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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 21, 1917)
gmm-Steridu Stibun. IBA L. BAJlti, Editor and Publisher. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Ono Ycar'bj Mall la AdTnnce....$L25 One Year by Carrier In Adtauce. .L60 Enterod at North Platte, Nebraska, Poatofflco as Second Clans Matter. TUESDAY, AUGUST 21, 1917. LOCAL AND PERSONAL Dr. Brock, Dentist, over Stono Drug Store V. E. Lawrflnco loft by nuto Friday for Choyonno to a'pond a week. Mrs. M. E. Watts has returned from a visit with frlonds In Sutherland. Jamas Mort-ow loft Saturday morn Ing for Goring to appnd a few days. Cliolco vegetables and cut flowors at North Platto Floral Co. Phono 1023 tt John Bratt wont to Julosburg and other western towns on business Frl day. ' Sco Julius Mogonson for all kinds of P. &0. farm Implements and wag ons. , . 34tf Mrs. Joo Koons and children left Friday to visit relatives at Genoa, Nobr. Charles II. Waltors loft Friday ev ening for Pino Bluffs on bustnoss In terests. Try Dr. Smith, tho Chiropractor. COtf Mrs. Harry Dyboo has returned from a short visit In Halg with frlonds. No hunting allowed on my premises "at any tlmo. C. It. SMITH. CO-5 W. S. Bardnor, of Scranton', spent Saturday boro aa tho guost of Horton Mungor. , , . Mrs, J. W. McGraw loft Friday ev ening for Sldnoy to spond tho wook end with frlonds; Mrs. "Will Esholman loft Friday ov onlng for Sutherland to visit relatives fdr'a fow day's, f Mrs Ell Hanson loft Saturday morn ing for Grand Island to visit rolatlvos for a fow days. , , k.. ITr. TIfirrv TCnllv iift Rntnnlnv morning for Sldnoy to remain for a . wook oi longor. MrB. Ella Huxoll and daiughtor havo returned from Grand Island where thoy. visited frlonds, , this city spent Saturday horo on busl . (nos3'and visiting frlonds. i Miss Mata Paulson loft thn inttnr part of itvst wook for Wig to visit n loiKis ror a short tlmo. " Mrs.' James Brady and children loft Saturday 'aftornoon for Omaha to visit rolatlvOB for a wook. v A. E. Tlmmorman retumod Friday ovonlng from a business visit In tho eastern part of tills stato. My Faithful Servant rpHE New Perfection Oil Cook Stove is never A cranky, never lazy, never late. It cooks delicious meals and serves them on the minute. More than 2,500,000 housewives are using New Perfections today 20 more than last year. Cooks fast or slow as you like. Turns all the oil into heat and all the heat is used in cooking. That's the secret of the famous Long Blue Chimney burner. No more coal hod and ash pan drudgeryno more toiling in a stmTy overheated kitchen. Ask your dealer to show you the reversible glass .reservoir, an exclusive feature of the Kew Perfection. For best results use Perfection Kerosene. STANDARD OIL COMPANY I, 1'or onlck action and Kntlsfactorrl enlo list your land with Tlincicckc. ti Corporal Burr and Sergont Cook of Co. E, rtourned Sunday evening from a short visit In Lexington. Howard Baker of Denver who was visiting with T. L. Groan last wook' left for homo Friday evening. Mrs. Thomas Green nad daughter Catherine will return homo today from a visit In Grand Island! Wo are cloanlng up our stock of muslin uiidorwoar at. reduced prices. 12. T. TRAMP & SONS. Miss Mabol Andorson, of Nichols, camo tho latter part of last wook to vlHlt with Miss Fern Lipplncott. Jamos Elliott resumed his duties at tho Nyal Drug storo yesterday morn ing a'ftor a two week's vacation. Mrs. J. V. Romlgli and Bona who wero visiting frlonds In Gothenburg with friends have returned homo. Mrs. W. L. BasKlns and children loft Saturday morning for Iteedsburg, Wis., to spond three weeks with rela tives. Joo Knadjl wlio spont ton days here on business loft tho lattor part of last week for. his homo In Mason City, Nobr. Mrs. Ray Langford and sons who woro visiting In Estos Park for ton daya returned tho latter part of last wook. Married In Loxlngton August 10th. by Judgo I. J. NIsloy, Thomas It. Bag gott and Mrs. Pearl E. Lusk both of this city. William Harcourt roturnod tho lat tor part of last wook from Omaha and Chicago whoro ho spont somo tlmo on business. Tho marrlago of Miss Mary Fckln and Mr. Albort Kopf will bo solemnlz od at St. Patrick's church tomorrow morning. Farm nnd Itnnch loans at lowest rates nmj best terms. Money on hand to closo loans promptly. 43tf BUCHANAN & PATTERSON. Supt. Wilson Tout left tho lattor part of last wook for York to attend tho marrlago of his slstor. Ho returned Sunday ovonlng, , Mr. and fars. Harry Dixon returned tho latter part of last wook from Om aha whoro thoy visited with Dr. and Mrs. Frank Conlln. Mrs. Ira Sago, of Edgcmont, S. D., formally 'Miss Carollno Roberts of Maxwell Bpont the week end visiting Miss Florcnco Stamp. Attovnoy and MrB. J. S. Hoagland loft Saturday morning for Boston whoro thoy will attend tho National Encampment of tho G. A. R, Thoso in neod of painting, paper hanging and decorating aro assured satisfactory work if thoy omploy Julius Hoga. Phono Black G92. 3Stf William Baskins, formerly of this city, who has boon in busluoss in Sta- ploton foi; somo tlmo, has disposed of his interests thoro nnd oultstod In tho navy. (Nebraska) NEWPEjfeTJON Cap. Victor Halllgan, of Co. Is. of tho Dandy Sixth who spent a week visiting his parents Attorney and Mrs. J. J. Halllgan left for Omaha Satur day afternoon. Brokon eyo glass lonsos can bo re placed tho samo day as order Is given In our ionse grinding department. HARRY DIXON & SON. tf Graduato Optometrists Mrs. J. M. Fitzgerald of Kearney, came tho lattor part of last weok to visit Mr. Fitzgerald who Is in charge of tho construction work on tho new Twlnem building. Master John Horrod entortalned a score of his young friends Thursday afternoon In honor of his twelfth birthday. Games wore played and a nice lunch served. I now have funds at 5 per cent on choice bottom tablo land. Gene Crook, Room 4, Keith thoatro Bldg. Mr. and Mrs. Jou. Karbush, of Chi cago camo Saturday evening to visit with tho lattor's mother Mrs. Win. Landgraf, Sr., and sister Mrs. . Elinor Bakor for sovoral weeks. Archlo Berry who has been in Tlier mopolls,. Wyo.. for some time taking troatmont for rhoumatlsm was called to Loxlngton tho latter part of last week by tho death of his slstor. j, John Mullen, gonoral passenger ngont of tho Northwestern, with Mrs. MUllon and Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Mans flold, of Omaha,' spent Saturday hero while onrouto to Kestorto where thoy havo roal estate lntorsts. - Miss M. Sicilian, steam baths and Swedish Massngc, gentlemen and la dles. , Phono 81)7, Brodbcck building. Prof. M. M. Rotlenbaugh, who sub mitted to an operation In Omaha some tlmo ago writoB that ho Is improving and aftor a short visit in Tabor, Iowa, with relatives, will return hero to take up his duties a's principal of tho local high school, Tho Lincoln County Teachers' In stitute will bo hold in North Platto September 3 to 7. Every teacher who expects to teach school In tills coun ty noxt year Is oxpected to attend. Splendid talent has been secured to help tho teachors in their work for tho coming year. Attendance at an Insltiuto in somo othor county cannot bo accopted in place of attendance at Lincoln County. 62-4 To Rent. G40 acres of hay land on shares 10 milos north of North Platto Joining the Fred Kusor land. Renter to got two thirds of hay In stack. Write at once to L. C. Crandall, Lincoln, Nobr. tf. ft itoystono Organizes Community Club A community club was formed last week at Koystono H. A. Chambars ac't- od as toastmastor ut tho banquet and dolgatea from this city and Ogalalla wore called upon tor suggestions In addition to a number of Keystone spoakors. A commltteo was appointed to draft tho bylaws and constitution Delegates from this city "wore Messrs Elmer Coatos, Hortou Mungor, L.L. Van Dollan and A. B Hoagland. Omaha 11 Large Engines Pass Through A immlinr nt nnw TTnlnn pArlflft lrt- ooiuotlvos passed through tnls city last wook ,flvo of which woro repaired at the local round house, Thoy aro high concorns with five drivers on each sldo and aro olghty-flvo feet long. Each ono Is equipped with an auto matic dovlce for carrying coal Into tho flro box, an lnvontlon which light ens the flremon's labor. Those engines aro manufactured In tho Baldwin Lo comotive Works at Philadelphia and will bo used on tho mountain divisions of the road for hauling heavy freight trains. -: :o: :- Notice to Bidders. Scaled bids will bo rocclvod by the City of North Platto, for tho construc tion of a two-story brick Flro Station at North Platte, Nebraska. All bids to bo filed with tho City Clerk on or boforo August 27, 1917 at flvo o'clock p. m. Plans and specifications may bo had at the office of B. M. Reynolds, archi tect North Platto, Nebraska. Tho Mayor and Council reservo tho right to reject any and all bids. O. E. ELDER, Cl-4 City Clork. -::o::- Arrltos nt'Camp. A. V. Wortman writes that ho Is stationed at Kelly Field, Texas, where ho Is taking up tho work of learning to fly for Undo Sam. Thoro aro now at tho field 5,000 aviation men, all oagor and anxious to try for tho big prizes offered to the ono who can drop a bomb on Berlin. Mr. Wortman has been appointed first sergeant of Aoro Squadron 04.' About eighty machines aro In tho air every day and tho boys aro fast learn ing tho art of flying. Hebron Ex change. Mr. Wortman was local reporter for Tho Tribune during his residence hero three years ago. : :o: : For Sale 640 a. 15 ml. northeast of North Platto, one-half fonced, 70 a. under cultivation. Good 3 room house, well, windmill and cistern. Barn for 12 head of horses also a garage. Tho material for tho Improvements on this ranch cost $1100.00. Tho ontlro section can bo bought for $5.00 per acre. Cheaper than homesteadlng. , MILTONBERGER & LEININGER. :o: : Notice Having beon called to service In tho army which may continue until tho war onds. I wish to state that all adcounts duo me will bo paid to Mrs. T. Kerr. All parties knowing them- solvos indebted to mo will please call at tho office or remit by mail at once T. J. KERR, M. D. ::o:: Only Ono In County. F. G. Hoxie Is wearing a button sent him from Washington, bearing tho words", "My Son Prfotects You." Tho 'parents of overy young man of the country who has enlisted In tho navy will rocelvo a card and a button like tho abovo. Ogalalla Tribune. ::o::- Notlco to Hunters Notlco is hereby given that no hunt ing or trospassing will bo allowed on lands owned or lcasod by us olthor bo foro or during tho hunting season. HENRY HANSEN. C. H. WATTS P. E. McGRAW C. P. HOWARD 57-tf T. S. McCRONE. : :o: : N 0 11 0 1) Y S P A R E I) Kidney Troubles Attack North Platte Men and Women, Old nnd Young Kldnoy Ills seize young and old. Often como with little warning. Children suffer in tholr oairly years Can't control tho kidney secretions. Girls aro lanquld, nervous, suffer pain. Women worry, can't do dally work. Mon havo lame and aching backs. If you havo any form of kldnoy Ills You must roach tho cause tho kld- noys. Doan's Kldnoy Pills aro for weak kid noys Havo brought rollof to North Platto pooplo. North Platto tostimony provos it. Mrs. Sarah Rork, 509 west Ninth St. North Platto, says: "Doan's Kidney Pills havo boon used In my family for years. I havo boon groatly helped my self, though I havo had to wso thom loss than tho othors. I glvo Doan's to my children whonovor I find thoy are In noed of a kldnoy ramody and I at tribute tholr good health to tho uso pf this modlclno." Prlco GOo nt all doalors. Don't simply ask for a kldnoy romedy get Doan's Kldnoy Pills tho samo that Mrs. Rork had. Fostor-Mllburn Co. Mfgrs.. Buffalo, N. Y. Notlco to Creditors Estato No. 1491 of Homer F. Fort, docoasod in tho County Court of Lin coin County. Nebraska. Tho Stato of Nebraska, ss: Crodl tors of said "will tako notlco that tho tlmo limited for presentation and filing of claims against said Estato Is March 14th, 1917, and for sottlomont of said Estato is Aug. 10 1918; that I will sit at tho county court room In said county on Sopt 14th. 1917 at 9 o'clock a. m. to rocoivo, oxamlno, hoar, allow or adjust all claims and objections ou:y mca. GEO. E. FRENCH, al4-sll County Judge DIENER & KENNEDY Real Estate, Tire, Tornado and Hall Insruancc. Special Agents Globe Life Insiirnnco Company. Comor Front and Dowoy Sts., Upstairs Phono Red 572. North Plntto, Neb. EDYTH HUMPHREYS OWENS Teacher of Dramatic Art. Studio 122 Front St Phone Black 351. Office phone 241. Res. phone 217 L. C . DROS T, Osteopathic Physician. North Plotte, - - Nebraska. McDonald Bank Building. DERRYBERRY & FORBES, Licensed Embalmcra Undertakers and Funeral Directors Day Phone 234. Night Phone Black 688. SCRAP IRON $6 per Ton. North Platte Junk House. Geo. B. Dent, Physician and Surgeon. Special Attention given to Surgery and Obstetrics. Offico: Building and Loan Building p. Office 130 Phoneg f Residence 115" E. IV. FETTER, Physician X RAY Office: First National Bank Building. Phone 308 ALBERT A. LANE, Dentist Rooms 1 and 2 Belton Building North Platte, Nebraska. The Nurse Brown Memorial Homeopathic Hospital 1008 West Fourth Street. For the treatment of Medical, Surgical and Obstotrlcal Patients. JOHN S. TWINEM, M. 1). J. B. REDFIELD. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Successor to PHYSICIAN & SURGEONS HOSPITAL Drs. Redfield & Redfleld Offlce Phone 642 Res. Phone 676 DOCTOR D. T. QUIGLEY. .. Practice Limited to Surpory and Radium Therapy 728 City Nntlonal Bank Building. Omaha, Nebraska. I)R. HAROLD A. FENNER Osteopath. Belton Building Office hours 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. 7 p. m. to 8 p. m. Phones Office Black 333 Res. Black lozu NORTH PLATTE ..General Hospital.. (Incorporated) One Halt Block North ol Postoftice. Phone 58 ' A modern institution for tha fcientific treatment of medical, surgical and confinement cases. Completely equipped X-Ray and diagnostic laboratories. Staff: Geo. B. Dent, M. D. J. H Redfleld, M. D. Y. Lucas, M. D. J. S. Simms, M.D Order of Hearing Probate of Will and Appointment of Administrators In tho inattor of tho Estato of Sophia Fodorhoof, Doceasod. Now on tills 13th day of August, 1917, on tlio filing of tho petition of Clara J. Robblns praying that lnstru ment filod herein bo probated as tho last Will and Testament of Sophia Fodorhoof, docoasod, and that Clara J. Itobblns, Amanda A. Huffman and Martin Fodorhoof bo appointed as ex ecutors of said Will. It Is horoby ordorod that September 7, 1917, bo sot for tho hearing thoro of boforo this court nt 10 o'clock a. m., and that notlco of said hoarlng bo given tho holrs, dovlsces and all per sons interested in said estato by pub llcation tof a notlco thoroot for threo successive weeks prior to said hear injr. In Tho North Platto Semi-Weekly ly Trlbuno, a legal seml-weokly nows- papor prlnteu anu puousuoa in tan- coin County, NourasKa, GEORGE E. FRENCH, al4s4 County Judge OLD LINE LIFE Policies ON EASY TERMS J. E. SEBASTIAN. Stnto Mtrr. Minn.Mutual Lifelns.Co. Phone Office Red 612 Residence Red 348 NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. Holstein Cows. I will liaro n carload of Holstein Cows nbout July 1st. Thoy arc ns good ns money can buy. If yon need one or more see me Am soiling nil kinds of cattio In nny number desired, In addition to buying hogs. Phones: Offico 159 Honso Red C3G. C. H. WALTERS. Hospital Phone Black 633. House Phone Black 633. TV. T. PRITCHARD, Graduate Veterinarian Bight years a Government Veterinar ian. Hospital 218 south Locust Stone-half block southwest of the Court House. 4 m Always Glad to Get A Good Cigar And there's no plnco you can get a good cigar better than nt Schmal zriod's. With illlor nnd wrapper of tho best quality hand made, there Is In tho Schmulzrlcd-mndo clgnr all that tho most exacting smoker demands. IVo handle tobacco nnd smokers' articles. J. F. SCHMALZRIED. Vacating Part of Rond No. 98. To Whoni it May Concern: Tlio special commissioner ap pointed to report on tho vacating of that part of Road No. 98 as follows: Commencing at Station No. 98 on R the section lino between Sections 23 7 and 22. town 12. range 31.ond running thonco northeasterly along said road and terminating at tho southwest cor ner of Section 2, Town 12, Range 31. vacating that part of Road No. 98 be tween stations 5 and 25, has reported in favor tboreof. All objections thereto or claims for damages must bo filed in tho offlce of the county clork on or before 12 o'clock noon of tho 2d day of October, A. D. 1917, or such road will be vaca ted without iroferenco theroto. Dated at North Platte, Neb., this 20th day of July A. D, 1917. J27-4 A. S. ALLEN, County Clerk Road No. dOS To Whoni it May Concern: Tho special commissioner appoint ed to locate public road as follows: Commencing at tho southeast corner of tho southeast quarter of Section 19, town 9, range 27, thonco north on sec tion lino between Sections 19 and 20 In town 9, rango 27, about 170 rods to a point at tho edgo of bluff on section lino, thonco around tho edgo of bluff on tho oast side, (which is about 30 rods); until reaching tho section lino between sections 19 and 20 in town 9, rango 27, thonco north on section line 7 about 40 rods, terminating at tho northeast quarter of Section 19, town 9, range 27, road to be G6 feet wide, has reported In favor of tho samo. All claims for damages taoreby or objections theroto must bo filed in tho offico of tho county clork on or be fore 12 o'clock noon of tho 10th day of October, 1917, or such road will bo allowed without roforonco thereto. Dated at North Platte this 27th day of July, 1917. A. S. ALLEN, J31-4. County Clork. Bond No. 107. To Whom It May Concorn: Tho special commissioner appolnt ted to locato a road as follows: Commencing at tho southwost cor nor of section 22, township 12 north, rango 30 west of tho Cth P. M., on Road No. 1G2, thonco north on section lino between Sections 21 and 22, and Soctlons 15 and 16, to connect with Road No. G8 at tho west & corner of Section 15, commencing again at tho SW comor of Section 10, Town 12tA Rancn 30. whom Ronrt No. G8 lntor- socts with Road No. 194, thonco northJ on section lino between Sections IQi and 9 to point about 30 rods south M tho NW cornor Section 10, Town iw Ranee 30. thonco northwostorly to l tersect with north lino of Soctlon 9 til ! MT - O . 1 A fK,nnAM( L iv v v I'liriuir ill nt.iiiiri 1 11 1 Ml rullih m' with Road No. 22, road to bo gb urn, wide, lias roported In favor of tk samo. '; I All objections thereto or clafmo for 1 .1. A Al.J J ,1. n Afflnn 4 tho county clerk on or boforo 13 o'clock noon of tho 2d day of October. A. D. 1917, or such road will bo al lowed without reference thereto. I Datod at North Platte, Neb., thW 20th day of July, 1917.