The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, September 07, 1917, Image 7

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A Sermon On Lumber
Inconclusion my friends, we cari't get away from
this lumber question. Why, every one of us
spent our first days in a cradle made of lumber.
Our lives have been lived between walls of two
by fours and lath, with rafters over our heads,
and matched flooring beneath our feet. We have
been sitting in wooden chairs, eating from wooden
tables, riding in wooden wagons, and in the course
of time will be laid to rest in wooden caskets.
Lumber Is King In tits Ceastraction World.
Coates Lumber & Coal Co.
North Platte, Nebr.
KRA L. BABE, Editor u4 FmMhfcer.
ae Year 1t Mall Is AdTUM....9LS6
ifOae Year hf Carrier la Aduuic. .1 LW
Entered at North Platu. Nebraska,
PostoHlce as Second Claaa Matter.
Mr. and Mrs. Leslio Basklns visited
In Ogalalla tho early part of the week
George M. Smith left Wednesday
'Imornlng for On.aha to Bpcnd a few
The Sammy Girls' club will meet
ltfonday evening with Mrs. J. W. Mc-
Mrs. A. J. Mothersald, of Wallace,
fepent a day or two visiting with local
E. F. Seobergor returned Wednes
day morning from a' business visit In
Miss Mabel Walter left a fow days
igo far Alliance to visit for a week or
Mrs. &.F. Clough returned Wed
Inesday from a visit In Ogalalla and
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wilson loft lor
inionhnmlfl Wednesday morning to
Iclstt relatives.
fho St Patrick's school will open
ext Monday. Registrations are be-
ng mado this week.
J. B. Plelstlcker returned to Dick-
- - - ' lltl O. In
ens weanesuay- susr Yiaiuiug iua
ibrother F. C.PIolstlckdr.
Mrs. Earl Wilson and children, who
had been visiting relatives in jrax-
ton, returned homo Wednesday.
George Hanlon left Wednesday
morning for Rawlins where ho will
accopt a position.
Mr. and MJrs. r Fred Hanlon will
leave next week for Omaha where they
will spend two weeks.
Miss Elizabeth Hanlon, who has
been visiting In Denver for two weeks,
is expected to roturn homo tomorrow.
Mr ami Mrs. J. 11 Sebastian left
Tuesday evening lor Lincoln to attond
the state, fair and xielt friends for a
MlsseB Ethel and Minerva MoWll
Hams who have been visiting In Den
ver will return homo tomorrow even
Matt Welsh left Tuesday evening
for Denver to visit for a week or
longer and will return by way of Kan
sas ( Ity
Miss Murphy, a teacher In tho
Bridgeport schools, spent several days
in town tills week as the guest of Miss
Anna Ericsson.
Mr. and Mrs. Butler Buchanan were
called to Mt Pleasant la., the first
of this week by tho serious Illness
of the latter's mother.
P. D. Hansell, who had boen employ.
ed in tho Western Union offlco for
some time, was transferred to Lar
amie tho first of this week. N
Miss Anna Ericsson, who had been
visaing relatives and friends In town,
left .yesterday for Rocky Ford Col., to
resumo her duties as teacher.
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Cover and daugh
ter returned homo Wednesday mdrn-
inp. They had visited relatives 'in
western points for several wekss.
Wanted Coed second hand kitchen
range with water front Phono Red
885. 66
Mrs. E. T Tramp and Mrs. Arthur
Tramp, who have been visiting in Chi
cago, will return homo tomorrow.
! Mrs. W. A. Borton, son and daugh-
' f 111 I tmnl.n n
r, who were vismug w umuuu. tu
rned homo Wednesday morning.
Mrs. George Walter, returneu to
anton. Mo.. Wednesday evening auer
islting wth. foer son Charles Waltor.
Miss l"lon Patterson has returned
her homo In Denver after an ex-
Artrtflii visit with Mr. and Mrs. Will
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Smith, of Well-
Ieot, came hero a few days ago to
lslt tho latter's sister, Miss Irma Mc-
Fred Peterson and daughter, of
Ashland. Wis., arrived Tuesday oven
ing to visit the former's sister, Mrs
A. P. Carlson for a couple of weeks
A pleasant mpetlng of the Mothers
Club was hold Wednesday afternoon
at tho homq of Mrt. Albert Muldoon
The Jr.diotf suant f-rveral hours In
ucedlcwoik and ku ttlng.
At a recent meeting of tho Sammy
Girls' Club tho fo'ticwing officers woro
olectod: Miss Helon Mlnshall ptrosl
dent Miss Florence Stack secretary,
Miss Irene Hubbard treasurer.
Marriage llconses were Issued tho
first of this week to Gordon Barron
Crippor and Sylvia E. Stennor both of
this city; Samuel R. Hawkins of this
city and Elizabeth Knox of Hershoy;
William A. Mason and Vernlco L. Bur
riss of Sutherland.
Women of America Attention,
Tho hour Is at liandl A million
bugles, sound tho call! Tho United
States is asking Its women to do their
bltJ for tho common cause. Tho council
of National Dcnfenso through Its
womon's commltto, calls for tho Togls
tratlon of tho women of tho nation.
Governor Novllle of Nobraska has ac
cordingly tBsued an official proclama
tion fixing Soptomber 12th next, no
tho day when womon may add their
namos to tho nation's roll of honor.
On that day 300,000 Nebraska women
should march to the voting precincts
In which they llvo to volunteer to do
Bomothing for this their own Unltod
On June 6th tho mon of tho stato
did their duty.
On September 12th tho womon will
voluntarily say: "Hore wo aro Uncle
Sami glvo us something to do!"
Tho plan Is simple In every voting
precinct In tho country registrars have
boon appointed. On Septbmbor 12th
tho womon of Nebraska will go to tho
samo places to register wnora Uio men
vote and whoro tho mon roglstored.
Every woman over slxteon many and
should rcgistor. Tho registration cards
show 154 different kinds of servico,
You will bo asked wnat you can do
and how much you aro willing to do?
Can you make a chorry plo for Billy
boy?" or cook or sow, knit, farm,
ralso garden, kcop house solicit mon
ey, drivo an automobile, nurso, man
age, entertain or do anything under
tho sun? Every woman can do some
thing and that somothlng will bo of
roal assistance to this country. Noth
tng Is too small tor too humbjo Evory
thing is needed; ovqry thing will bo
used. It doesn't matter what national
ity you spring from or whethor you
speak English. You can do your mlto
that Is Important. Ask your husband
father, or any man member tot tho
family, or a neighbor, whoro ho votes
and go to that samo place on Septem
ber 12th. The womon of Russia have
donned khaki and aro fighting at the
front You won't bo asked or expected
to handle guns this time, but you can
help win the war at homo.
Tills registration Is official and its
results will bo reported to tho gov
ernment Tho eyas of tho world aro
upon you. You can make tho enemy
tremble. You won't bo shot Is you fall
or refuse to register, but sooner or
later you will feel mightily ashamed
of yourself If you don't heed tho call
on Septembor 12th. Toll yjauw family,
friends, neighbors, acquaintance,
everybody, about this. Mako It your
business to seo that every woman gets
out. This Is tho most Important thing
you wore over asked to do to help
to make t ho work safo for democracy.
No matter If you have roglstored be
foro with some club or church ofr so
doty, go forth to answer this call to
tho colors of tho good U. S. A.
America expects every woman to do
her duty, now! Go to yo'ur polling
place oji Septembor 12th and toll your
registrar what you can and will dp.
Stand back of your boy who goes
forth to battle for humanity. You can
at onco sdrvo yourself, your neighbor,
your country, and your God.
Busby's Tout Was Crowded
Tho World's Greatest Minstrel show,
Under Uio management of J. M. Busby,
had a crowded tent at their perform
ance In tills city last night, and Judg
ing from the applauso they pleased
tho peoplo Immensely. Regular old no.
gno melodies pleases nearly evory
body once or twice a year In tills
part of tho country, and thoso darkles
certainly woro tho genuine, b(oth with
their singing and their dancing. Their
jokes and songs were clean In to no and
themo. Neodosha Dally Sun.
At North Platte, Monday Sopt. 17th.
(Bontrlco Express)
Last ovcnlng at 6 o'clock at tho
boautlful country homo of Mr. and Mrs
Albert Stoll south of tho city was sol
emnized tho marriago of their daugh
ter, Miss Maudo Alborta, to Mr. Vollo
Scharmann of North Platto. Dr. C C.
Clssel of Contonary Methodist Episco
pal church of this city officiating.
Preceding tho ceremony Radford
Sholloy Bang "Sweothoart," bolng fol
lowed by a duot "I Lovo You Truily"
by Mrs. Radford Shcoloy and Miss
Beryl High. Promptly at 6 o'clock to
tho tuno of Mendelssohn's wedding
march playod by Miss Coatley tho brl
dal party took their places bonoath a
bbwor of forns and pink roses In
tho living room procoded by four
llttlo flowdr girls attired in pink and
white, and with Albort McNow, nop
hew of Uio bride, carrying tho ring
In a cala lily, whore Dr. Clsaoll pc)r
formol tho coromony.
Tho brldo was attended by tho Mlss-
os Eleanor Stoll and Helon Scharmann
and tho groom by Veal Buchanan and
Charles Scharmann.
Tho brldo woro on exquisite gown,
entrain, of whlto satin dropped with
a gcorgotto cropo and trlmmod with
bonds of seod pearl.
Aftor congiTatulationa a dainty lun
cheon of cakes, lco cream and punch
was served. Lator in uio ovonlng a
reeoptlon attendod by about 250 guests
was hold In honor of tho young couple
who wero tho recipients of many beau
tlful presents.
Tho brldo is a graduate of Uio
Beatrico high school and has been em
ployed as ono of Uio teachers in Uio
North Platto consolidated schools for
Bomo ilmo. Sho Is an accomplished
young woman and has a host of
friends In Beatrico and vicinity.
Tho brldo and groom loft last oven-
ng on a honeymoon trip to Kansas
City, and upon their return will make
their homo at North Platto Whoro Uio
grctom Is engaged In farming
Tho out-of-town guests wero Mr.
and Mrs. Goorgo Scharmann, Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Scharmann and son Rob-
ort, Miss Elizabeth Btodbcck, Charles
Helen and Ellzaboth Scharmann all of
North Platto; Mrs. Frank MoNow and
children of Mulhall, Okla., V. Buch
anan of Fairfield, la., Mr. and Mrs.
Gartner of Lincoln, Mro. Wm. Mohr
of Culbertsbn, Miss Mabol CaUicart
of Blue Springs.
Notlco to Hunters
No bunting or trespassing allowed
on lands owned or controlled by tho
Cool Breeze Indoors
The cool breeze of the mountain and sea
shore may be enjoyed in the home or office
equipped withan electric Fan. A wonder
ful rleep producer. Insures the baby's
health in hot weather. Operating cost is but
a fraction of a cent an hour.
North Platte Light & Power Co.
We sell Coal, Flour, Graham, Whole Wheat, Corn
Meal, Com Chop, Barley, Chop, Salt, Shorts, Bran, Tankage
and Cotton, Linseed and Alfalfa Meal, mixed Chicken Feed
and all kinds of Grain.
Quality guaranteed and SERVICE THE BEST.
Leypoldt & Pennington,
H. O'Connol will
visit In western
Telephone Traffic
c in Peace and War
Purchase of army supplies, tho mobilization of troops
and the gigantic war preparations have necessitated an
4 r unusually large number of local and long distance tele
phone calls.
We are handling 80 per cent more long dlstnnce calls
than we did before the war began, and heavy demands
have been made upon us by the government for telephone
equipment, and for trained men for the army signal corps.
In this time of tho nation's greatest
need you can "do your bit" by asking
only for equipment you must have and
by making only sucn local and long dis
tance calls as are absolutely necessary.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Geise, whp live
north of Brady, wero In town Wednes
day. Mr. Golso told Tho Trlbuno man
that ho has foirr hundred acres of corn
that will yield a fair crop If frost
does not coma too early. Ho also hod
200 acres or ryo and oats, Uio rye
yielding a good crop and tho oats
though light In yield Is heavy In ker
nel, weighing o"u,t almost forty bounds
to tho bushol.
W. S. Boss tolls us that tho hay In
tho hills thld year Is a much lighter
crop than usual. Tho fotonor who has
a bunch of cattlo to winter Is losing
no tlmo getting lip all tho hay ho can.
Mr. HOS8 nimsojx- baa roux mowors
running In addition to cutting a Hold
of millet and will cut his cjorn Btalks
Mr. and Mrs. B. Harshman, foraor
residents of this city who have resid
od at WIsnor for eovoral years, visited
this wook with with Mr. and Mrs. Goo
Auatln and other friends whllo onrouto
to Dalton.
Miss Hazol Hendarslon, formerly of
this city, Is visiting with Mr. and Mrs
Will Hupfor whllo onrouto from San
Francisco to eastern points.
Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Farvoyi of Elsie,
worq hero Wedonsday and roturnod
homo In a new Buldk cor which, thoy
purchased whllo In town.
Mrs P. C. Hoxlo and daughter re
turned Wednesday from a visit in Pax
Miss Ilolcn 6mJth returned Uio fore
port of thla week from Omaha.
Mrs. Mary Dunn will leave in a fow
days for Omaha whoro sho will visit
hor sister.
Mr. and Mrs. W.
loavo shortly for c
Mrs. Frank Buchanan who was vlsit
ng relatives In Iowa cama homo tho
first of this week.
Mrs. William Baldock and children,
who havo beon In Omaha for a wook,
will return homo Sunday.
Mrs. C. M. Davis, of Washington,
D. 0., who was a guest at Uio Chas.
Pass homo left a fow days ago.
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Wyman lott a
few days ago for Lincoln to visit
friends and attend Uio stato fair,
Mrs. It. C Langford and Bon Lester
who wero visiting in Coming, la., and
Omaha returned homo Wednesday.
Clyde FrlBto has returned irom a
visit with tho homo folks In Dickons
and resumed his dutios at tho post
Raymond O. Moroy fllod suit for
bankruptcy in tho Utrict court tho
first of this week. Tho liabilities aro
$1108.00 and Uio assots $220.00.
Trustee's Sale
Notlco Is horoby given that on tho
13th day of Soptomber, 1917, at 2
p. m., In tho Bratt bufldlng on North
Locust stroot, betwoon 6th an! Front
Btroets, C. L. Basklns, trustoo of Uio
estate of Honry S. HaBklns, bankrtuipb
will soil at public auction to Uio
highest blddor, all of Uio stock and
fixtures locatod at Uio placo arorosaiu.
That Bald salo will bo conducted until
the hour of 3 o'clock p. in.
s4-sl4 a L. DASKINS, TrUBtoo.
Notice of Final Itoport.
Estato No. 1451 of Mary Jano Applo
gttto, deceased. In tho county court o
Lincoln county, Nobraska,
Tho Stato of Nobraska, to all por
sons Interested In said ostato tako no
tlco that tho Executor has fllod a final
account and roport of his administra
tion and a poUUon for final settle
ment and discharge as such Exocuitor
which have beon sot for hekrlng bo
fore said court on Soptombori28, 191?,
at 9 oclock a, m.. when you may ap
poajr and contost Uio samo.
Dated Soptombor 4, 1917.
s4s25 County Judgo.
THE New Perfection Oil Cook Stove, is never
cranky, never lazy, never late. It cooks delicious
meals and serves them on the minute. More than
2,500,000 housewives are using New Perfections
today 20 more than last year.
Cooks fast or slow as you like. Turns all the oil into
heat and all the heat is used in cooking. That's the
secret of the famous Long Blue Chimney burner.
No more coal hod and ash pan drudgery no more
toiling in a stuffy overheated kitchen.
Ask your dealer to show you the reversible glass
reservoir, an exclusive feature of the New Perfection. .
For best results use Perfection Kerosene,
(Nebraska) Omaha
ton and Ogalalla. ,. ,