The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, September 11, 1917, Image 8

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UlA L. BAKE, Editor and Publisher.
Ouo Year by Mnll In Advnnco.... 11.25
One. Veur bj farrier In Adrnuce. MM
Entered at North Platte, Nebraska,
Postoiuce aa Second Class Matter.
0. II. Tlioolocko loft Friday ovonlng
lor Omaha on business.
Trv Tlr Smith. UlO
Olilconractor. COtt
Tho Sutherland schools opanod lat
woek with an enrollment of 217.
Dr. Morrill, Dentist
, Sarg. A. Murphy of Co. E spoilt tho
week and with friends In Omaha.
Cholco vegetables and cut flowers at
North Platto Floral Co. -Phono 1023 tt
Nicholas McCabo Jr., who had boon
VUiUng In Donvor returned homo I- rl-day.
LowIb Kolly loft Saturday aftornoon
for Lincoln to uttond tho suuo uni
versity. wJaMsa
MIm Ruth Van Cloav0 toft Saturday
mOrnlng for Buthnny to apend some
ninrir iTniitinMAMrtlt'. formerly of
this city, was hero from Ogalalla last
wrmi ArtiiHtrnni' was callod to Rob
coo last woek by tho sorious Illness of
his sister,
Miss Matio Paulson loft Saturday
aftornoon for Grnnd Island to apond
aatoral day
Mrs. a F. Preitauor has returned to
Gothenburg after taking moment iroui
uiout hero for norao time.
tiv nmi nt. w. P. Snvdor roturned
Saturday morning from Lincoln whore
thay attended tho atato lair,
Anton Pushman, of Molroso, who
ms visiting Mr. and Mrs. II. N. Smith,
r 'turned heme a row (iuy ago.
Ms Euroka Bonokomper of tho hig"h
ahcwl staff arrived here Friday fr6m
Jlricolri to resume her duties.
"I now havo funds at 5Ms per cent
ail chotCo bottom table land. Gouo
(JFdok, Itoom 4, Kotth thcatro Bldg.
Mra. Dorr Tarkinglon nnd ehlldron
roturnod Saturday aftornoon from a
two weeks" visit with rolatlvos In Sld
noy. Tnu. T.iitiinrfin concrcKatlons of
, The Lincoln County Fnlr.
Tllo chlof nim of tho-Llncoln Coun
ty Fair management this year Is to
hold one of tho lareodt and most ln-
atructlvo faira over, hold In this part
of Nobraska. Tho fair grounds aro
Any aliapter, branch or auxiliary
In Lincoln cbunty to compote. f
Unit- iIIhdIhv of Hod Cross surgical
Ui inu - t - ' . . ' - it w
Being plnced In splendid condition ana arossings, Hospital garmonts anu sup
piles for military rellof, first premium '
$15, second $10, third $5. ,
All money received aslprlzos must
bo used for Bed Cross supplies.
Pajamas, entered by person whoi
made thorn, $3 nnd $2.
Hospital bed shirt, $3 and $2.
Operating gown, $2 and $1. (
For best surgical kit, 55 and ?4. 1
Knitted Sweater, $2 and ?1.
Knlttod helmet, $2 and $1.
Knitted mufflor, $2 nnd ?1. i
Knitted socks, $2 and $1.
Best colloctlon of knlttod articles, $j
nino now buildings aro being oroctod
which are up to dato in ovory partic
ular. Tltoy will provide sufficient
room for tho ngrleuttural products,
htusohold products, school oxhlbit,
llvo stock of every kind, and poultry
and pet stock. In fact not a thing Is
to be overlooked which will add to the
comfort and entertninment of tho poo-
PlThc proinium list has practically
boen doubled this yoar as a
special inducement for people
n.r...i tn iinrnrnift native work-
a in l.rintHni? in oxhiblts. nnd wo ufo and
honing that your oxhlbit will sharo lni Best Red Cross poster to bo made bv
the division of the promlum money. t exhibitor, $5, $3 and $2.
PmnUim lists may be had by eltlior. Beat dozen mua'.in rollor bandages.
calling or writing to tho secretary in $1 and 50 cents.
tho basomont of the Building & Loan Best dozon T bandages. $1 and 50c
building Wo would be pleased to have Abdominal bandages $1 and 50c.
you call for a premium list and com-! Best 'half dozen bed socks $1 and 50c
inonc at onco on tho plans for your Boat half dozon shoulder wraps, $1
oxhlbit. I amI COc-
Tho wheat, oats, barley, ryo, etc., Boat half dozon operating capsijSl
wll' need to bo icnrofully solcctod and nnd CO. tPmW
thoroughly cleaned. Wo would liko. Host half dozen oporatlng helmet?,
to havo you bring In several snmplos $1 and GOc.
of oar corn, and also n colloctlon of' Best half dozen fracture pillowH, $1
shouf display of various grains, also and 50c.
It will bo necessary for you to give Beat dozon tray cloths, $1 and 50c
oxtra tlmo nnd attention to getting Best dozen tablo napkins, $1 and 50c
your llvo stock In roadlnosa for the Host dozon wash cloths, knitted, $1
jL lr and GOc.
All oxhlblts must reach tho fair Host Dozen knlttod surgical wlpo
grounds, for ontry, not lntor than $1 and GOc.
Wednesday, Septombor 20. I "
Our dally program offors hours of Mlnslrcl Show Pleased,
entortnlnmont for ovoryono, consist- Tho Busby's World's Greatest Mln
Ing of horao races, auto racoa, motor-' strcl show Wednesday ovonlng has
cyclo races and many other attrac-' shown the distinction of boing tho or;
tions. cno to oxhlbit horo for home time with
With your hearty co-operation, wo out a lot or taint iinuing critics pick
Most Stupendous Organisation Ever in this Section
75 PEOPLE. Augmented Orchestra of 14 men,
Prices 1.00 and S2.00. Sale opens Sept. 11, 7:30
p. m. Mail orders now if accompanied by remittance.
whnt Is questionably one of tho bogt or.
over hold in tills part of Nobraska.
lug Its attraction to pioccs aftcrwar 1
( A noKro minstrel show Is In a cla
I by ltsolf; nnd a good one never fall'
, to pleaso an audlonco whoro laughfc
! and amusomont are sought.
Tho negro has an oar for music; It
Is nattrnl with him; and ho hns hi
"Watch Your Step"
Whon Watch Your Stop, Irving Bar
lln's International Hyncopated musical wny of rendering It. It is not classical
uccoss, 1b prosontod at tho Keith Sept.; in,t it is hotter more pleasing.
12th, tho thentro-golng public of this! The minstrels gave-a pood entortaln
city will havo an opportunity of seeing mont ono well worth the price, ar '
what questionably on0 of tho host or- (i,0 nudionce Kot It satisfaction f
ganizatlona Hint has ben brought to negro melody and -laughter. Hazel -this
city for sevoral seasons past. ton Herald.
Watch Your Step Is In every sensoof At Ncrth Platte. Monday Sept. 17t'
tho word a metronolitan organisation, ::o::
with a distinguished cast and chords,'
Including thirty-four of the most beau
tiful young wouion ever aont on tour,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Junk, of Chry
onne, ramo a few days acco to vhlf
w'th the lnttor'a parents Mr. and Mr
and one of the vory best attractions Arguo for a wcok.
of the season. 1 ::o;:
Tho finmo production In evory respect Mrs II P. Ilencklo and son w,ho
wV.l bo oon horo, thnt delighted Now visited in Salt Lak6 City and Donver
York Cor alx montha, Chicago for throe for tiovoral weoks, came homo Friday,
months. Boston for throo months and ( hlof of Poco Jonog roturnctl Fri.
riiilndolphlo for throo months. ! (liy cvonlnK from Ltj1C0in where he
Tfrt H'ntnii Viir slfnTi Mr IinT-lItl linn ...., ... ,
n..:."i"7 i,nvn rYiftiidnd ' . , rF :;"iVi vhuou lciaines anu attonueu the state
Diuiiuuuiiu nim i compoaeti sonio oi ins cminiuiuriDui; ff.iP
&lall to Rev. Win. Hoffman, of Moro- nmsJc wlth n swing t0 lt that Is easily ,
doala, 111. remembered and at onco bccomoB pop- Miss Emma Smith arrived Friday
Mrs William Morris and two dill-1 ulnr. "Sottlo Down In n Ono-IIorsc ovenlng from Farley, la., to resume
drS8vWoIwerolaltlng relatives ii, T - teacher in tho local
Htiltwiv ,rnliirnf((l 1101110. Olliuruuy hi-, m uuw"iuo
r. ' ' I
Office phone 241. Res. phone HI 7
L. C . DRO&T,
Osteopathic Physlciti.
North Platte, NebraaKf..
McDonald Bank Building.
others tho acoro aro to bo round on Mlssca OlHo Burke, Gladys Knnppo
almost any niualc rnck In Amorlca. n till ATnrfhn Tfnhna lnff tlin In ttoi ntirf
Thoroforo. In this 'respect, watch 0f mat wook aftor visiting Mrs. Ray I
! r Cfnn In otlflnrrni rv 11 a nn1 1. -.1-1. 1
Wan ,Mnhnl Smith, of Gothonburg,
w'libpont last weok with her brother yatr gto ,8 n0 strangcr to us, and Kh
comos hero with such llattoring ln-
The Nurse Brown Memorial
Homeopathic Hospital
1008 West Fourth Street.
For the treatment of Medical, Surgical
and Obstetrical Patients.
JOHN S. TWDfEM, 31. D.
Josso Smith, roturnod lwmo Saturday
dorsomont nnd with such an unqucs- , Miss Josephine PelstOr returned Fr(l
'Attornov GoorKO N. uiuns roiunieii, iwra rujiunuuni unit 1L tvn-uuu!. -. , "" i..;: :" t; i".
"Wturda morning tfrom a vlsjt In saying that standing room will be at a o-,idr Colo
York with hlB family who havo been1 premium whon UiIb attraction Is pro-, "" cr, .oio
thoro for somo tlmo.
, V.Cnrl Swanson, of Gothonburg, was
horo tho lattor part of last weok and
(lilavo homo In a now Dodge car which
ho purchased whllo horo.
Farm and Ranch loans nt lowest
rates and best terms. Mo.iey on hand
to close loans promptly.
i acntod In this city.
A ('ontluuntlon of (he W.
Road It and soo:
"Wlso, witty Woodrow Wilson's wln
m:iiio wlfo washes with warm wat
er Washington's- whlt&-liouqo, win
dows wMch Wnsjilngton's wife washed
whllo Washington waited within.
a Rub'rlbor'R Dauchtor.
LAlrs. Frt-d Lathrop, of Chlengo, who
ill visiting at tho W. J. Stuart homo,
entertained a number of ladles at a
tUpntro party at tho Crystal Friday
ovonlng. Luncheon was sorvod at tho
Notice to Creditors.
Estato No. 149C Kf Sophia Fodorhoof,
docoasod In tho County Court of Lin
coln County, Nebraska.
The Stato of Nebraska, as: Credi
tors of Bald ostato will tnko notice
Hint tlin Hmn Hnlltrnl fnp nrnsnntnt irn
School uays ttiouiors , .and llllng of claims against said
boys and girls to lit out Bhou.d hot estate Is January 12, 1918, and for sot
fall to visit Tho Loodor Co.'s. Barga lis tlcniont of said ostuto Is Septombor 7.
I.. lrnaia allnntt. hnVn' HIlllH. 1 ni O . il.. T ...111 ..If .. l 11.. ...
ill if 1,3 .1. Vjkl IJ"" ""I ' - r
waists, kneo pants and shoos, at mon
"oy saving prlcos.
Tho Lincoln County Inatltuto which
was In session horo last weok, closed
Friday nftoriioon. Miss Brown assistant
superintendent of tho Koarnoy Normal;
l.l.Mlt....M.l .... n .1.1 vna a VUn
enrollment for tho woek was ono n'mn
drod and thlrty-olght,
Thoso who havo occnalon to moandor
about tho cotmtry rocontly atato that
tltoy fill: to soo many prairie chloltons.
Tho Infaronco Is Uiat tho birds aro un
trftially sonrco owing to the Conditions
of tho spring sonson which prevontod
an onrly Jiatoh.Suthorland Freo
William Rath, formor mnnngor of
tho Shoe Market, U iW.w stntlonad at
Falrrnx,' k small atntlon nonr Dalton,
Ohio, Ho is with tho aviation corps
and states that they aro bolng pleas
antly ontortalnod by tho rosidonts
In n amall potter tho Union Pnclfl?
oalls attrition to the nwful auto wreck
tliat Dccnrroil at Gibbon several
mouths ago by which flvo poopvo wore
lillltd. Tlie poster contains a picture
of the week and tho bnjtored maohlno
and ti short sketch of tho nccidont and
tho pauses thut "led to lt, together
wltli a wunilng to all poraons wlio
( 'drive lhuchlnoa to stop, llrtou and look
boforo oroBsIng a railroad track.
Miss Olive Elalo Burko of Maxwell,
and Marston Harold VanDioran of tills!
city y'WQ married at Loxlngton Sop-!
tombor Cth by Judgo I. J. Nlsloy. Mr.
VnnDornn Is tho son of Mr. nnd Mrs.
S. "W. VoJiDonui and formerly hold u
position i wlUi tho L1ork-Sandall Co.
Recently ho becamo u mombor ot Co.
B. Mrai Van Doran Is an ogreonblo
ung lady nnd lias always boon popu
lar hore, and In hor liomo town.
) ;o
"Call 125 for Taxi day or night,
ji Also flvo or seven passongor oar for
funeral aorvlco.
Lmoqhnsbn-louden AUTO CO-,
" Chandlor & Blear Agoncy,
Corner ElgUtli nd Locust. Sts.
1918; that I wlU slf at tho county
court room In said county, on October
1.2, 191 (, at 9 o clock n. in. and on
January 12, 1918, at 9 o'clock n. m. to)
rocolve, examlno. htar. al.ow .or adjust I
all clatine nnd objoctlons duly filed.
Bll-o9 Ccun'y JudKO.
Mr. nnil Mrs nrxnrrro Trnnlfnar1iiit
. - - - ...... - - - " " n u......u...v,
' a . . . . l . i i i . . . . i
ui ivuuiv iHKiuu who navo oeen viii
Ing Mr. and Mrs. Richard Williams
will leave this weok.
Jacob Ludwig Sauorwlno ago 3G and
Mrs. Mary Campbell Robinson nEo'25
rt McGrew w-Qro grantod a marriago
llronsx' Saturday morning.
Wm. Moran and fnmlly, of Chicago,
:1:-rmorly of this city, aro visiting,,!
niotlior Mrs. Bridget Moran while dn
route to western points.
W. J. Landgraf Is recovering from a
bad caio cf polson'ng on tho hands
and arms, contracted whICo picking
wild grnpos ten dnys ago.
Thoso in need of painting, paper
hanging and docorating aro assured
satisfactory work If they employ Julius
Hopta. Phono Black G92. . 38tf
Practice Limited to
Surgery and Jtndium Therapy
72S City National Bank' Building. ,
Oinalin, Nebraska, i
Successor to
Drs. Rodfleld & Rcdfleld
Oflloe Phono 642 Res. Phonn fi7fl
IJ M ,D ,;i R,
J. ML Busby's Worlds Greatest Colored
North Platte, Mon, Sept. 17.
Helton Building
Office hours 9 a. m. to 6 p. in. '
7 p. m. to 8 p. m.
Offico Black 333 . Res. Black
Hospital Phone Black 633.
House Phone Black 633.
Graduate Veterinarian
Bight years a Government Veterinar
ian. Hospital 218 south Locust St
one-half block southwest of the
Court House..
$6 per Ton.
North Platte Junk House.
J. E. SEBASTIAJT. State Mtrr.
Minn.Mutual Lif elns.Co.
Phone Office Red 612
Residence Red 348
Offico: First National Unnk Building.
Phono 308
Rooms 1 and 2 Belton Building
North Platte, Nebraska.
Geo. B. Dent,
Physician and Surgeon.
Special Attention given to Surgery
and Obstetrics.
Office: Building and Loan Building
p, . ; Office 130
Phones Residence 115
Real i: state, Fire, Tornado nnd Hall
Insrunncc. Special Agents Globe
Life Insurance Company.
Corner Front and Dewey Sta., Upstairs
l'hoiic Red 572.
North Platte, Neb.
Extension to Road No. 11.
Licensed Emtmlmert
rudortnkers and Funeral Directors
Day Phone 234.
Night Ptione Black 688.
..Genera! Hospitals
One Hall Block North ol Postoftice.
Phone 58
A modorn institution for the
scientific treatment of medical,
surgical and confinement cases.
Completely equipped X-Rey
and diagnostic laboratories.
Geo. B. Dent, M. D. V. Lacas, M. D.
J. 8. Rcdfield, M. D. J. S. Simms, M.D
Sheep and Cattle
Farmers this is the year and the
time of the year to get stock to eat
up your rough feed. I have on
hand and forsale3u00 feeding lambs
and ewes, and 500 cattle. Come
and talk to me.
Trustee's Sale.
Tto whom it may concern.
Tho special commissioner appoint
ed to locate a road as follows: . .Com
mencing at Station No. 11 of Road
No. 11 In ,tho SW i,4 of Section 4,
Twp. 14. N., Range 30 wpst Of tho
Gth P. M., running thence In a nortli
ly, northeasterly aiid northwesterly
direction through the W of said
Section 4 and through tho W Ys of
Section 33, Twp. 15 N., Range 30, west
to tho northwest corner of said sec
tion 33, thence north on section lino
between Sections 28 "and 29 of said
last township and range throe-fourths
of a mile thence in a northeasterly,
northerly and fnorthwesterlyi direc
tion through tho NW Vi of said Sec
tion 28 and the SW M of Section 21
to the quarter section cornor between
Sections 28 and 21, Twp. 15 N Rango
30 west, thence north on lino between
Sections 20 and 21, 1G and 17, of said
township and range to a point about
25 chains north of tho cornor of Sec
tions 1G. 17, 20 and 21, thence in a
northeasterly direction through the
W. Yn of Sections 16 and -0, through
tho SW H and the E of Section 4
of said last township and range to a
point on the north lino of said Section
4 about 20 chains west of the NE cor
nor of said Section 4, thenco north
erly and westerly across Sections
33 and 28, Twp. 1G, Range 30, to the
section line between Soctlons 28 and
29, thenco northerly along said sec
tion lino between sections 28 and 29,
and Sections 21 and 20 to a point
about one-fourth of a mile south
from tho northwest cornor of Section
21, and llienco in a northwest direc
tion across Sections 20 and 17 to tho
NW cornor of Section 17. thence on a
west and north direction across Sec
tions 7 nnd G to a point on tho north
lino of Section G about ono-fourth of
a mile east of the northeast cornor of
Soction G, has reported in favor of
tho samo as follows:
Beginning at Station No. 11 of Road
Mo. 11 In tho SW 54 of Section 4, Twp.
15 N., Range 30 W., running thence in
a northeasterly .and northwesterly di
rection through tho SW 14 and the
NW Vi of said Section 4. and throuch
of Soction 33, Twp. 1G, Range 30 W. I 1
Notlco Is hereby given that on the to tho SW corner of Soction 28. Twp,
13th day of Soptembor, 1917i at 2 1 N. Range 30 W thence north
p. m.i In tho Bratt building on North on soction line between Sections 2S
Locust street, betwoon Gth anl Front! anu zv, said township and
streets, C. L. Baskius, trustee of tho
estate of Henry S. Haskins, bankrupt.
will sou at public auction to tho
lughogt bidder, all of tho stock and
fixtures locatod at tho place aforesaid.
That said said will bo conducted until
tho hour of 3 o'clock p. m.
sl-sH C. L. BASKINS, Trustee
three-fourths of a mile, thonco in a
northeasterly and northwesterly di
rection through the NW J4 NW -4 of
said Section 28 and through tho W V"
SW of Section' 21, Twp. 1G. Ni.
Rango 30 W., to the quarter section
coiner botween sections 20 and 21
thenco north on section line between
Sections 20 and 21 and be
twoon Sections 1G and 17, said
township and range, to a point
nnd betwoon Soctlons 1G and 17, said
said township and rango, to a point
about thirty rods south of tho quar
ter secuon corner between said Sec-
Notlcc of rJnnl Report.
Estato No. 1451 of Mary Jano Apple
gate, deceased. In tho county court of
Lincoln county, Nobraska.
The State of Nobraska, to all por
aons Interested In said estate tako no
tice that tho Executor has filod a final jtlons 1G and 17, thence In a north-
Always Glad to Get
A Good Cigar
And tlicro's no plnco you can' get n
good cigar hotter tliau nt Sclimnl
zrled's. "With filler nnd wrapper of
tho best quality hand rondo, thcro Is In
tho SchnialzrJcd-niado cigar nil thnt
tho most oxnctlng smoker demands.
Wo lmndlo tobneco itnd smokers'
account nnd roport of his administra
tion and a potltlon for settle
ment and discharge as such Executor
which havo been set for hoaring be
fore said court on Septombor 28, 1917,
at 9 oolook a, m.. whon you may ap
pow and contost tho samo.
Dated Soptembor 4, 1917.
s4s25 County Judgo.
Notlco to Creditors
Estato No. 1491 of Homor F. Fort,
docoasod In tho County Court of Lin
coln County, Nobraska.
Tho Stato of Nebraska, ss: Credi
tors of sale? estato will tako notlco
that tho tlmo limited for presentation
and llllng of claims against said
Estato Is March 14th, 1918, and for
settlement of said Estato Is Aug. 10,
1918; that I will sit at the county
court room In said county on Sept
14th, 1917 and on March 14, 1918, on
each of snld days to rocolvo, examlno,
hear, allow or adjust nil claims and
objections duly tiled.
nl4-sll County Judge.
easterly, northerly and northwester
ly direction through tho NWJ4, SW
J4 nnd tho NW'4 of Soction 1G and
through the SW & SW 14 of Soction 9
to a point on lino betweon Sections
S and 9, Twp. 1G N., Rango 30 W.
about 20 chains north of tho SW cor
nor of said Section 9, thonco north
on line between snld said Soctlons 8
and 9 to a point about 10S rods south
of tho NW corner of said Soction 9,
thenre In a northeasterly direction
through tho NW4 of said Section 9,
ttr.d through the SE'4, SW 14. and tho
w SEU and through tho W NEV1
of Section 4, Twp. 16 N.. Rango 30 W,
to tho north lino df said section 4
about 22 chains west from tho NE
corner of said soction 4.
All objections thoroto or claims for
damages must bo filed In tho offico
of tho county clerk on or boforo 12
o'clock noon of tho lOUi day of No
vember. 3917, or euch road will bo
allowed without roferonco thoreto.
Datod at North Platte, Nob., Uils
21st day of August, 1917.
a A'- ALLEN,
sr4 . County dork.