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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 7, 1917)
Mm tribune. THIRT Y-TIIIRD YEAR. MOUTH PITTE, NEft, SEPTEMBER 7, L917. No. 68 IT fit. Sf. m -. - 4! ft 'l'JIANS-CONTIXKJJTAL TOUR OF THE "HYATT ROLLER." Cnr that 1ms Jlndc 201,800 JIllcs "Will Re in North l'liittc, Wednesday, September 12lh. Tho "Hyatt Roller," the famous ve teran of motordom, naw making a tour around tlio United States, Is scheduled to nrrlvo In North Platto, So'pt. 12th at 3 p. m. Motorists" throughout tho country havo been following tho puogross of this car with a llvoly interest and thoso living In tills city and vicinity wll doubtless wolcomo tho opportun ity afforded thorn of aeolng It as It paRaes through this city. The "Hyatt Rollor" started from Do triot on 'Juno 4th for Now York City on Its Bohoduled tour twice across tho contlnont. It is now on its first lap, Detroit to Now York. I Tho tout Is being conducted by tho Hyatt Roller Bearing Company as a tost of tho wearing q'uialltlea of Hyatt bearings in Automobiles. The car solected for tho tost is a car of antiquated design, a 1509, Model 1G Bulck, owned by P. E. Slason, of Plain. "vlllo, Kans. Boforo starting on Its long jaunt across tho country, it had already made a record for Itself and for tho Hyyatt bearings in tho famolio Hyatt mileage contest, having traveled tho surprising distance of 261,800 milos, or moro than ten times around tho world, on a single sot of Hyatt bearings. So far as known and accord ing to official records, no othor car in tho world has ever exceeded this niilcago record. hTo original hear ings placed at the differential, on tho forward end of tho propeller shaft, Gordon Crlppon Weds Sylvia, Stciinor. Miss Sylvia Stcnnor and Gordon Crlppon wcro married Tuesday oven Ing at tho homo of tho brldo's parents, Rev. Crlppon of Mayflower officiating. Tho hrido wtoo a 'pretty gown of whito slik with rich laco trimmings, long tullo veil and carried an arm bo quot of whito roses. Miss Edith Ston- ner acted as brldosmaid, wearing yol low georgotto crepo and carried flow ors of tho samo shade. Tho groom was attended by Vlnicont Crlppon. After a visit in Mayflower for ton days thoy will bo at homo in this city.' The brldp Is tho daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Anton Stonnor and tho groom lias boon omployed hero as a carpontor. DKXYElt MAN WEDS MISS LULU 11UHKE -::o::- "Watch Your Step.' Tunoful music, fast comedy, an ex cellent company with carefully selec ted principals and' a fast, wol'l drilled chorus, a heavy production and ploas- ing costumes; thoso aro tho ingredl- onts that make Irving Berlin's intor national syncopated musical success ontltlcd "Watch Your Step" tho best show of Its kind, and which will bo tho attraction at tho Kolth Friday, Sop tcmbor 14th. Principal among tho twenty odd stong hits nrd: ".Sottlo Down in a Ono-Horso Town." "When I Discov ered You," "Load Mo to Lovo," "Tho rocclvcl Dancing Teacher," "Tho Minstrel Pa rade," "Thoy Follow Mo Around," "how Us ilow to do th0 Fx Trot" and "I Love to Havo the Boys Around Mo." ::o:: A pretty and lmprcsslvo wedding took place at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs? John Burko last ovcnlng whon their daughter Lulu Jessie became tho bride of Robort Burdott Stannard, of Don vor. Preceding tho manilngo sorvico Mrs Edward Burko sang "Bocauso" and tho wedding march was played by Miss Qracco Burko. Rev. C. B. Harmau performed tho ceremony at olglt o'clock In a bowor of palms, ferns, pink roses. and potted plants. Tire brldo woro a gown of whito duchess satin with trimmings of tullo and rich laco and a court train which fell from tho shoulders. Tho bodice was cm broldored in small beads and her long veil was held in placo by clusters of llllios of tho valloy. Sho carried Kll larnoy roses and woro tho gift of tho groom, a diamond nccklaco set in platinum. Miss Maybollo Burko acted as nriuGBinniu. Her gown was of rose pink satin with overdrapo of silver cloth and alio hold an arm boquet of pink Russell roses. Georgo Stannard, of Denver, attended tho groom. Decorations wero in pink and whito, and boqucts of cut flowers and forns woro used. Many bonutlful gifts Woro Broad Prices to Drop. Bcead prices In North Platto will take a drop next Monday. Tho prlcos Aftor tho congratulations a lunchebn was served and assisting in sorvlng woro Misss Clara Soronson, Gcorgina McKay, Carrie Well nnd Bosslo Ran nio. Tho honoymoon will bo spont at Grand Lake, Colo., aftor which thoy will re3ldo at Twenty-second and Em erson streets, Denver. Mrs. Stannard was ono of tho mlostJ talented and popular young ladles of will bo ten and fifteen cents instead of fifteen and twenty. Tho largo loaf, this city. Sho is a graduato of tho i. n I i I .lni1 . . . .... T'" . i i t ji. i m 7 ut uiu puiiuii uuu in uiu icui vuuu(Wju pomaln tllO present SIZO, OUt tno "uuvur auuuum nuu lor uiu puai uirou J. S. Davis has gone to Lincoln to attond tho state fair and transact bus iness. Born, to Mr. nnd Mrs. J. E. Holt, Wednesday, a baby boy of regulation weight. Miss Tholma Frator has returned from a pleasant visit In Thurman, la., with relatives. Mrs. T. C. Patterson and daughter Edith returned last ovonlng from a two weoks visit In Omaha. Mp. and Mrs. John C. Don and CUf ford Colo returned Wednesday from a thrco weoks' auto trip In Wyoming. Tho meeting oftho Twontieth Con tury club will bo hold In tho Cham- bor of Commerco rest rooms Tuesday ovcnlng. Mrs. II, C. Brock ontortalnod a mini bcr of ladles yesterday afternoon com pliniontary to Mrs. Fred Lathrop, of Chicago. The Plorson bowling alloy on oast Sixth street, which had boon closed during tho summer montliB, was re opened this week. Apartments In tho now Twinoni building havo boon lot to Mr. and Mrs D. K. Nowmoyor, Mr. nnd Mrs. Geo. McMahon, Jr., and Luclon Smith. Miss Lulu Burko was tho guest of honor. at nthoatro party glvon at tho Keith Tuosday ovonlng by Miss Blanche Fonda.. Refreshments woro served at tho Oasis. Dr. "W. L. Shaffer, formorly of this city, and Miss Edora Strong of Los Angeles, wero married a fow days ago and will mnko their homo in Gothon burg. Whilo hero Dr. Shaffor was a partnor of Dr. Harold Fonnor. hub aro all still a part of tho car's sman loaf will bo fourteen instead of equipment. Although thoy havo re- sixteen ounces. ceivod the mo3t strenuous service of any set of automoblo bearngs on rec ord, tho wear has been so small as to bo imperceptible to tho naked ye. All indications point to tho original hear ings being fully capablo of completing their present task without mishap. Whilo in North Platto tho "Hyatt Roller" will bo on exhibition at tho Bulck Sales Rooms, corner Fourth and Locust streets. J. S. Davis, or tho J. S. Davis Auto 'Company, will meet tho car at Harshoy on Septem ber 12th, at 3 p. m. and will accompa ny its drive to this city. :o: : " For Snle. 191G Ford Touring, in good condi tion. 1916 Dodge touring:, guaran teed. 1916 Chovrolet Baby Grand tour ing, like new. Bulck 25, good mechan ical condition, $225. ROMIGH GARAGE, G7-2 Sixth and Locust. ::o:: Marlon C. KllHan and Miss Ireno Sundorlin, both of Overton, wore mar ried at tho court houso yesterday by County Judgo French and wont to Donvor to spend two weeks. This reduction follows, tho, drop in flour, which is now soveral dollars bo. low tho altltudinoua price of a couple of months ago. Lutheran. Announcements. 9:413 a. m. Sunday school sorvico. 11 o'clock, morning worship; sor- mon subject, "A wonuerrui vprso," 1 Tim-IUB. . ' . 8 p. m., ovening servico will bo re-J sumed. Sormon subject, "Protcstan Ism and Industrial Progress." Mission Band meeting tomorrow at two o'cloeck. : :o: : years has taught vory successfully in the ccunty and city schools, Mr. Stannard Is employed as audi tor for tho Western Union offico in Denver and is a young man possossing many good qualities and splendid bus ineos ability, North I'latto Public Library Notes A large number of books havo ,boen donated Cor tho soldiers. All hooka collected hore .will ho for thofliSooX Co. E. Let your Idle hooka help our soldiers. Threo new 'lineage books havo been prcsontod by tho D. A. R. Books feir tho uso of tho P. E. O havo arrived from tho stato library, Freo Food Thrift Booklets: "How to Select Foods," "Drying Fruits and Rally Dny. Next Sunday will be the annual fall rally day with tho Sunday Bchool at Vegetables In tho Homo," "Bread and tho Christian church and it is tho Bread Making," "Fresh Fruits and wish that evoryono who is connected i Vegetables as Consorvors of Othor in anyway with the Sunday school Staple Foods." work shall attend. Aftor tho. vaca tion poriod evoryono should rally to tho work again with renewed vigor. ::o:: Howard Brown, of this city, who has boon visiting In York for some time, will attend schsol there this sea-san. Tho teachers who aro to teach in districts that havo library privileges mado a special visit to . tho library Wednesday to study lbrary method!) ::o:: Mrs. Porry Stuart, who had boen vis, lung relatives in Omaha for somo tlmo, will return homo tomorrow. ATTRACTIVE SHOES Just As Essential As Attractive Clothes, One Wishes To Be Dressed Correctly. With the cool days at hand you will want to dis-. card those low shoes for a pair of high ones. We invite you to come in and ipspect our many many beautiful styles in Fall Shde3. We have everything that is new, in cluding the new hightop greys in all shades. School Shoe Time Is Here Bring the children to this store for CORRECT SHOES. We save you money on all Footwear. CHOE MARKET "AVES YOU "ONEY ON SHOES ONE DOOR SOUTH KEITH THEATRE. LOCAL AND PERSONAL Service Quality HARRY DIXON & SON. OPTOMETRISTS AND OPTICIAN Satisfaction Guaranteed FREIGHT HKCKIL'TS SET new itECOitn in crm Incoming freight rccolpts for last month nt tho Union Pacific depot in North Platto excoodod by twolvo thous and dollars any month in tho history of tho road. For tho month tho total amount irccelvod for tho freight do Arthur Dullard is snow at Camp nVorod was $52,000. Tho total charg Dodge, Iowa, with Machino Gun Com- eg on outgoing shipments is liot pany 35. Writing undor dato of yes-huiown, but thoy woro largo. torday ho says.: "First of tho drafted Tho freight charges colloctod, and mon in today, and thoy will continue tho Incrcaso ovor any provtous month, to arrlvo from now until full coinple-k an indox of buslhoss conditions In mont Is on hand. Real work is now North Platto, an indication that trado started." in nil linos is cood Iloiiaowivos can take a hot wcath- ::o: I . it . 1 1. ! .. I . cr hint from Fattv Arbucklo. Wkon rnncipui jicuonuuiigu csig. there Is conmanv for dihnor and littlo 0n account of his health Prof. M timo to tret ,1ft. tho olectfio fan is ox- "odenbaugli nas uoon omigou to client foJnrenVimr vegetable. 'ThJ0,Bn as Principal of tho local high TWcgh Hbuso" tho two reel comotly nt h01"001 mid w111 ,cnvo Bhortlr for 0m- tho Keith next Wednesday night a to enter a nos.pitai wnoro no wiu shows the result Entcrtulnincii't nt Court Ynrd Tho Right Rovorond Qoorgo Alloa Doochor, Bishop of Westorn Nebras ka, will glvo an Illustrated talk on aomo of tlio battles of tho civil war, showing original photographic vlows of tho sconos and Incidents of tho war as-thoy actually happened. Theso pic tures will bo shown on tho lawn of tho court houso on Saturday night, Sop tombor 8th. Tho public Is most cor dially invited. ::o: : r llaptlst Church, Sunday, Sept 0. 9:45 Sunday school. 11:00 Morning worship, theme "Tho Victorious Church." 3:00 p. m. North sido Sunday school. ' 7:00 p. in. B. Y. P. U. 8:00 p. m. Evening worship, theme "Tho Final Triumph of Christianity." ::o: At tho afternoon meeting of tho Lin coln county teachers' instltuto yester day Mrs. Georgo B. Dent gavo a talk on Red Cnoss work. Capt Halllgan will deliver an address to tho teach ers today and music will bo furnished by a malo quartot composed of Messrs. Clinton, BIrgo, Mungor and Harring ton. Tho flro wall abovo tho cornlco on the main part of tho now depot build Ing is being laid this wook, which completes tho hrllck and stono work, Construction Englncorv Crutchslngor tolls us that tho wemk so far Is thirty days ahead of schodulo and ho hopo3 to be ablo to turn tho building ovor to tho- company Decemhor 1st instead of January 1st as per contract. Out of town guests at tho Burke Stannard wedding woro Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Mallon and da'ughtor Eileen, Mrs. O. B. Stannard and Miss Anna Erics son, of Donvor, Miss Edna Murphy of Bridgeport, Mr. and Mrs. John Burkc Noll Burko, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Erics son, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ericsson, Max well, Miss Virginia Houseman, Pu oblo and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hondy, Jr., of Donvor. HAILItOAl) NOTES tako troatmont for somo time. Mr. Rodonbauigh bocamo ill during the summer and spont two months In east ern cities whoro an oporation was per formed and It was thought hlfl condi tion was such that ho could rosumo his dutios horo. Last week ho. oufforod a rolapso and nrosontod his resig nation to tho board of education. His doparturo from tho city and schoolB will b regretted by all. , To tho Public Tho garbago collector will no long or empty cans wh!chdo not (?lv with tho city ordinance, 3S EflSf UL havo your garbago naulod away you must jirovldo yourself with a closod, Ily-probf cnn. W. B. SALISBURY. 07-2 Strcot Commissioner. ::o:: - A Present Frco To every school boy and girl who will call on Loypoldt & Pennington Saturday at 10 a. m. Vice-;profidont W. M. Jeffors was hero Tuesday whilo onrouto from Wyoming to Omaha. Patrlqk Haggerty, of Dnvor, came down WoilnoBday evening to visit with rolativoa and frionds. J. F. Coloman, of pharlostown, S. C, has boen nddod to tho force of teleg raphorg In the Western Union office. C. F. Evort, who had boon omployed In tho car ropalr gang, has been trans ferred to autlior!t.nd as signal maintainor. I). D. Lawton, formorly of tho Wos- twn Union offico, loft Wednesday ovening for Choyonno to accopt a pa Bltion. Ho is succeoded horo by C. A. Boonor who arrlvod from Grand Rap Id, Mich., a fow days ago, :o :- Church of Our Saviour. Holy iftoinmunlon at 8 o'clock and morning nravor and sermon at 11 o'clock, Sunday, Soptomber 9th. BIsh op Beechor wl'.l offlclato at both sor vlcos. Estrny Hogfi. Takon up Friday night, August 31 throe hogs weighing about 150 each Ownnr can havo samo by proving property and paying charges, U. SOUACOTT, North Platto Friendly Banking Pays You Well It is well worth your while to be on close friendly terms with the McDonald State Bank. Keep one or more regular accounts herd. One for the interest we pay and a checking account for convenience and economy. Talk your financial matters over with us fully. Everything is kept in contidence and our information, experience and suggest ions are sincerely offered for your benefit. May we have the pleasure consulting with you? , " , ' FicBosmld State Bank. 1 CHICKENS WANTED We offer 18c for Hens. 20c for Spring Chickens North Platte Produce Co.