THE EMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. THE REAL ADVENTURE By HENRY KITCHELL WEBSTER Copyright 1916, Bobbs-Merrill Co. rlod association of lilra with It That nil thoughts nnd memories of him muBt necessarily bo painful, she hnd taken for granted. But with this sudden lighting: up of hope, she flung the closed door wide and called her husband bnck Into hci thoughts. This hard thing that she CRISIS OF WOMAN S LIFE was going to do this thing that meant Change Safely Passed by Taking Lydia E. Pinkham' Vegetable Compound. sleepless nights, nnd feverishly active days was nn expression simply or her love for him a sacrificial offering to be laid before Hhe shrine of him In her heart. Yet. the fact tliat Hose's heart was Wncroner. Okla. "I never eot Uwd racing and her nerves wore tingling of praising Lydla E. Pinkham's Vego- ROSE STANTON ALDRICH MAKES AN OPPORTUNITY FOR HERSELF DURING REHEARSALS OF THE MUSICAL COMEDY IN WHICH SHE IS TO BE A CHORUS GIRL AND FINDS HAPPINESS Synopsis. Hose Stanton, of modcrnto clrcumitnnccs, marries wealthy Rodney Aldrlch, on short ncqunlntnate, nnd for more than a year lives In Idleness and luxury In Chicago. Tho Ufa palls on her, sho longs to do something' useful, but decides that motherhood will bo a big enough job. Sho has twins, however, and they uro put Into tho caro of a professional nurse. Itosc aguln becomes Intensely dissatis fied with idleness, so over the violent protest of her doting husband sho disappears into tho business world to make good on her own Initiative, gets a job In tho chorus of a musical corned In rehearsal and Uvea under an assumed namo In n cheap rooming house. Sho Is well liked by tho show producer becauso of hor Intelligent efforts and he commis sions her to help costume tho chorus. Her fashlonublo friends think sho has gone to California on a long visit prise over his having made a request Instead of giving nn order. "Do you think you'll bo nblo to con vince Mrs. Goldsmith," sho naked, as they walked down tho east side of tho nvcnuo together, "that her gowns don't look well on tho stage?" "Probably not," ho Bald. "No, sho won't bo convinced, nnd If I know CHAPTER XVil. Continued. 12 Rose, arriving promptly nt tho hour agreed upon, had a wait of fifteen minutes beforo any of her sisters of tho sextette or Mrs. Goldsmith ar rived. "I don't want anything Just now," sho told tho saleswoman. But sho hadn't, In these few weeks of Clark street, lost her air of ono who will buy If sho sees anything worth buy ing. In fact, the saleswoman thought, correctly, that sho know her, nnd showed hor tho fow really smart things they had In tho store n Polret evening gown, a couplo of afternoon frocks from Jennie. There wasn't much, sho adralttod, It being just between sea sons. Tho rest of tho sextctto arrived in a pair and a trio. Ono of them squealed "Hello, Dane I" Tho saleswoman was shocked on seeing Roso nod an ac- . L l m j.t i i jcnowieugmcnt oi una greeting, aim just about thnt tlnio they heard Mrs. Goldsmith explaining who sho was and Uio nnturo of her errand to tho manager. Tho sort of gowns sho presently be gan exclaiming over with delight, nnd ordering put into tho henp of possi bilities, wcro horrlblo enough to havo drawn a protest from tho wax figures in tho windows. Tho moro completely tho fundamental lines of n frock wero disguised with sartorial scroll-saw work, tho moro successful this lady felt it to be. An ornament, to Mrs. Goldsmith, did not llvo up to its pos nihilities, unless it in turn wcro dec orated with ornaments of its own; llko tho fleas on tho fleas of tho dog. Roso spent a mlscrablo half-hour worrying over theso selections of tho wifo of tho principal owner of tho show, feeling sho ought to put up soino sort of fight and hardly doterrcd by tho patent futility of such a course. All tho while sho kept ono cyo on tho door and prayed far tho arrival of John Galbralth. Ho enmo in just as Mrs. Goldsmith finished hor task Just when, by a process of studious elimination, every pnssablo thing In tho store had been discarded and tho twclvo most utterly hopoloss ones two for ench girl laid aside for purchase. Tho girls were dispatched to put on tho evening frocks first, and wcro then paraded boforo tho director, Ho was a diplomat and ho was quick on Ills feet. Rose, watching his fnco very closely, thought that for just a split second sho caught a gloam of in effablo horror. But it was gono so quickly sho could nlmost havo behoved that oho had been mlstukcn. Ho didn't say much about tho costumes, but ha Mid it so promptly and adequately that Mrs. Goldsmith beamed with pride. Sho sent tho girls nwny to put on tho other set tho afternoon frocks; nnd onco more tho director's approbation, though laconic, was ono hundred per cent puro. "That's oil," ho Bald in sudden dls missal of the sextette. "Rehearsal at eight-thirty." Five of them scurried Ilka children let out of school nroutul behind tho set of screens that made an extcmpornuo- ous dressing room, nud began chnng lug in a mad scramble, hoping to get away and to get their dinners eaten soon criouch to cnnblo them to sco'tho whole bill nt n movlo show beforo tho evening's rehearsal. But Itoso rc:nnlnc,d hanging ubout, & couplo of , paces away from whero Galbralth was talking to Mrs. Gold tmlth. Tho only question thnt re mained, ho was tolling her, was wheth er her selections wero not toowell, too refined, genteel, ono might say, for tho stage. He wasn't looking nt her as ho talked, and presently, ns his gazo wan dercd about the store, it encountered Rose's face. Sho hadn't prcpnrcdvlt for tho encounter, nnu It woro, hardly veiled, n looTc of humorous upprecln tlon. His sentenco broko, then com jMetod itself, Sho turned nwny, but the next moment ho called out to her "Wero you waiting to seo mo, Dnuo?" "I'd llko to spent to you a minute," mm said, "when you. havp tlmo," "All right. Go and change your tfetbes first," be uald. with n newly' welcomed senso of her lover's spiritual presence, did not pre- lt's tho costumer's loss nnd wo can vent her flying along wcBt on Ran- buy those that. Mrs. Goldsmith picked dolph street and south again on tho out, or others that will do as well, at west side of State, with a very elear Lcsslnc's. I think that savins: will bo ly visualized purpose. Hnlf an hour decisive with them." 1 later she hailed a passing cab and de- "But do, you know a costumer?" posited in it ono drcssmnklng form, a Itoso asked. huge bundle of pnper cambric In "You're tho costumer," said Gal- black, white and washed-out blue, nnd bralth. "You design tho costumes, bdy her own weary but Btlll excited and Goldsmith, he'll soy his wife's tasto Is tho fabrics, superintend tho making of exultant self. tnblo Compound because during Change of Lifo 1 was in bed two years and had two operations, but all tho doctors and op erations did mo no good, and I would havo been in mv grave today had ft not been for Lydia E. Pinkham's Vee- etablo Compound good enough for him. So If Wo want a change, we've a fight on our hands." Tho way ho hod unconsciously phrased that sentence startled htm a little. "Tho question is," ho went on, them. As for tho womnn you speak of, we'll get the wardrobe mistress at tho Globe. I happen to know she's competent, and sho's at a looso end just now, because her show Is closing when ours opens. You'll buy the fab- It was after eight o'clock when oho which brought me out of it all right, so reached her room. Rehearsal was at I am now well ana aoaii my nouseworn, otrfit-thlrtv nnd sho had had nothlne besides working in my garden. Several 71 s lk th f my neighbora havo got well by tak noon. But she stole the , L'dla. Pinkham'sVegetable Com heless, to tear the wrap- ponaV'Mra. VIOLA FINICAL, Wagon. "whether they're worth making a fight rlcs and you'll pay her. And what profit about. Aro they as bad as I think you can make out of the deal, you're they aro?" entitled to. I'll finance you myself. If "Oh, yes," Bald Rose. "They're dow- they won't tako what we show them, ilv nnd f nn nns nnd rlfllpiilntin Of whv. vnn'll hft nut vnnr tlmo and " -v i " ' f I . . , , I lull Llua. wiisuimuuiii vuiiuuju uinjcubci courso I don't know how mnny people trouble, nnd I'll be out tho prlco of hurried on to tne uttro luncn room weakness and dizziness should be heeded III VUb OIU,G MVJ VH i-t m sv -itVt ntnnn lime uuvuiiui'iuoo, iu itrm uiv i t i nmirtri nlnirs nfT hfr "form" nnd CflZO on itfl nvt w I Uii WiVlUt respectable nakedness for two or three Such warning symptoms as sensa of minutes with n contemplative eye. BUtiocauon, notllashes,neaaacnes,DacK m,nn if wna thn first aches, dread of imnendine evil, timidity. tlmo she had left that room with re- sounds in the ears, Palpitation of tfio luctnnco-she turned out the light and y?lx$ .W? "3 In tho audience would know that." materlnls and tho womnn's labor." "And I don't enrc." snld John Gnl- "I don't think It would bo fair," sho bralth, with a flash of Intensity that said, and sho found dlfllculty In speak- She found tho other girls on tho point of departure. But Edna offered to wait for her. "No, you run along," Rose said. "I've somo errands, and I don't feel llko see log a movie tonight, nnywny." Edna looked a little odd about it, but hurried along after tho others.. A saleswoman tho samo ono tho manager had assigned to Rose, under tho misconception which that smart French ulster of hers had created when sho enmo Into tho store now camo around behind tho screen to gather up tho frocks the girls had shed. "Will you please bring me," snld Roso, "tho Polret model you showed mo beforo tho others enmo in? I'll try It on." The saleswoman's manner wns dif ferent now, and sho grumbled some; thing- about its being closing time. "Then, if you'll bring it at onco . . ." said Rose. And tho saleswoman went on tho errand. Fivo minutes Inter, Galbralth, from staring gloomily nt tho mournful heap of troublo Mrs. Goldsmith had left on his hands, looked up to confront . n vision that mado him gasp. "I wanted you to seo if you liked this," said Rose. "If I llko It I" ho echoed. "Look hero I If you know enough to pick out things Uko thnt, why did you let that woman wasto everybody's tlmo with Junk llko this? Why didn't you help her out?" "I couldn't havo dono much," Roso snld, "even if my offering to do nny- thing hadn't mado her angry and I think it would havo. You see, sho's got lots of taste, only it's bad. Sho wasn't bowildcred a bit. Sho knew Just what sho wanted, nnd sho got it. It's tho badness of theso things sho likes. And I thought . . ." Sho hesitated n llttlo over this ... "I thought thnt it would bo easier to throw them nil out and got a fresh sturt." Ho stnrcd at hor with a frown of curiosity. "That's good sense," ho snld. "But why should you bother to think of it?" Her color enmo up perceptibly ns sho answered. "Why I want tho pjeco to succeed, of courso . . ." Roso turned rather suddenly to tho saleswoman. "I wish you'd get that llttlo Empire frock in malzo and cornflower," sho said. Td llko Mr. Galbralth to seo that, too," And tho saleswoman, now pla cated, bustled away. "This thing that I've got on," snld ROso swiftly, "costs a hundred nnd fifty dollnrs, but I know I can copy It for twenty. I can't get tho materials exactly, of courso, but I can coino near enough." "Will you try this ono on, miss?" nsked tho saleswoman, coming on tho sccno ngnln with tho frock sho had been sent for. "No," said Roso, "Just hold It up." Galbralth admitted it was beautiful, but wasn't overwhelmed at all as ho had been by tho other. "It s not qulto co much your stylo, Is, it? Not drivo enough?" "It Isn't for me," Bald Roso. "It's for Edna Luon to wear in that 'All Alono' number far tho sextette." Galbralth stared at her a inomont. Then, "Put on your Btreot things," ho said brusquely, "I'll wait" mado her look nround nt him. "That's not a consideration I'll glvo any weight to. When I put n production under my namo, It's tho best I cah mako with what I've got. When I hnvo to tako n cynical view and try to get by with bad work becauso most of tho people out In front won't know tho difference, I'll go out to my llttlo farm on Long Island and rnlso gnrden truck." There was another momentary sl ing at all because of a sudden dispo sition of her teeth to chntter "I don't think it would be fair for me to tako all tho profit and you tako all the risk." "Well, I can't take any profit, that's clear enough," ho said; and she no ticed now a tinge of amusement in his voice. "You see I'm retained body and soul to put this production over. I can't mako money out of those fel- that lay on tho way to the dance hall, bv middle-need women. Lydia E. Pink- It was during that first rehearsal, ham's Vegetable Compound has carried which she so nnrrowly missed being many women saieiy inrougn mo crisis. late for, that she got tho general lence. for tho clrl made no comment 1(ws on tho side. But you're not re nt all on this statement of his credo, talned. You're employed as a member But ho felt sure, somehow, that sho of tho chorus. And, so fnr, you're not understood it. nnd presently ho went even Pnld for the work you're doing. on sneaking. So lonB as you work to my satisfaction "Would it bo possible, do you think, there on the stage, nothing moro can schemes for both sets of costumes. Sho begnn studying the girls for their Individual "peculiarities of style. Each ono of tho costumes she made was go lng to bo for n particular girl. At last when a shout from Gnl bralth aroused her to tho fact that she had missed an entrance cue alto gether, in her entranced absorption in these visions of hers, nnd had caused that unpardonable thing, a stage wait, sho resolutely clamped down the lid upc- her imagination and, until thay were dismissed, devoted herself to the rehearsal Gentle Hint, lie Do you know, I think you nrc a most singular girl. She I assure you It Isn't from choice. MINNESOTA DRUGGIST PRAISES DR. KILMER'S SWAMP-ROOT I believe vou have a Knlflndid. rrli.ititn kidney, liver and bladder medininn in TV Rnr rh nrpsqnrn kpnt mnnntln" Kilmfr'8 Swamp-Root, .and, my customers jut ino pressure Kept mounun,. who j takcn it duri tllQ , thirtv. to get better gowns thnt would also "u "T" , iUV , ,1 T' , n'Sner nna niGner. nnu ime iouuu iier. hx yoara have nothiriK but praiso for what ho cbpnnor? That nrirumont would don 1 believe It's serious. I don't think self furiously impatient to get away, t accomplished for them. On account of . . Z. T. ... , . ... vnn'll fnll rtnwn nn thn Inh. nnd I dnn't hnnt f w nwr. Trirrn-n trrnn.winn.i the splendid reputation which it cniovs in uiuiB uumauiiui uiuuuu m u iiuiij. iib ; . ... . ... .,, 7. ... .... . 'tne trade i hn ridiculous, of course, but that's tho troublo with making a production for nmntours. You spend moro time fight lng them than you do producing tho show, tho squalid llttlo room down the street, that had three bolts of cam brlc in it and n dressmaker's manne quin the raw materials for her magic I Rose couldn't draw a bit. She i'e no hesitancv in iwnm. mending it for the troubles for which it is intended. Yours very truly, J. G. SllSBIiTN. Druffcrist. Sept. 21, 1916. Hastings, Mran. believe Goldsmith and Block will throw away a chance to save some money." And then he pressed her for an im mediate decision. Tho Job would bo n T don't believe," said Rose, "that K011 Ucnl ot a scumble at best, as the imdn't the fnlntest Impulse to make a you could eet better rendy-mado cos- l,mu nua B"olu "nuteuui beginning ny putting n picture aown tmnna n inf fhonnor tbn twn nr fhron Randolph street end of tho avenue, nnu on pnper nnd maklnpc a dress from it wo mlcht bo able 'to find wouldn't help a Pollcctaan, like Moses cleaving the afterward. She couldn't hnve told Just. Prove What Swmp.Root Will Do For Yoa Letter to Dr. Kilmer Co. DlnShamto'n.N.Y. us much." "And I suppose," ho snld dubiously, "It's out of tho question getting them any other wny than ready mado; that is, and cheaper, too." Tho only sign of excitement thero was In tho girl's volco when sho an- CHAPTER XVIII. AxBuslne Proposition. Buzzing around in tho back of John Galbralth's mind wns nn unworded protest ngalnst tho way Roso had just killed her own beauty, with a thick whlto voll, so nearly opaque that all it let him seo of her faco was nn Inter mittent' glcnm of her eyes. Tho bust ness between them was over, and all sho was waiting for was a word or dismissal, to nod him a fare well nnd go swinging nwny down tho nvcnuo. Still ho didn't speak, and sho moved a llttlo restlessly. At Inst: "Do you mind crossing tho street?" ho nskod abruptly. "Then wo can talk as wo walk along." Sho' must hnvo hesitated, becauso ho added, "It's too com to Btnnd here," "Of course," sho snld then. All thnt had tasdo hor heti.tato was hor sur- S Red sea. had opened a way through whv sho hnd boucht those three shades L .Send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Cd. tho tide of motors for a throng of pe- 0f nnner cambric. P:nSliamtT0.n' Y- .for a sample sizo 1oafplnna u,"le; 11 win convince anyone. xou Ucsiriliuo. I Whof aha in1 -fnlf rf onnran nf ihfl I will nlsrt rnnnivn n linnlrlnf nf wnluriVila 5. "Coino across here." said Galbralth, I ,..,. ,, ,i nnrnnfv.inn formation, tellinc about thn Itidnevn nnd taking her by tho arm and stemming to indlcatc roUchly the darks and ? When ,vr'tinB' be ure and men thin rnrrnr tvlth hrr. "Wn'vn it r J . J?L T .S 7' ? 10.1!. thl! PaP?r- .rge and medium size ugnis in ner design. Ann, snort 01 uie notties tor sale at all drug stores. Adv, wild extravagance of slashing Into tne fabrics themselves and making het mistakes nt their expense, she could think of nothing better than the scheme sho chose. this current with her. "Wo'vo got to hnvo a minute of shelter to finish this up in," and ho led her into the north lobby of tho public library. Tho stale, baked air of tho place almost nrado them gasp. But, anyway, it was quiet nnd altogether deserted. They could Rehearsal was dismissed a little hear themselves think In there, he Bald, carly thafc n,ght( nnd she Wfla bnck , bought. Very Useful. "What a peculiar choice for a wed- 3Ing gift !" remarked a lady, trying not to lnugh, as she Inspected n huge flat iron which her charwoman had just nnd, led the wny to a marble bench alongside tho staircase. Roso unpinned her veil and, to his surprise, because of courso she was going in a minute, put It Into her ulster pocket. But, curiously enough, tho her room by eleven. Arrived there, Ain 1 ir ma'am r snia me cnarwom- sho took off her outer clothes, sat an- rather proudly than otherwise, down cross-legged on the floor, and "K'3 mv slster thnt's Bettln' mnrrled. went to work. and rm .repaying her, for the' gift sho When at last, with a little sigh, and 3enlon n W Inmrnco nn rnnr nrm nnnn crrnnr ttnntl I o i o . i i, iTn(wi ni Did she send you something very "Aro They as Bnd as I Think They Are?" impression that had been strong upon him during the last part of their walk tho Impression that she was n long way off. It wasn't the fnmlllnr qon tomplatlvo brown study, either. Thero was an active, eager excitement about it that mado it moro beautiful than ho had ever seen it before. But it was as If she were looking at some thing he couldn't see listening to words ho couldn't hear; "Well," ho said n llttfo impatiently, "are you going to do It?" And nt thnt tho glow of her was turned fnlrly upon him. "Yes," sho said, "I'm going to do it. I supposo I mustn't thank you," she went on, "be cause you soy It Isn't anything you're doing for me. But It is a great thing for me greater than I could tell you. And I won't fall. You needn' be nfrald." Ho counted out a hundred nnd twen ty dollars, which ho handed over to her. Sho folded it and put it away in her wrlstbng. Tho glow of her hadn't faded, but once moro it wns turned on something or someone elsd. It wasn't until ho roso n llttlo abruptly from the mnrblo bench that sho roused herself with a shako .of tho head, arose' too, nnd onco moro faced him. "You're right about our having to hurry," sho snld, and beforo hu could And tho first of tho words ho wanted, Bho had given him that curt farowcll nod which from tho first had stirred ami warmed him, and turned away townrd tho door. ' And she had never seen what was nh lint wnfnVi nrno -frMi rvtnlr In the morning. She'd had one of those 1 Present experiences of which every nrtlst can remember a few In his llfe.iwhen it is imposslblo for nnythlng to go wrong) when tho vision miraculously betters Itself In tho execution ; when tho only dlfllculty Is that which the hands have In tho purely mechanical operation of keeping up. Deed, no, mum. Hers was a beau- But you see, ma'am, a little bird whispered to me that her future husband's a man of violent tem per, nnd I thought I'd send her some thing that would be useful In case of family disputes. She has the strnlght est aim with n flatlron ever I seed I" Pearson's Weekly. Thero comes Into Rose's life a new crisis which means more hard work and much worry. The next Installment covers Import ant developments In the story. you?" Galbralth lumjr ""-- sno couiun t, oi course, nave missea swercd, was a sort of exaggerated mat ter-of-factness. "I could design tho costumes and pick out tho materials," sho said, "but we'd havo to get a good sowing woman perhaps moro than one to get them done." IIo wnsn't greatly surprised. Per haps tho notion thnt sho might suggest something of tho sort was responslblo for the tentative, dubious way in which ho had sald ho supposed it couldn't bo done. , "You'vo had experience In design ing gowns, havo asked. "Only for myself," sho admitted, a thing ns plain as that but for a com- "But I know 1 can do that part of It. Plc preoccupation oc tuougm anu I'm nnt ennd nt snwlnir. thnncb" sho loeung unit woum uuvo jeit iier oo reverted to tho other nart of tho nhm. UWous to almost anything that could "I'd hnvo to havo somebody awfullv hnppen-to her. cood. who'd do exnetly what I told ' The flaming vortex of thoughts, iieP hopes, desires which enveloped her "Oh, thnt can bo managed," ho said wns 80 Intense ns nlmost to evoke a a llttlo absently, and at tho end of n senso of tho physical presenco of tho aliened which lasted whl o thov walked suoject or mem oi mat oig, powenui a whole block: "I was Just figuring out minded, clenn-souled husbnud of hers, a way to work it," ho said, explaining who loved her so rapturously, and who his silence. "I shall tell Goldsmith and hnd driven her nwny from him becnuso Block (Block wns tho Junior partner tat rnpturo was tho only thing ho In tho enterprise) thnt I'vo cot hold wouw snnro witn ner. of a costumer who agrees to deliver Since sho had left his houso nnd twclvo costumes satisfactory to me, at begun this new lifo of hers, sho had, an nverago of, sny, twenty per cent as best sho could, been lighting him less thnn tho ones Mrs. Goldsmith" out of her thoughts altogether. She picked out. If thor areut satisfactory,! had shrunk from anything thut car- (TO BE CONTINUED.) Luminous Eyes. Cats nmong mammals, and owlfl nmone birds, snvs W. H. Hudsnn !n Ids book "Idle Days In Patagonia," aro tho ?cnnt most highly fnvored of nny creatures In tho matter of luminous eyes. "Tho feline eyes, ns of n pumn or wildest, blazing with wrath, sometimes affect ono llko nn electric shock; but for in He Is No Man. George Qulnlan, county superintend- erit of highways, who recently won tho rank of major In the engineering corps, returned to the county building re cently. He tells this one: "One day the Instructor (captain of tho company) came along and called out to n fellow from Missouri: '"Send that man up here.' '"No man here,' answered the Mis- iourlnn. "'Hut I see him,' said tho captain. "'He's not n mnn; he's my scr- Tho mnn who enms the money Isn't always the ono who gets It. It wns a hot day In Rome when It tenso brilliance the yellow globes of got up t0 Ncr0, tho owl nro unparalleled." Mr. Hud son asserts that nnturo has done com pnratlvely llttlo for tho human cyo either In theso terrifying splendors or In beauty, no says that in Brazil ho was greatly Impressed with the mag nlflcent nppearanco of many of tho ne gro women; but that if they had only possessed tho "golden irldes" of,cer tnln lutenscly black tropical birds their "unique loveliness" would have been complete. Outlook. lagssaS IB r1"'!! ifcissf iItTI . lvaSSSHBSBB r. J Woman Landscape Gardener Succeeds. Miss Mnbol Keyes TJabcock, for fpur years In charge of the department of horticulture nnd landscape architec ture at Wellesley college, has befen chosen to design the great formal gw den which Is to be n feature of the new residence of the president of the Massachusetts Institute of technology nt Boston, and which 1? to be an lm- presslva detnll of tho magnificent now Installation of that Institution. Miss Babcock is ono of tho most distin guished landscape gnrdonors of hor sox In tho country, nnd sho has dono tnblo work In landscape I'lTechi f?" Wellosley ground, for mvit:i cfttntos In Chicago and Boston. ttum Cereal" e POOD The wholesome nutrition of whea.t and barley in most appetizing form