The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, September 18, 1917, Image 8

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it A
Scmt3Mccklu Solum
tf':jtUl L. BiJtEEdJ(or J,ni' .i'nhlliher.
One I'unrjty JJivll In Admnoe. . . .mb
Oue teiir-ii Curriur in AUtuuuc. ,l-0
Eutureu at North Plana, Nebraska,
Postolllce as aecomi Oiuns Matter.
PHI DAY SM'TOHIilt 21, 1017
WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 20, 1017.
9:80 A. M. Entering livofltock and
agricultural products.
i.nn i) m it'iiul ntu!ert.
It 80 1''. M. Tho Royal Toklo Troupe
proonting Europoan artistic irapttiti
1:4G P. M. Ducking contests, numor
will bo rlddon.
2. oo 1. M. 2:14 pacing raco, purse
2:15 P. .Band concert and wild stoor
2:30 P. M. 2:14 pacing raco, purso
$800.00. , , ,M
2:45 P. M. Hiding famous horso '1
Do Dam." '
3:00 P. M, 2:25 pacing raco, . purse
$300.00. f
3 $5 P. M. 2:14 trotting raco (sooond
3:301'? M. Caso bucking mulo, $200.00
to man Who stays.
3:45 P. M.- 2:14 'pacing raco (second
lioat). , y. t
4:00 P. M.-sMlc by Hodgson Greator
shows and fancy riding.'
4:15 P. M. 2:25 pacing raco (second
4:30 P. M. Tho Royal Toklo troupo In
ihigh lino work.
'4:45 P. M. 2:14 trotting raco (third
B:ilOT. M. Daro Dovll Wilson In tho
famous 7G-foT)t drop. I
5:15 P. M. 2:14 pacing rnco (third
5:30 P. M. 2:25 pacing raco (third
heat). - . 0
0:00 V. M. Ono-lialf mllo running
rliCft. miran S100.00. 1
-nh p. w. Mllltarv hand concort.
7:30 P. M. Tho Royal Toklo Troupo
In gymnastics.
1:00 P. M. -Prosontntlon of novelty
acta by Hodgson Grontor Shows.
0:30 A. M. Oponlng of tho fair
10:30 A. M, Band concert.
11:00 A. M. Oponlng of exhibit hai'.l.
12:45 P. M. Band concert.
l:6p P. M. 2:11 pacing raco, purse
1:15 P. M.Caso bucking mule, $200 to
man who rides him.
1:30 P. M. 2:24 trotting race, purso
1:45 P. M. Riding lang-hornod buck-
ntr ntnnrs
.2:00 P. M. Trotting raco, 3-yoar-old
and undor, (purso $200.00.
2:15 P. M. -Tho Royal Toklo Troupo In
2:30 P. M. 2:11 pacing raco, (second
2:45 P. M. Music by tho military band
and wild mul.o riding.
3:00 ip. in. 2:24 trotting raco (second
3:15 P. M. Wild wost riding con-
3:'S0 P. M. 2:11 pacing raco (third
3:45 P. M. Dand music and fancy rld
Jng, ..
4:00 P. M. 2:24 trotting raco (third
4:15 .P. M, Trotting raco, 3-yonr-old
antLunilor (socc-nd heat).
4 :45PYM. Running rnco, 5-8 mile
puruo $100.00
5:00 Pj M-Daro Dovll Wilson In tho
75-foot vfringo.
7f00 P. M. "MIMtary band concort.
730 P M. Tho Royal Tpkio Troupo In
L ...
irupuzu worii,
8:00 P ' M.Spoclals by Hodgson
Groator Shows.
9:30 r A. M. Opening of tho fair
10:30 A. M. Judging livestock, ngrl
oultuniT. produots, poultry etc.
.isuu i-. iMiiuiKi concert.
Monday and Tuesday,
Adults 20c.
1:10 P. M. 2:10 pacing rnce, purso
$300.00. I
l:aG P. M. Wild west ruling of out
law horses. , 1
1:$ P. AI. 2:10 trotjjtffiraice, purst
$860 00. WZ, ' 4
2:30 P. M Riding wKd steers that
know how to buck.
2:45 P. M 2:10 pacing raco (second
heat).' 1 1
3:00 P. M. The Roynl Toklo troupo in
novelty trapozo performances. I
3:16 P. M 2:10 trotting rnoo, (iecond
8:30 P. M. J. -L. Case mulo that koops
them all guessing, ' i
n-ziK p M. 2!sn tr.ittlnir r.ioA (moeontl
4Jhiat). ,' I
4)v M uougson uroator onows
1 .prosent'ng wild west. .
4:15 P. M. 2:19 palng race (third
4:80 P. M. Slow automobile raco on
high (any make) purso $10.00. ,
4:45 P. M. 2:19 trotting raco (third
5:00 P. M. Running racq, 3-4 mile.
purso $100.00.
5:80 P. M. 2:80 trottliig rnco (third
5:45 P. M. Dare Dovll Wilson in tho
foarful ptungo. it
7:00 P M. Hand concort.
8:00 P. M. Spoclal norformanco by
Hodgson Gronter Shows.
9:30 A. M Oponlng of grounds.
10:00 A. M Band concort.
11:00 A. M LIvpstock parade in
' front of grand stnnd.
1:00 P. M. Band concort and finals
In wild mu'o riding.
1:30 P. M Lnt porformancs of tho
Cnn bticklnc inulo.
1:45 P. M Final in Btoor riding.'
2:00 P. M, Flnrs in bucking broncho
contest. ,
2:15 P. M Roval Toklo Troupe in
whirlwind ppTormar."o.
2:30 P M Thrrp-mHo Ford onto
rnco. Fords only First, $40; second,
2MK P. m m-nfl'" "orovplo ron,
Flrt. 0; Hfnond, $20; third, $10.
3:00 p. m R-mlln nuto ry)-. anv
nnVo wr m0: wroil, 50,
:cir p. M MiHfnrv band mublc.
9.90 n Tvor,,irffl Jv'71o(lfs'on
Star, p, AiT)pr0 ripvil WHsonjuin tho
'-"-'I Vtf-1. 0,0' t"n1tfl1. St Off-'
Dlsi'lny of S cli oj" "(Vl 1 H d ro n's 0 11 rl 011 s.
Spaco hns boon scouircd from tho
soorotary of tho Lincoln County Fair
Association for a display 0f tho school
chlldron garden products undor tho
vegetables, will bo ontorod undor tho
county fair rulo3 and will bo subject
to tho promlums as listed by tho fair.
Tho Rod Cross Socioty will abo award
promlums on thoso products, a first
and second prize on oafih kind of vog
otnble oncerod. Any 0110 wishing to
ontor his or hor vegotnblos In tho fair
will please phono tho manager of his
or hor club boforo Soptomber 24th
Thoso are: Junior High. Mrs. E. S
Davis; Parochial, Mrs. James Hart:
Washington. Mrs. J. S. SInims; Jeffer
son, Mrs. Wilson Tout; Lincoln, Miss
Edith Patterson.
Tho following aiucmts of each veg
otnblo must bo entered: Potatoes,
half peck; tomatoo3, ono dozoa; cab
bage threo hoads; string beans, Binall
Plato: carotsi Rinnli - nintn ur.,
throo; poppers, threo; parsnips, throor
onions; small plato; turnips, half doz
en ; unvy benns, small plato; ogg
plant, two.
: :o: :
Teachers Unlcrtnln Pultons.
Tho teaehors of Washington school
ontortalnod tho patrons at a tea Wed
nesday afternoon. Tho rooms wore
prorusoly decorated with fall flowors
and tea and wafora woro served. Ovor
100 patron of tho school attend!
The object of the toa wis to havo pa
trons juhI teaoliers be:omo bettor ac
natialnted anil thu nn-nnnintA mnrA
heartily and offlclenh.y in tho school
wont. ,
::o:: ,
Liiiliprim Aiiiiiiiiiifiiiiriiiv.
Sunday school 0:45 a. 111. Morning
1.,.. 44 . . .. .
'"Slnnl nnd Slon. Evening .worship, 8
n. Ill Korilinn Sllll Oft. "rnnfuunlnn
and Absolution." Tho nmo.tat on hand
now for tho now church fund is about
Sept. 24th and 25th,
Children 10c
A'baby girl waa lorn to Mr. an.lj
Fro"d Ot4moVo Tuesday mprnlng, v I
' Ohas. Calhoun was called ISSICgar
ney A fbw flilyB ago by thb dowlif a
Mrs. Dot Besack has rotumod from
Koarndy vflierc he spent tho first part
of this wook.
Dr. E. R. Terry, of Omaha, has been
the guot of Mr. and Mrs. Cy Russell
fora woek past.
Mrs. W. H. McDoituld wont to Onu
ha the early part of the week-to visit.
for a few days. ...
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. McConaughi, of
Holdredge, aro spondlng this ,week
with Iocej. frionds. ,
Dr. Morrill, Dentist.
Leonard and WlHrod SUrt, of ,Lox
Ingtom visited with tho Stack tuil
Tlgho families this woek.
Attorney Crosby and Butlor Buchan
an wont to Northport Wednesday
morning to transact business.
Mrs. R. II. Langford and daughter
MIsfl li'Aco leavo today for Ogden whore
they will spend the winter.
John Balloy. of Koarnoy, Bpont the
oarly part of tho week In town visit
ing relatives and frionds.
Tho towor of the Mothodlst Church
nt Horshey was damaged-by lightning
during tho storm Monday evening.
Swedish Lutheran congrogatlon corn,
or Tonth and Willow. ScrvIco3 next
Sunday at 8 p. m. Albln Olson, Pastor.
Thoso In need of painting, paper
hanging and decorating aro assured
satisfactory work If thoy employ Julius
Hoga. Phono IJlnck C92. . 38tf
William Maloncy, Sr., who moved to
Grand Island last woek will return
lioro to attend tho Lincoln County
Mr. and Mrs. P. S. Evans, of Grand
Island, formerly of this city, aro here
this woek to make arrangements to
tholr houshold goods.
Honry Well and family will loavo in
a day or two for Bayard whore they
will conduct tho now $40,000 hotel
which Mr. Well has had built
Patriotism and Business
Every good citizen at this time should do -his share
toward strengthening the Federal Reserve Banking System
which our Government has created with its billion dollars of
resources' to stand back of its member banks and all their
You can contribute directly to the strength of this
system, and at the same time secure its protection by de
noitimj vnnr mnnfiv with us. since nart of every dollar you
deposit with us goes directly
is always ready lor you wnen wanted.
This is a suggestion for
North Platte,
We sell Coal, Flour, Graham, Whole Wheat, Corn
Meal, Corn Chop, Barley, Chop, Salt, Shorts, Bran, Tankage
and Cotton, Linseed and Alfalfa Meal, mixed Chicken Feed
and all kinds of Grain.
Quality guaranteed and SERVICE THE BEST.
Leypoldt & Pennington,
Ton Days of Innocent
Loyal Citizen
liLECTKICAL parade afternoon parade
Wed. ISvoning, Oct. .1 Thursday, Oct. I
Triumph of Democracy World's Liberty Parade
Thurs. Evonlng, 8 to 10, at Hourko's llaso Hall Park will bo shown
Ak-SarDon's Dig Military Flro Works Spectacle
Coronation Ball
Friday Evening, Oct. .'i One Woek, Beginning Oct. 3
Ak-Sar-Uon novor wearlos, Its joys are always now. Tho snappy fall
days aro Naturo's tribute to tho Festival Spirit which SAMPSON
decree shall reign once each your for this short tinio.
Wortham's Big Carnival Every Day 11 to 11
Information Bureau for Hotel Accommodations.
Rev. C. B. Harman pastor of thoi
local Lutheran church, has recently
received an urgont call to becomo pas-!
tor of a promising church In Omaha
Miss urvmo uiair, 01 ivaramio, ,
sfpondlng a fow days In t6Yn'tlu3 .wdok.
Cl.arenco McCabo loft Tuesday even-
Ing for Omaha to romaln for a. wook or
Mrs. Frank Bon. of Chovonno. ne3
Evolyn Orady of this city, is in a
HI uooq ijmi otig 'uonipuoo iuoiuji
for some time with typhoid
i Choico vegetables and cut flowers at
North Platto Floral Co. Phono 1023 t
Tlio record iprlco for cattld was paid
at Kansas City Tuosday whon fllty-one
steora, avoraglng 1,447 pounds ooch
sold for $17a hundrod pounds. Eajh
anlmali avaragotl $146.
Rox E. Oilman, a farmer of Brady,
was atruck by lightning the fore
panK of this weak and badly burned
about tho head and body. At last re
port ho was recovering.
Frank Armstrong, of Portland, Ore,
formorly of this city, spent a day or
two in town this weok while enrouto
to Wisconsin to meet Mrs. Armstrong
whQ has boon visiting thore for somo
An examination for book keeper in
tho federal service was hold at the
postjofflc'e Wednesday. Miss LUllan
Sturges and Miss Hazel Lierk were
among thoso who took the examina
tion. Broken eye glass lenses can bo re
placed tho same day as order Is given
1 In our lenso grinding department,
1 tf Graduate Optometrists.
j John Bonder, of Sutherland, was
brought to tho county Jail Wednesday
afternoon and will answer to the
, chargo of soiling a wagon which was
' mortgaged to tho Farmers' Union
I Bonder was arrested at Ogalalla by
Deputy Sheriff Wilson.
! Thomas F. Healoy, Who has been
1 an agent for tho Great Wo3torn
I Accidont Insurance Co. of Omaha for
, several months resigned a few days
.ago and aftor October 1st will be
associated with tho Malonoy Furniture
into the new system, where it
is a delight to thoso who demand tho
host. It cornea from tho very best
crenmerios nnd is simply porfcct in
color, body and ilavor. You cannot
buy better or moro doliclous buttor
forithoro isn't any. Try a pound and
enjoy loarnlng its exquisite superior
North Platte Creamery.
l'lIONE C2.
Hilarity in which
is Interested.
National Swine Exhibit
1 Jubilee
eep Your
"The Army lives on letters" is the way the boys at the
front put it. And when those longed-for envelopes with the
home town post-mark contain pictures of the home folks and
home doings, they go far toward making lighter hearts vand
happier faces.
Keep your Kodak busy for ahe sake of the lads in the
trenches, the boys in camp and on shipboard. Help keep
tight the bonds between the home and those who are fighting
for that home.
The Rexall Drug Store,
Agents ior Eastman Kodaks and Supplies.
The Bell Telephone is
for Uncle Sam First
You can "do your bit" by asking only
for telephone equipment you must hnve
and making only such local or long dis
tance calls as are absolutely necessary.
Helton Building
Office hours 9 a. m. to 5 p..m.
7 p. m. to 8 p. m.
Office Black 333 Res. Black lozu
Successor to
Drs. Redneld & Redlleld
Office Phone G42 Rea. Phone 676
Notice to Creditors.
Estate No. 1496 of Sophia Fcderhoof,
decoased in tho County Court of Lin
coln County, Nebraska.
The Stato of Nebraska, ss: Credi
tors of said estate will take notice
that tho time limited for presentation
and filing of claims against said
estate Is January 12, 1918, and for sot.
tleniont of said estate is September 7,
1918; that I will sit at tho county
court room in Bald county, on Octobor
12, 1917, at 9 o'clock a. m. and on
Januarv 12. 1918. at 9 o'clock a. m. to
rocolvo, examine, Hoar, allow or adjust
all claims and objoctlons duly mod.
sll-o9 County Judge.
Notice of Flnnl Report.
Estate No. 1451 of Mary Jane Apple
gate, deceased, in tho county court of
Lincoln county, Nobraska,
The Stato of Nebraska, to all par
sons interested in said ostato take no
lice hat the Executor has lllod a final
account and roport of his admlnlstra
tlon and n potitlon for final settle
ment nnd dlschargo as such Executor
which-havo beon sot for hearing be
fore said court on September 2S, 1917,
at 0 oclock a. in., whon you may np
pear and contost the same.
Dated September 4, 1917.
County Judgo.
Notlco of Guardian's Pinal Settlement
in tho county court Court of Lin
coln County, Nobmaka.
Stato of Nobraaka, to Frod I. Hor-
zog, Irono E. Horzog, Emily
Ilorzog and L. T. Horzog,
minors, will taho notice that
O.i E. Elder, as Guardian, baa
filed his report showing that all of
tho ostato of sild minors coming Into
his po8sosslon, has boen used for.thclr
support, and that thoro remains noth
ing of said ostato for him to act as
Guardian ovor, and 'praying for final
sotttlomont and dlschargo as such
Guardian. Said matter will be hoard
boforo said court October 19, 1917, at
nine o'clock a. m.
slS-iolG County Judgo.
Kodak Busy
At the very beginning
of the war, tho service,
the equipment and the
men of the Bell Telephone
System wore plnceil, un
reservedly, at the disposal
of the' government.
Skilled telephone men, telephone
switchboards, poles, wire nnd tele,
phone Instruments lirtvo been- turned
over to the government as needed nt
nrmy hendqinirters, In military train
ing camps and for signal corps serv
ice In tho Held.
Notice of Petition.
Estato No. 1503, of Nicholas WEoy
Grandey, deceased. In tho County
Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska:
Tho Stato of Nebraska: To all per
sons Interested In said Estato take
notlco that a petition has been filed
for the appointment of Lois Grandey
as administratrix of said estate which
has booh set for hearing herein on
October 12th, 1917, at 9 o'clock a. ni.
..Dated September 17th, 1917.
S1S-09, County Judgo.
Estrny Notice.
Taken un on mv iland In Hlnmnn
man precinct threo miles -west of
North Platto, September 2, 1917, two
four ear old horses; weight about
1100 ,oach,,one black, tho other bay 1
..Alii Jit 1U1 UIIUUU , 1IU U1UIIUQ.
Owner can havo animals by proving
property and paying charges.
Practice Limited to
Surgery nnd Radium Therapy
72S City NaUonnl Bank Building!
Oninhn, Nebraska.
Always Glad to Get'
A Good Cigar
And tlicro's no place- you can get n
good cigar hotter than nt Sclimnl
zrlcd's. With filler mid wrapper of
tho best quality hand made, there is in
tlio Sclimnlzrled-mndo cigar nil tlint
tlio most exacting smoker demands.
Wo linndlo tobneco nnd smokers'