ft Relief for tired eyes( :4 If the glare of the sun and the bright light of summer days makes your "byes tired, you will fiita most gratifying t relief in tinted lens glasses. Until you try them you can have no idea of the comfort they bring. They do not dim vision. . They simply filter out the fatigueing ultra violet light rays. Come into Clinton's and examine tinted -lens glasses. We can grind them to 3 correct any defect in refraction. " -; c CLINTON, Graduate Optician, At Uio Sign of Uio Big Ring. if Cf-TO 4 t IUI) GOOIMU'E TO FIRST DRAFT MEN' I - " '. ? rr- t Wostonfciar w. a Wo DR. 0. II. CRESSLER, Graduate Dentist Ofllce over tin -McDonald State Bunk. XOCAii AND PERSONAL. "Miss Betty Oarmlclmol sp6nt Wod nosdny in Maxwoll with frlonds. A now lot ot dress hIIIcb now on salo at Tho Loador Morcantllo Co.'e. Mrs. Margaret Post, who hart' boon seriously ill, is groatiy improved. Dr. Smith, Chiropractor, . Building & Loan Building.. 50rt Charles Glim began work a fow days ago In tho Austin Jowolry atom . William Atlalr left at noon Wodnos day for Gibbon to-iirnd flovcnil days . "ffj Dr. Morrill. DontiBt Mrs, 0.E. Souscr loft at noon Wed nesday for ClarkB whoro alio will visit with her Bon. During tho month of August County Judge French Issued olghtcon mar rlago liconsos. I luivo buyoiH for . good finnis. Any oiio wishing to koII, see mo at onco. 0. II. THOKLUCKK. confined ,o his hmo by lllnoss for scv- oral days. past. MJs'a Boatrlco Ward boa accoptcd a position fh' tho dnug dopartmont of Uio O'Connor otoro. "Wanted Lady Stonogrn'phor and typowrltor at Chambor of Commorco room. Apply to J. Q. Wilcox. Miss Cora Sousor has accoptort a position as boolckoopoi1 in tho Hub dopartmont Btoro. Harry Howard lot Rawlins, who vis Hod, at ho P, II. Lonorgan homo, loft Wednesday ovonlng. HIkh r. Sicilian, sionm baths and Swedish jlussngo, Indies ami gentle men. Phono 897, Itrodbeck building. Nolllo and Arthur McEvoy loft yoa torday morning for Denver to visit relatives and frlonds, C. F. Strayer was called to Falls City tho first of tho wook by tho seri ous lllnoss of a ro'.ntlvo. I.Mrts Mabol Smltn, of Gothonbufg arrived here a fow days ago to visit nor brolhor Jobbo Smith. Chojco vogotablos and cut flowors at North Platto Floral Vo. Phono 1023 tf Air. and Mrs. John States roturnod Wodnoaday ovonlng from Donvor whoro thoy vlsltod rolatlvos. ' Mrs. P. A. Norton loft Wednesday evonipg for Orand iBland to visit hor son P. J. Norton and family. Miss Lucratla Davis, of tho high school faculty, will arrlvo in town to morrow from hor homo in Kansas. Mrs. Hurry Moore, who had boen vis. Itlng In Eutes Pnik and other wosjtorn points, returned Demo Wotlhosday. . I now havo funds at G'fc por cent on choice bottom tablo land. Gone Crook, Room 4, Keith thoatro Bldg. Mrs. Charles Warnlck, of Bollo Plain, Iowa, who had boon visiting Mrs. P. A. Norton,. left Wednesday ovoningj Thq storo of Tho Leader Mercantile Co. is flllod with bargains In every thing you need for fall and wlntor. A lharrlago 11001180 was granted'Wod- nosday inlawing to Goorgo W. Smith and Miss Gladys, Karlgor, both of this city. . ? Robt Ufiatty ha3 moved Into tho Iioubo In G10 f&qp block on west Fourth" fltrt .iftly jyncated by; Tom iravm, Henry Ilanaon, tho north sldo stookgrowor, roturnod yesterday morn ingfrom Omaha -whoro bo markotod nattlo. - . , Harry Boogie, formerly of tho Stone dug Btoro, nrrlvod hero from Grand Island Wodnosday to visit with local frlonds . Our advlco to you Is to buy your blankots and comforts early. Thoy will bo much higher lator. Snvo money and buy now of The Loador Morcantllo Co. Mrs. Roy Minor, of Choyonno, who spent a week with her mother Mrs. Margarot. Post, returned homo Wed nosday. Garl Hlinrlrw Pr,rkltiH. fMnrnnco Rlinul. Lno Bin, of this city, anil Earl Esnlonian, f offplorshoy, who constituted Lincoln lounty's llrfal draft inon, loft yesterday morning for Ft. Riley. At Lincoln thoy wdro to Join tho othor fow hundred men who wore selected undor tho five ! per cont call. I Other than rolatlvos of tho young moh, nct jnany wqro present at .the dopof to ibid them good-bye. J.-E. 1 Evans waB thoro as flag bearer, and a number of others gavo tho boys a God-speed, but tho lack of numbers Indicated" tliat'as a peoplo wa are un mindful of others. Woro wo imbued with that unsolflsh spirit and with the spirit lof patriotism that tho hour de mands thoro would havo boon hund reds at tho tho dopot to bid tho bpys good-byo and that enthusiastic fare woll would havo constantly remind ed tho boys that at homo hearts beat warm for them. Tlio Trlbuno trusts that when tho next call of mon is made and they take tholr dopartu're that our fcoplo will ovlnco somo lntorost In tho boys who ultimately will reach tho trenches; in foreign lands. ::q:: Foiwlck Returns for 11 Buy. AIox Fenwick spent a day or two in town this week looking after business matters. Ho and Mrs. Fonwlck havo Just returned to Choyonno from a visit with tholr daughters In northwostorn Wyoming and Montana. Thoy will loao Choyonno In a fow days for Cal ifornia whoro thoy will spend the wlntor. m MmmN Jt ' ' m Threshing and Cutting fid' Your Banking business should bo attended to at onco. Otliorwiso your funds aro oxpoBcd to Iojb thru caro lossnoss, theft and In boiuo ensos thru low of cmrnlngs. If thrashing, corn outtlng or husking w'lll mako it Im possible Tor you to prom'ptly nttond to your banking affairs In person, do bo thmi tho United States malls. Tho oxporlonco of scores of others proves its safoty and convonlonco, This bank gives special attention to i, Jr- bank-by-mall buslnoss. ) Platte Valley State Bank North Platto, Nebraska. ss3 :o:: t - w buy today? . - t If seeking that prestige that comes from being a leader of fashion you will not delay until after someone else has appeared in the very garment that you would have wished lo wear first. Every community has Its leadersit's either you or someone else. Of many of our' coats and suits to maintain our reputationjfor variety we have but few of a style; but many styles to make up a splendid . aggregate; 1 - Coats and Suits that are really special values $25 $35 $50 , t.-s'.M,..v..jm." v And if you buy today you purchase as we purchase upon the basis of values that are not likely to be duplicated in laler buying. Wilcox Bepartnieitt St ore, Will llxnniliio rupHs' Eyes County Sunorlntomlont Ailoon! Clnrk-Jolinson "Wedding. Oantt has mndo arrangomonts with I A quniot and siniplo wedding was sol. Harry Dixon and son Chn-le Dixon U omnlzod Wodnosday ovonlng by Rov. oxnmlno tho oyos of every child at- 0. B. Harmau whon ho united in raar tondlng Bcltool in Lincoln county. Tho , rinBo Miss Catherino O. Johnson and work will bogln next woek In charge' ' William Henry Clark. Tho coremony of tho lattor and continue until tho'wa8 porformod at half past olght at LOCAL AlVl) PERSONAL 5,000 chlldron onrollod havo boon ov amlnod. Aftor tho' oxamlnatlons and tosts paronts will bo notified in or der that tho children who havo do foctlvo Bight may rocolvo proper attention. Regius Work on RuIIdln Contractor Howard McMichaol Is losing no tlmo on tho construction of tho now Knighta of Columbus bulld-J ing. Tho contract was awarded Sat urday, and two days later ho cleared tho lots and began tho' excavation wefrk. Thobasemont uiidor tho build ing will be only largo onough to' ac ciomodato the heating tlant. Ihirbln Loaves C. C. lVork. -A. N. Durbln, Into secretary' of tho fChambor of Commorco, who resigned a month agio but hnd been kooplng up tho work, savored his iconnoction Wed nesday. For tho present a young lady Btonogrnphotri and typowrltor will bo installed In tno office to attend to tho work. Tho publicity fund subscrip tions are not nt present amplo to Jus tify a socrotary at tho Balary that has boon paid. :o: : ", Hold Oiionlng Tomorrow Tljo O'Connor Storo will hold a for mal opening tomorrow signalizing now dofpartmOnts and tho oxpansoln of lines already carrlod. Including now both floors 0f tho forty-four foot addition to tho Elk building, and giving a total frontnfo of 110 foot, bettor facilities aro now offorcd to display tho "stock, which has boon materially enlarged, Tho storo is cortainly a credit to North IMatto. :;o:: Notlco to Hunters Notlco Is horoby givon that no hunt ing or trospassing will bo allowed on lands owned or lonsod by us oithor bo foro or during tho hunting soason. HENRY HANSEN. C. II. WATTS " P. E. McGRAW C. P. HOWARD C7-tf T. S. McCRONE. ..Tlio 17. S. government asks for bids on 110,000 curs and Hodgo Brothers on. torod tliolr bid nmong tlio hundreds or more who offerd enrg. Jfo contract lins been lot, 110 bids ncccptcd, yet tho gorerincnt Is today bdyiiig from Hodgo Brolhers from SO to 120 enrs a day for succh depnrtmonts as havo lmmodl. nto use for cars. Tho record of Hodgo Brothers enr In anny uso ought to show you tho way to tlio purchase of n car which will stand up In your service. Order your Hodgo now for nn enrly dellvory, J. V. Romigh, DEALER the Luthoran parsonage in tlio fros onco of a fow rolatlvos." Miss Elsio Johnson and Lewis John--:n were tho attendants. Aftor tho coromony a luncheon was servo:! at the Elder homo on wst Sovonth street. Tho honeymoon will bo spoilt in Colo rado whoro Mr. and Mrs. Clark have gono by auto. Tho brido is tho daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hans Johnson and has re Bided hero for a number of years. Sho graduated from tho local high scholol and,, lator attonded tho stoto univer sity whoro sho also asslstod in toach Bng in various dopar'tmonts. Sho is an pvho has endeared horsolf to many ifrionds. k Tho groom is tho son of Mrs. Mai'y'day for Miss Lulu Burko. feldor, a promising young man who has ,Tra n T, ,, , '.w Wboon employed as rural mall, carrier ,oy veator(lay aftan a vlglt wltu hep ior Bovunn yoars nnu wno is popular with all who know him. ::o:: ' v- Thn rnnst. wnnilorfnl wnmnn'a snltn vnn pnii dn tlm lioat Tim Tno,i Don't forgot it's comedy night at tho Koith tonight. Mlas Fern Douglas roturnod Wed nesday from a visit In Omaha and Lin coln. Miss Sybil Gantt loft this morning Hor Lincoln to attend tho stato uni versity. Elmot." Monroe Howard and Miss Isdbello Lawlor woro marriod at Ogal alla Wednesday. Mrs. John Koontz and son left a fow days ago for Ktarnoy to visit rel atives and friends. For 'quick action and satisfactory salo list your land with Thoclecke. tf Mr. jnid Mrs. Robert Metcalf, of Pax to, are Visiting with tho latter's moth er Mrs. FTC. Hoxie. Mrs. P. M. Soronson entertained a number iof ladles at a luncheon Mon- daughtor Mrs. Harry Hemphill. In fitting out for winter underwear t nd coats you over saw aro now being Mercantile Co.'s. They fit your wholo howiuat Tho Loador Morcantllo Co.'b. ' family. Mrs. A. M. Solbert loft yesterday,, morning for Watortown, la,, to vialt(fi relatives for a couple of woeks. Frank Weaver, of Choyonno, or morly of this city, icamo a few days ago to visit his mother Mrs. Hartley. Fit out tlio girls and boys for school where you got tho best for tho least money, at Tho Leader Mercantile Co.'s. Mr. and Mrs. Georgo Zentmeyer and children, whlo have been, visiting in Lincoln and Omaha, will return homo " tnmnrrAw. Mrs. York Hinman returned yester day morning from Lincoln and Fro mont where sho attended tho National Defense Convention. Mrs. Clydo Tift' and childron. .re turned. to- Mllroy, Minn., Wednesday after VislMng her parents Mjr. ' and Mrs. W. W. Groves. , Wanted Girls Xor telephone oper ating. Wages paid whllo learning. Mako application to Chief Operator Nebraska Telephone Co. office. ::n:: FOR YOUR AUTO SERYICE Call 125 for Taxi day or night. Also five or seven passenger car for funeral service. MOGENSEN-LOUDEN AUTO CO", Chandler & Elcar Agency, Corner Eighth and Locust StB. I. Green Couwial. Fujinace - ! v 1 A Colonial Furnace' will Save its Cost to You in Fuel and Repairs If you don't own a furnace that gives you greatest economy, you are always adding to the original pur chase price. On a business basis, that is poor practice. Don't argue that you must have heat anyway, "without respect to cost." The furnace that eats the most fuel, is least de pendable in heat. The more extravagant the upkeep, the less the satisfaction. Keep these points in mind when you investigate the Green COLONIAL Furnace Has Green's Dame Heat Intemificr Stoking in fuel -and shoveling out ashes, is a thankless, costly job Greens COLONIAL Furnace overcome nil Vicn u of it is the result of long experteSSJ SSZTiST workmanship. renncment in furnace design, materials, How the fuel is consumed, the way the draft orients j, , the heat is extracted-the certainty that you ?a? notTeaUnfall oStc J,in '?,Ch convenience, warmth in every room, comfort and health for M fmii leanl,n.ess' advertisement. 7 COLONIAL Furnace on what we say in this But we do believe that you will investigate the Green COLONIAL Furnace Study its many merit-points; it has no othcrl furnace. Get acquainted with its five-year guarantee! Figure on its low upkeep cost. S&MSKiiSSiSg? SE&r by askinE (or a ! m Wo Sell and Install the "Colonial." SIMONBROS. NORTH PLATTE, NEB. v i jSXM