-- J THIRTY-THIRD YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEK, AUGUST 28, 197. ? No. 65 . s -r r 4h 1 ItEGlSTJlATION OF WOMEN ON SEITEMUEH TWELFTH Registration day for women In Ne braska Is Soptcmbor 12, 1917. This registration Is decidedly dif ferent from the registration of men which took placo in our country on Juno Cth last Registration of women is voluntary. No one will compel you to register. "HCftiPtratlon" simply means sign ing your r.amo and address and stat ing what you can, or will do, in the way of sorvico for your country at thla time. If you wish to bo paid for your eervlco, say so. Nothing will bo done' to you If It becomes impossible fori you to rondor tho sorvico for which you pledge yourself., Your off or will' bo made in good faith, and no legal significance can bo attached to your obligation. , Vi tritnfltitnn In i.m.lh 1 . ...... ...Jit aw buutuuivo la U1UUU IUUI JfUU Willi bo giyon tno woik you ask for or tho1 uouipensam n wnicn you may consider it ntcestmry to receive, buj. tho prob ability is i hat tho work and workers in this state will bo so organized through registration, that each woman may be Riven to do that which sho pre-, fers. County Superintendent Gantt, who is county chairman, will appoint a rogls-l tratlon board In each precinct lit the county., For North Platto tho fol- InilfllK. nT.ntmv.nn f 1. 1 1 . V ' appointed: . First Ward Mrs,. Edmund Dickoy. Second Ward Miss Laura Murray Third Ward Mrs. Goorgo Prosser. Fourth Ward Mrs,. Leslio Baskins Tho women of tho First, Second and Fourth Wards will register at tho re spective school buildings in those -wards, r.nd those of tho Third ward will register at tho Junior High. r::o:: ( Assault Cnso Dismissed Tho ca'so of the state against Minnie Shanor, charged with assaulting her husband?1 was dismissed in tho county court yesterday, the complaining wit ness failing, to appear. His failure to push the case was probably due to tho act that during tho day he filed a soil, for divopco from tho one ho claims as saulted him. , ::o:i 3rissloniry Gives Lecture.! Dr. Verity, who was Btationed In China for twenty-five years as a mis sionary, gave two interesting ad dresses at tho Methodist church Sun day, speaking in tho forcnopn in the intorests of the woman's foreign mis sionary society and in the evening gtvtng an illustrated, lecture,. . : :q: : New Fall Suits, Coats, Dresses, Skirts and Blouses in laTger assort ments than over aro now shown at BLOCK'S. Mrs. .,Enlma5VUllford has gono to Paxton'-lo 'visit1 with rolatlves and friends. r , Mr.' arid Mrs. E. M. Hogg and daugh ter, of Paxton, spont Sunday and Mon day with relatives, in town. Mrs.- Charlos Echelbory loft a fow days ago for Denvor to vjslt with rola tlves for a fortnight or longer. Mrs. Clyde Fernanders, of Omaha, camo Friday evening to visit with Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Cook for ten days. A cailo'l meeting of tho Royal Neigh bors will be held at the home of Mrs. J F. Schmalzried Thursday aftornoon. Mrs. Claudo Wolngand returned Sat urday evening from a visit in Donver and Estos" Park and left yesterday morning for Lowellen to visit friends. There is no secure. File Suits 1or Divorce. Mary Juno Mattor bogan proceeding for dlvorco from Morlyn Allen Matter yesterday. Thoy woro marrlod in Lin coln July 30th, 1910 and tho plaintiff alleges she has been subjoct to ex tromo cruelty and non-support and In July, 1911, the defendant abandoned horo and bIio has been obliged to earn hor own living sinco that timo. Pctor J. Waterbury has filed suit for dlvorco from Marguorlto Wator bury to whom ho was married in this city in Scptombor, 1890. Tho grounds for action, aro abandonment, tho de fondant having loft tho plaintiff five years ago. Scott W. Shanor filed suit for dl vorco from Mlnnlo Shanor In tho dis trict courjt yesterday charging cruelty. Thoy wore married In this oity Doc. 31st, 1907, and since that timo the plaintiff alleges that the defendant has given way to violent outbursts of tompor during which sho threatened to tako his Ufo. To this marriago was born ono child Orvlllo W. Shanor, born In 1908. More Graders Keedod. Tho county grader In charge of A. D. Hoagland, which had boon working on tho Lincoln Highway cast of the bridgo, has been transferred to tho voad leading east from the experi mental farm, which will bo graded as far as tho Mylandor turn. The roads demanding grading is greater than tho capacity of one xnachino, and tho com missioners havo in contemplation the purchaso of ono, and perhaps two, mora tractors. Tho fact is, each com missioner district should each havo a tractor and grader, as it frequently happens that each district sorely needs tho present tractor at tho some time. Their, too, the expense of moving one tractor from ono section of tho county to another is no small item of expense. Thero is a universal demand for good roads, and tho commissioners are ualng every possible effort to im prove as far as possible every road in tho county that Is usod to any great extent. Exhibits "for Slnto Fair. John Fowler, who Hyos soutliwost of town and takes a live Interest in every thing pertaining to tho courity, has been busy for a day or two collecting Lincoln county oxhiblts for tho state fair. Thoso will be sent to Lincoln tomorow. Ho Was at BIgnell yesterday and from tho Abercromblo farm se cured Bixteon different exhibits. Plenty exhibits of vegetables, small grain and grasses havo-boon socured, but on account of tho lateness of tho orop but fow samples of, corn could be obtained. -::o:: Offers $100 for Mascot. Jim Lambert, the member of Co. E who owns tho company mascot, the bull dog named "Bum," refused an offor of $100 for tho animal yestor day. The offer came from a woman aut: tourist who was passing through the city. Jim turned, down tho offor, for ho considers that Bum will bring tho company more , good luck than ono hundred dollars can buy. "Bum" Is very 'popular with tho men of the company and each was heartily glad that Lambort refused tho offor. Wo will receive n limited number of orders, from consumers only, for gen uine Pennsylvania chestnut sizo an thracite conl at $10.50 per ton deliver ed or SIC nt our yards. Delivery ub solutoly guaranteed. LEYPOLDT & PENNINGTON. saving time for out-of-town dental patients During my practice in Omaha many patients coming into the office made the statement that the reason they came long dis tances was the seeming inability of nearby dentists to attend to their dental needs without taking a great deal of the patient's time. Often it had been necessary to go to the dentist several times to have even a simple piece of bridge work finished. , excuse for so much delay. inability or lack of inclination to do nowadays SHOULD do it, quickly and matter of following the newer methods dental equipment. You will find that in exactly the same high-grade methods and you may have traveled long distances to There are very few kinds of dental work we cannot complete for a patient in ONE DAY. And remember this. The only kinds we don't do in no one day if necessary, arc confined to cases which NO DENTIST IN THE WORLD could do and do right in so short a time. Our motto is expedition but NOX haste. Keep in mind that all our work is ABSO LUTELY GUARANTEED and that it must therefore be as near perfect as human ingenuity and skill can make it. DR. WALTER CROOK MODER'N DENTISTRY McDonald State Bank Building, North Platte. 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. Telephone 97. GETTING HEADY TO 3I011ILIZE DItAFT AIHft County Clerk Allen, as clerk of thu local exemption board will rocolvo In a day or two from tho govornmont tho meal tickets and transportation for tha first quota of Uio draft army which Is to bo sont to tho cantonment campai from this city. It is cxpocted that t lies'; men will bo called to mobilise in North Platto botweon now and Sop tombor 5th and to roniain hero until ordered to entrain for Doa Moines or somo bther concentration camp. Oncp called out. thoy nro In tho pay of 'Jnclo Sam and the govornmont will look af ter their keeping, furnishing them wltli meals and slooplng quarters while In tills city awaiting orders to pro cood to tho camp. Tho men whlla hore will .bo looked aftor by the exemption board as much as "possible -biit some particular one of tho drafted men will be placed in charge and will bo ho'i! rosponslblo for tho actions of all tho men. This designated man will havt chargo of tho quota until they nr rivo in camp, officiating as captain nt tho squad. It is oxpacted that within the noxt woek tho men will bo orJorcti to roport In this city. ::o:t Sammy's Girls Club Organlzel. About thirty young ladios wore ii vitod to tho homo of Mrs. J. W. Mo Qraw last evening nnd the San my' girls club organizod, tho purpo" nl which is to knit for tho soldiers. Thjv will hold a raffle of homo made c.mrty Saturday night at a placo to bo an nounced later Tho chancoi ca.i bo obtained from tho girls and the prk-o is 10 cents ogch or 25 cents cr fclirid This monoy will bo used to buy yarn' Tho girls will meet twico a woeA ard during tho wcok expect to fln'.ih a largo number of sweators, helmets, muuiors, otc., for aix soldier boy.. Hoard Completing? Work. The exemption board will today com ploto Its wprk and tho men who have beon passed will bo certified to tlio district board for final action. The' local board passed m.pon ono hundred and thirty-five, twenty moro than Lin coln county's quota. The completes list of men nccepted cannot bo pub lished until Friday's lssuo. ' .o:i- For Jlont Furnished room, 214 east Third Btreot. Mrs. Margaret Post was taken sud denly ill tho first of this week. Miss Gertrude Bakor loft thla morn ing for Gothenburg to visit friends for several days. . ' Mr. and Mrs. Sam Soudor aro spend ing Ibis weok in Coloradohaving lojj in ttielr car Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Will Crook slpont a fow days in Sutherland with frlondB and returned yesterday. Mrs. Herman Schleutor is enjoying a visit from hor brothors tho Messrs. Sullivan, who reside at Grand Island. Miss Tholma .Frator loft yesterday morning for Omaha, Lincoln and Thur nian, Iowa, to remain two woeks Mr. and Mrs. H. M. McCartney, of Thurman, Iowa, visitod at the Frator home this week while enroute home from an auto trip In western points. : :o: : FOR RENT Thrco .room modern steam Jipatwl Hat; italli, gas, lights, etc. Clos) Id. Also store building. PRATT, GOODMAN & BUCKLEY, I It is due simply to work as the dentist perfectly. It is a and using modern this office you get the TIME-SAyiNG the larger cities to MARRIED MEN MAY HE EXEMPTED HY HO 1RDS Todny's Omaha Bco says: Official confirmation of tho late r dor of Proaldout Wilson and Provost Marshal General Crowdor -hna boon recolvcd by tho dl&trlct oxomptlon board. Chairman Cones of tho board talked with Govornor Novillo over tha telophono nnd tho points of tho now ruling woro set forth. "Noarly nil of tho married men will bo exompted from tho wny I under stand tho ruling," stated Mr,. Cones. "It a man has a wife depondent on him, whether Bho can work or not, ho will bo exempted." This wll mako a big dlfforoncc in tho work of tho district board, aud it will probably bo somo timo before tho armies can bo picked. Llstp will be sont back to tho local boards and It will bo u(p to them to go through thorn again and docldo qn thu mon thnt thoy want to call. Thoy will thon bo sont back to tho district bofore nny of tho work Is touched horo. It would mako It much easier for tho board if tho pooplo would bo pa tient until their claims nro taken up. In addition to tho largo amount of claims coming In in ovory mall, many write wanting to know It tholr clnlms Jiavo been acted upon. These peile Soom to think' that tholr clam Is the fonly ono before tho board. Instead of taking tho first third of !tho quota on tho 5th of Soptdmbor, .tho now call only doslres 5 per cent nnd these are Bupiposod to bo mqn Hint 'have soon mJHtary sorvico In the past, 'making them oligiblo to holp with the .camp life, or cooks, bo that eatables will bo In readiness whon tho mon nr i'rlvB. i ::o::- l Weather forecast for North Platto ITnM.l .lnlnl... T.. t - .. .1 ..... ..... M tnr.t1ti. and Wednesday; hlghost tompcraturo 'yesterday 04, a year ago 70; lowest last night 43, n year ago 52. i Mr, nnd Mrs. Alox Brooks, Mrs. Goorgo Loan and daughtor Ruth and Miss Margaret Brooks returned yes terday from an nuto trip in Colorado. Miss Ann Valerius, of Grand Island, i expected hero In a short time to resunio her duties In the alteration dopartmont of The Leader. Clifford Swnngor, who had toon cm ployed In tho Gem for several months, roslgncd a fow days ago and left for Codar Rapids, Iowa. READ THIS Wo havo renters for meant houses, Wlint have you? BHATT. GOODMAN & BUfKLKY. When "son" starts out at the call of the school bell, with books under his arm, ready for a season of study, he will experience an added sense of importance of school days if he's well clothed. And, mother of course she wants HER boy to compare favorably with the rest in dress as well as in his studies. That's an easy matter for the mother who inspect our showing of Boys Fall Suits For there are so many styles and patterns suitable for school wear that a selection of suitable clothes can be quickly and satisfactorily made. The prices too are very reasonable in spite of the scarcity of materials and ever increasing cost of pro duction. Elk Brand Wear Resisting BOY'S SUITS $2.S0 to $10.00. Bqys Blouses and Shirts 50c to $1.00. Splendid quality percales that will look good after many trips to the wash-tub. Neat patterns, all sizes, a big assortment. School Shoes hard to wear out. Sturdily built, of good quality leathers, sensibly shaped. This combination insures satisfactory and wear and perfect comfort for growing feet. Viscalized Sole Shoes. $3.00 to $3.50. Boys Calf Skin Button Shoes. $2 to $3. LOCAL AND TEBSONAL Charles Martini, Jr, loft Catutday for Texas to ontor tho aviation C3fp. ' Sarah Whlto is roportod voy ill lr the City hospital. "Mls80s Fern and Eliza Fo.iter ot Tryon woro visitors In tho city Sunday. Edward Hanson, of Councl' Bluffs, Is visiting his grandmcthor Mi'i. Pul vor. Mrs. Thoodoro Tottonhoff .n re turned from a weok's vi."lt In Fort Madloon, Iowa. Tho Episcopal guild will hold a so. clal In tho basomont of tho church Thursday aftornoon. Mrs. Harry Murrln has gono to Choyonno to remain for a fortnight or longor with hor Bisters. Miss Margaret CobIo la, who spent sovoral days in this o-ty loft ior her homo in Sidney yostorday. 'Tho missionary sooloty of the Pros bytorlan church will moot Friday af tornoon with Mrs. Salisbury. ABk to sco our Romovnl Sa'e special Goorgotto Wnlsts at $3.98; lt'i. a von dor at tho prlco. -BLOCK'S. SoVontcon additional laborors- nr rivod horo yesterday morning from Denvor to work on tho now depot. Mrs. T. C. Pftttorson and daughter Edith left tho lnttbr part ot last wook for a two wooks' visit In Omaha. Mr,, and Mrs. J. J. Crawford and family oxpect to loavo Sunday by auto for Coznd to visit frlonds nnd rolntlvc's. All tho Sunimor Wash SklrU nro bolng closod out at a blp aavli p of monoy to you at Tho Loador Meicar tllo Co.'s. A numbor of tho younger people hold an onjoynblo picnic at Lamplugh's 'nko Sunday. Thoy wero chapororie''. b' Miss Cnthcrlno Herrod Miss Floronco McKay roturncd laBt ovenlng from Glenbuvnlo whoro for two wcoks Bho had beon tho guest of Mr. nnd Mrs. David Hunter, Thos. B. Stodmnn, nn efficiency ox port, arrived in town yesterday nnd will )romain hero fbr -somo timo tinnsactlng business. Lieutenant Robort Gantt, who spent his furlough horo with his motlior, left Sunday ovoning for Omaha and from thoro will bo sont to a training camp. Miss Mary Schlintz, who has been om'ployod at tho Gom Candy kitchen for soveral months, will roslgn tills woek and accept a position in the O'Connor store. HAILltOAD NOTES J. J. Hbrrlgnn of Grand Island, spont Sunday hero visiting his family. Robort McCnbe, a formor cl 'zca o North Platto, was apiolntod Jh'rlot foreman nt Grand Island. Garry Hotollng, of Lincoln, !who camo horo recently to visit his broth-or-ln-law Harry Wolls and'fnm'llyy has accepted omploymont In tho American Express office Conductor Arch Howard, who mov od his family to Donver aqvoral month: ago, will movo back to Ibis city th lattor part of this woolc Tho uncer tainty as to whothor all Donvor train; will bo kept on this wlntor and tho do airo of tho boys to nttond tho Norts Platto schools Is tho cause of tho re turn. Brakcman Percy O'Brien had two gruosomo sights prosontcd to him last woek. At Lodge Polo ho was infctho net of coupling up sovoral ompty cars on tho Bldetroiek whon ho discovered a dead man hanging by a rolpo attach cd to tho ond stops of ono of tho cars, tho fellow having committed sui cide. Tho other gruosomo sight was tho mangled remains of tho man who was struck and killed by train No. C nt a crossing four miles onst of Lodgo Polo, ::o;: Attention Yeomen. Tuesday, August 28th, is our regular mooting night Wo nro going to havo initiation, rofroslunonts nnd a gonoral business meeting. It is Important that ovory Ycomon bo present so as to havo tho changes in tho By-laws explained to thorn, which will go Into effect Se(p tombor 1st, It is essential thnt ovory Yeomon Bhould understand thoso changes thoroughly. ::o:: Mrs. Edward Stonsvad and Mrs. Wm. Gates havo roturnod from a short visit with Coznd frlonds. . . Mr .and Mrs. Frod Elliott, nnd chil dren, who havo been guosts' at tho Goozco rosldonce, will return to Onl nho tomorrow. Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Ogler and -Mr. and Mrs. Goorgo Garman roturnod Sunday from a two weeks' auto tripsin Colorado. MoBt of tho timo was spont In Estos Park and Donvor. FOK YOUJt AUTO SERVICE Call 125 for Taxi day or night 1 Also fivo or seven passongor oar for funoral service MOGENSEN-LOUDEN AUTO CO-, Chandlor1 & Elcar Agency, Cornor Eighth and Locust Sta. You're at liberty to come11 in and 9 try on these new Fall Clothes' even though you don't want to buy just new. (To Be Continued.) Harcourt Clothing to.