The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, September 25, 1917, Image 2

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Tho war risk Insurance bill, carry
ing an appropriation of $176,000,000
and providing for nJlotnionts lor sol
diers' families, compensation for in
juries and comprohcnslvo insurance,
wont to tho senato .last week following
its passago by tho unanimous voto ot
the houso. It is certain to pass the
sonato with few if any chances.
As it stands now, tho moasuro de
signed to take caro of Undo Sam's
fighting men may bo summed up jib
Every enlisted man in tho military
and naval forces shall aV.ot part of lus
pay to his wifo, or his fonnor wife, if
she lias not remarried, or to his child,
or children. Not inoro than half his
pay nor loss than $15 monthly may bo
so allotted.
Allowances may bo obtainod for his
family on written application, tho sum
not to exceed ?50 monthly. Tho family
allowances are as follows:
If thoro bo a wifo onTy $15 month
If thero bo1 a wlfp and child $25
If thore bo a wife and two children
$32.50 monthly.
For oach additional child $7 month
ly. N
For death in tho service of tho line
of duty, tho govornmont will pay:
For a widow $35 montlify.
For a widow and a child $45 monthly.
For a widow and two children
$52.50 monthly.
For oach additional child '$5.00
monthly. I
If thoro bo no widow, and nly one
child $20 monthly.
For two chVdren $35 monthly;
Four children $45, With $10 for
each additional child.
For a widowed mother $30.
For disability tho United States
will pay tho soldier:
If he has neither wife nor child
$40 monthly.
If ho has a wifo and a child $G5
A tota'ly disabled soldier may. draw
$20 addition1, for a nurse or attend
ant Tho Boldler who oses both eyes,
both hands, or both legs, shall re
ceive $100 monthly.
To-give every commissioned officer
and enlisted man protection for him
self and his dependents, tlio United
States -will grant Insurance against
death or total1 disability. This insur
ance may bo in multiples of $500, but
not to exceed $10,000.
Tho maximum was sot at $10,000 on
request of Presidont Wilson, -.after it
liad-first been set at that Jlguro and
thon.iC.ut to $5,000 bytlio Interstate and
foreign commerce committee. Tho bill
does not specify tho premium rate to
be paid by the soldiers, but it Is offi
cially reckoned at $8 per thousand
dollars of insurance.
and Aftor October First
lUenor & FScIsIminu.
: :o: :
Bort Napersteck, who has boen em
pioyeu wan tno union Faclllc as
freight brakoman between Evanston
and Qgdon for sovoral months, Is vis
iting with his parents this week. Ho
was recently promoted to freight con
Champion Facer to bo Here.
Among tlio horsos entered In tho
(races hero this wieek wtill Ho (tlio
champion two year old pacor of the
world "Flower Forbos." owned by E.
D. Qould, of Kearnoy. , Sho will race
on Thursday. Soptombor 27th, or glvo
an exhibition mile on that day. She
wl bo driven by aackChnndlcr. tho
notod drlvor, who gavo. hor tho record
sho holds. This notod 'pacor ought to
draw n big crowd.
1 O . 1
Mrs, John Sorcnson Fusses Awny
A tologram received by P. M. Soren
son yestorday morning announced tho
death at Los Angelas Sunday of Mm.
John Soronson, for many years a' res
ident of North Platto. Particulars ot
tho passing away of this woman who
had so many frlonds in tills city, have
not bcon learned, but we understand
sho had boon in rather poor health
for -some time. . Interment will bo
mado in Los Angeles.
Frlonds of the deceased will regret
to learn of her death, and to Mr. Soron
son and daughters sympathy will bo
: :o: :
Finns for New Gnrncc. '
Architect Reynolds is now compact
ing tho plans and specifications for tho
Hondy-Oglor garago that will bo erect
ed on Fourth street oast of tho Elks'
home. Tho garago will bo 110x132,
tho south forty feet of tho building to
1q two furies, tho remainder one
story, this upper floor to bo used as a
machine shop and stock room. The in
terior arrangement provides for all tho
convoniencos known to a modern gar
age. Cars for repairs wij I ho taken to
tho second floor ro'palr shop by a run
way from tho alley instead of an ele
vator, though thero will bo a small
elevator for handling light articles.
Bids for tho erection of tho budding
wiV. be asked for in a shorj time.
; :o: :
Frizes For Chldren's' Gardens
Tho Red Cross announces tho fcf
lowlng list of prizes for entries mado
from tho children's gardens at the
county fair:
For best display of vegetables, first
$1, seccond 75c, third 25c.
A first 'prize of 75c and a second
prletJ of 50c for tho best vegetable en
tered in each of tho following: Pota
toes, cabbage, carrots, parsnips, on
ions, tomntoos, turnips, string beans,
cucumbers, ipdppors, navy beans and
egg plant.
Two prizes for best disfay of flow
ers, first 50c, Becond 25.
It is requested that the children
have their exhibits at the floral hall
at tho Jfair grounds tomorrow morn
ing at .nine, o'clock.
- i ::o:: . . .". . ' j
For Sale. ,
Threo flvo room houses, close in. HI
Smith, 604 east Sixth street. 73-7
: :o: :
J. C. Little, aged 67, died Sunday ov
onlng of cancer at his homo sixteen
mll03 north of town. The funeral
sorvicos were htCd yestorday after
noon and Interment was mado in tho
Myrtlo cemetery. Ho eave3 a broth
or, two sons and a daughter.
Paul Marti, the youngest and per
haps most, frail member of Co. E,
has been appointed us ordorly to Cap
tain Halllgan since tho boys arrived
at Doming.
Mrs. Will Hawkey and son John will
leave tho first of next month for Grand
IslandHo visit friends.
Last evening tho Lincoln cowsity
board of oxamlnors Issued a cni.1 for
ono hundred niorojnon to roport for
examination next Friday and Satur
day. This callt has boon mado neces
sary by tho factrthat tho not number
hi nleji who hava biaqn axamln!cd,
passed and cortified up to this date
has not been sufficient to 1111 Lincoln
county's quota of ono hundred and
So far Lincnf n county has sont fifty
two man to Ft. Riley, loavlng sixty
tlireo' to bo avallnblo when called.
This is a groator numbor than is at
prosent cortified, and it is not known
how many aro yet to bo certified on
the first lot oxnmlned or how many
will bo cortified on- tho lot exam
ined last week.
Under thoso conditions tho locau
board doomed it necossatfy to ca,'l in
another hundred men for examina
tion. Thoso who havo boon notified
to roport aro:
Thoso Called for Examination for
.September 2Sth,
Karl B. Neu, Tablo
Lovi Towers, North Plqtto
Henry C. Brotzor, North lllatto
John W Tuckor, North Platto
Waltor G Gartrejl, Somerset,
Ferdinand Stroltz, North Platto
Constantln Walz, Staploton
Charles L Gai-dse".,' North Platto
Hans Rasmusson, Maxwell
Janio3 II Hoppes, Gothenburg
Guy N Jnrtios, Sutherland
Harry A McEvoy, North Platto
Goo. Robb, Sutherland
John L Grulko, North Platto i
William F Sander, North Platto '
Elmer M Howard, North Platto
Arthur M Schneider, Maxwell "
Elmor Soller, North Platto.
John A lon, North Platto
William T Vnsholz, Maxwell
H.oyd.B Stryson.'Nortli Platto
Lowis Norman, North Platto
Bon A Johnson, Brady
John D W Lincoln, North Piatto
Ralph M Sopor, North Platto
Goo. B Easton, North Platto
John Styskal, Wollfioet
Frooman G MMett, North D!atto
Bernardo Espmosa, North Platte
K. Yamagachl, North Platto .
Jamos E Yonkor, Wallace
Poto Brodbrlch, Suthorland
Henry W Wofch, North Platto
William E Moyors, Sutherland
Roy C Kelly. North Platte
Arthur W Hunt, North Platto
Clarence B Runner, Horshey
Pete Qercla, North Platto
Cecil E Can on, Well fleet
Harry A DIohl, Horshoy
Rudolph F 'Nohzcv, Wo'lflcct '
Thomas W Bayno, North Platto
Danit L Mitchell, Maywood
William L Frlsto, Wollflect
Duano Smith, North Platto
Donetrlos Koloynpsoulos, N. Platte
Arthur F Kailwort, Sutherland
Warren Soules, Brady
Artlyir Rcync.ds, North Platto "
Andrew Lewis, North Platto
Goo. H Powell, North Platto
Joseph H Golden, Gothenburg
Ira A Sinclair, Sutherland
Ebcrly S Thomas, North Platto
Fred C Koa3tor Wo'llleot
Charles A IJelson, Brady
John G High, Hershoy t .
Thomas Cormack, Wallaco
Jamos P Johnson, North Platto
John Boylo, Wellflcet
"The supply of raw materials is away below normal;
Uncle Sam"s new national army has to be clothed .
and that means a greater1 demand than, ever before;
labor has increased in cost: the price you pay for a
suit today you'll think of in the near future as
You'll find our stocks in splendidcondition to meet all your demands. Smart looking
military styles, cozy double-breasted models, high waists, faultlessly tailored and made of
"quality" all-wool materials. You'll appreciate the worth of these clothes when you sec
how reasonably they're priced.
Up in the air about
"What to Wear?1
Meet me at Harcourt's; he has
just the thing you are looking
for. "You should worry."
(To be Continued.)
$15 to $35
m .1
Stetson Hats $4.60 to $6.00
Regal Shoes $4.50 to $9.00
Lewis Underwear $1.25 to 6.00
Manhattan Shirts $1.75 to 6.00 '
Harcourt Clothing Company.
John A Blddle, Woilfleot
Roy V Cnry, Horshoy
Em II C Kosbau, North Platto"
William W Vornon, North Platto.
, Josso R Llttlo, North Platto
Vornoet E Peterson, Gothonburg
Wl.llnm G Rubonthalor, Gothonburg
Suiuuol B Baker, Wallaco
John R Wing, North Pntto .
Harry F Wobor, North Platto
Otto V Johnson, Suthoi'.and
Jay J Smith, North Platto
Uoy E Roton, Maxwell
Ray L Eyerfy, North Iatto
Nick Callvlnos, North Platto
Ernest E Brownell, -Suthorland
Those to Appear for Examination
Sctombor iilltli.
John R Churchill, North Plntto
Frank M Hughes, North Plntto
Gcorgo Frazler, North Platto
William W SloboUl, North Platto
Kimball F Baldwin, Suthorland
Victor P Oman, Farnnm
Frod J Anderson, Suthorland
Allon R McDonald, North Platto
John L Murphy, North Plntto
Roy T Harvey, Suthorland
Claudo O Drake, Maxwell
Robort Allondor School, North Plntto
James J Barna'.l, North Platto
Charles A Howard, Wollllcet
Goo. A Wilson, Sutlfen'arid
Lomuol W Tool, North hPlatto
Anton Lowis, NorthTPlattc
Claronco C Carver, Brady
Albert Rowloy, Suthorland,
Loy II Eyorly, Horshoy
Wallace E Owens, North Platto
Frank KIrby, Maxwell
Alvo II Farroll, WaVaco.
Frod W Dick. North Platto
Geo. R Razos, 'North Platto '
Carl F Scott, North IXjatto
Alfred Rasmusson, MaxwtVl
Omor R Ilqtcn, Maxyoll
Waltor S Broyor, Suthorland
WH.lain J Jurnoy, Tryon
Megolas J Mason, Staploton
Ernost E McFaddon, North Pj'atto
Samuel P Gunddrson, Wallaco
John E Schram, North Platto
Harry E Easton, North Platto
Wlliam O "Wado, North Platto
Ernost Royal MVls, North Platto
Clansldo D Oloment, Farnam
A letter received by F. W. Rlnckor
last wook announced tho arrlvnl of
Ernest Rlncker and Jim Chiton at
Goat Island, and tho first Impression
of the training camp seems to bo fav-
orahlo to both young men. They
speaK nigiuy of tlio moals furnished
and tho tent' accommodations. Upon
tholr arrival thoy wore furnished with
the comploto clothing outfit of tho med
ical corps. Clinton drow elcht hours
of guard duty tho day' aftor ho. arrlv-
Tho Lincot'n county board of ox
nnilnors last Thursduy.Frlday and Sat
urday oxnmluod 0no hundred and
thlrty-ono military registrants. Thir
teen of thoso wore discharged as phys
ically unfit for army sorvlco and
olghty-ono clalinod oxom'ptlon, leav
ing thlrty-sovcn good, stalwart young
men who having no cause for ex
emption won'd probably us soon fight
as eat.
Tho porconUigo ot thoso asking for'
oxcm'pUon was much greater than at
tilic first examination. It Is prob
ablo that somo asked to bo oxomptod
on rather flimsy pretenses, figuring
thnt If tlio excuso held well nnd good,
if it didn't hold thoy would bo nono
tho worso off.
Considerable criticism of- tho work
of tho district board In Omaha Is
heard; this, broaklng out in rnthor
sovoro form nt Goring Host Saturday.
Thoro it -was claimod that woafth and
politics Influenced exemptions. This
charge Is undoubtedly not true; at
least such cannot bo charged so far
as tho board has acted on Lincoln
county mon.l
: ::o::
On and "Afler1 October HrHt
lUenor & Flolslmmn. V
Chns. Boguo enmo in from Donvor
this morning. Wljllo away ho trans
acted u. or H. r. ousitioss in Chicago
and Kansas City.
Mrs. Geo. W. Arguo, whoso hus
band recontly passed away,-will leave
tomorrow for Choyonno to mako hor
' Vnlr Opens Tomorrow
Everything Is In readiness for tho
opening of tho Lincoln County Fair
tomorrow. Tho now buildings havo
boon comn oted and painted, and tho
raco track will bo In lino condltlpn,
tho rain last nlghht proving a bene
fit rather than nn Injury, If tho sun
shines brightly today nhd tomorow.
Tomorrow foronoon will bo dovotcd
to ontorlng lo stock and products,
and In tho afternoon tho rogufnr pro
gram as ipubllshcd Friday will start.
, Thirty or forty raco horsos aro al
ready In tho stnblos, somo ready to
outer tho races tomorow aftornoon.
FAIR WEEK and u good Ituio lo.vJs
It tho Homo OlYIco of tlio FIDELITY
Week wo want every Farmer nml out
of town visitor who visits tho Fair to
visit our office and see how wo handle
our Inrgo LIFE, HEALTH nml ACCI
FICE HOURS FROM 0:01) A. M. to
0:00 V. M.. Rooms 1, 2 irtul i, T. O. 0.
F. Building.
Tho Travel and Study club mot
with Miss Watts last evening. A pn
por on "Boston, Scenic and Historic"
was read by Mrs. Field, "What Japan
Is Thinking of Amorlca," was glvon in
a paper by Mrs. Brock, and Mrs. Slmms
road a papor fln "Tho Conquost of tlio
Garden of Edon."
Miss M. Sicilian, steam baths and
Swedish Massage, Indies nml gentle
men. Phono Sl)7, Ilroilbcck building.
llarry Flolshmnn wont to Omaha
Saturday night to visit relatives.
Tho county commissioners woro In
sosslon yestorday transacting routlno
Would you marry a title and hecomc a social climber
just to fall heir to a Pickle King's millions?
Jack Devereaux
would not because he is regular. American and loves anx,
...... i
American girt
Winifred Allen
is the girl, and she corners the Pickle King at his own game. '
A Delightful Comedy of Youth, Love and Laughter.
Dodge Brothers
.t. ,
V If the car is reasonably well treated it will render w;LU
r i r i ... . . r. .. . .- -v.,t. j
faithful service for years.
r.; , why -il always commands sucha' 4gb '
price when -resold. . . ' : ; : ,
J . 1 , 4 It will pay you to .visit us and examine Vffi'
"t ' The gasoline consumption is unusually low... AJPV.' i ,'..' 'j'
' ' : ' The tire mileage is unusually high. r''ij-. ? .
. r'
'! ' f
J!,l", .Touring Car or Roadster, S&35; Coupe $1265 "5,
' (A lPprices f.o. b. Detroit)
1 t
"j1 s
Corner Sixth and Locust.