School Starts next week and it is now time toMook after the Childrens Eyes. We have- an Optometrist who is a Specialist t4 and devotes his entire attention to our Optical trade. We pay particular attention to Children Eyes. Investigate the Dixon-Perfecto non-breakable glasses. HARRY DIXON & SON. DR. 0. H. CRESSLER, Graduate Dentist Office over the McDonald State Bunk. LOCAL AND PERSONAL. J. B. Hayes, of Omaha, spent the -.week end with friends in town. Try Dr. SmlUi, the Chiropractor. 50tf Miss Zella Dorram has accented a position in tho Brooks' studio. Dr. Morrill, Dentist. Mrs. Ada Lewis will entertain tho INevlta Club Wednesday afternoon. Try Spicor's Now Cab if you sire good cab service. Phone 247. Dr. Brock, Dentist, oyer Stone Drug stare,. Ar.thur Carney has returned from Omaha where ho spent several weoks. Mrs. W. T. Prltchard and children left Friday ovening Cor Omaha to vis it menus. Mr. and Mrs. Lorn Bailey havo re Joylng a visit from the lattcr'a sister visited for two weeks. Miss Ann Valerius, who spent her vacation in Grand Island, returned here yesterday. MUss Sylvia Watts has .rieturnod from a protracted visit with friends in Mitchell nnd Morrill. Miss ltegiria Prazier has returned from a visit with friends in tho east ern part of this state. Mr. and Mrs. Hoyt Hart and daugh ter will return next week from Iowa, where they spent the summer. de- Mrs. Frank Buchanan left Friday tf, for cities in Iowa to visit relatives M!rb TTnrriAt Murrfn loft Bntnrfinv and friends for a week ofr longer. for a visit with friends in JulesburgJ Carl Stobblns was the gulost of rton- I or at an enjoyable party held at tho day from a two weeks' visit In Spaul-J Tatum Lome Thursday evening. dlne- Dr. Morrill. Dentist Choico vegetables and cut flowers at i North Platte Floral Co. Phono 1023 tf Mrs. Percy Stuart left Saturday af ternoon for Omaha and other nointa in eastern Nebraska. Mrs. C. C. Johnston, of Stromsburg, came Saturday to visit the Lindstrom family. Mr. and Mrs. Hi Smith will leave this week for Melrose to spend a week with friends. y,rs. William Black loft Saturday afternoon for Omaha to visit for a week or longer. Attorney Dress and Mrs. Dress, of Stapleton, spent Saturday in town en route to Omaha. Mrs. Frank Winkleman returned to Fremont Saturday after visiting rela tives in town. Mr, and Mrs. Lem Bailey are en Joying a visit from tho latter's sister who ccamo from Omaha last week. Miss Mary Lacy returned tho lat ter part of last week from eastern points whore she spent her vacation Miss M. Slcman, steam baths nnd Swedish Massage, gentlemen nnd la dles. Phono 897, Brodbeck building. Mrs, C. P. Carson, who has been visiting her son Perry Carson and family, will return to Gothenburg to day Wanted Coed Bocond hand kitchen range with water front Phono Red 8X5. ' 66-3 Julius Pizer and daughter Maymo, who came from Omaha last week, cago for sovoral weoks are expected to return today. Buy Now STUDEBAKER v prices will advance on September 1 5th FOUR from- $985 to $1050 SIX "om $1250 to 1385 . Other Models Will Advance . , t Proportionately Save Money A. N. DURB1N AUTO CO. KILLED IN AN AUTO ACCIDENT FJUDAl NIGHT Max Wickorsham, residing north tot wood River, was killed oarly Satur day morning when tho Ford car ho was driving overturned on tho road leading south to tho stato farm. In company with a man named Hondor chott, Wlchorsham had been in Douol county looking ud a location. Thov reaencu tins city onrouto homo Fri day night, and Hindorchott suggested that thoy rmaln hero until tho follow ing day. Wickorsham was anxious to got homo, howover, and as Uio night wob one of bright moonlight, conclud ed to contlnuo tho Journoy. Reaching a point about 200 yards north of tho Fromont slough tho car struck a bad holo in tho road, quickly voored to one sido and plunged down tho em bankment, overturning and pinning" both men bonoath. Wickorsham lay with Uio side edgo of tho car Testing across his neck, and died before alii could bo summoned. Hindorclyott could not extricate himself but was able to call for help and his crios wore finally uearu ny tno ramiiy residing In the houso near-by. Thoy rosponded, the car mica so liinucrchott could bo ox tricatcd and tho lifeless body of Wick orsnam then released. Word was sent to town and a physician summoned, but Wickorsham was past aid. Hen dcrchott was badly bruised but not sonously injurod. j. no uouy or WlcKaranam woa brought to tho Malonoy morcuo. Dro pared for burial and sent to Wood River Saturday night. Tho deceased was twenty-threo years of ago and icavos a wlfo and threo children. Hit Hard. Say tho Bakers Tho covornment dictum that wheat Shan boU for $ 2.20 in Omaha, and that a fourteon ounco loaf of bread shall sell at live cents, has cast a gloom over DaKors m North Platto as well as in other Nebraska towns. Horn In North Platto a slxteon-ounco loaf of Dread has been selling for several months past at fifteen cents, or but a fraction loss than a cent an. ounce. Under tills dictum of alio government thoy will receive but a fraction moro than one-third of a cent an ounce. It is very apparent that tho bakers liavo neon hard hit; in fact unless they hav0 been making an onormoiuus profit on the fifteen and twenty cont loaves, they cannot afford to stay In business. With wheat at $2.20, flour will sell for $11.00. It Is figured that tho in gredients consumd in working up a barrel of flour into bread is $2.12, which added to tho cost of thn flmir makes $13.12. This barrel of flour moices d25 fourteen ounco loaves and at five cents each hrlnca 1R!k for tho iproduct of a barol of flour and a profit of $3.13. To tills must be added labor, fuel, rent, light and other overhead charges. It therefore looks as thoutrh Uio baker may cease to bake and the good housewife will bo tho one upon whom we must depend for our daily bread. A Traitor at Big Spring. Last Friday a largo flag was givon to tho Big Spring M. E. church and hung up back of tho p'ul'pit Tuesday afternoon this flag was found lying in tho middle isle of the church. It had been torn from tho wall and torn Into strips. The state authorities have been notified and a reward will bo offered for tho detection of the traitor. Tho whole community is aroused and if tho guilty one 13 discovered an ox- ample will be made of him that will be al7varnlug tfv all others. Ogalalla News. Expensive Seed Wheat. Frank Cunningham, tho largest wheat grower In Western Nebraska, has placed an order direct with Luth er Burbank for ten pounds of the Now Burbank wheat Tho prico Is $4.50 per pound and only ten pounds Is nllowed one man. Mr. Cunningham sent a draft for $45.00 and will re ceive Uio limit. Tho price, If you wero allowed a bushel -would bo $270 or about six kernels folr one cent This wheat, without Bpocial caro or cultivation, has beeir producing at tho rate of forty-nine bushels to tho acre, Tlirho Says Its Hot. Down at Kolly Field, Texas, whero Ray Tigho is stationed as a member of tho aeroplane squad, tho tempera Mrs. Qeoreo Swnncutt. of Brndy spent tho week end with hor slstor Mrs. w. E. Park. Mrs. Harry FlelBhmnn and dauirh tor left Snturdny afternoon for a two weoKs' visit In Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Weeks of Grand Island, havo boon visiting in town lor sovorni uays past. Bort Chamborlain left Saturday for Denver whoro Mrs. Chamborlain has boon visiting for a wook past. Mrs. Montana Zlmmor. of Chevonnp. Is expected here this woen to visit hor brother Harry Wells and family. I now havo funds at 5 nor cent on cuoico bottom tabic land. Gene Crook, Room 4, Keith thoatro Bldg. Mrs. E. T. Tramp and Mrs. Arthur Tramp loft Sunday afternoon for Chicago to spend ten days or moro. Frank Sconcckor and Ruby Earhart ootn or Mooroiiem wore granted a marriage license Saturday morning. Mrs. Thomas Austin and sons wont to Chicago Saturday afternoon to visit hor sister Mrs. Mary Dill for two weeks. Mrs. C. H. Brodbock and daughter Ethel loft Sunday afternoon for Ken tucky to visit relatives for Bcvcrnl weoks. Mrs. W. A. Sklnnor and daughtor Mildred loft Sunday! afternoon lor Omaha and othor eastern points to viBit roiatlvcs. Thoso In nood of painting, paper hanging and decorating aro assured satisfactory 'work if thoy employ Julius Hoga. Phono Black G92. 38tf R. L. Cochran, now at tho Fort Snelling training camp as a member of tho coast artillery company in a note to Tho Tribune says: "Very strenuous work but fine. Tho ounch of fellows horo aro tlp-toppcrs." Evarott Evans and Alvin Sandall on tho battloship Texas, aro now at tho Brooklyn navy yard whero tho vossol is undergoing repairs following a two woek8 scouting trip. Mr. Evans writos that during the trip the ocoan was smooth and the riding was as easy as a Pullman on tho Union Pacific. Extension to Bond No. 11. Ho whom it may concern. Tho special commissioner appoint ed to locato a road as follows: . .Com mencing at Station No.- 11 of Road No. 11 In itho SW Vt of Section 4, Twp. 14. .N., Range 30 west kf tho 6th P. M., running thonco in a north ly, northeasterly and northwesterly direction through tho W of said Section 4 and through tho W of Section 33, Twp. 15 N Rango 30, west to Uio northwest corner of said sec tion 33, Uience north on section lino between Sections 28 and 2D of said last township and Tango throe-fourths of a mllo thence in a norUioasterly, northerly and norUiwosterlyt direc tion through tho NW V of said Sec tion 28 and tho SW (of SccUon 21 to the quarter section corner botweon SecUons 28 and 21, Twp. 15 N uango 30 west, thence north on lino between Sections 20 and 21. 1G and 17, or saiu township and range to a point about 25 chains north of Uio corner of Sec tions 16. 17, 20 and 21, thonco in a iiorUioastiorly direction through tho W. Vz of Sections 16 and 9, through tho SW Yx and tho E of section 4 of said last township and rango to n point on Uio north lino of said Section 4 about 20 chains west or the run cor ner of said Section 4, thenco north, orly and -W-estorly acidosis. SedtJlons 33 and 28, Twp. 16, Rango 30, to Uio section lino between Soctlons 28 and 29, thenco norUierly along said sec tion lino between soctlons as anu zu, and Sections 21 and 20 to a point about ono-fourth of a mllo south from Uio northwest corner of Section 21, and thenco in a northwest direc tion across Sections 20 and 17 to tho NW corncfr. of Section 17. thenco on a west and north direction across Sec tions 7 and 6 to a point on tho norUi lino of SocUon 6 about one-fourth of a mllo east of tho northeast corner of Section 6, has reported In favor of tho same as follows: Beginning at Station No. 11 of Road turo one dav last week was 120 in the M in Uio SW vl of Section 4, Twp si auo anu ion nmea 10 uio snauo.i15 N R 30 w runnlng thonco in Thro are about 300 planes in tho camp ;M,no,i ,i rH,w.toriv ,11. and 20,000 men, but It Is expected " w u flta NW M of said Section 4, and through tho SW and tho W of tho NW of Section 33, Twp. 16, Rango 30 W. to the SW cornor of .Soctlon 28. Twp. 10 N. Rango 30 W thenco ndr'th on section lino between Soctlons 28 and 29, said township and range, three-fourths of a mllo, thonoo in a northeasterly and northwesterly di rcctlon through tho NW NW V ot said Section 28 and through tho W SW M of SecUon 21, Twp. 16. N., Rango 30 W., to tho quarter section cdrnor 'between sections 20 and 21 thenco north on soctlon lino between Sections 20 nnd 21 and be tween Sections 16 and 17, said township and range, to a point and botweon Soctlons 10 and 17, Bald said township and rango, to a point about thirty rods south of Uio qutir tor Bectlan cornor botweon said Sec tions 16 and 17, thenco in a north easterly, northerly and northwester ly direction through tho NWJ4. SW 14. and Uio NW'4 of Section 16 and through Uio SW Vt SW A of SecUon 9 to a point on lino between SecUons 8 and 9, Twp, 10 N., Rango 30 W, about 20 chains north of tho SW cdr nor of Bald Section 9, thonco norUi on lino between said said Soctlons 8 and 9 to a point about 108 rods south of tho NW cornor of said SocUon 9, thonr in a northeasterly direction through tho NW'A of said 'Section 9, und through tho SE4, SW M. and tho W SE'i and through tho W NEV4 of Section 4, Twp. 16 N.. Rango 30 W, to Uio north lino of said sccUon 4 about 22 chains west from tho NE corner of Bald section 4. All objections Uioroto or claimB for damages must bo filed In tho offico of tho county clork on offt before 12 o'clock noon of tho lOUi day of No vember, 1917, or ouch rood will bo allowed without roferonco thereto. Dated at North Platto, Nob.,, this 21at day of Aug'mst, 1917. A, S. ALLEN, S4-4 County Clork. there will bo double that nimiocr of men within tho next Blxty days. Art Wortman, former reporter for Tho Tribune, is also at Kolly Field learn ing to fly. ::o:: Hershoy Is well represented at tho M. E. hospital In Omaha, four cases being there at the present tlmo from this, and Immedlnto vicinity. Frank Dymond, operation for appendicitis: Marie McClain, same; Harold Staplo3. skull injurod by being stopped on by horse; and Leonard Olson, operation for rupture. Every ono of them aro ro portod as doing nicely. Frank Dymond is expected homo Uio first of tho wook. Horshey Times. ::o:: No Fnctory at .Tulcsburg. Tho Groat Wcstrn Sugar Co, has notified tho Colorado-Nebraska Beet Growers' Association that nb sugar factdry will bo built at Julesburg this year. Tho company says tho construc tion of a now factory is not Justified by the expectancy of Increased ton nage and that tho factories alroady in operation in eastern Colorado can take caro or tiio beets produced. " V. . 11 II II Mr, and Mrs. John States wont to uonvor Friday to visit Mr. and Mrs. Walter States. Mrs John Rodhin and dauchtor re turned Friday ficm a two woeks' vis it in uotneniiurg Charles IroKue camo home Frfrlnv irom a uiumtSB inn to Omn in nm other points enRt. Leslie Johnston, of Mt Morris. Til.. arrived hero Saturdav to lonir nttnr his real ostito interosts. I havo bUTOrS for cooil tnrme'Anv. one wishing to son, soo mo at once U. Jl. XJIOELECKE. Wm. Woodrlnnr. who lind hinn vio. Iting In Omaha and orth ftr Annfnrn points, returned Saturday evening. , lu GoUicnburg last we Miss RuUi Johnston is taking treat- mom at mo wurao Brown hospital. Mrs. F. C. Plolstickor ftaB roturnod from a visit with roiatlvcs at Eonda, lowa. Anton Pushman and daughter 01 Aioinoso navo boon tho guests of Mr. and Mrs. II. N Smith for sovorni dayB. W. J. O'Connor has boon In Omaha for a day or two transacting business. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Barbor havo ro turnod from an auto trip to Colorado points. Mr. and Mm. flnnr?t iRohnrmitnn havo roturnod from Beatrlco "wlKtro thoy attended tho wedding of tholr Bon. fcifl rn (fees " " ixov rz 0,1 1. n ! sv - 11 ' 11 ii 1 HI. lr4 w HEN applied to Hardware, "Sundries" is a comprehensive term. A thousand and one items come under this had and each one is highly important when you need it. That is why we are such a convenience to you. You don't have to wait. Come right in and we can fill your requirements for anything in the hardware line, in almost any amount. ' The parting gift A Vest Pocket Kodak. It is monotony, not bullets that our soldier boys dread. At the front, they will uphold bravely the traditions that are dear to every loyal American heart. But in the training camps and during the months of forced inaction, there are going to be some tedious, home-sick days days the Kodak can make more cheerful. There's room for a little Vest Pocket Kodak in every soldier's and sailor's kit. The expense is small, six dollars. THE REXALL DRUG STORE. Agents for Eastman Kodaks and Supplies. A Sermon On Lumber In conclusion my friends, wo can't get away from this lumber question. Why, every one of us spent our first days in a cradle made of lumber. Our lives have been lived between walls of two by fours and lath, with rafters over our heads, and matched flooring beneath our feet. We have been sitting in wooden chairs, eating from wooden tables, riding in wooden wagons, and in the course of time will be laid to rest in wooden caskets. Lumbar Is King In th Construction World. Coates Lumber & Coal Co, North Platte, Nebr. 1 ..j?;fwfe.jiihtt ' -.'j