The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, September 18, 1917, Image 3

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-Administrator Garfield Says Need
Have No Fear of Not Being
Ablo to Purchase Fuel.
Somo Dealers May Lose.
Washington, D. C, Sept. 18. Lower
.retail prices on hard und soft coal
will be fixed In a presidential proelu
juutlon about October 1.
Fuel Admlnlstrutor Gurlleld on Sat
urday udvlsed consumers to await tho
oiow government prices before buying,
-and revealed plans to prevent Indus
tries shutting down or households
freezing for lack of coal.
The fuel administration will requisi
tion millions of tons of coal. From
this supply, emergency needs of con
sumers will bo met nt government
Dealers "caught long" of coal,
which cost them more than the retail
ajn'lco the government fixes, will lose.
Will Break Contracts.
Seventy-five per cent of the coal
production this 'year hns been con
tracted for, but the fact that the gov
'crnmcnt, as a war measure, forces tho
breaking of the contract, protects the
operators from liability.
Priority coal questions lh a com
munity will be settled by tho local
committee, In the state by tho stato
adaminlstrntor, and In the nation oy
The retail prices to be announced
October 1 will apply throughout tho
:ountry regardless of the progress
made In appointing state and local
fuel aadmlnlstrators.
Garfield's advice to consumers fol
lows :
Coal prices will drop on or about
'October 1.
Don't stock up on high-priced coal
If you must havo coal at once, buy
what you need and no more.
Don't get panicky about a coal
shortage this winter.
War Credits Bill Passes Senate.
Washington, Sept. 18 The wnr
credits bill, authorizing now bonds
nnd certificates aggregating $11,588,
000,000 and tho largest measure of
its kind tn the world's history, wns
passed by , tho senate Saturday with
out a roll call or dissenting vote. It
liad already passed the house.
The bill provides $4,000,000,000 for
new loans to the allies. $3,000,000,000
to take up 3 per cent already
authorized and !?r)3S,000,000 to take up
Alaska railway, Danish West Indies
nnd Panama canal , bonds. It also
authorizes $2,000,000,000 short-tlmo
certificates of Indebtedness and the
same nmount of war-savings cer
tificates, to be Issued in denominations
as low ns $4, bearing 4 per cent In
terest nnd redeemable In five years.
Hospital Sites Chosen.
Washington, Sept. IS. Sites havo
hoen chosen tentatively In nineteen
cities for tho great "reconstruction"
hospitals In which the United States
will begin the work of ro-habilltntlng
for private life Its soldiers who re
turn wounded from the front In Eu
rope. The cities, selected ns the
largest centers of population, were
announced by Mn,1or Genernl Gorgas,
surgeon-general of the army, as fol
lows :
Boston, New York, Philadelphia,
TSaltlmore, Washington, Buffalo, Cin
cinnati. Chicago. St. Paul Seattle.
San ' Francisco, Los Angeles, Denver.
Kansas City. St. Louis. Memphis,
Richmond, Atlantn and New Orlenns.
The hospitals at Boston, New York.
Washington and Chicago probably
-will be the first built. They will
liave 500 beds, with provision for
doubling their capacity If necessary.
Proclaim Russia Republic.
Petrograd, Sept. 18. A ltusslan re
public lias been proclaimed. The pro
visional government, under date of
, September 14, Issued u proclamation
I declaring that to strengthen the or
igunlzatlon of tho state, a change to a
republican form of government was
.necessary. Danger still threatens
Itussln, tho proclamation says, al
though the rebellion of Genernl Kornl
'loff has failed. The plan of a Rus
Islan republic has been one of the
'chief alms of the radicals nnd the
councils of soldiers nnd workmen's
delegates und was given- approval by
the recent Russian congres at Moscow.
i Nine Taken From 8lacker Ship.
San Diego, Cal., Sept. 17. Nine men
tnken from "slacker ship" Anvil are
held hero on charges of attempting to
ovade tho draft net. Two of them are
thought to havo been Implicated In
Oklahoma draft riots. Tho Others, not
Americans, are subject to draft.
Aviators to Train in Europe.
Washington. D. C, Sept. 17. Eng
land, France and Italy will train Am
erican aviators In their countries, be
cause of a temporary lack of ma
chines and facilities In this country.
Brief Outline of Important Events
Throughout the State of Intorest
to tho General Reader.
Over 2,500 members of tho Method
ist churches of Nebraska are In wnr
service, according to announcement
made at Lincoln ut tho nnnual confer
ence of Nebraska Methodist churches.
The oldest woman to register In No
brnskn lives In nnstlngs. Mrs. Mary
J. Brlley, aged 110, colored, register
ed her moral support nnd offered to
knit during the winter. Tho total
number registered wero 2,103, or with
in 400 of the male registration.
Government figures given out nt
Washington show that from n loss to
ton hogs In 100 to n loss of four hogs
in every 100 is tho decrenso made in
five years In tho combat against hog
cholorn In NEebrnska. Tho report
shows that at tho beginning of 1017
there were 4,300.000 hogs In this state,
compared with 2,535,000 In Kansas, n
stnte noted for Its live stock Industry.
Considerable money nnd time Is be
ing used to beautify tho Falrbury city
'park. Tho street leading from tho
public square will soon bo paved ; n
beautiful nrch entrnnco which Is
brilliantly lighted at night, Is com
pleted nnd nn electric fountain has
been recently finished nt quite an ex
pense. Theso are but a few of the im
provements. Charles Graff, president of tho Ne
braska Stock Breeders association,
and G. II. Oustnfson, head of tho
Farmers Union, asserted nt Omaha
during tho meeting of tho state food
committee, appointed by Controller
Wattles, that farmers In this state aro
talking of paying 0 cents a bushel
and possibly 8 or 10 cents to havo
their corn shucked.
Proba,te Judge Snider of Hastings
has received by registered mall from
St. Joseph n sealed envelope the In
dorsement on which proclaims It to
be the last will and testament of John
O'Connor, the nnstlngs recluse, who
died August 17, 1013. Icavjng nn es
tate valued nt $100,000. This is tho
fourth alleged will to O'Connor's es
tate. Resolutions of loyalty to President
Wilson nnd suggesting resignation of
Attorney General Heed, were passed
hy the State Federation of Labor nt
Its meeting In Lincoln. The feder
ation objects to the way In which the
attorney general handled the proposi
tion of the strike In Omaha somo tlmo
According to statistics gathered by
Stato Food Administrator AVattles.
Nebraska will "have available for ex
port this year, exclusive of what will
lie needed for home consumption, ap
proximately 112.SOO.000 bushels of
corn. 50.218.000 bushnls of oats and
1.S70.000 bushels of potntoes.
Charles IT. McKeo, aged 51, was
bound over to the federal court at Ge
novn for abusing tho president nnd
the country, no wns released on
$1,000 bonds. Evidence developed at
the preliminary hearing showed that
he had been drinking.
After a search which had been car
ried on almost continuously for two
weeks, tho body of Miss Gertrude
Armstcad of North Bend, who was
drowned In the Platte river near
North Bend, wns found on a sandbar
not far from Fremont.
Company I, Sixth Nebraska Guard
regiment, boosted their mess fund
$150 before lenvlng Norfolk for
Doming by digging n big sewer for n
contractor, who feared he would bo
unable to find laborers for the excava
tion work.
Range cattle sold for $14.20 a hun
dred pounds the other dny on tho
South Omnha market, the highest
price ever paid for that brand of cat
tle In Nebraska.
Ashar L. Hulbert. a prominent
farmer and stock man of Sholes, wns
Instantly killed and his wife wns
probably fatally Injured In nn nuto
mobllo accident near Norfolk.
The M. E. Smith Sc Co.. of Omaha,
has opened a new shirt factory In
Beatrice. It Is expected 125 girls will
he employed In the new factory.
German has been dropped In tho
schools of naveloek. suburb of Lin
coln, nnd Spanish has been substi
tuted. According to estlmntes made by
railroad crop experts, Nebraska's
1017 corn crop will be more than
225,000,000 bushels.
Ncbrnsdca's apportionment of tho
government funds to aid In the con
struction nnd maintenance of rural
post roads for the fiscal year ending
Juno 30. 1010. Is $310,805. according
to an announcement by Secretary of
Agriculture nouston at Washington.
Thero were 08 less arrests at tho
Nebraska state fair this year than
last. The dry law Is held responsible
for tho big decrease. But, two
"drunks" were locked up during tho
entire week. Last year arrests for in
toxication numbered seventy-six.
Tho Thayer county fair held in
Deshler wns a success from every
standpoint. Gross receipts will ap
proximate $7,000. More people wero
nt tho fair than ever assembled at ono
placo In Thayer county before.
During the week ending September
8 the South Omaha market received
almost as many sheep as were re
ceived at Chicago, Kansas City, St.
Louis nnd St. Jospch combined.
Seventeen cases of Infantile paraly
rIs, two of which proved fatal, have
been reported by tho stnto bourd of
health from Omaha.
to y. s.
Declares Spirit Is One of Rebellion
and Effect Is to Hinder and Lessen
Popular Support and En
courage Foe.
Chicago, Sept. 17. Before 15,000
persons gathered nt the wnr mass
meeting In the Coliseum oif Prlduy
night, 13111m Hoot defined the word
"trultor" as It applies in this crisis.
"Arguments against tho war, since
wo havo entered the war, are enemy
arguments," he declared, while the i
great crowd shouted Its approval. J
"Their spirit Is the spirit or re
bellion nnd the effect Is to hinder and
lessen popular support. They encour
age tho enemy."
When the throng had given vent to
Its hArty approbation he paused dra
matically and declared :
"Such persons are rendering more
effective service to Germany than they
ever could render on tho battlefield
with arms.
"Their purpose Is so plain that It Is
Impossible to resist tho conclusion
that the greater number of them arc
nttemptlng to bring triumph to Ger
many." "Anyone who by argument Is hin
dering tho government, and knows
what he Is doing, Is a traitor," Mr.
Uoof said.
Mr. Root, who appeared on tho
iilatform with Samuel Gompers as co
speaker of tho evening, mentioned no
Mimes In his powerful address.
He severely took to task naturalized
citizens who havo shown an Inclina
tion to bo false to their new country.
The big meeting was held under the
direction of the Chicago chapter of tho
National Security league. Long be
fore the time for the speaking to be
gin tho great hall was crowded.
Gov. Frank O. Lowdon, who had
been scheduled to appear as a speaker,
was unable to attend on account of
the extraordinary labor situation nt tho
state capltnl. He sent this message:
"Springfield Is tho storm center of
Illinois just now, nnd I must remain
nt my post.
"The great mnjorlty of worklngmen
hero are loyal. But sinister lnllucnces
are nt work to Involve labor In n hos
tile attitude toward government. We
must separate. these two forces.
"It will do no good to win battles
abroad If we cannot maintain peace
nt home."
U. S. Finds German Propaganda In
Northwest States Caused
Farmer Rebellion.
Washington, Sept. 17. Pro-German
propaganda Is responsible for the re
fusal of farmers to sell their wheat
crop at the price fixed by the govern
ment was the statement Issued by the
food administration on Friday night.
Mr. Hoover declared, except In ter
ritories nffected by pro-German nnd
anti-war agitations, there was no dis
position on the part of farmers to
withhold crops.
The food administration flatly de
nied the government is considering
commandeering wheat stocks of farm-
Mr. noover has turned the entire
problem over to the department of Jus
tice. Tho department has been nsked
to Investigate thoroughly various or
ganizations nnd meetings, particularly
In the Northwest, which contemplate
an agitation to upset the government's
fixed price of $2.20 per bushel on
wheat. The farmers' meeting called
to meet In St. Paul Monday to de
mand a price of $3 a bushel, has been
the subject of a thorough probe.
Officials of the department of Jus
tlco will prosecute all Involved In
any agitation to embarrass the gov
ernment In tho prosecution of tho war.
General Krymoff Shoots Self After
Talk With Kerensky Petrograd
Recovers From Panic.
Petrograd, Sept. 17. General Kry
moff, commander of the troops of Gen
eral Kornlloff sent to attack Petrograd,
the official news agency announces,
has succumbed to tho wounds he In
dicted upon himself after an Interview
with Prender Kerensky.
After being received by Premier Ker
ensky at the winter palace and In
formed of the fate which awaited him.
General Krymoff, commander of tho
Kornlloff troops which were sent
against Petrograd, returned to his lodg
ings and shot himself.
Petrogrnd has entirely recovered Its
cnlm, a remnrknhlo effect of tho sup
pression of the revolt.
$25,000 Robbery In Chicago.
Chicago, Sept. 17. During tho rush
hour two highwaymen entered tho of
fice of Frank L. Plon, diamond Jobber,
nnd at tho point of revolvers bound
and gagged him nnd escaped with moro
tht.n $25,000 worth of uncut gems.
Root Honored by N. S. L.
New York, Sept. 17. Ellhu Boot wns
elected honorary president of tho Na
tional Security leaguo, succeeding tho
late Joseph 11. Choate. The leaguo has
grown to a membership of 100,000, with
branches In all prlnclpul cities.
Teuton Legation and Newspaper Build
ings In Buenos Aires Are Stoned
by Mobs.
Buenos Aires, Sept. 14. Immcnso
crowds Joined In an anti-German dem
onstration here. The German legation
and German newspaper buildings were
stoned. There wns serious rioting and
mounted police charged the mobs in
the fashionable Avenlda Florida.
Tho Argentine government sent to
tho German legation passports to bo
delivered to Count Luxburg, tho Ger
man minister in Buenos Alros. Tho
whereabouts of Count Luxburg still Is
unknown to tho Argentine government.
The Argentine government also has
demanded an explanation from Sweden
regarding tho transmission of messages
to Germany.
Tho note sent by Foreign Minister
Pueyrredon to Count von Luxburg, lu
which tho Gorman minister was ten
dered ids passports, reads:
"Mr. Minister: You having ceased
to be persona grata to the Argentine
government, that government has de
cided to deliver to you your passports,
which I transmit herewith by order ot
his excellency, tho president of tho
"Tho Introducer of embassies has
Instructions to assist you In your im
mediate departure from the territory
of tho republic. God keep you.
"To Count Karl von Xuxburg, envoy
extraordinary and minister plenipo
tentiary of the German empire."
Tho Argentine minister nt Berlin
has been Instructed to inform tho Ger
man foreign olllco that Count von Lux
burg has been handed his passports
and to ask for explanations regarding
tho telegram disclosure. If the Ger
man government disapproves of tho
text of the German minister's dls
pntches, and especlnlly of tho word
"ass," which term tho count applied to
the Argentine foreign minister, the sit
uation may clear. If Berlin docs not
disavow tho minister's course Argen
tina will recall her minister from Ger
many, but may permit the legation to
Argentina also has nsked tho Ger
man government for a full explanation
of Its present policy of sinking Argen
tine ships.
War Insurance Measure Approved by
the House Carries Appropria
tion of $176,000,000.
Washington, Sept. 15. Tho wnr In
surance bill, carrying an appropriation
of $170,000,000 and providing allot
ments for soldiers' families, compensa
tion for Injuries and comprehensive
Insurance, was passed by tho house.
Only five representatives among 824
present failed to vote for tho bill sup
planting tho old pension system In this
war. These five unswered "present"
on roll call.
Another U. 8. Ship Sunk.
London, Sept. 17. Tho American
ship Wllmoro was sunk by a German
submarine on September 12, according
to un announcement made by the Brit
ish admiralty. All tho members of tho
crew of tho vessels were saved.
Miners Return to Work.
Pnna, 111., Sept. 17. Flvo hundred
miners employed In Peabody mine No.
7 at Tovey, 111., who struck Tuesduy
bccuuBo tho company would not re
strict loaders to three cars a day, re
turned to work.
General Agrees to Surrender When
Division of Moslem Soldiers Goes
Over to Kerensky.
Petrograd, Sept. 13. Kornlloff Is ne
gotiating for his life. With tho cup
turo of Pskoff, 102 miles southwest of
the ltusslan capital, his base, his rebel
lion has gouo to pieces.
Desertion by tho Slknya (savage)
division, when It reached within fif
teen miles of Petrograd, was tho cause
of his downfall. Thcso troops woro
mostly Moslems, coming from tho
trans-Caucasian tribes.
They stood by Kornlloff, ono tlmo
commander In chief of tho ltusslan
armies, becnuso of his Interest in Asi
atic affairs and also because of his
obvious Tartar blood.
When they reached tho vicinity of
Tsarskoo Selo they wero mot by fel
low Moslems whom Premier Kerensky
had sent from Petrograd.
Loyal to tho revolution which
changed Russia from an Imperial au
tocracy to a democratic republic, they
wero soon convinced by tho provisional
government's delegation that tho best
Interests of the stato would bo sorved
by their adherenco to tho Kerensky
According they shifted, nnd tho
Kornlloff forces, of which they consti
tuted tho advance guard and which
wero planning to invest Petrogrnd
from Gatchlna and Tosna, 30 miles
southwest and southeast respectively,
found themselves with a serious gap in
their ranks.
Moreover, their rotrent had been cut
off by tho seizure of Pskoff from tho
south, nnd their 50-mllo victory from
Luga to Gatchlna did them no good.
Two Airplanes at North Island Avia
tion Field, California, Collide
While 6,000 Feet In Air.
San Diego, Cal., Sept. 13. Colliding
In midair during a practice flight .two
student aviators at the North Island
army aviation field, Edward W. Walsh,
Jr., of Oakland, and Thcodoro B. Ly
mnn of St. Helena, Colo., fell nearly
0,000 feet nnd were Instantly killed.
Large U. S. American Contingent Ar
rives at Camp Soldiers Practlco
With Big Guns.
American Training Camp In France,
Sept. 15. A largo contingent of Amer
ican artillery has Joined tho expedl
tlonary army and is well along with
Its Intensive training under French
supervisory Instructions.
Australia's War Expenses.
Now York, Sept. 15. Australia's
war expenditures up to and including
June, 1018, will total $1,000,000,000, It
wnB announced by British representn
tlves here. This estimate was mudo
In parliament by Sir John Forrest.
Heavy Losses for Italy.
Vlennn, Austria, Sept. 15. "Tho
Italian losses In tho eleventh Isonzo
battle," says nn official statement Is
sued by the Austrlun war office, "havo
reached nltnost n quarter of a million,
Including 20,000 prisoners."
Station Agents Joint Strike.
Burlington, N. J Sept, 15, Spread
of tho Pennsylvania railroad telegra
phers' strlko to tho station agents wns
announced nt strike headquarters after
news was received that agents had
ault at a dozen stations.
Note From German Minister In Mexico
City to Berlin Government Asked
Decoration for Stockholm
Washington, Sopt. 15. Tho material
aid given Germany by Sweden wns not
confined to transmission ot naval se
crets by codo from Argentina to Ber
lin. A copy of nn official letter from
Herr von Eckhardt, German minister
lu Mexico, to his homo olllco, given out
by Secretary Lansing on Thursday,
makes the startllug revelation that
Folko Cronholm, Swedish chargo
d'affaires in Mexico City, was an active
agent of the German government.
So extensive were his services that
ho was recommended to the kaiser
as being worthy of n special decora
tion as reward for his services.
It is shown that Folke Cronholm not
only gave military and diplomatic In
formation to Minister von Eckhardt nt
least up to March, 1010, but that ho
followed the example of his colleague
In Buenos Aires by transmitting olll
clnl messages from tho German em
bassy in the official Swedish codo to
the foreign olllco at Stockholm and
thenco to Berlin.
At the same time the secretary of
state made public a report from Iru
Nelson Morris, American minister nt
Stockholm, declaring that while the
Swedish foreign olllco was transmitting
German messages lu German codo for
tho German diplomats, it was requir
ing Mr. Morris to lllo his messages to
Constantinople via the Swedish foreign
olllco lu French.
Two Merchant Vessels 8ent Down
During Battle Convoy At
tack U-Boat
Washington, Sept. 13. A typo
graphical error In n cablegram report
ing a submarine attack on a couvor
of merchant ships off tho const of
Franco on September 5 led Secretary
Danlclu to announce on Tuesday that
six submarines probably had been sunk
In tho battle, when in reality the prob
bubilltles are only ono wns destroyed.
Tho mistake was not discovered until
several hours after tho country hud
been olectrlfied by tho report of a
wholesale sinking of German U-boats.
Tho truo version, it npi-oure, Is tint
tho merchant ships, of which tho Wwt
wego was one,, wero nttneked by sub
marines) In force off tho coast of F'ancu
on September 5 and that In tho light
two of tho merchant shlpa vttf lost
and probably ouo of tho submarines
wns sunk.
The merchant fleet, ot which tho
Westwcgo wns one, wns on tho wby :o
Europe from tho . United when
nttneked. Tho vessels wero under con
voy, hut no details received. Nomon of
tho two ships sunk wero not Included
In tho dispatch.
British Seaplanes Join Allied Subma
rines In Defeating U-Boats,
Says London.
London, Sept. 17. Stories of some
recent successes of tho British navy
against German submarines were
given to tho public on Friday Is
series of brief descriptions of eight
encounters In which eight, and posl
bly nlno, U-boats wero accounted for.
Theso eight Bca battlo pictures wen
selected so us to cover practically tb
whole ground of nntl-submarlno activ
ities. In ono enso thero wns a battle be
tween an auxiliary cruiser nnd a sub
marine, In another an pngagetnect
between a scaplano and n submartna,
then a battlo bptween two sub
marines in which the .British sub
marine captain proved himself the
better man, nnd finally two tales ct
succcsncs of armed merchantmen
against tho enemy.
Army Service for Foreigners Provided
In Resolution Passed by the
Upper House.
Washington, Sept. 14. Drafting of
all aliens in the United States except
Qermnns, others exempt by treaty,
and thono of countries allied with Ger
many who havo resided In thlB coun
try ono year, Is proposed In a Joint res
olution pusscd by tho senate Wednes
day and Bent to the house. It Is esti
mated that more than a million aliens
would be affected.
MIII(onaire Merchant Drafted.
Omaha, Neb., Sept 17. John Bran
dels, twenty-ono years old, millionaire
owner of J. L. Brandels & Son's de
partment store, will go on September
10, with 573 other Omaha drafted men,
to Fort IUley.
Engine Quits; Flyer Killed,
Cambridge, Mass., Sept. 17. Cor
poral WUlinra II. Meoker of Harvard
of tho Lafayotto escadrlllo waa killed
while flying over tho lines, somewhere
In Franco, when tho cuglno of his alp
piano stalled.