THE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. WOMAN COULD HARDLY STAN Restored to Health by LydU . Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. A Pulton, N. Y. "Why will women pay out their money for treatment and receive no benefit, wnen ao many nave proved that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vcgo table Compound will make them well 7 For over ft year I suffered so from female weak ncss I could hardly stand and war afraid to go on tho street alone. Doc tors Bald medicines were useless and only an operation would help me, but Lydia E. Finkhom's' Vcgotablo Compound has proved it otherwise. I am now perfectly well arid can do any kind of work." Mrs. Nellie Phelps, care of R. A. Rider, R.P.D. No. 6, Fulton, N. Y. We wish every woman who suffers from female troubles, nervousness, backache or the blues could see the let ters written by women made well by Ly dia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. If you have bad symptoms and do not understand the cause, write to the Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co.? Lynn, Mass., for holpful advice given free. Nebraska Directory BEST BUYERS-SELLERS " cattle 11 iHOGSMtsHwp STOCK YARDS-OMAHA Jf j BA and supplies. Largest UUAIV house In the west. All EllllCUIUfS Eastman Roods. We pay re rlillOllinU turn postage on finishing. tHE ROBERT DEMPSTER CO., 1813 Farnara St-'eel Eaitman Kodak Co. Omaha, Neb. METROPOLIS OF THE WILDS Spokane, City of a Hundred and Fifty Thousand People, Has Good Trout Fishing Within Limits. A city of n hundred nnd fifty thou sand people that hns-good trout fishing within Its city limits nnd Indians liv ing In their tepees a mile and a half away Is something that you cannot grasp unless you know the West. And even If you do, Spokano would strike you as something of a surprise. It looks as though it had been built yes terday In what was a virgin wilderness the day before nnd yet made completo with street cars nnd electric lights nnd everything that you could find In a . New Englnnd town, except, perhaps, the cultured atmosphere. The Spoknneltes do noC miss the cul tured atmosphere. If you asked about It they would probably tell you that they prefer the smell of the pines. For Ihey are an outdoors-living crew. A citizen of Spokane may attend a board of directors' meeting In the heart of tho city at 10 a. m. and at 4 p. in. he may bo hunting bear. The moun tains crowd right down upon the city nnd there are fifty lakes within a ra dius of ri hundred miles. Spokane, like Rome, was not built In n day, but It was set up at n rate that makes all of those old saws about how long It takes to do things look hollow and meaningless. It was only In 1858 that the Indians got their first declslvo defent In this region nnd the first loco motive arrived In 1881. By 1800 they had something of a town started, but It was wiped out by fire that year. The real growth began, when tho river was turned Into electric power- 170,000 horse. From this giant dynamo electricity reaches out through the can yons to hundreds of mines, driving tho power' trams Into tho bowels of tho fountains, bringing wealth to the city, A?hlch sits like n spider at the center of its mighty web or current. Fncls ore stubborn things that never apologize. INSTANT P0STUN itinmiitiiimiiiii 'on the family table makes for better health and .more comfort Preferred by Thousands Umtts a Reason WORK IN HOME GARDEN! Number of Vegetables for U&c in Following Winter. Adequate Supply Will Do Much to Make Family's Fare Attractlvo and Economical Cultivation and Storage. Thero nro a number of vegetables which, though grown In tho summer, nro usually planted for uso In the fol lowing winter. An adequate supply of these produced In tho homo garden will do much to mako tho family's winter faro more attractlvo nnd more economical. Among garden products of this typo may bo named cabbage, carrots, parsnips, turnips, nnd ruta bagas. To store cabbage, the heads should bo burled In pits or placed In cellars. Ono method Is to dig a trench nbout 18 Inches deep nnd 3 feet wide nnd set tho cabbago upright with the hends closo together, and the roots embedded in tho soil. When cold weather comes tho hends are covered lightly with straw nnd 8 or 4 Inches of earth put in. Early cabbago cannot bo kept, ns It does not stand hot wenther well. It should bo used soon after it hns formed iT solid head. Cauliflower is cultivated In much tho same way as cabbage, but when the hends begin to develop the leaves may be tied Over them In order to ex clude the light nnd keep tho hends white. Cauliflower requires n rich, Squash and Beet. moist soil and thrives best under Irri gation. Tho tender heads of this veg etable are boiled with butter or cream, and also used for pickling. Tho roots of tho parsnip are dug lato In tho fall nnd stored hi cellars or pits, much as cabbago is, or else are allowed, to remain whero they nro grown nnd nro dug as required for uje. All roots not dug during the winter, however, should bo removed from the garden, as they will produce seed the second season and become of n weedy nature. When the parsnip hns been nllowed to run wild in this way tho root is considered to bo poisonous. Carrots are cultivated in practical ly tho same way as tho parsnip, but nro not thinned so much nnd arc al lowed to grow as thickly as planted. Those not used during the summer nre dug In the autumn and iforcd in the same manner ns parsnips or turnips. If there is a surplus It may be fed sparingly to horses and mules or cat tle. Turnips require a rich soil and may bo grown cither ns nn early or late crop. For n lato crop It Is custom ary to sow the seeds broadcast on land from which some early crop has been removed. In the North this is generally done during July or August, but the usual time is Inter In the South. The plants nro quite hardy Cabbage and Carrots. nnd the roots need not bo gathered until after several frosts. They may then be stored in n cellar or burled in n pit outside. Before storing, tho tops should bo removed. If an early crop Is desired the seed should bo sown In drills 12 to 18 inches apart as early in the spring as the condition of the soil will permit. After the plants appear they nro thinned to nbout 3 Inches. Two pounds of seed nro required to plant nn ncre. The rutabaga Is qulto similar to the turnip and Is grown in much tho same way. It requires more space, however, and a longer period for Its growth. It is used to a considerable extent for stock feed and has tho ad vantage of being quite hardy. WEEDS REQUIRE MUCH WATER Plain to Be Seen That Cutting Down Noxious Plants Is Moisture Saved for Crops. A large weed may uso ns much as n barrel of water. A plant weighing ono pound when dried has used up 700 to 800 pounds of water In making Its growth, 70 to 80 gallons, making near ly two barrels. From this it Is plnln that cutting down weeds Is a very good way of saving moisture for the crop. North Dakota Experiment Sta tion. LEGUMES CAUSES TO THRIVE When Necessary Organisms Are Not Present, Scatter Soil From 8omo Inoculated Field. Some legumes require Inoculation. That is, the soil is pot always sup plied with the organisms that cause legumes to thrlvo find use free nltro jjen. When these organisms nre not present It Is neaetfeary to introduce them by scattering the soil from an Inoculated field over the ground to be planted in the particular legume. CALF FEEDING POINTS 1. Let calf hove colostrum or first milk; take from mother not later than fifth dny. 2. Feed whole milk for two weeks; gradually chnngo to skim milk, using ten days In making the change. 3. Start with eight to ten pounds nnd gradually Increase to twelve to sixteen pounds nt six months. 4. Begin feeding ground corn nnd onts nt two weeks of age. 5. Provide good nlfnlfa or clover liny at all times, good pusturo when possible. MOISTURE STOLEN BY WEEDS No Crop That Requires and Must Have Moro Water to Make Growth Than Common Weeds. Did you ever hear a farmer com plnln of the growth of the weeds nnd complain nt the same time of the wenther being too dry for tho crops? There Is no crop that requires nnd must have more moisture to make n big growth than the common weeds. Wherever the weeds nre big, unless It be some such wood ns tho ltusslnn thistle that lays Its limbs on the ground nnd prevents evaporation, thero hns been moisture enough to grow n crop. The trouble Is, so many of us let the weeds get the start of the crop. AJ'c don't cultlvnto enough to kilt nil tho seed thnf hns sprouted When we plant grain. Then ngnln, many of our strong growing weeds hnve tap-roots that penetrate deeper,than the grain roots nnd get n good deal of the capillary moisture coming up through the soil before It reaches tho grain roots. Whht'n shnmo It Is to spend so much work plnntlng grain and either sowing weed seed with It or not killing the weeds thnt are already started In the field nnd preventing their robbing the grain of Its moisture. And what nn injustice to blame the weather for such a condition I KANDY HANGER FOR HARNESS Arrangement Shown In Illustration Will Keep Horse's Outfit Off of Floor and Clean. This is n new Idea of a harness hanger. Many a farmer has hung up his hnrncss after n hard day's work nnd come back to the barn the next morning to find It on tho ground nnd Harness Hanger. tramped under tho feet of the horses. It is hard on the harness and bad for tho animals that have to wear it to have it encrusted with dirt With this handy hanger the harness is hung up In the manner best calculated to keep It straight, and with n few seconds more of work n gunrd is snapped over the ends nnd tho harness will be there until It is taken down again. WEEDS SOON BECOME MENACE Especially So Where Grass Is Sparse and Unthrifty Profitable to Use the Mower. t In permanent pasture, especially where tho grass is sparse and un thrifty, weeds become n menace. If neglected ns tho seasons go by these weeds will spread over the entire pas ture, In time smothering or crowding out tho vnlunble grass. Sheep will keep most of these weeds in check, but where no sheep nro kept head way Is gained rapidly. It Is enslest to eradicate these weeds ndicn they first mnke their appear ance nnd nre few nnd scnttered. The work can bo accomplished with tho hoo nnd scythe. If, however, they have gained too great a headway the mow er must bo employed. It is both prac ticable and profitable, nnywny, to run over the pasture fields with the mower so as not to leave any weeds go to need. CARING FOR PASTURE LANDS Good Grazing Cannot Be Expected Where There Is Large Amount of Water-it Payo to Drain. Pasture lands thnt arc Fnturated with water cannot bo expected to fur nish good grazing, besides it's very unhealthy for live stock. By proper and careful drainage much of the wet nnd marshy pasture land which now produces only unpalatable, tough, fibrous feed, If any nt all can bo made into profitable pasture land, which, when tiled, will be found to be very productive agricultural land. Palatable and nutritious grasses for our flocks and herds cannot be ex pected to grow continuously on slight ed pasture land. It will run out. It pays to drain it and feed It with home made fertilizers evenly distributed with a manure spreader. 75 5 BUILDING BENEFITS OF CONCRETE ROAD Enables Farmer to Haul Two Loads at Ono Trip, Instead of Ono Load nt Two Trips. Itedurtd to simple terms, n concrcto rond helps tho farmer haul two loads nt one trip Instead of ono lonn nt two trips ; or, It .doubles the size of tho loud and cuts in two tho trnctlvo power necessary to transport form produce. With less capital tied up In horses there is more cash to put Into equipment to produce moro cush. Tho concrete road reduces the strain on horses nnd lengthens their lives. It reduces wear on wagons nnd harness. Where motortrucks nro used It less ens tire nnd fuel expense. It puts the fanner In n stnte of prepnredncss to rench markets quickly when prices aro best, and he can tnko his profits nnd got homo with moro ensh than ho, could by slow hauling on n bnd road. It adds to tho ncrengc vnluo of a farm because It Increases its earning pos sibilities. A concrete road makes till pf these advantages permanent, bring ing its toll of profit to tho farmer daily In the form of time, money nnd effort snved. METHOD OF PAVING REPAIRS Cleveland Contractor Reduces Gang by Use of Pneumatic Chisel Gaso line for Power. A paving contractor of Cleveland, O., hns reduced his repair gong to two men and n foreman for such work as Is shown In the illustration, whero a brick pavement is to bo patched. The city is said to have a larger mileage of brick than nny like area in the M'orld, nnd economical methods of re pair are thereforo important. This contractor first hns all the old paving removed with pick and sledge, except nlong .the edge of the patch. Thero the old bricks arc loosened for re movul, with n pneumntlc chisel. This cuts out the old mortar nnd leaves a Repairing Brick Pavement clean, sound "key" for the new pave-, mcnt to meet as It Is laid. The sound bricks taken up nro also clenned by tho pneumatic tool nnd rclald, which' Is another economy. Power for the, tools is furnished by n portable outfit consisting of n gasollno engine and an nlr compressor mounted as a unit upon n truck that can bo moved ulong thq pavement by hnnd. Popular Mechan ics Magazine. HIGHWAY WORK IN OKLAHOMA County, State and Government Co-operating on Bullying Road Through .Important Towns, Oklahoma has made a new departure In convict rond work. Pollntalomlo county, the state, uud tho United States ofilco of public ronds nnd rural engineering nre co-operating on build ing a rond, 35 miles long, which passes through the important towns of tho county. Tho county Is furnishing tho necessary funds nnd n portion of tho equipment ; the stnte, the remainder of tho equipment and BO prisoners nnd 4 employees. LIGHT DRAG NOW PREFERRED Things Can Be Dono With It That Cannot Be Done With Heavy Ona Weight Can Be Added. nulld n light drag. One can da things with a light drag thnt ho can not do with fi iwnry one. And then one can weight n light drag to muko It henvy. But how ecu ono lighten a heavy drag? Do build tho drag too long; especially If your roudway is rather narrow or runs between high banks. Surfaced Roads In Georgia. During the flve-yenr period ended in 1014 Georgia surfaced 0,804 mHes of her roads. This Is t fho rate of more than fonr miles per- working day. Featura of Road Development A most significant feature of road development Is tho construction of bet ter eurfuces us a result of automobile traffic. Most Important Road Tosl. The road drag Is tho most Important tool for road maintenance. tmm i i, ulwi Worth White Knowing. During tho peach season children nro often in dnngcr of swallowing the peach sloncs nnd choking on then). An old remedy tried by our mothers nnd grandmothers Is to pour Into the child's mouth the unbeaten whtto of nn egg nnd tho stone will slldo down with It. Only thoso on tho lower part of the wheel nre In favor of revolution. Honest Advertising THIS is a topic we mil hear now-a-dayo bocausa so many peoplo ara In clined to exaggerate. Yot has any physician told you that wo claimed unreasonable remedial properties for Hotelier's Caatoria? Just ask them. Wo won't answer-it ourselves, we know what tho answer will be. That it has all tho virtues to-day that was claimed for it in its early days la to bo found inita Increased use, tho recommendationby prominent physician, and our aasuranco that ks standard will bo maintained. Imitations aro to be found in some Btorca and only because of tho Cm toria that Mr. Fletcher created. But it is not tho genuino Caatoria that Mr. Flotchcr Honestly advertised, Honestly placed before tho public, and from which ho Honestly expects to receive Genuine CMtoria always bears the Nothing Wasted. "Jnck Sprutt would cnt no fat, his wlfo would cnt no lean, nnd so be tween them both they kept the plntter clean." "High types of food conservers," commented Mr. Wombat. Louisville Courier-Journal, Tho First Crop. "How's your gnrden coining along?" "Fine," replied Mr. Crosslols. "1 have already got enough fishing worms out of It to represent the makings of several brenkfnsts." Raise High Priced Wheat Fertile Canadian Soil on Saskatchewan and Alberta. This year wheat ie higher but Canadian land just as cheap, so the opportunity is more at tractive than ever. Canada wants you to help feed the world by tilling some of her fertile soil land similar to that which during many years has averaged 20 to 45 bushels of wheat to the acre. Think of the money you can make with wheat around $2 a bushel and land ao easy to get. Wonderful ill The University of Nebraska OPENS First Semester Wednesday, September 12. Second Semester Thursday, January 31. Summer Session First week in June. All colleges and schools will be open as heretofore. , On any point of information, address THE REGISTRAR Station A. - - Lincoln Worried. "I don't know what I'll do If my boy lias to go to war." "I wouldn't worry so much If I were vou. Perhaps he won't be drafted." "I know, but I Just enn't bear the thought of him ever having to go." "That Is a fear that all mothers have to face. Has you son registered?" "Dear me, no. not yet. Hut I'm Just worried to denth for fear that some day ho will be called away from me." "How old is your boy?" "Just six months old yesterday, nnd the loveliest boy thnt ever was born." TRY A MEDICINE THAT PROVES ITS VALUE During tho entire period of time that T have been handling Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root I have never heard a single com plaint. My customers aro generally pleased with results obtained nnd speak words of praise for tho merits of the preparation. Very truly yours, GILL COMPANY, Druggist, Per Julinn J Gill, Sept. 29, 1010. Starkville, Mies. Letter to Dr. Kilmer t Co. Dtntfhamton, N. Y. Prove What Swamp-Root Will Do For You Send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Hincbamton, N. Y., for a sample size bottle. It will convince anyone. You will also rcceivo u booVlot of vnlunble in formation, telling about the kidneys and bladder. When writing, bo suro and men. tion this paper. Large and medium niic bottles for sale at all drug stores. Adv. Conservation, "Did you have any luck fishing?" "Well, I didn't catch any fish. lint I mndo the samo piece of bnlt last n remnrkably long tlmo." fui-I Mur,M l fa Tire. Eyes. I 3 mOVIVS Red Eyes Sore Eyss i Uefreshes Restores. Marios It a Vaisrlto 5 - TrMUIMit rnr M V mii Treatment (or Htm that feci darsnd smn. j iDfSiM as macaocTMno IrxrlSf MM a rlfiwH7, 2 ftittfTUI 1 MfoarTMtn ana wito raasaaa i CMlFttTBtt. Tttf CMMTMT Sola at Drag and Optical lifttl Wore mr tttftmfk g luHMiimiriiuHiiinVii-. t JUS BfirtM Eft KtMftPaY SmWRMSIillllUHIIUI In the Greenroom. Ingenue I know n tnnn who told, mo thnt iu tho last month he hnd-n thousand curtain calls. Jnvcnllo Man Did you hcllcvo him? Ingenue Ccrtnlnly. lie's n fashion able houso furnisher. Never nrguo with n man who talks loud. You couldn't convince hlra la n thousand years. his reward. nlgnntnro of Only Temporarily. "The Comeiips boast that Ihey have a peerless daughter." "Well, she won't bo peerless long, for shels begging her fnther now to buy her nn enrl or a duke." University of Notre Dame NOTRE DAME, INDIANA Offers Complete Cburte In Agriculture Fall courses alto in Letters, Journalism, Library Sclenco, Chemistry, Fharmaoy, Medi cino, Architecture, Commorce and Law. Canada extends to you a hearty invita tion to settle on her FREE Homestead lands of 160 acres each or secure some of the low priced lands in Manitoba. yields also of Oats, Barley and Flax. Mixed farming in Western Canada is as profitable an industry as grain growing. The Government this rear Is atklne farmers to nut in. creased acreage Into Brain. There la a great demand for farm labor to replace the many young men who hare volunteered for service. The climate is healthful nnd agreeable, railway facilities excellent, good schools and churches convenient. Write for literature as to reduced railway rates to Supt. of Immigration, Ottawa, Caa.,or to W. V. DENNETT Room 4, Deo Dldg., Omaha. Neb. Canadian Government Agent DAISY FLY KILLER all flies. rut,in, enumtnUI, convvnUnt, chtap, LiU all atuon Mad) of utUl, cut' Up til or Up ottri will not toll or tnjaro wiythlof . Our tnU-lffll. BoM by duUri, or I iDlbf prttt priptitl tor 1.00, HAROLD SOMIftS, 110 DC KALB AVE., BROOKLYN, M. t A GUARANTEED REMEDY FOR HAY FEVER-ASTHMA Tour H0IBV WILL BR ItirCNDKD br yonr drorgtct without unr qneatlon If this remedy dors not bcnctll ererr caio of Aitbma, Bronchial Aitbma nnd ttm Aithmatla symptoms accomtaD7lDj( May Fever, fcu matter bow Tlolent the attacks or obstinate tbecata ADR.N.SCHIFFMAHH'S f STHMADOR AND ABTHMADOR CIGARETTES positively Rlres INSTANT nHUUF In erery esse and has psraianently curd thousands who baa been considered Inenrablo, after having tried every other moans of rellof In vain, Asthmatics should avail lliemsolvea of Uils unaranteo otter through their ow n druggist, Buy a GO-cent package and present this announcement to your druggist. Von will be the solo Judge as to whether you are beneQIted and the druggist will give yon back your monoy If you are not. . we know of any fairer propottUott which wo could make. (tj R. Schlflmann Co., Proprietors, 81. Paul, Minn. ECZEMA! idonoT buck without question If HUNT'S CUKE falls In the treatment of ITCH, ECZEMA, niNaWOUil.TETTEK or other Itching Hkto discuses. Price 60c nt druggists, or direct from k B, RIcharit Meslclai Co. ,f hirnaa Tit. pEvory Woman Waiite . FOR PERSONAL HYGIENE Dissolved In water for douches if ops pelvic catarrh, ulceration and Infliia raation. Recommended by Lydi.t E. Pinkham Med. Co. for ten years. A healing wonder for nasal catcrih, sore throat and sore etyes. Economical. Hat eiuaonfinary deaoslaa and gcralcic'J prI'. S6,JP1t.rr?? 5(3& f& ImUu, ct pottnsi.1 U Cmall. 1 he PaxtooToart Company. Da.loo,Mtn. "W. nTo" OMAHA, NOT 331017 m 13 4