The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, September 14, 1917, Image 1

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    'M north plXtte, ne, September 14,1917:
No. 70
at. 4 '
1 1
A Letter from Corporal Flyiin.
With tho American Expeditionary
Force, somo whoro in England, Aug-
Frnnklin school..... 339 ust i bin : im
ri.i 4 r,i.i i-r. 1 Woll. old man Bare, you can jump
& u::::::::::::::: ami kick neds 0 for
jolforson bouooi l.nUBT roglment of any foreign arm-
Totar 724 j ed troopa to march through tho stroots
Ahovo is tho 'summary 'of 'women's 'of London since tho time of William,
registration day in North Platto; a tho Conqueror. Wo marched from
i. i.,w p WJ llncton harracks through tho
ho , oon To counTr tho puhl Horse Guards Potato WWgjJl.
Italy expressed aeslro of 724 women in ggr WLoclr
"Z? VA."1" 'Piccadilly and Grosvonor Waco. Wo
! " U L eve reviewed by tho American am
limes, uui inuao itt uo nut ipuoin.- , . - o n,i
i front of Buckingham palaco in tno
thero aro others who could not get to
the polls for one reason or another,
and slnco registration havo asked for
cards In order that thoy might express
their desire to do their bit.
How many of theso may bo called
upon to do service for their country
wo know not, but wo do know that tho
pledge cards were signed in good
faith and that shoul'.d tho call come
there will be a ready response.
Tho polls opened at noon at tho four
school buildings, and from tho opon
ing until tho closing at seven p'o'.ock
the committees wero kept busy. This
was particularly true at tho Franklin
school, whoro tho heaviest registra
tion occurrou, due largoly to its con
trail location. k
Church of Christ Services.
greon park of tho palace, wo wero
clvon a lino lunch, and then marched
by tho Mall, Admiralty Arch, White
hall and Westminster Road Blmdge
to Watoro sCaWon, making nbout
seven miles through tho streets lot
Yo3terday wo made about twenty
four mllo9 afoot from 2:30 a. m. to
six p. m., but I -will exchange soro and
aching muscles for such an honor any
lime. It surely felt good to marct
through Britain's capital to tho tuno ol
"Stars and Stripoa Forever," "Dlxio"
and others amid tho cheering of those
hundreds of thousands of English peo
Thero woro movio operators galore
along tho route, so Bupposo the Flora
Arthur Boop, aged thirty-four, of
Bcavor City, met his doath yostorday
aftornoon whon a pit silo, on tho Geo.
Patterson dairy farm four mllos nortn-
oast of town caved In. Ernost Rubq
also or uoavor uity, wno was assisting
him in tho work narrowly escaped, tho
falliiiK dirt catching him up to tho
wnlst ns ho was ascending tho ladder
from tho bottom of tho pit.
Tho two mon came horo for tho pur-
'poso of putting in tho silo, which was
sixteen feet deep. Tho oxcavatlon had
boon mado and the - walls had Just
about been completed. Boop was in
tho bottom of tho pit about thrco
o'clock in tho afternoon and Ruby had
started to ascond. Without warning
tho walls colla'psed and Boop was bur
led beneath twolvo feet (of dirt. Ruby
was caught, but -with help, of those on
tho farm was extricated. Word was
sent to no!ighbors and tho work of re
covering Boop's body started, but
though a largo forco of mon woro cn-
gnged in tho work, tho body was not
roachol rmtil nearly twoivo o'ciock
last night.
Tho remains woro brought to a lo
af. morgue last night and will bo hold
awaiting arrival of rolatlvos. Boop
waB a widower with two chlldron.
: :o::
Ronnie Arcno Passes Away
Passenger Conductor Geo. W. Argue,
who had beon suflerlng with Bright's
disease, passed away at six o'clock
last evening at his home on wost
Second BtreoL For Severn:: wcoks be
fore tho end his condition had beon
and Patho Wcokllcs will havo p
Services of tho Church of Christ turos but don't know when they will
for Lord's day, September lutn, iui7:i uo allowed to show thorn.
Bible school, communion nnd 'preach- Tills Is a very pretty country but considered hopeloss. Tho remains
ing service, tho unlllod or combined thero is hardly osoujrh room for a wi ho tnknn to Chevenno. which cltv
servico beginning at 9.45 o'clock a. I trrtns-Mlssourian to circulate as muchwa i,(H home for thlrtv voars ttrlor to
m. Tho night servlcco will begin atns ho is accustomed. To all North ,110vlnir to North 'Platto about a your
8 o'clock and will consist of a song . platto friesds
and pralso servico. Tho minister will
bogin- a series of Lord's day evening
sermons on questions concerning life.
The subject of next Lord's day even
ing will bo "What Is Your Life?" A511
ore cordially invited to attend and
strangers and visitors In tho city are
kindly welcome at aU of pur services.
T. A. LINDENMEYER, Minister.
-: 'o: :
County Defense Meeting
A meeting of tho Lincoln County
Defenso Council will bo hfcld at the
nnurt mnm In thn fpilprnK liiillfllnn' tinxt
TnAo.inv avphIiip. All nipmhors aro i communities thoy represont
requested to bo present as matters of, expression I yolco tho entlro com-
imporianco win couio up iux- uuuoiu
Tlinnks from the Roys.
Tho last words spokon to Tho Trib
une man by Captain Halligan wore:
"ToR tho peoplo of North Platto that
tho officers and mon of Company E
feel sincerely grateful to citizens for
tholr donations to tho mess fund, for
tho many courtesies extended and for
the good-will and good-wishes ever
apparent. Tho efforts of the officers
and men of tho company will bo to
"mako good" and bo a credit to tho
In this
: :o: :
I now havo funds at 5 per cent
on choice bottom table land. Gene
Crook. Room 4. Keith theatre Bldg.
: :o:
Mrs. Loughton, of Honolulu, and two
children, will arrive tomorrow to vis
it a fow days at tho Frank Hoxle
ago. Tho deceased was auoui nuy
flvo yoars of ago and loaves a wlfo,
two daughtors and two sons. Mr. Ar
guo -was well known In railroad cir
clos bote, nt Sidney and at Cheyenne,
and was a vory popular man with avl
; ov:
.Clarence E. Carlson and Miss LIU o
Bechan wero united in the hold bonds
of wedlock Wednesday morning, Sept.
12th, at 11 o'clock at tho office of the
Church of Christ, and by the minister
T. A. Lindenmoyor. Thoy will reslda
on wost Tenth street. Mr. Carlson is
employed ns a carpenter. Their
friends wish them bon voyage over the
sea of llfo.
: :o: :
Will Craigie, of Dawson, N. M., isl
expected hero next week to visit rd.a
tlvos and friends In town.
Stylish S
uits and Overcoats
The Best Showing We Have Ever Made
Come and look over the new suits, big variety; military influence in many; high
waisted sacks; double breasted styles; new weaves, new colors. Every style
that's good this season from the "ultra" models for young fellows who want
vim and dash to the quieter styles that older men prefer tho' these idays a man
dresses "young" all his life.
Adlers Clothes
$15 to $35 $15 i $35'
Many military looking overcoats, for school, business, dress; ' new long styles;
high waisted effects, high shoulders; new colors and patterns; you'll enjoy see
ing them.
Stetson Hats and Heid Caps
$4.60 to $6 . 50c to
Plenty of the new soft shapes in greens, tans, browns, greys; velours, hairy felts;
satin finished felts; derbies in the new dimensions; fine full shaped caps in strik
ing colors; high quality maintained at the usual prices.
Harcourt Clothing Co.,
North Platte's Modern Clothiers
Ono hundred and fifty sturdy young
mon ot North Platte, Lincoln county
nnd or sovornl western cotintlos who
compese Company E, are now ourouto
to Ft. Doming, N. M., whoro they will
bo stationed lor a tJmo boforo being
sont to tho French battlo flolds.
The demonstration at tho ontrain
mont at olght o'cVock this morning Avns
onthnslnstic, yot sorowful, for many
oyos wero bedimmed aa tho farowolls
woro said. Mothom wives, slstors
and swecthonrts wore there to give
tho parting kiss, tho chums of boyhood
days, filled with emotion that mnde
speech almost innudible, gavo a fare
well clasp of hands; tho friends of tho
scf.dlcr boys bid thorn a hearty "suc-
co3s and good luck," and the un
known Mends added thalr good wish
es. Rolatlvos tried to bo' bravo but
not a few pf them broko down nnd woro
convulsed with sobs and this brought
tears to tho oyos of others.
The immense throng, which wit
nossed tho ontralnmont was early In
gathering at tho depot, and boforo tho
Company arrived tho , space botwoon
tho buildings and tracks was densely
packt'd. Hundreds who arrived lato
woru unablo to push thomsclvcs
through the mass of humanity to bid
tho boys good-bye.
iiu mom bora or tno company woro
astir early, for tho bods occupied dur
ing tho night must be packed,- breakfast
oaten and tho linos formed at tho ar
mo'.y 'preparatory to tho march to the
Tho ccmpany formed in front of tho
annary nt 7:30 and hoauod by the
band, and cacortod by mombors of tho
o. A. It. and Spaniih wnr Votornns
na color bearers, marched south on
Vino to Fourth, Wost on Fouirth to
Dewey and north on Dowey to tho do
pot. As tho company passed down
Dewiy tho crowd thnt lined tho slde
wai.k gave hoarty a'pplnusa At tho de
dot tho company foiracd in lino, tho
commnnd "nt rest" was g'Vsn and then
thf opportunity to give farowolls was
afforded. There was a genoral hand
shaking, expressions of good wishes
and tho boys woro mndo to feol that
thoy woro lepfving many frlonds bo
hlml. While tho farowolls woro being
Bald the band londored sW.oct'ons.
anti just preceding tho ontralnmont y
"mo stnr spangled Banner" was glv
on, tho crowd uncovering heads.
Shortly after eight o'clock tho bug
ler sounded tho assembly call, tho boys
onnibeu into the cars and. amid tho
waving of hats, cheers nnd music bv
the band, tho special', train 'pullod out,
tho beys shoutinc farowolls as tho
cars passed tho lino of peoplo, And
thus after being with us as a military
company for two months, tho bright.
sturdy young follows who won the ro-
sneet and good-will of n".l stnrtod on
VTi'flj;st lap .of. a Journoy to foreign
lands. 1
Tho special train is duo to reach Ft.
Doming next Monday.
THIHTEKX MORE DRAFT I School shoos n: slzos, nil pricos at
MEN ARE CERTIFIED WUcox Department 'Store.
. . rr . . Mr. nnd Mrs. Arthur Know left yes-
County Clerk Alien vostoruny ro-( , f . .. ltu friends in OmT
eolved a list of thirteen inoro mon who .,
and nro subject to call. It is not ilko-l Wanted Qlrl for gonornl hpusowork
ly that thoso Uiirteon will bo Included in smnll family. Apply nt tho Dixon
in tho next call for forty por cont of store.
Lincoln county's quota, but thoy will) printZ098 Suita and Coats ns good
ho included In the call following, thojtls lho bost and thou hotter.
dnto of which has not yot beon nn- e T. TRAMP & SON'S.
TIia Minna nf Hio rnrtlllml mon. ntiil apOCHni 5t SttlO OU VCbYOU lams,
tlm nrnrlnntji In whloli thov rnal.lo aro Sailors and Military Hats. McVlckor S,
n follows- 1 10G cast Fltli, Saturday, Soptombor IB.
Lowls C. McNeil, Dirdwood precinct
,1ns. N. Wror, 4th ward, city.
Elmer W. Shanor, Payne precinct.
Geo. W. Roborts, Maxwoll.
Loroy Carrlgan, Sollors proclnct.
Leonard S. Ranks, Walker proclnct.
Leonard B. Rodmpnd. 2d ward, city.
Warron A. Doollttlo, Miller proclnct.
Wm. J. HuDbnor, NowcCl proclnct.
David A. Clark, Pcckham precinct.
Aublo A. Hotchklss, 4th ward, city.
Howard J. DIonor, Plant precinct.
Gilbert V. Anderson, Hlnmnn proclnct.
Throo of tho above mon, nnmoly
Huobnor, Redmond and Doollttlo, nro
married men. nnd Huebnor and Doo
llttlo aro farmers.
Dick Baker, of Staploton, Is spend
ing today in town.
Kay noo Boys Blousos for sohool
wonr at Wilcox Depnrtihont store.
Miss Ruth Wlngot has roturncd
from a throe wooks' visit In Oregon
with frionds.
Auo th or now lot of school girl
drosses now on snlo at Tho Loader
Morcantllo Co.'s.
Goorgo W. Finn left Wodtnoedny
night for a month's visit nt his boy
hood homo in Now York.
Try Splcor'B Now Cab If you de
slro good cab sorvlco. Phono 247. tf
Weather forolast for North Platto
and vicinity. Unsettled and cooler to
night with probablo showers. Sat
urday partly cjouidy and ooolor.
Hlghost tcmpornturo yostorday S4, a
year ago so; Iowost last night 02, n
ear ago 38
T. A. Llndonmoyor, who lins booh
called to tho pastorato of tho' Chris
tian church, arrived from Hutsonvitlo,
111., tho lnttor part of last weok, and
began his work Sunday. Ho hag de
voted tills weok to getting "settled,
meeting tho mombors of his congro-
gntion nnd making tho acquaintance
or sitcii otnors ns ho hns had an lop
portunity to can upon. PnBtorloss for
a number of months, ho finds tho con
grogatlon somewhat disorganized, but
through personal clrorts and tho ef
forts of tho-. more, active of tho church
momborship, ho hopos to soon hnvo
tno woric m offectlvo shnpo.
For Snls Good - rooming houso.
Roason for BoMlng, leaving city. Tho
Palaco Rooms, Sidnoy, Nebr. C9-3
Tho lndlos auxllary to tho B. of R. T.
will hold n meeting In tho K. P. hall
Friday Sept. 21st, AS1 momborn asked
to bo present.
Gono Plcard hns leased a section of
tho front to tho Busklrk garngo and
built a neat compartmont in 'which ho
will sd'.l pop corn and peanuts.
For tho boys going to school, when
thoy nro in nood of school clothes j:qu
can bost supply tholr nocds at Tho
Loador Morcnntlle Co.'s. "
Mr. nnd Mrs. Harry Dixon, who havo
boon visiting in Omaha and Chicago
for ton days, will return homo tho
early part of next weok.
Tho groatost sltowing of women's
nnd misses,' drosses, scrgos, satins;
gnhordlnos and all othor materials at
Tho Loador Mcrcantllo Co.'s. f
J. C. Den nnd Deputy Courftyce'ftrlt,
Rltnor lonvo tomorrow for tho north,
om lnko country whoro thoy will'
shoot prnlrlo chlckons for a aouplo of
days. '
Lorcn Sturgos roturncd Wcdnosdw;
from Omaha, having concluded not to
accept tho position offered him ns sec-"1
rotary to G. w. Wattles, stato chair
man of tho food control.
Wo will rccclvo orders from con
sumes only for Colorado Hnrd'Coal nt
$121.00 per ton. (Junnuiteod delivery.
Only ono enr nrullnblc. Jit'ypoldt
l'eiiiiiiiKion. mono '',).
Cliurch of Our Saviour.
Services noxt Sunday as foT.lows:
Holy Coinmunicn at 8:00 o'clock
Morning prayer and sermon at 11:00
& clock. Bishop, Bocchor will con
duct both services.
: :o: :
C C. Hupfor nnd Charley Horrod
returned yesterday from Wyoming
wiiore they spent threo weolca
fishing nnd hunting. Thes Inst weok
was spent In tho Jackson Hole boun
try and together with Henry Rob
Uauson thoy killed threo elk. High up
Intho mountains Mr. Hupfor Tun Into
a band of two hundred.
Mnlor HolVngsworth, assistant ad
jutant general, spent this morning In
town while onrouto to Scotts Bluff to
mustor In a company of tho Sovonth
roglmont. Ho Inspected Company E
find was woll pleased with tho lino
formation. Tho -Seventh Nebraska is
now almost up to fighting strength
Dr. Wnlter Covllle, a former North
Platto boy, now located at Alamosa
Col., )ha3 been commissioned a first
lieutenant In tho modlcnl corps. Ho
expocts to bo callod shortly.
W. C. Woodrlng wrltca from Camp
Funston that ho Is in trnilning for
i moss florgennt. Ho says tho North
I Platto boys aro fooling flno and look
1 lng woll.
Dr. H. C. Brock nnd Owen Jonos re
' turned Inst night from a two wcoks
, fishing trip in Wyoming, spending tho
!iimo on the Little Laramie near Con
Chrlstlnn Scionce sorvlco Sundny 11
o'clock. Building nnd Loan building.
A cordial invitation is oxtondod to
Dr. Smith, Chiropractor,
Building & Loan Building.. COtf
John Gray loft Thursday morning
for Kearney to visit rolntlvos and
I trionds for a couplo of days.
! A dnughtor was born tho first of tho
wook to Mr. and Mrs. Henry BJork
land, of tho Fourth ward.
i Dr. Brock, Dentist, over Stono Drug
Mrs. P. R. Halligan left this morning
with hor husband and will for a tlmo
visit rdlntlvcs in Lincoln. Lator sho
will probably go to Ft. Doming to re
main ns long a3 tho troops nro sta-
tionod thoro. ' v
You should not fall to visit tho mil
linory department of Tho Lender Mcr
cantllo Co. Womon's street nnd pat?-,
torn lints tho- host. A big lino of chil
dren's hnta at tempting pricos. ' This
department in chnrgo of Mrs. Orrn
x J. B, Hayes, qf Omaha, spent yostor
day In town while onrouto to Omaha; '
Mr, Hayos 1b kopt, pretty busy theso
days filling, positions as- agents .nd'
drivers for tho Standard Oil Oo.
mado vacant by employes going to
For Women Of All Ages .
This store lias put in stock shoes to suit the needs of
every woman.
Daughter, mother, grandmother, groiving&irl; stout,
thin, rich or poor all find their shoes hcef'
We fit with care, no matter what the .price may be. .
Everybody qets the same cautious attention here.
Wilcox Department Store.
genoral houso-
Schatz, 418 oast
AVantod Girl for
work. Mrs. A. A.
Filth street.
A son was bom tho first of tho week
tofklr. and Mrs. Wm, St. Germain.
' ::o::
A number of scholars wero asked to
explain tho moaning of tho term
"righteous Indignation," and one little
chap wrote, "Being angry without
No Paving.
Bill And her father would not pave
tho wny for her wedding? Jill Sure!
IIo refused to furnish tho roi'ks. Yon
kers Stntesman.
His future is in his own hands but you
can uide and train and the McDonald State
Bank offers you helpful assistance.
Does money have its full serious signif
icance to him? That is vital to his future. He
should be saving regularly now.
to have a savings account here, and will
encourage him to save even the smallest
Start an account for him now.
McDonald State Bank.
i me way or improving tho O.
0. highway.
I most of them tit Fort Omaha. The fed
oral signal corps has fifty or moro.
nski'd thp premier anil his mIniMi dlts near Villa (iir-ln. Only u fowl of 1017.
to withhold their resignation. wounded MNilors sniped. 000,000.
Tho total umounts to $2,240,-
. . u. ... . i.L.t. truest 1 Ttru Ul.
two points." Sullnn Is on the Black
sea on Uio west const of Roumunln.