The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, August 24, 1917, Image 1

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    :1; Wki Jjto xtk
v A. A. ., . '
No. 64
Now Fall Suits and Coats havo ar
rived at Wilcox Dopartmout Store.
For Rent Five iroom houso on Woat
Socond street Phono Bk 229 G4-tf
Dr. and Mrs. L. C. Drost and family
1iavo returned from a visit In western
points by auto.
Mrs. Waltor Ross left Wednesday af
ternoon for tho oastorn part of tho
stato to visit relatives.
Dtliol Clayton In "Yankco Pluck"
will bo shown at tho Crystal Saturday
afternoon and ovenlng.
Miss Floronco McKay loft a fow
days ago for Sutherland to visit with
tho Hunter family.
Miss jMarlo Martini has returned
from Sidney whoro sho visited with
her brother Charles Martini, Jr.
J. H. Armstrong 'purchased tho Von
scoy second hand storo tho first of this
week and took possession at once.
Mrs. Phillip Schwordt and twin sons'
of Dawson, N. M. came tho first of this'
week to visit relatives and friends.'
Miss Mario Bowon, toldphono op
orator In tho Westorn Union offlco,
will tako hor summer vacation next
Fred Letts, of Denver, formerly of
this ctly spent tho first of this week
horo visiting frlonds and transacting
Mrs. Charles Houso and daughter,
of Omaha, arrived hero Wednesday
morning to visit Dr. and Mrs. W. T.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Samuelson left
i tho first of this week by auto for Om
aha and other eastorn points to spend
ten days.
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Williams have
taken possession of tho Rltnor Cafe
and opened to tho public a fow days
ago. A number of changes havo been
made In the interior and management.
Miss Nora O' Rourko whoias beon
visiting at tho Doncgan homo for sov
eral days left Wednesday morning for
Miss Helen Patterson, of Donver.
who has beon visiting Mr. and Mrs.
William Waltomath left this morning
for Lowellon.
Dlxon-Perfocto non-breakable glass
es aro tho only safo kind for chlhldron
to wear. H. Dixon & Son.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Jos. L. Murphy loft
Wednosday ovonlng for cities of
Illinois to visit rolatlyes for a couple
of wocks.
You can buy a nico summer dress for,
nbout ono-half prfceo qt Wilcox Dept.'
Edna, Grace and Lawrcnco Johnson
of Malvern, Iowa came Wodnesdayj
for a weok's visit at tho Ralph
Garman homo.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cottroll who havo
beon visiting In South Dakota with
relatives for two wocks will roturn
tomorrow ovonlng.
Mr. and Mrs. Georgo Frieberg and
daughter Irene, of Donver, who spent
sovoral wooks visiting with Miss Mar
garet Frazlor, has returned homo.
Mr. and Mrs. F. Lowo who had boon
conducting tho skating rink in tho
south part of town left a fow days
ago for York to oporato a ring there.
Miss Lorotta Murphy, librarian
of tho public library will tako a two:
wooks' vacation beginning September
1st Mrs. Anna Church will act as sub-;
City Engineer1 Charles J. McNamara
went to Lexington Wednesday morn
ing on business connocted with the
now paving which thoy aro consider
ing in that city,
Mrs. Phillip Font and children ar
rived hofo Tuesday ovonlng to vlstl
her mother Mrs. Mary Baker for a
week whllo onrouto to Donvor to visit
hor sister Mrs. Maurice Buckley, for
merly of this city.
Morning Wedding
Tho mnrrlago of Miss Mary Fcokln
of this city and Mr. Albert Kopf, a
young farmer who resides northeast
of town, took placo at eight o'clock
Wednosday morning at St. Patrick's
church with nuptial mass. Rov. P. F.
MoDaid was tho officiating clergyman
and tho attendants woro Miss Rosio
Kopf and Henry Shaffer.
Tho brldo woro a stylish tailored
suit of midnight bluo matorlal with
trimmings of a Ughtor shade and a!
largo whlto hat Sho had an Im
monso boquct of white Killarney rosos.
Miss Kopf also woro a becoming bluo
tailored suit and whlto laco hat
Aftor tho ceremony a number of rel
atives and frlonds woro sorvod with
breakfast at tho homo of tho brldo's
parents on cast Sixth Btreot, and lator
tho bride and groom loft for Omaha,
Columbia and Crote to spend two
weeks with rolatlves and friends.
Mrs. Kopf is Uio daughter of Mr.
To tho Lndlett Who Knit
most urgent nppoal has roaohod
for knitted sweators. mufflors
Lwrlstlots, and socks, to protect our
A 1 ..Ml 1..
nuiuutuii nuiuiuiB nun um mill's in
the frozen trenches tho coming win
tor. If you can knit or will lenrn to
Knit and aro willing to holp in this
merciful cause, pleaso phono Mrs. Fro.
mont Watts.
Lincoln County Roil Cross.
; jqj .
Sidney Contractor Killed
Irwin Frost, a contractor of Sidney
was Instantly killed yostorday morning
while crossing tho trncks In an auto
mobile west of Chnppcll. Tho car
was struck by train No. G and com
pletely demolished. It was also ne
cessary to removo tho pilot of tho en
gine, which was damaged. The body of
Frost was thrown out of tho car and
onto tho pilot. Tho engineer and ftro
111 111 gtnln Hint tlintr M-lilutlrv1 fnr tlin
u.i.u jui. uuuu 1-uun.iu, uuu u.w , crossing fcnd steveral othorA hoard
hero for a number of years. She is tho wh,8t,0 Frost i0vOg a wife and
an attractive and sweet dlsposltlonod two KhMrm aml wng formerly a rosi-
A, world beater of screen and diamond is CHARLES RAY
in a comedy of the campus. Romance-thrills and sure-fore
A picture every red blooded American will enjoy.
A gawky youth goes to college and becomes a man's man
and woman's too.
Crystal Theatre Monday Night.
young lady who has many frlonds.
Tho groom is Uio son of Mr. and
Mrs. Georgo Kopf, and is oiio of Lin
coln county's Buccossful and enter
prising young (farmers. TUioy will
mako tholr homo on his farm a fow
miles from this city.
; :i. :
ltnlso In lovy
Tho county commissioners complet
ed work a fow days ago on tho 1917
tax lovy for North Platto and Lincoln
county. Tho lovy this yoar is 10S.4S
mills on tho dollar. Last year tho irate
was 97.5 mills. Tho ralso Is duo to
tho now bridges and buildings built
during tho past year. In Lincoln coun
ty tho assessed valuation of real os
tato and personal property Is ?G,385,
G90.00 and in North Platto It is $1.033,.
820.00. Tho stato levy which was for
merly G.48 mills Is now 8.48 mills.
: :o: :
Speeders Arrested
Robort Dlckoy, Harry Plzor and
Lawrence Earhart, who woro arrested
Tuesday for exceeding tho speed
limit In their automobiles appear
ed in pollco count Wednesday whero
thoy plead guilty nnd woro flnod ?5.70
by Judge Sullivan. A. u. Green, a
traveling salesman for the Colo car
who was also arrested askod a con
tinuance for ono week.
dont of Fairhury.
Josdph Wooks camo up from Grand
Island this morning to visit relatives.
Fred Elliott loft this morning for
Lincoln and Omaha to visit his sons.
Dr. Mario Ames loft this morning
for Mt. Carroll to visit rolatlves for
a wool
Mrs. John M. Vornon and baby loft
this morning for Grand Island to visit
T. L. Groon loft a fow dnys ago for
Choyonno whoro ho will comblno bus
iness nnd pleasure.
Roth Shanor loft for Mnxwoll yos
torday morning aftor visiting with his
Bistor Mrs. Ndnnnn Connolly this
Miss Fern Douglas has resigned her
position in tho Brooks studio.
Master Harris Rcdfleld left this
morning for Lowellon to visit rela
tives for sovoral days.
Mrs. CT D. Short, of Chicago, who
wna tho guost of local frionds for some
timo loft Wednesday morning.
Mrs. Irft LoMostcr and childron, of
Donvor. camp down this morning to
visit with Mr. nnd Mrs. John LoMnstor.
John F. Monroo. who spont tho past
two months in Brooklyn, N. Y., with
rolatlves, returned homo last ovonlng.
Mrs. Edward Parks, of Poorliu 111.,
formerly of Uila city, vlsltod horo yos
torday whllo onrouto homo from
wostern points. Mrs. Parks was for
merly Miss Gortrudo Poalo.
Announce Wedding of Daughter
Mr. and Mrs. John Burke have Is
sued invitations to tho marriage of
their daughter Lulu Josoio to Mr.
Robort Burnett Stanard, of Donver.
Tho ceremony will tako place at tho
Burko home on Wednesday ovenlng.
Soptombor Gth at 8 o clock
: :o
Christian Congrcgntlon Calls Pastor
At a meeting of tho Christian church
congregation held Wednesday ovonlng
a call was extended to Rov. 'P. A.
donmoyer of Houstonvlllo, Illinois, to
tako chargo of tho local church. Ho
has been holding successful meetings
In tho church for tho past ton days
una win iaKo up ins duties horo Sop
luiuuor Kin.
Kplscopul Church
Sunday, August 2Gth. morning Bor-
ii;o ai li ociock wun sermon. Rov.
Honry Ives, of Sidnoy will officlato.
Special Claim Agont T. F. Watta
was called to Chappoll yostorday to
investigate the suicldo of Georgo Lar
boii, a farm laborer, who hung him
self to a box car and tho body waB
.discovered by tho onglnoor on No. 3.
Woathor foroenst for North Platto
nnd vicinity: Fair tonight nnd Sat
urday and probably Sunday; warnior
tonight Highest tomporaturo yostor
day 81, a year ago 89; lowost last night
45. a year ago 57.
Mr. and Mrs. Glnrk, of Fremont, nro
visiting this week with tholr cousIhb
Mr. and Mrs. Horton Mungor whllo
enrouto homo from an automobile trip
in westorn points.
Mrs. T. Tottcnhoff loft tho latter part
of last week for Ft Madison, Iowa, to
visit hor mother nnd other rolatlvos
for two weeks.
Ira L. Baro, who has boon with a
Iflsliing pairty in Wyoming for two
visit with relatives inv Lewollen.'
Adrian Pizer has roturnod from a weeks, will return hom,' .tomorrow
Monday and Tuesday, Aug. 27-28.
SPECIAL ORCHESTRA.-. Wults 20 c, y ChUdren 10c.
' t ' . . T
Gasoline Gives You
More Motor Life
O More Mileage
More Power
Lubricating Gasoline
is produced by treating Gasoline with Lubri Gas, a sci
entific, mechanical and chemical production of a chem
ist who having conceived the idea that lubricating oil
properly treated could be made to properly and uni
formly assimulate with water or gasoline.
Cool Engine--No Carbon
Don't Be Deceived
LUMKI GAS does not make your gasolinek.burn- any
longer, neither does it make it more powerful! -... a
Lubri Gas is Lubrication
By the lubrication of machinery we reduce friction, by
the reduction of friction we reduce the amount of pow
er necessary to propel machinery; by reducing the
amount of power necessary to propel machinery we
can reduce the amount of fuel necessary to produce
sufficient power, hence more mileage.
by lubrication we " reduce friction; by reducing
friction we reduce resistance of machinery; by reduc
ing resistance we give machinery more POWElt.
My lubrication wo increase the life of machinery.
wiH not stick or adhere to an oily surface.
Lubricating gasoline reaches the internal engine as a
vapor compared to a mist or fog in the air; thislubri
cnting vapor will not burn. When the explosion of the
gasoline vapor occurs then the vapor or mist of (Lubri
Gas) lubricating gosolino is sprayed throughout the
entire combustion chamber, thereby allowing perfect
expansion and contraction of the piston rings.
Carbon not being property that will stick or adhere to
an oily surface must of necessity move onward and is
forced by compression out of the inner part of the en
gine through the exhaust valve or pipe.
Lubri Gas Lubricating
Gasoline is Logical
KI3ASONAMLE, Mcclianical and Scientific Proven by
test. .Guaranteed to give you Satisfaction.
More Reasons
By the reducing of friction we reduce heat; by the re
duction of heat we give you a cool engine You con t
boil water in your car if you use Lubri-Gas.
From August 25, and Including
Saturday Night, Sept. 1, 1917
Denonstration Week
we are going to sell lubricating gasoline at the regular
price, We earnestly request every automobile owner
in this city and' vicinity to buy lubricating gasoline
and try it for yourself.
We have added extra help and aro propared to give you
quick service and certainly it is worth your while to
try this wonderful product of merit and know for your
self if lubricating gasoline is what is claimed for it.
See the Demonstration
in our window. Let a gasoline engine expert explain
to you why lubricating gasoline is the gasoline you
will eventually buy and if your engine is not giving
you satisfaction let him explain to you why not.
Lubricating gasoline gives you perfect ignition, clean
spark plugs, joy and pleasure in driving, bettor nnd
cheaper fuel.
More Mileage
More Power
More Motor Life
lioiucmhor all this week, come early and start using
lubricating gasoline so you can havo ample timo to
give it a thorough test.
Our guarantee You can make as many miles with 1G0
gallons of lubricating gasoline as you can with 200
gallons regular gasoline. You are burning dollars j
why not save dollars?
North Platte,