in iu.. m.. 1 Continuation it Closin FRANKLIN'S DOUBLE SPECTACLES J. B. McDonald SHOES For little gents 9 to 13. 551.76. Idea i Jj Stocks si I Vext TWP - . OLD FASHIONED BIFOCALS linpYaoemerft ike jmcd mm a M fectiOTl RYPTPKlGLASSESl HARRY DIXON & SON, Optometrists CITY AND COUNTY NEWS Mrs. W. S. Dolson left Friday even ing for eastern points. 'V. R. Maloney wont to Grand Island Sunday morning to visit relatives. W. T, Wilcox returned this morn I ing from a "business trip to Omaha. Casper Raugh left Sunday evening for Kansas City to spend a week or longer. lMr and .Mrs. L. B. Spincer, of Wallace, are spending this week in town. ,jT-' George Austin returned Friday ev ening from a visit with hs daughter in Omaha "Do your bit" by leaving, a doltar at tho Public Library for tho War Li brary Fund. Mrs. M. H. Douglas left yesterday morning for a short visit in the west ern part of the state. Wanted Girl for general house work. Apply to Mrs. Harry Dixon. ,Dr.-V. Lucas, who has been in Colo rado for several weeks, is expected to return homo this weok. i For Salo Cheap "Houso and seven lots. Inquijo of L. A. Gamble at the court houso. Ralph Haddock accoptod a position at tho post office this week as 'parcel post carrier. Georgo Schatz, who visited relatives here and in Omaha last week, return ed to Ogdcn Sunday evening. Miss Julia' O'NeH of tho Brock den tal office, who had been visiting in O'Neil, Neb., returned last evening. On and After J)ctolicr First SHOES ARE CASH Diener & Ficlslmmii. Tho Pleasuro dub will hohl dances this wook at tho U'.oyd opera house ov ery evening, beginning September 2G. Mrs. Harrison Burnham, of Cozad, camo last week to visit her daughters tho Misses Vena and Maudo Warring ton. Dr. H. CI Brock resumed work in his dental office yesterday morning after enjoying a threo weeks' vaca tion.' , Mrs. Marv Dunn left Sunday oven- ng for SaTt Lake City where oho will; make her homo with her son for some time. Mr. and. Mrs. John Bailey, of Kear ney, who wero guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lem Bailey last week, have returned homo. Wanted Middlo aged man to act at? custodian at Elk cCub rooms. Apply at club room between hojufrs of 1 and 2 p! m. , ?3-2 Mrs, J.M. Donegan and Miss Mario Martinj will leavo shortly for Ft. Riley to visJC- Cyril Donegan, who is in trainingjUiero. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Goodman, who ha'vo been visiting in Minneapcfls for some time, are orocted to return homo Saturday. Mrs Vitn flhrlstonson and son who wero called to St. Paul. Nebraska. ro- contly by tho death of a relative, have returned homo. Soft water slmmpoo, electric inns, sago mul human hair switches nt the Coatos lloauty l'arlor. Mrs. Walter Crawford, of Casper, formorly Miss Pearl McVickor, of this city, is spending a few days horo while onrcuto to Lexington. Frances O'Connd'.l, who has been ompjloycd as stenographer in the U. P. car department for several months, resigned Saturday evening. Miss Edna Suqilvon, for several years associated with Tho Trlbuno as news gatherer, resigned yesterday and tills morning accopted tho posi tion of clork in tho office of Fore man Blsnsnnr. nf fim it p. car de partment Miss Sullivan was a very launiui ana capaoio ompioyo anu we regrot to loso hor services. FOIt YOUR AUTO SEBTICE Call 125 for Taxi day or night. Also five or seven passenger car for funeral service. ' MOOENSEN-LOUpEN AUTO CO-, Chandler. & Elcar Agency, Corner Eighth and Locust Sta, Lynn Huddart, who spent, several months in Ogden and recently re turned hero, has accepted a position as froight conductor at this terminal. Patrick SulJIvan, of Spokane, Wash., who had boon visiting friends here and in Wallace for several months, left for homo Sunday morn ing. Come in and see our beautiful lino of suits and coats, then ask to know about o)ur new sales ptan we have to offer. E. T. TRAMP & SONS. Bele Turner, colored, charged with the embezzlement of $250 which had been entrusted to hor care, was dis charged in Judge French's court yes terday morning. For Salo Four-room cottago.v Six hundred cash and bauuicec onv easy terms. Phono 708-F 14. E. W. Wright. Tho marriago of Miss Florence M. Young and Charles Angus Howard, of Wellfleot, will take placo at tho homo of tho former's parents in Well fleot Wednesday, October 10th. New dresses arriving all tho time. A nico assortment to scfoct from. For stylo and workmanship none bettor. E. T. TRAMP & SONS. 'Seventy-four one-hundrodths of an inch of rain fell last night, as re ported by Observer Shilling. Tho rain extended as far oast as Kearney and was heavy in tho east part of this county. For Rent Modern steam Iicatcd store. It It ATT, GOODMAN & BUCKLEY. I Dan Brceso, examiner of air brhkca for tho Union Pacific and well known' among railroad employes died tho lat ter part of: last weok in Denvor. Tho funeral services wero hofd Sunday af tornoon. , i Rugs and carpets thoroughly clean ed by tho Little, Giant Vacuum Clean er. Phone Red G23. 73-4 Tho firo departeme'nt was called out' twice Sunday. In tho morning a ni.o of ties in tho oast ralroad yards caught fire; in the evening' a stack of lumber at tho stockyards avus dis covered in flames. FOR SALE Saxon Roadster, overhauled, in good condition, $100.00. Ford Roadster, $17600. Dodgo Touring Car, with our 30 day mechunical gaaranteo, $550.00( Indian Motorcycle, with side car, at a, bargain. ROMIGH GARAGE Sixth and Locust Streets, North Platto, Nob. Furnished room for ront Call Red 373. Camp Life at Doming. From a letter written by Roy Ames to Dr. M. A. Ames dated Sopt. 20th, wo take, the following excerpts: "Nothing mjuch has happened as yet; wo aro trying to got settled. It has rained hero most of tho timo sinco wo havo beon'boro, and today is awful wot and (floppy. I guess tills must bo tho rainy season hero. Wo wero paid tho day wo arrived. A couple of tho boys aro homesick. Abnor Wossburg was quite sick last night. I guess most of tho boys aro feoling pretty good except a ilittio peevishness over tho wet weather. Tlioro will not be the long hikas this timo that wo had on tho bor dor, it wll bo choifly tronch toractlci1. warfaro in sham battles and prpbaWy a good Jjlt or riilo ranga work. nils country is aw sand, Bago brush, mosquito and somo. cactus. It is a real desert all right. The mountains aro about 25 mile3 to tho north and 30 or 40 miles to tho south and oast of us. They aro of tho lower ranges that do nop havo many high peaks. Every thing in town is quite iiign pricou. Notice North Hlatto, Nob., Sopt 24, 1917. Clydo E. Frazeo wiW take notice, that on tho 20th day of September, 1917, I. L. Mlltonberger, a Justlco of the peace of Lincoln county, Nebras ka, issued an order of attachment for tho sum of $23.20 In an action pond tag before hdm, whl&roln Harry I. Block Is plaintiff and Clydo E. Frazeo defendant, that proporty of tho de fendant consisting of ono trunk, and contents has been attached under said order. Said causo Is continWed to tho 15th day of Octobor, 1917 , at 10 o'clock a. m. HARRY I. BLOCK, 73-3w PCnintiff. To he disposed of at prices that will be abso lutely impossible a few weeks hence. Opportunities like this sale of the J. 13. McDonald store which for the past 16 years has flourished as the , lV "Home of Good Clothes" are indeed very rare. It is not often a store of such magnitude which carries such a huge stock of such high class character sells out and quits business. After preparing for the fall and winter season with large stocks of new goods the proprietor is compelled to quit business to take hold of other important interests. THIS SALE OFFERS MEN'S, YOUNG MEN'S and BOY'S CLOTHING, SHOES, and FURNISHINGS of every description from tle MOST STAPLE KINDS TO THE LUXURIOUS ' KINDS at 25 per cent to 50 per cent BELOW PRESENT. RETAIL PRICES. The stocks have-been con siderable augmented in this weeks selling by the addition of many thousands of dollars worth of fall mer chandise of all descriptions on which we HAVE BEEN FORCED TO ACCEPT DELIVERY. These goods are strickly seasonable merchandise whidh have been made to our special order and specifications and which were not subject to cancellation. They comprise Union and Two-Piece Wool Underwear of all weights and sizes, Ralston and Weyenberg Fall Shoes, Mens and Boys Mackinaws, Sweaters, Boys long Pant Suits. A consistant effort is being made to close out all these stock on hand within the next few days and we have cut prices to the limit. All Stocks have been 1 Replenished and New Bargains Added by the addition of thousand of Dollars worth of New Fall Merchandise which we have been unable to cancel and which we have been Forced to Accept. of 267 Boys Long Pants Suits at $3.97 Many Other Kinds at s More Remarkable Price Costs S Boys Knickenbocker A? OeCiai School Suits 6 to 12 vrs ftZ.V I M. Boys' Wash Boys' Kaymee n Mens' Outing SUITS I Made BLOUSES il Flannel PA- SHIRTS in H JAMAS and and striped I Neat dark and h NIGHT SHIRTS borders values H light stripes, jjwith pink and In to $2.00 70fo0ne Lot yCHMue QQ ttlt m strines tUl Boys Knickenbocker School Suits 6 to 12 yrs n The Right Goods, at even less Than The Right Prices That's The Story of This Stupendous Sale priced from Boys Corduroy Kmcker PANTS ' and 98ci drab dark colors Mens Soft Felt HATS In Black and colors. Broken sizes. Values to $4. n $1.60 MONEY TALKS! LOOK SHARP! It is'a known fact that everyone has been'afiected by the extreme raise in Outing Flannel I prices of every commodity. Bear in mind that a piece of serge that sold at 49c a yard is cneap to uay atyoc; rua uioves inai soiu ai oca pair are cneap 10 day at 31.25. Mens Shoes that sold at $5 are cheap today at $9 a pair Men's and Boy's Clothing and Furnishings have almost Doubled in price the future holds no relief further advances are in sight. However the people of this com munity have no causp for worry, for here THEY CAN SUPPLY THEIR NEEDS FOR MONTHS TO COME AT ABOUT ONE HALF THE PREVAILING RETAIL PRICES. OUR ADVICE IS TO BUY NOW BUY LIBERALLY FOR PRESENT AND FUTURE NEEDS. Boys NIGHT SHIRTS the 7Sc and ChildrensBlcck Ribbed Innciad Cotton HOSE. Always 35c the pair Childrens Me dium weight Cotton VESTS $1 values. 39c and PANTS. Regular fto price 35c I MENS "STALEY" PURE WOOL UNDERWEAR New Goods Just in styleys 2 Piece Woolen Underwnar 20 1 OFF. MENS AND YOUNG MENS SUITS AT HALF PRICE We offer the men and young man an unequalled opportunity to secure fine clothing at record shattering prices. Scores of suits from which to choose. These prices are only made possible by our firm determination to take our loss on all merchandise, in order to make a quick and absslute clean up in the shortest space of time. Mens $16.50 Suits now . . $7. Mens $20.00 Suits now $10. MACKINAWS For men and hoys, shipment just come in, p.arjt of.uncanellcd order 20 lo off. UNDERWEAR Mens Cotton Shirts and Drawers, large sizes . 39c MENS WORK SHOES . Big shipment just in "Weyenberg and other rt pjf noted makes values to 84. One lot in all sizesj), J BOYS FALL TOP COATS Odd lots in dark or light colors, values from rt 4 $7. to $10. Sixes 6 to 12 years. One lot at t 95 Men's soft French and laundred SHIRTS one lot $1.10 and 1.25. One lot of broken AC. sizes I V M Mens Spear MadeJ CAPS Golf style odd lots CuZ 69c i Boys Heavy Blue Serge part Wool KNICKERS Tremendous Se lection in all sizes to choose 98c Mens piece heavy UNDERWEAR One lot 39c. One lot in brown Black and Og gray tQ Mensheavy Cotton I Mens $5 and $6 DRESS SHOES, All sizes in this UNION SUITS Made from superior combed yarns 95c special group $2.85 J. B. McDONALD, Home of Good Clothes, North Platte, Neb.j m