The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, September 14, 1917, Image 4

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    -Give your child
a fair chance
Before the children begin school work ;
be sure they are under no handicap of
Have the eyes examined at Clinton's.
Then you will know the exact condition
of the children's eyes.
Glasses will not be advised unless they
are needed to make the printed page or
blackboard writing clearer.
The only way you can be sure your child
is getting a fair chance in school is
to have the eyes examined by an expert
eye specialist. Clinton's optometrist is
such a specialist, especially trained
in examining children's eyes.
Graduate Optician,
At Uio Sign or tlio Big Itlng.
Graduate Dentist
Office over the McDonald
State Bunk.
Miss Annlo McKalo, who had been
visiting lior son J. II. McKalo and fam
ily, roturnod Wednesday to her home
In Ft. Scott, Kan.
Smart stylos In sorgo and Bilk
Tho most maKnlflcent showing of
wtomon'a and ml'sBos' fall stylo lioots
now reudy for your Inspection at The
Leader Morcantllo Co.'s.
Swcator Yarns all colors at Wilcox
Dopartmont Store.
- Trv Dr. Smith, tho
Chiropractor. COtt
foor Sale Chcrtn A Teal good baso
bUrnor. Mrs. E. J. Burke, Phono Bk
Money to loan on real estate. No do-
lay If clear title.
'Most 'wonderful now sllkB aro now
bolng shown at Tho Loader luorcan
"For Salo Milch cow. Mrs. A. Samuel
son. G03 West 7th, street. Phono
lied G22. 70-2
. Mrs. W. S. Dotaon returned Wednes
day from a vlBlt wlth'frtonda In Grand
-"Dr. Morrill, Dontlst.
Rov. Bowkor left yestorday for Lin
coln on business coimcctod with hla
office of archdeacon.
A big now shipmont of DrosB Skirts
Just arrived.
Miss' Ethtf Donogan has returned
from a two months' visit at Blanking
ton, S. D., and lu northoast Nobraska.
Mrs. Carl Stannard roturnod to Mor
rill Tuesday after a vlBlt with hor
pnlronts, Mr. and Mrs. Fremont Watts.
MIhh M. Slomtui, steam baths and
Swedish Massage, ladleH and gentle
liicn. ' l'liono 8U7, Brodbeck building.
Two hundred and florty acres of
land four miles north of York. Nobr..
Bold' Tuosday for $48,000 or $200 por
Mrs. Ernoat Kolkor, who ..had boon
tho guest of Dr. and Mrs. L. D. Smith,
returned to her. homo In Polk, Nobr.,
Wodncsday. ,
. Llconso to wed was .Issued Wed
nesday nftorntopn to Alfred Q. Kolb
and Miss Asoriith E. Rlchoson, both
of Hershey.
Homo grown watormolons aro now
bolng marketed In liberal numbers:
In fact tlioy aro almost a drug In tho
locisl mairkot.
Mr. and Mrs. Goorgo Scharman and
dauchtorB. of Hlnman proclnct, re
turned Tuosday Jiom an auuo trip to
points In eastern Nebraska.
Those In need of painting, paper
hanging and docoratlng aro assured
satisfactory work it they omploy juuus
Hoga. Phono Black GUz. 3Str
W. T. Banks and son Roy returned
homo Tuesday, tho formor from
business visit In Omaha, tho latter
from a stay at Excelsior Springs, Mo
Wo will recolvo orders from con
HiiincrH-only for Colorado Hard Coal
at $18.00 per ton. Guaranteed delivery,
Only ouo car nviilinoic. Jjcypowt
Pennington, riiono 09.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos Ilcaloy and
daughter roturnod Tuesday ovonlng
from Omaha whoro tlioy had been
vIsltinK for two weeks. Mrs. Ilealoy
aws qiulto 111 tho greater part of tholr
stay In' that ctly.
Brokon oyo glass lenses can bo re
placed tho samo day as ordor Is glvon
in our lonso grinding dopartmont.
tt Graduato Optometrists.
TarAnntors will todo' comblclo'tho
now buildings nt tho fair grounds and
tho Lincoln County AgrciuUural So
cloty can now claim to have 'provision
lor acrluuilturai anu biock oxnioiu
and raco horso quarters second to.
jione in the west part of the state.
As wllliberomemboreu, a storm dur
ing tho summer blow down two of tho
buildings and partially wrecked tho
grand stand". Ono of tho buildings,
agricultural hall, was bo bady demol
ished that repairs coud not bo made,
honco a now bul.ding 110x80 feet
ha boon erected. Tho horsoc barn
3Gx80 foet, has been rebuilt and mndc
moro convenient than before. Tho new
buildings ercted aro a cattlo baru
30x80, a fouUry house 24xG0, a hog
barn 24xG0 and two race horao stables,
each 14x120. Thoso latter building1
aro oroctod west of the track near the
county road. All those lu41dlngs aro
well constructed nna wiien tno paint
ing Is finished will present a very
attractive noaranco. They aro all lo
cated in a group near tho east grove.
Tho grand stand has been rebuilt, anil
enlarged by a' tier of boxes on a lovel
with tho lowor scats.
Tho socloly is now provided with
buildings ample for all displays and
exhibitors can rost nssured that thetr
oxhlblts will be woll housed.
: :o: :
Ask That Fanners bo Exempt
Chairman Wattlos, of tho ntato food
administration, has been petitioned
to oxonrpt from war servlco drafted
farmers or proprietors of farms until
after tho corn crop Is husked. Mr.
Wattlos announces that ho wiXl take
tho matter up with tho war department.
Begins Court Grind.
Following a summor vacation which
grow a little Irksome, Judge Grimes
wont to Arthur county tibs morning to
bogln tho court grind. He will bo there
today and tomorrow and then loaves
for Kimball county Monday morning.
From now until next May tho Judge
wit! bo sitting on the bench practically
ovory week day.
- ; :o: :
The Print zess
?: Are Here Once More
Smart models and strong values.
Clever styles that will appeal to
every lady.
Workmanship only the best.
Material that cannot be surpassed.
Public Sales.
O. P. Fast, living eight miles south
west of Sutherland, will hold a sale
Soptembor 2Gth at which he will offer
thlrtcon horsos, nlnoty-threo catK'.o,
togs and farm machinery.
On October 3d R. H. Stock, living
ono mllo west and two miles south;
or uiruwood siding, will sou nine head
pf horses, thirty-two head of cattle
and a lot of forming toolB.
Boys Through to Frisco.
Ernest Rlncker and C. P. Clinton,
who woro ordered to report at Omaha
Tuosday and loft Cor that city Mon
day noon, passed through Wednesday
morning enrouto to tlio Maro Island
navy yard near Frisco. They accom-
panlcd a scoro of young Omaha inen
who woro bound for tho some destfn&H
Oon. Rolatlvcs and friends met them at
tlio depot loadod wltlr-baBkets of cood
things for them to eat. 'l-rr Stt
: :o::
a combination of style,
workmanship, quality, you
cannot help but be pleased.
i. . urnmiy jmcs
Nicholas W. Grandy. aged ilfty-ofcht.
for two years past employed' In Ford
man Mjurphy's carpenter gang; died
Tuesday jjilrnlng at his homo in tho
Fiourth ward. Death was duo to an
'"!"" !. .. .. ... ... . . - , ... ... u . i i 1
Pnun, y.C Winn Mnhr . nnf . Minn UUUOSH On UIO liver, Willi WlllClt 110 Iiad VUruilUU III UIO mai, mail iui bki viuu
Rachaol R. Wcathors, of Gothonburg. JEcn nffectod for sovoral weeks. He in tho natlonararmy will be liracUcailly
Sovoral rolatlvos of tho contracting "3 11 w" sovorn emmrea. u uu u. um yu n, u,
imrilna worntnrnnont . Funeral sorvlcos woro hcl'.d at the cording to officials of tho, exemption
County Judge Fronch united In mar-
rlago Wodnosday afternoon Arthur 11,
Brafted Men Must Sooif Go.
Omaha Bee: Tho list of tho re
maining 95 por cent of the men to be
Ba'ptlst church Wodnosday afternoon board
Tlio bammy Ulrls' UIUU mot at tlio conducted hv Rov. Htillnnil lntomiph
iiomo 01 Airs. j. w. iucuraw mommy madn 11 t in Mirth P1ntt nnmntnn.
. .JM, 1... I
ovonlng ,nild woro troatcd to n tttk by
Miss Annlo Krampn on "Tlio Girls
Duty." Tho roninlndor of tho ovonlng
was spout lu knitting.
Mrs. Will Friend was hoBtoss to tho
Cathode Girls' Club Tuosday ovonlng
nsslstcd by Mra. Frank McGovern,
Mrs. Gaorgo Vosolpka and Miss vaun
Slacker Arrested Yesterday.
Ingward Holmes, living near Blg-
no'.I, was taken In charge' yestorday
by Shoriff Salisbury on tho chairgo of
failure to register. In Investigating
tho case of Holmes prior to his arrest,
snorilr Salisbury learned that ho, Hoi-
ltL llftvnH. Curd cntnoH wm t.lm onfor- mos, was marled at Lexington Jnnuarv
talnlng fcaturo, first prlzo going to f f 111 W8t nn" uiai 110 eavo ins .nnmo as
Miss Mario Schatz and socond to
Mrs. Horn or Mussolman. Miss Hazol
Smith was oloctod troasuiror of tho
club, siuccoedlng Miss MCWllllaras
Est ray Hogs.
Takon up Friday night, August 31,
uiroo hogs weighing about 150 each.
M. N. Nolson, tho cortlflcato Issuing
Tho noxt 40 per cent of tho first
draft will bo ready for cdrtiflcatos by
Friday of this week, and with tno ox
ceptlon of a tow cases hold for fur
thor Investigation tho lists for tho
balance of tho first draft wiSl bo fin
ished at about tho samo time, al
though tho datos for tho official cer
tification of tho third division of 30
por cent of tho draft and of tho final
15 por cent havo beon announced
' ::o::
Strayed Ono bay horso, weight
nnrl dir. ni n vrl n on nnniiWInr, ...In- 1.200 With lialtOr and DlCROt Clinlll
that name. At that timo ho gavo his TJlophono Black 591, 520 South Chest-
ago ns tventy-nlne.
::o: :
Food Conserrntloii Pledges.
Tho week beginning October' 1-ttli
will, bo observed as national nledfeo
uwnor can navo samo bv nrovlntr card weolc and It Is honed to vlsltovorv
proporty anu paying cnarges.
North Platto.
jjii ii 1 1 M i in ii '"'j' 1 r ' k in
mi- i i i i 1 rrrvr' i '
Investments for
Small-Grain Cutting
Before long small. grain marketing
. i
mM begin In earnest. Farmers will be-'
gin to'millzo on tholr crops. Nntur.
ally, more funds will bo received than
there will bo Immediate need of. Such
surplus funds nro uufo'ly uud proflla.
bly disposed of by investment In cer- '
illlcatcs of Beposlt. Your money Is
payable on deninnd when Invested In
In the C. D's Issued by this bank and
earn I nor cent Interest,
Platte Valley State Bank
North Platte, Nebraska.
family lu Nobraska and ask tho house
wife to reduco as far as possible all
unnecessary wnsto In tho homo and
consorve foods In ovory possible way.
Tho housowlfo wV.l bo asked to sign a
pieuge-cani u tills olTect.
In speaklnu of this movo Stato
Food Administrator Wattles savs:
"This will glvo ovory housowlfo some
thing (lollnlto to do. Tho women havo
all Indicated thotr deslro to do some
thing to holp win tho war. Tho wax
will bo won 'by tho nation that can
hold out longost In tho matter of food
suppy. It will bo l&st by tho sldo that
cannot furnish food for dts soldlors."
. ;o; :
'o Federal Aid for Highway.
Good road onthuslasts who figured
that a good part of the fodoral and
stme aid for roads $GG,000 to bo ap
portioned to L,mcmn county could
bo used on tho Lincoln Highway will
rogrot to loam that tho fedoral aid
cannot bo used for that innlnoso. At a
Joint mooting of( tho county boards of
uawson and Buffalo couoitv held nt
Koarnoy Tuosdny. Stato Engtnoor John
ston said tho federal aid would not
be available for uho on tho Lincoln
Highway for tho roason that it Is lo
cated largoly on tho Union Paciflt
I right-of-way, and Uio counties do not
therefore own UtKo tio tho land and
tho govornmont would not glvo sup
port ror that purposo.
This is a solar plaxus blow to tho
Lincoln Highway m all tho counties
i whoro it is located on tho u. P. Tlght-
of-way, and in ovory county micxro or
(less of Its mllcngo is on tlio right-of-
Now is tho timo to supoly your fall
wants. A vory beautiful lino of dross
nmtorlals In wools and ellkB; tlio
now and wanted shades.
Call 125 for Taxi day or night.
Also flvo or sovon passongor oar for
funeral service.
Chandlor & E5lcar Agency,
Corner Eighth and Locust Sta.l
nut street or W. N. Roso at tho Now
Method Tire Ropair Co., 511 Locust St
Captain Halligan suggests tliat thoso
writing letters to members of tho
North Platto company address their
letters "in caro Company E, Fifth No
braska Infantry, Camp Cody, Doming,
N. M.
Children's Bchool drossos at Wilcox
cox Department Storo.
Hex'e's $r
1 Your Can of.
1 Havoiine &
Tho several days of cool and cloudy
weather cleared without a frost,
whereat tho farmers are glad, Cor it
will require two weeks of warm wea
ther to ripen tho greater part of tho
corn in Lincoln county.
Wo carry & wondorful lino of under
wear, Tho Athena. Let us demonstrate
to you tho superior features of these
Butler Miltonbanger was arraigned
in Justice Sullivan's court Tuesday
forendon on tho charge of exceeding
tho speed limit whilo driving a car.
Tho Judgo gavo him some fatherly
advico and told him to go forth and
do no moro reckless driving.
GAS TAR is good for dipping fence
piosts, painting chicken lionises' for lice
or painting anything to provont de
cay, , fences, barns, silos,, ate. Ten
cents per gallon We charge for the
barrel. North Platto Light & Power
uqmpar.y 67-10
Slnco January first J340 hunting li
censes nave been Issued at tho office
of tho county clerk. This week tho
demand lias been very heavy duo to
tho oponing of tho chicken season.
Thoso 'licenses cost ono dollar oach
and tho entlro proceeds go to tho stato
secretary's otilco In Lincoln.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Maloney and Mrs.
J. J. Horrigan and baby leave this
week for Grand Isi'.and where they
will reside in tho future. Mr. Horri
gan holds a foremanship In the Grand
Island shops, hence tho removal. Long
residents of North PJatto und spllen
dld people, their going is regretted by
many frionds.
Married at the Lutheran parsonage
Wednesday afternoon, Alfred G. Kotb
and Miss Asenith E. Bowor. Mr. Kolb
camo horo from Lacrosse, Wis., and
will engago in tho hotel business at
Hershey. after a short atav at. tho
homo of the bride, Laramie, Wyo. Ac
companying them wero Mr. and Mrs.
H. D. Jones, Miss El'.len and Warren
Jones, of Laramie, and ent Moore,
and Miss Sigma Odean, Hershey.
Choice vegotables and cut flowers at
North Platto Floral Co. Phone 1023 t
The chicken season legally opens to
morrow, but if reports aro true it has
been "open" for some sportsmen (?)
for about threo weeks. The birds at
this timo aro not reported as plenti
ful, prdbably due to tho country 'Ex
cursions of tho follows who have little
respect for tho gamo laws. - g
Miss Helen Brodbeck recently je
turned from a twia weeks' visit with
friends in Lincoln. '
For nulck nctlon and satisfactorV
sale list your lnnd with Thnclecke. tf
Drop in and get it
the next time you
pass. Havoiine Med
ium, Havolinq Light
and Havoiine Heavy
cover every auto
mobile lubricating
If In doubt which grade
of Havolinp to uso in
your car, ask us. In ono
minute, we'll make it
so plain that you can
never go wrong.
J. V. Romigh
Good Oil and Good Cars
6th and Locust. North Platte. Neb,
A' Sermon On Lumber
In conclusion my friends, we can't get away from
this lumber question. Why, every one of us
spent our first days in a cradle made of lumber.
Our lives have been lived between walls of two
by fours and lath, with rafters over our heads,
and matched flooring beneath our feet. We have
been sitting in wooden chairs, eating from wooden
tables, riding in wooden wagons, and in the course
of time will be laid to rest in wooden caskets.
Lumber is King In the Construction World.
Coates Lumber & Coal Co.
North Platte, Nebr.