THE SEMI WEEKL Y TRIBUNE, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA, AGENTS ARE MS GUARD TO CO SOUTH. Formation of Reserve Organlzat' "1 to Be Pushed With Vigor. FOOD LAWS ENACTED MEN TO AID EXEMPTION BOARDS NAMED BY GOVERNOR. TO WATCH FEDERAL INTERESTS Representatives Expected to Prevent Fraud In Evading Service Each County Has Official. Lincoln. Acting upon tho request ,of tlio war department, Governor No vlllo announced tlio appointment of special ngonts In each county In Ne braska and In each registration dl trlct, who will represent tlio United States government In presenting to county exemption boards and to state appeal hoards such Information as may tend to show fraudulent exemp tion claims. Theso men are expected to secure all of the evidence whldi they can to prevent men from estab lishing false claims for exemption. Ample provisions have been mudu whereby a man subject to the draft might claim exemption and appeal to one of the state boards In case his re quest Is denied. It Is thought only a proper safeguard to prevent men get ting excused on Impropor grounds, thereby requiring others to be drawn In their places, that there also bo Homo person In every county to gath er Information on behalf of the gov irnment. The Special agents In No raska counties except Douglas and Lancaster, aro: Adfttim Volnoy n. Trimble, IIniittn. Antolopo Lylo K. Jaaknon, NIIkIi. Arthur Milton J. llnuer, Arthur. Xlanner M. K. Hlmfth, llarrlnliurir. Hlnlnn U. a. Iliiml, IJrnwuter. Jloono CJ. O. Hnrn, Albion, llox Uiittn Holiort Oralmin, Atllnnco. Doyd HyWostor H l'nritoim, Hpencxr, Drown Hen II. Ilurrltt, Altmwortli. HufTolo W. V. Olillimn, Konrncy. Hurt A. If. Anilnrnon, Tnlmmiih. Ilutlar M. J. Hoiif, DftvliI City. . Cns A. a. Cole, I'lattmnouth. Cedar Wlllier v. Ilrynnt, IlHrtlitKton. C'lmKO Kred HofTtnplnUr, Imperial, nherry T. M. Wnlcott, Volontlnn. Clioyonnn J. O Mclntojli, Sidney. Clay Hnrry II. Jolinaon, Clay Center. Colfax W. I. Allan. Schuyler. Cumins- -J. C Hlllott. Wnt I'olnt. Cuntor M. H. Kddy, Ilrokun How. Dnkotn Ttinmnn Aehford, Homer. Pawee 13. I. Crllee, Chndron. Dftwuon drorfro a. Olllun. I.oxliiKton. DeuetU O. I'felffer, Clintipull. Dixon II. I'. Htiumwny, WuUellelcl. DodRe liny Nye, Fremont, Dundy Paul Joni-n, llenUrlitmn. Flllmoro Frnnk O. Kdtteromlie, (lenoTa. Frn.nklln-'-n, Y. Ilartt, Dloomlnuton. Frontier Jamee Ponmon, Moorlleld. Furnaa a. K. Simon, llonvur City. Oaire U W. Colby, llentrlco. Onrden H, J. Clirtle, Oehlionh. aarfleld Guy I.nvorty, Ilurwell, Oonper O. H. Iloinrtli, Khvood. Grant D. F. OnROod, Ilynnnli. Groeley J. It. Hwaln, Greeley, Hall J. D, Whltmnro, Ornnd Ielnnd. Hamilton Frod Joffern, Aurora, Harlan--J. O. Thompson, Alma. Iiayen M. F, Wanton, Haycii Center, Hitchcock ,!. F. Ilntclirr. Trentcn. Holt J. a Donahue, O'Nolll.. j Hooker Vf. C. Hoplnn, Mullen. r Howard Frank J, Taylor. Ht. Paul. Jefferson K, A. Wundor, Falrlniry. Johneon -Frank A. Hafranek, Tecum noli. Itearnny Ctinrle A. Cliniipnll, Mlnden, Keith 13. M. HoaHe. Oiinlnlln. Keya Paha It. (1. McCulloy, KprliiRvlew, Kimball Jamea A. Hodman, Kimball. Knox D. O. Laird, Center. Lincoln T. 0. Pnttereon, North Platte. I wan It. I linker, Oandy, I.0UP Orvllle Chntt, Taylor. MoPhenionJ. Weller Tryon. Madison John H. Hay. Norfolk. Merrick John C. Mnrtln, Central City. Morrill O. J. Hunt. Ilrlduoport. Nance Albert Thoinpnon, Fullerton. Nctnnha Itlchnrd V. Neal, Auburn. NucltolU Georire Jnckeun, Noleon. ' Otoe C. W. I,lvlnitton, Nebrniika City, Pawnee O. A. Shnppol, Pawnee City. Perkln II. V. Hnatlnit, Grant. Pholp O. C. Antiunion, Holdruue, It. Pierce M. H. Inmy, Plorco. Platte C. J. (Inflow, Columbue. lied Willow- Patrick Wnlall. McConk. Polk H II. Campbell. ocoln. Illchardeon John Mullen. Fall City. Itork J, J. Carlln, HansoM. Saline II. V. Kohoul, Wllber. Harpy A. K. TjuikiIihi, Papllllon. Haunder H T5. Placek, Wahno. BcottHbluff Fred A. Wrlnht. Oerlnu. Reward J. J. Thomne, Howard. Rherldnn O, Pntterenn. Huehvllle. Shermnn O. W, Tnimbln, Imp City, ftloux A. O. Rchnurr, Ilnrrlmin. Stanton W. P. Oownn, Stanton. Thayer--T. It. Cnrler, Hebron. Thoinn J H. Kvnne. Thedford. Thureton Guy T. Grave. Wnlthlll. Valley Ilert M. Hnrtlenbrnok. Arcadia. Vahln(fton N. T I.nnd, nialr. Wayne John T. Itreiolcr, Wayne. Wobeter llcrnnrd McNonv, Hed Cloud. Wheeler J. M Bhreve, llertlett. York T. W. Smith, York. Suffs May Fight Petition. Possible legal action to prevent tho submission of tho partial suffrage law under the referendum petitions which wero recently tiled by antl-sutTraglsts with Hecretavy of State Pool and ap proved by him Is hinted at by promi nent suffrage workers. The suffra gists said they had not Anally deter mined on what course would be fol lowed, but they hnd plenty of legal .assistance If It was finally decided to file a suit to establish whether the Tietltlons filed were sulllclent. The suffragists contend there aro a num ber of Irregularities In tho potltlon. 8tate'o oessed Valuation Grows. Nebraska's total assessed valuation of properly this year will reach $rttO. 000.000, according to llgures which Secretary Hernecker of the state board of equalization has compiled. "With 01 counties reporting olllclally, the total valuation Is .$f7,n7a.0'J5. Al lowing a small Increase for the two which have not been officially heard from, tho total state vnluiitlon will run oyer $520,000,000. Last year It was a trllle over $n00.000.000. Hver.v county In tho state shows an Increase. Hard Cider Causes Trouble. Hard cider, or a manufactured sub stitute for It, Is giving stu. and county authorities some trouble In their efforts to enforce prohibition, mid It promises also to mnkQ trouble for dealers In soft drinks who have been selling It. Samples of the "stuff which havo recently been sent In to Governor Novllle from Kromont and Hastings, tested, respectively, -I pee. cent iiiul 0V4 per cent..of alcohol. It Is unlawful to uiiko nr sell iuy buv entge If It contains moro ?inn one half of 1 per cont alcohol. ' Hrlgsdler General Ilnrrlps, conp maudllig the Kehraflkn lulgnde, im noiinoed positively that the brigade troops will mobilize at their hoim slstlons and will proceed from there to Demtng. K. M. He nlw) snld there will be no an nouncement of the time they leave. With the taking Into the federal service of the new Sixth regiment, all state troops are now In tile federal irvlce. Following the departure of the Na tional Oiiards the work of organizing Home Uuiird companies will he push ed with vigor. Following Is a letter to the chair men of the county councils of (lefene, calling attention to the urgent neces sity of organizing home guard units: "Many Inquiries have readied the State Council of Defense relative to the formation of flic Home (liiards In the several communities of the slate. The state council, after consultation with flovernor Neville and Adjutant General Steele, Is authorized to give you the following Information: "Thnt as soon as the Natlonnl Guard regiments of Nebraska leave the state, the adjutant general, at the request of the governor, will Im mediately commence tho organization of reserve mllltla forces, under rule. and regulations as provided by law This reserve mllltla will take the place of the present National Guard. When the reserve mllltla organiza tions are completed, If It becomes necessary In. the smnller communi ties of tho state, the governor will commission officers who will be au thorized to organize Home Guard contingents for locnl purposes of pro tection and patrlollc endenvor. Counties Should Help. "The several county councils nro urged to encourage the work which Adjutant: General Steele has under taken In organizing reserve mllltla contingents and to assist him ns much as possible In accomplishing this spo clal task. "The state council also calls the attention of the county councils to the mess fund movement which seeks to add additional provision for the comforts and needs of the enlisted men of the several National Guard regiments which nrcj about to leave Nebraska. Tt Is a very necessary and comiliendahlo thing to do and we ask the several county councils to assist generously this particular patriotic elfort." Vlcksburg Commission Meets. Tho Vlcksburg commission met In the olllce of Governor Neville last Wednesday and discussed plans for the Nebraska train to tho Vlcksburg "Fifty Years of Peace" celebration to bo held October 10 to 10, The last legislature voted $20,000 to send Ne braska veterans to tho celebration. Five hundred and forty Nebraska veterans have registered for the trip, hut not more than 500 aro expected to go. It may bo necessary for tho veterans to pay their own expenses to the central part from which the vet erans will leave for the south. Even then It may not be possible to-pay all of the faro anil the commission will then prorate It among men going on tho trip. Demands of Labor Reasonable. Demand of Omaha labor unions as to hours of labor, wages and lmprov-, ed working conditions wore not un reasonable, and unions at tho present tl mo are willing to accept conditions as they existed before tho war, ac cording to the report of the state hoard of mediation filed with Govern or Neville. The report jvbonrses the history of the Omaha building trades strike, and urges the governor and state council of defense to take some action, whereby Omaha employers may bo brought to agree to return to "before the war" conditions and live up to tho suggestions made by Secretary of Labor Wilson and Indorsed by Presi dent Wilson. County Agent Medium of Defense. Nndur the provisions of admin istration's food control bill tho sum of $115,000 has been set nsldo for county agent work In Nebraska. This will be sulllclent to put a county agent In every county In tho state, and to provide a food emergency agent for each district where regular county agents aro not employed. County agents and food emergency agents will be put to work organizing and mobilizing agricultural Nebraska for maximum -production. Ordered to War Strength. Tho War department has Instructed oil companies of the National Guard to recruit up to war strength, accord ing to orders "received at Guard head quarters In Lincoln. War strength of companies Is IfiC men, Receives Interest On Bonds. The state's llrst Interest paymont on Its Liberty loan Investment was received when Treasurer Hall got a draft for ?SS5, -loverlng the Interest on the state's subscription for half a million dollars of the bonds. Professor Ofrers Services. Prof. Fogg of the University of Ne braska has offered his services to make speeehos over tho state on the national defense work. Defense Councils to Meet. Tho Nebraska state council of de fense has plauied a big meeting to bo held at the state fair grounds dur ing far week to take on Inventory of tho progress made In organizing the ntnto fnrf effective participation In the wae ' i ..i.. .ifi .iiuiwn v.t., noun Washington mrtlst, who Is lecturing at the ofllcers' training camp at Fortress .Monroe on i-niunull.ige. 2 Ih lgliin soldiers crossing one of the many canals In their country In a ferry barge. S American soldiers in Frmiee loading u train with their equipment. 4 F. Trubee Dnvison, son of n. P. Davison, na tional director of the Hed Cross, who was seriously Injured when his airplane fell into Long Island sound. NEWS REVIEW OF THE PAST WEEK Food Control Bill, Giving the President Extraordinary Powers, Now Is Law. GETTING AFTER PROFITEERS Government Predicts Record-Breaklng Corn Crop German and Russian Ministries Re-Formed Ellhu Root Returns With Confl dence In the Russian Republic. By EDWARD W. PICKARD. The senate lust Wednesday adopted the conference report on the food con trol hill, the measure was signed by Speaker Clark and 'President Wilson, and is now tho law of the land, a law conferring on the president tremen dous powers over the food and fuel Bupplles of the country, uud designed to protect tho people from extortion. Slxty-slx senutors voted for tho bill und seven against It. Those who per sisted In their obstructlohlst tactics to the end wero France, Gronna, Hollls, Hardwlck, La Follette, Penrose and Heed. Sherman and Gore both were pnlred against the bill. The law contains drastic prohibi tion provisions. Thirty days after the duto of Its approval It will bo unlaw ful to use foodstuffs In the munufne turo of distilled beverages or to im port distilled spirits for beverage pur poses, and the president will bo em powered to commandeer for military purposes distilled liquors now held In bond and to regulato or restrict the uso of foods In the manufacture of wine and beer. Tho senate also adopted the .con ference report on the food survey bill, designed to .stimulate production and to give tho country Information on food resources, and thus the adminis tration's food control program was at lust completed. Coal Prices and Profits. Coal prices are causing u great stir, especially In tho Middle West, and In Illinois tho stuto council of defense advised Governor Lowden to seize the mines because tho operators would not sell at what was considered a rensonablo prollt. Tho governors and defense councils of 15 Middle West States were asked to meet In Chicago to confer on relief measures. President Wilson last week made a personol visit to the federal trade commission and the department of Justice to urge the hastening of ac tion to curb high prices, and made It evident that he Intends to do every thing In his power to stop the exnet Ing of exorbitant profits. Tho war industries board followed up this by announctng that American producers selling war necessities to America's allies would be permitted to make only reasonable profits, provided that tho allies must recTprocate In selling to the United States and to one an other. Tho president, moreover, has said that the prices to tho public must be made the same us to tho govern ment. Record-Breaking Corn Crop. Cheering news camo out of tho de partment of agriculture In the form of the August crop report, which In dicates a corn crop of J1.101, 000,000 bushels, the largest In the history of the country. The prospects Improved during July to the ictont of 00,000,000 bushels, and general rains over the corn belt since the reception of tho data, on which the report Is based en hance still further tho expectations of tho farmers. Tho oats yield also will be u record breaker, but the report on wheat Is a bit disappointing. , Tho government already has under way a campaign for the raising next season of a crop of more than a billion bush els of wheat and 8.1,000.000 bushels of rye. Tho food control law authorizes the Using of prices for wheat and I he sole by tho government to the fanners of nitrate of sodu from Chile to he used ns fertilizer. Every state Is asked to plant us large an acreage In .wheat and rye ns Is possible with ,out upsetting proper farm practice. The experts In Washington say that while fertilizer may bo scarce, there will be no shortage of seed, farm ma chinery or transportation facilities. On Thursday Provost Marshal Gen eneral Crowder Issued tho regulations for calling the National army to the colors. The first 200,000 are to be called up to September 1 and sent to cantonment camps by September 5. The government wishes the llrst day of the mobilization appropriately cele brated throughout the country In or der that the citizen soldiers may bo fittingly honored. Some Antldraft Riots. Taking tho country ns a whole, the exemption . boards nro having mighty little trouble In carrying out du ties In tho drafting of the National army. Part of Oklahoma and some districts In (ho Southeast, however, ar,e glaring exceptions to this rule. Serious riots have occurred und bands of draft reslsters hnve armed them selves and taken to the woods. But they are being captured by the score and subjected to the proper punish ment. Much of the trouble Is stirred up by the I. W. W and by ccrtnln un-Amerlcnn publicists who argue con stantly that American soldiers Bhould not be sent nbroad' to fight, but should bo kept at home to await tho lnvndlng Germans nfter they have whipped the entente allies. Among those arrested last week by the federal agents was Dr. Fritz Berg meler, president of the Volks-Zeltung of St. Paul. On orders from Washing ton he was put In Jail on charges of making disloyal utterances, to be held until President Wilson directs his re lease. He Is nn enemy alien. Cnnnda also Is to have a drafted army, the Canadian conscription bill having been passed by tho dominion parliament. Under Its provisions 100, 000 men between tho nges of twenty and thirty-two yenrs will be drafted, nnd It Is the expectation of the au thorities that they will he In training by autumn. German Ministry Changes. Chancellor Mlchaells remolded tho Imperial and Prusslnn ministries to his desire, or that of his masters, but the many changes aroused no semblance of enthusiasm In the empire. On the contrary, they are commented on by tho liberal and radlcnl press with dis trust and dissatisfaction, and no one who has talked for publication has given them his approval. They offer no hope for parliamentarism or nny other'marked change In Internal pol icies, nnd so far as can be seen, tho war policy of Germany Is not likely to be altered. Doctor Kuehlmnnn, who has succeeded Zlmmermnnn as foreign secretary, Is supposed to be opposed to ruthless submarine warfare, but Doctor Helfferlch Is retained as the representative of the Imperial chincel lor, nnd ns he Is ambitious nnd power ful It Is feared he will more than coun terbalance Kuehlmnnn. Gcrmnny's latest peace suggestions having met with the disdainful recep tion they deserved, It Is unlikely that any moro such proposals will emanate from the kalRer for some time. So-enty-elght professors of Bonn univer sity have signed n petition urging tho Germnn government never to moko an other peace offer. Root Has Confidence In Russia. Premier Kerensky hist week succeed ed Iji completing his coalition cabinet and obtained the pledges of all fac tions that they would support him. Ho has promised ninny reforms, and also has assured Russia that discipline and authority must first bo restored. That he and his colleagues will win out nnd that Hussln will continue In the war until Germany Is whipped Is the conll dent assurance of Ellhu Hoot who has Just returned from his mission to Petrograd, The disorders there, he says, are not alarmingly serious nnd uro not typical, and the loss of morale In tho army he Is sure Is only tem porary. Alreudy the reslstanco of thcRussInn troops to the advance of tho Germans nnd AiiHtrlans In Gnllcln and Bukowlnn Is stiffening, and though In general the retreat continued, it ceased to be a rout and In some lnstnnccs the Tcutoni were thrown bnck. General Kornlloff, who succeeded Brusslloff as generalis simo, says the first stage of the war Is over and tho second stage hns opened, and lntlmntes thnt the Russian armies will yet give an excellent account of themselves If British nnd French offi cers nro sent to help drill the mil lions of men under arms. They will need this help, he says, If they must meet the massed Germans Instead ol the comparatively weak Austrlans. On the Western Front. Activities in Flnnders during the week indicated that the nllies were following their usual course attack, consolidation of positions won, and preparations for nnother nttnek. The heavy rains hampered operations con siderably, but the British made many .trench raids and toward the end ol the week their artillery fire Increased to a tremendous volume. Meunwhlle, the Canadian troops pushed up close to Lens nnd bad that Important conl center nearly surrounded. The Germnn resistance In the coastal region Is powerful, for the command era of course realize how dangerous to them is the turning movement. Along tho Chemln des Dames the crown princo continued his attacks, all ol which were beaten off by the lndomlt able Frenchmen. In the Asinn fields of combat there was little doing last week, but It was reported thnt General von Fnlkenhnyn, now Germnn commnnder In Turkey, la plnnnlng an attempt to recapture Bag dad. General Maude's Mesopotamlan army, however, Is now so strongly en trenched that It has little to fear, nnd tho same mny be said of the British forces In Slnnl, which also have the support of the fleet. European dispatches sny that the high military authorities ij France be lieve the war will last through the winter and spring, at least, an(L.thut tho policy of the allies will bo to ham mor nway at the Teuton lines contin ually nnd wenr the enemy down ns much as possible until America gets on the field In full strength. Then tho ndvantngo of numbers will bo with them to so grent extent that victory by force of arms will be In sight. American Troops to .Russia? Senator Lewis of Illinois declared last week that the next big contingent of Amerlcnn troops would bo sent to Russln, which would be surprising In view of the fact that Russia now hns under arms more men thnn she enn handle effectively. Tho Snmmles now In France nro proving themselves quick pupils nnd hnve won the praise and ad mlrntlon of tho British and French offi cers who nro Instructing them in tho methods of modern warfare. They are happy and eager to get Into nctlon but are walling for Amerlcnn tobacco. In England Is another big contingent of American troops made up mostly from tho operntlng nnd construction divisions of Amerlcnn railways. They will be ready to rebuild and operate the roads In France and to fight, too, If necessary, and In preparation for this are receiving Intensive training In a peaceful English valley. The navy department has mndo nn other change of policy, dropping the construction of tho small U-hont chas ers and concentrating on tho produc tion of destroyers, which are to be turned out In great numbers. They seem to be tho most efficient enemy of tho submnrlne. Argentina, dissatisfied with tho prog ress of negotiations growing out of the sinking of the Argentine steamer Monte Protegldo by a German submnrlne, hns sent a peremptory note to Berlin, de manding a clear nnd final reply within a reasonable time. Llberln, which some time ago severed relations with the central powers, hns now declnred war ngalnst them. This, like the ac tion of Slam, menus thnt the diplomat ic representatives of the small nations hnvo made up their minds as to which group of belligerents will gain the ultl niuto victory, What perhaps has an gered Argentlnn most Is the recent dis covery of nn extensive German espion age system. China, too, has decided to cast In her lot with tho allies and tho cabinet resolved to declare war on Germany and Austrln-Hungnry ; tho assistance of the great oriental nation Is fur from negligible. WILSON SIGNS SURVEY AND REGULATORY BILLS. HOOVER IDE ADMINISTRATOR Speculation Will Be Curbed and Price Aubses Corrected. Dras tic Measures Unlikely. Washington, D. C The American government assumed control of tho country's food supply lust Friduy with tho signing by Presldont Wilson, of the administration food survey nnd regulatory bills. Formal announcement of Herbert Hoover's appointment ns food admin istrator was mude at the White housa soon after tho measures wero ap proved, and immediately Mr. Hoover set forth the ulms of the food ad ministration In u statement declnring its purpose will be to stabilize nnd not to disturb conditions. "Every effort will be mndo to cor rect price abuses made possible by ab normal times," Mr. Hoover said, "but drastic mensures will not be attempt ed until It Is seen the purposes of the administration cannot be ac complished through constructive co operation with food producing and distributing industries." The very existence of corrective powers, Mr. Hoover declnrcs, will tend to check speculation and price Infla tion. "Tho business men of the country, I am convinced," says Mr. Hoover's1 statement, "as a result of many hun dreds of conferences with representa tives of the great sources of food sup ply, realize their own patriotic obliga tion nnd the solemnity of the situa tion and will fairly and generously co-opernte In meeting the national emergency." Tho two mensures recently signed give to the government sweeping war time powers. The regulatory bill 1 designed to put food distribution un der direct government supervision, nnd a provision added as an amend ment extends nn even moro drastic government control over coal nnd: other fuels, Including the power to fir prices nnd authorizing government operation of mines. Tho survey bill Is Intended to en courage production nnd gives the gov ernment authority to keep up a con tinuous census of the nmount of foodstuffs In the United States. It will be administered by the depart ment nf agriculture. Exemption Officials Removed. New York. Three members of locall exemption board No. 99, in the heart of tho cast side were summarily re moved by Deputy Attorney General Conkllug, acting under orders "of Ad jutant General Stotesbury, who Is la charge pf the operation of the select ive draft machinery . in New York state. There have been reports that efforts have been made to bribe mem bers of exemption boards in tills city to grant registrants exemption from service. The removnl order directed' "that the charges now mndo be pros ecuted to the fullest extent" Bills to Insure Fighting Men. Washington. Authority to make ef fective the government's program of Insuring the armed forces of the na tion was sought of congress in bills Introduced in both houses by Senntor Simons and Representative Alexander. The proposed legislation would pro vide Insurance, at minimum cost, for American soldiers, snllors and ma rines, the Insured men paying tho premtums; family allowances to do pendents of men In the nntion's mll! tnry or naval services; indemnifica tion nnd rehabilitation, at government expense, of Injured men. Farmer Prevents Terrible Disaster. Richmond, Neb. A red bandana, handkerchief tied to n cornstalk thrust into n six-Inch gap In n broken rail on tho Union PncIHc main line a mile east of here, saved the Pacific Limit ed, train No. 20, from nlmost certain disaster and Its 300 passengers from Injury or denth. To John Moore, a farmer living near Richland, the trnln nnd Its precious cargo owe their safety, who discovered tho defected rail and flngged tho train, which was traveling nt the rate of sixty miles an hour. May Change Draft Date. Washington. Tho date for calling the llrst Increment of 200,000 men. Into the ranks of the .national army jnny be changed from Soptomber 1 to. 1. Septomber 1 Is followed by Sun day nnd Labor Day, Canada Restricts Foodstuffs. Ottawa. Definite regulations for restricting the use of buof, bacon uud. uhle bread In public eutlng pluces and for prohibiting the use of whfut In tho dlstlliutlou or manufacture of alcohol, havo been promulgated by order-Iu-councll at the instance of the food controller.. The serving of beef nnd bacon Is prohibited on Tuesday und Friday and at more than one meal on any other day. Substitutes, such as corn bread, oat cukes, pota toes, etc.. must be provided.