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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 14, 1917)
PRICES REDUCED TO A WHISPER nl SLAUGHTER J. B. McDONALD "V" : 4- -" 4 4! A RbdsS Blagjr Carrier a message of thouhtfiilness and affection No fdft will bo so treasured ns n bonntiihl rlnfc nor tho fciver remembered lon&or. For centuries a rin& has been tho token of sentiment. Everyone Wants a rin& from tho youngest to tho oldest. And tho njeaninjj to each ono is tho same an expression of affection. t Let your fcift bo n W-"W-W Rinft. Full of fcrqco and charm", splendid withfcems, solid fcold, the artistic creations of master craftsmen. No other make of rin&s offers you such splendid values. They como in all prices from $3 to $15 and up. Each re&ardles of price has tlie tama guarantee. Should the ctt!n& crack or coins out, it will bo replaced frea of charge. Coma in and tea them. HARRY DIXON, JEWELER. LOCAL Am) PERSONAL . A lot of womon's houso drosses on sale at 05c In best ginghams and Per cys at The Leader Mercantile Co.'s. 'w.Cjeorge Frater Went to Omaha Wed nesday to transact business for sov- nwrl flnvn. FAH3IEI18 WILL NOT GET 3IORK FOlt WHEAT qiiauncy Abbott, Jr., of Schuyler, Nebraska representative in the milling division of tho United States food sup ply, is quoted by tho Bee as follows: ""The tarmers seem to bo unddr the misapprehension that this wheat price v i fixed by tho government is sun bud- Driadloy Sweaters tho dependable joct to change and that by holding Kind for men, women and children at back their wheat they can force it to "TTTll,. . . T ntnln I '-- I ' l 1 til. n . It, mtnlnVn rn,n VV11CUA. uupui UUUUt SWl". raise ill iniuu. 1IIUL la U. IIIIBIUIIU. U1U v. . . ... t Hat-flalri nnYnmtaalin.n Invpntlirntpd l w. a. Hem v snent a uav in uuuvur, r fti vi.itin hu brother Charley grain situation recommended tno and transacting business, . .. - - - - ' ... 0 ment of fond affairs, seriously handi caps ,our army and the armies, pf our allies." basis for, Chicago dhdvtho , president Till i ti t ii II irvrtTin iiviwi it i nurn i nil t-fiiiiw Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Wolngand, Mrs. mlaalrm wits rUnlinrfAil nnrl fhfrr la Louiso Peters and J. E. Nelson were jj0 provision in the law for a reconsld- amohg our people who attended tho erntion lof that price. Maywood fair Wednesday. Thus tho farmer can gain nothing A marriage license was issued rues- "j " T7 ' .r day to Clarenco, E. Carlson and Miss we dismiss the -patriotic slOe of the Llllio E. Bechon the latter having an ' question the farmer must bo the losfjr . ; . . ii i. i i In lfnlrHntr bnnlr t.hln.wlinnt. for t.lm oxtenueu acquainiance iniwuBii imvuiB --- -y -. --- - bolh empjloyed for a protracted period reason that he is losing the interest iri one of tho Dickey stores. t mfsht hayo on his money and the v wheat is subject to more and more . aweuisn ijuuierau uiigt3u.uuu, slirinitage tlie ionger lie bold its. corner Tenth dnd Willow. Services But,tworso of all, tho holding back nexL ouiiuuy u. xa u- 0r mis wneat impedes mo progress 01 aid will meet at Olson's irooming house Administrator Hoover in his manago- Ronf 2f)Ml. All wnftCOme. I moTit nf frvnd nffnlra onrlnnalv iVinnrll. ALB IN OLSON. .Sdirla-d bnv for sale. Oiin liuiulr6d or. more tons of good hay. See . , . ' . T , IlKATT, GOOD.UAN & BUCKLEY. a,si,l?lie,rs Appear Before Judpo . ' Six slackers wero arraigned before Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Fowles arrived Juiig0 Wootlrough in tho federal court from California the early part of the room jn tlls city Wednesday afternoon week and will remain liero for a Five of theso wero ordered to register couplo of months, Avhilo Mr.-Ftowles before tho registratilon :board, and bo looks after his business interests in discharged from custody, but will bo this ctly and at Maxwell. .compelled to report to tho county 'M, C. Harrington and family, fltfr- clerk thdr whereabouts every ten days me.y of this city, are now living In for a poMod of thirty days The sixth officers' quarters at Ft Logan, near man, a negro, was found to bo a sol Denver, where Mr. Harrington ranks dior in the of tho government, as major in tho quartermaster's do-, was quite ill the greater part of their partment and has bean in service since of. absence and had been arrested l.e tho latter part of May. , s furlough lmd expired. Tho best yiold of wheat so far ro-. Tnuiirn'iipn plrted to tlis office was growp by John E ,(Ild flf , t Insurnnc wrmcn ore of Blgndl Is expected to yield any whero from ten to niieen uubuojh. J. E. Nelson has purchased of tho Trotter garago a aix-cylintlor Paigo of .the Brooklyn four passenger model, a tonrins car and - roadster with iphaeton top and col-4 Iapslble erar seats, it is a nuiy ing car. "I Richard C. Bybeo, ex-policeman, ' itoSok unto himself a wife Tuesday in 1 the person of Mrs. Hattio Blunk. whoso homo has been at Kimball. Tho nrformod bv County Judge French at his offi'co in the court x house. S. J. Anderson, who lives- on the former Charley Toillion farm at Nich ols, has boon marketing some excep tionally flno apples in town. Ho also ,.l o l.!r drnn nf Tnll nDl-CS. OnO tree bearing twenty bushels and an other sixteon. ' Wb catrry 'only first class merchan 'diso.' New merchandise arriving dally. . v oi.oninfniv rnlv on our styles. iUU tllll ..t.H'. i.t.v.. --.'. - ' A new fall shipment of blouses aro certainly vory pretty. E. T. TRAMP & SONS. Pasadona. Cal., Vor ..morivMiaR Effio DauKhorty of this ntfiK i.lalol for Qnvaral davs with Mrs fmi'iv Piiiinnr. wlifla onroute homo nnot Mr Hftiit. is a very ar ,inn( on.i nntimainHtln Tiaclflst and had boon oast to attend meetings held by thoso whoso iows sho roprosants. j. W. Tiloy, now soiling cars for tho Davis Auto Co. is mooting w in losminn. havlncr clis- posod'of several slnco taking up the work. Ho is paying speemi uuuuuuu to tho Briscoe and Nash cars,' now onos recently added to tho Davis Co. lino. I linvo bujors for booiI farms. Any onels..... to jllh- j5E&JS ' John Lincoln, who rocontly recov ered from a five weeks' siogo of rheu matism that confined him to the house, has accepted a position in the Donald son atoro and at tlio same timo will carry throo post studios In tho high schofal; John attended tho Kearney normail last yoaft mu Tj.wi,-nyinr f"o. has received a renewal contiract with the Ford Motor i t Aa urn a Co. Tills contract, uaieu auB. .i.j. .i ti.n firm wia somewhat UU.iiyvu, Oliu mt ...... " , "dp in the air." as to tho Boiling price. Tho manufacturer's price re mains the same, but five dollars has boon added to freight charges by tho inroads making the price of the tour ing car ?400 in North Platte. STOCK CONTINUES No Such Merchandise Ever Sold at Such Low Prices in this city turday R ailroad Men's Day The J. B. McDonald Men's and Boys' Clothing Store is about to go out of existence. The Whole of the entire stocks are now being turned into quick cash in a time limited closing out sale. The merchandise contained in the store particularly lends itself to Railroadmen's needs in high top quality goods, and in order to remove the greatest possible quantity of stuff in th short space of time given us we have cut and slashed prices beyond all recognition. This is no make-believe- no highly colored fiction but Genuine Price Reductions all along the line to clean up this whole $ 40,000 stock and fixtures slick and clean. DON'T MISS IT! OVERALL! GLOVES OVERALL "Fife" Special "Railroad $1.25 King $1.50 Gauntlet Gloves Canvas with Leather Palms 35c I - . n ... t ivinTFThSo rwu w nri.l Or hv the dozen nair $4.00.1 NOTh lhis Uverali nas aa- 11V1U www V - m m . . . . vanced to $1.75 the ijair. i Great Saving. 1 vancea to 5xS.uu tne pair. jiiijjiiimiiiiimMmMiiiiEJMiui iMiiinrirnrr Anticipate Your Future Needs Now A Clean Sweep of Men's and Young Men's Suits & Overcoats Tim llnnsim whv. Tho reason why Company E did not fonvn Wndnnsflnv mnrnincr aa directed by Colonel Paul and as announced by The Tribune, was because tho Colonel demanded slooplng cars for. the boys and tho Pullman company could not furnish them at that time. Chair cars for tiho company were hcCd In readiness in the local yards Tuesday, but Oci'. onel Paul said his troops must sloop onroute to .Doming and not sit up In coaches1 all tho way. , Mexicans Ynmoosc. Amnncr tho draft registrants In Lin coln county wero nine Mexicans, and tho fact that thov failed in any anu ovory woy to respond to' notices sent out hy tno exomption noarti, tno mem bers of tho board havo aboht conclud 1 ihnt llinv linvo vamooRed nrobablv going to their o?d stam'ping ground in sunny Mexico, it is a question wneincr thoso Mexicans coiuu oe niano into good soldiers. ::o:: Colored I'eonle lncrcuslnir. Tho negro population of North rlntt In nnvr n srnrn of tlmos creator than over bofore. This Is duo to im portations of colored mon from the Houtli bv tho roltroad company for nmrntinn inlinr work. A niimlior of thoso mon aro married and, brought tneir iamiiios wun mem. 1Vniitodi)wellings We have customers for sovoral five and six room dwellings. If you have such a dwelling we can effect a quick salo for you. C9-4 BUCHANAN & PATTERSON ::o:: Strike .Ends at Packing PIuiiIh. i Tho strike at tho packing plants at Omaha was settled Tuesday, tho pack ing houses making concessions, in cluding an increase of 2 cents por hour for aH employes, reinstatement nf thn mrm wiin wflnt out. on a strike. no discrimination against mon for bo inn. and tho hiring of men to bo d'oho by ono man in each plant, ::o:: Now Engines for U. P. Goneral Manager Joffors Is quoted as Baying that thirty now locomotives toil fnr thn Nfthrnflkd division. With every frolght engine pushod to tho limit of Borvico anu mauing grcai or milcago than tho passongor onglnos, it is apparent that additional motive power is necessary. ::o: v. Rain Parlor Peninsular and ono largo Acorn base burner. 407 oast Rprnnd street. oa-5' M TO MAKE A CLEAN SWEEP of certain lots of men's and young men's Suits and. Overcoats in sizes 32 to 38 we are making the reductions of such a substantial character that it cannot fail to move thse 254 Garments by the time the clock strikes Ten Bells on Saturday night. The collection comprises suits grouped from special lines and makes running upwards to' $17 and $18 values.' Good styles and various materials and in all the above range pf sizes. Grouped together to close outSaturday at CWBHHHHHSiSBBBSHIHHMHRSrnj I HAND BAGS and I Suit I I Cases I O V Hundreds of them I 1 rom $9. OOi man XJ' m Values to $14. I Terrific Slaughter of BOYS' and MEN'S ERCO AT One Group Boys' Overcoats S Sizes 10 to 16, values to $15 's'Oq-P One Group Mens Overcoats $735 i HATS For Men and Boys, Values to $2.50 and $3 Boys' Long Pants Suits Grouped in alues to $10, for $3.97 Boys' School Suits wiu, Knickerbockers, Grouped in vali?es to $7.00 Work Dress $5 Oxford Men's $10 Rain Men's $3 Boys' Shirts Shirts Shoes Work Coats Hats Caps 0 v For men, reg- For men. The Tans or PfllltS "P ular 75c yalues Monarch $1.50 Blacks . Cravenette shapes & styles to 75c 49c 95c $1.95 $1.45 $3.85 $1.00 24c mmammmmmmmnmBmmmmmmmmmmmKmmammmmammmnmmmu iiNiimiiiinimmH iiihmmhmmh i J. B. McDONALD, Home of Good Clothes, North Platte, Neb.