The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, September 14, 1917, Image 10

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Satisfaction Guaranteed
Tho track at tho fair grounds la
boing put in good ahapo porparatc y
to tho racoa to be hold during tlie
county fair, work on tho trnok has
bcon In prografls for ?evoral data, pa -t-and
It Is. now In uboutuff feooAftltnp"
fi thn Tiatura of tho Boll wllTfpormlt.
It will not bo a 'particularly "fast"
track, but It will be ono Hundred per
cont bettor than last year.
For tho racoa pursos aggregating
$3,100 Bavo bcon hlrang up, and the
horsos, both harness and middle will
bo tho samo as appear at tho Kearney
and -Lexington fairs, North Platte hav
ing united with thoso townB In form
ing a circuit.
Thoro will bo b1x trotting ovonta.
flvo pacing and four running, the
swiftest trotting class bolng 2:14, nnd
in the pacing clnsB 2:11. Among thn
litrsos wiH bo tho Gould string from
Kearney, wh'lch gavo us such straight
races last fall.
In addition to the horse racos, thoro
will bo auto nnd motorcyclo racf.
tho 'program for which has not been
fully completed. '
Community Entertainments.
Tho committee having chargo of tho
community entertainments last spring
aro jJ.nnning a schomije for this win
ter, nnd If posslblo will incorporat
thoBo ovonts with tho lecture course
for which a contract has been made. A
committeo of citizens united In secur
ing this lorturo course, the cost rt
UlA L. HARE, Editor and Publisher.
One Vcnr by Jtlalt in Adnnc....I &
One imr by Onrrier lu AUvimvo
BntortiO at North Pintle. Nebraska,
Poutolllce us Second Class Matter.
Wonders Never Cense.
A prominent townsman of North
Platto who is a warm supporter of
tills paper Just returned homo yester
day trom Lincoln. After ho thud regis
tered In one, of the hotas thoro, ho
overheard a conversation botweon four
morcantllo travollng- salosmon. Ho
stated that this conversation should
bo of Interest to peonlo of our town
and to this district. Thoso travollng
men woro discussing North Platto, and
after giving their vIowb about tho
progress of our district, tho businoss
of J. B. McDonald was commented up
on ify a gonllomnn who appoared to bo
tho most onorgctlc of tho four.
ilo oxplnlncd to his threo associates
about his visit to J. B. McDonald's
storo this week. Ho np'poarcd to bo
. .1 1 , . . I n
vury oxciicu 'ugiirdiiig vio lurrino
sacrifices this llrm was making In
All the distinction that an
expensive' tailor can express,
. itticlolhes
is exhibited in our assortment of fall coats arid .suits.
For they are the creations of highly paid designers-
leaders in their line whose salaries only the largest makers could
afiord to pay. , - '
They give the stylethe unquestionable, rightness'jof effect
while the makers have seen to it that fabrics arc rightly woven and
rightly dyed and that the workmanship is faultless in line and detail.
Wilcox Department Store.
Chldron's school dresses nt Wlcox
Department storo.
Dr. Morrill. Dentist.
Tho J. F. F. o.ub will bo ontortalned
W. J. Owens, foreman of the black
smith shop, loft yesterday mcrninc fori
Norfolk. Va.. to take a foromanhln In i
which, if "wo romcmbcr correctly, .was tho govomment navy yard. . noon Sent 25th.
Chns. Boguo loft Wednesday night
for Omaha nnd from there wli'.. go to
conference tof
$300 or $400. It Is .believed that a
sufficient numbor of tickets to cover
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hanlon went to
Omaha Wednesday.
For your own good don't buy a hat
or anything in tho millinery lino be
fore you visit Tho Leader Morcantllo
Co.'s. The host and lowest in price.
ililn Avnnndri " n .1 1 1 1 arl tn nftnTilft , ....
. v 1T..1 r"i 'r unicngo to attend a conreronco (of
wo aro wldlng to do a littlo bit for cllalrmcn of tho protective board of,
tho other fellow und that when an on-, tlio B. of It. T.
toriainmoni is new uio uoors u( ,,., nir.,1,,1, -ni-nn.i
thrown opon to all-thoso not havlnp atah roturnei;
mirc'lmsnil tickets eottlntc . In frer ' fronl a trip to Donver Kansas City ;
There s no d?ubt a Scfrnt numl'f ! tS'Sf SJdonn &
In town nuBelilsh .enough, to do SS0. Znd0nnnB."nC0rnln.8 the.'
thiB; they would 'purchase tickets any-j -
hy throwing opon Tho doors 'provido a. ,,, w SmlMl ,, i.. mWa
treat for thoso who felt they could
nrt nfford tickots. This is the root com
munity, spirit, and tho Bpirlt in which
thoso communty entertainments were
started and will bo continued.
Tho optortalnments to bo given by
tho homo 'peonlo will include concerts,
dohatos, spoiling bees, tho old fash
ioned school, negro minstrels nnd
other features that do, not Tequlro
much time In prenaraTion but will bn
woll worth attending. It is hoped to
start thoso entertainments in October
and to givo ono overy, other week.
tho iiowcna uircio win ncm a nus'-
Tho City Schools.
'Vhb city schools oponod Monday,
hut SunL Tout has not as yet ro-
0lvotla roport of tho attendanco at tho closing out their ontlro stock In the big
vnrions bulldlncs. Thoso reports will !, ta nw nn i,ni
bo received this-' evening, and in Tuos-I Bt0ro. This travollng nlan explained to mooting nt tho homo of MrB. I. E.
mny,,iBBiio 110 win HU.VU euuivuuiib ins associates that ho actually wlt
'fiilwln ' rrtiMinl to tho attondanco anil Mn,i t n cin.imn.i i,n ,nnr.
yjosaioiy rujimvu vu mu iBnumm. 0- marKintr $v;u and yiz "Ult to $7.85.
WJnkaY howovor, that tho attondanco viiy gontlomcn," ho said, "I Baw tho
tlfrajp'pohing week is about tho samo) flno8t llno of mon.s. si,0C8 Umt 8ol(1 for
aiiClast yoar, with a lairgorlior cont $q nn,i 57 n pnJr mnri0(i for 52. Ho
uion usual 01 uio uppor k""u told ub that ln iub 40 years oxpor
Trout Tucday afternoon, Scfpt. 18th
tijibSnlbly riLntlvo to 1110 icaencra. 110 0- marklntr $20 and $22 tiuq to $7.85. l'"d Snlos.
'tlilnkBY howover, that tho attondanco viiy irontlomcn." ho said. "I saw tho o. H ThnMnn rrvnrt imvint.
J tho lollowlng sales of real oatato dyr-
ing tho paBt month:
J , " , , ,. ." 1I,,,1 " 'II J IL UtWIUII -XU-.i7, UlKlllUUil
ftbSOllt DVrOaSOn Ot OOlIlg COmpoilUU nn(,n ,n nnvnr wt nnaanrl uiifli ti Krvtif. i mltna tint-Hi nf in. ivt rn
. - iTirt .t.H I " ' w " . . . . v . v v uuw.. i. MVHii, UIIIU3 l.Ullil Ui. LUtYlt 111. X UIU V . ul
tu ... . mm, Diiiuiiiui iuK uiiitcii .umnuiia , uuuuio oouuiy.
melB if:abor, thlB bolng duo to an un-'T, B, stedman: was making at' this ' Tho cast 400 acres of tho Turnio
(usual Bcarcity of men ifbororB. Tlieso Balo ( land flouthoft8t of town t Carlson &
bSv'B Will gradually drift IntQ SChOOl,, t ... 0nlnr travn'.lnir mon nnUoil flin' PntKcn i nib-
dn tho .aggregate attondnnce prom- roson for It. Thoy askod If th6 con-1 Tho Dilllon land, 517 aires, west or
isos to bo somewhat largor than last corn Was busted or If tlio croditors town., to Qlaudo Cobb, of this county.
ytxrr. .., 11 .1 in n.,u. f'W(!ri! aftor tholn- But ho explained West half Section 13-1G-20, MyrS.o
.. ..0 .... . .,ni, u. iiiuLiui 11, niu ijuimor 01 iiici procinci, to or. u. 11, ure3sior 01 this
nv; 1 tc.aho.-H 1b double that of laBt lmsinoss, was-going right out 6r iho city. '' ' '
year, or any proceding year, tho work merchandise businoss. and: tho -whole Krvnthwrnt mmrtn cnMinn
atorlB otr Binoothly and a very buc- stock was onrpublla salo, tlio Intention , of Horshey, to D. J, Adnnis, o5
ccsoful year in all tho buildings is i,0ng to turn It into cn.Bh in as short' Douglas county. '
anticipated. a space of tlmo ai posslblo. I ' Northwest niinrtor Snntlon 1a.11.a1.
! 'Pllla trnVftllllff t,ntl -wllrl 1lna tnlly-attftH .lf An . 1 1 ft iC. . IT,,'
v....u....n ....... ....w .uo mm- il.VlUCll 1U1IU9 HUUII1WUMI. Ol CllV. LO Y,
Boys Take Car.
1 lng to his associates in tho Lincoln ho.
A. Chamberlain of Maywotftl.
."TrhftT w PinmnV nnr. inft Hiatnllnir to! explained that ho had seon T. B
dnUio Btreot soutlf ot tho Elk homo, flattn- ino s.os manager tako tho hnlghts of Columbus Elect Officers.
Was takon Tuesday night by four boys, ""o?1 mo.n8, Holeproof ftoekp that for- An annual oloctioh of ofricora of
.,..t ,rn, im "iriy sold nt Joe n. nair nnd marlt thorn st Pnfri
wilholdon tho promiao Uint thoy -will " ,llJllolu1nMiPW?aPpr ? umbLa wns hol(l Wednesday ovcnlng
luKQOd. The car was tuKen auoui . , V 1 , r . W1UI 1110 ic.iowing result:
to'clock and was heard from about ft. rthor rlsInB market. Mon8 Suits, Grand Knight, C. 13. Simon,
dlfiftn Whin tho Davis garage vab. at . Jormprly 4 brought $25 were) Deputy' Grand Knight, John' Carroll
plffined from ;v.p Honhw way o wmo - Secretary, W. J. Lan,l-
anupu:i out a car. joo ri.uiiii rw ,' ,;; ;. Ti, T, . r biui.
nnondod and found tho Plumor car ln J0.'1--5' '. .6r(l. w.nalBo ng. to TroasuVer. Josonh Schntz.
fflSjlltch and tho four boya in a nonl- lvaL F'P Ml f muo 'R- Advocate, F. C. Piolsticker,
tint mood. A toam was socurod, 'Uo V oV , Tv uvtl ,u,u "1"
cfljvi MuUod out and brought to .town.! 01 su"8- . . , . , '
Th Doya, and other boys, tfliouhl' . w. would advlso podplo for hun in... ti.i n nii,nP drods of miles around to tako ad-
BWff ponalty for acts of this kind, nnd;tago of this Bale- and stock up for
" 'y r w " " , .... . (I'lHirn nnn na wn fpnl flint nnvni. In
i the history of this country has such a
sale ns this ovor boon put on for the
bonotlt of tho people. Everyone who
I knows tho J. B. McDonald business
Kerrig&r were married Sentembor tui
at tho "homo of tho bride's sister, Mrs. !
Andrew Olson who lives west of tho
city, Rov. D. t. Cram performing the
ceromony. The bride wae attended by,
hor sister Mrs. Olifon, and tho groom
by his brother DeI.o Smith. Tne
brldo's gown was of white satin trim
med with gcorgotto crope.
Tho brldo is tho daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Goo. Kerriger, of Curtis, and
niado her homo at that placj until re
cently -when sho came to make lier
hemo with her sister. The groom is
tho son of Mr. and Mrs. j;has: H. .
smun or tins city. , , (
Candy and tho Drink Habit.
i uny ono doubts that candy will
'ire him of the diinl; hublt lfe can
easily test It. The man who puts lots
of molasses on his wheat cakes nt
breakfast will llud himself gradually
"Torgettlng to step ln for his eustouinry
drhlk on his wuy to his work. If the
nmu vlio goes out between times for
liquid refreshments will go-into n can
dy Storo instead and get o or 10 cents'
worth' of enndy and eat it lie will be
surprised at the effect, for It, will not
be- vdry long until ho will have a box
ot candy ln his pocket or desk. It has
ofton'beon noted that In theaters where
candy is sold Intermissions
"going out to see a man" does not pre
vail to anything like tho extent it does
in other theaters where no candy sell
ing is permitted. Not one man in n
hundred kuows why ho forgot to "go
out to sco n man" after ho had bought
n box of candy for his companion and
eaten a little of It himself for polite
ness' sake. Medical World.
a'Ttcurronce will not bo so -lghtly ov
.V. :-o:
ayte Iiavo Iiifjiilrics for houses. YUtnt hnowB that thoy havo only handled
nnvd youl I tho highest quality goods nnd that
aiUATT. GOODMAN & IWUKhV.Y? thev nro nsRi'Ted of p sntiare doa' -'
1 1 j "It's the good Red Crown in
I' the tank that does it." ' Kffiffilifei
I 1 Your engine picks up eagerly K
I pulls smoothly when throt-
I S$S$ tleddown- Look for the Red P
ffi Polarino Oil fetops power leaks. ' "
miuy Lubricates efficiently 1
CJiancollor, F. J. McGovorn
Rocordlng Secretary. C. J, Pass.
AVardon, A. Picard. '
Insldo Guard, Itobt. SiKUvan.
Outsldo Guard, W. J. 'O'Connor.
Plntt Whlto. Joo Filllon. Will
lonoy and W. J. Landgraf drove ovor
to tho Mnywood fair yestorday ln tho
wmto car.
- ::o::
Lullteran Anpouuccnicnts.
)H5 a. m. Smnday school service.
. 11 o'clock Morning Worship. Ser
mon: auDjoct: "aomo Tilings a Church
Can Demand of hor Mcmbors."
4 p. nu Young Pooplo's Miss'y.
8 p. "ni. Evening AVorship. Sormon
"Confirmation. Ita Moaning and Obli
gation." Tlio chest will bo set out to recolvo
tho monthly offering for tho church
building fund. A good offering Is do
Btrod on tho part of tho church and
Sunday school.
: :o: t
Will Itcgulnto Bread Prices. t
A Washington dlsatch Btntos that
Food Administrator lloovor bellovo3
And Thoy Didn't Parade. -
J In 1SS3 Dewey wns nt Malta In com-
maud of tho Pensacola. Some of his
men on shoro lenvo got Into a street
brawl. An alarm was Bounded, but
tho men succeeded in escaping to their
ship. The British captain of tho port
wns on hand next morning demanding
that tho guilty sailors bo surrendered
or punished by tho American comman
der. Dewey exnressed regret that the
sailors should have been so lawless
ashore, but said ho could sco no way
in which ho could nsslst Ills visitor in
picking out tho guilty. Tho reply an
gered the Brifish 'olUecr, who said
somewhat peremptorily:
"You certamly can parade your crow
beforo mo In order that tho rioters
iriny bo Identified."
Dowey pointed nloft to tho stars and
stripes waving nt the masthead.
"Tho deck of this vessel Is United
States territory," he 'answered sharp
ly, "aud I'll parado my men for no for
eigner thnt ever drew breath."
Kindergarten Training.
Tho increasing" growth of kindergar-
brend prices can bo brought down tcus m tuls c"try has recently been
fu ly 20 nrr cont when the- now wheat remarked by tho United States commls
c rop boglna to movo f reedy, Broad now slonor of education, who Knld : "With
in soiling at a variety of prices in tho last six or seven years there has
throughout tho country nnd in no oity.becn more progress lu tho establish
ing loaves tho sftmo in aljse.Tho food mcnt of kindergartens in cities, towns
administration hopes to ostahllsh a lUid lnJustrlnl villages ot this country
standard loaf of sixtoo h ouncos to soli i... i.. t,, ..ii p .,i
. to retU at 6 conU. i I0"8"'- ?ta Is csl,?clal
at G
klndorgnrtons supported by public
school funds. This progress has been
Inrgely duo to tho uctlvltlos of tho Na-
Wunt (o Know Coal Conditions.
Cnlll ilaalBNl n Vnrtli TlBi l.m.n
boon roquoitod by tho government to Uo,ml Kindergarten association."
fir nlsh a statement of how much coal ' ho kindergarten course secures to
they have on hand, how much thoy tlio child nn extra year of education,
hmv enntractod for and also their, and ns tho boya nnd girls of this coun
iowI 8nlo for tho year ondlng May 1st, try nvorngo only n littlo ovor flvo years
1018- ' t lu school tho valuo of this additional
It Ib sitpposod that doalors all over tmintni? i.ntmot no ovoistlmntod.
urn vuumi unvo ueuii rwivtvnii'u ii
furnish similar statomonts to the oiuL
mat tuo oxnci conditions or tlio oonl
situation mny Jjo ascortainod. ,
Big Crowd nt 3Inywood.
.Worms Build a Great Dlko.
Tho famous Mont St. Michel, off tho
north coast of Franco, is rapidly cens
ing to bo nn island. Tho reason, as
North I Ktto ptoViio veto nt told. to the Academic des Sciences In
the Mnywood fair Wednesday and yoa
torday roport big crowds, ostlmates
ranging from G.000 to 8.000 onch day.
Paris by Messrs. Houlbert nnd Gn
lalne, is thnt myrlada of urmolllds,
those littlo sea worms which Incase
In. tho wroBtllng match Wodnosdnv, t,hemsolvoaln stony shells and nro bo
Joo Steelier toyod with. Uio "Torrlblo often found upon tho shells of oysters.
Turlf" Uio InHod being outclassed nro building n dlko ncross tho entrance
Tho exhibits of livo stock nnl pro
rttfetB nro lino nnd tho nmusomont fent-
nUU! n ihn linv nml linhliul this dike the
sand Is piling up with every tide. It is
estimated that this dlko Is now nearly
uros Bntlaved thlnacSIIRDLU. SIUIDL two mllea wide, and from fifteen to
00 g 6 Brothers
motor. CAR
'J'lioj Stand Up. More- is said- about the
lasting qua.ities of a Dodge car, and more cars
are sold because of this quality, than for any other-reason.
An AlkKeuiid Car. But you will find that
the Dodge has many things besides stamina and
quality of parts. These other qualities are in
addition to '.vhat the buyer expected and a pleas
ant surprise to him. Here are a few of these
other qualities you will find:-
Economy of Gasoline and Tires.
Power for, any conditon.
Speed (one of our stock car's snowed
62 miles per hour.)
Ease of riding.
Efficient electric starter, will start the car
on the coldest day, and the car will hit on all
cylinders and pull from the jump-off., Unusual
with present day gasoline, but ask any owner.
A permanent body finish the only finish
which stands up under our alkali mud.
The U. S. Government buys Dodge Brothers
cars because they stand up; you will order your
Dodge car not only because it is an all around
family car, big enough, powerful enough and
fine enough for 90 per cent of us. An enormous
oversale makes it necessary to ask for your early
order if ytfit Vould have your Dodge Car this fall.
Sixth and Locust. JTorth Platte, Tel).
This chart shows the extraordinary increase iri ;
long distancoiicnlls. hi tWBoll (Telephone System
caused by war activities:- X-Z-- ,
This yonr 15,000,000 long distance tele
phono calls per month. ' . ' ,
the wnr 11,000,000 calls per i-
Ovor 80 more long dlstnnco calls aro
nuule now thnn were mnde In time of world
You can help us' meet those unusual demnnds
upon our facilities by making no unnecessary local
or long distance calls.
We soli Cbal, Flour, Graham, Whole Wheat, Corn
Meal, Corn Chop, Barley, Chop, Salt, Shorts, Bran, Tankage
and Cotton, Linseed and Alfalfa Meal, mixed Chicken Feed
and all kinds of Grain.
Quality guaranteed and -SERVICE THE BEST.
Leypoldt & Pennington,
uros satsfying4o tho public.
eighteen feet deep.