The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, September 11, 1917, Image 7

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Strange Impressions.
You go to moving pictures Instead
tt to tho saloon?"
"Sure," replied Droneho Bob. "Lick,
er never mndo tho world seem wilder
an' dizzier than somo o' them tflms."
Don't think that n fnncy umbrelln
handle turns the rnln.
A Message to Mothers
YOU know tho real human doctors right around in your neighborhood:
tho doctors mado of flesh and blood just like you: tho doctors with
souls and noarts : those men who nro responding to your call in tho
dead of night as readily as in tho broad daylight; they arc ready
tof6.11 you thp good that Fletcher's Castoria 'has done, is doing and
will do, from their experience and their lovo for children.
Fletcher's Castoria is nothing now. Wo aro not asking you to
try an experiment. Wo just want to impress upon you tho importance
of buying Fletcher's.
u Xur. PtyBclan Nl toll you this, as ho knows ther aro a num
ber of imitations on tho markot, and ho is particularly interested in
the welfare of your baby.
Genuine Castoria always bears tho
Feed the Fighters ! Win the War ! !
Harvest the Crops Save the Yields
On the battle fields of France and Flanders, the United States boys and tho
Canadian boys are fighting side by side to win for the World the freedom that Prus
sianism would destroy. While doing this they must be fed and every ounce of
muscle that can be requisitioned must go into use to save this year's crop. A short
harvest period requires the combined forces of the two countries in team work, such
as the soldier boys in France and Flanders are demonstrating.
Tho Combined Fighters In Franco and Flanders and tho Combined
Harvesters in America WILL Bring the Allied Victory Nearer.
A reciprocal arrangement for tha use of farm workers has been perfected between the Depart
ment f the Interior of Canada and the Departments of Labor and Agriculture of the United States,
under which it is proposed to permit the harvesters that are now encaged in the wheat fields of Okla
homa, Kansas, Iowa. North Dakota, South Dakota. Nebraska, Minnesota and Wisconsin to move
over into Canada, with the privilege of later returning to the United States, when the crops In the
United States have been conserved, and help to save the enormous crops In Canada which by that
time will be ready for harvesting.
Canada Wants 40,000 Harvest Hands to Tako Core- of Its
13,000,000 ACRE WHEAT FIELD.
One cent a mile railway fare from the International boundary line to destination and the sams
rate returning to the International Boundary.
High Wages, Good Board, Comfortable Lodgings.
i An Identification Card issued at the boundary by e Canadian Immigration Officer will Kuaian
3 tee no trouble in returning to the United States.
AS SOON AS YOUR OWN HARVEST IS SAVED, move northward and assist your Canadian
neighbour in harvesting his; in this way do your bit in helping "Win the War". For particulars as to
routes, identification cards and place where employment may be had, apply to Superintendent
af Immigration, Ottawa, Canada, or to
W. V. DENNETT, Room 4, Dee Dldg., Omoha, Nebr.
Canadian Government Agent.
Think of the possibilities of selling
letters sent out to customers ? Typewritten letters eive the sender a business
standing with the people who receive
carbon copies of the correspondence,
misunderstandings and lawsuits.
The boy or girl who is intending to follow a business career can secure
no better start than n knowledge of typewriter operating. Children who learn
to use the typewriter leam spelling at the same time. The housewife finds it
a great convenience in writing recipes and for general correspondence.
Ask for our free booklet, "The Silent Smith".
Lirrcrt Cub Barer, la the middle Wert. Ship direct
1 tout. Quick leturn of emDtvcsntrutrtntred. Wepaydtllr.
Our nottoi AWire veil, write for
lit and tnippuir Ufa. Cite ui a
What's the Answer?
A short time ago Prof. H. B. Gough,
head of the publlc-speaklng depart
ment at DcPauw university, delivered
& talk In a small town In Lawrence
county, near Bedford, wiys the Indian
spoils News. He was being congratu
lated on tho talk when one farmer In
tho audience edged his way to the
speaker and asked whether he was In
a hurry. Professor Gough, who had
to make a certain train, suld no, other
than ho wished to get home nt a cer
tain time. The farmer, Instead of In
viting him to a fine fried chicken din
ner, sold : "Say, my boy and me heard
your talk and we wanted to know
whether It was a sermon or an ad
dress." Professor Gough mado his
train and reached home without par
taking of nny fried Chicken.
G. W. Again.
"And you mean to say," reprimand
ed tho lrato father to his little
George, "that you drew out .$100 that
your rich Aunt Patricia placed in the
bank for you last Christmas?"
"Father, I cannot tell a He," an
Bwered the boy meekly. "I used It
for a Liberty bond. They did It with
their advertising." Indianapolis
Most men have ability; too many
Df ub, however, are too tired or too
lazy to demonstrate It.
Brnr.ll from 1008 to 1910 received
920.282 new settlors.
"No bowl is too
big when it holds
... i
Sail Why d'yer call ma "ttoneyr
'Arry Hecnuse you are tny be
Sail Oh, behlvel
If anyone holds four nets In the
showdown, tho others hold their breath
and that's all.
signature of
Typewriter Service in
Rural Communities
The typewriter is coming into more extended use in
rural communities because of the assistance it ren
ders to nil classes of people. Here are a feu) examples:
produce by the means of typewritten
them and also enable the keeping of
which many times does away with
Good Memory for Dates.
"Do you know what day this Is?"
asked Mrs. Occy Wattles, sweetly.
"Uh-huh," replied Mr. Wattles
"Sure. It's ah "
"We were married Just four years
ago this morning," Mrs. Watles went
"Yes, sir. I remember Just as though
It was yesterday. And er It's next
week our lease on the flat expires,
isn't ltr Kansas City Star.
I have sold your remedy for the pnt
fifteen years and have suflicient confidence
in it to give it my personal rccommenua
tion. I believe it is one of tho best medi-
! cines of its class on the market today and
I una pleasure in Felling it at all times
-r... ...!.. ..,...
F. V. Kaminer, Prop.,
Nov. 4, 1010.
i, a. u.
Letter to
Dr. Kilmer t Co.
Blndhamton, N. Y.
Prove What Swimp-Root Will Do For Yon
Send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Lo.,
Binehamton, N. Y., for a sample size
bottle. It will convinoe anyone. You
will flint receive a booklet of valuable in
formation, telling about the kidneys and
bladder. When writing, be sure and men
tion this paper. Large and medium size
bottles tor sale at all urug stores. auv.
Delicious Lunch..
Uncle Hiram, from Podunk, was
taken by his nephew Into a downtown
husliery for lunch.
"I guess I'll hnve some coffee und
sinkers," said the nephew.
"Did you say sinkers?" asked tho
old man.
"I sure did, uncle."
"Well," suld Uncle Hiram, as his
eye fell on a spaghetti eater, "I reckon
I'll hnve a mess of llshln' lines like
that there feller Is eutln' out of u
It amounts to the same thing wheth
or wo eot In the kitchen or cook In
tho illnlnu riMiin
iirwcrn ti .i. .. ;.t'. -. "
IUaW I I I'lix.MndprlnMUii.ndfu. I I II
I I tn link on ntilo.n. IrsII.R.n. I I II
I I torn, CUT I.H-1T. 1 I II
New Device to Be Used in Place
of "Banding" Method. '
Attractive Place Afforded for Larvae
to Spin Cocoons, and Prevents Es
cape of Insects Wire Screen
Is Used.
A codling moth trap has been de
vised by E. II. Slegler of the bureau of
entomology, United States department
of agriculture, to bo used as a substi
tute for what Is known as the "band
ing" method for destroying the codling
moth. The banding method, In which
a folded strip of burlap Is wrapped
around the tree trunk, demands a con
siderable amount of labor, and the new
trap is designed to minimize this.
The trap affords an attractive place
for tho larvae, to spin their cocoons,
and It prevents tho escape of the moths
after they emerge from those. The
Codling Moth Trap.
trap, which consists of n burlap band
covered by a strip of wire screen, is
mnde as follows :
Strips of burlap six Inches wide are
folded Into three thicknesses. The
loose bark from the lower branches
and trunk of the tree Is removed and a
strip of this burlap folded once around
the trunk. It Is held In place by large
tacks, which should be driven In In
such a way that tho edge projects
nbout one-fourth of an Inch beyond the
burlnp. The burlap Is then covered by
black-pnlnted wire screen with 12
meshes to the Inch. This Is cut Into
Strips six Inches wide and the edges
of each strip are folded twice, allowing
one-fourth of an inch to each fold.
The strip of screen should be long
enough to nllow for an overlap of three
to four Inches when plnced around the
trunk of the tree. The wire screen Is
pluced over tho burlap bnnd and tacked
to the tree In such a way thnt both tho
upper and lower edges fit snugly
ngnlnst tho bnrk. The projecting tacks
used to fasten the burlnp to the tree
prevent the wire pressing against the
cloth. To make sure that no moths
may'escape through openings along the
edges of tho trap or along the flap, a
thin coating of pitch tar may be used.
This material, when heated, may be ap
plied readily with a brush.
It must be clearly understood that
this trap Is not a substitute for spray
ing, but merely an nddltlonnl precau
tion. Nevertheless, some larvae will
Invariably escape, and the offspring of
these are largely responsible for the
damage to the fruit crop. By the use
of tho codling moth trap, In addition
to -thorough spraying, the majority of
the unpolsoned lnrvue may be captured
and Injury by Inter broods will be ma
terially reduced.
Not Valuable as Fat Producer When
Fed Alone on Account of Lack of
Starch and Sugar.
Skim milk, on the bnsls of Its com
position, Is of the class known ns pro
tein feeds. Being too deficient In
starches and sugnrs (carbohyrates) as
well as fat, It Is not very valuable
as a fat producer when fed alone,
When combined with corn or somo
similar feed In tho proper proportions
the protein of tho skim milk supplies
the deficiency of the protein In the
corn, while tho enrbohydrntes of the
corn supply that deficiency In the skim
milk, the two feed stuffs thus forming
it bnlnpced rntlon. This means a ra
tion which contains the nutrients In
proportions to meet tho needs of tho
animal body for Its best development.
One of Chief Points In WelLPulverlzed
Soil, Without Which Soil to
Only Ordinary.
One of the chief polntsof value in n
well-pulverized soil Is "its moisture
holding capacity. It Is to hold water
that we Introduce organic mntter ns
well as to food the plnnls, for humus
holds soil moisture best, but pulveri
zation nlono Is highly effective.
Fowls Are Easy to Ratee and Develop
Fast Value of Feathers Is
Quite an Item.
Ducks are easy to rnlso and develop
fast and soon are ready for the mar
ket. There Is a good profit derived
selling them for broilers, nut if kept
until live or six months old before sell
ing them tho vulue of their feathers
quts quite an Item.
Silage Will Keep Indefinitely If Air
Can Be Excluded Cover With
Chopped Hay or Straw.
Practically all the trouble from spoil
ing of sllnge comes from the action of
nlr on tho material after the first nec
essary fermentation Is over. The first
fertnentntlon or "heating" of tho green
material uses up all the oxygen of the
nlr which Is present In It when It is
pneked Into the silo. If no more nlr
can get In, no further fertnentntlon or
decay can possibly take place. If tho
silo Is air-tight, therefore, silage will
keep Indefinitely. Of course, most silos
are 'open at the top and some spoilage
will take place from the top of the
mnss downwards. But this can be pre
vented, In large part, by covering the
sllnge, after It has finished settling,
with a layer of chopped hay or straw
well wetted'' down.
Something Must De Given to Replace
Butterfat When Skim Milk Is Sub- '
stltuted for Whole Milk.
When skim milk Is substituted foi
whole milk In feeding the calf, some
thing needs to be added to repluce the
butterfat removed In the eVeain. Corn
can be used to good advantage. It li
better cracked than ground line. Brae
Is good and ground oats are splendid
A mixture Is better than Just one ol
them. Tho calf will begin to eat feci!
when two to three weeks old, and
should have access to It. The best wuj
to feed grain Is dry and care should
be tuken not to allow any of It to re
main In the corners of tho feeding box
ns It will sour and may cause diges
tive troubles. Boiled ground flax seed
Is also used with skim milk to make
up for the fat removed.
Device Shown Herewith Has Advan
tage of Keeping Fowls From Get
ting Into Vessel.
This device hns tho advantage ol
keeping the chickens from getting lute
tho bnsln wherein tho water for then:
Is kept. The mouth of the vessel con
talnlng tho water also Is protected bj
an Inclosing shield, while the top Is
Poultry Watering Basin.
covered with n screen which keeps
the poultry out of tho water, yet doei
not keep the water away from the air
Places for drinking are provided at
the side of the device. Farming Busl
Reason Given for Low Yields In Corn
Belt States Hired Men Have
Forgotten Hoe.
In tho corn-belt states, where oni
might expect the largest yields, thej
are In many cases very low. Tho ren
son for this is largely poor cultivation
too many men try to got over nbou'
twlco as much as they can handle prof
Itubly. The average hired man In tin
corn belt hns forgotten how to run f
hoe handle, and but little effort li
made to get the weeds out of tho hill!
In many cases. Better cultivation Is i
vital need In corn raising.
Good Plan to Renew as Soon as Frull
Is Picked Hoe Out All the
Weak Plants.
As soon as the strawberries ar
picked, If the bed Is clean and the
plants thrifty, It Is u good plan to re
new the bed. Mow the tops and rnk
them off, then hoe out all old weal
plants and thin to a row of Btrong
vigorous, new plants, not nearer tluir
ten Inches apart. Cultivate the res)
of the season.
Where There Is an Excess Amount
Vegetable They May Be Prepared
and Fed to Swine.
On farms whore there Is an excess
of tomatoes, tho surplus may bt cooked
and fed to hogs. Tho hogs would not
eat the green tomatoes unless cooked
That which Is not needed for Imme
diate use Is stored nwny in alr-tlght
barrels for future use. Tho top layet
decays, but that beneath remains good
Lumpy State Permits Drying Out Too
Quickly Where Pulverized Crops
Are Success.
Loose soils and lumpy soils are not
one and the same condition, for whore
as all soils should be loose, none should
bo lumpy. Tho hitter state allows dry.
I tig out so quickly that crops would
fall whereas when soil Is pulverized
tlfo same crop would be a marked sue
Horrors of War.
They were In the squad under train
ing at a certain military center and
furnished a contrast not uncommon
these days. One wns tnll and wiry,
the othor short and puffy, and an hour
of Swedish drill had set the lesser of
tho two blowing hard.
"I can't stand much of this," ho
whispered. "I'm simply nil In," nnd nt
that moment tho drill sergeant Inti
mated that ho would glvo them an
other spell beforo they were dismissed.
This was too much. Tho podgy pa
triot felt It was time to protest.
"I'm really awfully Borry to seem
unmllltary In addressing you, sir," he
said, "but this Swedish drill Is more
than I can face In my present condi
tion; besides," ho added dolefully, "I
never know wo wero nt war with
To Itching, Burning Skins It Not Only
Soothes, but Heals Trial Free.
Treatment: Bathe tho affected sur
faco with Cutlcurn Soap and hot wn
tot. dry gently and npply Cutlcuru
Ointment. Roncnt morning and night.
This method affords immediate relief,
nrl points to speedy henlment. They
nro Ideal for ovcry-dny toilet uses.
Freo sample each by mall with Book.
Address postcard, Cutlcurn, Dept. L,
Boston. Sold overywherc. Adv.
The first lesson In charity Is' to glvo
awny what you don't want.
If n cat hns nine lives n fiddle should
have more strings.
Canada's Liberal Offer of
Wheat Land to Settlers
is open to you to every farmer or farmer's son
who is anxious to establish lor
himself a happy home and
prosperity. Canada's hearty
invitation this year is more attractive
than ever. Wheat is much higher but
her fertile farm land just as cheap, and
in the provinces of Manitoba, Saskat
chewan and Alberta
160 Act Homtituili Are ActatllT Free t Settlers
and Other Lai Soli it from SIS to $20 ftt Acts
The great demand for Canadian Wheat will
keep up tjie price. Where a farmer can set
near 12 for wheat and rait 20 In 5 hnihrls In
the acre he Is bound to make money that's
what you can expect In Western Canada. Won
derful yield also of Oats, Barter and Has.
Mixed Farming- In Western Canada la fully as
profitable an industry as grain raising.
Tho excellent grasses, fall of nutrition, are the only
food required either for beef or dairy purposes
Good schools, ahurches, markets convenient, clinmto
excellent. There la an unusual demand for farm
labor to replace the manjr young men who hare
volunteered for the war. Write for Utoralure and
Particulars aa to reduced railway rates to Bupt. of
nimlgraUon, Ottawa, Can., or to .
Room 4, Boo Bldg., Omaha. Neb.
Had a Warm Job.
Tho fact that half of tho world
hasn't thought of how tho other half
Is living has been pretty well estab
lished, but even now tho details of old
and oppressing duties and routine Is
of Interest. A remnrkubly pretty girl
swooned while standing nt tho sldo of
a bench on a subway platform, says u
New York news letter. Sho fell heuv
Uy, and soon from the rush hour
throng several w6men had gathered
nbout her. Sho revived quickly and
looked about rather apologetically.
"Thank you," sho said to a womnu who
was holding a wet handkerchief to her
forehead. "I Just got dizzy for a mo
ment." Sho closed her eyes again und
looked very white and weak. "I guess
I'm all right," she said after a little.
"I'm tired and warm. I'm working as
a clonic model downtown and nil day
I've been trying on fur coats. I'm Just
You say to the drug store man,
"Glvo mo a small bottlo of freezone."
This will cost very Ittlo-but will
positively remove every hard or soft 1
corn or callus from one's feet.
A fow drops of this new ether com
pound applied directly upon a tender,
aching corn relieves tho soreness In
stantly, and soon tho cntlro corn or
callus, root and all, dries up and can
be lifted off with the lingers.
This new way to rid ono's feet of
corns was Introduced by a Cincinnati
man, who says that freezono dries In 1
a moment, nnd simply shrivels up the
corn or callus without Irritating tho
surrounding skin.
If your druggist hasn't uny freezone
tell him to order n smnll bottlo from
his wholesalo drug house for you. udv, '
These Girls.
"I wonder who Is ringing the door
bell, Is 11 some chump who merely
wants to hang around the parlor, or Is
It a nice chappie who wants to tako me
for a ride In his automobile?"
"Take n sniff at tho keyhole, girlie,
and see If you can smell gasoline."
A Screen Scream.
"Isn't sho a moving-picture star?"
"More of a planet. She shines by
reflected light." Life.
4ntl)HM& Uranulated Eyelids,
rSS525orc,Lye' Eyes Inflamed by
Zj&&WA a5V,n Ou'thm Wind quickly
SPtyQS&jT relieved by Murine. Try It lit
Wii i rCtC C vur Eyes and In baby's Eyes.
IUUR Li tUJNoSmsttlnr, Juit EyeCcmfort
MarlneEyc Remedy &ffiMVA?
lye Halve, In Tul-s Sfci. p.,r llnok of tt Hi - rree.
fxtk UXairlnu Eyo Ilctnedy Co., Clitcacou
j unworn
What Came From Reading
a Pinkham Advertisement.
Patoreon, N. J. "1 thank you fot
tho Lydia E. Pinkham remedies as thor
I navo maae me wen
and healthy. Somo.
timo ago I felt so
rundown, had pain
in my back and side, .
wan very irregular,
tired, nervous, had
such bad dreams,
did not feel liko eat
ing and had short
breath. I read your
advertisement in
tho newspapers and
decided to try a bottlo of Lydia E.Pink
ham'a Vegetable Compound. It worked
from tho first bottlo, bo I took a second
and a third, also a bottlo of Lydia E.
Pinkham'a Blood Purifier, and now I ata
just as wcU as any other woman. I ad
viso every woman, singlo or married,
who ia troubled with any of tho afore
said ailmonts, to try your wonderful
Vegetable Compound and Blood Purifief
and I am suro they will holp her to get
rid of hor troubles as they did me."
Mrs. Elsie J. Van deh Sande, 36 NoJ
, York St, Paterson, N. J.
! . Writo tho Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine
do., (confidential) Lynn, Mass, if you
need Bpecial advice.
W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 35-1917.
Government Agent
A vender of the new "barrel" skirt
was extolling his wares In presence of
a customer's husband. "No lady should
bo without one of these skirts," snld
tho shopman. "Well, of course not,"
dryly responded the husband, who was
something of a wag; "sho should bo
within It."
Somo inen nro workers In tho vine
yard and some others do their work
upon the finished product.
Alfalfa $0, sweet clover $12, rya
.f2.d0. J. Mulhall, Sioux City, Iown.
The learned man has a fortune that
he can't he bunkoed out of.
University of Notre Dame
Offers Complete Course In Agriculture'
Full courses also In Letters, Journalism,
Library Solonco, Chemistry, Phannaoy, Medl
olno, Architecture, Commerce nnd Law
Your boikt mix br rwrrxnitn br your drnwHi
without any quettlon If this remedy 1os not bennflf
eterr case of Aatbma, Uroncblal Astbroa and tbt
Astbinatlo symptoms aocompaurlna liar Kerer. No
matter how violent tbe attacks or obsUnato tbe cite
positively Klves INSTANT ItHLIHF In eterr ease
and bar permanently cured thousands who bad been
considered Inaurable, after liaylilV tried every otbel
meant of relief In vain. Asthmatics should avail
themselves of this guarantee nOer tbrough their own
drug-gist. HUT a, 60-cent nacinge and present tbl
announcement to yonr dmggltt. Vou will bs tba
sole Judge as to whether you nro benentted and tba
druggist will glvo vou back your money If you are
not. We do not know of any fairer proposition
which we could make. 6
R. Schllfmann Co., Proprietors, St. Paul, Minn,
fEvery Woman Wantg
Dissolved in water for douches' stops
pelvic catarrh, ulceration nnd Inflam
mation. Recommended by Lydisi C
Pinkham Med. Co. fnr f r.
A healinar wonder fort nasal catarrh,
sore throat and sore yes. EconomlcaL
Ht eibsorduury dtanuaa end swmlcUal powtr.
Samplii il-rae. 30c. all druiruti. or i
QntJ. Thl'ilonTc3HComry. UtoB, tout. J
DflTETPJTC VutaonK.C:olenmn.Wasb.
tTDA i H lnn'n.U.t' lluokfroe, High.
m Sra M nalU J en reiruc, lie. I resulla.