The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, September 18, 1917, Image 7

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About the New Blouse.
In a scnson when quiet colors nnd
reserved designs' prevail In suits and
'lints and the rule Is for simplicity In
idress, the new blouses appear to be
quite Independent of these Ideas. Ex
cept for lingerie blouses and plain
shirtwaists, much like those of the
pioneer days In blouses, the new mod
els enter a brllllnnt and vivid coin
pnny, In colors and decorations, com
pelling the eyes. They save the day
ifor a season that would otherwise bo
too tame.
Costume blouses of georgette crepe,
,are made In flame red, petunia orchid,
purple, gold, green (emerald) char
treuse, wine, and In pale tones as well.
iBead work of American Indian Insplra
!tlon and embroidery of East Indian
origin sparingly used furnish the
logical decoration for these more or
Hess vivid flashes of color.
. Lingerie blouses nre of another or
;dcr entirely. They are made of fine
voile or batiste or organdie, with the
finest voiles favored. They are not
;by any means Inexpensive when the
work of making and decorating them Is
fall done by hand as It Is In the best
jexamples of this kind of blouse. Ml
Imite, hand-run tucks, Inlays of real
lace and embroidered applique, worked
iby hand, bring prices ranging from
jtwelve to twenty-flve dollars each. But
(voile Is so durable and so fine that it
merits the time spent In doing hand
work on it.
One of the simpler new models Is
shown In the picture. It Is of line white
voile with all seams hemstitched, and
is trimmed with Venetian lace. Its
especially new feature appears In the
wide jabot ends gathered to the sailor
collar at each side. The sleeves are
full and prettily finished at the hand
with their fullness gathered Into a
band which Is hemstitched to a nar
row flaring cuff. The blouse fastens
with small, heavy pearl buttons and a
lace Insertion is set at each side of
the hem in the front.
Indefinable, but Unmistakable.
"I'm blest if I know what you wom
en want with dressmakers nowadays;
cut a hole for your head In a piece of
stuff and tie It In around the waist
and there you are!" So said a smart
soldier man on leave, whoso own uni
form wns Immaculate. "I have" a good
mind to follow your directions and
take a walk in the park with you,"
countered his wife. It Is dllllcult to
see where the modiste's skill comes
In, for the gowns of today lit uowhero
and disguise rather than Improve the
figure. All the same, the costume
turned out by a ilrst rate house has
a style about it Indefinable, but unmis
takable. That Is what we women
cheerfully pay for.
Velvet Hats for Fall.
Although you muy make your choice
among hats of innny different shapes
the chances are that it will fall upon
something made of velvet, either plain
or paume and that that something
will be simply trimmed. The capellne,
the casque, the toque and the turbnn
shapes, varied and Interpreted In many
ways they are nil here. And they are
dressed up In velvet sometimes of two
kinds and often of two colors. Since
the mntter of trimming Is easily dis
posed of that of mnklng and draping
the hat may take much time.
Soft crowns are everywhere. In
the llrst hat shown in the group above,
n wide brimmed shape, covered with
paume velvet, hns a crown that Is a
puff, accordion plaited; both these
facts marking it a hnt of the hour. Its
jtrimmlng Is an ornament of Jet and
jit is a brilliant nll-bluck triumph of
millinery art.
! The benutifully draped turbun In
petunia velvet hns a very narrow
drooping brim. All the draping flows
upward In graceful lines from the cen
ter of the crown where a wing Is
posed. It Is In the color of the velvet
but In various shades and follows the
lines of the flower-like drapery.
An odd shape not easily classllled
appears In the third hat. It lays claim
to originality nnd Is made of gray vel
vet on a shape that turns hack oft the
face. A pair of gray wings with bright
lrrldescent feuthers at the front sug
gest a scarab, and they are mounted
tint against the turned-back brim.
In dressy hats as in afternoon and
evening gowns, much more attention
Is given to draping materials than for
many seasons and draperies that con
form to beautiful lines, serve to set off
rich fabrics.
"Brother Bacon," commenced Dad
dy, "who was also a grandson of Pork
I'lg, decided that he would like to have
a party.
" 'I haven't had one In such a long
time,', he squealed. 'I think I should
hnve one. I'lgs should be trented well
these days with pig meat so expensive.
" 'Now that people havj come to see
that we are very wonderful, we cer
tainly should not treat ourselves bad
ly.' '"Aren't wo treating you well?' ask
ed Miss limn.
" 'Not unless you give mo u party,'
said Brother Baton.
" 'lie Is right.' said Pinky I'lg. 'Wo
should have a party. We should let
the whole world know that we are
fond of ourselves too.'
" 'They've always known that,' said
Mrs. Duck.
'"xVnd pray tell, how have th'ey
known such a thing?' asked Grand
father Porky Pig.
"'Because,' said Mrs. Duck, who
had wobbled Into the barnyard to hear
the talk, 'thoy have always known you
were fond of yourselves because they
have called you pigs.'
" 'That doesn't mean anything,' said
Brother Bacon.
'"Why not?' quacked Mrs. Duck.
" 'Wo were called pigs long before
they used the, name to mean someone
selfish, said Grandfather Porky.
" 'Maybe so,' said Mrs. .Duck, 'but I
can't remember so far back. As long
"Good Day," Quacked Mrs. Duck.
ns I have known the bnrnynrd yon
have always been called by the family
name of pig. And ns long us I can
remember nil selfish, greedy people
were called pigs.'
'"Wo got the name first,' said Miss
Ham, squealing angrily.
" 'That's true,' snld Mrs. Duck. 'Now
I begin (to see.'
" 'Good, said Miss Ham crossly, 'It
is about time you began to see.'
" 'But maybe it wouldn't please you
if I told you how I understood it all
so clearly now.'
"'You may tell us anything you
please,' said Miss nnm.
"'Of course,' said Mrs. Duck, 'your
family must have been given the name
of pig In the first place many years
" 'Of course,' squealed the pigs. 'It's
an old name, a good old name, and we
have never changed it.'
" 'But what I want to explain,' said
Mrs. Duck, 'is that you must have
been given the name first in order for
selfish people to bo called by your
name too.'
'"It doesn't follow nt all,' said
Grandfather Porky.
"Oh yes, it does,' quncked Mrs.
Duck. 'How could, selfish people have
ever been called pigs If your family of
pigs had. not been greedy?'
" 'We can't stop folks from talking,'
said Miss nam, who quite plainly saw
that Mrs. Duck was right. But he
did not want to admit It.
"No,' snld Mrs. Duck, 'you can't
especially when they are right In what
they say.'
" 'Anyway,' said Grandfather Porky,
'they may sny wo are greedy and they
may have nnmed selfish people nfter
us, but It's more of an honor than wus
ever paid you, Mrs. Duck;
"And how so?' nsked Mrs. Duck,
wobbling over nearer to Grandfather
"'People nre never called ducks,'
said Grandfather Porky. 'You're not
even selfish ducks, you are simply
ducks who don't amount to anything.
No one could be nnmcd nfter you. You
nron't of enough consequence.'
" 'Indeed,' quncked Mrs. Duck. 'That
shows how little you know, Grandfath
er Porky. 'When things are lovely nnd
when children are kind and nice you
will often henr it snld, "Oh, isn't she
n perfect duck!" Now, what have you
to say to that, pig family?'
"Tho pigs all walked away toward
the mud In the pen. They had remem
bered hearing something about ducks
that was nice, but thoy didn't want to
tell Mrs. Duck so.
"'I think we must be going,' suld
Grandfather Porky. 'Good-day 1'
"'Good-day,' quacked Mrs. Duck, as
she grinned. 'Of course they had to
be going; she said to herself. They
said so many wrong things and thoy
know it;
"Sho wobbled back to tho duck pond
to tell the others all about It, nnd the
pigs went back to the pen.
"Brother Bucon hnd his party in
which all the pigs Joined, for thoy
thought they needed u good meal and
some comfort after such an extremely
disagreeable talk I"
1 American soldiers in Franco nuiklnu a mud rush fur dm nmfoHrnrh tlmt lu iii-iniin. tiu.m uimi ,.r ..t..
rettes. 12 Princess Barbie, groat granddaughter of Gen. V. S. Grant and daughter of Prince Cnntncuzeno of Itussln,
who with her sister nnd brother has been brought to America because of unsettled conditions In Itussln. 3 Sentry
on guard In one of the cantonment camps of tho Nntlonal army.
Tho sight of Old Urory carried before a contingent of our fighting men roused usually phlegmatic London t
the wildest enthusiasm. Tho photograph shows the troops marching through tho city and, Inset, tho king and queer,
snlutlng the colors, which are dipped to them.
AA ?r "iiiv ' a ,-1
Another "strategic" German fotrent Is tho burden of tho news from
Flanders. A glance at these busy British guns bunging away at tho Gorman
trenches will show tho reason for the strategy.
No One Need Consider Himself a
failure Who Has the Merit of
Wo would like to see every boy fnke
up the spirit of Henley's lines:
Not In any rush or boastful wny, but
out of respect for himself. A boy
must develop his. own personnllty nnd
put It to work on his destiny. Ho
must not stand bnck, depending on
Pap or Uncle .lobe to give him n boost
nnd be there to, help him If he fulls.
Ho must assist himself. Whenever he
doesn't ho Is a failure. It makes no
difference how much knowledge or
money he hns or how high up In soci
ety he Is, If ho hasn't .within him the
Impelling force of his Individuality he
won't uiuount to much. "Go at some
thing now," Is tho only advlco that
will materialize Into success. Don't
ask dad. Don't wait forever on op
portunity. Pitch In and fall a dozen
times If necessary, so It Is done with
a brave heart, a clean mind ijnd the
spirit to work. The boy who relies
on somo one else Is half a failure
already. Ohio State Journal,
8 .V&rrV if i
Talking Shop.
A butcher of some eminence wns
Intely In company with several ladles
at a game of whist, where, having lost
two or three rubbers, one of tho ladles,
addressing him, asked:
"Pray, sir, what is the stako now?"
To which, ever mindful of his occu
pation, ho Immediately replied:
"Madam, tho host rump I ennnot
sell lower tlnin ono nnd nlnopenco n
Lieut. Itaoul Lufbery, premier "ace"
of the Lafayetto escadrille, who has
brought down more than a dozen Ger
man airplanes. Recently ho made seven
flights In two days and engaged In flvo
aerial battles In a single day.
Ostrich Eats Anything.
The old saw about "A stomach Uko
an ostrich," Is not altogether beside tho
murk, for tho ostrich will eat literally
anything, Including nails and glass.
They demand large quantities of gravel
or other gritty substances, nnd aro
given a regular ration of broken bono
and shell every noon.