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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 14, 1917)
RED CItOSS PAIS 7 uui unuiub r7 rr17 AMCDV niTTTFR is a delight to thoso who domand tho best. It comes from tho very best croamerles and la simply perfect In color, body and flavor. You cannot buy better or moro dollclous gutter for thdro Isn't any. Try a pound and enjoy learning Its exquislto superior ity. North Platte Creamery. PHONE 2. OUT 12 MILLIONS ATTEND Logan County's 6th Annual Fair STAPLETON, NEBRASKA. Sept. 19, 20, 21, 917 4 Splendid FREE Attractions 4 EVERY DAY. Broncho Busting, Steer Riding, Horse Races Kearney Normal Band to Furnish Music Three Big Days of Entertainment Plenty of Shows, Dances,, Etc. LIBERAL PRIZES AND PREMIUMS OFFERED COMING SOON THAT BIG REAL FUNNY SHOW UNDER CANVAS i J. M. Busby's Worlds Greatest Colored MINSTRELS NOW DON'T MISS THIS GOOD ONE. North Platte, Mon, Sept. 17. PARADE AT NOON. PERFORMANCE 8 p. m. .'1! ! I iltim,:' '! "itfAi i iiitiliil.tiSi : it Uiii.h M JfflLJri m 1 1 i 1 1 mi p 1 1 1 a n H i' .khj. wtmrn I'll" il l '! MiMMIMllMlt0llllWMMl')ililllllitilt OA il HRL ' " III H ! i MMWLtaroMy LHtllfflltllM faring MOTOR OILS iliifc i'l! Ii :.!;..,.!:! ii:i'J:iH ' : . i- i ''::! :S,ii;: I K ijL 1 COMFORT You keep your car for your comfort avoid the trouble end extienie of a friction-crippled motor by using THK 8TA.NDARD OIL fOtVALL MOTORS Held Ite fee4y at any cylinder heat or engine speed. Rnda cwbonl Mtkm, overketfBg, ed acortd cyllsdera. Every drop pore. Leek fcr the Petarkie e4it 4 etaade far a reMaete doaltr who'wftl a-tvere wt yew a tt. fJf Ke4 Cnyto QtoHnt. the pow wrull Motor NtL STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Hetraata) OMAHA Washington, Sept 9. Approximately $12,000,000 for war rcllof work in Ehinono will have boon expended by tho American Rod Cross In tho first nix months slnco tho United States has been at war with Germany, ac cording to a roport addressed today "to tho American people" by Honry P. Davison, chairman of tho Red Cross war council, in -which full details aro given of tho activities of the organiza tion In various nations abroad, chlei of whlen is France. Moro than $10,000,000 of this sum, appropriated up to and Including Au gust 31, by tho war council, sinco its appointment May 10 last, is for use in Franco. Other countries to recolvo roller aro Russia, Roumania, Italy, Sorbla, England and Armenia, tho grand total amounting to $12,339,081, tho groator part of which will bo used by November 1, although some of the approprations covor a year. Most of tho persons in charge of tho Red Cross work in Franc are giving their time and paying their town expenses, A spoclail fund of $100,000 has boon pri vatoly contributed to meet tho ex scs of members ,of tho commlsson to France unablo to pay thor own way. Commissioners' Proceedings. Soptembor 10, 1917. Board of county commissioners mot pursuant to adjournment, present Sprlngor, Hormlnghausen, Koch and county clork. Claims wore allowed as follows: United Chemical Co., fixtures, $2,00. C. E. Hostetter, bridge work, $29.00 C, 8. Kilmer refund of taxes, $13.79 North Platto Power Co., lght $54.57 Hastings & Hatcher Co., lumber $77.50. F. D. wcstenfeld, mdso county poor, $10.40. Harry Carotners, mdso county poor, $0.35. H. C. Ridingcr, mowing weeds, $7.50 R. W. Rldlnger, road work, $5.00. C. L. Grant, hauling otc, $201.40. Ia L. Vodor, road work, $11.25. Josso Long, haying roads, $22.50. E. J. Eamos. printing. $19.90. N. C. Brown, auto hire, $23.00 Sodorman Bros., placing runovcrs. $02.00. Nebr. Telephone Co. tolls and rent. '$30.05. Vesper McConnell. draKcine roads. $3G.00. Vesper McConnu'.l. bridge, work. $29.40. W. C. Robb, road work, $14.50. Univorslty Pub. Co., suDDlIes. $21.45. ' Waltomatlt Lumber Co., coal, $17.00. Merrick & Co., mdso $38.57. C. E. Hostctter, road work, $3.00. Husn Mcr. Co., oil, $15.98. Standard Oil Co., oil, $445.0G. National Refining Co., oil, $138.50. Joseph Spies, hauling dirt, $10.65. A. B. Hoagland, servicos, $441.90. John Mulrhead. draccinir roads. $7.00. J. D. Adams. Cb.. srraners find rn- fpairs, $109.20, and disallowed for $8.00 urau, uoouman & uuckloy. house ront for poor, $36.00. J. D. Adams Co;, repairs for rrrader. $4.UU. . S. Grnndveault, hall ront, $10.00. Adjourned until tomorrow. A. S. ALLEN, do. Clork. ::o:: Jlusby's Jrinstrols. Minstrolsy. au la circus stvlo de- ugnteu a largo audience of Oprden pooplo last ovohlng, tho event bolng mo visit oi J. m. Busby's bit: minstrel show under canvas. Tho show was given a most tiboral (patronage, which it moriteu in ovory senso of tho word. Mr. Busby 5ms assembled a blpr com pany or doioreu pooplo who aro bub bitng over with minstrel soncs and music. Tho show carries Its own baml and orchestra in additloiCta a largo rirfmhor of good singers and good dancors. Tho bis mlnstrol foreDart is of course tho feature but tho olio Is a Urogram of spoclilHlesi wWIch. aro most vnioruuning. wnuo many no doubt can not concolvo of a staged productltan under a canva$, they liavo but to witness a porformanco such ttB that Riven bv tho Buahv enmnanv io ap'preclato not bnly tho possibility, but tho ihlgh grndo succoss which has beon attained by this contleman i liln tented mlnstrol show. Ogdon Morning UAUllllllUt, At North Platto, Monday, Sopt. 17. It Is estimated that there aro In tho United States 90,000 physicians be tween tho ages of twonty-two and nrty-flvo. From this number tho gov ornmont will select 20.000. or two out of nine of tho total number, for tho now army, in addition to thoso 20,000 pnysicians, 120,000 men ar0 required for tho medical, hospital and ambu lance corps. For every eight mon in action there wjll bo one man to ldok nrtor their physical wolfaro. That should ensuro prompt nttontlon to tho wounded and sick. In addi tion to these thoro will bfl hundreds or kou cross nurses. : :o:: T You If you lmvo nronerlr for sale, list It ...Ml. .... 1i'n I . 1. L 1 mm lis. ii v iiimv iuji:r. iniArr, uuodjia buckley. : joj: Reunion. Tho reorganized church of Josus Christ of L. D. S. will hold a reunion mooting in tho city park at North Platto commencing Sopt. 15th and closing tho 24th. Good Bpenkors aro provided and tho gospal will bo nrosontod In Its plnlnnoss and overy body Is invited to come and bo with us during thoso meetings. Preaching nt 8 p. m. oach ovonlng. ::os: Notlco to Hunters No hunting or trespassing allowed on lands ownod or controlled by tho umlorsignrd. A. J. HOWARD JOHN HOWAItD ' H. C. ICUSTER JOHN BIDDLH " W. O. FAIRCHILD LESLIE SIMMS ,J? CHAS. GERKIN - H, R. WALTBMATH ED GERKIN , JR. DE PUE He Saw the Black Hole. Tno first thing 1 wanted to soo in In dia was tho "Black Hole" of Calcutta I could hardly wait to sco tho famous prison in which, In 1750, 133 people wero suffocated in a single night One hundred and fifty-six British prisoners, captured by tho natives, wero enst into a room, eighteen feet square, and tho following morning only twenty-threo of them wero living. Without waiting to unpnek my trunk I hurried to tho spotl But I was sndly disappointed, for nip thero was thcro was a monument with a chain around it I felt cheated. In America we would havo given tho visitor something for his money. Wo would havo pro serVcd the prison, with its two small windows, and put n showenso In the corner with samples of the nails and a rusty hinge. The restored prison would havo been Oiled with wax fig ures, their coats noticeably dusty and bunched at the collar, and outsldo would have been a lineal descendant of one of the stirvlvprs, selling post enrd viewHnd u history of the '"holo" for a quurter -Ilouiur Croy (n Les lie's. Aluminum and Oxygen. Aluminum is in many ways a won derful substance, albeit In tho natural uorld most of it is oxidized and turned to clay. Its avidity for oxygen Is ono of Its most salient characteristics. It Is Bald that ono never sees tho metal, di rectly, In air, but alwayB and only through a veil of superficial oxiuo which forms on Its freo surface with marvelous rapidity. It is stated that if a frcsn surfaco of aluminum bo pro pared by scraping with a knifo tho oxygen of tho air runs in as fast as tho Bcalo is peeled off and keeps close be hind tho knife blade. If it were not for this superficial scalo of oxide, which acts as a barrier to further action, tho metal would burn up or deflagrate In air. Tuo largo amount of heat developed by thermit n mixture of powdered aluminum wltb oxygen giving substances, bears wit ness to the activity of the oxidizing process wheu completed Washington Star. Strap Hanger In Tokyo. After one has ridden for a few weeks on Tokyo trams ho realizes that moro than 2,000.000 people, living within a radius of three miles of tho imperial palace, rc'qulro many trams to carry Tokyo'e Prolifio Slume. No tourist crost-os the ssumlda river Unless ft U to visit the great amphi theater for a wrestling mutch or a chrysanthemum bIiow, yet thero la whero tho real secret of Tokyo's fu ture lies. It la tho factory and slum sections of tho city, and the population thero has Increased in tho last decade ten times as fast as has the population In tho district of Kojlmachl, ' which surrounds tho palace. them. Seats are always at a premium. Even tho New York subway is not as 1 $ In the last generation tho population continually crowucu. tug trams aro oi tno live greatest inuusixiai ana com fast well handled and plenteous, but a moving stairway or sidewalk covering all the tram lines in tho city would scarcely fill the bllL Thero arc Qvo or six stations from which trains depart for different parts of tho empire, but theso stations aro I only Joined by city trams, so that If ono wants to go from Tokyo station, tho terminus of tho Shimonosckl line to Europe, to Ueno station, whenco trains depart for Nikko, Knrulzawn, Sendai and Hokkaido, ho must tako a riksha, a taxlcab or a street car or clso circle tho city for moro than twenty miles in more than an 'hour to reach a station that Is only a milo and a halt away as tho crow files. Maynard Owen Williams In Christian Herald. merclal cities in Japan has Increased by 314 per cent as against an lncreaso In tho wholo empire of 15 per cent Tho trend In Japan Is cityward, and tho visitor to Tokyo, seeing the streets crowded with people, does not realize that in tho suburbs the gravth in popu lation has run from 250 toWO per cent In tho last decade Christian Herald. By Poet 1 1 Maurice Maeterlinck, they say, Anv fVmnd tho llttlo daughter of a friend very busily and consclcntiou blackening a nice sheet of whlto paj Ho asked to whom sho was writing, i "To Prlnco Charming," sold tho chltL Naturally tho reply delighted tho aU tbor of "Tho Bluo Bird." When to llttlo girl had finished her letter s o put tho sheet of paper in an cnveloi ?, wrote on It "Tho Prlnco Chnrmlni" and said to Maeterlinck: "Pleaso stick n stamp on It and i it it in tho post" A man to whom tho poet vps tclli ig tho story interrupted him nt this poltt "And what." said he, "did you lo about it?" "Well," said Maeterlinck dreamily, 'I stuck a stamp on tho envelope. an3 I put tho letter to tho Prlnco Charmlbg in tho letter box on tho corner. 3Tou never cau tell." Now York Post Why Japan Cannot Be Starved. Two of the most Interesting sights In Tokyo aro the fish market nt Nlhom bashl and the Mltsukosbl department store, very near tho Billingsgate of Tokyo. Nlhombashl is not only tho geographical center of Tokyo, but of Japan, according to tho Jnpuuese. who ought to know, nero Is situated what la probably the largest fish market In tho world. There Is every kind of fish a man could mention and a few thou sand other varieties. Somo big fellows cut up into great steaks, weighing ten pounds or so, and thcro ore llttlo ones which would mako good minnow bait, if ono could find a hook small enough not to manglo them. I think that' in certain sections they must uso a' cham ois skin for a fish net and save every thing that docs not pass through tho pores. Until tho sea dries up around Japan tho Islands will never starvi - Christian Herald. The Broken Broker. Tho lato Judge Pcnnypacker of Phil adelphia was an advocate of tho en franchisement of woman, but he also advocated Justlco In the relationship between tho sexes for man. "Woman," he said whimsically ono day at tho Pennsylvania Historical so ciety, "mustn't play it both ways. Sho mustn't get the vote and tho equal wago through man's sense of equity and then get all kinds of unfair privi leges through his senso of gallantry. "There's n lot of truth In tho story of the young .broker who nfter his failure was thrown over by n pretty girl. " 'Why was tho engagement broken off?' a banker asked the ruined broker. " 'Well,' ho answered, 'after I'd given her a string orSpcarls, an opera box and a birthday gift of n twclvo cylln- 'der limousine I went to smash, and her pooplo accused mo of amusing myself at her expeuso.' " Baltimoro Sun. i i i What You Can Do. You dofl't know whnt you can-uo. At any rnto you don't know until you're up against it and havo to try. Somo day you'ro going to bump against a whopping bit of work. It will look Im possible to you. You'll want to quit You'll say to yourself that it simply can't bo done. And then If you aro really worth whllo you'll tighten your belt and Jump Into It You'll say, "I've got to do It" Then tho first thing you know it will bo dono. And tho best part of It Is you'll enjoy It, and tho sat isfaction that comes when it Is dono will bo -worth moro thun hearing your unplo has loft you $10,000. American Boy. . Two Types. Gcorgo Ado was talking about the lntricaclos of tho English lnnguago. "Thero's that word '-smart' for In stance," ho said. "The word may mean fashionable, chic or elegant "A man wanted to present mo to a lady tho other day. " 'She a vpry, very smart, he said, "But I asked cautiously: " 'Smart humph. Highbrow or low neck typo?' "Exchange. A Retaining Fee. Tommy What is a retaining fee, pa? "A retaining fee, my son, is the mon ey pooplo pay to us lawyers beforo wo can do any work." "Oh, 1 sco I It's liko thoso slot choc- olato machines. The pcoplo havo to put in their pennies beforo they got any chocolate." A Form of Preparedness. "I'm afraid I'm going to loso my I temper when 1 mako this speech," said Sountor Sorghum. "Dellboratoly?" "Yc3. Somo of tho remarks 1 want to mnko will novor bo excused unless It can bo claimed they wero said in tho heat of debate." Washington Star. The Modern Child. "Father, does a lamb gambol?" "At times, my son." "Then If you grabbed a lamb by tha leg you would bo pinching a gamboling Joint wouldn't you?" (Exeunt father, child and sllpper)- Cornoll Widow, Bae Innratltude. Father (to his sou, a doctor) If this Isn't tho limit! I pay all that money for yon to study medicine and tho first thing you do is to cut mo off my drlnUl Fllogende Blaetter. It Is alwayB safe to learn even from our enemies, never safe ft instruct Keep Your Kodak Bus "The Army lives on letters" is the way the boys at th front put it. And when those longed-for envelopes with tl home town post-mark contain pictures of the home folks ar home doings, they go far toward making lighter hearts ail happier faces. Keep your Kodak busy for the sake of the lads in tl trenches, the boys in camp and on shipboard. Help ke ' i ii. i i.i i r 1 tifiht the bonds between tne home and those who are hehtir for that home. The Rexall Drug Store, Agents for Eastman Kodaks and Supplies. YOUR TRACTOR COSTS MONEY I Rnt It la monev that will return a biff yield -if you safeguard J your investment. You can lengthen the life and increase thel efficiency of your tractor by using STANOLIND GAS ENGINE TRACTOR OIL V For the lubrication of cylinders and external bearings. It means a smoother running tractor, more pqwer at the draw-bar J and less time out for repairs. Best for the tractor because it's made for the tractor STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Nebraska) Omaha mm SnKencst I i WJ II. BRADFORD even ouj friends. -Colton, ICfl-0 ' - NORMAN WHITE.