The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, September 07, 1917, Image 10

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    Cfie Most Complete
City '
T 1
r I V- IUV. II V
HE store where your nce'ds
ore understood and your
wishes instantly gratified
is the store whore you like
to make purchases. Beceuse
of our amazing collection of beauti
ful and artistic thinsold and
silver ware, jewels, caraeps and
works of art our store has become
an inspiration to our patrons.
"Wo have selected only tlioso articles which
uro euro to ploasc. wo linvo insisted upon
tho. hi&host quality, tho bost designs, tha
jtioct cai ef ul workmanship. Our customers
are permanently pleased.
In tho selection of l'ins wo exert tho utmost
enre. That is why wn sell tho famous
"W-W-W Guaranteed Rin&3. "Wo know in
celling them wo &ivo you tho utmost in do
ei&n, quality and workmanship. The ftcms
arc beautiful, tho cottin&s solid &old. Each
rin& is absolutely guaranteed against crack
ing and loss of settings. They aro priced
as low as $3.
MljurEathor AntonidoB loft yostorday
morning for Lincoln.
Dr. Morrill, Dentist,
MUs'oa Hazel and Luclllo Furman
loft Wodnosday aftornoon for Max-
liarry Plzor roturnod, Wodnosday
evening from a visit with rolatlvos In
Uraml Island. .
Mr. and Mrs. William DOlson, of
Omalm, visited rolatlvos lioro tho
first- of this wook.
MIbb Cloo Danlola 1b oxpoctod to
morrow from Alfft, Illinois, to toach
In flio local schools.
Julius Plzor and daughtor Mamlo
roturnod Tuesday ovonlng from an ox
tondod visit In Now Ylork and othor
Farm and Hunch loaiiB at lowest
rntej jihjkUc&lJtcrmH. Moiicy on hnnd
tot'vloflo loans promptly. ,
Mrtj. Elinor Coatos and son Ralph
lofJfc;?Votlno3day afternoon for Lincoln
whfiro, tho latter will ontor tho stato
Mr. and Mrs. Goorgo Wllklns loft
Wodnosday aftornoon for Gothenburg
to visit rolatlvos. Tho formor roturnod
Tho county commissioners woro in
eosslon a day this wook allowing
claims and transacting other routine
Try Splcor's Now Cab If you do
slro good cab service. Phono 247. tf
Mrs. John B. Murphy and daughton
Miss Lorotta loft last ovonlng for a
two wooks' visit In Creston, Iowa, and
othor oastorn points.
Dr. Brock, Dentlat. over Stouo Drug
Mr. and Mrs. Albort Schllntz, who
wor0 visiting rolatlvos In Kansas City
and othor oattorn points, roturnod
homo a fow days ago.
Try Dr. Smith, tho
Chiropractor. 50tf
Potor Spies, of Gllmoro City, Ibwa
who had ljqonrJsttijujiljit toother
Joseph Splos, loft a fow days ago for
Lexington to visit rolatlvos.
Patrick Sullivan, of gpoltano, Wash.
who has boon visiting rolatlvos in wal
lttco for sonlo limo, 1b, spondlng a fow
days horo with local" frloiulsr
I want to buy a good mfloh cow.
Phono Rod 862.
Mr. and MrB. Charlos Hondy, Jr.,
and fcon, of Donvor, camo yostorday
morning to visit irolatlvos and attend
tho Burko-Stannnrd wedding.
Tlioso in nood of painting, paper
hanging and decorating are assured
satisfactory work If they employ" Julius"
Hoga. Phono Black C92. . 3Stf
Wanted Exporlcnccd girl for gon-
cral housework. Phono 283, or write,
or apply 'personally. Mrs. J. S. Twin
om, 401 west Sixth street, city.
Now arrivals ovory day of street and
pattorn hats at Tho Loader Mercan
tile Co.'b millinery section. Childron's
school hats, plenty to select from.
Miss Gortrudo Ilobhauson, who had
boon employed as bookkeeper in tho
Hub for sovoral months, has irosigned
ml will lcavo shortly for Hastings to
tudy music.
Tho Twontleth Contury club, whlc
discontinued meetings during tho sum
mer months, will hold tho first meet
ing of this season on Tuesday ovonlng,
September 11th.
Frank Mclntytro in a plcturlzatlon
f his groat stage success, "Tho
Travollng Salesman", Keith theatre
Saturday, Sept. 8th.
During tho aftornoon mooting of the
Lincoln county teachers' Institute
Wednesday an addross on "Tho Caro
of School Childron's Eyos" was deliv
ered by Charles Dlsxm.
Mr. and Mrs. Chostor Bailor, of
Plattsmounth, visited tho Stamp fam
ily this week while onrouto west by
auto Mr Bailor was formerly Miss
Inez Kceso of thife city.
John Phillips, a former resident of
thlt city, who has rosided in Itldgo-
way, Colo., for a number of yeara,
camo hero Wodnosday evening to vis
It local frlonds and transact business
Save enough
to pay
for a
4 ff
the prices of all
Cars will advance
UR from $985 to $1050
fm $1250 -to $1385
Other Modbls Will Advance Proportionately
.' ' Order now at present lowjprices
, Get what is absolutely the best value
on the automobile market today
A value unequalled unapproached
4- -vr-
Oscar Ncalc Visits 1'rlends.
' Oscar Nealo, formerly of this city,
now head of tho rural school section
at tho normal school at Stevens'
Point, Wis., visited friends ' in town
Wednesday. Ho has boenin Nebraska
for a month delivering nddrcssoa be
fore teachers institutes. For sovoral
faculty at tho Kearney stato normal.
Adjudged Insane
Miss Annlo Miller was tried boforo
tho board of Insanity Tuesday aftor
noon and will bo takon to Engleslde
In two wooks at which tlmo tho quar
antine for small pox will bo raised
trom tho asylum thore. Miss Miller
Is forty-seven yoars of ago and has
been in a demented condition for a
ltumbor of years. She was takon to
Lincoln in 1911 and roturnod hero In
1912. Hor .prosont condition neces
sitates her removal from tho homo of
relatives at Garflold with, whom sho
had boon residing.
Amorig tho visitors from Wallace
-yostorday" woro W. S. Wdod, Luko Con
noally, v. 11. Falk.
W. D. Jodor returned to Halg Wed
nesday morning nftor visiting hdro for
sovoral days with rolatlvos.
Joso'ph Schatz ahd sister Miss Marie
who spent two weok in Donver. re"-
tx'rnod homo Tuosday ovonlng.
Jack Shields of tho Paxton bank.
spent a short time hero yesterday
while onrouto from eastern points.
Mrs. Ralph Smith and chlldron, who
woro visiting in Colorado and Wyom
ing, returned home Tuesday ovonlng.
Airs, vulgar inman is onjoylng a
visit from hor slstor Miss Mlllor who
arrived a fow days ago from Parsons,
Brokon oyo glass lonsos can bo re
placed tho same day as ordor Is given
In our lonso grinding departmont
tf Graduato Optomotrlsts,
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Young, of Woll-
lleot, roturnod Wednesday from Oma
ha whoro they had taken tholr daugh
tor for medical examination. Dr. Jonas,
who mado tho examination, pronounc
ed the girl In no danger.
Tho boys who loft yesterday for Ft.
Riley rcquosted us to extnd tholr
thanks to tho ladles whla furnished
tho comfort bags. Tho boys seemed
to rogoird these bags as a 'mighty con
venient adjunct . to tholr orsona!
equipment. w
GAS TAR Is good for dipping f6nce
poata, painting chicken horisos foFllco
or painting anything to proven do
j. ... -
cay, toncos. barns, uoaf, etc. Ton
cents per jmllon Wo charge for the
barrol.. North Tlatto Light & Power
Company C7t10
Eighty-ono barrols of boor woro un-
oarthod In tho baseniont of tho Millard
uotol In Omaha, Tho "find" is valued
at $5,832 as boor prlcos now prevail In
Nobraska. Paul Krugor, manager .of
tho hotol, was sentoncod to sixty days
In Jail for having tho boor in his' pos
J. O. Thompson and family, of Lu
zorno, Col., aro vlslfclng old tlmo
fronds In Nichols and Hlnman pro
clncts. Mr. Thompson was one of tho
early settlors in tho Irrigated section
woat of (own, moving back to Colo
rado n numbor of yoars ago. That ho
Is successful Is attested by tho fact
that ho sold his 1916 potato crop for
twonty-slx thousand dollars.
Demand I'or Cars Heavy
War conditions liavo tnp terror for
tho man who needs, or thinks ho needs,
a car, and' tho local demand for those
of cortaln makes far exceeds tho sup
ply. Hondy & Oglor, tho Ford doal-
ors, havo nono, &ro away back on or
dors and aro not cortaln when they
can got any; J. V. Romigh received a
car of Dodgos this week, but is still
six carloads short of filling orders;
and the Davis Auto Co. could use a
hundrod or more Iluicks that they can
not get.
As a ro3iilt of tho Inability to get
cars of these makes, naturally some of
thoso who., placed ordors airo buying
cats of othor mnkes.
: :or :
Urady Nows.
(From tho Vindicator1.)
vincont Kfooorman had so far re
covered from his rheumatic attack last
Saturday that ho was able to loavo the
hospital at North Platto. Ho came
down to Brady Sunday morning.
Sodorman Bros, finished tho Craig
siT'Ool nouso on the south sido last
Saturday. It is said to bo a handsome
littlp country school building. Joo
and Justus Sodorman, accompanied
by Chns. Nolson, wont to Brule this
weok to build a now residence on one
of Gus. Schulz' section noajr that town.
Ed Gllman, who has been visiting
relative's ad frlonds In and around
Jamestown, Colo., for tho past fow
weeks, while there wont out and re
located an old sllvor mlno that ho had
i bandoned in the early days. Ho has
filed his claim and mado his improve
monts and will go back again next
spring and work tho nilno for all It is
worth. Ho brought back a numbor of
fine samples ol ore.
A -petition is being circulated this
wook to retain Rev. Botkln as pastor
Of tho Brady M. E. church for another
year. Rev. Botkln has proved to bo
the most popular minister tho church
has ovor had, and tho potltlon Is being
signed by utirly everyone In this
vicinity. Rov. Botkln preaches his last
sormion before going to conference
noxt Sunday. All tho Rlgnors should
come out and attend church Sunday
Henry Irving Dodge's story, "Skin
nar's Dress Suit," which mado hund
reds of thousands of readers of tho
Saturday Evening Post purr Avith satisfaction and indulge in
hoarty laughter of tho most approvod
type, will : e th0 foaturo attraetioh at
the Crystal tonight. When one is not
smiling inwardly or laughing out
watdly, his heart stirred ly some
trait of charactor that shows tho best
In human nature.
Mrs. Julia Fredlckorson has return
ed rjfrriv Ogalalla amUAVMl visit Jr r,,
stopfatKor Goorge Frencfi befofo ro- "
turning to Kansas City. i
F. W. Rincker who had boon in
Omaha for a week past returned homo
Tuosday aftornoon. Mrs. Rincker will
remain thore for a foj days.
For SalO Harlem-Davidson Motor
cycle, 116 modol, H-speed. electric (
lights In good condition. Inqcdro at'
this office. 68-2
Roy Ro3s of Mrytlo, was agreeably
surprised whon finishing ills throshlng
ths week to find that ho had 120G
bushels ,of whoat. whereas ho esti
mated his yield at 700 or 800 bushels.
A thoatro party was hold at tho
Kolth Tuesday ovonlng in honor of
Mrs. Josephine Sullivan, of Fall River,
Mass., who Ib a guest at tho George
Austin homo.
English Pony Ballet with Irving Berlin's big syncopated
musical success "Watch Your Step" coming with5 it's 75
people, augmented orchestra of 14, and two cars ofscenery
and costumes to the KEITH, FRIDAY, SEPT.
Saturday. Sept.
Opening Sale in All of Our
We have made extensive preparations to make the
opening sale of our store the largest of its kind ih'&
Western Nebraska, an event long to be remembered.
Special Values will be'offeredfl in Evry
At this time we wish to thank the citizens of North
Platte and Western Nebraska for the splendid sup
port they have given us in the past, and we assure
them that the liberal patronage that has made poss
ible the rapid growth of our business, will be reward
ed by the better service and better values which our
more commodious quarters will enable us to give.
J. U
5c, 10c AND 25c STORE.
is a delight to those who demand the
beat. It comes from tho very best
creameries and. is simply 'perfect in
color, body and ilavor. You cannot
buy bqtter or more delicious butter
for thel.o isn't any. Try a pound and
enjoy learning its exquisite superior
ity. .
North Platte Creamery.
PHONE (!2.
J. M. Busby's Worlds Greatest Colored
North Platte, Mon, Sept. 17.
&i mm