The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, August 21, 1917, Image 1

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    OpIt e llorth
fT T.'
Quy Grangor spont Sunday with rol
fjk atlvos In Gothenburg.
Mrs. AUn Tift carao from Omaha
yestorday morning.
F. C. Plolstlckor Is transacting bus
lnoss In Omaha this weok.
Mrs. E. W. Cross has gono to Ov
erton to visit for some tlmo with
Attornoy W. T. "Wilcox roturnod yes.
torday morning from' a visit lu east
ern points.
FoTi Sale Applo orchard of 10 aoros.
For particulars sco C.'H. Shin on the
Jim "Wilson farm'. t C3-4
Miss Hazel Feenoy, of Koarnoy, ar
rived the latter part of last wook to
visit at the Nolan homo.
EajrJ Tolle, of Choyenno, camo a fow
days ago to visit his fathor Charles
Tolle for a wook or longer.
Georgo SIzomoro left Friday night
for Salt Lako, Utah, and Los Angeles,
Cal., for a two weeks vacation.
Thurston Woodhurst has accepted
a Iposltlon In tho Dixon Jowolry storo
and bogan work thero yesterday morn
ing. Phillip Schwortz, of Dawson, N. M.,
was called hero Sunday by tho death
of his sister the lato Mrs. Laura Don
aldson. Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Moore, who spont
last week visiting In Denver and Col
orado Springs .returned home Sunday
evening. '
A ten pound baby girl was born Fri
day aftrnoon to Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam Metcalfe. Mother and babe aro
(progressing nicely.
Miss Mario Schatz, of tho Glbbs
Schatz office4, has taken a two weeks'
vacation which she will spend In Den
ver with her sister.
Mrs. Harry Poll, of Maxwell, who
visited local friends for several days,
loft yesterday morning for Garilng to
sipend a short time.
F. C. IIoxlo rotumcd to Ogalalla
yesterday morning after spondlng a
fow days horo.
Misses Ethel Fryo and Maud Miller,
who havo boon visiting In Colorado
and Wyoming for a coulo of weeks,
roturned last evening.
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. SIvor, of Garflold,
were here tho lattor 'part of last week
onrouto to Colorado and Wyoming
points of Interest by car.
Judgo and Mrs. II. M. Grimes re
turned Sunday afternoon from an ox
tondod visit -with relatives in Indiana
and othor eastern points.
Miss Esslo Wcssburg, of tho county
Judge's office, who spont soveral woeks
in Ogden visiting her Bolster, .return
ed homo Sunday morning.
Mrs. James Hayes and Mrs. William
Kennedy, kf Kearney, arrived hero
Friday evening to visit with their noicc
Mrs. Glon Miller for ton days.
Nicholas C. Dlmantz, tho eight
months old child of a Mexican family
living north of tho old round house
building, died Saturay morning.
Walter Armstrong of this city was
awarded twenty-five dollars Friday
at tho Elm Creek Round-Up as third
prlzo in ono of the riding contests
held there..
Mrs. Fred Owlngs, formerly of this
city, spent tho week ond here visiting
friends while enflouto to eastern points
by auto from Sidney. Sho Is accom
panied by hor brother C. Burling.
Mrs. Kato Cantrell, of Industry, 111.,
Mrs. Belle Miller and daughter Mil
dred, of Trinidad, Col., and A. Colby,
also of Trinidad, who spent a week at
tho home of P. H. McEvoy, loft for
Colorado yesterday morning.
J. Loron Hastings who for tho past
several months has been with tho Na
val Training Association In tho re
cruiting sorvico and tho Department
of Justice, has been awarded with a
commissioned office in the commis
sary department. He has ordors to
leave Monday for tho western coast.
Wash Goods '
We are offering what we have left of Wash
Goods at greatly reduced prices to move them all out
LOT 1. Striped and Floral designs in good qual- 4 4
ity Batiste per yard I 1 C
LOT 2. Fancy Striped Voiles and printed pat- 4 t
terns regular values 25 and 35c per yard I y v
LOT 3. Fine quality Wash Goods selling at 50c e
in a regular way price JjjQ,
There is only a limited amount of these goods
left so come early and make your selection.
Wilcox Department Store.
Cool Breeze Indoors
The cool breeze of the mountain and sea
shore may be enjoyed in the home or office
equipped with an electric Fan. A wonder
ful sleep producer. Insures the baby's
health in hot weather. Operating cost is but
a" fraction of a cent an hour.
North Platte Light & Power Co.
Charles Klnckor bogan work na
night ticket agont In tho Union Pacific
dopot a few days ago.
Conductor William Hubbard left Sat
urday morning fo'r Choyonno to spend
a fow days on business.
District Foreman J. W. McGmw went
to Choyonno Friday cvonlng on busi
ness for tho Union Pacific company.
Englncor James McNoel who has
been working on tho Laramlo division
for sevoral months returned hero Fri
day evening for a short visit.
Doll Smith of Omaha, grand chair
man of tho B. of L. F. and E., was
horo Friday and addressed tho local
lodgo at their meotlng that ovonlng.
Asa Wright, formorly of tho local
shops who has boon employed In
Grand Island for soveral months camo
a fowdays ago to visit Vous Curtis
for a week.
Josoph Larson, formorly of this city
who was recently transferred to Groen
lllver to take a position with tho
Union Pacific Co., spent tho week ond
horo visiting friends.
: :o: :
Special to iTashlngtou
A special train of five cars and twon
ty passongors passod through this city
yesterday morning eniouto from San
Francisco to Washington, D. C. On
board woro Assistant Secretary of
Stato Long, Viscount Ishll, of tho Jap
aneso commission, Brlgadlor General
Iron, U. S. A., J. N. Nye, chief of sec
rot sorvico of the Htate ddpartmont U.
S. A., a Japanese and U. S. admiral.
General Louies was Jn chargo of the
train. Tho general was agont at Lex
ington in 18G7 whon that station was
known as Plum Creek. Tljoparty
will confer with Prcsldont Wilson on
war conditions. At small stations
along tho route tile party leavo tho
train for one hour for exorcise.
-: :o: :
Socialist Lecture.
W. B. McDougal tho socialist who
delivered an address at court
houso Saturday ovonlng to a large
and appreciative audience will return
tio North Platte and dollvor lectures at
the following placos:
Blgnell School House Aug. 21.
Hall School House Aiug. 22.
Osgood School Houso Aug. 23.
North Platto Court Houso Aug. 24.
Hershey Aug. 25.
Everybody Invited to these lectures.
Autos Collide South of Town.
G. S. Jewett, of lLodgopole, who was
returning from Omaha Friday after
noon In a now Dort car, collided with
an Oakland car driven by C. E. War-
don on tho irrigation bridge south of
town. Tho Jowett car has a broken
right spindle, fenders smashed and a
front axle bent while on tho Ookland
car tho fondors, crank shaft and ono
wheol woro damaged. Tho force with
which they mot throw tho cars to the
south sldo of tho brldgo.
IS'ow Directories Out Yesterday
Tho nov Hoffhlne directory of this
city was distributed yesterday. It
contains on alphabetically arranged
list of business firms, 'private citizens,
street directory and miscellaneous In
formation in addition to a list of tax
payers of Lincoln county outside of
North Platte giving their location by
section township and rango with post
off ico address.
Change In Parking Curs.
Now parking rules wont into effect
Saturday on Gth street botwoon Dewoy
and Loouat and on 4th street botwoon
Pino and Dewoy. Cars will be parked
similar to tho mannor used for park
ing cars at tho Hondy-Ogicm and Davis
garage. Tho south sldo of tho street
will bo used for this ipurposo.
Jtcstimcs Former Jluslucss
Dr. Waltor Crook, formerly 'of this
city, who has roslded in Omaha for a
coiuplo of yoars, has roturned to this
city to mako his homo, having pur
chased his formor buslnoss lately
conducted by Dr. Charlos Adams who
has ontorod tho military sorvico. Mrs
Crook and tho children will roturn hero
In tho near futuro.
'Funeral of Mrs. Laura Donaldson ,
The funoral of Mrs. Laura Donald
son, of Sedgwick, Col., who died tho
latter part of last weok at a local hos
pital, was held yestorday aftornoon
from tho resldonco of her mothor In
tho Fourth Ward. Death was caused
by a sovcro attack of gall stonos. Tho
deceased wns born In this city in
1883 and was tho daughtor of Mrs.
Anna Schwordt. Othor surviving rol
atl'8 aro hor husband and flvo chil
dren of Sedgwick, Col., brothor Phil
lip, of Dawson, N. M two brothors
Georgo and Loron and two Bisters Mrs.
Theodore Lowe, Sr., and Mrs. William
Adamson of this city. Intormcnt was
niado In tho North Plntto cemetery
Pall bearers woro Bon. McMlchabl,
Carl Scott, Ezra Dowhower, Jos. Al
lison, Charles Adamson and Jako
: :o:
Cliangc lit Passenger Trains
Boglnnlng tomorrow sovoral chnng
os in tlmo and mako-up of a num
ber of Union Pacific passongor trains
will bo mado in ordor to consorvo pas
senger oqulpmont and reserve engines
for handling freight for war purposes
In futuro. Train No. 16 which now
loaves for Denver at 11:30 p. m. will
consolldato In Omaha with No. 3 which
arrives hero at 1:20 a. m. and local
work will bo dono east of this city.
Tho trains will dlvldo horo and "pro
ceed as formorly. No. 14 from Den
ver and No. 10 from Choyenno will
combine hero between 5:30 and G:00
p. m. and do local work to Omaha.
No. 4 will do local work through Ne
braska ond reach Omaha at 7 a. m
On trains Nos. 1 and 2 and 7 and 8
now all Pullman, tourist and chair
cars will be used and regular faro
charged Instead of extra faro formorly
asked on those trains. By these
Changes a dozon or moro engines can
be put In freight iiteo.
Master Gordon Wnolan entortalnetl
flftoon boys and girls tho latter part
of last wook at a party In honor of
his fourth birthday. Tho aftornoon
vas spent In outdoor games and Gor
don received many remembrances.
'; E. L, Doran, of Topponlsh, Wash.,
Is expected horo today to visit his
l&rpthor Charles Wliolan for a fow
FJlnvrt nffm willful tn rntnnnnV with Mr.
Wholan ho will leavo for, Now fork
to visit with tholr mothor.
Mr. ond Mrs. Stotts, Mrs. Downing
and Dr. Thornburg, of Yale, Iowa, an
auto party enroute to westorji points,
will visit at tho Frank Buchanan
home this weok.
Tho Thomas Hcaloy property on
west Fifth street was purchased last
week by Mr. and Mrs. Georgo McGIn
loy, of Koystono.
Miss Josephlno McKoown began
work In tho O'Connor storo yestorday
Mrs. Glddoon and daughtor lluth, of
Donaphln, who woro guests of Mr,
and Mrs. Clyde Glddeon, loft Sunday
Mrs. J. H. Hogarty loft Uio lattor
part of last weok for Donver to make
hor homo In futuro.
Frank Buchanan will loavo shortly
for Omaha' and comblno business and
plcasCTo for a fow days.
Mrs. Scott Shauor was arraigned In
tho county court Friday for assaulting
her husband. Sho pload not guilty
and tho caso was set for Monday Aug
ust 27th.
Claudo Wolngand and son Alvln re
turned yostorday morning from Don
vor whoro they wont by auto last wook.
Mrs. Wolngand will visit In Estos Park
boforo returning.
A complaint was filed In tho county
court yestorday against Ollvor II.
Waymatt for assaulting Fred Nelson.
Fourteen Lincoln county teachers
woro horo tho lattor part of last wook
to tako examinations.
Waltor Hoy was arrested at Shel
ton Saturday and brought to tho local
jail. Ho was chargod with forging a
chock for $17.00 on a Mr. Bontley ot
Sholton. Ho romlttd tho amount and
was roloased Sunday ovonlnc.
Tho Prosbytorlan congregation and
Sunday Bchool will hold tholr annual
picnic, Friday, August 24, at tho city
Ipark. Thero will bo convoyancos at
tho church at throo o'clock for tlioso
needing thorn. Suppor will bo serv
ed at 0:30.
Rooms .will bo neoded for tho Ac
commodation of toachors attending
tho Lincoln County Teachers' Instltluto
to bo hold in North Platto Soptcmbor 3
to 7. If you havo a room which you
can rent, ploaso fohona Black 602.
G2-4 AILEEN GANTT, Co. Supt.
The New Ford Truck will be
' received today and placed on
exhibition at the Ford Garage,
Cor. 4th. and Dewey St.
II n
Former Teachers Kecclvo Commissions
Georgo Davlcs, formorly of thoylocal
high school faculty, who has beon In
training at Fort Snolllng for sovernl
weeks, was appointed a captain last
wook. Mr. Hannor, who was also a
local Instructor was appointed second
lloutenant in tho artillery.
Mrs. Frank Buchanan was hostess
to tho M. M. M. club last wook at a
farowoll party In honor of tholr pres
ident Mrs. J., H. Ilfegarty. Mrs. Los
llo Basklns was elected to fill tho va
cancy causod by Mrs. Hegarty's departure.
Many a fellow who
is "at sea" about
clothes finds just
what he wants
when he lands at
this store.
(To be continued)
Clothes don't make
a man, but
Many a man owes his success to the fact that he is
particular about his personal appearance. First im-
pressions often determine a man's future standing
and a good appearance materially assists in making
a good impression.
Hence the importance of selecting clothes with
care; of selecting styles which best suit your type of
figure; of obtaining a perfect fit.
When you buy clothing here you are served
by intelligent salesmen who study your par
ticular needs and sell you apparel that
meets your individual requirements.
That isn't all; you get full value for every dollar
you spend. Style, fit, quality and workmanship is .
always A number one. Don't take our word for it.
Come in and -seethe splendid line of suits we arc
$15.00 to $35.00
Ask to see the New Oak Park Model.
Harcourt Clothing Co.