of
tho Wlllard mall route Was changed
from Mnxwoll to Drady. Two deliv
eries will bo mado each wook, Monday
and Wodnooday. Art Giiso wl'l carry
tho now route.
Tho Suthorland Freo Lanco says:
A trip through the farming section
wlil convlnco most anyono that an
unusual amount of cano and foddor Is
bolng put up thoso days. A portion
of the corn Holds on most any farm
show tho oftefcts of "tho foddor snver.
An lmplomont dealer tells us that he
was unablo to supp'y tho 'doniand for
eornblndora, which is a good Indica
tion of" tho inclination of the farmers
to provide feted. The old corn knife
is bolng wol'.dod Instead. More ex
istence through tho winter of tho stock
will not bo thct question this time, but
animals will bo onabled to got through
in tho kind of condition that makes
money for tho owners.
Tho $25,000 suit against A. T. Yar
tor nnd his bondsmen was settled out
of court at Loxlngton, Tuesday. Mrs.
Purdon, widow of Dr. Purdon, was
tho plaintiff, and Mr. Yartor and two
saloon kot'pors of Eustls and their
bondsmon were tho doftndants. Tho
suit was filod shortly after Dr. Pur
don committed sulcldo at Loxington
during tho holldnys last year. They
wore charged with having sold liquor
to Mrs. Purdon's husband a few days
boforo liljj death. In order to protect
his landsmen, Mr. Yartor has mado
several offorta to settlo tho cade out
of court, nnd Tuesday this was brought
about satisfactory to tho widow and
hor attornoy. Tho sum paid .was away
bolow that aBkod. Brady Vindicator.
-: :o: :-
Mrs. John Flynn nnd daughtor, Mrs.
Frjink.Talhkan, of Mej'roso, aro spend
ing this wook fnlown.
-"Mlw , Pearl Coombs, or Horshoy,
spont tho wook Visiting Alls Roglim
WalkJr and attondlng tho fair.
CharCoy Johnston, who nccompanlod
his brother L06 to Rochester, Minn.,
roturontl honwi Sunday morning.
A patriotic mooting undor tho nus
plcos of tho County Dofonso Council
and Rod Cross Sockty will bo hold at
the Franklin auditorium tomorrow ov
onlng at olght o'clock. Tho mooting
is In tho naturo of a farewell to tho
forty-six drafted mon who will loavo
for Ft. RIloy Thursday morning, and
thteo mon will bo prosont. A pro
gram wllf- bo rendered consisting of
music and rondlng and short ad
drossos by several of our cltlzons.
Tho speakers will bo Alias Annio
Kramph, Judg'e Grimos and Rav.'.B. A.
It Is urged that our peoplo turn out
In largo numbors and glvjet tho men
who have boon caKcd to tho colors an
enthusiastic and fitting farowcll.
A similar mooting hold two weeks
ago was 'largely nttondod, and It is
hoped tho ono to bo hold tomorrow
will bo oven more larg'4'.y attonded.
Lot all show tho boys that thoy tako
with thorn our best jylshos.
o: :
lid tons from Cimip Cody.
In this Issue is published tho first of
n series of wookly lottors which By
ron B. Oborst. f Company E, has
promised to send ..TjioTrlbiuio, Ji
North Platto peoplo, by Dthson of hav
ing raprosontrJUivfos nt Camp Cody,
nro Intorosted in Ufa- doings' nt that
groat mllltnry camp, and Mr. Oborst
w!l wrlto of conditions nnd of the
boys In a vory lnH:,ro3tIng manner.
A Pretty Wedding
Mr. Snmuol Macey, of Ironton, Mo
and Miss Volma Lostor of North Platte,
woro united In marriago aftho Meth
odist parsonage Sunday afternoon,'
Soptembor 30th, nt 4 o'clock, by Rov.
Tho brldo was boautifutly gowned
In bluo silk while tUei groom woro tho
conventional black. Tho brldo Is woll
known in Norfti Platto and many
frlonds will wish hor worl in hor now
splioro. Mr. Macoy is ulso woll knd'wn
having worked for tlrti Hcndy-Ogior
gnrago for somo timo, and mado many
Tho couplo loft at onco by auto for
tholr future homo at Ironton, Mo.
Tlmnks to PIclsllckcr
Without detaching any credit from
othora who did so much lo mako the
Lincoln tounty fair such a pronounced
success, wo want to commend , F. C.
Plolstlckor, president of tho associa
tion, for tho timo ho devoted durljljj
tho pnst year, and for tho pop and
vim ho enthused. Ho was on tho Job
all tho time and his energetic work
boro Its fruit. Thnnks.
Charles Armstrong roturricil Sundny
night from Roscoo.
Harry DodondorlT, of Molroso, Is
spondlng a fow days In town1.
Dr. Rodflold spont Sunday' In Hor
shoy on professional business.
J. J. Ilafllgan transacted legal bud
inoss in Grand Island tho latter part
of 'lost wook.
I"! crcf of d
Sale will begin promptly at 1 o'clock p. m., at Riverviow Ranch, located just
ncrosn the Worth Platto Rivor, and 3 miles north of Sutherland, Nebr.
Consisting of 300 head 70 0 Hereford Cattle
75 head 2-year old Steers. 100 head Yearling Steers. . 40head calfyHeiEers.
50 head extra good calfy Cows, mostly Short Horns, these Cows will make good
milkers. 30 head Spring Calves.
6 head of oxtra good Work Mules. 6 Jack and Jin Mules, green broke, sound
3-year olds. 6 piggy Sows. 1 Deering mowing machine in good condition.
Automobiles. 0ne 1916 Model Fo"d Touring Car Two Model
1917 To.uring Cars. All in first class runningjorder.
TERMS OF SALE: Automobiles are cash. All soles of $25.00 and under
cash. Amount above $25.00 approved endorsed notes at 10 per cent Interest,
R. I. SHAPPELL, Auctioneer. W. J. RQOT, Clerk.
A Day Well Spent
An Airship
Two Mammoth 80-foot Balloons
Wall -Race for Heights.
An Address by Judge Grimes.
The. Lexington Band to Accompany You
Moving Pictures of the Train and at the fair.
These pictures to be shown in 100 Theatres in
Nebraska during the next year. Identify your
self with Western Nebraska by going on the
Garden County Fair
at LeweHten, Ndb9? .
Train Leaves Nortl Platte
Returns at 9:30 P. M.
91 M.
Tho l!Mi Cliair"
Kathorlno Grey, who will bo seen ag
"Rosalie La Grange" in "The 13th
Chair," at Keith theatre, Friday, Oft.
12th, has had a most' interesting the
atrical caroor. Ilorn in San Francis
co and whilo in her 'teens, she mado
hor dobut iu a company oyf Augustin
Daly. Sho ' diptayod such marked
nhjf ity thatjMr.' Daly took hor to New
York whoro sho appeared 'TJio
Golden "Widow" and "A Priceless Par
agon" at Daly's theatre. Charles
Frohman borrowed hor for his pro
ductions of "Jano" and "All tho Com
forts of Homo" after which sho was
soioctcd to create tho rcVo of "Holon
Iterry" in James A. Horno's produc
tion of "Shore Acros" at Minor's 5th
Avo. Theatro. Sho later appenredJ
lor svorcr seasons with lucnaru Mans
flold In "Napoloon," "Anns and tho
Girl," "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" and
"Tliie Parisian Romance," and toured
tho country in, support of Charlos
Coghlan In "The Roynt Box."
Sho ha boon a stock star in Bos
ton, Chicago and Donvor and appeared
in Australia under tho management of
J. E Williamson.
It Is this wealth of theatrical exper
ience that Miss Grey brings to the
charactor of "Resalio La Grango," tho
old Irish charlatan, who accepts small
foes for untruo manifestations in or
der to rtear hor daughtor n a lady and
away from hor ovn moan surround
ings, that convinces us that Wm.
Harris, Jr., has mado a wise selec
tion for tho part.
Mrs. Gus Anderson spent the week
end in Hershey visiting her daughter.
Mrs. Barnum and children, who had
been visiting in Omaha, have return
ed homo.
Mrs. John "Walbach went to Grand
Island Sunday to visit friends.
Mrs. E. R. Plumer left yesterday
morning for a visit with friends in
Glon Boqkwaltor rfpont , Sunday In
E. C. Allison, and wlfo, of Staploton,
attonded tho fair .last 'wook,
Mrs. "W. H. Burns loft Thursday for
Dunwo'l, Nob., to visit frlonds.
. J. C. Askwlg and Goo. Frator trans
acted business In 'Grand Island Frl
C. Crosby returned Saturday from
Koystono whoro! ho had boon employ
Mrs. Jnmosynn has roturnod from
Mq'noso whoro sho hnd boon for somo
Mrs. Will Poarsall who visited hor
parents, lias roturnod to hor homo at
Mrsf Conrad Walkor ylslted fxor
daughtor, Mrs. Charloa Bairns, at Ar
thur last week.
Federal Reserve
Helps You
It was created primarily-,
To help the business men and farmers;
To provide plenty of currency at all times; '
To effect a steadier supply of credit.
The system merits the suppdrt' "of all good
citizens; it must have yours in order to reach its
full development.
You can seclire'the benefits of this great system
and at the same time assist directly in developing
it by depositing your money with us.
North Platte, Nebraska.
,r seli, Goa!; 1'lour' Graham. Whole Wheat, Corn
Meal, Corn Chop, Barley, Chop, Salt, Shorts, Bran, Tankage
and Cotton, Linseed and Alfalfa Meal, mixed Chicken Feed
and all kinds of Grain.
Quality guaranteed and SERVICE THE BEST.
Leypoldt & Pennington,
you buy ym beyrln your acaualntnneo
with Hio best butter lunde. It has all
tho body of tho richest cream; with
a flavor tlint recalls sweet smelling
i-lovor or now mown liay. Don't fall
to try a pound today. Why put off
cnlojliig ono of tho best of tablo Inx
urlcs. Ask for Alfnlfn Queen Butter.
North Platte Creamery.
rilONE C2.