The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, August 17, 1917, Image 5

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We Can Make
Graduate Dentist
Office oyer tha McDonald
Stat Bunk.
Joseph Pillion, Jr., was a business
visitor in. Sidney Tuesday.
No hunting allowed on my premises
aUany time. C. R. SMITH. 60-5
All straw liats for men and boys at
just half price at The Leader.
See Julius Mogensen for all kinds
ofjjl. &0. farm implements and wag-
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Owens will move
this week to the Dolson home on west
Sixth street.
Joseph Hahlor, of Sidnoy, was a
guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Julius Hahler the flist of the week.
'Mrs. Harley McDejrmptt Ifsft Cor
Grand Island and West Pointy the first
ofT!ho week1 to visit relatives.
For Sale Organ in fiood condition.
Suitable for rural school purposes.
Price $5.00. Inquire at this office.
Mtss Ida Ottenstein, who had been
visiting in Estes Park for two weeks,
returned homo Wednesday evening.
Mrs. H. P. HencKle and boii left
the first of this week for Denver and
Colorado Springs for a ton days' visit.
Archdeacon J. J. Bowker returned
frnm o visit. In tlio
Iart o7 t?e stTte on church ; recently appointed deputy game
John Hahler who spent a few daya
in Lexington this week has returned
Miss Clara Fielder, of Nobraska
City, left Tuesday morning for Kim
ball after visiting with Mrs. B. J. Cur
tis for several days.
Mrs. Frank Armstrong and son, who
woro guosts at the Robert Armstrong
homo left Wodntyday mkwnlng fty:
Michigan to visit relatives.
Post-season prices on all women's,
Misses', white footwear at The Lead
etr. Wo can fit you and your purse
will bo specially benefitted!
Mr. and Mrs. Gunderson, of Cozad,
who wore called hero a fow days ago
by the illness of their grandson Floyd
Brooks, have returned homo.
Mrs. Fred Donaldson and daughter
Miss Hazel left Wednesday morning
for Madrid and Ogalalla to visit with
friends for a week or longer.
Mrs. W. A. Anderson is visiting this
week with Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Law
head whllo enrouto to her home In
Iowa from San Francisco.
' Margaret and Morton Fredericksen
left Wednesday morning for Laramie
to spend a week with (relatives and will
visit at Keystone on their return homo
Mrs. Catherino Toohor and son
Charles, who were visiting her par
ents Mr. and Mrs. Charles McGuiro
for ten days, left Tuesday afternoon.
Miss Nina Elder, who has been as
sisting in the county clerk's office for
several weeks will leave shortly for
Kearney to take a course in the normal.
' .Captain P. R. Halllgan. '
1st Llcutonant Sidney Splllnor.
2d Licutonant-Pcrcy Schott. T
Sergeants Harold F. Wright, Jasj
A. Bcckor, Will F. Kearney, Butlor
B Mlltonbergor, Edward A. Cook,
Willinm T. Crook, Zlrrlll A. Hipki,
Adolph M. Murphy, John II. Poluck,
Frank H. Brown.
Corpornla Roy M. Ames, Albert C.
Black, Fay D. Brewer, Oscar C.
Brown, Elton Burr, William H. DilUs,
Calvjin H. Duckworth, Richard M.
Faulkner, Marvin Jaggor, Jamos Q.
Lambojrtt Carl, II. Lohsel. Leonard
Poofre, Frank J. Prasclt, Leo A. Rln-
glomann, Ira Q. Simpson, Edwin L
Mechanics Frank Oudruck, Edward
L. Renin).
Cooks Floyd M. Allen, Arthur L.
Delvize, Jamas W. Hampton.
Buglors Ivan R. Root, Dono F. Wll
Privates 1st Class William C. Boal',
Merrill C. Cross, Albert Novak, Fred
C. Peterson, Abncr Wessborg,
Privates Alan A. Atchison, Chas.
W. Ballon,' Alf rod M. Bastln, Jacob
C. Beck, Otto C. Becker, Ernest E;
Bunting, Ernest R. Burns, William F.
CampbjoU, Leo O. Can try,. Earl S.
Carlton, Harold F. Carr, Edward Cole,
Rouol C. Conroy, Guy Cook, Albert
C. Cooper, Samuol P. Cox, Fay M.
Curry,. Edwin P. Davis, Fay E. Davis,
Hermon D Day, Harold DoPriest,
Houston DoPriest, Floyd A. Dickin
son, Georgei Doudy, Horner Eborlc,
Alvln B. Ellas, William Engles, Earl
L. Ewon, Leo P. Eyroly, Victor G"
Falk, Frank Fenwlck, James V. Fltz
ipatrick, Louis J. Fitzpatrick, Oscar
Foltz, Walter R. Frank, Kenneth Fulk,'
Joseph P. Glceson, Gordon Gifford,
Robert R. Glnn, Reynold W. Hanson,
Freeman 0. Hanson, Walter H. Hasen,
kamp, Roy E. Hickox, Harry E.
HIckbx, John G. High, Jennings B.
Hlggjns, Ralph M. Hlllyor, Ralph W.
Hlnkley, Walter J. Hosick, Claudo C,
poral Petorson, weight 210.
Jj Llghtost man in tho company, Pri-
iroio .uaru, woigui nu.
Averago weight, of company 140.
ranest man, sorgpnnt .Miiionuorgor,
C feot 34 inchoB.
Shortest man, Corporal Jagger, 5
foot 3 Inches.
Dir. Til... f .. .. 1 . - 1 T n...
Little Joo, Big Bum's Ordorly, Pri
vate Sweet.
Musician Prlvato Morgan, pianist.
'-, Quartotto Sgt. Koanioy, Corp.
Wossburg,, Prlvatos Langford and
Fastest Walkor, Sgt- Mlltonbergor.
' Comedians Poor'o and Murphy.
" Company Detective Pirivnto John
Professional men Capt. Halllgan,
Brivato Oborst.
v Company Chaplain Billy (Sunday)
Married Men Capt. Halllgan, Cor
porals Burr and Boal, Sgt Crook, Prl
i.vatcs Oberst, Hasonknmp, Wlnslow,
Wllllnms nnd Glnn.
Best Diver Charles Ballou.
Most Ambitious Man Xolan wltli
two Jobs North Platto Drug Co. and
U. S. army.
Pass Word Sack Out.
: :o: :
Funeral of 3Irs. Bergman
Tho funeral of the lato Mrs. Laura
Bergman was hold Monday morning
from tho Catholic church. Itequlm
mass was read and Rov. P. McDaid
conducted tho sorvicos. PalbearelrB
nvore Messrs. Chris Paulson, P. II
McEvoy, John Grant. Charllo Bowcn
J. W. Fitzpatrtok, and Conrad Walkor.
Interment was mado in tho Catholic
Tho blessing of her quiet life
.Fell on us like tho dew,
And good thoughts wherb her foot-
stops pressed
"Liko fairy blossoms grew.
'Sweet 'promptings unto
Kindest deeds wore in her vorv look,
.jWo read hor faco as ono who roads
go, wno woro guests or uio lonrmors
farthts Mr. ami Mrs. John Wollen
hapt whllo onrouto homo from EBtqtt
Park, loft a few days ago.
Mrs. James Hart, son Lawrence,
Mrs. William Hawloy and son John
and Miss Julia Dunn of Chicago, loft
yostordny afternoon for Denver and
otlior Colorado cities to spend a wook
or longor.
A true ami Holy Book..
Vo miss her in tho place of prayor
And by tho hearth fires light.
r , " """iranto moro her say 'Good Night.
WT Tnlmann Cities G Tr1 Inn atrvn 1. . . . .
Clarence A. Jones, Carl J. Jargensen,
Alvia L. Kemper, John Kildaro, Paul,
G. Koch, Hairold A. Langford, Wilbur
Lyons, Frank Macombor, Henry L.
Mahcr, Paul O. Marti, Paul R. Mar
tin; Sidney P. McFarland, Thomas Mc-
Alono unto our Father's will
: thought has reconciled.
That Ho whose lovo excoedoth ours
flas taken homo his child." XX
The noxt Artcraft picture to bo shown
at tho Keith will "Tho Romanco of tho
Govern, Ora L. McKee, Wlllard E. Mc"118 ,w"h PteWord on
Doll Brownfleld, of Horshey, who
Miss Mae Hopkins, of Omaha, camo
a fow days ago to visit with Mr. and
Mrs. A. D. Barnam. She is a sister
of tho latter.
Mrs. William F. McNelr, of Tacoma
camo a fow daya ago to visit with her
sister Mrs. Ralph Chamberlain for ten
days or longor.
Misses Wynne Sullfvan, Zoo and
Fern Watts will leave tomorrow even
ing for Brady to visit at tho Sullivan
homo for a week.
Philip Plzer, of Lewollen, formerly
a resident hew, visited this week with
his brothor Adrian Plzer who Is a
mombor of Co. E.
Tho Woman's Homo Misslonery So
ciety of tho Methodist church will
meet in tho church parlors Friday af
tornoon,A)ugust 17.
warden by Governor Neville, is visit
lng in town while enroute home from
Miss Margaret Curd, of Pueblo, ar
rived Wednesday evening to visit with
Mr. and Mrs. Carl S. Bonner while
enrouto home from an extended visit
in Illinois.
Joseph Oberfeldor, of Sidnoy, was
hero Tuosday evening enroute home
from Grand Island Avhore ho attended
tho meeting of tho grand finance com
mittee of tho A. O. U. W.
Having boon called to sorvico In
tho army which may continue until
tho war onds. I wish to stato that all
aelcounts due mo will bo paid to Mrs.
T. Kerr. All parties knowing them
selves indebted to mo will pleaso call
at tho office or remit by mall at onco.
T. J. KERR, M. D.
Third Annual Southwest Nebr.
September 10-14, '17.
County and Individual
From All Parts of the District
Competition on Exhibits of
Greatly Increased Premiums in this Department
Including: Monoplane, Balloon, Wild West Broncho Riding
Daily Speeches by Prominent Men, including
State Supt. Public Instruction W. H. Clemmons, Representatives
of the Council of Defense and others,
Each Evening. Ferris Wheel, also Merry-Go-Round, Dancing and
Other MidVay Attractions,
R. C. NORRIS, Secretary, Maywood, Neb.
Mlllan, Iouict Mikkolsen, Leroy
Miles, Ralph D. Miller, Orvillo B,
Moore, Luther E. Morgan, John L.'
Mur"phy, Benjamin C. Neff, Paul A;,
Nolan, Clairenco A. Norall, Byron B.
berat, Lester B . Porry, Lawrencp W,.
Petersen, Herman A. Pickerel, Adrian
S. Plzer, Lynn B. Prlnglo, Frank
Rains, John A. Ross, Ira E. RuBsell,
Francis J. Sandall, Zack K. Sounders,
John H. Saylor, John L. Scniultz, Wal
tor Shaw, Stephen R. Shaw, Benjamin
H. Shophord, Russell Short, Albert F.
Spoeneman, Harris L. Stuart, Harry
B. Sweet, Ivan R. Taytor, Chester C.
Taylor, Perry J. Tides, John W. Tigho,
Cocll M. Trent, Marston II . VanDoran,
Reno Voreecky, Guy H. Whaley,
Mitchell Wheoler, Channell F. Wilcox,
Bert E. Wilder, ' Gordon B. Wootcn('
Erva C. Williams, Frank H. Wlnslow.'
Of tho ono hundred and fifty men In
tho company thcro aro twenty-five from
Lexington, ton from Grant, twonty-flvo
from Ogalalla, fifteen from Big Springs
and sovonty-fivo from North Platte.
Following are a fow of tho charac
teristics of the company:
Oldest man in company, withheld by
board of censorship, ago 45.
Youngost man in the company, Prl
vato Marti, 18.
Heaviest man in the company, Cor-
Aug. 27 and 28.
Guests at tho homo of P. II. Mc
3voy this wook aro Al Colby and sis
,ter Mrsc. Summtrv, Mildred Sum-
.mors of Trinidad, CbloA and Mrs
.Catherine Cantrcll of Springfield, 111
Mr. and Mrs. Wollonha,ui)t, of Chiica-I Miss 'Holon Patterson. of IJoifor
rormorly'or this city, arrived libro
Wednesday morning to. visit Miss Edith
Eattorson arid,' Mrs. William Waltc
math for a week or longor.
' Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Timmorman and
family who woro obliged to vacate tholr
homo on west Sixth street on account
of damago by firo somo wcoks ago will
return thoro this week, tho necessary
ro'palrs having been complotod.
-! An auto party composed of Misses
Hazel Smith, Cathorlno Horrod, Lu
clllo McFarland and Messrs. Sher
wood and Thurston Woodhurst and
Ralph Coates hold a picnic at Gothen
burg tho first of this weok which was
greatly enjoyed.
Tho Lincoln County Teachers' In
etltuto will bo hold In North Platto
September 3 to 7. Every teacher who
expects to teach school in this coun
ty noxt year is oxpected to attend.
Splendid talent has boon secured to
p tho teachors in tholr work for
thocomlng year. Attendance at an
Insltuto in somo other county cannot
bo accopted In place of attendance at
Lincoln County. G2-4
FIAXO FOR SALE. Wo have had
loft on our hands at North Platto a
now strictly high class piano, which
if takon at onlco will bo sold at a post
tlvo bargain. Liberal terms. If Inter
ested, do not fail to writo Tho Donvor
Music Company, Denver, Colo. CO-C
Don't let friction head your car toward the repair shop.
Pure lubrication, every drop. Keeps all tha power eating up tha mllee.
Ends friction and over-heatlnc Adds years to the life of your motor.
Look for the Polarlne sign It mtirks a reliable dealer and a safe place
to stop. Use Red Crown Gasoline, the power-full motor fuel.
(Nebraska) OMAHA
ffiolarine, jj
$385 WSUke Body
Come and see the "job" you can't appreciate the
tremendous value until you do. Its completeness
will gratify you. Cabs and Bodies are of the best
materials and .construction, beautifully finished
nnd fcitoranteed to fit. Tho specifications of tho unit itself
leave nothing to bo desired. A 20 ycer old successful manu
facturing company is your guarantee of sorvico and satisfac
tion. Efficicncyi economy nnd dependability is tho bi& idea
behind it.
Graham Brothers
Evansviilc, Indiana
. - xij!ii,'i' en
Vo f.toc "ou c!to!co of cither stako c
oinrtu bvv with Csb. Illustretlot
rliows Ford chnu Is to v-' ' i nricV',fl Crnham Ilroth r Unit with cub nnd stsla hoiy.
I'rica It f. o. b. Lvctjv'IIj, 1.-.4, e-xchini tho un!i tho I or: rear tics cro unchanged.
like New Mown Hay
is tho fragrant odor of our print
butter. And Uio tasto Is justTad lino.
You havo only to try it ontlortaftreallzo
what Buporlatlvo butter ,1s. Try a
pound today and we will loavo it to
tho buttor ltsolf to inako, you a stoady
oiBor of It. Ask for and got; Alfalfa
Queon Buttor.
NQrth Platte Creamery.
- rnoNE C2.
A Sermon On Lumber
In conclusion my friends, we can't get away from
this lumber question. Why, every one of us
spent our first days in a cradle made of lumber.
Our lives have been lived between walls of two
by fours and lath, with rafters over our heads,
and mntched flooring beneath our feet. We have
been sitting in wooden chairs, eating from wooden
tables, riding in wooden wagons, and in the course
of time will be laid to rest in wooden caskets.
Lumber is King In tho Construction World.
Coates Lumber & Coal Co.' !
North Platte, Nebr.