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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 21, 1917)
A, r ... ' '4, Ml; i , cr. SERVICE QUALITY We Can Make ;NEW LENSES , OR REPLACE BROKEN LENSES THE SAME DAY THE ORDER IS LEFT IN OUR OWN LENSE GRINDING PLANT. HARRY DIXON & SON. SATISFACTION INSURED Frank Moonoy nnd sistor Miss GroCb visited yestorday In Sutherland Tmo Injured In Accident. I Mrs, wniinu Mcllugh and Mrs. Miss huth Buchanan, of OgUlalla,, Is ro Injured Friday after- fatting nt the Hoxlo homo this veek.; nu l m tW accident sov , , ( I oral nilloa west of ttwn. Mrs. Mcllugh Two modern furnished rooms and was driving tho car near tho Wilson garago for ront? Mrs. Geo. 0. Trox-t rnnoh when she lost control of tho lor. . 63-2 ! whcol and tho car turned turtlo throw- . , , , , I lng tho occupants sovornl foot and nl P. H. Lonorcnn loft Sundnv ovonlnc " : , , ----- - inosi completely uomonsning tho car. Mrs. Mcllugh sustained Injuries to hor DR. 0. H. CRESSLER, Graduate Dentist Office over the McDonald Stat Bank. LOCAL AND PERSONAL It. Gllbort left Sunday afternoon for Gothenburg. Miss Besslo Salisbury recently pur chased a new 1917 Model Reo car. Miss Ann O'Connoll loft recently for Sterling to visit friends for a week. Dr. Morrill, Dentist. Harold Langford and Abner "Wess- burg of Co. B spent the week end In Cheyenno. Miss Dolly McMlchael loft Sunday afternoon for Lexington to spend a few days. i Mrs. Charles McLano loft Sunday morning or Cozad to visit relatives for a week oir longer. Miss Nina Brestel of Maxwell has been tho guest of Miss Eva Wllso"n "for several days past. Mm. Mary Scharmann, of Victor, Colo., formerly of this city is visiting at the Jcffers homo. Mr.. and Mrs. N. C. .Basmusson have bedn (enjoying a. visit from an uncle who resides In Iowa. Ray Cantleen returned Sunday Sunday morning 'from, Boone, la., where ho spent two weeks with rela Novita and Harold Coates leave Fri day morning for Sutherland to visit their fathor for a weelc Mrs. Alice, Austin, oC Mcorofleld, came last wock to visit with her broth er Sam Soudor and family. Miss Goldlo Peckham, of Brady, who was tho guest of Miss Eva Wisori re turned homo Sunday evening. Mi, and Mrs. Herbert Baker are ro oicing over tho arrival of a baby girl at their homo Saturday morning. Miss Fern Watts will resign har po sition In the Brooks studio next weok to begin teaching in tho Wjitts school Mrs. Goorgo Brown of tho O'Connor storo Is taking a week's vacation which, sho will send with relatives in York. Misses Jessie and Helen Baker re turned Sunday morning from a pleas ant visit in Donvor and surrounding cities. Mrs. George Lannin of this city and Mrs. Robert Lannin of Grand Island aro spending this week In Colorado Springs. The Rebekah kenslngton will meet Friday afternoon in thoSl. 0.:0. F hall. All members are uregd to be present Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jeffers and two children left a few days ago to visit with relatives for several weeks in Mary Conflgan and daughter Mrs. Josephine Sullivan of Fall River, Mass., came Sunday evening to visit with tho former's sisters MrB. Charles Ell and Mrs. George Austin for some time. for Donver to remain for a week or longor. Tho Misses Grios, of Sarbon, enmo yesterday morning to visit Mrs. Chns. Tollo. -r Mrs. Gus Hollo, of Omnha, spent the past fow days visiting with the Day and Murphy families. Attorney J. G. Boolor left this morn, lng for Big Springs to trnnsnct busl noss for sevoral days. For Salo Ono bay team wolght about 2300, good workors; also some smallor horses. Phono 798F31 G3-2 Mrs. Loaffio DImmIck nnd son Fayo will leavo today for Horshoy to visit tho former's sister for a week or longor. Adam Christ left last ovcnlng for California to spend soveral weeks. En routo ho will visit In sevoral woatcrn cities. Clydo Cook wont to Omaha last ev ening to moot Mrs. Cook who Is on-. routo homo from tho C. W. 0. F. con ventlon In Milwaukee. Mrs. James Stafford and two sons, of Paxton who visited with Mr. and Mrs. Omar Huff last week left Satur day evening. Mastor Raymond Murray of Lincoln, who had been visiting his aunt Miss Laura Murray for two weeks will leavo Thursday. Miss Nina Rasmussen left yesterday morning for Lincoln. Sho will spond two weeks at the homo of Miss Joy Elms and attend tho Stato Fair. J. H. 'Hegarty, who spent sevoral yoars hero In Insurance business, left tho latter part of last weok for Don vor to engage in similar work. Mrs. Charles Gould and son Floyd loft Sunday for tholr homo in Sid ney after visiting tho rormors par- nts Mr. and Mrs. John Koontz. Miss Georglna MacKay, local report er for the Dally Telegraph who has been visiting in Omaha and Fremont will return homo Friday evening, Tho Lutheran Aid Society will meet Thursday afternoon Aug. 23 at tho home! of,M$s. D. C. Gideon, 714 West First street. A largo attendance Is de sired. Dr. T. J. Kerr,, w,ho has been at Fort Snelling for soveral weeks and was recently appointed second llou tenant, came homo yestorday to Spend his furlough A heavy rain fell this morning be tween six and sovon oi'clock, woll soaking tho ground. Tho precipitation as given by tho weather bureau being .60 of an inch r There aye Two Costs to a Furnace: the Price You Payand the Upkeep In a furnace purchase, a dollar may be a good friend, or a false one. How you use that dollar, does the deciding. If you just spend it, without thought of the future, you take chances. But when you invest your money, the chance part is overcome. That's just the way you should regard your fur nace purchase. You should get highest investment value. On an investment basis, make up your mind to look into the satisfaction-insuring, comfort-bringing. Green COLONIAL Furnace Has Green's Dome Heat Intensifier It took a half Century of experience to create the Green COLONIAL. This furnace was developed from long furnace manufacturing knowledge. Every part of every Green COLONIAL Furnace carries a five-year guaran tee, excepting the grates. Your treatment of the furnace determines their life. But if any other part cracks or burns out in five years, it will be supplied free. And every part of every Green COLONIAL is guaranteed against manufacturing defects during the life of the furnace. No "ifs" about this protection! After you have looked into the merit-points of the Green COLONIAL yotl will understand why your protection isso iron-bound. But before you investigate, consider these facts; then check up on them later: The Green COLONIAL has Green's Dome Heat Intensifier a rigid, one piece cast base, a gas-tight, cup-joint ash-pit, a dust-tight ash-pit door double, separately-hinged feed-doors the famous Colonial grates an extra heavy, deep, straight fire-pot perfect draft-control, a radiator that gets every unit of heat from the fuel; high fuel economy, most dependable heat! For your satisfaction's sake, come in today for a Green COLONIAL catalogue, Wo Sell and Install the "Colonial' SIMON BROS NORTH PLATTE, NEB. CBEErt COLOIAlFUfrNACE back and a deop gnsh on hor limb while Mrs. Tomorson was bruised nnd rondbred unconscious for sovoral hours. They wore tnkon to tho Cltv Hospital whoro they aro Improving. Three children who wore riding In tho car escaped without Injury. !:o:: Japanese Ten An onjoyablo ontortalnmont was held Friday afternoon nt tho Methodist Church parlors when tho Foreign MIss- lonory Society hold a "tea". Tho at tendance was ono hundred and fifty and tho entertainment was carried out In Japancso manner. Mlssos Esther Antonldos nnd Sarah Kelly appeared In song nnd readings assisted by a bovy of Httlo girls in Japancso dross. Mrs. Hugh Y Wnda of this city, formor- ly of Japan, displayed and talked on a largo collection of curios from her native land. Tea was served bv Misses Noll Hnrtmnn nnil tTMinl MnVnv -tinl wore also In Jnpanoso costiuino. Dec orations consisted of lnntorns, "parasols and chrysanthemums. Margarot and John O'Kqofo loft Sunday afternoon for Omaha to take trontmonts In a hospltnl thoro, Thoy wero accompanied by thplr aunt Miss Josophino O'Harc. A nice , assortment, of children's gingham drosses at special prices; fit tho children out for school. Nifty little dressos nt tho right prlco. E. T. TRAMP & SONS. Bishop Geo. A. Boschcr, of Ilasjinga formerly of this city, conducted tha services of tho Church of Our Savior Sunday") and spent tho aftornoon 'sit ing local friends. Tho Prosbytorlnn aid uocloty will moot Thursday nftornoon In tho church parlors entertained by Mos damoa C. F. Iddings, W. H. Blalock and J. B. Jotor. ' :o: : Card of Thanks Wo wish to thank tho ninny kind friends who rondercd nsslstancq and extonded sympathy in tho recent be reavement wo havo suffered, tho loss of our mother, Mrs. J. C. Federhoof. MR. and MRS. G. S. HUFFMAN, MRS. F. W. BOBBINS, MARTIN FEDERHOOF. :o: : Tho caso of L. L. Laflucr, of Hor shoy, is bolng tried In tho county court this morning. Ho was arrested Inst week on complaint of C. L. McKoah for using and soiling two barrels of liquor which hnd been stored in tho freight room of tho Hershey depot slnco tho first of May. Lailuer Is cm ployed there as ticket agent. The caso will bo tried with a Jury. The uniforms, shwes and equipment for Company E aro oxpectod to arrlvo hero today from Omaha and drilling will bo resumed. On account of not having tho prdpor shoes sovoral mem bers of tho company wero unablo to drill for some tlmo past i. Fifty friends woro entertained Inst Evening by Mrs. Charles Tollo at a pro-nuptial' shower In honor of Miss Mary Fokln. A pleasant ovonlng was spent and tho pulost of honor received many useful wnd pretty Dousoltold gifts. Cards wero received in town yes torday afternoon annoujneing tho birth of a daughter, Elenora Francos, to Mr. nnd Mrs. F. C. Short, of Salt Lake City, former residents of this city. Mrs. Short was Miss Francos Elder. Misses Vera nnd Ethel Stroltz nnd Clara Cramer, of Omaha, camo last ovonlng to visit with Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Stroltz whllo enrouto homo from tho mountains. Mrs. Charles Howe, of Columbus, O., who spent a. weok with lir cousin Charles Ell, loft this morning. Sho was enrouto homo from an extonded visit In Denver. ' r-::o:: Length ot Our Wars. Tho llrst American war, that of the Revolution, dated, from April 19, 1770, to April llf lTS.'l, a period of eight years; the northwestern Indian wars, from Sept. 10, 1700, to Aug. 3, 170."; the war with France, from July!), 170S. to Sept. HO, 1800; tho war with Tripoli, from Juno 10, 1S01, to Juno !, 1805; tho Creek Indian war, from July 27, 18W, to Aug. I), 1S14; tho war of 1S112 with Great Britain, from June 18. 18111, to Feb. 17, 1S15; tho Seminole Indian war, from Nov. CO, 1817, to Oct. 21, ISIS; the BInck Hawk Indian war, from April 21, 1S31, to Sept. 30, 1S32; tho Cherokee dlsturhnnco or removal, from 1S30 to 1S37; Creek Indian war or disturbance, from May G, 18.10, to Sept 30, 1S37; the Florida Indian war, from Dec. 23, 1835, to Aug. 11, 1813; Aroo stook disturbance, 1830 to 1839; tho war with Mexico, April 21, 1810, to July 4, 1848; the Apache, Navajo and Utah war, from 18-10 to 1855; tho Semi nolo war, from 1850 to 1858; the war between tho states, from 1801 to 1805; the Spanish-American war, April 21, 1S98, to Aug. 12, 1898, and tho Philip pluo insurrection, from 1899 to 1900. Tho British Manicure Lady. "In English barber shops you do not hnvo to pay for mirrors, elaborately tiled floors and a manicure girl," writes Homer Croy In Everybody's. "Over thero a manicurist Is considered the last vocable in the way of smartness. Tho innnlcuro girl hasn't tho run of tho shop thero ns sho has here. She has a little cage down In ono corner, where he Is bottled up ns If sho wero n raro liquid. When a man wants to hnvo any light housework done on his hands ho thrusts ono of them through tho bars, whllo tho proprietor hurries up with a newspaper for him to read. In America wo would bo Insulted if tho owner of tho shop put something Into our hands to read whllo tho mani cure girl was working on us. In Eng land tho art of Jollying tho manicurist is unknown." m Choice of cither WM&if m or Express Body $385 "thiS iMiinii The Unit Cab and Body are included for Como and see the "job" you can't appreciate the tremendous value until you do. Its completeness will gratify you. Cabs and Bodies aro of the best materials and construction, beautifully finished and guaranteed to fit. Tito specifications o tho unit itself leave nothing to bo desired. A 20 ycr.r old successful manu facturing company is your fcunronteo of service and satisfac tion. Efficiency,, economy and dependability ia tho b:& idea behind it. Graliam Brothers Evanovillo, Indiana Vo f,lvo you cholro of etthsr ttcka or express body with Cab. Illiutratlon ehowa Ford cheuis to ' h li o'tnc'- m1 Ornhom Hrothnrs Unit with cnb ond UVa body. Prlco tif.o.b.Lvcjm'. .3, Lid, l.tntcachln&tli unit tho Ford reel-talc era unchonftsd. J. S. DAVIS AUTO CO. Like New Mown Hay is tho fragrant odor of our lino print buttor. And tho tasto is Just as lino. You havo only to try it onco to roallzo what Buporlatlvo buttor ia. Try a nound today and tvo will loavo it to tho buttor ltsolf to malio you a ntoady UrSor of it. Ask for and got Alfalfa Quoon Buttor. North Platte Creamery. rnoNE 02. A Sermon On Lumber In conclusion my friends, wo can't get away from this lumber question. Why, every one of us spent our first days in a cradle made of lumber. Our lives have been lived between walls of two by fours and. lath, with rafters over our heads, and matched flooring beneath our feet. We have been sitting in wooden chairs, eating from wooden tables, riding in wooden wagons, and in the course of time will be laid to rest in wooden caskets. Lumber la King In the Construction World. Coates Lumber & Coal Co; North Platte, Nebr.