The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, September 11, 1917, Image 4

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Relief for
tired eyes
If the glare of the sun and the bright
light of summer days makes your eyes
tired, you will find most gratifying
relief in tinted lens glasses. Until
you try them you can have no idea of
the comfort they bring.
They do not dim vision. They simply
filter out the fntigueing ultra violet
light rays.
Come into Clinton's and examine tinted r
lens glasses. We can grind them to t
correct any defect in. refraction.
1 f t
Graduate Optician,
At Uio Sign of tlio 1 Illng.
Graduate Dentist
Office over tha McDonald
Stato Bunk.
Mrs. Win. Daldock roturnoil Friday
ovening from a short visit In Omaha.
Try Splcor's Now Cab if you do
' siro good cab aorvico. Phono 247. tf
.Mrs. F. W. Ttlnckor haB roturncd
from Omaha where Bho vlHltcd a wook.
Dr. Morrill. Dontlat
MIbh Nina Eldor loft Saturday morn
ing for Kcarnoy totako a courso in tho
.For Salo Parlor Peninsular and
"onOiSlargo Acorn bnso burner. 407 oast
Second Street. 09-2
MIbb Ilolon Aldoti left tho lattor part
of (last week for Lincoln to attend tho
university. '
John Burko, Jr., la anHlstlng as rural
mail-carrlor during tho nbsonco of
Henry Clark.
v'Ij. D. Thoelocko Camo down from
MolroHo Friday to visit hla BOii"Whllo
onrouto to Omaha.
Fred Frcdorlckson and daughtor ro
turncd Friday ovonlng from a visit in
eastern points.
All tho now Bilks and dross goods
aro now on salo at Tho Leader Mer
cantile Co,'s,
Mr. and Mrs, J. E. Sebastian and
children who wcro visiting in Lin
coln returned homo Saturday morning.
Miss Nina HasmuBen returned Fri
day ovening from Lincoln whoro sho
visited relatives for sovoral weoks.
I hnvo liuyors for good farms. Any
one wishing to sell, sco mo at onco.
Misses LucKlo and Florenco Wilcox
loft yostorday morning for Lincoln to
rcsumo their studies in tho stato uni
versity. Womon's and misses' new fall styles
In siirits and coats are now on sale at
Tho Leader Morcantllo Co. Best in
tho city.
Mr. and Mrs. John Strahorn returned
tho latter part of last wook from Chor
okco Park whero, tlioy spent several
weokB. ,
Archdeacon Bowkor loft Friday ov
onlng for Scotts Bluff and other towns
In wostcrn Nebraska to spond sov
oral days,
Mr. and Mrs, Jas. F. Itoddy roturncd
Friday afternoon from a threo weoks'
stay In Excolslor Springs and othor
oastcm points.
Mrs. F. J, Dornn and daughtor Mar
garet who woro visiting rolatlvos In
Omaha and Qrotna,, camo homo Fri
day ovening.
Miss Jiosophlno McMIchaol who Bpont
sovoral weeks in Wclllleet roturncd
horc Saturday morning and AvllUnt
tond tho local schools. '
Oliver II. Polton, of Elslo, and Miss
Blanch Hamilton of Sarben wcro
granted a penult to wed by County
Judge Fronch Friday,
Thomas O'Noll, Jr., of Lincoln, who
spont Bovornl months at tho homo of
Ihs aunt Mrs. win, Stack; Sr., loft tho
lattor part of last week.
KM M 1 M Ht i Hf f 'M MH M WlVVHVHVf '
VV JW. Wjf J ' ' ' W ' V . iff t j-j
Fatty Arbuckle
in the grin-getter
f"k Rough House"
Alice Joyce
"The Question"
Keith Theatre; Wednesday, Sept. 12th.
Adults 20c. Children 10c.
Tho parting gift
A Vest Pocket Kodak.
It is monotony, not bullefs that our soldier boys dread.
At the front, they will uphold bravely the traditions that are
dear to every loyal American heart. But in the training
Scamps and during the months of forced inaction, there are
Y going to be some tedious, home-sick daysdays the Kodak
can iruikc more cheerful.
There 8 room for a little Vest Pocket Kodak in every
soldier's and sailor's kit. The expense is small, six dollars.
Aftnts for Eastman Kodaks and Supplies.
Styles in which jjyou will not feel out
of date after one season
area prominent characteristic of our coat and suit department.
deigned With a full realization of the extra scrutiny women arc giving to their purchasing and their
incc'asin demands for continuing service. Plus this our selections were made with these considera
tions added to a keen appreciation of local demands and selling possibilities.
Avoiding the frankly freakish and transitory fashions we have garments that are quite as substantial in
style as in fabric and workmanship and that afford those who must be well dressed upon limited expen
ditures really unusual values at
$20 to $45
Governor Xcvllle Congratulates Hoard!
Sheriff Salisbury received a Ictterf
yesterday from Governor Novlllo im
which he congratulates tho registra
tion heard iif Llnrolu county for the
efficient work they porformed. The
t'jvemnr suys he findb the work was
done without errors of any kind.
Olri Wanted
Tho Tribune can give omploymont
to a bright acllvo young woman, who
Is needed to keep books, collect and
learn to oporate tho tlnotype. Good
wages to tho one who can become
prollclent. Apply at the office In person.
Mucker and Cilnton Leave
Ernest Rlncker and "Jim" Cilnton,
who several months ago enlisted In
the hospital corps of the navy, re
ceived ordors Saturday to report . at
Omaha and loft for that city at noon
yesterday. Prom Omaha they will
probably bo sent to tho Atlantic sea
board. Many friends wer0 at tho depot
to Bee then! off.
Severe Hull Sturm.
A strip of country about ten miles
north of town was vlBlted by a very
heavy half, itorm Saturday ovonlng,
which destxoved tho growing corn and
battered down and chopped off tho
grass. Tho track of tho storm was
about threo mllos wido and oxtonde'd
a number of miles north and south.
: :: i
Scarcity of Houses. ',
liratt, Goodman & Buckley 'say
thero Is a scarcity of houses for rent,
not a slnglo desirable hc'liBo on their i
largo list being vacant at this time,
and has not been for a month past.' 1
A mombor of tho firm says that six
or eight traveling men would make
this city tholr headquartors If they
could sccuro houses.
Mr. and Mrs. John Mang, who had
boon spending tho summon on tholr
homestead In Arthur county, hav0 re
turned to town to remain permanently.)
?rcl)rinnld Salo ltlg Event.
'No special salo ever .hold In Norih,
Platttf Mb ' attracted a greater crowd
of buyors than did tho McDonald
quitting buslnoss salo Saturday. From
tho moment the doors oponod until
midnight tho Jam was continuous and
tho dozen or more cl'.erks wcro unablo
to wait on tho trade. Dozens of cus
tomers, unablo to socuno a clork, mndo
their selections, wrapped tholr pur
chasos and paid tho munoy to tho
cashlor. Others who coujd not bo
waited upon left to return at a tlmo
when th cruBh was not so great. Tile
total salos for tho day woro probablj
tho largost In tho history 'of tho cltyi
The crowd In tho store at all hours
yostorday was almost as grest as Snts
unlay. I
This salo will contlnuo until tlfp
stock la closed out. i I
Federal Court Mcels Tomorrow. I
Fodoral court, with Judge Wood-!
rough on tho bench, wlCl convono fii
thlij c.y tomorrow. Thore Is hut twoi
cases on tho docket, one a suit whcroV!
tho Union Pacific Co. nooks to ojefit
Cokor from land north of Sutherland,!
tho other an arraignment of a mail'
charged with failure to register, fnl
uio county jau tnoro aro eight men
chargod with falluro to resistor.
Whether thoy will be brought boforo
tho court by tho district attorney la
not at this tlmo known In addition to
thoso eight "slackers," Sheriff Salis
bury will round-up ilvo moro In this
oqu'nty who aro charged -with faiiuro
to register.
North Fluttc Hoys In France.
Threo North Platto boys aro now
in France, namely James Flynn,
Willie Fred Stuart and John Bur
roughs. Tho latter two enlisted In
San Fiianclpco, whero thoy had been
making their home for several years.
Each of tho threo Is in the railroad
engineering or maintenance corps,
and' form part of the body of 10,000
men who wore sent abroad to help
reconstruct and operate tho npilroads
in England, France and Belgium.
::o:: -.. ,
Second Quoin to Go September 19th
Washington dispatches state that the
seqond quota of tho drafted men will
bo sent to tho training camps Septem
ber 19th. This quota will ho forty per
cont of tho full draft and will take
about forty-flve men out of Lincoln
It is planned to call tho remaining
flfty-livo per cent the arly part of Oc
tober. Ono Washington correspondent
states that a second draft will bo mado
In November, but thl3 statement lacks
confirmation. ''
Miss Gladys Foster left Saturday
morning for Kcarnoy whoro Bho will
attend tho Kearney Normal.
P. H. Lonergan who left recently
for Denver has accepted a position
with the Universal Film Co.
Miss Gladys Brown lof Council
Bluffs, arlved hero tho lattor part of
last "week to visit with her aunt Mrs.
Mrs. Elmer Mastln and children will
leave In a few days for Colorado to
virlt relotlvcs Cor a couple of weeks.
Capt. Bennett and Co. K of Cody,
Wyo., went through this city Friday
evening enrouto to North Carolina. A
number of the members of tho com
pany were porsondl friends of Cody
Estray Hops.
Taken up Friday night, August 31,
throe hogs weighing about 150 each.
Ownor can havo samo by proving
proporty and paying charges.
North Platte.
Marfrucrlto Clark us "Snow White."
Unquestionably ono of the most
charming photoplays ever presented
Is "Snow Whiter in whjlch .'daiiiUy
Moirgucrlto Clark ropeats on tho
screon tho tremendous success sho at
tained in the .stage presentation of
this delightful and lovabCo story, in
which sho appeared for two seasons
at tho Little theatre under Wlnthrop
Ames management beforo making her
photoplay debut.
Tho Famous Players studio was
turn.ed Into a fairy paradlso for tho
adaptation of tho Gnim fairy tale
and as a irosult thero aro on tho screen
witches, dwarfs, woird cabins, and all
tho mysterious pharaphanalia which
go Into tho making of a fairy tale.
Marguerite Clark's portrayal of
"Snow Whlto" wfll suray bo conced
ed to bo tho most exquisite character
isation sho has yot contributed to tho
screen. Tho screon version of this
tender, romantic story, like tho orlg-
nal dramatic adaptation, Is doslgncd
to nppcal to young people of all ages
and thero Is not a man, wloman or
cMd anywhero who will not bo bettor
mentally and spiritually for this de
lightful Paramount .picturo which will
bo shown at Tho Crystal Thursday
ovening, September lath.
: :o: :
Norman Edwards, of Brady, who
spont last week with tho Frank El
liott family loft Friday for California
to accompany homo Mrs. Edwards.
Tho latter has been taking medical
treatment thero for somo tlmo.
Fashion Hats ami oxquisito furs aro tho rulo with Irv
ing Berlin's fashion models in "AVatch Your Stop" that
comes to the Keith thnitro Friday, Sept. 1 1th. This com
pany is enrouto to the Columbia Theatre, San Francisco',
for an extended engagement.
there are
OAK Three Fuel Rano'e
Consider the reason why, in the building of this range, it
requires inventive genius to construct it so there will be
no levers to turn, plates to remove, or mechanism to get
out of order, and yet do the work that all of these com
plicated parts USED TO DO.
These improvements are patented; 'that is why this range
is a distinctive specialty. That is why it is superior to all
others. It burns coal or gas either separately or togeth
er. It is a complete coal range and a complete gas range
all in one. We want to -tell you about all of these conve
niences and demonstrate them to you. When you call be
sure to ask for the Boiler-Iron Chief 3-Puel Book. It's
Derryberry & "Forbes, Inc.
A' Sermon On Lumber
In conclusion my friends, we can't get away from
tins lumber question. Why, every one of us
opent our first days in a cradle made of lumber.
Our lives have been lived between walls of two
by fours and lath, with rafters over our heads
and matched flooring beneath our feet. We have
tZZ! r KiL1" woode clairs, eating from wooden
X , & 5n imi W?den wat!ons' and in the course
of time will be laid to rest in wooden cnsket.
Lumber Is King In (ho Construction World.
Coates Lumber & Coal Co.
North Platte, Nebr.