The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, September 04, 1917, Image 1

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eclihr Sifrimi
North platte, ner, September 4, 1917.
No. 67
Tlio following Lincoln county men.
cor tilled to tho district exemption
board by tho county board, have been
Ipassed by the district board and aro
now subject to call to tho colors.
Five per cent of theso men will bo
called today, forty por cout about
Soptomber 15th and tho remainder at
a later date.
Nolson. Nols Chris
"Wing, George
Haaso, John
Eves, John P.
Dancor, Mllo M.
Esholman. Earl J.
Lllas, Herman
Tcasley, Georgo McC.
Palmer, Francis E.
Thompson, John M.
Rodinquoz, Alfred
McCord, William S.
Schoolcraft. C. J. ,
Casey, Ernest R.
Knapp, Frank D.
Potorson, Arve
Wyihan, Frank E.
Woodrlng, William C.
Shaul, Clarence E.
Mauror, Roy
Stuart, Frank C.
Blcktng. John
Nolas, John
Miller, Henry
Ross- Amas A.
. McCloan, Charles
Pere3, Julian
McCord, Ernest
Larson, Axol C.
Smith, Elmer Ray
Lum, Orion LoRoy
Bailey, Claude R.
Sowocke, Otto
Conklln, Harry P.
Leach, Herbert A.
Perkins, Charles A.
Mlruno, Jonal
, Anrado, Julian
Breuos, Salvador
Gonzalos, Joso A.
McNeol, Clarence L.
Gonzalea, Hlpollte
Young, Floyd M.
Gllman, John P.
Wostonfeld, Carl E.
Falk, Isaac E.
Eolazquez, Alanacio
Snyder, Jeremiah.
Larson Aurll V.
Waugh, Thomas E.
Fountain, Leo
BOrry, Ernest L.
Stebbins, Robert E.
Thomaen, Paul J.
Johnson, Robert C.
Razo, Rayo
Irvln, William J.
Bird, Lee Wilson
Ekstrom, CUffiord
Donogan, Cyril P.
Harris, Josso B.
Ted Boguo will return to Lincoln
next week to rcsumo his studies In
tho state unlvrslty.
Mrs. Edward Parks and children of
Peoria, 111., wero horo Sunday while
enrouto to Sutherland to visit rela
tives. Miss Margaret Mottln who stpont
several weoks visiting relatives In
Portland, returned hero the latter
part of last week.
Tho Lutheran girls will bo onter
talned at tho Haspel homo Thursday
evening. Thoy are asked to hieot at
tho parish houso at 7.30.
Miss Hazel Mlnshall who has been
visiting her parents for sovoral
months will return to Lincoln Thurs
day to rosumo her duties as teacher.
Material Is being assembled for tho
now North Platto croamory' building
and work will begin as soon as tho
dwolllng on tho 'premises Is removed.
Bishop George A. Boochor. lof Hast
ings will give an illustrated lecture
on tho battle3 of the civil war In the
court houso yard Saturday ovenlng.
Sept. 8th.
Lfauls ThoeleckeV of Omaha, Avas
horo yesterday visiting at tho 0. H.
Thoolecko home, having como to meet
his family who wero enrouto lrome
from Melrose.
Emma Franscn tho six year old
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. II. C. Fran
sen who reside north of Maxwoll died
Saturday afternoon at a local hospital
after a short illness. Tho remains
wore taken to Maxwell yesterday
morning for interment.
"Methodist aid will hold tholr regu
lar meeting In the church parlors next
Thursday afternoon. Commencing at
4:30 in tho afternoon the ladles will)
serve a cafateria lunch to all friends'
and visitors from different churches.
Sandwiches, pie- cake, salads, etc.,
will bo served.
The navy Is appealing to youi to en
list as a cook, If you know anything
about preparing food. Tho pay is $35
to $6G.50 por month. There aro also
needed telegraph operators, bakers,
machinists, musicians, and a limited
numbor of flremon and apprentice
seamen. Go to tho navy guto-station
at Omaha. Transportation will be
Tho building committoo of the,
Knights of Columbus met Saturday
ovonlng and awarded tho contract to
Howard McMlchaoi for tho erection
of a thrco story 44x120 structuro on
lots north of Hotol McCabe. Tho con
tract prico Is $32,080, which Includes
tho heating plant. Tho contract calls
for tho completion of tho first nnd
socond iloors by Doccmbor 1st and tho
third lloor by January 1st, allowance
being mado Cor dolay in shipments of
Tho planB call for a very nifty build
ing tho first lloor front to bo of white
enamel brick, tho second and third to
bo of a green mat brick. The storo
front Is especially attractive, tho
largo show window extending across
a good part of tho front with en
trances nt tho sides and a corridor In
tho rear with entrances therefrom to
the business room.
A leaso for tho first and second
Iloors ihas boon executed by a local
business house.
Still Wntllng' Orders to 3Iovo
Captain 'Halllgan la still waiting
ordors to move hie company to Ft.
Cody nt Doming, N. M. While all tho
oquqtpmont has not been rocolved, tho
company has all that will bo required
at Ft- Cody. Captain Halllgan stated
that ho can entrain his company on
two hours notice.
Mias Dorothy Hubbard spent tho
week end in" tho eastern part of the
The brick work on tho new Lamb
building on north Locust wns complet
ed thp, lattor part of last week and
will shortly bo ready for occupancy
by ;tWe owner.
Havo you seon our very oxtonslve
lino of Silk Kimonaa and Negligees?
, Tho headquarters of Company E
Woro romoved yoatordny from tho
Franklin auditorium Ito tUa Llfoyd
opora house, which -will bo occdnpied
until the company departs. Tho trans
fer of tho equipment was mado yes
terday. Tho removal was necessitated
by tho opening of the toucher's insti
tute and tho school opening next week.
Tho building on tho fonuor Wood's
lot In the 300 block, on west Third
street has been removed and tho
Morsch houso on cast Fourth la being
removed thereto. Tho removal of the
latter la to clear tho ground for tho
erection 'of the Hendy-Ogler garage,
work on which la expected to start
this fall.
Wftw Pal
You men and young men who want to be right
"up to now" should be thinking of that new Fall Suit.
The new models are here. You can choose a
military style with the semi-fitting waist and classy
bdlt or one of the new double breasted models which
promise to be so popular. In either case you'll be
dressed right.
You'll be surprised how reasonably they're, priced too, when you consider
the scarcity of woolen fabrics. A reasonable price, however, at this store, does
not mean a lowering of quality as you will quickly see by an examination of the
all-wool splendidly tailored Adlers Collegian Suits we are now showing at
in one of Har
court's new hats.
They'll weather all
storms of criticism
for they're correct
in every detail.
Stetson $4.50 up.
Rosswell's $3 up.
$IS to $35.
To wear with your New Suits
Smart Furnishings
The new fall stocks are ready. When
you select your suit you can also select
gloves, ties, shoes, shirts, etc., that will put
the proper finish on the new fall outfit.
We feature only the best. Manhattan
Shirts, Regal Shoes, Lewis Union Suits.
Manhattan Shirts 1.7S to 5.
Regal Shoes 5.00 to 8.00. ,
Lewis Union Suits 1.00 to 6.00. ':
Harcourt Clothing Co.
Tho first draftod mon to leave
N)rth Platto for tho training camp at
Ft Klloy will dopart on No. 10 at
7 Ci next Thursday morning. The
nun who will go arc:
Win. C. Wuodrlng, North Platte.
Carl Wostonfeld, North Platto.
Chnrlos Perkins. North PliKto.
Clnrenco Shaul, North Platto.
Loo Bird, North Platto.
Karl Esholmnn, Ilcrshoy.
Theso constitute tho first call of five
per cent of ' Lincoln county's quota
of 115 mon. Tho next call, to bo mado
this month, will bo for forty per cent.
A. P. Kelly left yesterday afternoon
for Lincoln by auto.
Dr. V Lucas left yesterday afternoon
for Sedgwick, Col.
.- l'orry Carson spent yesterday In
Gothenburg with rolatlves.
Mrs. W. H. McConnoll has returned
from a two weeks' visit in Omaha.
Mr. and Mrs. Wallaco Thompson re
turned last ovonlng from an oxtonded
visit in Milwaukee.
Lochlol Johnston will rettirn today
fiom New York City whoro ho spent a
month with rblntivcs.
Mnnloy lloppos, a prlvato in Co. L,
was drowned in tho lake at Gothon
burg yostorday nftornoon.
Mrs. II. A. Lawhcad returned last
ovenlng from Kearney whoro she had
boen visiting her mother.
For Salo Household furniture, baso
burner and gas range, Immediately.
All M. Rodonbaugh, 509 wost FifUi.
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Brown loft yoa
torday morning for Philadelphia to
spend sovoral weeks with rolatlves.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Artz, of Donvor.
who woro visiting tho formor's par
onts, returned liiome Sunday nftornoon.
Sarah Robekah lodgo will meot Fri
day evening in the I. O. O. F. hall. In,
itlatory coromonlcs will bo conducted.
Harry E. Brown Camp United Span
ish War Votorans will-hold tholr reg
ular mccting'ln tholr hall this even
Miss Julia Dunn, of Chicago, Avho
has been visiting her slstor Mrs. Jas.
Hart for sovoral weeks, will leave
Miss Bessie Smith is expected., to
rirturn today from Michigan, wiiurs
she spjent several weeks with her
Tho Golden Rulo bible class will
moot with Mrs. Isaac Deats. 1C00 cast
Tlnlrd s'.l'eet Flrli'hy nftorncVm. lA
business meeting will be held nnd all
ladles aro paired to bo present.
Tho A. N. Durbln Auto Co. rocolvod
a carlcad of Studebakor fours and
sixes yesterday. This Is tho fourth
rarload recolvod by this company
since it entered tho ranks of auto deal
ers a month or so ago.
Our Fall Drosses for misses and
ladios'havo nrrivod, nifty stylos, com
binations of simplicity and grnco,
make your solcctions now.
Wontlior fnri!nst for North Platto
nnd vicinity: Gonernlly fair tonight
nnd Wcdiu'-.dav. not much chanco In
tompcraturo. Highest tcmpraturo
yesterday tl a year ago bi; iowosi
last night 01, a year ago (50.
WIHi maximum nrlco of No. 2 whoat
established at $2.20 at Chicago and
$2.15 at Omaha, the maximum pruco ai
Vnrtii Pinttn will lin around $1.85. The
Ooatos Co. paid this latter sum for 400
bushels dollvcroU nt Maxwell yesterday.
Tim fiiiiiiinl Lincoln County Sunday
Knlinnl pnnvnnt.lnn which was held
woll nttonded and
was ono o'tho most successful ovor
hold. Tho morning sorvlcos woro hold
in tho city jinirg hut on account or tne
wnaLhnr nn adiournmont was taken to
tho Methodist church. Especially
yorthy of mention was tho music anu
tno locturo on China by Miss Brown.
Tho ilnr-lslnn In tho wrOfltllnt! match
at Omaha last night between Joseph
St chor and Marian Plestlna was giv
en to the former aftor two hours and
',v in 'mi loo without il tall.
,'lnallnn ntfnrnri no resistance to
S'echer and did not tnko ndvantngo of
the oponiiigs which Stefhor mado for
hif. Tho bout was a disappointment
an i'rctont.
Lincoln, Neb., Sopt 1. Country
school housos In Nebraska will bo
used as tho enrolling place for wom
en Soptomber 12th, tho datet fixed
by Governor js'ovjllo's proclamation
for registration of womon to porform
voluntary work assisting in tho pros
ecution of tho war. Tho state super
intendent's offico Is asking (Jaunty
superintendents to co-oporato in ob
taining tho use of theso buildings.
Tho following is tho letter which
tho statu superintendent Is sending
"At the icq lies t of tho governor tho
staU superintendent, otj piiblfo (In
struction dlrocts that nil rural school
buildings, with equipment, bo placed
at the disposal of tho womon having
chnrgo of registration of women for
war sorvico Soptomber 12th.
"To this end Uio department sug
gest that a half holiday bo declared
for tho afternoon only, Soptomhor 12th
and everything bo dono to facilitate
tho registration."
For Sale.
191G Ford Touring, In good condi
tion. 191G Dodgo touring-, guaran
teed. 191G Chovrolot Baby Grand tour
ing, llko now. Buick 25, good mechan
ical condition, $225.
07-2 Sixth nnd Locust.
: :o: :
To tho Public
Tho garbage collector will no long
or ompty enns which do not convplv
with tho city ordinance In order to
havo your gnrbago hauled away you
muat provido yourself with a closed,
lly-proof can. W. B. SALISBURY.
G7-2 Stroot Commissioner.
Miss Anna Ericsson, of Donvor who
had boon visiting her slstar Mrs. John
Burke, wont to Brady to visit rolatlves
a fow days ago
Arthur Nolan, of Wood River, ar
rived horo yostorday morning to visit
at tho Nolan homo.
Co. Supt. Gnntt, who Is county chair
man for the registration of women
Soptombor 12th, furnishes Tho Trlb
uno with tho following list of com
mlttoes who will servo on tho regis
tration boards:
Commltto for 1st Wnrd Mrs. Robt.
Dlckoy chairman, Mrs. Cody Boal, Mrs.
V. R. Maloney, Mrs. R. F. Cottorell,
Mrs. Joo Roddy, Mrs. Earl Stamp, Mrs.
Nels Rnsmusson.
Committoo for tho 2d Wnrd Miss
Laura Murray, chairman, Mrs. S. W
Kelly, Mrs. C. E. Mlllor, Mrs. M. E.
Scott, Mrs. York Hlnmnn, Mrs. S. M.
Committeo of 3d Ward Mrs. Goo.
Pressor, chaltman. Mrs. Goo. T. Flold.
Mrs. Ira L. Bare, Mrs. T. J. Korr, Mrs.
L. B. Dick, Mrs. N. E. Buckley, Mrs.
M. M. Rcdonbnugh.
Committeo for 4th Word Mrs. C. L.
Raskins, chairman, Miss Emma
Smith, Mrs. I. L. Mlltonberger, Mrs.
Webb Hughos, Mrs. Asa Snyder, Mrs.
A. II. McMullon, Mrs. E. O. Cool.
Committoo nt Ilorshoy Mrs. Bortha
Waro, chairman, Mrs. D. M. Loypoldt,
Mrs. Sharpley Thompson, Mrs. John
Lanln, Mrs. Will Brooks, Mrs. Burroll
McNntton, Miss Bcsslo Smith.
Committoo nt Wallace Mrs. F. II.
Whltlako, chnlrmnn, Mrs. A. J. Mothor
soad, Mrs. E. R. Forroll, Mrs. P. L.
Harper, Mrs. C. L. Coopon, Mrs. Car
rlo Kuns, Miss Almeda Morton.
Committeo at Maxwoll Mrs. Chas.
Reynolds, chairman, Mrs. C. F. Duo
holm, Mrs. Bill Dolnn, Mrs. Robort
Rogors, Mrs. J. W. Fottor, Mrs. A. O.
Committoo at Brady Mrs. Wilbur
Wlnqucst, chairman, Mrs. Jas. McCul
lough, Mrs. II. B. Dart, Mrs. Robort
Rosmusson, Mrs. R. Rnsmusson, Miss
Erto Ditto, Mrs. T. T. Mnrcott.
Committeo nt Suthorland Mrs. R.
A. Scptt, ehalrman, Mrs. Goorgo C.
White, Mrs. Charles Damolojr1, Miss
Cloo Chnppell, Mrs. Walter Cokcr,
Mrs. D. C. Wilson. Mrs. E. W. Briggs.
Of our tiew addition
Next Saturday
In All Departments.
5c, 10c AND 25c STORE.
8 of the magnificent Fur Trimmed Gowns worn by the "Extravigant twelve1' with
Irving Berlin's big syncopated Musical success "WATCH YOUR STEP", that comes with