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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 14, 1917)
THE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. it AMOUNT DRAWN ON STATEJREASURY Warrants issued during the month of august, 1917 TO WORK WITH STATE BOARD 'NEWS FROM STATE CAPITAL -ItemB of Varied Interest Gathered from Reliable Sources at the State House Western Newspaper Union News Service. Stato Auditor W. II. Smith's offlce issued 4,334 stato warrants in August. The total amount of money drawn from the stato treasury upon thoso warrants was $480,187.77. The amount drawn from the treasury provlously this year was $3,799,020.60, making a total of 44,279,208.37, as compared with a total of $3,582,934.43 drawn from tho treasury In tho same period in 191G. From tho genoral fund a total of $212, 312 was drawn In August, $30,863 from tho instlution cash fund, $2,124 to pay expenses of the registration of autimo biles. $43,596 for "university actlvl-' ties," and $46,094 from tho university special building fund. Up to tho pres ent timo tho auditor's department has issued 37.GS0 warrants in 1917, as compared with 33,015 warrants issued in the same period last year. Fund. . Amount. General ...I 212.812.19 University University cash. Smith-Lever ... Morrill Federal Food Director and Council ol Defense to Co-operate Nebraska's stato council of defense will work in harmony with G..W. Wat ties, of Omaha, whom Presldont Wilson has named as tho roproaontntivo of tho fodoral government for Kobraska in administering the now food control law, and with Horbort Hoover, tho national food dlroctor. Tho machin ery which tho council has already croatod will bo placed at tho disposal of tho fedoral authorities, who in turn will co-oporato with tho stato agencies working for food conservation and in creased production. This arrangement has been mutually agreed to, and It will thoroforo bo un necessary to dupllcato tho machinery already in cxlstonco in applying food control measures In Nobrnska. Tho 10 CRUSH DISLOfftLS Minneapolis, Sept. 10. Tho Ameri can Alliance for Labor nnd Democ Aninrlpnti Alliance for Labor Democ- samo plan Is being formulated in otnor ,..,c.. orennlzcd three weeks ago with states. Prosldont Wilson's nnnrovnl. concluded Mr. wattles has gone to wasnmgton Experiment station University Income iGpcclal university build ing Tire commission Institution cash. State, library Special motor vehlclo registration Wayne normal library. . Kearney normal library Chadron normal library 'Normal schools State aid road University activities... Stato Institutions im provements .; 56.703.06 14.92S.00 7,889.24 8.333.31 3,051.72 2.C69.16 4fi.0D4.17 1.211.18 30,863.44 21D.31 2.12 1.P0 177.01 411.0S 244.42 47,3.1 ti.47 1.459.25 43,596.23 48.00 No, 2,390 379 272 104 27 31 40 126 17 320 25U 15 333 4.334 Toi 480.1S7.77 Previously issued. 1917. 3.799,020.60 33.34C Qrand total Same period, 1916.. .$4,279,208.37 37,680 LABOR MEET AT MINNEAPOLIS CLOSES WITH ELECTION OF GOMPERS. STATEMENT OF AIMS GIVEN Principles Include: Suppression fOf Disloyalists and Pro-German Prop agandists; Solidification of La bor Behind the President. for a conferonco with Food Director Hoover, in order to find out fully what Is expected of him. Boforo leaving, ho asked tho stato council of defense to obtain ostlmatos of the probablo sur plus crop production of Nebraska for this year which will bo availahlo for export, and also what, if any, of tho moro common agricultural staples will havo to bo imported in order to Bupply tho stato with what it needs. Whoat, corn, oats, ryo, potatoes, swoot potatoes, onions and beans aro tho things on which this information is doslred particularly. Vico Chairman Coupland has called In Profossor Pugsley and Professor Burr oi tuo .stato college of agriculturo and Secre tary Danlolson of tho stato lair ooara for assistance in compiling tno uaia. As soon as tho estimates aro arrived at, tho figures will bo wired to Wattles at Washington. OFF FOR THE WAR The University Y. M. C. A. With the opening of tho schools and colleges, tho Young Men's Christian Association of the University of No braska extends a welcome to return Ine students, and particularly to young men who plan to enter the university ns frnshmen. Tho Y. M. C. A. exists to serve the young men, and is pro pared to aid' new students in securing employment, a good room, board, a Christian room-mate, and is in a posi tlon ta render valuable assistance In nther nartlculars. Tho association alms to develop Chlrstlan fellowship and service among men students of tho University. Its work is varied in nature, but throughout the Interesting program Is the ono fundamental on iectlve tho development of true man hood. Now students aro Invited to Identify themselves with this Chris tlau organization, that they may fool Us power through four years or um vorslty training. Nebraska Boys at Fort.Demlng Tho Fourth Nebraska was welcomed toy some typical New Mexican weath er on Its ilrst evening In camp at Demlng, when a terrific sandstorm swept down upon the camp about 5 o'clock and threatened to destroy tho tents which had been hastily set up during tho afternoon. Tho wind was followed by a rainstorm which set tled tho dust and cooled things off until some of them wero cooking moro blankets by morning. Tho camp for a few hours looked like a mining camp with most of tho boys wielding axes, shovels and picks In a grand clean up of company streets and In a short timo these thorough fares Wero graded, smoothed and drained until they would do credit to any city. There Is no complaint to bo hoard regarding tho location of tho canton ment and everyone Is anxious to start with tho real training. Company C was the only company that drilled the first morning, Captain Kirschnor put ting his men through three hours of oxerclBO In tho manual Opening day at tho state fair drow a mwiI of almost 10,000 people, who listened to tho band concerts, mado arnualntanccs. and greeted old menus Last year's Sunday attendance was In the neighborhood or u.uuo, wnicn en courages tho management In tho be lief that tho 1917 attendance will ex ceed tho average, notwithstanding war and other conditions. Hot shots thrown at Frank L, Hallor, prosidont and member of tho university board of regonts, Gorman textbooks, tho Gorman press anu aliens featured tho meeting of tho nhnirmon of tho county councils and ofneors of tho Btato council of dofenso held Tuosday morning and aftornoon nn Lincoln. Ono hundred county rep resentatlvos wero present and, filled with loyalty and enthusiasm, pledged tho utmost support of Nobraska and hor cltlzons to this country In tho war. All btllcors or tuo siaio council mado short talks. Hospital Corps Under Major Spealman Leaves for Long Island Tho Nobraska hospital corps, now In fedoral sorvlco and known as tho second flold hospital company of tho 117th sanitary train of tho forty-sec ond rainbow division, left Lincoln Wednesday for tho east. Headed by tho Fifth reglmontal band the hos pital boys marched .to tho depot whero they boarded a special train. Tho corps in command of Maor John F. Spealman of Lincoln, consisted or seventy-four en'lsted men and five of ficers. Tho hospital corps Is Nebras ka's share of the rainbow .division. It is understood that the troops will go to Long Island, whero tho other troops of tho rainbow division will probably bo mobilized. Tho "Draft Special" loft Thursday night, having on board 409 Nobraskans who form tho first detachment of 5 per cent of tho Nebraska draft army on their way to the training camp. Nebraska has her men all ready. Somo of tho states havo had troublo In assembling Ihoir 5 per cont but Nobraska boards have certified enough men to tho local boards to enable all to select tho men tq form tho first group. its bin lnvnltv conference here on Frl dav with the election of officers nnd the ndoptlon of n rlnglug declaration of principles. The alllnnce, composed of tho na tion's labor lenders nnd hnvlng as its double purpose the crushing of dls loyulty and ,the solidifying of lnbor in the war for democracy, by unani mous vote elected as Its lender Sam uel Gompers, president of tho Ameri can Federation of Labor. The outstanding provisions In tho declaration of principles Include: Sutmrcsslon of disloyalists nnd pro-Germnn propagandists. Solidification of lubor behind tho government. Conscription of wealth as well ns of men. Heavy tnxes on incomes, excess profits and land values. Government control of industries in case of labor disputes. Action against speculative interests which enhance prices of necessaries of life. Insurance for soldiers nnd sailors. Equal suffrage. Indorsement of President Wilson's decision not to permit tho wnr to bo mudc an excuse for lowering lnbor standards. Declaration thnt wnge-enrners. must have a voice In determining conditions under which they give servlpe, nnd must bo represented In councils con ducting tho wnr nnd at peace negotia tions. "The overshadowing Issue," tho dec laration snvs. "Is preservation of democracy. Either democracy will endure and men will be free or nu tocracy will triumph and tho rnco will bo enslaved. To compromlso now would be to sow seed for bloodier war." i SWEEP OUT THE PESTS mm fv? BOND BILL PISSED MEASURE AUTHORIZING $11,538,. 945,460 APPROVED UNANI MOUSLY BY HOUSE. NOW READY FOR THE SENATE 108 KILLED IN AIR RAID Standing of Medical Students in Draft A ruling from Provost General Crowder with regard to the standing of medical students when they appear boforo tho exemption boards has been received by tho governor. Tho ruling states that medical students or grad uates of recognized medical colleges can enlist In tho medical reserve corps and may claim exemption on that ac count, if tho men enlist In tho reserve they are liable to call for active serv ice. The opinion at tho governor's office Is that tho student can enlist in the reserve medical corps after bo has boon drafted. Only one man claiming oxemptlon on account of being a med ical studont has been acted upon by the district board to date and in this case tho claim was denied. It Is not known whether the' board will havo to reconsider this case. Trouble for O. L. D. Highway nAonuao the federal government re fusos to spond any of Its good roads ind nn any highway where it is noces- sary to uso a toll bridge boosters of tho O. L. and u. nis"w lunim It will not be rocognlzod for federal .ml state aid In permanent road con- structlon. Tho Ashland owners aro nBidne $35,000 for the brldgo there u..,irh In now being offered to tho stato and which presents tho stumbling block in tho way of improving tho O. U and D. highway. Six German Airplanes Drop Bombs on Chatham, England Most of tne Victims Sailors. London, Sept. 0. Another nlr raid on Englnnd occurred on Tuesday night, The English const was shelled, its well as the London district. In Monday night's raid 107 persons were killed and 80 wounded nt Clint ham, It Is announceU officially. Six nlrplancs took pnrt In the raid, Tho victims wero naval ratines or sailors. Tho raids over tho southeast const on Sundny nnd Mondny nights seem to have been more for tho purpose of testing the possibility of attack by moonlight than In the hope of doing any considerable damage. A dispatch to the Stnr from, Chut hnm says thnt n part of tho nnvnl bar racks was struck by a bomb during Monday night's nlr raid, causing serl ous loss of life. The Chatham dock yard, tho message states, entirely es caped dnmuge. In addition to the naval casualties one civilian was killed and six were injured. A threat by would-be leasers of west ern Nebraska potash lands to bring a mandamus suit to compel the board of educational lands and funds to execute a lease, brought out tho suggestion from tho board that tho federal gov ernment might bo requested to oper ate tho potash beds in supplying ma terial for ammunition for American armies. U. S. TARS IN PRISON CAMP Frank L. Hallor, president of the university board of regonts, declined to commend on the action of tho stato and county councils of defense in ask ing for his resignation from tho board and his removal as presldont. Captain Oliver and Four Gunners Cap tured by German Submarine Are at Brandenburg, Prussia. Washington, Sept, 0. Cnptnln Oliver of the American tnnk stenmor, Cam pnnn, and the four nnvnl gunners, Dp lnncy, Itoop, Kllno nnd .Tncobs, who were taken prisoner when tlielr ship was sunk recently by a German sub marine, are In n prison camp nt Bran denburg, Prussln. The news came by cable tn the American Bed Cross from Genevnt Clark Protests Size of Loan and Comes Out for 50 Per Cent on Profits to Pay Major Cost of War. Washington, Sept. 8. Tho great wnr credits bill authorizing $11,538,040,400 in bonds nnd cortlilcates passed thfl house unanimously on Thursdny. Ac tion by tho senate ns soon as tho pond ing war tax bill Is disposed of in planned by ndmlnlstrntlon lenders. Not a material amendment was added to the bill by tho house. Representa tive Moore of Pennsjivnnla led' n group of Republicans in n futllo fight for consideration of his proposal for n war expenditure committee, which was thrown out on a point of order. If tho secretary desires, under tho measure, he mny use some of tho $17, 000,000 appropriated for disposing of nil the bonds nnd ccrtlflcntes In nowa pnper publicity. Rcpresentatlvo Cannon of Illinois mnnaged to obtain tho ndoptlon of a compromlso amendment to exempt from taxation forover imprest on bonds not In excess of $5,000. Ho wnnted to mako It $10,000, but Demo crntlc Lender Kltchln would not agree to thnt. Tho bill authorizes tho Issuance of $7,538,015,400 worth of convertible 4 per cent bonds, subject to suportnxes and war prollts taxes, nnd to termi nate nt tho discretion of tho secretary of tho treasury. Of this total $4,000,- 000. 000 worth Is for a now allied loan, $3,000,000,000 worth to tnko over a 3 per cent Issue nlready nuthorlzcd and tho remaining $538,045,400 to bo used for converting ccrtnln outstanding 1, t.o,.iif ti, rvimluli Wrnt Tn- Department of Justice Takes Drastic Members of Both Houses of Congress Alaskan railway, Panama canal U. S. RAIDS I. W. W. I HEADS DRAFT PARADE FEDERAL AGENTS AT CHICAGO SEIZE MUCH EVIDENCE. PRESIDENT CARRIES FLAG LEAD- ING MEN OF NEW ARMY. Measures to End Anti-War Propa ganda in Country. and Many Others Honor Drafted .Men. Washington, Sept. 7. Tho govern ment ou Wednesday took drastic measures to end the nntlwnr propu and naval construction issues. Issunnco nlso Is authorized of not more thnn $2,000,000,000 worth each of certlllcntes of Indebtedness nnd wnr savings certificates to run not moro thnn ono yenr nnd flvo yenrs, respec- Washington, Sept. 0. With tho pres ident of tho United States, members of both houses of congress, high otll- gundn.und activities conducted in tho c,'8 uml Ul mts participating, ti e h r(UcH of ,ntcrcst tQ bo fl d ute'to her sons on Tiresduy who soon will enter tho Nntlonul army for serv ice overseas with the expeditionary forces. name of the Industrial Workers of the World, the Socialist porty, and other organizations throughout tho United States. On order from Attor ney General Gregory, United States marshals in many towns and cities tie- by tho secretary of tho treasury. Thoso Issues aro to bo Bubject to the same tnxes as tho bonds. Tho bill provides that foreign bonds, tolrnn In nvnlmtiiin fnr Innrm slinll not The demonstration took tho form of be BoW ,CB3 (,mn tho purclmM Bccnded at 2 n. m.. central time, upon ? l!rn,,u. I" which tho non of the se- local headquarters of tho Industrial urn" "nn' ,1LU "y , For moro than nn hour debnto veered Workers of tho World, seized books, w 180,1 on foot, nml nccompanlc by fn)m ho ,,, tS(,f to tho cncrnl war checks, correspondence nnd other Hoc- vornnB f 1,10 luo n,"f' "? financing sltuntlon, Speaker Clark nnd uments,nnd in some Instances nrrest- " ; ' "f Representative Shorloy of Kentucky ed officials found upon tho premises. Pcnnon ,1a avenue from tho capltol l nR t)mt numj tftX0S flhouU, bfl Chicago, Sept. 7. Eight rnlds wero conducted simultaneously In Chicago Wednesdny by men from the offices of the department of justlco nnd wagon loads of evidence were seized In tho offices nnd houses of Socialist and I. W. W. ugltators. Telegrophlp reports show that similar rnlds wore conduct past the Whlto House. There wero 20,000 or 30,000 men in line. Including tho most splendid mill tnry Vnnds In tho world, tho most won derfully drilled regiments, rows on rows of Held guns, mnchlno guns, all the panoply of war, with tho presi dent nt tho head ot tho column nnd levied soon nnd declnrlng grave dan gers lny ahead If congress continues to lssuo vnst quantities of bonds with out regnrdl to equalization by tnxes. "I favor n fifty-fifty proposition na between tnxcB and bonds or some thing nenr thnt, for (lnnnclng tho wnr exclusive of foreign loans," Speaker OIIUIV LllIlL DlllJllfll I 111 ViO ltt;iU 1.UIIUll.l' i .. ... a . 1 1 1 .i I n-" ed at the same time In 20 or more tHP an oC t,,011 " Clark declared emphatically. cities all over tho United States. ,,vury J "' " " """"" " Oliver E. Pagan, federal Indictment - wmhatted RUSSIAN FLEET WILL FIGHT ;port, who hns been In Chicago for a ' t vuson, . ,T.!"wlf ' ... ' ...... ... TTi.,., white-trousered nnd bluo-coated .... . . export, month working secretly with Hlnton G. Clabnugh,, chief of tho local depart ment of Justice, nnd Charles P. Clyne, United States district attorney, Is re ported to havo drawn up tho papers nnd to havo engineered tho entire nn tlon-wldo clenn-up. This Is the first timo that the recently passed esplon age act has been used for tho busts of such n crusndo, To Insure utmost secrecy of prepnrn tlon It Is understood thnt Pagan, CIn- walked amid his top-hatted, frock suited cablnetecrs. Ho carried n smnll flag nnd bowed to tho cheers. Uncle Joe Cnnnon marched with Champ Clark. Confederate veterans, TTnlmi vnrnriinu nml Kiinlilsll wnr vnt- crnns contributed their part to tho I'eiroRraii nnu uio uu ui ivioiwium anil licvni; umcuii unmuiuii.u.-i iu una Baltlo Navy ForceB to Make Desper ate Defense of Petroarad, Offi cials Are Assured. Potrogrnd, Sept. 8. Russln's Baltic fleet will mako a desperato defenso ol Fourth-of-July effect. TELLS OF U-BOAT HORROR effect wero given In dlspntches to the provisional government from tho com manders of thoso ports. A most slgnlllcnnt fenturo or uii "somewhere In Chicago" and there prepared the plan thnt bo successfully swept tho nation nnd caught tho men wnnted In Chicago orders were not to mako arrests, but to grab everything In Rescue of Survivors of French Vessel. bnugh, nnd Clyne established offices Crew of an American Ship Relates ,nportnnt development is thnt it shows thnt tho grave new peril facing Russia, slnco tho fall of Riga is uniting the I. . . llll A i A t A A,, AUnntln Pnrt Hont. R A RorlPH IlOStUO pOIUlCni IUCUOIIH. J lurgu imri of thrilling experiences with German of the Baltic licet has been under con- Buhmnrlnos nnd tho rescuo of 21 mem- "ot ot mo muumiumib, w..u, uVw u. I.nn n ilm nKnllf fT ttt TTtnritl till IT nrescnt. havo maintained a hostile at- sight that might be evidence. Appar- ,.. uli,yU hv B11,1Innr,no .worn tltudo towards tho Kerensky govern- carried out to tho . ' ' .... , . ' ,.. Hnont. fl.t . ..... V Leased More State Mineral Lands. Tho stato board of educational lands and funds has Issued a second batch of mineral leasos on Btato lands. Tho lessees are aald to bo seeking oil and nothing olso. Thoy lncludo thc.Pralrlo Oil & Gas company, of Independence, Kas which is Bald to bo proparlng to boro for oil in Banner county. Tho board has leased ono or two tracts of land in Dawes county to Edwin D. Crltos of Chadron and prospecting is supposed to havo already been started but no royalties for tho stato havo yot boon reported by tho losseos. FIND I. W. W. BOMB IN DETROIT Evidence of Plans for General Strike of Great Lakes Seamen Found at Headquarters In Cleveland. Detroit. Mich., Sept. 8. A bomb was found nmong the stuff confiscated In the raid on tho I. W. W. headquarters In Detroit, It was revealed on Thurs day. Federal officlols wero preparing Indictments to mnko arrests In connec tion with the discovery. 1 United States Marshal Behrendt nd- 2 DIE AS TRAIN HITS AUTO vocnted Internment of all I. W. W.'s I for tho duration of tho war Southern Illinois Farmers Are Victims of a Grade Crossing Accident Near Belleville. wlilpli ilnnlfod nt " , uniini r mm imnv ncmiTinM on Tltursdny. Ten or ine aingnaieno s urHULU miulHni ucicivmuiv crow were killed nnd nine wero wound ed by shell lire. The rescue took place Court Denies Writs of Habeas Corpus when the ship wns nbout 120 miles southeast of tho Azores. Tho Magda lene's survivors wero lnnded nt nn Al gerian port. They said thnt the U boat sunk tlvo other vessels. to the 8prlngfleld Riot Prisoners. Springfield, Sept. 0. Tho right of tho state to hold prisoners arrested by soldiers during a riot was upheld In tho Sangnmon county circuit court here, When Judgo E. S. Smith denied One Member of Medical Corps Killed writ of hnbeas corpus to Julius Brln- AIRMEN RAID U. S. HOSPITALS nnd Eight Others Wounded In France. glo, who Is being held by the military authorities for nlleged uctlvlty in street-car strike4 rioting of Monday, night. Judgo Smith cited section 2, nrtlclo 2, of tho Illinois military code, London. Sept. 10. Tho Germnns runvnlnml. O.. Sent. 8. Evidence of imuin nn nnrlnl attack unon tho Amerl plans for u general strike of great ran hospltuls occupied by St. Louis which, he declnred, gave tho military hikes senmen Is lrt-llcved to havo been lUul Hilrvnrd contingents, situated in authorities the right to mako arrests fnni.,1 hv federal agents In records n nnnst vlllnire. killing ono officer of and to retnln prisoners until released Belleville. 111., Sept. 0. Two men 1 taken In raids on I. W. W. hendqtiar- tho American nnny medical corps and by the commanding omctrs ,1 Mirrti imm in in-,,,! to iii irront lakes cities. wminillni? throo others soverelv. Roti- uttmn r n 11 1 mil rttiMft til ililili f li .... 'Mint tlm lvnchlmr nf Frank Little, tnr'n rnrriwDondcnt nt British bend- Bolt Kills ou Sheep. l lilt llll l.wilii'i'i v II lllt.ll Llll.l .. r 11 I " " - I N. i . were riding was struck by a Louisville national I. W. W. organizer In Butte, quarters Jn France telegraphs. Galesburg, 111., Sept. 8. fa xtj-eignt und Nnsbvlllo train flvo miles east nf 1 frustrated the cnll of such-a strike Two others of tho rank nnd lllo wero sheep were killed near hero when iignt- lu-re. The dead are: Rudolph Rlchter, to paralyze the government'H war pro- retired farmer; John Renth, farmer, i grutn became Known. killed and sixteen wounded, ilvo of tho nlng struck a bam on Fred J. Brown's latter being Americans. farm. Cannot Grant Free Toll Service Secretary of Stato Pool has received a request from fedoral officers for per mission to pass govdrnmont automo biles over Btato ownod bridges in No braska. Thoro aro no state toll bridges in this stato bo the permission cannot bo grantpd. Private brldgos at Ash land and Loulsvlllo chnrgo toll, but tho Drafted Man and Bride Die. Chicago, Sept. 10. William Hnako Lufbcry Adds to Score. Purls, Sept. 10. Sub-Lieut. Raoul New German Plane Marvel. Paris, Sept. 8. Tho Gotha airplanes, Aviator Killed In Test. Cor. Pnl 1I Ochsner of San Francisco Is dead hero I and his bride, Roslo, were found dead Lufbery of Walllngford, Conn., n star with which tho (..ermaus bine bum of Injuries sustained when ho fell .100 by gas in thulr home. Tho husband aviator of the Lafayette Escadrlllo,, bombarding lMigland, are biplanes nt feet while making a test flight for a ! had been ordered to go to Rockford to flying on Soptembor 4 and C, brought ted with two motors, developing 4.iu pilot's license at the California nvln-1 Join the National army, una ho and lilH down his tenth and cloventh tlermun norhepimoi, mm muin." tlon corps school nt Sun Curios. , wife decided to die togothor. alrplnne. pollers, according to Georges I rude. French Cabinet Resigns. Paris, Sept. 10. Tho resignation of Bandits Beat Carranza Men. Laredo, Tex., Sept. 10, Reports havo Over $700,000,000 a Month. Paris, Sept. 10. Tho budget com- German Flyers Raid Sullna. Berlin, Sept. 8. An official stato- . n Zr; Z Ho with tho the Rll ot ministry was dee ded upon reached here of the defeat nnd virtual mlttees of the chamber of deputies has ment says: "Uerman nytiroairpmncs stato has nothing to do with thof . 11 1 T r... J. n n, ,.. 1 Li. Mnn.inv iittnekod tho harbor works hridens Tho fedoral government has unnn mousiy inter a caninot meet ng unnimumon " "- ih-k"" v. - - ,..,, f oriuges. ino iiuuiui buvujiiutui. nun .... . ,. ,., .... ,u,in., i, ,,, ,i. i,i tn tim n,,ni tiir,. ,nnnti,u lit Siillim. Fires wero observed nt nivtv three nutomoblles in Nebraska. I' ru ny rresineni roiucnre un " mimum nn u. ..i.i....... .v.. v - . ... -,,,. BlXiy UirCO IllUUUlUUIll. J in m wunno, J .... nil , I. rinlu fnu. nl mlT 'Pl. tntnl nmnlltltu tn .K OJft . tWO lIOllltB." SllllllU Ifl On tllO BlnCk most of them at Fort Omaha, Tho fed eral signal corps has llfty or moro. to wlthh'ld their resignation wotmdtd ' 'Hti t (upeil 1000,000, Boa on tho west const of Roumunln.