The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, September 11, 1917, Image 1
A JJJatto mm nmme THIRTY-THIRD YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NER SEPTEMBER 11, 1917. No.;69 20th Century Club Moctliij: Tonight. Tho 20th Contury Club will begin the work for tho now year byholding tholr first meeting In tho rost rooms of tho Building and Loan Building, this (Tuesday) evening at eight o'clock sharp. A:i woraon aro urged to attend if at all interostcd In tho subjects ti bo dlscussod, and most loyal women aro intorostcd In those questions of the hour. Tho following program has boon ar ranged: Flag Etiquette Miss Laura Murray Woman's Com. Lincoln Co. Council of Defonso Mrs. York HInnian. Registration, of Women, Sept. 12th Miss Alleon Gantt. Rod Cross Notos Mrs. Goorgo Dent Parllmentary Drill Mrs. Mary Eld er. OutHno of Dept. Work Dopt. Chairmen. (Jrndlnp Lincoln Highway. Tho county grading outfit hns "re sumed work on tho Lincoln Highway botweon this city and. MaxwolL. Whon this grading is completed moro or lcs of tin.' road will bo covored with gravel. Commissioner Springer has five or six teams hauling gravol on tho highway Just wost of Brady and hepos next woek to fioauro teams to haul gravol at points botweon here and Mnxwoll. ::o::- ::o: V..M PtnlLI !....,. ......1 T1... 111 VyV.ll.-, JUIgS HUH JUdJU."'. I will tako orders for those who wish to have hides mado Into coats, robes, rugs, and gloves, and can save you money. NORTH PLATTE JUNK HOUSE. A heavy rain. Instlng about ten minutes, fell Saturday evening, and soon after tho temperaturo dropped. Sunday was cloudy and cool with tho temperaturo not ascending above sixty-five and during tho night dropped to fifty. Yesterday was cloudy, with a temperaturo that made a light wrap not uncomfortable. Miss Frances Dromcr loft Sunday for Wisnor, Ncbr., to attend school. C. C. Ilupfer and Charley Horrod, who nro up in tho Jackson Hole country hunting oik, hnvo not yet wired Tho Tribune of tholr succos, but It Is probable that ore this oach has 'brought downhills animal. Each hunter under tho law; Is allowed to kill but ono oik. It Is probable thoy will be home in a few days. County Treasuror Soudor says the tracts of Sand on which tho 191G tnx has not boon paid is unusually small. The tracts on wlhch the tax has not boon paid will bo advertised October first and sold for taxos Novembor first. Col. Jim Whlto, who was down from Sutherland yesterday said the sugar boot crop in tho valley this soagon will bo tho host ho has evor known and Col. Jim is nn authority on sugar beets. Mrs Minor Morrnw and children, who had Lecn at tho Baldock homo, returned to Council Bluffs yes terday Harry Beoglo (returned to Grand Island yesterday after visiting local frlonds for scvoral days. I To The Boys and .Girls: As you be&in working hard to &et a dollar, plan to make your dollars work hard for you too. You can deposit your small' amounts or whole dollars into a "Thrift Savings" account in this bank, where your money will work for y6u, earning interest. Then you can add to this something every week or month until you have a lot of dollars working for you. A "Thrift Savings Club" -membership card will be made out for you to keep and will show all the money you deposit. c 2 Buy your Studebaker Car Today and save the cost of a year's supply of gasoline I Ob r September 15th prices oi a Cars will advance 85 to $10 el from $123 to $1383 Oilier models will advance proportionately Buy how and you'll save $65 on a Four $135 on a Six A. N. Durbin Auto Co., NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. COMPANY K WILL LKAVK TOKOltHOW MOKNING AT 8:10 LOCAL AND PERSONAL Tho long todtoua wait for ordora to proceed to Ft. Doming, N. M., has at Inst ondod, and Company 13 will on trnln at S:10 tomorrow morning. Sun- dnv afternoon flnnlftln Hnlllinin ro. ceivod a wire directing him to bo roady 'ce aml 0V8r reclaimed though ad- Chas. ilupfor loft Saturday night far Lincoln whoro he will ontor tho tnte unlvorsltj Postmaster McEvoy offers for slo a Bcconu-hnnd blcyc.o loft at tho post- citv And county news to m6vo his mon jpn short notice or as Boon ns mo union rncmc couui rur nish cars. Yostordny afternoon ho was notified by tho Union Pacific that tho cars would bo ready Wednesday morn ing and that n spoclal train runninc as seoend section of train No. 10 would); convoy tho Xorth Plnttc company as woll as the Gothenburg company to Knnsns City, going via tho Gibbon cutoff. Yesterday an expross car was placed on a sidetrack and much of tho equip ment of Company E was loaded there in. Tho rost of tho equipment other than tho pergonal accoutrements will bo loaded today. Now that tho toavlng tlmo Is doflr nitoly known It Is lib to our citizen to burn out en mass and give tho boys a nearty and enthusiastic farewell. : :or : Dr. J. D. Hodflold mado a profession al visit to Iloscde yoatorday. Tho Happy Ilbur club moots Friday afternoon with Mrs. Arthur Potors. John Hurke loft Inst night for Omn ha to tnuMKict business for a few days. Mls Simula Pnyno wont to Kearney yostordny to nttenU tho stato normal. Mrs. C. II. Hrodbock loft yesterday for a visit with frlonds In Iloildorson, Kontucky. Mr. nnd Mrs. John Ell nro visiting friends In Sterling having loft yoator- nnt tho week ond with W. J. 0'Con-!m ,normn& nor. M. S. Ilobhnuson (returned yester day from a brlof visit with his mother vertlRed. J. Newman and family arrived tho latter part of last weok from Lincoln The formor has nccoptod a position In tho local high school. Messors Knuffmon of Grand Island. and Wornott of Koarnoy formor pro prietors of tho local ton cent storo, Miss Dlla Smith who submitted to. and 8iator jn Columbus. nn oiioraiion in uie uenerni nospimi recently has receivor annforao. D Mrs. Julia Frodorlckson nnd daugh- Teutly has recovered and Is able to p Miss Hazol Hondorson of Snn Fran folsco, Calif., formorly of this city spent Tho vory Into georgctto and crepo dc chino waists aro now being sliown at tho Loader Mercantllo Co.'s. Mrs. "W. A. Barton and children ro tumed Friday from a visit In St Louis and Moborly, Mo., nnd Omaha. Oscar Noalc, who had boon visiting frlopds In town nnd county for a weok, loft yostordny fir Stovons' Point, Wis. Tho Et-a-Vlrp club will moot with Mrs. Ed Dickey thia nftornoon Instead of tomorrow on account of registra tion lny. Herman Thoolocko who will rosldo on tho formor Dllllon fnrm wost of town arrived hero tho latter part of Inst week. Honry Hansen roturnod this morn ing from South Omaha whoro bo ac companied a shipment of cattlo. This is tho second shipment ho has mado In tho pnat ten days. CITi' AND COUNTY NEWS. Postmasten McEvoy is spending to day in .lulesburg. Thoro will bo n Robokah kenslngton hffld In Odd Follows hall Friday af ternoon. A large ntfondance Is earn estly requested. Dr. and Mrs.' W. T. Pritchnrd ro turnod yesterday from Omuba whore thoy had boon visiting frlonds for several days. W. C. Blackmoro, formor Suthor- Jlnst week at tho Ilupfor tome and loft; cmuniay morning lor ow vonc 10 visit friends. SWEET DAINTY Marguerite Clark IN A special train of members of tho .cavalry of tho 24th. nnd 2Cth roglmontl went through this city tho lnttor pnrtj Of last weok to Maryland nnd Nowi York to instruct tho national army. Wanted Experienced girl for gen eral housework. Phone 2S3, or wrlto, or apply personally. Mrs. J. S. Twin em, 404 wtwt. Sixth street, city. James Downio and sister Miss June, of Oakland, Calif., fornion.y residents of this city camo Friday ovenlng to land druggist, but of lato years living ! " , U10lr cou8m Mnrgarot in Pomona, Cal., Is visiting friends iujCraigie. town and at Suthorlnnd. Miss Villa Whlttakor went to Col- Thn Tmvnl nn,l RtmH Plnl, l.Mrt lf UnibllS Sunday tO OpOll tllO llllllillOry Initial moetlng of tho 1917-18 year at' "hP which ,? WTU1 nocuclt ,ln tho ii. i . ; I nnw n nro wninh TInir Tllnplf ltna na uie nome oi iurs. m. urosoy last ov SNOW WHITE Adapted from the beloved Grimm fairy tales. Unquestionably one of the most charming photo filays ever presented. Don't let the children miss it. Crystal Theatre, Thursday, Sept 13th. ening, tho timo bolng taken up in ken. sington work. now sloro which Harry Block has es tablished m that city. John W. Witt, of Garfield, who was' Miss 31. Sicilian, steam baths and t bu" alrt lny' f1,'1 cor" Swedish Jlnssngc, Indies and gentle men. l'hono 897, Hrodbock building.' Tho C. W. B. M. will meet at tho Christian church Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Every ou0 invited to como nnd bring the July Tidings. Mrs. El lison, Sec'y. Tho ladles of tho Novlta Club enter tained Mrs. Honry Weil at a .farewell party Friday evening. A pleasant ovenlng was passed and Mrs. Well was presented with a sliver cream ladle. One bunch of feeder, cattlo sold on tho South Omahha, inorkot..yestprday for $t3.G0, thus 'establishing a now reciord for that class. Hogs sold as high ns $17.75. Tho millinery department of The Leader Mercantllo Cb. Is certainly 6n the Garllold table, if frost doos not within two wooksi will bo bettor than an nverago crop. Charlos Thompson, of this .city, who has boon attonding tho unlvorslty! Bchool of music, has enlisted in tho! Filth Nebraska band and will leave, In a few days for Ft. Doming. Brokon oyo glass lensos can bo re placed the sumo day as order Is given In our Ioiibo grinding dopartmont. HARRY DIXON & SON, tf Graduate Optometrists. Ed and George Thompson loft today for Lincoln, the formor to resume bis Mtudles in the dental dopartmont of the stato univoislty and tho hitter to en ter tho pharmaceutical department of the sumo school. Miss Helon Emma Iscnhart, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Isenhart, showing the hats of tho season at tho f Tol ,.,.. Pnl fnmini-lv nf this nrrst roasouablo prices. Millinery do-1 L, V"i ' i a,"'? irt not-tmont .nnnmi nn, m,c no Cnti J city, was married August 15th to John Leroy Krucaw. Thoy will mako theilr homo in Tollurido. Judgo and Mrs. J. S. Hoagland ro turnod Friday from Boston wllero thoy partmcnt, second iloor, Mrs. Orra Sail or in charge. Th0 Women's Foreign Missionary Society will bo hold Thursday aftor- r "wnV, a rll i, i . lattoniI(!ll tll annual ro-mnion of tho tho church. All mombors and all In- araml Armv of tho nonubHc Tho trin forested are asked to bp present at tho tn 7nf , rS iT t ?P r " '"L.l.r0 bCg,Un,ns year- vas a very pleasant ono. For Salo Harloy-Davldson Motor Qycle, 115 model, 3-specd' electric lights Tea wHl bo served Company E purchased a Victrolal yostordny with which to enliven Hfo whilo in camj). Dr. Ames kindly do nated fifteen rocorda and donations from othqrs will be gratofully receiv ed. Those making donations should do so this afternoon or evening, as the boys leave tomorrow morning. Hurry Block Is lii CcJ'.umbus in good this office. condition. Inquiiro at C8-2 n The Chambor of Commorco sont out a tractor and Fry drng yesterduy to drag tho road from th0 cemetery wost to tho Bakor school houso. Tho roud tOr,,,..,, t, .l.ln ,1 nln.n Pn v.... ij r ,r 7""",. "u" and tho one end ng east from tho Indies' lUTnlshing store which ho ant stato farm wlll al8 bo dragg0(i. his brother-in-law have established Thoy seccured tho lease on a splondid Thc "silont policemen" at tho cor room in the main soction of tho busi- nor of Sixth nnd Locust was put out nesfl district nnd had it altered to ; of commission a few days ago whon a suit their requirements. resldont of the city backed into It with Four companies of tho Wyoming fr; f.ot was tho post knocked national guard onioute east detrained I "ft1 11 o f tho car wtls con" horo for a half hour Friday evening, aldorably dainaScl1 nnd marched through tho business GAS TAR is good for dipping fonco soction. Thoro wore about elx bun-' posts, paiuting chicken hcuises for llco dred and wore a vory flno looking! or pninting any thing to nrovent do- body of troops big. hearty fellowB with high beads nnd clastic stop. Henry Fulk, of O'Fallon, brought to town Friday and placed on exhibit at tho First National bank a sflgar boet that has an extraordinary growth of top. Mr. Fulk challenges all beet grow ora of Lincoln county, and particular ly Col. Jim White of Sutherland, to produco a sugar beet having a larger top. Doputy Postmastor "Loron SturgeB rocoivod word Friday that ho had been appointed private secretary to G. W. Wattle iltate chairman of tflio council of defense. Mr. Sturgeb went to Omaha Friday night to look Into tho duties and decldo whether , ho would accept. Should ho accopt he, wlll tako a leave of absence fropi bis position as doputy postmastor, and that position will bo fillod by ono of t!.o prosont employes of tho office. Geo, M. Smith will roslgn as steward of tho Elk club Octobor ilrst and with Mrs. Smith will o to Grand Island to reside. Tholr daughter resldos in tho Island and this is ono reason for tholr romoval. Mr. Smith will accopt tho stowardshlp of tho Grand Island Elks' homo, a 'position that entails loss work and shorter hatfrs than tho liosltioTi bore. Tholr romoval to Grand Island will bo regrotted by many frlonds. A. T. Ynrter, who formorly conduct ed a saloon In Brady lias apparently not lost monoy by Nebraska going dry. Last spring be leased land on th0 is land of Col. Beatty and put In pota toes, beans, onions and cabbago. Ho will have 0,000 or 8,000 bushels of po tatoes, 2,000 bushols of onions, enough cabbago to mako sauor krout for all of Lincoln county and enough boons to feed a division of tho regular army. cay, fences, barns, alios,, ate. Ten cents per mllon Wo chargo for tho barrel. North rintto Light & Powor company G7-10 At a mooting of tho Walla Walla lodgo tho latter part of last week del ogoteB woro oloctod to attend tho state convention at Lincoln Oct. 17th to 20th. Thoso solocted woro G. W. Klonk, S. W. Swanson,, A. O. Kockon and E. W. AVrlght. un dge Brothers MOTOR CAR 'V.hoy Stnntl Up. More. is said- about the lasting qualities of a Dodge car, and, more cas are sold because of this quality, than for any oth er reason. An AU-ltouml Cur. But you will find that the Dodge has many things besides stamina and quality of parts. These other qualities are in addition to what the buyer expected and a pleas ant surprise to him. Here are a few oi these other qualities you will ilnd: Efficient electric starter, will start the car on the coldest day, and the car will hit on all cylinders and pull from the jump-off. UnuBual with present day gasoline, but. ask any owner. A. permanent body finish rthe only which stands up under our alkali mud. finish The U. S. Government buys Dodge Brothers cars because they stand up; you will order your Dodge, car not only because it is an all around family car, big enough, powerful enough and lino enough for f)0 per cent of us. An enormous oversale makes it necessary to ask for your early order if you would have your Dodge Car this fall. J. V. ROMGH MOTOR CARS. "JUSl'AJIt PARTS roil THE CARS 1VE SELL." "SERVICE FOR OUR OWNERS." Sixth and Locust. North l'lalio, Nob. Mo our Heine On east Fifth Street, between Locust and Dewey streets, upstairs over the Golden Rule Store, J. C. Penny Co. Phone 183. JOHN S. TWINEM, M. D. North Platte, Nebraska. irf