SUA L. HAKE, Editor and Publisher. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Year by AIn.Il In AtlTance.. ..$15 One Year b Currier In Advance. ,1J0 Entered at North Platto, Nebraska, Postofflco aa Second Class Matter. . FRIDAY. AUGUST 17, 1017. .. LOCAL AND PERSONAL Try Splcor's now cab If you do Biro good cab sorvlco. Phono 247. Dr. Morrill, Dentist Charlos Brotornitz, Jr., loft Tuesday for Sldnoy to visit with rolatlvos. Dr. Mario Ames loft tho first of this week for a short visit In Sidnoy. Dr. Smith, Chiropractor, . Building & Loan Building.. COtf Mrs. A. M. Soibort loft Tuesday for Laramio to visit with friends for ten days. Mrs. K. It. Pluinmor Is ontortalulng Miss Maud Kimball, of Oshkosh, this wook. ' Lcjuis Potorson loft "Wednesday morning for Sldnoy to visit for a few. days. Mrs. Burgnor loft a few days ago Tt 1 . i 1 1 1 .. i i. ni.i, . .1 .i ' homo. For cmlck ncllon nnd Knttsfactory snlo list your land with Thnclcckc. it j Loo Hart.1, of .Brady, returned homo Tuesday ovonlng after s'pondlng a fow days horo. Miss Clarissa Kano has accoptod a 'position In tho ticket offlico of tho Keith theatre Mrs. Prod Thompson and two grand sone loft a fow days ago for Lin coln to visit rclatlvos. Loo Tlgho, of tho Iloxall drug storo, is taking a ton day vocation which he will Bpond In Colorado. j Tho Happy Hour Club will meet this nftornoon with Mrs. W. B. Booth as sisted by Mrs. James. j Dr. Harold Penrior luis roturnod from Columbus, Ohio, whoro ho attondod tho A. O. A. convention. Miss Margarot Duoss loft for Kimball Wednesday morning. Vhllo horo sho visited at tho Qurtls liomo. '. . Mrs, Loulso Potors loft tho flrat of tho wcolc for Choyenno to spontl a wook with hor son Qilbort Potors. Roy Bornard reporter for tho Dally Tolcgraph, loft tho first of .tho wook for, Kearney to spond a fow dayB. In now havo funds at 5 por cent on choico bottom table land. Gone ,Crpokr',Rocrm 4, Kolth thoatro Bldg. kiGoorgo Thom'poon enmo down from Chappoll Tuesday by auto to visit tho homo folks whllo onrouto to Lincoln. Miss jr. Sioiunn, stenm baths nnd Swedish Massage, gentlemen nnd la udloa. Plioiio807t Brodbcclt building. SlUdndid assortment of Skinner's Messallno now in ovldcnco at Tho Loader for that protty sport suit you will bo wanting. Caspor Rauch and son Albln loft tho first of thte week for Denver and othor Colorado points to visit for a wcok or moro. Bishop Motz, of Donvor, who was personally known to a numbor of lo cal pooplo, died a fow days ago after an extended illnoss. Mr. and Mrs. Oeorgo McGlnloy and, child, of Koystono, who woro visiting with Mr. nnd Mrs. S. It. Carney for sovcral days havo returned homo. Farm and "Ranch loans at lowest rates nnd best terms. Honey on band to close loans promptly. 43tf BUCHANAN Jt PATTERSON. Mr. and Mrs. Barney Sholtz and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sholtz of Kearney, who came horo tho first of tho wook to attond tho funeral of the Huntington baby, havo roturnod home. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kilmer, of Arnold, camo a fow days ago to visit tho lattor'B mother Mrs. A. E. Hunt ington. Mrs. Kilmer was formerly MIbs Katlo Huntington, of this city. Mrs. Charles Tollo has issued In vitations for a miscellaneous pro-nup-tlal shower in honor of Miss Mary Pokln who will bo married next wcok. Tho shower will be hold Monday ovon lng. E. T. Kollhcr, of tho Great Westorn Accident Insurance Company of Oma ha, formorly d resldont hero, Is spend ing thin wcok hi town visiting the Mc Naniara family and transacting bus iness. Tho caso of Josopn James vs. Clar ence Jamos in which tho former claims tlio defendant is Indebted to him In tho sum of $45 camo up In county court tho first of this weok and Is un dor advlsomont. It is stated that tho monoy Id duo for labor aud loans. Tho caso of A. A. Schatz vs. Homer Gray lamo up for hearing In tho Jus tice court Tuesday and was decided In favor of "tho plaintiff. Gray was charged with fallfuro to pay thirty eight dollars which was duo on a pol icy of tho Great Western Accldont In surance Co., of winch tho plaintiff is tho local agent Wo wish to express our appreci ation to tho many frlonds and neigh bors and Lutheran choir for their as sistance, klndnoss and llowers at tho death of our babe, Nolllo Huntington. Mr. mid Mrs. Goorgo Huntington, Mr. and Mrs. Doll Huntington, Mr. and Mrs. Sholtz. Pennant for Company E CO. Dedmoro presented Co. K with a large boautlful pennant TueoUay af ternoon and tho same was displayed In tho Star clothing house window. Tho Ponnant Is made of red folt with a latrgo plcturo of tho company woven Into tho cloth. It measures six fett long and .twenty-four Inchoa wide. - : :o: : Lutheran Announcements Sunday school 9.45 a. m. Morning worship at 11 o'clock; sor mon subjoct "Naught Can Soparate " Special music. This will bo "Joholda Chest" day. Tho chest will bo out to rccelvo tho monthly offorlng for the church build- i lng fund. :o: :- Wo Card of Thanks oxtend our heartfelt thanks to o(ur nolghbors nnd friends for their kind assistance and sym pathy during our recent boroave mont In tho death of our belovod , mother and wife, also to express our I slncoro appreciation of tlho beautl- . ful floral offerings. , JOHN BERGMAN and FAMILY. : :o: :- Smallpox at Chnppoll. I Thirteen cases of smallpox aro to ' ported at Chappoll and as a result tho rosldonts ano being vaccinated and : taking 'precautions to avoid a further I spread of the disease. The origin of tlio epidemic Is said to bo caused I by tho arrival of a heavily veiled worn. I an who stopped thoro a few days ago whllo onrouto from Omaha. Dr. Wild, M tho stato board of health, Is In Cha'ppell to assist In preventing the disease from spreading. :o: :- Fined $25 nnd Costs. Agno3 Williams and Luclllo Miller j woro arrosted Tuesday aftornoon and I fined twonty-flvo dollars and costs In tho county court fo;r being disorder ly whllo in an Intoxicated condition j cast of tho river bridge. They were unablo to pay tho flno nnd began a fifteen day jail sontonco. Upon re fusal of their escorts to pay tho flno thp plaSnt&fffl pawned (tihdlr owclry and woro released and havo filed a chargo against their companions for bootlegging. :o: :- For Sale G1Q a, 15 ml. northeast of North Platto, ono-half fenced,' 70 a. undor cultivation. Good 3 room houso. well, windmill and clstorn. Barn for 12 head of horses also a gatagc. Tho matorlal for tho lmprovoiuonts on this much cost $1100.00. Tho ontlro section can bo bought for ?5.Q0 per acre. Cheapor than honiostcadlng. MILTONBERGER & LEININGER. j North Plntlo Library Notes Tho Unltod States Hlstorlos by iWoodrow Wilson, aro being circulated, also many war volumes. Tourists and many members of Co. E havo boon froqiuent visitors. Thoro aro 3767 borrowers and a continual Increase In circulation. Among tha lehlldrcta'a books jam "Advonturos of Grandfather Frog and Squirrel Nutkln and TImmy Tiptoes." "Bobby In Search of a Birthday" and "Billy Pop Gun." "Flvo Minute Stor ies" by Laura Richards. "Bryant's Best Stories to Toll Children." " "Good books admit children to now worlds of dollght, contribute to tholr happiness, stimulate thoir Imag ination and leave Joyous memories." For Sale Improved section, 15 miles northoast of North Platto; price ?3000t Inquire of L. A. Gambrel, 703 west Eloventh. LOCAL AND PERSONAL. Miss Dorothy Hlnman left tho first of tiiis weok for Cozad to visit with, friends. Miss Minnie Seaman loft a few days ago for Chorokeo Park to spond a weok or longer. Doll Teel, of Indlnnola, formorly of this olty Is visiting this week with Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Klein. Dr. Brock, Dentist, over Stono Drug Storo. Mrs. E. W Maun, who has been vis (ting In Colorado points for some time will return this evening. Miss Lulu Burko returned tho first of this wook from an enjoyable visit with 'iolatlves In Denver. Mrs. D. J. Btzel, who was called here last weok by tho Illness and death of hor mother, will leave In a fow days. Harry Boegle, late prescription clerk at tho Stono drug store, left Tuesday for his former homo in Grand Island. Mrs. Jesse VanDyko, who has been visiting in Esto3 Park for some time, Is expected, to return homo today. Miss Anna Ericson , of Donvor, for morly of this olty, came a fow days ago to visit her sister Mrs. John Burke. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Murphy will leave this weok for cities of Illinois to sipond a fortnight or longer with rel atlvos. Roy Cochran, of Lincoln, formorly of this city, spent tho fore part of this week In town combining business and pleasure Miss Frances Edwards, who has been visiting rolatlvos In Pleasantvlllo, la., for several weeks, Is expected to re turn tomorrow. For Sale Copper Klad range almost new, also Riverside hard coal stove In good condition. C. W. Edwards, 303 wust Fourth street. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Webor enter tained a number of friends Monday evonlng at hoir first wedding anni versary. They rocelved many remem brances and tho gucl3ts enjoyed a pleasant ovenlng. When Dolly Grows Up "She'll have a New Perfection Oil Cook Stove just like mother's." , 2,500,000 modern housewives are using the New Perfection. It's the stove of steady habits never cranky, never out of order. The flame stays put, wherever you put it. You can have any amount of heat you want, and all the heat goes into the cooking. Your kitchen is cool and comfortable no coal hod to fill, no ash pan to empty. A new and exclusive feature the reversible glass reservoir. Perfection Kerosene gives best results. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (NEBRASKA) OMAHA n -..iL.-iiiH mm . .- .:' : K.M mm r i ..: i NEWPE ITOCTION I Oil! m if! j: !t' tArvtiu .Cr TfHWEDY Itcnl Estate, Fire, Tornado nnd Hall Insnmncc. Spcclnl Agents uiono T.ifn insurance Company. Corner Front and Dowoy Sts., Upstairs Phono Red 573. ort!i rintte, flen. Xotlco to Hunters Notice Is hereby given that no hunt ing or trespassing will bo allowed on lands owned or leased by us either bo foro or during tho hunting season. . HENRY HANSEN. C. H. WATTS P. E. McGRAW C. P. HOWARD 57-tf T. S. McCRONE. Give the Telephone Number Distinctly It Is Important In mnklng a .telephone call to speak the numbor distinctly. Several numbers sound much nlllco over tho tele phono unless spoken clearly. For example, 0 sounds much like 4, and 2 llko 3, aud 5 like 9. In calling n telephone num ber speak slowly nnd dis tinctly, with tho lips half nn Inch from the, mouthpiece. Say "Right" when tho operator repeats tho number correctly. If the operator misunder stands, say "No" and give the number ngnln. Xotjco lo Creditors Estate No. 1491 of Homer F. Fort, doconsotl In tho County Court of Lin coln CountJj,Jpbraska. Tho Statoof Nebraska, sa: Credi tors of said osfvto will take notlco that tho tlmo limited Tor prosontatlon nnd filing of claims against said Estato is March 14th, J9l7, and for settlement of said Estate Is Aug. 10, 1918; Uiat I will sit at tho county court room In said county on Sopt 14th, 1917 nt 9 o'cloclc a. m. to rocolvo, oxnmlno, hoar, allow or adjust' all clalniB and objections duly filed. GEO. E. FRENCH, ftl4-sll County Judge. EDYTH HUMPHREYS OWENS Teacher of Dramatic Art. Studio 122 Front St. Phono Black 351. OLD LINE LIFE Policies ON EASY TERMS J. E. SEBASTIAN. State Mcrr. Minn.Mutual Lif elns.Co. Phone Office Red 612 Residence Red 348 NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. Office phone 241. Res. phone 217 L. C . DROST, Osteopathic Physician. North Platte, - - Nebraska. McDonald Bank Building. DEBIlYIiEIiltY & FORBES Licensed Embnlmcrs Undertakers and Funeral Director Day Phone 234. Night Phono Black, 688. SCRAP IRON $6 per Ton. North Platte Junk House. Geo. B. Dent, Physician and Surgeon. Special Attention given to Surgery and Obstetrics. OfBca: Building and Loan Building Phnno, I Office 130 Phones Regidence 115 E. IV. FETTER, Physician X RAY Office: First National Bank Building. Phone 308 ALBERT A. LAJsE, Dentist Rooms 1 and 2 Belton Building North Platte, Nebraska, The Nurse Brown Memorial Homeopathic Hospital 100S lYcst Fourth Street. For tho treatment of Medical, Surgical and Obstotrical Patients, JOHN S. T1HNEM, 3L 1). J. B, REDFIELD. PHYSICIAN & SURGE OK Successor to PHYSICIAN & SURGEONS HOSPITAL Drs. Redfleld & Redfleld Office Phone 642 Res. Phone 676 Holstein Cows. I will havo a carload of Holstein Cows about July 1st They are as good as money can buy. If you need one or more see mo Am soiling nil kinds of cnttlo In any numbor desired, in addition to buying nogs. Phones: Office 459 House Red G3G. C. H. WALTERS. DOCTOR D. T. QUIGLEI. .. Practice Limited to Surgery and Radium Thprapy 728 City National Bank Building. Omaha, Nebraska, I)R. HAROLD A. FENNER Osteopath. Belton Building Office hours 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. . 7 p. m. to 8 p. m. Phones Office Black 333 Res. Black 10ZO NORTH PLATTE ..General Hospital.. (Incorporated) One Halt Block North ot Posloflice. Phone 58 A modern institution for tho ,cleatific treatment of medical, urgiea) and confinement cases. Completely equipped X-Ray x und diagnostic laboratories. Staff: Geo. B. Dent, M. D. V. Lucas, H. D. J. B. Redfield. M. D. J. S. Simms, M.D Hospital Phono Black 633. -House Phono Black 633. W. T. PRITCHARD, Graduate Veterinarian Bight years a Government Veterinar ian. Hospital 218 south Locust St, one-half block southwest of the Court Houso. Always Glad to Get A Good Cigar And there's no plnco you can got a good clgnr better than at Schmal zrlcd's. "With filler nnd wrapper of tho best quality hand made, there is in the Schmnlzrled-mndo cigar all that the most exacting smoker demands. "We handle tobacco nnd smokers' articles. J. F. SCHMALZRIED. Vacating Pnrt of Road No. 98. To Whoin it May Concern: Tho special commissioner ap pointed to report on tho vacating of that part of Road No. 98 as follows: Commencing at Station No. 98 on the section lino between Sections 23 and 22. town 12. irango 31,and running thonco northeasterly along said road and terminating at tho southwest cor nor of Section 2, Town 12, Range 31. vacating that part of Road No. 98 be tween stations 5 and 25, has roported In favor thereof. All objections thoreto or claims for damages must be filed In tho office ot the county clerk on or before 12 o'clock noon of the 2d day of October, A. D. 1917, or such road will bo vaca ted without 'reference thereto. Dated at North Platte, Neb., this 20th day of July A. D. 1917. J27-4 A. S. ALLEN, County Clerk Road No. 408 To Whom It May Concorn: Tho Bpoclal commissioner appoint ed to locate public road as follows: Commencing at tho southeast corner of tho southeast quarter of Section 19, town 9, range 27, thenco north, on soc. tlon lino between Sections 19 and 20 In town 9, rango 27, about 170 rods to a point at tho edgo of bluff on section line, thonco around tho edgo oL.bluff on tho oast side, (which Is about 30, rods), until reaching tho section llno between sections 19 and 20 In town 9, range 27, thence north on section line about 40 rods, terminating at the northoast quartor of Section 19, town 9, rango 27, road to bo 66 feet wldo, has reported in favor of tho samo. All claims for damages thereby or objections theroto must bo filed in the office of tho county clerk on or be fore 12 o'clock noon of tho 10th day of October, 1917, or such road will bo allowed without roforonco thoreto. Dated at North Platto this 27th day of July, 1917. A. S. ALLEN', J31-4. County Clerk. Order of Hearing Probalo of Will and Appointment of 'Administrators In tho mattor' ot tho Estato ot Sophia Fodorhoof, Deceased. Now on thl3 13th day of August, 1917, on tlio filing of tho petition of Clara J. Robblus praying that instru ment fllod heroin bo probated as tho last Will and Testamont of Sophia Fodorhoof, dpcoasod, and that CJara J. Robbins, Amanda A. Huffman- and Martin Fodorhoof bo appointed as ox ocutora of said W11L j It Is horoby ordored that Soptombor. 7, 1917, bo set for tho hearing thore of beforo this court nt 10 o'clock a. m., and that notlco ot said hearing bo glvon tho holrs, dovlsoes and all per-, sons Interested In said ostato by pub- Mention tof a notlco theroof for throe successlvo weeks prior to said hoar ing, In The North Platto Soml-Weokly ly Trlbuno, a legal eeml-wcokly nows papor printed and published In Lin coln County, Nobraska. 1 GEORGE E. FRENCH, nl484 County Judge. Bond No. 107. To Whom dt May Concorn: Tho Bpoclal commissioner appolnt ted to locate a road as follows: Commonclng at tho Bouthwost cor nor of soctlon 22, township 12 north, rango 30 west of tho 6th P. M., on Road No. 152, thenco north on soctlon lino between Sections 21 and 22, and Soctlons 15 nnd 16, to connect with Road No. 68 at tho west A corner ot Section 15, commonclng again at tho SW corner of Section 10, Town 12, Rango 30, whero Road No. 68 Inter sects with Road No. 194, thonco north on section line between Sections 10 and 9 to point about 30 rods south ot tho NW corner Soctlon 10, Town 12, Rango30, thenco northwostorly to In tersect with north lino of Soctlon 9 to NW corner ot Section 9, intersecting with Road No. 22, road to bo .66 feet wide, lias roported In favor of the same. ' All objections thoreto or claims for damages must bo fllod In tho office of tho county clork on or beforo 12 o'clock noon of the 2d day of October, A. D. 1917, or"such road will bo al lowed without referenco thereto. Dated at North Platte, Neb., this 20th day of July, 1917. J27-4 A. S. ALLEN, County Clerk.