The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, September 25, 1917, Image 8

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Canadian Farmers
Profit From Wheat
The war's devastation of
European crops has caused
an unusual demand forgrain
from the American Conti
nent. The people of the world must
be fed and wheat near $2 a bushel
offers preat profits to the farmer.
Canada's invitation is therefore
especially attractive. She wants
settlers to make money and happy,
Srosperous homes for themselves by
elplng her raise immense wheat crops.
Yon can get a Homestead of 100 acres FREE
and other lands nt remarkably low prices. During many
years Canadian wheat Melds have averaged 20 bushels to
the acre many yields as hiRh as 45 bushels to the acre.
Wonderful crops also of Oats, Barley and Flax.
Mixed farming as profitable an industry as grain rais
ing The excellent grasses full of nutrition are the only
food required for beef or dairy purposes. Good schools.
diuretics, mantels convenient, climate excellent.
Tnere Is an extra demand for farm labor to redaco the
many yoans men who nave volunteered Tor trie war. The
UovernmetH Is orclng farmers to put extra acreage Into
grain. Wrlto for llteratnra and particulars as to reduced
rallnar rates to Sopt. ot Immigration, Ottawa, Canada, or
Room 4, Deo Dldg., Omaba. Nob.
Canaolan Government Agent
Ship Us Your Next Can
It Will Bring You More Money
Correct weight and test guaranteed.
Prompt dally remittance. Cans roturnod
same day as recolvod. Wrlto for price list
and printed tags, dlvo us a trial.
Cost Just as Much to Raise Poor Anl
mat as a Good One Dispose of
Culls Early in Life.
Calf conservation looks like n pood
thing. to many of1 the wiseacres, fays
the Farmer's Guide, but Is It? Can
tho farmer afford to save tho measly
little specimens of bovlnlty that occa
sionally nppenr In tho best herds?.
There are always somo culls that can-i
not bo turned to good nccount either
as breeders or for beef. If every calf;
dropped were n high-class Individual,
that could be raised and fed econom-"
ically, the situation might bo different.
It costs Just as much and sometimes
more to ralso a poor calf ns n good
one, and when you have It raised what
Is It good for? Let tho conservation
ist go out Into tho open country nnd
visit n number of farms where ho can
got next to the actual conditions; then
let him study up on tho economy of
beef production nnd ho may changq
Ids mind. Most ccrtnlnly It Is wlso
to save the good calves, tho kind tlmt
can bo rnlscd Into profltnblo breeders,
milk or beef producers, but the other
kind had better bo disposed of early
in llfo before they have time to be
come an expense.
You Look As YOU FEEL
You know well enough wien your liver is loafing.
is the first Warning; then you
begin to "feel mean all over."
Your skin soon gets tho bad news. It
grows dull, yellow, muddy and un
sightly. Violent purgatives are not what you
peed just the gentle help of this old
tlmo staadard remedy.
Small P1U, Small Dose, Small Price.
Genuine 0 .
many colorless faces but bw11I greatly help most pale-faced people.
No Hardship for Him.
"Whyvlo you think he'll feel nt
flome In the trenches?"
"He's a suburbanite." Life.
It's better to be judged by your np
jenrance tlinn by your disappearance.
Wise Is the baldhend who can fool
i lly.
Back Given Out?
Housework is too hard for a woman
who is half sick, nervous and always
tirqd. But it keeps piling up, and gives
weak kidneys no time to recover. If
your back is lame and achy and your
kidneys irregular; if you nave "blue
spells," sick headaches, nervousness,
dizziness and rheumatic pains, use
Doan's Kidney Pills. They have done
wonders for thousands of worn out
A Nebraska Case
a.?' '-r."alL,Ut tvtnRctoreTrtnStey-
Seventeenth Sts.,
Falls City, Neb.,
says: "I suffered ter
ribly with kidney
trouble for years.
There was lameriess
in my back and sides
and tho trouble de
veloped Into rheu
matic pains. It kept
erettlnir worse. I
tried Doan's Kidney J
1U3 uuu uuur UB1UK
three boxes I was
entirely cured. My
limbs which had
been swollen were
again their normal size and all tho
soreness had disappeared from my
joints. The trouble has never re
turned." Get Doan'i at Any Store, 60c a Box
Old Soldier Endeavored to Make Vo
cabulary Fit the Responsibilities
of His Position.
An old soldier was for n long tlrao
curator of n certain public educatlonnl
Institution. In accordance with the
duties of his responsible position it
sometimes fell to his lot to remind the
students of forgotten regulations.
"Gentlemen," he shouted, on one oc
cnslon, when n game of leapfrog was
going on In n somewhat shaky gallery,
"why this violent disturbance?"
"Well," was the reply, "what busi
ness is it of yours?"
"Gentlemen," ho responded, lndig'
nnntly, displaying his full height, "do
you know that I am placed here by the
governors of this college to conserve
this building?"
At another time tho prnnk wns
played upon him of being slmultane
ously summoned by two students from
different ends of tho corridor.
"Gentlemen," he cried out, "I really
cannot bo uniqultous!"
On another occasion, after heavy
rains, there wns dire disaster of mnlo
dorous Hood In the cellars.
"Sir." renorted Thomas, to the nrln
clpal. "tho rain has permented the soil
and has resuscitated all the drains to
overflowing I"
Tonr uoiit will Hi DKrcxDRD br your druggist
without any question It this remedy doet not benefit
erery case ot Asthma, Uronchlal Asthma and the
Asthmatic symptomi accompanying Hay Ferer. No
matter now rlolent the attacks or obstinate t bo cue
posltlTelr b1ti INSTANT nELlBF In ererr case
and has permanently cored thousands who had been
considered Incurable, after baying tried every other
means of relief In Tain, Asthmatics should ayall
tbemselres of this guarantee otter through their own
druggist. Bay a W-cent package and present this
announcement to your druggist. Von will be the
sole judge as to whether you are benefitted and the
druggist will Blre you back your money If you are
not. We do not know of any fairer propoeiUon
which we could make. lil
R. Schlifmann Co., Proprietors, SI. Paul, Minn.
Nebraska Directory
Done promptly.
Free price list.
hogsasosheep STOCK YARDS'OMAHAi
In Same Fix as Our Enemy Aliens.
A traveler nt a small hotel in a
backward seaconst town 'of Now Eng
land complained to the clerk of the inn
concerning the jfood, the beds, tho
rooms In fact, there wns nothing In
the house that pleased him. When
he finished, the old, long-benrdcd pro
prletor of tho place drawled:
"Young man, did anyone ask you to
come hero?"
"No, I don't know that they did."
"Wal, did anyone nsk you to stay
here after you came?"
"No, I don't know that they did."
"Wal, they wun't." Manufacturers'
Milk an Economical Food.
Milk Is a fairly economical food ns
prices now stand. It contains no refuse
and the food nutrients It furnishes ate
completely digested. However, the
amount of water In proportion to nu
tiicnts is lnrge. Even at a high price
per quart, milk should be used as a
staple article of diet.
Make War on the Rat
Thero are more rats tlinn human be
ings In tho United States, nnd every
rat Is n food waster.
I'm glad there's .such
.a big corn crop say3
MORE iftOti&fc
1. Hnve the herd examined
nt least onco n year by u com
petent veterinarian. 'Promptly
remove nnimnls suspected of be
ing in bnd health. Never add
an animal to the herd until cer
tain it is free from disease, par
ticularly tuberculosis.
2. Never allow n cow to bo
excited by fast driving, nbuse
or unnecessary disturbance.
8. Clean the entire body of
tho cow dally. Hair in tho re
gion of the udder should be kept
short by clipping'.
4. Do not allow strong-flavored
food, like cabbage or turnips,
to be eaten except immediately
after milking. Changes in feed
should be made gradually.
D. Provide fresh, pure drink
ing water in abundance.
Good Udders and Teats Are Often
Overlooked by Dairy Cattle Breed
ers Lack Wedge Shape.
There Is so much' real satisfaction
In the milking nnd handling of cows
&hnt have good udders and good teats
that it seems very strntiKe that in
dairy cattle breeding this lmportnnt
'' 'jll '
Part of Splendid Jereey Herd.
fenture has been so much neglected
and by this seeming neglect far too
many cows hnve small udders nnd con
sequently smnll, short teats.
It will nearly always be noticed that
sows with snmll udders, even in the
best dairy breeds, usually carry too
much flesh and lack that double-wedge
shape which Is so desirable in tho eyes
of the modern and progressive dairy
Unclean Utensils Are Common Source
of Trouble Particles Get Into
Seams or Joints.
Unless some unusual food has been
eaten, milk Is delivered from the cow
free from tnlnt. It is nlso free from
bacteria. Between the cow nnd the
consumer it picks up a multitude of
tho latter and sometimes more or less
of the former. The milk can is n com
mon source of both. Minute particles
of organic matter get Into tho seaum
or Joints of the enn, where they be
come the habitation of countless bacte
ria. Disagreeable odors arise as a re
sult of tho decomposition wrdch en
Put your nose Into the mouth of nn
empty milk can after It has been
cleaned and is ready to use. It Is never
entirely free from odor. But there Is
a distinct difference between n "clean"
smell and a "foul" one.
Warm Milk Offers Splendid Medium
for Growth of Organisms Handle
Milk Carefully.
Tho wnrm.mllk as it comes from tho
cow offors a splendid medium for the
favorable growth of all kinds of bac
teria that may gain access to it. 4 To
lessen this development milking should
bo dono as carefully and quickly as
possible and the milk should bo
strained and set away or separated,
ct Contents 15Fluid Drachm!
1 1 . . . 4 n I'f Ac
AVCCCiaOlC ITCpawii"' '
tlnflUicStomachs jmduo".
'. Thereby Promoting Digestion
Uiccrtuincss onu iwjuw--
neither Onium.Morphtocnor
Mx Senna
hum S4
andjFcrlshness and I
resuttincrcfromMnm'are- j
Children Cry For
Castoria is a hannlces Gubstituto for Castor Oil, Paregoric. Drops
and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium,
Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its ago is its guarantee.
For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for tho
relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea;
allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating tho
Stomach and Bowels, olds tho assimilation of Food; giving
healthy and natural sleep. The Childrens Panacea The
Mother's Friend.
pBears the Signature of
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
Tho Secret.
"You know that car I bought last
month?" began the. purchaser.
"Yes. What of it?" asked tho dealer.
"Isn't It n good car?"
"I've seen worse ones, but it comes
n long way from being what your agent
represented It to be."
"Of course it does. Why; man nllvc,
if our cars were as good ns that wo
wouldn't need to employ agents to sell
And Prevents Falling Hair Do Cutlcura
Soap and Ointment.
On retiring, gently rub spots of dnn-
druff and Itching with Cutlcura Oint
ment. Next morning shampoo with
Cutlcura Soap and hot water using
plenty of Soap. Cultlvato tho uso of
Cutlcura Soap and Ointment for every
day toilet purposes. "
Free sample each by mall with Book.
Address postcard, Cutlcura, Dept. L,
Boston. Sold everywhere. Adv.
Somo men who believe In the di
vision Qf labor let their wives do all
tho work and they do tho rest.
In Use For Over 30 Years
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Feed the Fighters ! Win the War ! !
Harvest the Crops Save the Yields
On the battle fields of France and Flanders, the United States boys and the
Canadian boys are fighting side by side to win for the World the freedom that Prus
danism would destroy. While doing this they must be fed and every ounce of
muscle that can be requisitioned must go into use to save this year's crop. A short
harvest period requires the combined forces of the two countries in team work, such
as the soldier boys in France and Flanders are demonstrating.
Ths Combined Fighters In Franct and Flandirs and the Combined
Harvesters in America WILL Irinej the Allied Vlotory Nearer.
A reciprocal rran(ftment for tho uso of farm workers has ben perfected between the Depart
ment of the Interior of Canada and the Department of Labor and Agriculture of the United Statea,
under which it is proposed to permit the harvesters that are now engaged in the wheat fields of Okla
homa, Kansas. Iowa. North Dakota, South Dakota. Nebraska, Minnesota and Wisconsin to mora
over into Canada, with the privilege of later returning to the United States, when the crops in ths
United States have been conserved, and help to save the enormous crops in Canada which by that
time will be ready for harvesting.
Canada Wants 40,000 Harvest Hands to Take Care of Its
13,000,000 ACRE WHEAT FIELD.
One cent a mile railway fare from the International boundary line to destination and the sums
rate returning to the International Boundary.
High Wages, Good Board, Comfortable Lodgings.
An Identification Card Issued at the boundary by a Canadian Immigration Officer will guaran
tee no trouble in returning to the United States.
AS SOON AS YOUR OWN HARVEST IS SAVED, move northward and assist year Canadian
neighbour in harvesting his; in this way do your bit in helping "Win the War". For particulars as to
routes. Identification cards and place where employment may be had, apply to Superintendent
of Immigration, Ottawa, Canada, or, to
W. V. DENNETT,, Room 4, Dee Dldg., Omaha, Near. .
Canadian Government Agent. ,
Certain-teed is tangiblebksiiiethjtn can take hold of.
It means certainty of quality an dualecfdsfacti on . Behind the name is the
definite responsibility of a great business vhiJ)f reached commanding: position in
its field because of its ability to maliufactujcistribute the best quality products
on the most efficient basis. An extensivescMnf factories, warehouses and sales
offices makes possible low manufactu'ringtosts and quick, economical distributions,
Certain-teed Certain-teed
is the best quality of roll roofinp. It is recog
nized and used as the preferable type of roofing
for office buildings, factories, hotels, stores, ware
houses, garages, farm buildings, etc., where dur
ability is demanded. It is economical to buy,
inexpensive to lay, and costs practically nothing
to maintain. It is light weight, weather-proof,
tMean, sanitary, and fire-retardant. It is guaran
teed for 5, 10 or 15 years, according to thick
ness (1, 2 or 3 ply).
Faints and Varnishes
are good, honest, dependable products made as
good paints and varnishes should be made, from
high grade materials, mixed by modern machin
ery t6 insure uniformity, and labeled to truthfully
represent the contents. They are made by ex
perts long experienced in paint making, and are
guaranteed to give satisfaction. Made in full line
of colors, and for all different purposes. Any
dealer can get you CERTAIN-TEED Paints
and Varnishes.
Certain-teed Products Corporation
New York, Chicago, Philadelphia, St, Louis, BosJon, Cleveland, Pittsburgh,
Detroit, Buffalo, San Francisco, Milwaukee, Cincinnati, New Orleans, Los
Angeles, Minneapolis, Kansas City, Seattle, Indianapolis, Atlanta, Richmond,
Grand Rapids, Nashville, Salt Lak City, Des Moines, Houston, Duluth,
London, Sydney, Havana
"Ib ho extravagant?"
"I should pay ho Is. Tie oven pnys
moro than $10 for his Palm Beach
Our purest prospect In llfo Is dealh.
After fits
llnrlna lo fnr Tlrarf Cunr
MOVleS Red Eyes Sore Eyes n
. Uranulttod Hrellds. IlrsU 5
s Hefroshes Resturos. Marine Is a Favorite 5
I resimnni for Hjo that fret dry and smart.
- UlYorour Hres as ranch ot your lovlny care 5
as rourTeetU nrid vrltn Oiosumn rewulurltT, 5
Sold at Drug ana Optical Mores or tir Mall, a
Atk Murlas tc Btmrd Co, CMcifO, tor frit Book
The Easier Taak.
A circus was In the neighborhood
nnd sonny's father took him. Ills lit
tle playmate, Ethlyn, was afraid to g.
hut had heard much about the wild
animals that wero generally with a
circus, so her mother told her to anl.
sonny If he saw tho hippopotamus. She
thought a moment and said: "Mother
I'll call him and you ask him."
Most people have n spice of goodness
In them, hut not all try to cultlvato It.
He Is a lucky man who can stretch
' tho truth without breukiuglt.
f Every Woman Wante
FDI? ppncriMAf uvf tewe
Dissolved In water for douches slopj
peivic cciarrn, ulceration and Inflam-
mation. Reeommrnrlr,! hv l ilii P
Pinkhnm Mod. Co, for ten years.
A hcalinjr wonder for nasal catarrh,
aore throat and sora oyes. Economical.
Mai ltrann,v f.n.tnM I f 1 I
Ssxnplo tra. 30c. oil dnissuu. er tmlraid
ill. ITnt'ulonToiMConiwiy. Bmioa.Mus. .
W. N. U., OMAHA, NQ. 37-1917.