The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, September 11, 1917, Image 5

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Cfie Most Complete
w in, t beCity
... r
HE store "where your nee'ds
arc understood and your
wishes instantly gratified
is the store where you like
to make purchases. Beccuse
of our amazing collection of beauti
ful and artistic things &old and
silver ware, jewels, cameos and
works of art our store has become
an inspiration to our patrons.
7 o Jiavo selected only those articles which
nro siito to please. We havd insisted upon
the highest quality, the best designs, tho
most careful workmanship. Our customers
are permanently pleased.
In tho selection of rins wo exert the utmost
care. That is why wo sell tho famous
W-W-W Guaranteed Rin&s. "Wo know in
celling them wo &ive you tho utmost in de
sign, quality and workmanship. Tho gems
ore beautiful, tho settings solid gold. Each
ring is absolutely guaranteed against crack
ing and loss of settings. They uro priced
as. low as $3.
J. J. Halligan transac:cl legal busi
ness in Gothenburg yesterday.
Dr. Smith; Chiropractor,
Building & Loan Building.. 50tf
V. V. Hoagland rarurnul Sunday
from a business trip to. Onriha.
For quick action anil satisfactory
sale list yonr land Avltii Thoelocke. tf
Mrs. Fred Hanlon roturned Sunday
from a visit with friends at LaJunta,
Wheat Drills and Farm Wagons at
bargain prices at tho North Side
Barn. . , 'a--.
Women's,'' Itcglstrntlon Tomorrow.
Tomorrow will be registration day
for women in Nebraska, and though
this registration is voluntary, it Is es
timated there will be in the neighbor
hood of 200,000 registrations. Tho
numbor in North Platte should exceed
800; in fact tho numbor should not be
loss than 1,000, and If more than this
latter number all the moro creditable
will lt$dja to tho city
Tho polling places for tho First,
Second "and Fourth wards will bo at
the yard 'school buildings, and for the
Third wad at the Franklin building.
The polls will be open from 12
o'clock noon "until seven o'clock in the
This registration is needed because
wo. arcing groat war and our govern-1
Thy Catholic Girls Club will meet mdnt wishes to know what her loyal
TufcSfloy evening with Mrs. Will". women citizens are willing to do In1
Friend. caso of "iieod.
.. 'n, it will not n jose additional work
Dr. Brock. Dentist, over Stone Drug upon thogo wl)0 arc already doing
Store. war work, it may lighten their bur-
Mra Mnrv Dunn went to Omaha dens by calling into sorvico mo'o
Sunday to visit relatives for a couple, workers. It coordinates ali. woman's
of weeks
The county commissioners woro in
session- yesterday transacting routine
Gcorgo Frater will spend tho great
er part of this weeK in umumi
Vrml Bremers and
went to Omaha Sunday to visit for sev
eral days.
Mrs. M. E. Watts loft yestorday for
Corning. Iovi :o visit her son Ike
and family
war activities.
Each woman should register Fir.-t,
becnluse sho loves her country aiul
wishes to servo it.
Second, because going to th0 polls
and registering is In Itself an act o
on patriotism.
I Third, because thero is no other vny
.... 1 for OUT Pnf.intrv tr Itnnw nnlnlrlv nnrl
two children; ,, ' . , . "
Fourth, through thi registration and
th0 work that will follow your ion o
brothor in tho field may recoivo di
rcct benofit. i
Every woman over sixteon is dil-
tvlllln rt nirlctnw XTM.Im ...til 1. .. r
Manager VanDollan, o. the local to t,J0 woman whQ Cfmnot k
telephone office, spent tho week end plodgelt ,8 all ft mattor of hoon ,
in Ogalalla. j Women of North Platte show your
Harry Dixion went to Omana baiur- coinrs: ianu oy your nation, your
day evening to visit his daughter and state, your city; show your apprecia
transact business., ! lJon of tlle great cause of democracy
ilir Imil ui uiu uuys WHO will
WHO UUU . nuu l 11.. i i
Tlnrko ul-" uu "tiiiniig in mo trendies.
' Will VOll lin inn nf tho Iniml
i ..... " - vk .isui VVU11IV11
Miss Virginia Houseman,
been the gue3t ot tho MIsse3
lofc la Ft t wiling. '
returned a few
ago' from Denver where ho visited
frioirdq for a week.
. . . nn. ! iianil la
IIOIUU vm". - i,v p,
In North Platte?
days ::o::
Docs Everybody Chow Gum?
Tho extent to which chowlng gum is
j., ti.i. ti(..,i tn sntner- uou m uviuuuuuu uy uiu aaius mauo
'laml Sunday whore she has been on- by K.Tt. Dickey, of this city, who sup-
lanu.OUiiuuy, n" " nllna tnnnv ilonlora In uwlnm Mil.i.nD.
gaged' to teach school
Mrs. Harry Fleishman and daugh
tentreturned yestorday from a visit
with, friends in Omaha.
Mrs I. E. Gilbert returned Saturday
afternoon from Cozad -whoro she vlslt-
ml rtilativcp for a wecic.
plies many dealers in western Nebras
ka towns. Last week he made a trip
up the branch, thenco across to Sid
ney and returned with orders aggre
gating twelvo hundred dollars,
: :o: :
Wanted Dwellings
Wo have customers for several five
, n v Tinrrmnn loavo and s,x room tlwoHingH. If you Invo
Mr. and Mrs. G. F "npmtt" SB such a dwelling we can effect a quick
(Xt Saturday for Excolslor Spriirgs, ga(J fQr .
Mo., to spend two or throe weeks
For Salo Good rooming
Roaaon for sowing, IoqvIhb city. The
Palace Rooms, Sidnoy, Nebr. OJ-d
Bishop Goo. A. Beechor, of Hast
ings, spont Sunday in' town and oc-
cupiod tho piupit at ujo jji.wj.u.
Mrs. Fred warron, or uonvor, iui-.
Leo Newton, formorly of tho U. P.
baggage department, has taken a po
sition as passenger brakeman.
Sherwood Woodhurst ontortainrd at
a dinner party the latter part of l.t
wook in ".tonor of His birth annivorpary
n ton.
The unloading platform at the
frolght dopot is boing roofed, an im
provement that will b0 appreciated by
tho freight handlors and draymen.
C. G. Osborno who has boon employ
ed In tho Westorn Union offlco for
some time will leave this wook for
Thomas, Okla., to enter military ser
vico. Mrs. Ray Kuhns ontertaincd at a
houso party tho latter part of last
week In honor of Misses Martha
Kuhns, OKlo Burko and Gladys Knapp
of Maxwell.
Fifteon laborors arrived from Den-
n 1
Tli a Royal Neghbors will meet in tho
merly of UiIh city, is visiting local ! K. P. hall Wednesday afternoon at 3.
frii'nds, having iirrivod the latter part o'clock. All members aro asked to bo
of -last wook inoBuiu.
Mrs Frod Lathrop returned to her Hay prices tumbled a couplo of dol
ho'me in Chicago Saturday evening af-' lars last woek. Tho local prico 01!
Mrs. W. J. Stuart
ail Oman, who had 'been in Om
alik durng tho summer months, re
turned Saturday to tako up his duties
in tho high school.
Glonn Mann, who is on tho road for
a packing hlouso and headquarters at
Alliance, stopped over in town Sun
day to visit friends.
Mlssos Lucillo and Florcnco Wil
cox, Miss Hazel Barber and Tod Boguo
loft yesterday for Lincoln to attend
tho stato unlvorslty.
This Is tho wook of tho Maywood
fnir unrt if tho wcathor is pleasant it
ia nrnimhin that many North Platte
people will attend. Tomorrow ono of i ver this morning to work on tho now
tho attractions will bo a wrestling depot. Eight lathors and plasterers
match botweon Joo Steckor and Bob camo in yosterday to work on tho
Manogoff, tho "Torrlblo Turk " ' same building.
aturday was a 'Humdinger'
They came by the hundred from Wellfleet, Brady, Gothenburg, and even Sutherland. AH day
long the store was filled to capacity and crowds of eager bargain seekers oame to find the doors locked
with the "Store Full" sign displayed. The disappointed ones saw what we were doing saw we meant
business. The prices proved so temptingly that the day's business proved a record-breaker. The peo-.
pie expected big things and we stacked up to every word of our printed promises. Times are certainly'
prosperous everybody had plenty of money and bought freely at the remarkable closing out prices.
Come, join the happy crowd who throng the store. We've plenty of salespeople to serve you with
tempting bargains. You will regret you did not buy more after the sale is over.
Final Clearance Sale of
450 Suits and Overcoats
Garments that were carried over from this spring and last fall. The
textures, weightand fabrics in these garments are extreme value.
You reap a big advantage in buying now. If we had to buy these
goods today we could not sell them at this low price. We show prac
tically every size in long stout and regular. Closing Out Prices. . . .
VALUES TO $17.50
A New Firm Will Soon Occupy These Quarters
9 I $6 and $7 values I
Men's 50 eent j
The J. B. NcDonald Men's and Boys' Clothing Empori
um is about to go out of existence. A new firm will
soon be above the door. A consistent effort is being
made to dispose of all stocks oh hand before the set
time limit Saturday, September 22d. In otfder to re
move all merchandise in the time given us we have sim
ply slaughtered all profits and a goodly portion of the
actual cost. If you buy now you will SAVE DOUBLE
later on. We are actually selling out this stock at from
70 to 100 per cent Ie3s than present market values. Re
member, that this stock is all top A No. 1 quality.
In Full Charge.
The Red Tags Tell the Story!
All goods aro marked with largo Red salo tags bearing tho Spoclal Closing
Out Frees. Those tags toll of Itlg Reduction toll of WONDERFUL SAY
$4 Values in
Work !
Men's $1.75
Boys' $
7 Suits
backer School Sails. Splendid us
Nortnicnt of slyllsli, staunch wearing
fabrics. A splendid opportunity to
save on Roys' wear
Boys' $
3 Shoe
ItiiKon mid Riimlier, well extension
soles. Made on tho round too mili
tary last, width J) and E. A saving; of
$1.2." here
75 1
n n &an U CI fl . k' R H n m W Mil PF
i us hock mmg mm uui 10 uie Last mmi
Work Dress $5 Oxford Men's $10 Rain Men's $3 Boys'
Shirts Shirts Shoes Work Coats Hats Caps
For men, reg- For men. The Tans or PflfltS alCSl Values UP
ular 75c vafucs Monarch SI. 50 Blacks Cravenette shapes & styles to 75c
49c 85c $1.95 $1.45 $3.85 $1.00 24c.
Men's 15c Hose
t n Kff.nnwAT n
9c U. D. mCUUNAliU
i' 1 1
Home of Good Clothes jB:y8'lronc,ai1 11030
North Platte, Nebraska 30c