The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, September 25, 1917, Image 9

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    ., v.
UU L. BABE, Editor and I'd bill her.
Ono Year by Mall In AdTMico....I.25
One Year by Carrier lu Advance. .11.60
Entered at North PUtte. Nebraska,
I'ostoffico as Second Glass Matter.
jOCAL and personal
A daughter wos born Snturdny morn
ing to Mr. and Mrs. Byron Oberst nt
the Nurso Brown hospital. Mother
and bnby nre doing nicely-
Mrs. J. A. Murphy and daughter
Miss Lorottu, who had beun visiting
relatives in Crcston, Iowa, and other
eastern points came, home Sunday
Mrs. Clyde Giddeon entertained a
number of friends Friday evening nt a
shower for Mrs. Alex Huntington.
Music and games were the features of
the ovcning.
Arthur. Hubbard, of Kimball, who
will leavo with tho dratted men on Oct.
3. visited his parents. Mr. ami Mrs.
Wm. Hubbard, of this city, tho lattor
part or last week.
On and After October First
Dlcncr & l'lclshnmn.
Mrs. A. E. Huntington entertained
a numbor of Indies Falday afternoon at
a shower for her daughter in Inw Mrs.
Alex Huntington a bride of Inst week.
The ladies spent th afternoon in sow
ing. Whilo ini Chapnoll last week Judge
Grimes sentenced James Bates to a
term of from ono to seven years In the
state penitentiary Cor stealing clothing
from the Sudmnn store during July.
Miss Edith Patterson pleasantly en
tertained tho Pan Hellenic Society Sat
urday ufternoon. Mrs. Earl Hamilton
of Lincoln, nnd Mrs. Olmrles Reynolds
of Maxwell wero out of town guests.
For quick nctlou nml Miilsfactory
Hnlo lint your land with Thncleckc. tf
Mr. nnd Mrs. Brink camo horo from
JDenver the latter part of last week
fund hnvo gone to Hershey where they
have purchased a drug store. Mrs.
."Brink was formerly Miss Alice Stewart
Jt this city.
Lieut-Col. Geo. T. Patterson, son of
T. C. Patterson, of this citv, hnBbeen
assigned tolho post of commander of
.vthe coast defenses nt Portsmouth, N.
- H. It is likely tl at when tho govern
ment 'begins shipping heavy artillery
to Franco Lieut-Col. Patterson will bo
assigned to that Held,
Mr. C. J. Story, traveling auditor
or tho Groat Wostom Accident Insmir
.anco Com'pany, of Do Moines, Iowa,
has boon placed In tomporary. chargo
of that company's business at Nnrn.
Platto on account of tho resignation
of Mr. A. A. SChatz.
E. T. Kolihor,
. Statu Manngor.
The determination and strength of will
to save the first hundred dollars is the foun
dation of financial success. '
That, says the world's wealthiest man, '
was the basis of his fortune. ,
. Are you saving that first hundred? Have
you a steadily fcrowinfc account at 'the Mc
Donald State Bank? Are your'Savin&s earn
ing 4 per cent compound interest?
McDonald State Bank.
I want one or two more prominent men associated with me in building up the busmess in
COMPANY. Some exceptionally good openings are available for hustlers. Previous ex
perience is n6t necessary as we teach you the business. Apply at once.
A. A. SCHATZ, Division Superintendent,
Reynolds Block. Phone 90. North Platte.
Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Carroll visited
Gothenburg friends last week.
Miss Thorosa Fcekon came from
eastern Nebraska Saturday to visit tho
home folks.
Mrs. Harrv Dixon returned Saturday
morning from a visit with her idaugh- ;
tor in Omaha.
I now havo funds at 5 per cent
on cliolco bottom tablo land. Geno
Crook, Boom 4, Keith thoatro Bldg.
Miss Elizabeth Hinman has accepted
a positiion as stenographer in the Ley
poldt & Pennington office.
On account of tho codnty fair tho
Episcopal guild will not meet this
Mrs, Dutton, of Plattsmouth, who
had been visiting her dangter Mrs. H.
G. Bybee, left Saturday morning.
Mrs. E. Draney, of Gothenbnrg,
came a few days ago to vist at the
homo of Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Carroll. '
Mrs. Homer Handley, of Chappell,
nee Mae Tarkington of this city is very
111 from tho effects of ptomaine poison
ing. Mrs. D. Jones, of Gothenburg
formerly Miss Dorothy Bartholomew,
viBlted wjth North Platto friends last
Mrs. Theodore Sandal!, of Cheyenne,
who spent part of Inst week visiting
her sister M!bs Ruth .Carroll, left Fri
day evening.
Mrs. Elizabeth Clark was taken to
Omaha Friday evening for medical
treatment and tin operation will be
performed this week.
Dr. Morrill., Dontlst.
Mrs. C. W. Shelton nnd .son George,
of Chicngo, who were "guests of Mrs.
Cullio Dnvidson and Mm, I. L. Milton
borger, returned homo Friday evening.
Mr. nnd Mrs. William Moran nud
son, of Garrett, lnd., who visited at tho
Jones and Moran homes last week left
Friday. They wero former residents
( The state farm sent in n S. 0. S.
cnll Friday evening for 100 boys t6 pull
bunns Saturday. Prof. Tout took the
call and attempted to secure the need
ed help but without much success.
Sixty ncrcs of beans on thetstnte farm
are being harvested.
The first increase in
price on these cleaners is
coming soon. We still
sell this revolving brush
machine for $30. Come
intand see it.
North Platte
Light & Power Co.
We sell Coal, Flour, Graham, Whole Wheat, Corn
Meal, Corn Chop, Barley, Chop, Salt, Shorts, Bran, Tankage
and Cotton, Linseed and Alfalfa Meal, mixed Chicken Feed
and all kinds of Grain.
Quality guaranteed and SERVICE THE BEST.
Leypoldt 8c Pennington,
Mrs. .T. W. McGraw snont thii'
end in Grand Island with friends.
Mrs. H. M, Grimes visited friends in !
Omaha the latter part of last week.
Dr. Smith, Chiropractor.
Building & Loa'n Building.. fiOtf.
Fred Frye, who had been visiting in
town, returned Friday to Evanston,
Mrs. Ralph Smith and son visited
friends in Sidney the latter part of last
Mrs. Emil Kosbau has been visiting
friends in Broadwater for several dayB
Pa3t- . qV
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Munpjer lrfave
Thursday evening for a weok's visit in
Mrs. A. J. Salisbury is enjoying a
visit from Mrs. , Mary Wamock, of
Mrs. W. T. Berrv. of Grand InlnniL
visited friends in town the latter part
of last week.
For Rent Two front rooms furnish
ed for light housekeeping. Inquire nt
CI least Third. 1
Mrs. W. J . Stuart left Saturday
morning for Denver to visit friends' for
a few days.
Mrs. I. L. Miltonborger returned
Friday from a visit with rolntivcli in
Supt.' Johnson, of tho Hershey,
schools, spent Saturday in town tranr
acting business.
The Eastern Star chapter will 'hold
memorial services at the Masonic hall
Thursday evening.
E. T. Keliher, who has been spend
ing n week horo on business, will re
turn to Omaha today.
Mrs. Frank Stuart, of'Mason City,
In., is expected here shortly to visit at
tho J. T. Stuart home.
Misses Freda and Lottie Schleicher
havo returned frorn 'Vvisit with the
homo folks at Brady,
Miss Ethel Sousor returned Sunday
from a visit with relatives in tha east
ern part of the state.
Hand tho librarian at tho Public Li
brary a dollar for tho War Library
i' una. uo it today.
Mr. and Mrs. V. H. O'Connell re
turned Friday afternoon from a visit in
Denver and Cherokee Park.
Mrs. Joseph Karbush, who spent
sovernl weeks at tho Landgraf home,
returned to Chicago Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Pielstickor at
tended tho county fair at Lexington
tho latter part of last w,pok.
Mrs. William Stegall will leavo in a
fow days for Colorado Spijnga and
othor points to visit relatives.
Miss Mary Drosthns accepted a posi
tion as stenographer in the office of the
Fidelity Insuranco Company.
Mr. and Mrs. Gaco Hollowav return
ed from Omaha where thy had been
visiting friends for several days.
Henry Fulk has purchased of A. J.
Samelson forty acru? in the O'Fallon
neighborhood for $100 per acre.
Lawrence Wilson has resigned his
clerical position at the Shoo Mar
ket and accepted one in tho Sumuolson
clothing store.
Mrs. E. M. Johnston will entertain
tho members of the Elite club and
thoir husbands on tho evening of Oct. 3.
Miss Iva Mills has resigned her.poait
lon in the O'Connor store and will he
gin work this weok in tho Tramp gro
cery. Mrs. Boecher A. Parker, of RawlinB,
whoo'isited tier parents Mr. and Mrs.
Theodore Lowe, Sr., last week left Fri
day for Omaha.
Five boys who wero arraigned in the
county court Saturday for breaking in
to the Keith theatre, wore placed on
parole in tho caret of their parents.' '
Thoso in nood of painting, paper
hanging and decorating are assurod
satisfactory work If thoy omploy Julius
Uoga. Phono Black G92. 38tf
Is a delight to those who domand the
best. It comes from tho very best
creameries and is simply iierfect In
color, body and llavor. You cannot
buy better' or more delicious butter
for there Isn't any. Try a pound and
enjoy learning Its ox'quislto superior
ity. North Platte Creamery.
Tho Altruist blblo q ass wi.l moat
Wodnesday afternoon at tho M E.
Tho Women's Missionary Society of
tlio Presbyterian ch'urch will meet
with Mrs. Elder Friday afternoon.
Mrs. B. F. Krier, of Lexington, ar
rived Sunday for a two weeks' visit
...t.l. 1 1- A V . i V , ,
wiiii iiur uuugiiior ivirs. u.aro itoou
Tho Christian aid society meeting
tor this week has been postponed un
til Thursday of next week on ac
count of tho bounty fair.
For Rent Furnished room in mod
orn home. CaKl Biack 581.
a A,", rocords at tho South Omahha
stockyards wore broken yesterday in
tho number of catjio on tho market It
Is estimated that thero wero 24,000
Albert Morris, 'living south of Hor
shoy, has sold his largo farm and will
locato near Cozad. Ho camo to Lin
coln county about ten years ago with
$800 in cash. Ho Coavo3 with twenty
Harry Block wont to Columbus this
morning on business connected with
his branch storo in that town. The
Columbus store opened to bug busi
noss tho oar"y part of this month and
has slnco had a vory liberal patron
Enginoor Will Bsholman, of tho
branch run Is "played upi'-ln-today's
umana iioo JBor stoppHng ftls train
quksklyv Saturday nad. saving tho lifo
of a smat chifd which was standing
in tno conter or tho track. Annlica
tion of tho emergency brake stoppol
quickly Saturday and saving tho life
cnuu's mo.
J. E. Nelson had Cots of "fun" on a
trip to Maywood Sunday, Itains had
washed out roads and created luu'b
deep mud holes. Ho encountered many
"high centers," ami at ten o'clock at
night got stuck in tho mud, necos3l
tatlng walking to a farm house, wait
Ing tho farmer nnd gotting him to get
out a loam to pun out tho car.
Today's Boo announces thnt snnnn
lation In cattle, hogs and shoep at
noma umana mil coase. State Food
Administrator Wattles has raLurnrvi
from Washington bringing word that
tho aamo rules that apply to grain
BVonUatlon wi'l bo applied to live
stock Tho stocck commission nrmn
at SoMth Omaha will bo liconsed, aB
win iwso coai ueaiors gonorajUy.
j ::o::
120 tons liny stacked nenr Hershey
- n "
Mrs. George Finn left Saturday for
Denver to visit hor sister for a short
Laura Tuckson. of rVnljill ivna
brought to a locnl hospital for treat
ment last weeK.
Mrs. A. J. Frazier left a fow 1.ivr
ago for California to visit relatives for
several weeks.
Mrs? George McGinloy has returned
irom'a visit with relatives in Keystone
Mrs. Charles Ell and Mrs. George
Austin returned Sunday evening from
Omaha after visiting Mrs. Joseph
iiajrua iui suviTiii uuya.
Wanted A competent stonogralhor
Appiy at tuo law ortico of Wm. E
Robort Camnbell. of Oirnlall H- whn
had been taking treatment hero for
blood poisoning, returned home th
latter parboMost week.
John Hayes, who has been in charcri
of the Marshall Oil Co. her for saver
at months, will leave this week 4 or
Omaha to reside In the future. IU is
succeeded here by C. J. ButlerS of
Omaha, who arrived Saturday. "
Eighty .aoros of land In Morrill
County to exchango for city pronorty.
n .1 RtAvnnq 191 UT TnMi R VrwrMi
I" --..
1 piatta
Offlco phone 241. Res. phone 217
U. C . DROS T,
Osteopathic Physician.
North Platte, Nebraska.
McDonald Bank Building.
The Nurse Brown Memorial
Homeopathic Hospital
' 100S West Fourth Street.
For tho treatment of Medical, Surgical
and Obstetrical 1'atients.
Helton Building
Office hours 9 a. m. to 5 p. m.
7 p. m. to 8 p. m.
Offico Black 333 Res. Black lUzu
Hospital Phone Black 633.
Houso Phone Black 633.
W. T. ritlTCHABD,
Graduate Veterinarian
Eight years a Government Veterinar
ian. Hospital 218- south Locust SL,
one-halt block southwest of the
Court House.
..General Hospital..
One Halt Block North ot Postoftice.
Phone 58
A modern institution for the
scientific -treatment of medical,
surgical and confinement cases.
Completely equipped X-Rny
and diagnostic laboratories.
Geo. B. Dent, M. D. V. Lucas, M. D.
J.B..Redfield,M.D. J. S. Simras, M.D
Sheep and Cattle
Farmers this is the year- and- the
time of the year to get stock to eat
up your rough feed. I. have -on
hand and for sale 3000 feeding lambs
and ewes, and 500 cattle. Come
and talk to me.
C. H.
Licensed Embalmers
Undertakers nnd Funeral Directors
Day Phone 234.
Night Phone Black 688.
Jfotlco to Creditors.
Estato No. 1496 of Sonhia Federhoof.
deceased in tlio County Court of Lin
coln County, Nebraska.
Tho Stato of Nebraska, ss: Credi
tors of said estato will take notice
that the time limited for presentation
and filing of claims against Bald
estato is January 12, 1918, and for set.
jemcnt or said oatato Is September 7
:918; that I will sit at tho county
court room In said county, on October
12, 1917, at 9 o'clock a. m. and on
January 12, 1918. at 9 o'clock a. m. to
recolvo, examine, hear, allow or adlust
an claims and objoctlons duly filed.
Bll-o9 County Judge
Estrny Notice.
Taken up on my 'land In Hinman
man precinct threo miles west of
North Platto, Septombor 2, 1917, two
rour year old homes; weight about
1100 each, ono black, tho othor bay
with star in forehead: no brands
Owner can havo animals by proving
property and paying chargos.
Always Glad to Get
A Good Cigar
And there's uo plnco you can got
good cigar bettor than at Schmal
zrlod's. With flllor nud wruppor of
tho host quality hand ruado, there Is In
tho Schnialrrlod-mado cigar all that
tho most exacting smoker demands.
Wo handle tobacco and smokers'
articles. , .
1 .-A
scrap mm
$6 per Tori.
North Platte Junk House.
J. E. SEBASTIAN. Stnto Mtrr.
inn.Mutua! Lif elns.Co.
Phone Office Red 612
Residence Red 348
Xotico of Petition.
Estato No. 1503, of Nicholas Wiley
Grandoy, deceased. In tho Coumty
Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska:
Tho Stato of Nebraska: To all per
sons lntorestod In said Estato take
notico that a petition has boon filed
for tho appointment of Lois Grandoy
as' administratrix of said estato which
has been sot for hearing herein on
October 12th, 1917, at 3 o'clock a. m.
Dated Soptomber 17th, 1917.
S18-09. County Judgo.
Notico of Guardian's Flnul Settlement
In tho county court Court of Lin
coln County, Nebraska.
Stato of Nebraska, to Frod I. Her-
zog, Irene n. iiorzog, imiiy
Horzog and L. T. Horzog.
minors, Will tako notico that
O. E. Elder, as Guardian, has
filed his report showing that all of
tho estato of said minors coming Into
his possession, has boon used for their
support, and that thoro romaing noth
lilg of said estato for him to act as
Guardian over, and praying for final
setttlomont and discharge as such
Guardian. Said matter will bo heanl
boforo said court October 19, 1917,
nine o'clock a. in.
sl8-olG County Judgo.
Extension to Bond ?(. 11.
Ho whom It may concern.
Tho special commissioner appoint
ed to locato a road as follows: . .Com
mencing at Station No. 11 of Road
No. 11 in tho SW Vi of Section 4,
Twp. 14. N., Rango 30 west of tho
6th P. M., running thence in a north-
ly, northeasterly and northwesterly
direction through tho W of Bald
Section 4 and' through tho W of
Section 33, Twp. 15 N., Rango 30, west
to tho northwest corner of sjild sec
tion 33, thenco north on section lino
between Sections 28 and 29 ot said
last township and rango throe-fourths
of a mile thence in a northeasterly,
northerly and northwesterly direc
tion through the NW of said Sec
tion 28 and tho SW Vi of Soction 21
to the quarter section cornor botweeu
Sections 28 and 21, Twp. 15 N., liango
30 west, thence north on lino between W
Sections 20 and 21, 1G and,17of said '
township and range to a point about
25 chains north of tho cornon of Sec
tions 1C 17, 2Q and 21, thonce In a
northeasterly direction through tho
W. V2 of Sections 1G and 9, through
tho SW H and the E Vs of Section 4 1
of said. last township and raiigo to a
point on tho north lino of said Section
4 about 20 chains west of tho NE cor
nor of said Section 4, thence north
erly and westerly across Sections
33 and 28, Twp. 1G, Rango 30, to tho
section Hrto between Sections '28 and
29, thenco northerly along said sec
tion lino between sections 28 and 29, .
and Sections 21 and 20 to a point
about one-fourth of a mllo south
from tho northwest corner of Section
21, and" thenco in a northwest direc
tion across Sections 20 and 17 to tho
NW cornox of Section 17 thenco on a
west and north direction across Sec
tions 7 and G to a point on tho north
lino of Section G about ono-fourth of
a mllo east of the northeast cornor of
Section 6, has reported In favor of
tho saino as follows:
Boglnnlng at Station No. 11 of Road
No. 11 In tho SW Vi of Section 4, Twp.
15 N Range 30 W., running thenco in
a northeastorly and northwesterly di
rection through tho SW and tliq 1".
NW Vt of said Soction 4, And through T
tho SW U and tho W Vi of tho NW Vi '
of Section 33, Twp. 16, Range 30 W.
to tho SW cornor of Soction 28. Twp,
1G N. Rango 30 W thenco north
on soction line betwoen Sections is
and 29, said township and range,
three-fourths of a mile, thonco In a
northeastorly and northwesterly di
rection through tho NW V NW 01
said Soction 28 and tlirough tho W Va
SW Vi of -Section 21, Twp. 1G. N..
Ranco 30 W., to tho quarter section
cornor between sections 20 and 21
thonco north on section lino betwoen
Soctlons 20 and 21 and be
twoen Sections 1G and 17, said
township and range, to a point
and between Sections 1G and 17, said
said township and rango, to a point
about thirty rods south of tho quar'
tor section cornor between said Sec
tions 1G and 17, thenco In a north
easterly, northerly and northwester
ly direction through tho NW14, SW
Vt. and tho NWVl of Section 1G nnd
through the SW SW Vi of Soction 9
to a point on lino betweon SoetlonaKfc
8 and 9, Twp. 1G N., Rango 30 W., "
about 20 chains north of tho SW cor
nor of said Section 9, thpneo north.
nn linn hotwoon said said Soctlons 18
and 9 to a t)oint about 108 rods soutliff
of tho'NW cornor of Bald Soction 9?'
XI 1. Al 1.. .11 I . , l ,
tlirough tho NW4 of said Section .y
and through tho SEU. SW Vt, and thV
W SEU and through" tho W NEW.
of Section 4, Twp. 1G N.. Rango 30 W;
to tho north lino of said section 4
about 22 chains west from tho NE
corner of said section 4.
All objoctlons thoro to or claims for
damages must bo filed In tho offlco
ot tho 'county clerk on or boforo 12
o'clock noon of tho lOUt daw, of No
voraher, 3917, or such road wU bo
allowed without rofcronco -thoroto, '
Dated at North Plattor feb this
2l8t day of AugU8t,'I91T.
S4-4 County Clork.