THIRTY-THIRD YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., AUGUST 14, 1917. No. 61 LOCAL AND PERSONAL. F. W. Rlnckor was off duty at his drug store yesterday on account of illness! Mrs. Osborne and daughter of Goth enburg, aro visiting Mrs. R. E. "Woods . Miss Holon Smith, who spent two wooks in "Wood River returned homo Saturday. Mrs. John Wolnborgor returned Sun day evening from a visit with relatives In Omaha. Arthur McCabe was called to Oma ha yesterday morning to report for naval duty. For Sale Organ in good condition. Suitablo for rural school purposes. Prlco ?5.00. Inqulro at this office LUTHERANS CLOSE SUCCESSFUL CELEBRATION Tho .celebration of the four hun dredth annlvorsary of tho Reforma tion which was held last weok by tho Lutherans of Western Nebraska closed a successful session Friday ovening. Tho attendance was largo and many delegates from adjoining towns enjoyed tho meetings. President H. D. Hover, Ph. D. delivered tho closing address taking for his subjoct "Re viving tho Reformation." Mrs. Eliza beth Karr Langstou and' Earl Stamp directed Uio musical program which woro well rendered and very much ap preciated. Tho picnic at the city park on Friday afternoon was a suceas in ovory particular and two hundred woro convoyed there by auto. Splendid lectures were given by Rov. F. S. Draft Board Completes Its Work Miss Rose McGuiro, of Omaha, camo Dol nnd Drs Krouger and Bergin. a few days aco to visit her parents ::o:: Mr. and Mrs. sevoral wooks. Charles McGuiro for F. H. Harrison and a, party of young folks spent Sunday picnicking in Morgan Canyon. Tho day was spent in climbing hills and other out of door amusements and a basket lunch waa served. Draft' Exemptions. There seems to be considerable missunderstanding as to tho powers and duties of tho local boards undor tho solective draft law. There are but two classes in which tho action of tho local board is final. First Thoso who fail to pass tho nhvsical . examination rpicnlvo their The house on tlto W. R. Harding dlBoharge from tho boarJl Morse was struck by lightning Frl day evening and tho damage will ex ceed five hundred dollars. The occu pants of tho house were not injured. Miss Hildegardo Clinton was hos tess to a nuinbor of young ladles Fri day afternloon at auction bridge. Second Those that pass tho physi cal examination and do not make any claim for exemption aro certified for servico by tho boaj-d. Tho local board- have no Jurisdic tion of exemptions undor the indus trial occupation. Theso claims are passed upon by the district board that Guests of honor woro Misses Betty. moots in Omaha Doyle and Sarah Rlsdino of Lincoln! claims for exemption on account of and Daphino Strlcklor of Kearney. dependent relatives aro passed xpon A special teachers' examination for ( by the local board subject to reviow the Lincoln County teachers, In coun-(by the district board, ty and professional subjects, also El-j There is no provision in tho law re wood'a Sociology, will bo held Friday quiring the exemption of any drafted and Saturday August 17th and 18th atnan on account of dopendent TOla North Platte in tho high- school build- tives. Tho law places this matter In ing. tho discretion of tho president and tho Dr. C. F. Adams camo tho latter part; local boards aro governed in this of last weok from Lincoln where he received an appointment from Gover nor Keith Neville nSjdontal surgeon: v"of"thVDYndy Sixth with rank as first" lloutonant. Ho will return to Lincoln today. Mrs, Frank Armstrong and baby of Portland, Ore., camo yesterday to vis it Mr. and Mrs. Robert Armstrong for a few days while onroute to Dowagic, Mich, to visit relatives, Mrs. Arm strong was a resident of this city sovon years ago. A colored laborer giving his name as Mayo was arrested Friday evoning for assaulting a companion in a bunk house east of town and striking him with a lamp in such a manner as to cause injuries to his stomach. Mayo will bo amaigned in county court. PIANO FOR SALE. Wo have had feft on our hands at North Platte a now strictly high class' piano, which if taken at onioo will bo sold at a posi tive bargain. Liberal terms. If inter ested, do not fall to write Tho Denver Music Company, Denver, Colo. GO-6 To Kent. 040 acres of hay land on shares 10 miles north of North Platto Joining the Frod Kusor land. Renter to get two thirds of hay in stack. "Write at once to L. C. Crandall, Lincoln, Nebr. tf. matter by tho rules and regulations made by tho president. Under those rules and regulations the local board cannot arbitrarily de cide that a drafted man shall be ex cused from servico, because ho may have wifo, children or dependent par. onts unless It further appears to their satisfaction that such dependents would beccmo a public charge, in case he was taken. Any pe-rs-n rc?c'.v!rr; notice that his c'.z'va. fcr exemption cn account of do pendents has boon donied by the lo cal board has tho right to appeal from tho decision of thelocal board to tho district board where ho can present additional evidence to bring his case within tho rule laid down by the presi dent. In all cases whore tho local board excuses a drafted man from servico on ac'count of dependents, tho govern jnent automatically appeals from such decision to tho district board. T. C. PATTERSON. : :o: : Mr. and Mrs. Ben "Wilson who woro Vjsltlng tho A. J. Nealo family in Stapleton returned homo a fow days ago. Mrs, Dan Newmoyor left Friday evening for a visit with tho homo folks in Sutherland. After several days of woik Uie draft board completed tnolr work yesterday witn tne totlowing result: No. discharged 42 ixomptlon ciuluis refused G4 iSot nsKiug exemption 61) Thoso not filing exemption claims: rank Oicott, iVortti Platto Loo Fountain, fvouth Platto William C. Woouring, North Platte Elinor Wilcox Shanor, Maxwell Arvo Potorson isorui Platto Unas. Loroy Perkins, North Platto Frank Duncan Kunpp, Maxwell Ernost Raymond Casoy, Nortn Platte William Smith Mccoru, llorshoy Ernest McCord, NoHh Platte Julian Petes,- sutlienand Axel Carl Larson, North Platto Anioa Audrow Ross, North Platte Cyril Paul Donegan, North Platto Julian Andrado, Sutherland Puiuil John Thomson, North Platto Ernest LoRoy Borry, Wallace Leo Wilson "Bird, North Platto Clifford Ekstrom, Brady Jo.emlah Snyder, Maxwoll Thomas Edwin Waugh, North Platte Floyd Morton Young, Sutherland Robort Charles Johnston, N. Platto Alanaclo Bolazquez, Horshey Carl Ernest Westenfcld, North Platto Isaac Edward Folk, Brady Harry P. Conklin, North Platto Georgo Wing, North Platto Nels Chris Nolson, Curtis John Haoso, Sutherland.. John Palmer Eve's, North Platto Alfredo Rodiquoz, Sutherland Orion Loroy Lum, Dickens Clarence C McNcal, Brady Otto Gowecko, Farnam Richard Henry Dill, North Platto Rayo Razo, North Platto David A. Clark, Brady Herbert Alvin Leach, Sutherland Salvador Broms, Sutherland Aurll Victor Larson, Dickens Robert Emmott Stobblns, N. Platto Elmer Ray Smith, North Platto Jose Angol Gongalez, Horshey Hipolite Gonzale3, Sarben Jesse Burton Harris, North Platto William Jacob Irvin,.Wallaco Henry Miller, Hershoy John Picking, North Platte John Mathew Thomnann M Plntto Frances Eugene Palmer, Sutherland iiorman unas, iiorsnoy Earl Jacob Eshelman. Horshnv Milo Marshall Dancer, North Platto Clifford Jiulius Schoolcraft, Maxwell Clarence, Edgar Shnul, North Platto Tip... Tt.. .i I . , nuy aiuurur, luirnum, Frank Clair Stuart, North Platte John Nolas, North Platte. List oj Thoso Exempted. Elmer A. Crosby, Sutherland Ulyssis G. Phillips, Wallace Boyd Elmer McGulre, N. Platte Ge"brge A. Morgan, Wallaco Nels Forstedt, North Platte Henry E. Lee, North Platte John Malsuse, Hershoy Bert Edwin Ward, North Platto Archie Bradley, North Platte Ray A. Lincoln, North Platto William E. Gregory, North Platte Jim Yama, North Platto Clyde W. Dark, Dickens Roy V. Gaunt, North Platte Carl J. Cornelius, Brady Stove Colo, North Platto Charles L. McKo?.n, Horshey George SIvits, North Platto Georgo V. Brownfield,' Horshey James Halvas, North Platte v mn v i mm ... BjWfttlM "SALUCO" Aluminum Cooking Utensils ARE light in weight, bright as silver and absolutely pure and wholesome. Have no enamel or plating to wear off, the finish being the natural finish of the metal. "Saluco" ware retains heat longer than other vessels and are absolutely the best you can buy. Thomas T. McCabe, North Platto Walter Eshelman, North Platto Gooigo F. Saundors, Horshey Georgo W. Klonk, North Platto Oscar John Sandall, North Platte Georgo E. Schiltz, North Platto Patrick F. McEvoy, North Platte Will E. Hudson llorshoy Edwin E. Wright, North Platto Borgstrom, Soth, Brady K. Korl, North Platte Eli W. Hanson, North Platto L, C. Sawyor, North Platte Lloyd Powers, North Platto Ray Smith, Wollilcot James W. Inmnn, North Plat'o Thomas D. Ogdon, Maxwell John Randall Babbitt, North Platto James Ray Dorrnm, North Platto John Schnoitor, Horshey Earnest C. Rldlngor, North Platto. K. George Chlros, North Platto Thoso whoso exemptions woro re jected: Ray Robort Miller, Suthorland Ray Hazon Widnor, Sutherland David Charles Fenthors, Maxwoll Herman Tlmmer, North Platto Chostor Ellsworth, North Platto Arthur D. Wimborly, North Platto Harry A. Potter, North Platto Louis G. McNool, Suthorland Horman A. Surbor, North Platto Jesso A. Millar, Wallaco Jamos Nath Walkor, North Platto James C. Baker, North Platto ' Martin F. Meyer, Paxton Guy W. Yoke, Dickons Wnlter L. Falk, North Platto , Nick Camblin, Brady George W. Roborts, Maxwell 1 Albin Erickson, Brady Carl Harris, Wallaco Vomon E. Adklnson, Gothenburg Lewis W. Bennott, Wallaco Christian H. Schlmol, Maxwell ' Major C. Walz, North Platto Poter McGinloy, Sutherland Jefferson C. Newman, Wallace Mark McConnell, Hershey George H. Duke, North Platte' Loroy Carrigan, North Platto Carl A. Larson, Ingham John M. Deckor, North Platto ieonnra a. nanus, Farnam Benjamin Dikeman, Sutherland . Harry C. Vian, Ingham Charlos Petersi Suthorland Will J. Luschen, Wollflcot Carroll F. Bliss, Sutherland Gumar C. Young, Brady John Carl Hollman, North Platto Poter Christian Sutter, Hershoy Clarence H. Newman Dickons . Leonard B. Redmond, North Platto Charlio G. Russell, North Platttf Warren A. Doollttlo, North Plntto Jonal Mlzuno, North Plntto Georgo H. Bacon, North Platto Richard Dam'ghorty, Sutherland Luroy F. Soules North Plntto John E. Gilman, Brady Sam'l G. Poulos, North Platte Lesllo R. Wood, North Platto William D. Spurrier, North Platto Albert A, Glnnpp, Grady AubloA. Hotchkiss, North Platto Howard B. Combs, Bignell Howard J. Diener, North Plntto Gilbert V. Anderson, North Platto Bort Miller. North Platte Noah F. Harrison, North Platte George A. Anion. North Platte Oscar C. Oman, Farnam Jesso Androw Robinson, Wellfieot Lawronco Zollara. Maywood Leslie D. Sims, Wollfleet. Selected for Training Cnmp Threo North Plntto mon havo been fioloctod as mombors of the second squad to bo sont to tho offlcors train ing camp at Ft. Snolllng. Thoy nro Minor Hlnmnn, lato ownor of tho Overland gnrago and resldont of this city slnco birth; Oron E. Garrison, a freight conductor on tho Union Pn- lcinc, and for many years a resident of North Plntto; and Harry P. Conklin, n traveling man who was formerly em ployed as clork In the Rexnll drug storo. Ray Tlgho, who Is now with tho aviation corps in Texas, has been nnmod ns altornntc. Ilinman, Conklin and Garrison will loavo for Ft. Snolllng August 27th. ::o:: IS'otlco to Bidders. Soalcd bids will bo rocolved by tho City of North Platto, for tho construc tion of a two-story brick Flro Station at North Plattor Nebraska. All bids to ho filed with tho City Clork on or lirvfnrn Antrnot 97 101 "7 nf flvn n'nlrnr P. m. . Plans and specifications may bo had at tho offtco of B. M. Reynolds, archi tect North Platto, Nebraska. Tho Mayor and Council reservo tho right to rojoct any and nil bids. O. E. ELDER, Gl-4 City Clork. CITY AND COXTNTY NEWS. H. I. Block has 'returnod from a threo weeks' visit In Now York and Chicago on business. Allon Atchison has returned from Kearney whero ho visited tho home folks for several days! , Mrs. C. H . Kuhns, of Maxwoll, camo yesterday morning to visit with Mrs. Ray Kuhns this weok. Archdeacon J. J. Bowkor left Sun day ovonlng for eastern towns to Bpond tho greater part of this weok. Paul Nolan Is assisting in tho Nyal drug storo during the absence of Jas Elliott, who Is visiting in Colorado. Mrs. William Jeffors, of Omaha, spent tho week ond as Uio guest of Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Scoborgor and roln- tivos. 1 Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Basso and par ty of Norfolk ware horo tho latter part of last wook while enrouto west by auto. Lloyd Gummero of tho Rlnckor drug storo, who has been visiting in Estos Park and other points west, will re tnurn today. J. E. Nelson, of Tho Leader, left Sunday ovoning for Chicago to spond sovoral wdoks purchasing fall and winter goods. Mrs. Kato Toohor and son Charles, of Schuyler, camo last wook to visit tho former's parents Mr. and Mrs Charlos McGuiro. A. M. Kulchom Is assisting in of- flco work at tho Hotol McCabo this wook during tho absonco of C. 0 Wolngand In Colorado, TJio following appointments wero mado to North Platto man from Ft Snolllng yestorday. Robort Gantt, Dr. T. J. Kerr and A. W. Bullard woro selected as lloutonants of tho 2d in fantry. -: :o E. C. Knowlos and L t T - " former a harbor and tho latter an omployo of tho U. P, ticket offlco nt Hershoy, woro arrested and arraign ed in county court yostorday aftor- noon. Knowles was charged with being drunk and disordorly and plead guilty. Lnfleur waa charged with us ing and disposing of flftoen gallons of liquor from a Bdpply which had been stored in tho freight room at Hershoy slnco May 1st. Ho pload not guilty and tho caso was continued until Mon day. Wanted Clorks for 10c Storo. Ap ply to W. J. O'Connor C, 10 and 2Cc Storo. Henry S. Haskina filed for bank ruptcy in tho district court last wook. Liabilities aro $4325.07 and assets $2?23.87. Miss' Eliso Scamon la spending this' week in Cha'ppoll whllo enrouto homo from Estoa Park. Wanted Boy for Stock Room. Ap ply to W. J. O'Connor f, 10 and 25c Storo. Tho File tor Divorce Snturdnr Charles T. Pargcon filed sult for dlvoico from Ethel Pnrgeon in tho district court last week, charging ndultory. Thoy wore marrlod at Dandy January 21st, 1010 and in 1916 sho willfully abandoned tho plaintiff and conductod hcrsolf in an immoral man nor. Four children wero born to this union. Thoy nro Loroy born in 1911, Glon born in 1912, Roxlo born in 1914, Dnisy born In 1917. Tho plaintiff asks tho custody of Loroy arid Roxy and asks tho marriage contract annulled. Maytlo Lass has filed Bult in tho district court for dlvorco from Georgo I. Lass on tho grounds of abandon ment and non-support. They woro married nt Suporlor Aug. 27, 1911 and In Nov. 1913 ho deserted tho plaintiff and has alnco rofusod to support hor although In th photography business In Sndlin, Knns., and oapablo of sup porting his family. Tho plaintiff with hor two children Horbort aged flvo and Robblu aged throo has boon obliged to earn hor own living and mnko hor homo with hor parents. Sh asks alimony and tho custody of hor sons. ::o:: lVnntcd Hint to Holler for Flnff. Tom Heskott, of Suthorland, waa , flnod $5.00 and costs in tho county court Saturday for striking Carl Lunkwitz, a G-ormnn living on Bird wood cirook. Heskott Insisted that Lunkwitz holler for tho stars and stripes, and Lunkwitz said ho didn't know whethor ho would or not. "Woll thon," said Heskott, "I'll glvo you something to hollor for," and pasted him a couplo blows In tho face. The Judgo remitted tho flno and Heskott paid tho costs amounting to $3.30. Notice Having boon called Kb eorvico in Uio army which may continue uiftil tho war onds. I' wish to state thatll ndcounts duo mo will bo paid to Mrs. T. Korr. All parties knowing thom solvo8 indebted to mo will plcaso call nt tho offlco or remit by mall at once. T. J. KERR, M.'D. u Miss Clara Bockos", of Gorrard, O , 'who camo hero rocently to visit hox brothor James Becker, will mako hor homo in this city. Attornoy James Keofo has boon ap pointed county attornoy to succoed P. R. Halllgan, now captain of Co. E. Miss Annio Kramph and Mrs. Geo T. Field returned this morning from a trip of ton dnys in Colorado points. Frank Hatch loft this morning for Mt. Ida, Kansas, to visit Mrs. IlaTcl who has been thero sevornl weeks. Miss Josio O'Haro and nephew John O'Keefo will loavo thig wook for Omaha whero tho latter will tako treatmont for his oyos. Dr. Ebbltt of Alllanco, is spending a row . days visiting ur. n. Aicuauo. Tho gcntlomen wero formerly friends in County Louth, Ireland. Wnnted Girl stenographer, capable of taking dictation in short hand. Apply at BLOCK'S. Mrs. Ryan, of Council Bluffs, for merly Miss Martha Ackorman of this olty, camo a fow dayB ago to visit hor parents Mr. and Mrs. August Ackor man for sovoral weeks. Miss Amanda Wolngand of Rosa- villo, 111., who spent sovoral wooks with hor siBtors Mrs. Charlos Stamp and Mrs. Louis Potorson roturriod homo yestorday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Junk, of Choy onno, camo last week to visit with tho lattor's mothor Mrs. Georgo Arguo, Mr. Junk roturnod homo this morning niid Mrs. Junk will remain anothor week. You aro invltod to a "Tea" at threo o'.lock Thursday afternoon In tho pai'lors of tho Methodist church. An Interesting progrnm will bo given in ch ding solos Miss Esther Antonldes and readings by Miss Sara Kolly. Thf o will also bo sovoral novol on- tortaining featuros. A cordial invi tation ia extonded to all rogardlosB of church denomination. DIENER &ICENNE1)Y Ronl I'Htato, Flro, Tornado and Hull Insruanco. Special Agents Globo Life Insurance Company. Conior Front and Dowoy Sts., Upstairs riiono Red 572. North rmttc, Neb, Special! While. They Last. Ladies Brown Kid 8 inch Lace Boot with Cloth Top to match. $7.00 value jG QQ Same as above Block Vamp, Gray $C AA Cloth Top tPO.UU D. and F. Shoe Store. Just plain carelessness That is what ruins a good watch. You can safely let your watch run a year without having it cleaned and oiled. When you wait longer, you're damaging your watch. Bring it to Clinton's today and have it examined. If it needs any attention it will be saving money to huve it done now. It is always economy to have Clinton do. your watch and clock repairing because y&u get perfect work guaranteed and the charge is the lowest for which perfect work can possibly be done. CLINTON, Graduate Optician, , " At Uio Sign of Uio Big .Ring. A'