The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, October 02, 1917, Image 1

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No. 75
.t. j. o'jtouitKi: found di:ai
Josoph J. O'Rourko, ono of thocarly
sottlors In Cottonwood precinct, was
found doad In ,bcd yesterday morning.
Ho had retired tht ovonlng before In
lis usual health, and the end came
through heart affoctlon. Ho had made
his homo with his brothors Tom and
Frank, who lived on the O'Rourko
The deceased camo to Cottonwood In
tho arfy ,70', his fathor, OoConol
O'Rourko, being tho first superintend
ent of the McPherson national como
tory. Mr. O'Rourko was a veteran of
tho civil war, and though va cripple old
not recoivo his injuries in tho lino of
duty, but by falling from a brldgo
whllo off duty. Ho served a term as
county Judge, and since then hns been
commonly known as Judge O'Rourko.
In tho earlier days ho was an uncom
promising republican and took an ac
tlvo part in ikOUIcs. '
Tho deceased was past seventy years
of age and Is survived by his broth
ors Tom, Frank and Chanley, tho lat
ter now living In Colorado.
: :o:
Must Enforce Light Law
Chief Jones has received a -communication
from Secretary of Stato
Poov'o tolling him that the law relating
to tho use of non-glart auto lenses
must bo enforced. Tho secretary learns
that in North Platte .and surrounding
section thero aro a number of cars
not equipped with tlie 'proscribed
lenses. Chief Jones dislikes to make
arrests, but under instructions from
Lincoln it devolves upon him to see
that all cars are provided with law
ful (lights' and that owivtrs of cars not
so provided are llablo to be pinched at
tho first opportunity.
1 ::o::
100 or more tons of stacked hay.
Only six miles from Hcrshcy.
Dr. Morrill. Dentist
m II
... J
Headwear to Suit Every Taste
Never before has a season brought forth
such attractive colorings and effects in
, caps. We are showing many exclusive
weaves and color combinations just the
kind that make a hit with the young men.
Stiff hat of standard value soft hats of
varying shapes and weights. No matter
wjmt your taste in headwear, we can suit
you and fit you.
Outfit Yourself For Winter
From Our Splendid Assortments.
Harcourt Clothing Co.
County Agent Work Explained.
In rosonso to a ca'l sont In to iho
Agricultural Extension sorvlce nt Lin
coln as to how a County Agricultural
Agent may bo obUUnod for Lincoln
county, meetings aro being scheduled
for thte purpose of explaining how an
agont may be had In tho county, tho
work ho does, and tho benefits to be
derived by tho fnrmorg. The foKow
Ing meetings hav beon arranged thus
Tuesday ovonlng, October 2, Fowler
nclghborhohod, 13 miles southwest of
North Plntto.
Wednesday ovonlng, October 3, Dis
trict 127, Osgood west school house.
Thursday night, Octobor 4, District
82 school houso, 12 miles northwost
of North Platto.
Friday night, Octobor 5, Frank
Strollberg school houso, G mllos west
of North Platte.
Pcoplo in district adjoining those
whoro m'eotlngs aro hold aro urged to
attond. For Instance Mlllor precinct
will Join with Osgood tomorrow night.
Tho civics department of tho Twen
tieth Century club will meet Thurs
day evening at eight o'clock in tho
ilfiat room of tho II. & L. building. Rev.
Hu wflll deliver a talk on Community
' Tho Happy Hour club will moot
'Friday aftornoon with Mrs. Mischke,
instead of Mrs. Cornwell as formerly
. Mrs. W. V. Hoagland loft last ovon
lng for Grand Island and other icastorn
points to make official visit to Re-
i bokah lodges.
i Wanted Two isallealadlos ; ono for
i pieco goods stock ono for notions, must
bo Experienced. WV-cox Department
Tho U. S. W. V. auxiliary will meet
tomorrow afternoon, at three o'clock
In tho basoment of the public library
The Catholic 'ladies wlfl hold a so
cial In tho St. Patrick's school base
ment Thursday afternoon.
That Measure up
No matter' how exacting your requirements
whether you demand extreme models or
prefer conservative styles you will find ex
actly what you want in our superb assort
ment of Clothes and Furnishings for Fall
and Winter Wear.
AcDer .Co
Men and young men who demand clothes
that are above the ordinary in style, yet
moderate in price, will find no better buy in
the market than these new Adler Collegian
Clothes. That's why we sell them. We
have found that they exactly fit the needs of
our customers and our customers are
mighty particular buyers.
Everything for the Little Fellows
The boys and the children like to be brought
here to have their suits and overcoats and .
furnishings bought because we have an as
sortment of styles which are sure to .please
them. Mothers and fathers like to buy
their children's clothing here, because they
are sure of getting good, dependable mer
chandise, at values that represent a consid
erable saving. Bring the little ones in and
see how well we can outfit them for school
or "dress up."
Juvenile Suits $3 to $6
Boys' Suits $2.50 to $13
Correct Styles in Hats, Caps, Men's Fur
nishings Fashion's latest in Neckwear
All the newest and most approved colors,
patterns and effects in scarfs and neck
wear, at different pricqs. Qur stocks are
carefully selected, and represent unusual
values. The new effects in shirts aro es
pecially pleasing and the Avearing qualities
of our shirts are unquestioned.
50c to $1, Manhattan Shirts $1.75 to $6
Whatever you need to complete your ward
robe hosiery, underwear, sleeping gar
ments, you can make your selections hero
with the assurance that the styles are right
and tho prices right.
Stetson Hats $4.50 to $6
. Walk Out Mny Occur
A walk, -out of a'l union labor em
ployed on tho now Union Pacific de
pot Is pending according to tho story
told by tho foreman of tho oloctrical
gang. Tho Union Pacific concluded to
do n cortnln part of tho oltctrica!! work
with Its own men instead of giving It
to tho St- Louis. company having the
contract, and put two non-union men
at work. Tho employment of those non
union men was objoctcd to by tho
union labor employed on tho bul,'dlng
and tho electrical foreman has gone to
Omaha to taWe tho mattor up with
tho labor organizations. Ho said up
on leaving Saturday night that If tho
non-hnlon men were not called off
tho 'work, a vvaCk-out woultj probably
tako pTaco. Tho foreman expocts to
rotum from Omaha today.
Lecture Course Tangle.
Last fall a contract for a Cocturo
coufrso was made with a lycoum bu
reau, Prof. Redenbaugh taking the lo
cal management. Ho, however, was
compelled to leave town, and no ono
wVmld accept t'io .rospbns(iH'.i!ity oC
looking after tho sa3o of tickets, and
tho mattor was lot go by dofault. Last
Saturday ovonlng was tho oponlng
numbor of thlci course and tho Schu
bort singers arrived only to find that
no arrangement had beon mado for
tho concord and they loft for tho town
of their next engagement.
Wo linvo for snlo several nlco cheap
houses and desirable lots nt bed rock,
prices., Sec us before you buy.
: :o: :
Tho third annual Sunset Sockk' will
bo hold at tho Baptist church noxt
Wednesday. Dinner will bo served at
twolvla o'clock fallowed with a pro
gram and a social hour. All residents
of soventy years or over aro cordial
ly Invited to attend.
For Sale.
Threo fivo room houses, closo in. Hi
Smith, G04 oast Sixth street. 73-7
$18 to $3S
In a lottor to Ray Langford, Harold
Langford telle this cxporlenco at
Camp Cody: "I was ono of tho forty
momhors ot Company IS on guard duty
tho othor night. My post was guard
ing a bunch of army wagons. About
3:30 In the morning I saw a dark nb
Jedt approaching tho wagons. I run
around tho end of tho wagons and
called "Halt" bua ha kept coming.
I repeated "halt" throw open tho
Ohambor of my gun nnd liu halted. I
called "who Is thero" Ho replied "tho
commandor ot tli guard." I said "nd
vanfln comandor of tho guard and bo
roqognlzod!" Ho ndvancod and I hnlt
odjhiui at six paces, looked him over,
saw that ho was an officer, and sa
luted him. Ho walked up to mo, ask
mo if I know' my gonoral orders and
I gavo thorn to him. Hb thon oaked
what my special orders wore and I
told him. I am not a coward, but
wnon a follow Is In a strange land and
somobedy comes snfcaklng up on you
nt 8:30 in tho morning, it kind of
makes you fool skittish anil your h'ood
Uriglo. I must say that whon I hoard
him say "Commandor of tho guard" I
fojt greatly relieved and wanted to
take tho old boy by tho hand and say
"don't do that again or I am liablo to
put a bulf.ot through you." Of course
the officer was trying mo out to sec
lfI was Htlcklng to my post, and how
I would act whK'ii approachod.
Haroid has been appointed captain
of tho company foot ball tonm.
Sammy Glfis Do Well
Tho Sammy Girls, who cpnducted a
lunch stand on tho county fair grounds
ndtted at loast two hundred and fifty
dollars. Tho recolpts wore in tho
neighborhood of $300, nnd tho expans
es; woro about $50. This is certainly a
good rocord for tho girls. Tho money
recolved will bo spent for yarn and
other supplies neodtd In making cer
tain apparol for tho sa'dtor boys in
camps and in tho trenches.
: :: :
v.. iioy Acciucmuiir noi.
TiV young son of D. R. Fulk; of Wal-
hco precinct Is at tho General Hos
pital In a critical condition following
a distressing affair which occurred at
tho WaVace school houso Friday ovon
lng. Following tho dismissal of school
W. C. Robb drovo up to the schoo'.
house leaving a shot gun on tho coal
box. His son and the Fulk boy woro
playing In tho yard and playfully pick
ed upj the gun with tho result that It
winnt off and part of the chnrgo scat-
terlngly onterod tho body of tho Fulk
boy- Ho was at onco brought to this
city and given tho nocossary medical
Tho condition of young Fulk this
morning was such as to warrant tho
physicians in expressing tho belief
that ho would recover. Mrs. Fulk Is
n sister of Mrs. Joe Bakor of this
Tho Indies 'of North i'liitte nro cor-
ply of Fatteni Hats, Friday, October 5.
shown nl JlcVickor's Friday, October
100 Fifth Street.
: ro: :
Not Like Homo
One of tho boys at Camp Funston,
wrtlng to tho homo foCks says:
"Whon a boy has boon accustomed
to lying in bod until 7 or 8 o'clock In
tlio morning, whon he has been ac-
aistomod to being called throe or four
times before gottlng up, and has been
used to having somo one wash his dish
o.s and clothos and whon ho has bcitn
allowed to go whon nnd whoro ho
ploasfei any time ho wlahod and now
jumps out of warm bCankots Into the
crj'd, chilly ntmosphoro of a lato fall
morning at tho Bound of a shrill
whlstlo at 5:45 o'clock, gets out In
front of tho barracks, tho soldier's
homo, whore hie soos through ton mln
utos of sottlng-un oxorclsos, oats
breakfast, washo his own dlshos
makos his own bad, sweeps the floor
npaco around his cot and marches out
far a hard day's work at 7.00 a. m. ho
nocoMir:y has becomo a vory much
hangod boy. Evon If mothors or
' Ives cannot Imagine their men doing
i ioso things It Is Just what thoy aro
h Ing down in tho soldiers' training
camp at Funston.
Wo can Hi'H your property If priced
: ;o: :
Soft water shampoo, pleclrlc inns
sage nnd human hair switches nt the
( nates Doniity rnrlor.
For qnlck net Ion nnd satisfactory
sale list your land with Tlioclocke. tf
Try Splcor's Now Cnb If you do
siro good cab Borvlco. Phono 247. tf
Cliolco vogotables and cut flowors at
Nortl) Platto Floral Co. Phono 1023 tf
Mr. nnd Mrs. Henry Hanson, of the
North sldo, 'loft last night for Omaha
to attond the Ak-Snr-Hon.
If you wish to soo tho very latest
models In niMlnery, call on JlcVIck
cr's Friday, October Fifth.
Archdeacon Ilowkor has bdPn In Al
llnnco and adjoining towns for
days looking after Episcopal ohurch
Tho Episcopal choir will moot for
lrnctltfa nt Av'o church Wednesday
ovonlng. To Mrs. G. W. Finn hris beon
dologated Uio work of building up tho
choir, nnd sho has secured tho prom-
lso of a numbor of singers.
The newest Styles in Hen's Dress Shoes. English
or high toes, butthn or lace, black, tan or dark
brown $3.00 to '$7.00.
Sturdy Work Shoes, with single, halfdouble or full
double soles. Medium or high tops $2.25 to $3.75.
Katherine Grey, as
J'Madme La Grange"
N'otlco to lVnter Consumers
Dills for water uslctl during, July,
August nnd Soptembor, 1917, nro now
duo and nro payablo at tho water of
fice. On- all bills paid on or boforo
Octobor 20th a llscount of ono cont
pier thousand gallons Is given. Dis
count iorlod ends Octobor 20th and
no discount can bo allowed aftor that
dato. Ploasa bo prompt In paying your
wntor bills and savo us oxtra oxpcn3e.
Wattor Commlsslonor.
For Sale Four-room cottago. Six
hundred cash and bnlaucoo on easy
torms. Phono 79S-F 14. E. W. Wright.
of .
' Design
found at the
New York Tribune.
Chicago Journal.
"The cast is splendid,
headed by Katherine
Grey, whose subtle
manner and intense
emotionalism makes
her an effective lead."
Columbus, O., Dispatch.
OCT. 9. 7:30 P. M.
The first increase in
price on these cleaners is
coming soon. We stilj
sell this revolving brush
machine for $30. Come
in and sqe it.
North Platte
Light & Power Co.