0 11 - V- in 4 Buy glasses , ait Clinton's where you get the scienutic, proiessionai attention of an expert optometrist, who takes a personal intdrest in your eye troubles, ' assuring accurately fitted, becoming glasses) . We carr replace any broken lens. Bring the piece with you, or if the lens was secured here, phone us, as we have the measurements on file, and the new lens will be ready when you bring in the frames. 0 u ,4. I rr 'Ik" r As.: CLINTON, Graduate Optician, At tlio Sign of the Big Itlng. Hodgson's Shoffs Arrive. "'Hodgson's 1iowb which' Will be?' one of tho amusement features nt tho fair grounds this weok, arrived yesterday; and tho sevoral tonta -wore placed In position In Uio afternoon". , Those shows played at th6 Kearney' fair and somo df oiiV, people wlio-.'nt-l tondod pr6nounced(htlieni)'Vory gqbfl. ! ; ::$:: , . j , .i JOl) Acres) of Wheat . f itjoven ihr-ndred acros of whoafWIllI ho sown on "the Smith land south of town this fall. About 150 acres has so rar been sown ana uio worn 19 progrosslnWrapIdly. This Hand was broken ont mirlnr tho summer. With a favdrotilo poason next year this tract wui furnish, "somo" wheat. Methodist Aid Klccfs Officers. ' The Methodist aid society hold tholr regular meeting In tho churoch par- lars last Thursday aftornoon. -Tho re ports wore made by tho offlcora, thus closing a vory successful and profit able year- Tthls bolng the annual olcctlon, tho following officers wero ro-electod for tho ensuing year: Pres ident, Mrs, M. B. Scott: .vice-presi dent. Mrs. B. 8. Davis: secretary, Mrs li. B. Boatman; treasurer, Mrs. Ray Langford. Tea and sandwiches were served at tho q'oso of tho meeting. OAS TAR is good for dipping fence posts, palntinc chicken houses for Urn or painting anything to provont de cay, lenccs. Darns, silos,, etc. Ten cents per finllon Wo clmrgo for the barrel. North Tlatto Light &-Power company G7-10 DR. 0. H. CRESSLER, Graduate Dentist Office over tha McDonald Stat Bunk. LOCAL AND PERSONAL Miss Elizabeth Hlnman Is visiting friends in Lincoln ' and Omaha this wook. ' Ono dollar will help to glvo some solder happiness if you loavo it at tho Library tor tho war Library Fund. On und. Ator October First SHOES AIIE CASH JUcnor & F.elHhniun. Regular meeting of Slgnot chaptor Q. B. S., Thursday ovoulng at olght mock. O. B. a. memorial scrvico win follow. ''J. A. McMIchaol ,'.oft yostorday to In apect .buildings at Bayard and Tor- rlngton which tho firm of McMIchaol HrbsMiro. completing. 'Uf. and Mrs. J. II. Posoy, formerly of this' city, who have booh rosldlng In Sj5kano for sovoral months, aro now located at Scattlo, Wash. ' Thoodoro Sandall, of Choyenho, for morly of this city, camo down tho lat ter part of last wook to tako Uio phys ical, examination for drafted nion. Manychlckon huntora wero out In tho Holds' Sunday, but tholr success was,, limited. Tho birds this year are scarcor, than thoy havo been for sovor al years. Rex Oilman of Brady who was struck by lightning Monday of, last wook und badly burnoU is rccovorlng, Almoot lls ontlro body Is swathed In bandagos. Mr. and Mrs; D. W. Mocombor of tho nortii sido' loft Friday for Cherry county to attond a reunion or Mrs. Me combor's family. Thoy oxpoct to ro turn today. ' 'Special ' tllscohntf on blankets. aM nils'1 week; Now Is your opportunity. tobuy your wintor supply. . B. T. TRAMP & SONS. Mrs. J. J. Allen, of Farnam, spent tho week end visiting her son Arthur Allon.. Miss Ellon McCarthy will loavo nort month for Florida to visit her brother for sovoral wooks. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hanlon, who wero visiting In Omaha with their daughtor, havo returned homo. Wo inivo wraIdbo buyers und rout ers for notifies. What Have youl IUIATT, GOODMAN & UUCKLET. Mr, and Mrs.Charlos Edwards ox peat .to tako possession of their now homo on west Fifth Btreot about Octob er lBth. Mr. und Mrs. IL E. Wolsllog, of Kan. sas City, woro guests of Mr. and Mrs Arthur Allen last week and loft Sun day evening. Thirteen of tho drafted men who woro examined, the latter Dart of lost weok wero oxempled on account of physical1, disability. Tho Lutheran aid society -Will have a business meeting Wodnosday even ing nt 7:4G at tho parish housd. All tho mombors aro urged to bo prosont. Miss Oeoglna McKay roslgnod as re porter for thoDaily Tolograph Satur day evening and has accented a post tlon as bookkeopor In tho Hondy- Oglor garage. FOR SALE Flvo room houso, mod orn oxcopt heat; located at 214 south Ash. Phono Red 388. 727 About fifty drafted men of Scotts Bluff and Morrill counties camo down on a special branch train Sunday morn ing, woro given breakfast horo and sent oast on train No. G. For Salo Cheap An olootric startor for a Ford. Good as now. Address box G08, North Platte, Nob. L. Walker arrived tho fatter part of last vf,oot to visit Ids family for n few days. -On Uio road for an olectrical sign company ho has boon travollng in Colorado for several months. Mr. and Mrs, Josso Ydung, of Buf falo, JYyo., arrived tho latter part of jast weok to visit friends in town and at Wottlloot. Thoy woro rosldonts of Mcdiclno, precinct for & number of yoars prior to 1805. Wonted- Oirl fbr gonoral house work. Mrs. J. S. SimmB, Phono 39. No. 340fl. Report of tho condition of the FIRST NATIONAL BANK at North Platte, in the -State of Nobras- he'r 1l 1 jgj01086 ot ,)Ueln8icn, Septeip- ItESOURCES Loans ana dis counts ...... .J699,379. 00 Notes ,nnd bills .redlscounted . . (other than finces said) hank accont- (bco Item G3n1 t.1fi.f,70.44 XRR2.7no.nA UVBIUIUUS UIIHO- i cured V. H. boniln (other limn I.llirrtr Iliunlu r ltTi, U. S. bonds do- posited to se cure circulation (nar value)... Sion.oflo.nn U.iS. bonda nnd certificates , of Indebte d,n ohb pledged to' se cure U. B. de posits (par val- '411. ED I uo) . . Total U. S. bonds 1,000.00 iChas. Boodor, chairman of tho local llon..n nronftrtv on wnst stnP.m. B(r(it board of tho B. of L. F. and K, wont to hls fathor or tho proporty Jn tho toOmaha thb attor par of last wook 1100 l:-ock on WCflt FlfUl IIo ,ls put. W-ntend a mooting of the chairmen of, tlnc ,n i10atimr plant in tho nowlv acquired hotano and making othor lm provemonts. , Bishop and Mrs. Boochcr drovo up from Hastings In their car Saturday and in tho aftornoon tho Bishop and 'Archdeacon Bowkor drovo to Cherry county to open an Episcopal church, tho U. P. system. Perhaps your boy hasn't had to go to war but a lot of othors have had to go, Help to mako llfo happier for them by loavliiR a doUlar at tho Public Li brary for tho War Library Fund. Mrs. J. B. Soymour, df Minnesota, arrived hero- last week to mako horl Mrs. Boochor visiting friends whllo i . . . a...k.n..M A. .. i.An a... I.i iiuuiu. iui . aujiuuiu nun uuuii vui-, iiiuy wuro kuiiv, p!oyed ns salosman by tho Davis Auto 'Co. for sovoral monUis past". Thoy will rosldo at 414 wost Third street. P. W. 0)c3on, living southwest of town roturncd tho latter part of last wook from on auto trip to Pino Bluffs. Ho "wont thoro to investigate farming conditions but roturns with tho ho llof that Lincoln county is bottor'than that soctlonn. During tho thundor storm in tho Brady section last wook B. Wlghtman had five head of cottlo klllod by light ning; Col. Boatty and Illld Bros, lost a"cdw cucha cow ouch. Tho houso of a jujlch cow oach. Tho houso of chandlso. Bros, was struck but nolthor burnod 1 Among Tho Trlbuno callQrs Satur day woro Mr. nnd Mrs. J. W. Foascl, who catno horo a month ngp to llvo on tho formor Stroltz 1440-acro tract north of town which thoy purchased In August Thoy camo horo from Kan sas, but had until lately lived on a Ajfontnna homestead. Every fall wo glvo our customers Uio advantage of a tpoc,lal discount,, salo on IVankots, both tho cotton and -wool. This special salo will bo for this wook only. If you nood anything in this lino It will pay you to Invoatlgato oar prices. Wo curry only first clasir mor- E. T. TRAMP & SONS. I The Federal Re&ferve System Helps You It wn?.. created pnninrilyi ' -.I'oilielp the businessmen Qnd'fiirmera; i To provido plenty of currency ntnll times; To effect a steadier supply of credit. The system merits the support of all good citizens; it must have yours in order to reach its full development. You can secure tjie benefits of this great system and nt the same time assist directlyundavelbping it by depositing your money with us. ' FIRST NATIONAL BANK North Platte, Nebraska. friHmr Minn liberty 'Bonds)- nnd certificates of Indobtednesn Liberty Loan II o II II h , uii- . pledged ' IIoiiiIk, McciirlllcH, ctc.l Uonds other than JJ. 8. bonds pledged to se cure postal sav deposlts 15,000.00 Securities other than U.S.' bonds (not Including stocks) ,,own- ' od unpledged. 31,733:18 Total bonds, se curities,' otc. . . Stock of Feder al Reserve Unhk (CO per . cent of sub scription) .... Value of . bank ing house ... 60,000.00 Cnulty In bank ing hoiise Kurnlturo and fixtures ...... Heal estate own od othor than lmnklng house Lawful rpsorvo with Federal KoHorvo Hauls Cash In vault nnd notamount duo from na tional brinks. Not lunountH duo from banks and , bankorH, and trust compnu les other thnn Included In , Items 13. 14 'and 15 Othor checks on' banks In ; tlia same city or town as report ing bunk (oth er than Item . 17) Itudemptlon fund ' with U. S. Tronsurer and duo from U. S. Troasurdr 101,000.00 44,C20.00 S ' f4C,'733)lS 4,500.00 00,000.00 .' 3.S57.00 750.00 12.014. lh r t '101, 1SV91 4,07278 1,511.29 KOOO.OO Total 1,040,4C0.86 Capltnl stock paid In Surplus fund . ,' Undivided mollts Loss current ex pensos, lutior'oHt nnd taxes paid Circulating notes outstanding . , Not nmount duo to banks and bnnkurs (other than Inoludod In 28 or 29)... Demand Depos its subject to re sorvo (dopostts payable Iwlthln 30 daj'B): Individual de posits subject to check Certificates of ' deposit due In less than 30 dayH (othor thnn for nion ay borrowed) Cashiers ohouka Certified chocks outstanding . . Time deposits Bubject to r Bervo (pnyablor after ao ifty,. or Hitbjoct tp,3p ' days or inonv notice): Certlllciftes Qf deposit (othor thnn for mon ey borrowod . . Postal savings 'deposits Other time de posits .,..."..., lUnitud States de- v posits (other than postal sainKsJinoiuii- Ing Deposits of IT. S.' dis bursing olll-cers r- -y i t The Hobar,tJ1.,Cable is ojtie of the very few Fiaiips ) " IT made that we could unequivocally Endorse and Recommend We have selected this pi ano to offer to our friends be cause WE BELIEVE IN IT we know that it is absolutely RELIABLE AND DEPENDA BLE. . ' Over 50,000 American homes qontain a piano of ' this make, "v The greatest institutions of learning in the country have chosen it on account of its well known RELIABILITY. ' ;' v. Don"t think of buying until you have heard the wonderfully sweet tone of the HOBART M. CABLE. A comparison point for point with other makes; will t.carry tO) you a conviction oi its SUPERIORITY. - . The purchase of a piano represents the investment of money. Would you buy a mort gage upon a property worth less than the amount of the mortgage.'' Would you buy a shoddy suit of clothes and expect to receive the same degree of sat isfaction which your well dressed neighbor received from his purchase of good garments? The DEPENDABLEngs arq, those which last.. Give as an opportunity of dem'onstra- . ting to you the rare qualities of the Hobart M. Cable Piano or Player Piano. TERMS OF PURCHASE can be arranged to your satisfaction. Introductory Sale now going on. ELIZABETH BONNER CRAMER, Dealer 703 W. Fourth St. North Platte. Phone Blk 498 LOCAL AND PEB50NAL 29.2C4.2p, ! ' ' ' ls.tfgs.w $100,000, QQ DV.UUU.UQ 13,279.56 i 100,000.00 31,755.70 4C1.107.C3 25.84rf.74 100.00 S6S.53 230.05S.C4 10,617.8? 16,030.63 J .1.00Q.0 Total - 1,040,4C0.SG Liabilities for rediscounts, including those with Fed eral Heservo Dank (see Item Id) .' 36,670.44 Total contingent liabilities 36.670.44 titato of Nobrnskn, County of Lincoln bs. I, 1 I.. Moonoy, Cashier of tho above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. P. Ii. MOONBY, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 17th dny of September. 1917. WESM3Y T. WILCOX, Notary Tubllc, Correct Attest: V k. p. 8EEni3naBn. Mrs. Georgo McKay and sons visit ed frlonds In Sutherland Sunday. Mrs. James Kennedy will entertain lho Et-a-Vlrp club tomorrow after noon. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Rector loft Sunday morning for Sutherland to vis It rolatlves. Mr. and Mrs. Art Yartor, of Brady, ifro among tho out of town visitors horo this week. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Wostonioft Sunday morning for Ogalalla to ,vlalt relatives for a tow-days. , 'fix Mrs. Roy Barnard returned yostor day morning from a short visit In Kearney with rcCatlvos. Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles McGjulro loft yesterday morning for Sholton to vis it their daughter for a ctouplo of wooks. ; Mr. and Mrs Thomas Haggortoy aro .rocolvlng congrAttilatlcmB over tho ar rival j)t a babyjboy7fftttholr homo Sun day afternoon. 'v ' Judge H. M. Grimes went to Grand Island Friday evening. Mrs. Elmer HcCgerson has accepted a position In tho Golden Rule Storo. Dr. A. J. Ames, of Potter, who vis ited horo lost weok, loft Sunday morning. W. T. Green loft yesterday morn ing for Bayard to spend & week on business. J. B. Pief.sticker, of Dickons, is' vis iting with his brother F. C. Piolstick or and attending tho fair. Our display window will show somo of tho many beautful blankets now on salo. E. T. .TRAMP & SONS. W. R. Malonoy will leave Wednes day ovenlng for Omaha to meet with tho stato board of health, having ro conlily boon selected as secretary of tho stato embalmors. Friends in town have received cards announcing tho birth of a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gavor, at Grand Is land, former rosldonts of this city. Mrs. Gaver was Miss Pforcla Jesson. Nebraska's sharo of the next Liberty loan, which wIW bo floated next month is twenty-seven mlillion dollars. Tho opinion seems to bo that subscriptions of this amount can easily bo sectured. A systematic canvass of tho farmers will be mado with tho expectation that thoy wild respond moro liborally than thoy did toward tho first loan. Xollce. To Juanita Freed, non-rosidont de fondant:, Y6u aro horeby notified that on tho 16th day of Juno, 1917, Gus Freed filed a 'petition against you In tho District Cotort of Lincotn County, Nebraska, the object and prayor of which aro to obtain a divorco. from you on tho ground that you havo wilfully abandoned Uio plaintiff without good cause, for tho term of moro than two yoars last past1 and for tho custody of tho minor child, tho issue of said mar rlago, to-wit: Paulino Freed age 12 years. You aro required to answer said petition on or before Monday, No vombor 5th, 1917. GUS FREED, By GEO. N. GIBBS, 73-4 W His Attorney 4 j , Tf;T.tfS!r IT Quality that Means. Long Service radiates from every garment in our stock of young women's coats and suits an assortment equally free from freakishness and commonplaceness but emphatically correct in styles ' opulent in variety self-evident in quality - ' ( distinguished in values and affording the purchaserevery assurance of being as well dressed as tho she were living in Iew York, Philadelphia,Cleveland or Chicago. WILCOX DEPARTMENT STORE. HAY C. LANGFOnb. JOHN J. HALL1QAN, Dlreotors.